#WHICH REMINDS ME @antara i’m still waiting for the reply on your quastion... wish i’d written down the name
brownpaperhag · 7 months
by birth i am not even remotely desi but it so happens that many of my close friends and family members are — specifically, punjabi women of about fifty to ninety from different cultural and religious backgrounds.
recently my bestie (my age, honduran) got into the bollywood film studies course at our uni and invited me to come with her sometime because, knowing my social circle, she teasingly thought i’d “get along well with the professor.”
“oh, because i get along with every middle-aged indian woman?” i replied, feigning affront.
and my friend immediately went “of course not! but maybe you know her!”
“bibi, i don’t know EVERY older desi in— wait is it [professor’s name].”
readers, i do indeed know her. we drank a very underwhelming bottle of expensive wine together once in a warehouse. i know her husband and his step-mother. i know two of her close friends who don’t know each other.
i have beaten zero allegations to-day. pray for my tomorrow 🧿
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