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rosmerie-sleeps · 2 years ago
Going over the other dread tower bros, Kyle and Evel
For @0iam0 (who requested this yesterday along with Count Nightfell)
Anways while I think that bros are so silly and the entirety of the dread tower is like, so silly, I actually don’t have that many head cannons for them. It’s ok tho, I’m hoping the ones I have are good enough 👍
Bro is a furry. Like cmon why wouldn’t he be
Aslo he Gossips a lot. He as a mysterious online friend that also tells him a lot of the dirt In the place they are staying over at and he tells them the sort of dread tower back (I’ll reveal said mysterious friend IF you guess who they are and ask about them. But until then… it for me to know and for you to find out 😏 )
Also he had been living alone with no place to go until he stumbled into dread tower one day (I know it’s in the middle of nowhere but HEAR ME OUT-) and Hyde saw him and was like “oh you poor thing” and then he was like “you wanna stay here free of charge, I have like 30 empty guest rooms” and Kyle was like “lmao sure”. He doesn’t show it to Hyde but Kyle is extremely great full lmao.
Also that’s one of the reasons why Kyle admirers Hyde so greatly and he was willing to go along with the entire battle cruise scheme as well as being the introductory act of dread tower. He just wants to make Hyde proud
(Hyde IS proud. But don’t tell Kyle I said that.)
Constantly has to be reminded by Hyde to go to sleep but rarely ever listen
Aslo has become the perfect outlet to yell at when someone is talking sh*t about someone else. Mostly because he won’t tell a soul since he isn’t even listening.
Evel is a simple guy. He would also experiment on people if Hyde didn’t stop him from doing so (“They’re our guests, Evel! NOT ur lab rats!”)
Apart from that really gets along with Hyde. He thinks Kyle is a bit anoying, but he’s ok. He thinks count night fell is a bit extra, but he’s also ok. Isn’t sure what to feel about Phi though.
Okay!! Time for the personal rating!!
✨6/10✨. In this case, this is actually good for him. At first I wasted exactly sure what to think of him, and then I found him kind of… bad per se. I thought he was kind of dramatic (in a bad way) and that he was kind of ugly (I sorry but they gave Kyle some of the worst camera angles known to mankind 😓). But the when I rewatched turbo again (and again) I didn’t think he was that bad. He was just, silly and weird, just like everyone else at dread tower. I like stuff about him, like for example, his mask. The only major complain I have about him though is that his outfit is In some serious need of a redesign but hey, he still cool in my book 👍
✨5/10✨. Im not really sure how to feel about him. On one hand I always love to see a good Beyblade scientist/smart person (see: Gwyn),I think his soulless eyes are one of the most ingenious character design sh*t that the show has ever pulled and I genuinely love seeing his interactions with Hyde, but on the other hand… he’s kinda boring. Plain. Just used as another character to build others storylines on top of. Literally the only thing that bro did to advance the plot was give Aiger the invitation to Dread tower. Then he was used by other characters to advance the plot, which is kinda sad. Also bro only got two battles…which don’t you know how sad that is..?(EVeN PHELIX HAS MoRE THAN THAT) (/srs but hey I still love u Phelix 🥰). The point is, we just need a more plot revelant, more screen time Evel with a dash of personality on the side. Maybe then he will be better imo.
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writerfae · 1 year ago
Well, after learning that beautiful piece of information
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I'm gonna send you the ask I was planning to even before this, which is kinda strange (but cool)
What I noticed was that everyone we know from Aiden's family tree had a story that would fit into a fairy-tale book (for better or worse)
We have what happened to the Alder king that became a legend
We have Aiden's story as the Seer who saves the world
We have the prince and the hunter with Henry
And Milan and Ranva (apparently my current obsession for some reason, so please talk about them!). The love story of a human and a fae princess(?). Stealing a beautiful girl from her evel husband and making a family. A tale ending in tragedy.
I was listening to the song dancing and the dreaming from httyd 2 and it really reminds me of them.
You are right, the lives of Aiden, Henry and their parents do kind of feel like out of a fairytale book, but only in some aspects.
Yet their stories are no fairytales.
Henry’s is maybe, in a way. After all, he’s the hunter that married a prince. He went from not feeling like he belongs to finally finding his place. But now his life is quite ordinary, as ordinary as it can be for a king.
Aiden’s story, on the other hand, is much more like a heroic epic. He is facing situations that make him grow as a person and achieves great things. Before that, he was living an ordinary life. One he wants to go back to eventually.
And then we have Ranva and Milan. They are a tragic love story. Two people whose love mastered great odds and brought them happiness- only for it to be lost in the end.
And here we have it again, the wish to be ordinary. Ranva treasured their normal family life more than anything. This is as much a part of this family as the fairytale aspect of their life is.
None of them wanted to be those grand stories people will talk about, but somehow they ended up to be.
But more about Ranva and Milan’s story.
Ranva is a fae, but no princess. She was merely the daughter of a high lord. She was, however, engaged to a prince. And that’s where the problems started.
Because as you can guess since it’s Cameron she didn’t like her fiancé at all. But for her family’s sake she agreed to get married to him.
Now some time after her engagement there was a huge feast at their court, hosted by the wild hunt (a group of fair and wild fae that are hunters). So of course Ranva was there.
But you know who was also there? Milan. You should know that Aiden’s father was considered a very talented archer. So talented in fact, that the wild hunt invited him to hunt with them for a day and join their feast.
There he met what he considered the most pretty girl he had ever seen. So he went to talk to her and luckily, she seemed to be just as interested in him as he in her.
They spent hours talking and dancing and trying to hide from Ranva’s family and fiancé. And they decided they wanted to see each other again.
That’s when something pretty similar to what Henry and Callan did started. Milan and Ranva secretly met regularly in either of their realms. And they fell in love.
Ranva was very conflicted. She wanted to run away with Milan and live a normal life more than anything, but she didn’t want to leave her family hanging.
She saw it as her duty to marry Cameron and so she did, even though it broke her heart. She still met up with Milan behind her husband’s back and it was the only thing that kept her from being miserable.
Then Ranva’s discovered that she was pregnant. She knew it was Cameron’s child. She went to see Milan, distraught, and told him about it. She expected him to leave her, but he didn’t. He said whatever she’d decide, he would have her back.
Now for Ranva it was clear that she did not want her child to be raised at court with Cameron as the father. So for her baby, and also a little bit for herself and her love, she made the decision to leave everything behind after all.
So one day she ran away with Milan to start anew, as a family. Milan married her as soon as they came to his realm and brought her home as his wife.
The two were really happy, despite some people of the village not approving of them. Milan cared for Ranva’s, he loved her more than anything. And he loved Henry, too, as if he were his own son.
And then they had Aiden and they were happy for a long while, until Ranva’s past caught up to her.
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tenok · 9 months ago
The point (one of them) is that both Aziraphale and Crowley actually think they the smartest one in any given situation. And since I relate to Aziraphale much more today I get fixated on his brand of superiority. He starts his journey with rebellion from pretty tame "I don't get why they makes this desisions and it's look horrible on surface evel but I'm sure that they get best ineterests of everyone involved in their hearts and it's probably me the one that didn't get some oblivious detail" to "oh okay I'm sure it's some kind of misundestanding and we can all talk it out as adults because we there work on same goals" to frustrated "they won't ever listen to me and I will get in trouble for arguing and it will be better for everyone if I will make my desisions in secret and go behind their backs because I just can't let THEM make desisions that will destroy everything". It's not straightforward, I'm 30 and still circulate sometimes between "what if it's me the one that wrong aout everything" and "god HOW people can be THAT stupid", but I remember going throught this stages first as good and obedient kid with really stupid parents making stupid desisions and later with school, govermnet, activist spaces etc.
And the problem is, I was the smartest person in the room enough time to develop issues, and Aziraphale lives like his for 6000 years at least. I can only imagine how many times he thought "if only Starmaker listen to me and didn't Fall", "if only God listened to me and didn't make an Apocalypse happen", "if only Heavens listened to me and didn't did this or that that thing", "if only Crowley listen to me and understand in what kind of danger we can get", "if only that human listened to me and haven't dig the body", etc etc. It's awful, to be the one who always gets to say "I told you so", especially when there's such awful consequenses you can't even feel satisfaction, and you will be the one to clen this mess up (and Aziraphae will clean, or better try to prevent). Now, it's of course leads to issues. BIG issues.
1) It's really hard to stop being plotting and maciavellian and communicate things properly when you expect that person will at best argue with you, at worst punish you and double down on their stupid desisons and you will clean this mess up. It also really hard to stop trying to control everything because you already accepted that everything is your responsibility and everyone else would just make things worse. (as someone that relates to Aziraphale I think he did so much progress there, the levels or trust he shows Crowley are amazing for two beings that probably last time heard of psychotherapy when Freud was alive. but such trust is fragile thing, one misstep and you back on your "it will be better if I do everything alone" bullshit. I'm not saying it's good. I'm also not saying that it's bad. it's just how things work)
2) It makes you overstep other people authonomy, because, again, it would be better for everyone if they did what you think best for them. It works funny wih Aziraphale because yes he's all for free choices for humanity!! NOW GO AND DO SMART CHOICES DAMN YOU!!! WHY YOU DON'T PICK THE THING THAT WOULD BE SMART TO PICK I HATE YOU ALL. That's where me and Aziraphale difer a little because at least I somewhat good at stepping into other people shoes and understand why they do what they do. But angel there is autistic (or bad at this specific thing for other reasons), so I think when people he consider reasonable doesn't agree with him for their own reasons he ge's really baffled, like, there arE correct opinion and it's mine, WHY are you being difficult?? to spite me?? And I'm sure that half of the reason why Aziraphale's so comfortable with Crowley is that he perfectly happy to let him buly or manipulate him into doing things Aziraphale picks as right. Usually Crowley know where pick his battles and how to play long game to make Aziraphale agree for really important stuff he wants from him, but otherwise? Sure he will complain how he hates Hamlet but they will watch Hamlet, and Aziraphale will be very pleased with himself. (and than there goes final fifteen and we back at "but WHY won't ypu agree with thing I pick or us IT'S GOOD AND RESONABLE THING" and we should be happy that consent is something that imporant for our angel ok? he would be angry with Crowley for picking wrong but he won't make him do what he doesn't want. they respect each other like that.)
3) It makes you really really tired and tense. You control everything, unfortunately the longer you do it the more things starts really depedend on you, you can't let go, you don't know anyone that can share this burden with you because first they should prove that they won't blow his up and for this you should share at least something with them, but what is they would blow it up? Better be safe than sorry. And look when it's my problems it's credit cards and doctor appointmens and with Aziraphale we talk about people dying. Crowley dying. Now, as I said, he actually shows Crowley so. much. trust. for someone with such issues. Because Crowley was there for 6000 years, and he proved himself capable enough times. But still there's areas where let go and not worry would be impossible for Aziraphale, Crowley's safety being one of such things (you see, you can risk with your life when you deal with your problems because whatever you will clean shit up if needed, but if someone close to you hurt themself?? it's YOUR problem too but it will be SO MUCH HARDER to clean. I think when Aziraphale points to Crowley that hell would be harder on him than he can expect heavens to punish him, it's partially because he believes it's true and partially because he knows how to minimize harm when heavens angry with him but HOW can he do this for Crowley??). Anyway. Lol. The more I think about it the more I sure that Crowley without Aziraphale would be a miserable angry dick, and Aziraphale wihout Crowley would be dead, because it was the one person that kept him one tiny slip away from total burn out.
So yeah there's a lot of posts about how angry heartbroken etc Crowley will be with Aziraphale (I don't agree but that's for other post), less posts about how sad and heartbroken will be Aziraphale, but I hope to see Azyraphale being angry too (it they will be angry with each other at all). Not only for not picking him or leaving or making everything messy and emotional and wasting their first kiss at their fight etc, but also because Aziraphale was trusting him! Trusting that he get another resonable adult in team with him! Someone who he can trust to make resonable desisions and see his ideas as clever and him as capable and being willing to go to the end of the world with him with mild complaints and than!! When he did trust him to understand!! He was like everyone else!! Unresonable and emotional and angry with him and why he asked him at all he should've do it secretly and alone as always and it would've be as usual and it wouldn't hurt but it was Crowley that taught him to trust and to ask him for help!! Breaking his perfectly fine coping mechanisms!! It's all his faut if you think about it huh?? (but of course he's already forgiven. but also Aziraphale would do what he needs to do alone this time, as one and only capable adult in the world.)
Anyway it's not a meta it's just some late night thoughts. And it's in no way whole analizis there's so much more problems inside this angel. It's just something in particular that resonated with me today. Also it's not in any way critisizm of him, mind you, because a) he does really the smartest person in the room most of the time and b) I LOVE how fucked up in the head he is!!! I think he needs to become even more fucked up actually!!! and Crowley should love him for that and I will cheer for him from sidelines!!!
#good omens#Aziraphale#does it counts as meta if it's half projection but also you're the smartest person in the room and always correct hmm?#I'm always afraid to talk about how trauma made aziraphale not only the most suffered being in world but also a huge insufferable bitch#because no one gets him like me no one wants to love him for that!! aside of Crowley#I'm like 'can't relate to religious trauma but remember being super fucking tired at like 8 yo because parents beat me hard enough to leave#bruises for weeks and I was angry with them because of course they didn't remembered that I'll have a medical exam at school next week and#now I need to be a resonable one and invent a cover up good enough so there won't be Questions'#and don't get me started on money thing#*sigh* if only Aziraphale was also good at getting people. but I guess Goddess desided he'll be too powerful#also *for me* it'll be beautiful if Aziraphale would be angry with Crowley for leaving and not with himself for asking at all#I want them have a long talk about motives and why Aziraphale thought it'll be good idea and why Crowley said no and how they could prevent#this in the future....but the worst lesson Aziraphale can learn there is 'actually I should never again trust him with big desisions and#I should never again ask him for things that's Big and Important for me'#so yeah that's where Crowley will need to repair things.#tdh I'm glad that final fifteen blow up and Crowley was the one being angry and explaining nothing and running away#because I love Aziraphale but I'm almost sure that even with Crowley being calm and resonable there he would've make same choise#because situation was attuned to his weak spots just too good. I can't imagine scenario where he's not leaving#but it'll be much harder for me to see if Crowey was resonable one lol. not like fandom doesn't pretend that he isn't but you know. not by#my standarts. (now in perfect world they would talk to each other calmly compromise and make backup plans together. but they're still#learning so it's fiiine they'll get there. I hope to see them communicate flawlessly while bullshitting heavens and hell in season 3)
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jerirose · 1 year ago
(🐻 1/2) Of course, it's fun to ask questions! Ooo fun, Slump is a good way to start down the stay path, it's a fantastic song. Their discography really is so incredible, it's crazy at this point how good their songs are when they have so many of them! They're all great, but I'm glad you were able to find the members that really speak to you! I totally get you on songs that hit you hard, the first time I listened to 3racha For You I cried.
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Hihi! It's fun to answer them! 🥰 Yeah it was very much needed at the time too haha, perfectly timed. Honestly, it's still a complete no skip for me, they have something to fit all the moods that I can be in! Honestly, I love all of them in completely different ways, they are all incredible at what they do, all so extremely talented and just wonderful people. Oh goodness there's so many! Hard to pick! For Han, probably these ones:
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Not really any memories to these ones in particular. MAXIDENT was the first Korean CB I got to experience and The Sound was the first JPN CB I got to experience. Those are very important albums to me. ODDINARY was the first album I ordered, the second was Christmas EveL and Hannie smiling means the world to me :')
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These two probably mean the most to me - because they were the two reference photos I used for the new paintings of mine that Han liked :') They have a special place in my heart! For Changbin? Probably these:
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His smile just is everything :') ps. my favourite PC of him I own! And for Lino, probably these:
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Again, no particular reasons for these, I just lhsm 🥺 Not very helpful on the fun memories side of things, but sadly I don't retain most memories! 😅
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tefindeno · 1 year ago
New Achievement!
What do two siblings, who only see each other once a year and when they do they do the scariest things they'll do all year, listen to while driving? If you guessed RPG/Lit you'd be correct! Specifically 'Dungeon Crawler Carl', books 1 & 2 during this trip.
I just got back from our yearly sibling hiking trip, this year to the Sawtooth Mountain Range of Idaho. As a person who has lived their whole life in Florida, where our landfills get names like 'Mt Trashmore' to denote their elevation, I am consistently stunned by mountains. I just can't even believe people carry on with their daily life and can just glance down the street and there is a mountain. I mean, get real.
We flew in to Boise, grabbed a car and headed east to Twin Falls. Quick stops to see Evel's Snake river jump site and to have dinner then over to Balanced Rock. The hope was to take astrophotography including the Rock but it was determined to be too dangerous to be able to scramble back down with our gear in the dark. We got a few sunset shots then came back down (we each did fall on the route back) and then drove around looking for other compositions. Nothing really stuck out but the light in the canyon was beautiful.
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Next day we checked in with Shoshone Falls, then Perrine Coulee falls, then took a boat up to Pillar Falls. While on the boat we passed under Perrine Coulee bridge and got a good look at multiple base jumpers. Turns out, you don't even need a permit to hop off that thing. There is a small grass landing strip beside the river, and then you have to scramble up the side of the gorge to get back out.
Afterwards we hopped back in the car and took off for Ketchum. On the way we passed a wildfire that was licking at the asphalt wanting to cross the road. Luckily their were firefolks out wrangling the fire back.
Next up for Craters of the Moon, which I thought would be interesting to see but nothing too spectacular. Well, I was wrong. Surprise. The landscape was so interesting, the patterns and textures were amazing. We climbed through a few caves, met an extremely friendly cave pigeon, saw sunset then hunkered down while a storm passed. We waited about 3.5 hours, hoping the sky would clear enough for some astrophotography. It never really cleared up the way I wanted but it's still one of the highlights from the trip.
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Over the next few days we hiked a bunch, including to a few alpine lakes. Most notable was the day hike up to Sawtooth Lake, passing Alpine Lake. Once we made it to Sawtooth lake a storm moved in and it got nasty quick. We hid under a stand of trees for it to pass, and when it let up was went to grab a few photos before heading back down. While grabbing the photos another hiker showed up with their dog Bea, who graciously posed for a quick photo before heading off again.
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We followed this up with a day of riding OHVs on routes that seemed far too advanced for me. It was 8 hours of white knuckling the wheel and trying to keep at least 2 tires touching the ground at all times.
Our nights were full of the most stupendous astrophotography conditions. The Dark sky preserve was one of the main reasons we went to Idaho this year, and it was truly stunning. Anytime you can see the milky way with your eyes it an incredible experience. I've got some image stacking to do to hopefully bring down some of the noise in the astro shots but, I still love them all so much.
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stilessderek · 2 years ago
My Road To Becoming A Stay
According to my YT this date a year ago (7th of April 2022) marks the 1st anniversary of me first time watching anything Stray Kids. It all started with ODDINARY Main Trailer, however, it didn't make me a Stay just yet. Due to this day being a day that started my journey to finding Stray Kids and them changing my life, I decided to create a post showing my journey and lists of favorites. As you can probably see, I can’t decided on favorite songs as they have SO MANY GOOD ONES! First encounter: ODDINARY Main Trailer (thought it was BL (boys love) trailer with Felix and Hyunjin as main leads first. When I realized it was kpop I lost interested as I thought the music style wasn’t for me). Based on my YT log, I watched the trailer the 6th of April 2022. First song I heard: Maniac (kept showing up after I had seen ODDINARY trailer and eventually gave in and watched it). Song that made me a repeat listener: I watched Circus on the 12th of June 2022, along with Your Eyes that day but it wasn’t until 17th of June 2022 (according to my YT log) when I ended up listening to Neverending Story and Venom on the 28th of June 2022 (according to my YT log) that I became a Stay. First bias: Felix and Hyunjin. First ship: (I’m a shipper, I can’t help it) Hyunlix. Music videos that made me watch them over and over: (this is when I realized that I actually enjoyed listening to the music) Venom, Circus, Thunderous, God’s Menu, Back Door and Maniac. Before I knew it I was listening and watching (YouTube/TikTok) them all the time. Current bias: Felix, Hyunjin, Bang Chan, Lee Know, (that isn’t to say I don’t love Changbin, I.N, Han and Seungmin; each have something I like but those four above just makes my heart flutter a LITTLE bit more. Though I have to be honest that Han is taking up space in my mind more and more....).  Current ship: Hyunlix (the more I see of them, the more I love them; they’ve become my comfort (friend)ship), but I also really adore Chanlix. Stray Kids became my comfort place. I adore watching their chaotic videos and their music is amazing. It’s the first thing I do when I wake up. Stray Kids makes Stay stay. List of favorite songs: 1) Neverending Story (Tie) 1) Behind The Light (Tie) 2) Venom 3) Slump 4) Easy 5) Hellevator  5) Taste (Tie) 6) 24 to 25 (Tie) 6) Get Cool (Tie) 6) Lonely St. 7) Waiting For Us (Tie) 7) Red Lights (Tie) 7) The View (Tie) 8) Gone Days (Tie) 8) Circus (Tie) 8) Thunderous (Tie) 9) God's Menu 9) Back Door (Tie) 10) Maniac (Tie) 11) Charmer (Tie) 11) Domino (Tie) 11) Christmas EveL (Tie) 11) Wolfgang (Tie) 12) Scars (Tie) 12) Sorry, I Love You (Tie) 13) LoveStay  14) Secret Secret 15) Grow Up Honorable mentions: You Can Stay, Double Knot, Mixtape: Oh, My Universe, Placebo, Gone Away, Blueprint, Voices, I am YOU, Levanter, Victory Song, Here Always, HEYDAY, District 9, 3RACHA, Chill, Surfing, Ex, Wow, Airplane, Astronaut, SSick, Hello Stranger, B Me, There, Novel, Lost Me, DLMLU, Case 143 Favorite SKZ-REPLAY Songs: Deep End, Limbo, Love Untold, i hate to admit, Alien, Wish You Back, Up All Night, Drive, HaPpY, ice.cream, Piece of a Puzzle, Because, Zone, Streetlight (this is in order)
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staylovesmiley · 3 months ago
Oohh this looks fun! Okay soooo~
1: What's your current bias line? In my heart I am ot8 but I always find myself drawn to Han, Chan, and Leeknow~
2: Who's the one that made you Stan? I was already a casual listener but that Hyunjin hoodie season meme got me invested
3: What song was your first? My Pace
4: What's your current favorite song? Hall of Fame or Pacemaker
5: What members personally resembles yours the most? Either Chan because we are both the oldest of three who feel the weight of the responsibility they have to shoulder intensely but also Han especially when my partner is involved (we are Minsung coded fr)
6: If you had to pick a specific racha which would you choose? Probably 3Racha??
7: What's one attribute of the members do you like the most? (Example: Chans dimples) oh my goodness- all of their smiles and laughs! They are so unique and feel so genuine it never fails to cheer me up seeing them happy and enjoying life
8: What's your favorite album? Either Maxident or 5-Star
9: Do you have any albums? Mhm! I have all versions of ATE besides the accordion ones, one each of Maxident, Rockstar, 5-Star, and I feel like I’m missing some- but that’s all I can think off the top of my head
10: Have you been to a concert? No but I will be in June 2025!!!
11: Who's your favorite duo? Gosh there are so many good ones- not a duo but I love seeing 00’s interactions it reminds me of me and my friends
12: Favorite cover/solo songs: I got it, alien, limbo, I hate to admit, connected, rev it up, baby, all of their solos for dominate-
13: Favorite SKZOO? Tbh all of them are so precious especially in their 10cm designs! My top three would have to be Leebit, Bbokari, and Wolfchan~
14: If you had a day with one member what would you wanna do with them? Honestly I’d love to just chill with them maybe hang out and play games, talk, watch movies, maybe go out to eat and just get to know them better personally! As much as I know most of us would love the chance for something romantic with them over all I’d really love to be their friend I feel like it would be so nice to form a platonic connection with them over a romantic one
15: Who's your favorite singing voice? Ugh don’t make me choose- I literally cannot do that because their voices are so unique and I love them for different reasons!
16: Who's your favorite to watch dance? Honestly I’m obsessed with Hyunjin’s dance style it’s addictive tbh also Leeknow’s body control is WILD- as someone who used to dance as a child throughout highschool (even though it was a different form of dance) I always admired the dance aspects of Kpop immensely and whenever I listen to the music I can literally picture the moves in my mind!
17: Do you have a favorite SKZ Code? The aerial yoga one lol
18: Favorite MV? Case 143, Back Door, Circus, Christmas EveL, and Gimme your TMI
19: Who do you think you'd be best friends with? I feel like Seungmin and I would get along well but I could see myself becoming good friends with all of them tbh? I feel like I can be a pretty friendly person and so can they! Also maybe Felix cause I’m also someone who is touch oriented and I feel like we could relate to a lot of things together especially since we are the same age
20: Let's feed those delusions, Who are you picking for a date and what are you doing? Oh shit god I’d be so anxious to go on a date with any of them- probably Felix because one time he talked about what he would love to do if he could spend the day on a date with stay and it sounded exactly like what I’d pick (besides the shopping part like oh god I get so anxious receiving gifts I don’t feel like I deserve it and I never know how to respond-)
THIS WAS FUN LOL thank you for posting these questions~
.·:*¨ 𝑮𝒆𝒕 𝑻𝒐 𝑲𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒚 ¨*:·.
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20 Questions for my fellow Stays!
Making a little tag game because I love them and I’m nosy tbh. I also just love interacting with yall!
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1: What’s your current bias line?
2: Who’s the one that made you Stan?
3: What song was your first?
4: What’s your current favorite song?
5: What members personally resembles yours the most?
6: If you had to pick a specific racha which would you choose?
7: What’s one attribute of the members do you like the most? (Example: Chans dimples)
8: What’s your favorite album?
9: Do you have any albums?
10: Have you been to a concert?
11: Who’s your favorite duo?
12: Favorite cover/solo songs:
13: Favorite SKZOO?
14: If you had a day with one member what would you wanna do with them?
15: Who’s your favorite singing voice?
16: Who’s your favorite to watch dance?
17: Do you have a favorite SKZ Code?
18: Favorite MV?
19: Who do you think you’d be best friends with?
20: Let’s feed those delusions, Who are you picking for a date and what are you doing?
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nefariousathen · 6 months ago
【•⊱𝑴𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒚 𝑶𝒇 𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉 II•⊱】 (Written October 14 2021)
[To associate was just as exhausting as existing for me. Pretending to listen to every trivial word someone had to say or act as if I had interest in a thing they were talking about at all.
This is solely the reason I was never the family gathering type. It was rare I was around anyone but I made them the exception. Not their friends or Aunt Marcelina’s “extended” family.
Just them.
I take my half empty glass of scotch along, black silk robe still clinging to me. Putting effort into my attire crossed my mind but I didn’t see the necessity when there’s already effort in me coming.
What would be the need in dressing up to go in the dining area that resides in the comfort of my home?
If I don’t get up now I won’t go at all. Without further procrastination, I start to make my way to them. Sauntering down the lengthy halls with paintings of each of us on the walls.
I slide my hand along the metal railing as I’m taking slow strides down our extended stairway. Each turning loop made me feel like I had been walking forever. Maybe that’s the drinks settling in.
Finally meeting the end of the stairs I take my hand away from the railing, noticing all the dust I had collected that I sweep from my fingers.
That was unusual.
If there was anything Aunt Marcelina did, it was keep the house spotless.
I proceeded to make my way down another endless hall, I can already hear their laughter and chatter. Finally entering the dining area, things were very dim down here, closer to dark than I expected. The round table had nothing except old glasses of whine and rotted fruit.
You can smell a scent of death in here so potent to ruin the appetites of all who wished to attend.]
This is an…
unnecessarily large table for only six people.
[“𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅’𝒗𝒆 𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒅𝒆𝒄𝒆𝒏𝒕, 𝑨𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒏.” Evel was doing what he always did, more than what was asked of him. “𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒆, 𝑨𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒏. 𝑰’𝒎 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒚 𝒚𝒐𝒖’𝒓𝒆 𝒋𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒖𝒔.” Aunt Marcelina intervenes, placing her cool hand on my shoulder with a smile.]
I didn’t want to but the thought of you wasting your immortal life worrying about me is unsettling.
[“𝑫𝒐𝒏’𝒕 𝒃𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒐𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒉, 𝑨𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒏. 𝑰𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆’𝒔 𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑰 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒄𝒆𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒍𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒇.” I’ve never known her to lie. This could only mean one thing. . .]
Then why did Evel lead me otherwise?
[He played me like a imbecile. I don’t doubt there wasn’t a single bone in his body that cared for my well being. This is his childish and twisted doing.
His feeble attempt to watch me suck up the energy and he’d be the golden child that everyone noticed again. I was half tempted to leave before I heard Marius speak.
“𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒔𝒊𝒕. 𝑰’𝒅 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒐𝒏 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔”
It appears everyone else was sitting other than me. I would hope I wasn’t the reason they waited. I looked around, noticing the only other open seat was next to Louis. He was a less problematic one but he was the only one who found satisfaction out of mine and Evel’s shenanigans. This seating arrangement wasn’t coincidental at all.
Why’d the chatter stop? No one was talking anymore, it was like my presence alone had already ruined everything before it begun.
I walked over to my chair, pulling it out and taking my place in it. I grab a hold of my red wine, looking down into the crystal glass I can see the dust around the rim and the dead flies inside.
I’m going mad!
The way everyone takes their glasses and sip from them like it’s normal all the while my stomach recoils.
Everything about this feels wrong. I can feel it in my veins as the hairs on my arms stand.
And again this silence is bothering me, the way they all stare as if they’re waiting something of me.]
I didn’t want to come.
[That was another bad way to start a conversation, I cleared my throat as I sit the glass back down and pushed it furthest from me.]
But now that I’m here.
I’d like to apologize for my neglect. You’re the only one’s who would ever truly understand me.
[“ 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐧
I couldn’t answer, knots had formed in my throat and a pain consumed me like no other. Reality shifted and the images of everyone at the table became distorted before they were there no more. The blind spots I put in my brain to avoid this had been removed and every memory came seeping through.]
[I shouted as I staggered up from the table, knocking over old glasses of wine that spilled all over. The screws going unhinged to my broken mind.
I saw my reflection in their eyes, I was a beast that they seen. I wasn’t the boy they loved, I had become something they were afraid of.
I can hear their screams and taste their cool blood on my tongue all over again. I feel the pain of the splinters in my hand from when I drove stakes into their hearts.
I see the betrayal in their eyes and I can still hear them plea and beg.
“𝐖𝐡𝐲, 𝐀𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧?
𝐖𝐡𝐲 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬?
𝐇𝐨𝐰. 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝. 𝐘𝐨𝐮. 𝐃𝐨. 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬?”
I gave them all one last death experience and this time permanent.
My eyes were blinded by tears, within enhanced speed I had run back into my room like it was my only safe haven.
I’m coming to terms with it all over again. I tried to carry on like they were all still here. Like their body’s weren’t locked in the basement in decay, covered in veins and being feasted upon by rats.
I go on with the days like they are with me. Replaying our last moments together or simply just creating what I think new ones would be. What I did to them still haunts me. It’ll forever be traumatizing that I force myself to forget.
For all I know I killed them all and cursed myself to not only loneliness but being the eternally insane.
My reality so shattered that I can’t depict what’s real anymore.
If I let myself remember it’ll be harder for me to see myself for none other than a soulless monster.]
~Part II~
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castle-dominion · 2 years ago
c4x15 pandora
oh I feel like this is a little bit plot heavy but not really
THIS one is the who killed markiplier episode with a billion causes of death! Ye! tho tbh I remember this one & it is kind of intellectually stimulating & I am not on my meds yet this morning, I just took my meds I forgot last night & I want to give it some time in between to prevent nausea
MR: Oh, you’re making me your fabulous pasta Carbonara. Ohh, you shouldn’t have.
RC: I didn't
Castle is so allowed to be concerned for his baby's internship
(I've seen gifs tho ik what it is)
Your better half lol martha
MR: Ah, ah, ah, ah. My lips are sealed.
RC: Then you won’t be using them to eat my…pasta Carbonara.
MR: (sigh)All right. Well, let me say this. This internship has my personal Seal of Approval.
RC: That doesn’t make me feel any better.
hellacious? that a word? Is it the 80s?
LP: No I.D., but lots of causes of death.
RC: You mean, other than gravity?
LP: Oh, yeah. See that bullet wound?
[Lanie shines a light on the corpse.]
KB: So, he was shot before he fell?
LP: And stabbed.
KB: Shot and stabbed?
LP: And choked, and has a pencil jammed in the side of his neck.
RC: ouwa!? Gives new meaning to the term “overkill.”
JE+AC: *don't make eye contact don't make eye contact don't make eye contact*
RC, leaving, absent-mindedly: Hey alexis
AC, approaching Dr Parish: Hey *don't look suspicious don't look suspicious*
jdshafkjshdfjk great interaction
RC: It’s—I just—I don’t know if you should be exposed to crime scenes and dead bodies.
AC: Oh, I’m already used to it. It’s equal parts gross and cool.
LP: I heard that and I couldn’t agree with you more.
You really don't bleed that fast. & if you're wearing clothes it wouldn't happen like that. I've even done autosurgery & it would be hard to get a trail of blood that bloody.
He did not stand there for "a minute" he stood there for like two seconds while he opened the door, judging by how close the other droplets of blood are
KR: *talking abt the case* *watching the video* ,, Hey. Pretty cool about Alexis’ internship. *looks at castle* Or Not.
tbh I would totally keep the sandwich in my hand when it is in the air & I'd bring it with me
Ooh holy crap ryan's jacket is navy blue with black plaid-type stripes patterning it & it's pretty af, & then he's wearing a nice light blue shirt with no tie. I wish we got to see more of Luke Reichle's pants & shoes. That man is the bomb.
She's so calm talking abt her kidnapping & murder threat
Tina Massey: All he told me was that the man doesn’t exist.
Cut to LP: The man doesn’t exist as far as I can tell.
more broken bones than Evel Knievel. You’re not gonna believe his x-rays. I WANT TO SEE THE X-RAYS LETME SEE
Espt is looking nice today. Deep red maybe burdungy dress shirt & tie, grey jacket.
& Gage is gone!
Look up! Look up! People never look up!
Nice music
RC: Okay, hang on. Listen to me. I’m glad you weren’t there, because the kind of person who took John Doe’s body is the kind of person who wouldn’t think twice about hurting whoever got in the way.
That is the truth
VG: I assume he snuck out of the back exit.
KR: Actually, he went out through the front door
They call them blues, huh. Like how us chefs call them our whites.
btw I can't help but think that his name is phineas gage, the guy with the railroad pipe in his head or smth.
Whose desk is that??? Why is espt not doing this on his own computer? Why was he standing hunched over instead of sitting? Esp since he sits down now?
caskett outfits are also pretty btw.
Hold on the bullet is still in her head. She was shot in the back of the head & since there is no huge horrible exit wound or any exit wound at all, the bullet must still be in there. But where did all the blood come from? She is still bleeding out her nose but that would not have been enough blood
What is with ryan's shirt today? It seems pink but the collar (nice wide collar btw) is white.
Stay put to keep an eye on the body lol
Steaming cup of tea, sus.
& she lost her gun many times but always gets it back & it's ryan who is traumatized by 3xk having his gun
LP: Crazy. [...] The fact that Richard Castle, a man unburdened by regret and guilt, has a child that carried the weight of the world.
Well there was the time drug sellers stole their body
LP: Bodies just don't disappear
*enters a house with no body*
omg a NUMBER PAD for floors?? You have THAT MANY?
wait older bro said that the hospital he works at has number pads too nvm it can't be that much
*sexy lady walks up to castle*
Are we going to get to see Agent Gray?
So it's the detective beckett of the cia.
lmao treason is punishable by death? Screw that. U shouldn't be allowed to kill people & treason is a weird concept in the first place.
Thomas gage speaks 11 languages? I want that. He speaks english, german, french, spanish, portugese, greek, russian, arabic, cantonese, mandarin, urdu,
the cia: *does all the crap they did, a lot of which is a matter of public record*
The cia: *surprised pikachu when someone goes rogue*
Y'all sent ONE person to go pick up gage?
Becks has cell service down here?
Beckett you probably SHOULD have asked if u could answer seeing as you're in the cia & all
JE: She has a notation in her day planner, but all it says is....... *finds it & clicks on it even tho it is literally one word & I'm sure he could have remembered* “Pandora.”
Wow spies how sus.
What work have they done? Y'all are insane & stupid & lmao these spy stories are so weird & stupid.
Girl no you are not the cop here
RC: Ooh, wait. I’ve gotta see those direct-dial icons they put on our phones.
*beckett's has a CIA logo; castle's is a panic button*
ngl I feel bad for gates
Walks right thru espt lol
KR: So, seriously, what’s going on?
KB: Guys, I’m sorry. We really can’t talk about it.
JE: Come on. This is us.
*Beckett gives them a look*
*They turn to Castle bc they know they won't get it out of beckett & a musical bass plays*
RC: No. Hey, sorry, boys. Classified. Top secret. Our eyes only. Defcon 1. & if I did tell you, well, *looks them up & down* then I’d have to kill you.
JE, stepping forward a bit: Yeah? Good luck with that.
RC: Yeah, realistically, that’s not—
JE: I’m gonna go on record and say that this sucks.
KR: Sucks.
Mum def noticed the chess clock
castle adhd moments
woah that is pricey af! I'm glad I live in canada where we have space
Ew. It's like that tiktok trend where girls that are "not like other girls" show off by talking cars. Who cares? Cars are boring to me but cool to you good job have fun but I don't care. I like rocks & minerals & rocks are a dirty boy thing but do you care? no!
who laps whoM
Castle's right
Car phone?
Oh lol. *69?
Whoa ok that was fast & seemingly risky. I watched that at 1/16 speed & still idk what's going on it's so fast
Why phones on the ground tho... please don't break them ugh ok fine whatever. That's spy stuff for you
KB: (whisper) Castle. *Beckett turns on her flashlight. She finds Castle cringing.*
KB: Castle, what are you doing?
RC: Bracing myself to shield you from a hail of bullets. *goes back to cringing*
KB: Yeah, well, that’s very gallant of you, but you can stop bracing. I think he left.
RC: Oh. Man, my life was passing before my eyes. I think I lost track of time.
Punch out the tail light?
Aren't you supposed to tell people where you are going now?
KB: ... You pressed the panic button, didn’t you?
RC: Well, if there was ever a time to panic, I think this was it.
KB: Yeah, especially since it was Detective Ryan who found it.
Sophia Turner: By using all the coolest toys.
Just like Jesse or Jacquie or whoever the fbi lady was.
Edit:Jordan shaw
What if it was a call NOT to new jersey or OVER 60 seconds?
Math guy? Tracy was a math fellow too
lmao spy shit & USA shit
As a deaf person: no
Tracy played chess
Sus girly
*says their plan right in front of the cia elevator boy*
that would be a sad job you're a highly trained spy & your job is to stand in the elevator
surprised her hair is that nice
RC: I’m not in a--… How did you find out about that? No, wait. Let me guess. Beckett to Lanie to Alexis to you.
RC: Is nothing sacred?
MR: Not much.
What if it is not a chess play maybe it is people & locations
JE: I found one from ten years ago. Tracy and a bunch of her grad student friends went on a white-water rafting trip with a Dr. Blakely, their professor, although it wasn't a good time for him. He drowned during the trip.
*Esposito hands Beckett the accident report.*
KB: So he faked his death and Tracy was in on it.
JE: WHO faked his death-- BLAKELY??
[ugh the way his voice cracks a bit on "blakely" oof]
*Esposito grabs the report back.*
KB: Uheuah… I'm sorry. I can't tell you.
JE, shaking head: You know, a man can only take so much.
RC: She isn't my partner. You are.
That little smile he loves her
I don't want to ask a question.
*asks question*
Vulnerability assessment...?
Big bro didn't realize this was POST 2008
y u asking abt the linchpin? He wouldn't trust u
dun dun dun & then he dies & then the car goes omg bro open a window before u go under
aaaand they're under. If you are in a car, you must open the window BEFORE you get under the water.
Ok that is the end of the disc. I just watched the blue butterfly & I saw the commentary recently too so I won't be transcribing that today. The deleted scene is good tho. Alexis is talking abt all her internships & says she's going to apply to them all & whichever ones she does NOT get into, well, good. It eliminates them for her. Good idea.
Welp that was fun. I might go back & film some clips to post obsessively now.
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innestahtinen · 2 years ago
Letterboxd doesn't have the cinematic masterpiece Knievel's Quest: Bigfoot (2020) so I'll put my running thoughts here.
Note: all the stuff in apostrophes are direct quotes, taken from the video transcript.
- saying that 'my friends all call me Squatchie' doesn't feel like a compliment by any stretch
- the 'biggest wood carving of Bigfoot' looks like a man covered in feathers or leaves, my closest cultural reference is either Rose Matafeo yelling Stella on Taskmaster, or the Cripple MOAB upgrade for Sniper Monkeys in btd6
- 'if you refer to Dr Ivan T Sanderson's book The Abominable Snowman: Legend Comes to Life and as well as John Green's work or any of the four horsemen' let me consult my textbook; The Abominable Snowman by Dr R.A. Montgomery, its on my shelf right next to Director H.I. Larry's guides on how to be spies.
- one of the people they idolise is a Mr Tom Slick, who allegedly went to the Himalayas and found some Yeti feces, their hero is someone who found some shit on a mountain and said, 'yeah, that's from a fucking yeti' At this point, I'm 7 minutes into this 92 minute doco.
- 'There is no registry of DNA for the Sasquatch creature, from an ignorant race of science and academics' Science is full of it and you can't trust it, listen to me, and Evel Knievel's son, and four randos who wrote books about big monkeys, and our hero who scooped up shit.
- 'The right habitat for Bigfoot? I have no clue. I've heard they've been cited [sic] in a lot of places but mostly the Northwest.' Down here in Australia we have our own bigfoot thing, called a Yowie. the first picture on Google, when I looked it up to see if I was making something up, has a big furry humanoid holding a kangaroo by the tail. You might know that down here we've got the best climate for thick-furred animals, big deserts, water, and rainforest. I don't really have a point here, it just what comes to mind.
- the guy I just quoted previously wants to find a Bigfoot, 'I hope it's a female 'cause it might only last for two minutes. And then I could have a half a bigfoot, a half - nevermind'
- I can't tell any of these people apart, but one of them is crediting the creation of Mountains and Valleys to bigfoot
- I've heard it from some video that the best thing to do with documentaries like this is to mute them and admire the scenery, might have been QuintonReviews, might have been Diamondbolt, I don't remember
- there's been like 10 minutes with not much to talk about or make fun of or anything, because they went to a bookshop and these two guys are talking about making maps, which is neat, and aging trees to try and find where the original footage was shot.
- ' A: "I wanna build a treehouse and live here and just be out here" B: "Well that tactic might work." ' of course it might, if you want to see birds without them seeing you, you might go behind a hide, can't really go above them because they might look up, they're birds, I don't know if there's many stories of bigfoot climbing trees.
- there's a guy who was apparently a park ranger who had an encounter with a sasquatch, and he had a camera, but he'd used all his film already taking pictures of illegal logging, oh what a shame, if only if only. He's full of it.
- so the guy, who I think is Evel Kinievels son, said 'oh, it could be aliens' and the guy at the museum said 'it's possible' don't bring aliens into your shitty bigfoot theories, I'm not doing it again this year (earlier in the year, I watched another bad documentary called 'The Bigfoot Alien Connection Revealed' which was much easier to find humor in because it was someone theorising, and then standing in a shed for 10 minutes. It was terrible, I recommend it)
- so in the museum they've got loads of footprint casts, and 'Now the guy that found all these originally was a hoaxer', so I've got to wonder, Why do you believe these?
- as is the norm, all the descriptions are different, with one guy telling about how he saw Bigfoot; a) at like 6 in the morning, and b) in 2005, walking along with arms perpendicular but turned in. I asked for a hand with a cultural reference so that you might know what I meant, and my brother suggested Pennywise, before he started to dance, and I thought of Lonely Island's The Creep.
- another "witness" said that he knew it was a bigfoot, not a bear, because it had an ass.
- consistency isn't their strong suit, said earlier about how the best place is the Northwest, up to Alaska, a guy now is saying the best place is Texas, if you want to hear the {Bigfoot Plural, Bigfoots, Bigfeet} call. Just a coincidence that Texas is probably warmer than Oregon, Montana, Washington, whatever, and so other Bigfoot hunters can go there at night and not feel as cold.
- I know you're a stuntman, but I don't care, I'm watching this for the stupid bigfoot explanations, not history of you jumping things
- so for you to catch a bigfoot, you'd probably want to put it in a cage like in Atlantis: The Lost Empire, and you couldn't take it out by truck, because other ones might try and help it escape, so you'd want to airlift it out.. oh wait, that's the ending of Cryptid Island from Poptropica. Even if you did get it in, it'd just escape like Stoeffel the Honey Badger
- 'You're telling me that two broke cowboys from Yakima Washington drove all the way down here, they went 25 miles up this rugged canyon to fake a monkey suit?' Yeah, so that you know that noone would be in the background. You go out into the woods randomly, you might, you go 25 miles away, where there aren't any roads yet, and you won't.
- 'we have 10 zillion things in the ocean we'll never see' I hope there's a Kraken, or just megafauna in general. Anything from Lego Atlantis.
- and for the last 20 minutes, they'll finally go camping, hoping to see something, will they? Of course not.
- the guy I think is Knievel's son said something about how he's had a bunch of spooky and scary experiences around Washington State, and to enhance that for the audience, they put an overlay of a person in a dark hood, OooOOoh, and a jumpscare from a game, of a pale figure with blood on it, spoOOoky.
- and they're doing exactly what I was hoping, they've left their camp slightly out of frame, and are yelling in a forest.
- the one thing I'll give them credit for is the video cameras they have out in the woods, apparently they've been there for 8 years, filming 24/7, and it's collecting videos and clips that could be used for conservation and monitoring of animals, according to them they've even seen a Humbolt Marten, a weasel type thing that was apparently extinct, look them up, they're kinda cute.
- I give it 2/5 stars; the stuff about maps and tree aging was interesting, love Bigfoot, and the work with their wildlife cameras is admirable, but it was boring the rest of the time.
Thank you, this has been Something Something with Innes Tahtinen.
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stupid-o-clock · 2 years ago
i i ive been feeling s annoying lately
there isnt even a specific reason- literally nothing hapepned everyday has been the same yet i feel like im annoying everyone :/ this episode seems to come around every few months lol and i always fixate on a game during it- usually fortnite bc i can play it for hours aloe in BR or creative modes without getting bored and having to ask someone to play with me
i guess it works out bc i can grind out some evels fast by myself but i just feel so lonely while i do it and and i dont wanna ask anyone to play bc what if they think im annoying! i know they dont but the fear of being annoying is so fucking huge everytime i feel like this its so aghsjska
im playing deathrun rn and there isnt much to foxus on except landing the right jump nd im js listening to podcasts or music while i do it so my brain isnt occupied enough and i start thinking ab shit like what if my gf hates me and thats y they took a bit too long to reply today when in reality bun was prob just watching a video or something lmfao
i always like- message people less too during this too- usually im the one startong convos yk so i do it less bc i dont want to bug anyone but what if they think i dont like them bc im msging them less? idek how to let them know like hey im not ignorin u or anything i js feel like shit so i dont wanna talk to anyone well i do but i dont wanna start the convo bc im scared im annoying you haha
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softstraykidshours · 2 years ago
stray kids fic-mas: day 1
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pairing: minho x gn!reader
genre: fluff, angst if you squint
summary: minho tries to cheer you up for the holiday season.
length: 531
warnings: slight food mention, christmas mention
ficmas 2022 masterlist
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you walk down the hallway to your apartment that you share with your boyfriend, minho. although you love coming home to him, your apartment was making you a little sad this time of year. this was going to be your first christmas away from home. you had plans to visit for a couple days once christmas actually rolls around, but considering that you're the type of person that starts celebrating christmas on november 1st, it felt really weird to not be preparing for your favorite holiday with your family. minho is absolutely amazing, and he's been doing his best to cheer you up which you appreciate greatly, but he can tell you're having a hard time with this change. you don't even have any christmas decorations for your apartment, and you haven't really had time with your busy work schedule to buy any, so even your apartment was making you sad.
you unlock the door and set your shoes and bag in the entryway. that's when you glance around and see your place.
multicolored christmas lights are hanging from every place they could possibly hang from. tinsel is draped across any surface it'll fit. and in the corner you see a small christmas tree.
minho peeks his head out from behind the tree - he was busy stringing lights around it.
"you're home!" his face lights up as excitement dances in his voice.
"min, what's all this?" you stare around the apartment in awe as you walk over to him.
"i thought this might cheer you up a little," he says as he meets you halfway in the living room. "do you like it?"
you wrap your arms tight around him in a deep hug, burying your face in his chest. "i love it!"
you pull away from him slightly to look up at him with a fond smile, and he smiles back down at you.
"thank you," you say before giving him a soft kiss.
"you're welcome," he smiles before squeezing you in another tight hug. "i'm sorry you can't be with your family for the holiday season to do all your family traditions. i know how much those mean to you."
"it is sad, i miss not being with them this time of year. i appreciate you trying to help out, it means a lot. sorry i've been so glum lately," you respond.
"that's what I'm here for. and please don't apologize for that," he begins. "and you know, we're each other's family now too, so maybe we could make our own little traditions. i know it won't be the same, but i think it would be fun."
a wide smile forms across your face. "you're right. that would be wonderful. i love you."
"i love you, too. now, what do you say to some hot cocoa and christmas tree decorating?" minho asks.
"let's do it," you reply gleefully. "but only if we can listen to christmas evel."
you throw him a playful wink, and he rolls his eyes in fake annoyance.
"fine," he sighs out before letting out a small chuckle. he gives you a quick kiss before he goes to the kitchen to get the hot cocoa ready.
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alittlebirb · 3 years ago
Some vicarious victories from the MCC 23 Orange Ocelots!
Quig for some reason believing Aqua Axolotls wasn't a team this MCC, suggesting that perhaps NoxCrew switches it up every so often??? Sir???
"Considering I've looked at a monitor my entire life, I might need glasses. But if I never go to the eye doctor, I'll never know!" -Quig
Quig talking about how he likes taste tasting energy drinks like the gamer he is
Martyn detailing how he's at a disadvantage for half of the games in this event, and Eret reassuring him last time she didn't even watch the video before playing MD and her team ended up winning!
Eret asking Quig if he'd like to be an honorary British person for the event, and Quig replying "Um...I don't know."
Eret designating him British because he's part Scottish and Quig asking for sadges in the chat
The three of them having an extended talk about accents
"I have a mute button, so I can give that a quick press every time I'm coughing up a lung." -Martyn
"I may have destroyed our team morale, because I met Finn at Twitch Con the other day and absolutely destroyed him at this weird shuffleboard game, so I don't think we're on the best of talking terms right now." -Martyn
Eret mentioning how they used to watch Martyn when they were 10, and Quig also saying he used to watch Martyn as a kid, and Martyn being hit with a wave of ohmygodI'vebeendoingthisfor11years
"I'm all for being bossed around, feel free to use my ears." -Martyn
Finn not unmuting until they're literally a minute into the decision dome
Everyone agreeing cakes are The Strat in SG
Quig talking about how he was sent an orange ocelot by Mojang a while ago, and Eret being taken aback at the flex
Finn and Eret joining forces as the crop top wearers
Martyn complaining Finn said he was going to cosplay him, he stole half of his clothes at Twitch Con and everything!
Everyone being disgusted at the Mike Wazowski skins Lime have on, although Quig acknowledges how impressive it is they got a skin for Antfrost so quickly
Everyone bullying Finn for looking like Vector from Despicable Me
Eret reflecting on how the rule about continuing the event if a player takes too long started because of that one time he bluescreened during SOT
"Thank you for killing Elaina for me." -Eret
Eret and Martyn gaslighting Quig into believing British people say 'evelator' instead of 'elevator'
Quig making sure that Finn is very clear on the fact they have to activate the elytra in AR now
"Listen, I don't know if you need a carry on this one, but not to brag, one time I got 38th." -Finn
Martyn getting mistaken for Phil many times during Twitch Con, to the point even Fundy mistook him at one point
"Oh, I've fallen." -Martyn
"And I can't get up? :D" -Quig
Quig noting CPK got first place, and Martyn predicting that'll be in his All Things MCC highlights video
"How tall are you Quig?" -Finn
"Six foot." -Quig
"...Okay someone else go." -Finn
Everyone weird dunking on CPK's team when Quig goes straight for him
"I got the dunk and I knew what I needed to do." -Quig
Quig mentioning his girlfriend is knocking everything over, and Eret taking no prisoners and asking if his girlfriend's a cat
"I'm not that lonely, Eret! Jeez!" -Quig
"Jeez, I'm not that lonely! It's a dog." -Martyn
Quig mentioning he has 4 dogs, Eret saying that's too many dogs, and Quig saying actually, that's ~four~ many dogs
"Does Sapnap's skin have nipples?" -Martyn
Martyn discussing the his pattern of dodgebolts, as he's been in dodgebolt twice before, both times on Orange, both times he's lost, and both times a teammate did a wildly improbable shot
Quig removing his shades, which then prompts Eret to demonstrate how she can transform into Herobrine with a single click of a button
"I'm being gaslit this entire MCC, I thought I was supposed to trust me teammates!" -Quig
"Have you ever played in this event before?" -Martyn
"A- almost all of them!" -Quig
Finn explaining that he keeps muting because he's just screaming and doesn't want to ruin their streams
Eret's stats reading that they eliminated 0 players and 1 teammate in SB
Quig inadvertantly killing Finn in the next round by placing a block, and Martyn dying to his TNT later on
"Man, we are great at team killing!" -Eret
Martyn being disappointed at the lack of employees manning the Burgers But Fast stand, and asking "what are we not paying the NoxCrew for?"
Martyn giving his dark unhinged theories on Spongebob's crabby patty recipe
Eret pointing out a fan with a L'Manburg skin for being outdated
Orange winning against Red in PKT in a stunning bit of foreshadowing
"Something possessed me today, I've never played like that in my life." -Martyn
Martyn saying he's beginning to Covid Crash and Quig advising him to get his wife to get him a 5 hour energy
"Ever since I took my glasses off, we've been doing great!" -Quig
Finn comparing his eyes to a "creature", and calling Quig's "uncanny valley"
Eret doing breathing exercises to calm themselves down for RSR
Quig saying if they follow him on the bridging TGTTOS maps, they'll get the team bonuses...hopefully..."knock on wood. *knock knock knock*"
"I'm on the struggle bus, boys." -Martyn
Eret seeing Elaina struggle to finish and typing <L> in the chat
Elaina seeing Eret struggle to finish and putting <L> in the chat
"Follow Bedwars man!" -Finn about Quig
The slowly building realization that they could actually go to DB!
Quig repeating the whole way through that communication is where it's at! Communication is what we need!
Finn constantly having wardrobe and technological malfunctions throughout MD
The incredible communication during MD, with Orange winning two rounds in a row!
Everyone letting out a harmonized "woo!" after the second round
Quig shaking in fear when entering the coin room and asking for someone to hold his hand
"Come on Antfrost, I love you buddy but you gotta lose!" -Finn
3 of them ending up in the Top 5 players again!
The SCREAMING when they realize they're in DB!
"The rags to riches story!" -Finn
"Already, I feel my pulse in my throat." -Martyn
"I'm out of breath, even though this is Minecraft!" -Eret
"I've got cold sweats and goosebumps, and I'm not sure which one's Covid!" -Martyn
"Covid symptoms remarkably similar to Dodgebolt nerves." -Finn
Finn hurting his hand from how hard he clapped when they won a round
"Thank you very much for the vibes today boys!" -Martyn
Eret and Quig saying they had to help their childhood hero win
"Is this just calling me old, we have to help the old man with his Zimmerman up the stairs?" -Martyn
"It was payback for the years of entertainment." -Quig
Finn running past the team in the Hall Of Fame while they stand in front of their statues and everyone screaming at him that they're right there! Right here!
Martyn clarifying that it was not his wife who ran in screaming happily, he has Covid, she would not do that
Martyn planning on buying a "thicc chain" to put the MCC coin on
Quig deciding to put the coin on his Orange Ocelot stuffed animal
Orange Ocelots finished MCC 23 in 1st place!
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raplinenthusiasts · 2 years ago
I was tagged by @jiminsproof to share my current top 5 songs and because i love talking about music here we are :)
RM - Lonely bc i'm already addicted
Stray Kids - Christmas EveL bc i was listening to this since september and now my family can't look strangely at me when they hear christmas song xd
Rina Sawayama - Imagining bc just found her and i love her already
Rosalia - Candy yeah this song... i never left
Daria Zawiałow i Sokół - Laura, bo teledysk do tej piosenki jest genialny
tagging: @cordiallyfuturedwight @starcatching @hoonamjoon @wildflowerjoon @clutterbugs @sevencoloredstar @leesjieuns @taegi of course only if you want :)
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jonghoyah · 3 years ago
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Top 10 songs of 2021 that hit me like a truck
Okay since I already did my top ten songs for the first and second half of 2021, I decided to switch it up for the end of the year and present to you the top ten songs that slapped me in the face and changed me on a spiritual level.
1. Advice by Taemin: listen… LISTEN! THIS SONG!! When it first came out (quite early in the year) I said to my friends “this is it. this is the song of the year”. And I was right! Nothing compares, probably my all time favourite k-pop song.
2. Paranoia by Kang Daniel: nothing ever managed to portray anxiety and depression as well as this mv, it’s incredible, next.
3. Higher by A.C.E: I will never shut up about how criminally underrated ACE are! They’re the kings of concept, nobody does it like them and everyone needs to stop sleeping on them!
4. Luna by ONEUS: this mv is just absolutely gorgeous and breathtaking. I love, love, love it so much!
5. Spider by Hoshi: the song? A bop! The mv? Inspired! The choreo? Spider-Man wishes he looked half as cool doing spider moves!
6. LibidO by OnlyOneOf: this song… this mv… my gay little heart about DIED when I first saw it. If you haven’t seen it yet, go and watch it as well as the performance version because that choreo… my gOD!
7. 0X1=Lovesong by TXT: I was already a casual TXT listener before they dropped this masterpiece and violently dragged me back to my angsty teenage years. And then they followed it up with Loser=Lover, infuckincredible!
8. Lose by Wonho: listen I can respect any man that will slut it up, drenched in water to an absolute banger.
9. Goosebumps by ONF: other bands disappear to the military with a sad goodbye song. ONF said we don’t do this here, we are known for our fun bops, so we’ll mash four title tracks into one absolutely insane song, byyeeee!
10. Christmas EveL by Stray Kids: we all know I’m a bitch for SKZ, but my god, they really knocked it out of the park with this one! Exactly what I thought a Stray Kids Christmas song would sound like and I LOVE IT!
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astraykidz · 2 years ago
🎶💿Discography Tag💿🎶
thank u for tagging me lily @blueprintchan 🩷
rules: pick a musical artist/band and pick a favorite song(s) off each of their albums!
artist: Stray Kids
Mixtape: YAYAYA
I am NOT: 3rd eye except that's depressing so i'll say Awaken/District 9
I am WHO: My Pace, Awkward Silence
I am YOU: 편 My Side
Clé 1: MIROH: Miroh/Victory Song
Clé 2: Yellow Wood: Side Effects/TMT
Clé: Levanter: Stop/Levanter/Sunshine
SKZ2020: My Pace/Awkward Silence/MIROH/Victory Song/19/Side Effects (I'M SORRY THEY'RE ALL JUST TOO CLOSE FOR ME TO CHOOSE LESS)
GO LIVE: God's Menu/Easy/TA/Haven (the first time i listened to haven i remember thinking "oh this'll definitely be an end of concert song" and i was RIGHT and now it makes me sob and how did i not cry at the concert even though i cry so much about it now.)
IN LIFE: The Tortoise and the Hare/Back Door/Easy/God's Menu/TA/Haven
NOEASY: CHEESE/소리꾼 Thunderous/DOMINO/Silent Cry/WOLFGANG (but legitimately i love NOEASY like that whole album (and all of in life) are on my favorites playlist)
Christmas EveL: Christmas EveL/Winter Falls
SKZ2021: Awaken/3rd Eye/편 My Side/고잔난 나침반 Broken Compass
ODDINARY: Maniac/거미줄 Venom
Maxident: Case 143/Give Me Your TMI/TASTE
SKZ-REPLAY: (I think it's impossible for me to choose less than 5 for this one, forgive me) Connected (AKA song my wife wrote for me <3), DOODLE, RUN, Deep end, 인정하기 싫어/i hate to admit, Maknae On Top, 외계인/Alien, 좋으니까/Because, 오늘 밤 나는 불을켜/Up All Night
This is so long i'm sorry, i'm not joking when i say Stray Kids is my ult and i have never so consistently and thoroughly liked a musical artists whole discography the way i do Stray Kids', so even what i narrowed it down to was hard for me lmao
(and i wrote the korean titles/parts of titles as practice for myself except for awkward silence because what the fuck that's like. a fallout boy title translated to korean or something why is it so long)
i'm gonna tag uuuuuhhh @chanstopher @hanjesungs @winterfloral @jerirose @starliightchan and uuuuhhh anyone else who wants to do it lol and if u don't want to that's fine too and i understand bc this was physically painful for me to choose between certain ones sometimes lmao
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