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humanaaa · 6 months ago
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charles-snippy · 5 months ago
If these damn democrats don’t stop blowing up my phone telling me to vote blue in November………
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kahootqueen69 · 2 years ago
I've got like 4 new artworks to post, if only patreon would accept my page after about 3 weeks of waiting 🤡
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tf2heritageposts · 2 years ago
where's the post anon??? WHERES THE POOOOOST
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memory-hoarder · 1 year ago
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Hi, tumblr world! 🫶
Long time no see. I apologize for being hiatus for a long time. Its sucks to realized that the last time I post a journal here was happened last year, 2023.
Here we goooo again! trying to be proactive again and again. But, this year I'll make sure that I will post as much as I can.
So, what really happened last year? Should we do a recap? I'll bet this will be a long pooooost of my life. 🫠
2023. A year that really changed me I would say physically, mentally and spiritually.
Maybe one of the year's highlight :
My long time partner was finally free after 1 year and 11 months. Yes! finally. ��� Thanks be to GOD, who never leave us with our battle. Everything happened so fast, one thing I knew we lived together for 1 month. Healing and moving forward. Yet, we decided to part ways after a month so he can build his life again and this time lived with his beloved mother. I always always rooting for his success and what God restore for him in a long run. Although, long distance relationship can take so much space in our mind and lots of questions and petty fights. We make sure that we can fix it as soon as possible and give no hate but love. I never doubted him, look where he is now! leading a pack in the corporate world where he really deserved.
I bought my father a gift. 💛 A mobile phone that really essential nowadays. I surprised him when he visited us last year, it was his 50ish birthday. My heart melt when I noticed how happy and grateful my father. Yes, my father is no longer living with us. He has a new family and I couldn't be happier with what he have and experiencing now. I'll make sure that I can support him in all ways. I think that is the only way how I can show my love and affection to him.
We got a good renting house for affordable price. They free the water and electricity. 😇 of course, since I am living at the province. I will expect pigs and bigger size of pigs. 🤭 They we're loud when hungry. We already celebrate holidays here twice. Maybe, on a negative side - its too noisy.
I attended a company party! The dress I wore received a pleasing compliment. 🫦 yas, girl! BUT, the highlight was I never expecting the COO of the company invite me for a short talk with our new clients. gosh! my heart pump so fast and I started to sweat uncontrollably. Thanks to the universe! I was able to talk pleasantly and introduce myself in front of them.
My human diary - Marjorie, let me rant for half an hour in a coffee shop we just discovered. March 23 2023, the last time we hang out and ride her motorcycle. Now, she gave birth to his adorable daughter Zoey. 👩‍🍼 Believe me, I was extremely happy to her and his husband. They really deserved the world.
December 25 2023 is the best! after a couple of years I was able to celebrate christmas eve with my family. Papa and Klea was present. Although, we're not complete as extended family I still appreciate everyone's effort. I prayed that one day, we gathered as one. ���
Tito Virniel birthday and Tita Noime's visit should be counted in my memory board. 💛 Both celebrations are blast. + looooots of good foods and talks.
This is sad. My colleague gave me a pet as form of adoption. Given that maxine was furious and insecure having lilly around. He bite lilly, and unable to survived. Guilt was rushed over me. I tried my 100% best no to harm lilly by maxine company. Unfortunately, it wasn't the case. Up until now, I keep to myself lilly's death. I know she's happy up there! 👼
Happy Mother's Day! it means, tya meriam day! ❤❤❤ I surprised her with her favourite foods - halo halo, pizza, burger, and plastic flowers cos why not? She deserved a world for sacrificing her youth and energy over us. I prayed that God give her a looooooooong life here on earth to witness our progress as individual esp. my wedding day. 🥹
Papa and klea visited again for charter day here on our humble city! I'll make sure they were happy and enjoyed the day! We watched parade together, we ate at freedom park with good sea foods from Bacolod Inasal. Fruit shake, ukay ukay where they bought shoes and bid a goodbye after 3 days. 🥹
May 23, I witness exchanging of vows. 👰‍♀️🤵‍♂️ This couple I'm sure of had experienced high of highs and low of lows in their relationship. I admired how they fought the issue together and end up marrying as one. I always inspired by couple who decided to settle down despite people's judgement. I mean, no bad decision can change their love forever. People made mistake one way or another. As long as we show them how we learn out of it.
This one really special. My friend from college, Ahn tied the knots with her lover Gilmar. ❤ How it became special? well, I was chosen as "made of honor" 💐 I spoke my truth how Ahn, really have a special part in my life. I did enjoyed their wedding events. Every bits of moments. Imagine now how much it costs haha! it was really an extravagant wedding I attended to.
After 7 months of not seeing physically, finally I was able to visit James! ✨ honestly, I was scared traveling alone. I'm thankful for him for guiding and monitoring me from time to time. Its not just a normal day! It was my gift to myself for seeing my loved one. 🥰 I also received his gift, a gift that I will never forget. Buying my list of books to read! 📚 treat me foods, walk hand by hand. Planning to watch Oppenhiemer in cinema but then schedule was not meant with some of our plans. But! I truly enjoyed plus I saw and bond with 2 of my siblings. Visit their cool church. Had a festive lunch. 🥰 and sad part bid goodbye. 😔 I know, this year will change the course of everything. I will spend more time with James and can arrange visit to my not so long distance family. 😇
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spinninghunkofspacerock · 3 years ago
okay so do u by any chance hv my "funny bits from studies" post? yknow the one where i had like different screenshots of funny or weird parts? ive gone thro my tags and i cant find it and i went thro ur blog too but u dont exactly tag dikdmsmsj (sorry rjkrmdje) and im like 98% sure u reblogged it? idkkkkkk where is the pooooost
I tried so hard to find it but after twenty going through tumblr messages (I’m like 80% sure you sent it to me) I honestly cannot
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cushfuddled · 5 years ago
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AYYYY guess who forgot to open her ask box after reblogging that “controversial opinion” pooooost x’D
Hmmm. I’m pretty bland where FMA’s concerned. I love it to bits and it inspires the hell out of me...there are SO MANY moving parts, and they all come together so perfectly at the end. When I was a high schooler in Montana I would download mp3′s of VA Q+A panels and listen to them while hiking lol. I’m almost positive it was Travis Willingham who said, “Learn to love rejection like chocolate pudding...because you’ll be eating a lot of it.” Sage advice.
I think my most controversial opinion on FMA is like...I find Elicia annoying. I’m sure it’s a lot better in the subbed version, but it’s been a long time since I’ve watched anything other than the FMAB English dub (I just love everyone’s English voices so much...with the exception of Vic) and in the dub I find Elicia’s voice super grating. The “why are they putting dirt on daddy?” scene just makes me want to laugh, which is uh. Obviously not the desired effect. Listening to that voice...I just can’t take the scene seriously. 
Oh! And I never understood that low point where Al thinks Ed might have like, given him false memories and manipulated him lmao. What reason would Al have to believe ANY of that would be possible? The whole conflict feels so manufactured to me. Why not make Al suspicious or resentful of Ed for other reasons?
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leonbastralle · 7 years ago
Replies Are Back!
it’s been a while... xD
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “Conifer: Charlotte! Guess what? I’m pregnant!! Charlotte: Really?...”
Ahh more babies!!
of course! i still have themed names to use ;)
ladyanyarose replied to your photoset “Charlotte: So…you write bad smut to relax your brain. That’s new....”
Okay but Salim is seriously the worst neighbor ever. XD He's either whoohooing or playing loud music ever night and then the one time one if my sims decides to work out in the morning in the treadmill he comes over pounding on the door saying how loud they're being. Salim. Stop. XD
YESSSSS!!!! this exactly! apparently even showering, doing homework or having a midnight snack is too loud for this poor old man XD it’s happened m a n y times
(thank you for this comment btw i’m not anti salim or anything but i love complaining and it’s good to know i’m not alone ;))
pixeldemographics replied to your post “official nsfw warning”
smh annie i will shield myself from n o t h i n g
at ur own risk my dude
simphonics replied to your post “psa welp guys i’m afraid this is the kinda content i post. berries and...”
I love this content.
i know i @-replied to this but i want to delete this post and save it somewhere else so again- thank you so much ♥
monets-pixels replied to your photoset “Conifer: Char! Jess promised to take the kids tonight. Are you ready...”
one can never have too many nsfw scenes amirite?? (i say that but i had a whole load of regrets but in the end this cost me less followers than the pool stuff so i guess it’s a success? and there’s still the wedding night to come ;))
twinsimskeletons replied to your photoset
dats a big ring
gonna take what you can get smh this is the base game ring i ain’t going cc hunting for that but also they’re not poor so there’s that
thatsimslove replied to your photoset “Eva Velasquez ~”
Ohh I love her
thank you!! me too, i wish i had motivation to play vanillas
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “W: Gotcha!!!”
Protecc this child
we will :,)
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “(Random HC I have about Charlotte: she’s actually a pretty big fan of...”
its ok u are goals without plate merging and tBH i LOVE THIS CHARLOTTE HEADCANON SO MUCH!! we discussed it so much but i live for charlotte and her positivity and her FINDING WAYS to SMASH that positivity in is so good it feels so organic pls take these char feelies
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset
i see jess is going to perform the rare ass jump ;)
mar: im so glad im in the cold water already
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset
aaaa this tickles my aesthetic bone so much
fucccccccccc highest!!! praise
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset
ok but char is such a Gr8 and Amazing and Beautiful Mom i love her
;___________; me too i want her to be everyones mum
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “M: You too, Jessamine. Where am I going to put you???”
in the bED 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀
you are not wrong
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “M: What are my kids doing out of the pool! Unacceptable. Back in, the...”
im still legitimately weeping at this!!!!!!!! hes such a good dad to these kids that i still dont know i lov!!!!!
akjsfaksfjahskfjasfkajsfkasfjaksfasd i cry i feel like such a kidnapper still but im glad!! soon enough bby do it for them (also for all the milestones in between that will be beautiful)
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “MARVISION: A C T I V A T E”
jess can feel the weight of that marvision
u bet i cry hes so close it must b something else
the strongest part of mars body: the arms? the dicc???? nah its the e y e s
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “MARVISION: A C T I V A T E”
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “T: Man, Yarrow, we gotta come up with a way to keep you up to date!!...”
im sorry im in love with your berrifications
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “T: Man, Yarrow, we gotta come up with a way to keep you up to date!!...”
that visual tho...imagine
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “C: Hi there, Tide! T: Oh hey Calla! Need a pair of strong arms for...”
i love this start of a beautiful friendship based on video games and political conspiracy theories
:,) ah yes that is a thing smh tide (smh me and my eagerness to hav this fam in my save)
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “C: Hi there, Tide! T: Oh hey Calla! Need a pair of strong arms for...”
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “i’m sorry i just rly love them”
who are these kids Whomst
i dunno......i got them from this girl maybe you know her???? shes rly talented and rly good to me and idk how she deals with all the crap i put her sims in but shes rly nice shed fit your bill perfectly you should follow
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset
i die at ficus stopping playing altogether (i already knew it but it still packs a punch to my gut)
s a m e
i guess hes just........good at giving up i cry
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset
!!!!!!!!!! ok but wow i love how different they are in coping and how it feeds these bits of characterization of theirs!!
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset
a Blessed self insert!! 💖
she has to b good at it SOMEWHERE u kno!!
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset
yessss give me the girls being c u t e !!!!!
ofc my dude
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset
idk this boy who is this
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset
i cry i need to post them more because i lov this word so much
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset
pls harm this nasty boy make him suffer
later, my friend, later
also i think most of the suffering will be up to you oops
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset
This is truly how u kill a catii
i dunno you seem pretty alive to me still
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset
Holy hell u deviants mind the kids!!
n e v e r you know the pool brings out That Side in them
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset
!!!!!!!!!!! im weeping
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “C: Mar? Are you gonna let go of me? M: Something tells me that our...”
!!!!!!! ur givin the catiis all they want i want to cry
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “M: Charlotte! My agony aunt. It’s been far too long. Can I have a hug?...”
malmine kids whomst idk them
im just picturing you saying whomst and im loving it
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “M: Charlotte! My agony aunt. It’s been far too long. Can I have a hug?...”
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “Guess what time it is!!”
!!!!!! its time to kill catii!!!!!!!
twinsimskeletons replied to your photoset “oK BUT WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED AT SCHOOL???”
my poor bb!
there’s two of them p l s they’re both sad pls be nice
twinsimskeletons replied to your photoset
his face is still so PERF
i KNOW he’s truly timeless
simphonics replied to your photoset “And now this has turned into a couple photoshoot so it’s time to end...”
but they're adorable!
i know, but i didn’t rly have room or time for more of them :/ they’ll be back soon tho! as always
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “F: ✊ ✊  A: �� ��”
they need to boink he has a terminal case of dast zadaning
looks like it there is No Hope i cry i should hav let them
pirouettingplumbobs replied to your photoset “F: ✊ ✊  A: �� ��”
Awwwww missed these two
me too! sometimes i forget how much fun they were because all the generations have been so much fun ;_;
twinsimskeletons replied to your photoset “Dog looks great on you Aur! You should wear it more often.”
pixeldemographics replied to your post “i have a queue for today and tomorrow, and regular posting is picking...”
i cry i still dont hav a witty reply for this but this is definitely going in the top comments of 2018 maybe i should make that a thing
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “Introducing Kumquat ♥”
what are u paying???
pixeldemographics replied to your photo “[[MOR] aaaaaaaaaaaaa f u c k ;_; this seriously made me cry the best...”
u are good enough no BUTS no IFS no NOTHING u rly are you dang gourd!!! and i do i do i do and thats the truth!!! ily my angel
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geolyte · 4 years ago
Now that I've got refs for my current trio of idiots... ~looonggg pooooost tiiiiiiiime~
Dakota Lamarcus:
She/her. Probably about 5'7"? 5'8"?
Works in the Disciplinary department
Has the Blue Scar (B&WBBW) E.G.O suit/gift and Discord (Yin) E.G.O weapon most of the time
Also known as the No-Eyed Girl due to looking like she has absolutely nothing where her eyes should be most of the time (she does have ONE eye, it's usually covered by her bangs though)
Dakota has... been here a while. Very patient with her coworkers, but won't hesitate to put up a fight or jump into action when things go awry. Starts to stutter a shitload when under pressure
Does a lot of cool tricks with her pocket mirror when bored
Actually a very good singer
You say "...", Dakota says ". . ."
Lowest virtue is Justice. Kota doesn't move too quickly unless prompted to
Brook Anthizo:
She/her, 5'3"
The one Tumblr probably knows the most about, and even then yall don't know that much
Surprisingly huggable! Not the biggest fan of any other form of even remotely intimate gesture, though
Works in the Welfare department
Usually seen wearing Beginning's E.G.O Gift and the Hypocrisy (Parasite Tree) or Black Death (Beginning) E.G.O suit
It was by a thread, but she's one of the few to survive... whatever it is Beginning gives you, thus potentially making her the main reason Sephirah-mandated pocket mirrors are a thing
Not much of a fighter since said near-death experience and tires easily
Easygoing, but highly attentive. She often tunes in on the slightest noise trying to figure out what to do and often needs a bit of coaxing out of potential overreactions
Often seen further honing her guitar skills in her free time. She's quite good at it!
More emotionally frail than physically frail. zero prudence and a flat ass
Kia "Gamma23":
They/she, 4'11" (haha short)
YOOO, it's a Clerk! Has Melting Love's E.G.O gift for some reason, though. Apparently it was given to them by Brook as a token of good luck..?
Though Kia technically works in the Control department, they hop from place to place a TON. It's kinda just part of their clerkly duties
Her main jobs are to deliver important packages across the facility (i.e. food for the Abnormalities that need it, those pocket mirrors i mentioned earlier) and refill vending machines
Really likes mint m&ms. If a pack of them is missing from an otherwise freshly refilled vending machine it was probably her doing
Happy-go lucky and cheerful, constantly has a pep in their step. Likes mingling with practically everyone they see. They're pacifistic to a fault, though, and often too forgiving
Doesn't realize they're constantly playing DDR against a demon that's trying to possess them
Very occasionally seems a bit... snappier than usual. Also angrier. Reason for this is largely unknown to anyone in the facility and she seems partially unaware of it; memories of anything she did when Mysteriously Peeved are quite foggy, but still there if she thinks hard enough about them
"A coley. Two coleys"
Lowest virtue? Fortitude; they're super frail!! You could probably punch them once and they would shatter :(
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hushpiper · 7 years ago
julystorms replied to your post “Increasingly, as I worry my family and friends with my SNK obsession,...”
I do wonder what their original plan was, and if it's actually being followed through as intended right now. Many times we make plans and they kinda...fall through.
Yeeeaaaaah that’s always a wrench in the analysis works, lol. “No plan survives first contact,” right? And there’s definitely been a lot of improv going on since Eren got to Marley (which is the topic of another pooooost). But so far we’re in the realm of things which could easily be anticipated, and Eren, Zeke and LS are all cool as cucumbers. I’d say signs point to “going off without a hitch” so far.
Which isn’t to say it’ll stay that way. Cuz if the plan is what I think it is, they’re about to enter the point where shit goes bananas fast. Will their measures to keep Reiner down (assuming they exist) actually work? Was Warhammer Willy (teehee) actually the Warhammer Titan, and is he actually out of the game, or is Eren gonna have to fight a new titan whose abilities are a complete unknown? On a scale of 1-10, how suspicious is Pieck of Zeke right now--and how long will it take her to get herself and her boyfriend out of that pit? TUNE IN NEXT TIME...
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charles-snippy · 1 year ago
Genuinely what the fuck are we supposed to do. There is no way I’m voting for either of these men come November I just can’t what do we fucking DO as a country and how did we not progress in the last four years like we are really doing this shit AGAIN?!?! AGAIN????????? WE ARE LITERALLY IN HELL!!! HELL!!!!!!!!!!
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winchesters-favorite-girl · 8 years ago
you neeeed to post the next part of ifa! snapchat makes it seem like youve had a chill weekend. pooooost it for us pleeeease?
I have had a pretty chill weekend, because it’s my first 2 days off in a row in like a month? I understand that you guys are excited for a fic, I get that way all the time & constantly check to see when someone updated a series, but you gotta understand that this is my hobby. I’m not getting paid to do this. I do this all on my free time & to be honest I don’t get much of it like I used to when I first started this blog.
I’m also only like 6 paragraphs into the fic so it’s no where near ready to be posted.
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isaacathom · 7 years ago
i was hoping that this au would give me idea for some of the actual characters, and like, its helped with Zeke and Lyndelle a little, but i cant use almost anything from Endlyn for Gwendolen. like, ok, she’s a rule stickler??? so she doesnt like Rhia because even though Rhia is a cop (and a good one) shes also a member of a gang and assumed a false identity to get away from one of Gwendolen’s friends? its really complex. there is no way in hell Gwen was the one who accepted Elliot’s suggestion that Rhia take his place. like Gwen’s just like.... what? she’s a criminal though? and it gets kind of complicated from there but eventually its likely the other elite 4 members (and perhaps even the guy who left) eventually go ‘just fucking let her do it, Gwen. we can find a replacement later’. except of course, they dont, because Rhia earns her position and has her identity legally align (some sort of complex merger of Seren’s files and Rhia’s to make it less funky. theres some adoption papers filed in order to make shit line up. some backdating. its really messy but its essentially a favour for her cooperating with the xerophyte/exordial investigation). and because she was essentially forced to join, thats not a knock against her. so it sorta fades away. Gwen’s not a huge fan still.
but that is all ive gathered. she’s a rules stickler. big law enforcement type, even though she isn’t actually a cop. but the League are a form of like, ~government~ of sorts, so she’s not a vigilante. v important. not a vigilante fan. which also wouldnt help with her opinion of Rhia, because if you get Split end (which would be the default unless you actually like. sorta work to help them sort their shit out), Rhia goes off and goes vigilante up until the end of the postgame story with Lyndelle and Felicity. so Gwen does noooooot like a Split Rhia. so in the hypothetical sequel, where important values carry over, a split Rhia will not have made any progress within the elite 4. a reconcile Rhia, who didn’t become a vigilante, she might have. im not saying a reconcile Rhia would suddenly be the champion or anything, but maybe she just moves up in order. though that does depend on like..... whether the elite 4 has an order or its like all the new games where you can pick it. idk!
i mean theres not a lot of impact Gwendolen can specifically have. she cooperates with the International Police, helps found the new Urica police force after Exordial collapses. she could /possibly/ restrict Rhia’s progression through that new force? but thats all pooooost post game, thats in between shit, it wouldnt have any actual effect on the game. as far as Gwen being weirdly controll-y? could be something. im not sure when Gwen would show up, is the issue. perhaps she shows up in William’s town (Geelong, rmb) or in uh, Henry’s (beeeeeendigo?). admonishes the shit out of William for ignoring his towns plight but doesn’t actually do something about it herself. gives you a smile but warns you not in interfere with this sort of stuff - the police and gym leaders should be handling it. which makes Two individuals telling you not to fight Xerophyte, but for different reasons. Gwen’s not telling you this because she cares about you as a person, she’s telling you because she doesn’t want you to become a criminal, because she dislike criminals. no vigilantism, please. i bet she shows up after the raid where you arrest Samson and she’s like ‘what the fuck did i say?’ and then Dante shows up and go ‘maam, please calm down. they were attempting to rescue a friends pokemon, and were reinforced by the Exordial Police Force. I’ve also been informed that the CEO of Exordial, my wife Felicity, has specifically endorsed this individual. This is no more an act of vigilantism as you yourself coming to police their behaviour. :)’ and Gwens just like -.- fine. Gwen doesn’t like you either. god, if she finds out you ended up locked up trying to track down Xerophyte in the east town, she’d kick your ass. or shed say ‘thats what you get for trying to be the hero’.
which is a similar sort of vibe to Rhia, except that Rhia wants to protect you. Both Gwen and Rhia see you being hurt through ‘vigilantism’ as an inevitablity. But while Rhia explicitly wants to protect you from it, even if that means she has to hurt you to make that point clear (its a little contradictory and in her defence she TOLD them not to hurt you), Gwen isn’t going to stop you and will actively punish you on top of that. so Gwen does not like you. Rhia probably does! She’ admires your pep. She pities you, mostly, for getting tangled in Elliot’s bullshit.
and both of them have to give up, on some level. Rhia has to accept that you can hold your own, and allows you to make the conscious choice to proceed up the tower to fight Felicity and Dante. Gwen has to accept that the police force has been corrupted, and sends you and Elliot to track down Dante, because clearly this shits gotten fucked and she has to actually step in. but she does specifically require that you go with Elliot and do what he says. because at LEAST Elliot is was an E4 member once (8 years ago) so theres /some/ semblance of authority, rather than a god damn vigilante child. wild.
theyre similar on some things but completely contradictory on others. Rhia doesn’t want you to trust Elliot at all. Gwen wants you to completely trust Elliot. wild.
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charles-snippy · 2 years ago
School installed a new printer software and got all new printers which is great but none of my stuff is printing and I can’t figure it out and half the printers straight up just haven’t been connected yet so I have to go all the way across campus to print something and it doesn’t even work most of the time. I am too old to be learning new software why would you push a sweet kind girl this far
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