#WHOOPS Sorry the qualities to bad guys :p
b-33-s · 9 months
Art throughout 2023
2023 was a great year for me, hopefully 2024 is just as amazing. Ily all and have a great next year 🫶🫶
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Julianne modern day au? What would she be doing and what would she look like??? ❤️❤️
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This is SUCH an old image lmao and you can tell by the quality but 
I’m obsessed with this AU so
Modern AU takes place in presumably NYC because I gotta
They meet in a laundromat, where Julian’s making the Dreamy Face™ at Julianne and not paying attention
Accidentally fills her machine with his clothes while she goes off to get coins
Her machine: white clothes; his clothes: emo goth aesthetic (all black and reds)
He goes to the laundry guy and is like “listen. See that girl? She’s adorable. And I just filled her machine with my clothes. I don’t want to fuck things up P l e a s e help me I beg of you”
Laundry guy’s like “whoops sorry fam I can’t help ya” and Julian goes to sit in a plastic chair in the corner, bouncing his leg SO fast and biting his lip so hard it’s white
Eventually she goes to take her clothes out of the machine and she’s like ???????? who did this
Julian goes over and profusely apologizes, offers to pay for the shirts
She takes the money and finishes her laundry, grumbling the whole while
Afterwards she spills her whole story to Asra (an unknown mutual friend), who has already been told the same story by Julian (”ohh my God Asra you will not BELIEVE how badly I fucked up today” vs. “OH my God Asra this ASSHOLE stained all my clothes with his emo-ass shirts today”)
Asra, meanwhile, is smirking on the phone, already shipping them and plotting to set them up
Juli eventually tells him that she needs a model for her drawing/painting study, and guess who just happens to be a friend looking for odd jobs to help pay his way through med school ;)
Julian shows up a little late, and Juli just makes THE most disgusted face and goes “y o u”
Makes him do the hardest pose imaginable on Day 1 because he showed up in all this unnecessary clothing
Brings her coffee for like a week straight, except it’s his usual black coffee with like 10 extra shots and she’s a normal person who drinks her coffee with milk and sugar
Goes to complain to Asra again - “can you BELIEVE that?? I offered her coffee! Coffee! Because she’s always so tired! And not only did she turn me down, she’s STILL mad at me for the shirts! What sane person turns down a cup of coffee!!”
Asra: “Julian no offense but your “coffee” is literally jet fuel”
Asra’s always giving him tips and pointers on how to win her over - suggests Starbucks
Julian goes to Starbucks and gets the sweetest, most syrupy drink you could ever think of and specifically asks for half a shot of espresso because obviously if she doesn’t like his coffee then she must not like coffee at all
Gets there early with the “coffee”, undresses and stands buck-ass naked with a starbucks cup waiting for her (yes it was supposed to be a nude drawing day, he just undressed a liiiiittle early)
Julianne takes one (1) sip and puts it aside with a half-grimace/half-smile, saying “Why don’t we go out for coffee so I can show you what I actually order?”
This man dresses up in like .05 seconds and is already at the door, wiggling his bent arm to lock her arm in it
Meanwhile, Asra had prepared a whole rooftop dinner and sent them each a text to come over so he could finally set them up
Too bad they were already on a date
Once they start dating, Julian takes her around the hospital he’s doing his residency at, showing her off to all his coworkers and patients with the biggest, sappiest smile the whole while
She starts working at a coffee shop across the street from the hospital, and he “conveniently” forgets his thermos in his locker on his lunch break to go buy coffee from her 
Sometimes Lucio hits her up at her coffee shop, and the first time Julian comes up behind him and towers over; “are you going to order anything?”
But they end up being pretty good friends after a while and are often found up at the penthouse of Lucio’s building, helping him win over whoever he’s after
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the-bathmat · 6 years
okay *stretches knuckles* time to make a hollow city movie imagining it in a kinda realistic movie format
full version
first scene: the kids leaving cairnholm. no music is playing, just them in the boats. we barely even see them, small dark silhouettes against the mist. jacob asks emma "where are we?". emma stays quiet for a second and says "we have six kilometers left." we hear the children being like "oh thank god we're halfway done!". then emma goes "no, sorry, I was holding the map wrong. we still have eight kilometers at best". a moment of silence. then we hear enoch screaming "ARE YOU SERIOUS?"
the logo with the dramatic music and blah blah yeah yeah
we see them already at the beach, looking absolutely wrecked in their little cave. emma heals millard and everyone goes to hide the boats etc. while they do so, jacob sees the zeppelins. as they realize what they are and obviously run away like the floor is burning, sinnerman by nina simone aka the ultimate runaway song is playing
claire cries and bronwyn reads the cuthbert tale with this music as background because why the fuck not
bronwyn reads the tragic part with a resting bitch face, and the soothing music ends on a quite happy tone so it's fucking hilarious or maybe it's just that I have no sense of humor
then the night passes by, we see jacob & emma looking at the stars together, cuddling and telling each other it will be okay while can't help falling in love sung by haley reinhart plays
they find the lake and all that shit and the menagerie okay
and addison puts this song on a gramophone as he shows them around idk why i just think addison would do that
then there's that scene in which horace is a pussy™ (it's very important to establish that horace is a pussy or the knickers drawer plot twist won't work) and wants to stay behind but fiona and claire end up doing it instead. jacob says "don't worry girls. I have a feeling everything will go better from now on. we'll be back very quickly, trust me!"
cut to them in a cage in the romani camp. someone (probably enoch) says "well thanks jacob. we're in a freaking cage now and it's all your fault!" and emma goes "WTF BITCH NO IT'S NOT HIS FAULT" so a huge fight starts and everyone is accidentally being very peculiar. the romani people notice, obv, and are like "wait a sec" but then, in that exact fuckin moment
the wights arrive and they destroy the whole fucking place kicking people in slow-motion. the children are now fighting over killing everyone or not, we see families running away, everything goes to shit as this plays (i have a thing for violin and piano over fight scenes)
well then everything is alright, they party and the roma musicians play this but without the weird guy yelling in russian
the morning after they try to get back on the train but WHOOPS the wights catch them and bring them in the lil house and now I'm gonna mess it up a little
everything's just like in the book, except that when horace says that ICONIC line and they knock him off (and rock and roll by led zeppelin starts playing) emma snaps and attacks the wights. for some reason mr. white is the only one with a gun in his hands, but someone manages to throw that against the wall. as the shithead tries to get it back, hugh is at it with the bees. so in like 54 seconds everything is over owo
so yeah they catch the train but we don't show that we've got like two hours
SHABADABOOM KABOOM WHOOPIE we're in london and as they explore the half destroyed city, catch pigeons etc too marvelous for words by ronnie scott plays (at it again with the weirdly happy music over dramatic scenes,,, and this time the title is also kinda sarcastic)
SO they meet melina they hang out they risk their lives ok ok fuck there's a hollow
them bitches are in trouble in saint paul's loop. they run. the beatles sing twist and shout in the background
this is so sad melina play twist and shout
they get out yeehaw let's go save miss p
they enter that nasty 1800s loop and I found a song that may just fit the miserable atmosphere it made me depressed y'all x
we find that goddamn miss wren fucking finally! everyone is happy except jacob and emma who are kind of trying to figure out what to do, as always
yeah we see jacob's dream about eyeless priests, uncles and shirtless abe fighting a hollow because that's important. and waterloo by abba is playing. it gives off this surreal vibe you know
emo scene with jacob sharing quality bonding time with everyone before communicating his bad decision
but then GASP is that... is that like the bad guy or something
yeah it IS
caul leads the dumb heroes out of the house and into the underground while blood by my chemical romance is playing
yeah then there's that big fat mess and emma and jacob get the hell out of the place and everyone is shouting and yeah making a big fat mess as I already mentioned. so just to stay in the topic, my bad-humored ass chose mess around by charles as a background to this scene. we will need a shorter version, because the escape is supposed to quick, but,, the door closing in front of the children's shook faces as the last note fades,,, it will look so good fellas
(the idea for this was not mine it was actually @midoriperegurine 's lmao she did the first book)
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tyttetardis · 8 years
Okay, so here’s a wee bit more about Mad to be Normal :) it might be slightly spoilerious… and completely nonsensical.
First of all, obviously, great soundtrack! It really sets the mood and my mind is still internally rocking along to You really got me…well, or whatever it’s called.
I got a slightly nervous about the quality of the film a the beginning - although that red velvet suit, damn!! - because the voices sounded a bit off and I had a bit of a difficult time connecting to what David was saying since he spoke haltingly - which I’m guessing is how Laing actually did speak. (Then again maybe I was just way too distracted to follow any speech pattern at all *whoops*)
But I quickly enough caught on, and the sound adjusted and wasn’t a problem.
Anyway, I’m definitely no expert on Dr Laing, since I only read the one little book and like wiki, but obviously they have taken a lot of artistic license, but in a way that seemed genuine and respectful - not like some Hollywood movies hmm - and mostly simply to compress as much of the important things into the short time we’re following his life.
Personally I think they did a brilliant job of balancing the good and the bad that might have come from his ideas and the execuation of them. I’m glad we get to see both sides - not least in the case of Laing himself. There’s the brilliance, the wit, the charisma and love, but we also see a very flawed human being, and it’s ackowledged. Neither him nor his ideas are being put on a pedestal of pure geniusness. I find that it leaves plenty of room for the viewer to decide what they feel might be mad or genius. Lots of fascinating and interesting stuff to mull over. But I guess mostly it’s a very powerful, raw, emotional story of people. It had me laughing and crying (well stubbornly holding back tears), and isn’t that just the greatest!
For something entirely else, unfortunately, it’s not quite as explicit as it was recently made to sound like :P but it was a bit odd sitting in the same room as the guy’s who’s junk you’re looking at…but well, damn nice legs :D (sorry, that sounded way more explicit than it actually is, don’t get your hopes up too high!)
The only thing that I felt were a bit weird were the flashbacks, but then again, they were probably meant to be a bit odd, what with the LSD and all that.
Also I was way back up in the back rows, so I couldn’t really tell, but when David went to take his seat after his speech he was of course nearly running back, all excitedly as always.I could see that it was someone blonde in the seat next to him, but couldn’t tell if it was the actress from the film or Georgia, but since she was there it was probably her - either way he leaped right over her instead of having her stand to let him pass, all the while smiling goofily :D
And why yes, I’m still kicking myself for giving up on the afterparty waaaay too soon :( so sadly I can’t provide cool gossip. Damn, poor life choices
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