mickmundy · 1 year
2, 14, 51 from the otp asks for Bushmed and/or spoovy? 😊
HIIIII MY FRIEND ABOSLUTELY!!!! EEHEEEE and omg you know i'll never pass up an opportunity to talk about bushmed AND spoovy... HEHE... >:)c
2. What would they do if the other woke in a manic state after a nightmare? omg... don't hurt/comfort me.,., OHHH NOOOOOOOOOO.,., so in my fics medic is gradually worrying more and more about how sniper is becoming less of a coworker/successful experiment and more of an.,,. object of affection... and i think it's important to medic that no matter how close he gets with someone, it's important that his Clinical Thoughts doesn't get mixed with his Emotional Thoughts and unfortunately sniper is in fact a delicious mixture of the two :(... HEHE.. but i think once they start dating and going to bed together, sniper's always the first to fall asleep. being cuddled up to medic just makes him so sleepy hehe!! but with sniper, medic has a hard time "leaving work at the office"., so once sniper's asleep he'll sometimes (carefully, quietly) check his vitals as discreetly as he can (ones he can without any equipment of course), specifically checking in on his heart. it's more about The Ritual of doing so than anything else (like "oh shit did i leave the oven on? better go double check" type of thing) except, you know, it's sniper's life. so medic will listen to sniper's heart and tell himself it's fine, he's fine, go to bed. but sometimes if he falls asleep worrying about it, he'll SWEAR he heard sniper's heart stop and jolt awake and press his ear to sniper's chest... only to hear the reliable thump thump thump... whew okay see! nothing to worry about! i don't think sniper has nightmares very often so i can see medic's Hyperactive Mind/Weird Sleeping Schedule making him more prone to them. when he gasps and jolts awake sniper instantly wakes up and is like "y'okay, pidge? sorry, did i squish you?" (even though it would be impossible for sniper to squish medic imo LOL) and medic takes a deep breath in through his nose and is like "no, aheh, i'm sorry my heart, i must have had a dream!" and pulls sniper close to him and sniper curls around him and is like "sleep, dovey." (said like a groggy "order") and medic nestles against him and is like "ja, ja, alright, alright,.," but his eyes open again and he presses his palm to sniper's skin... alright it's not too cold, not deathly cold like it was when it was fished out of that ocean water in new zealand and dumped in the morgue and- 14. How do their personalities compliment each other? How do they clash? OOHHH FUN ONE... i think they're a very fun ship because they can be written as Clashy OR Complimentary... both of them are capable of tenderness though only reserved for Very Few people... both are capable killers who can be (read: Not Exclusively) cold and cunning.., a really interesting dynamic for them for me personally is sniper's professional code vs medic's complete lack thereof and how it affects not only them individually, but how they interact with each other.... i think they're both mutually respectful of it but it's definitely a fun thing to think about!! i've touched on that in one of my mini fics for bushmed week that i wrote last year! of course i think they compliment each other because i think sniper needs someone who is a bit more Outgoing than he is to really show him how to have fun (and in medic's case, make mischief!) and let loose!! HEHE... 51. What’s a non verbal way they say I love you? UWAA so many.., sniper leaving one of his shirts for medic to cuddle up to when sniper gets up early and medic stays asleep.. medic massaging sniper's (sore, but he'll never admit it) hands after a long day on the field... laying in silence together and focusing on the sounds of them being Alive Together (sniper likes listening to medic's breathing and medic likes listening to sniper's heart)... ;-;
2. What would they do if the other woke in a manic state after a nightmare? i hc that heavy has ptsd (and gets treatment from medic for it) and that he is actually quite the restless sleeper. he tries not to bother spy with it if he can, but spy is too receptive to just let heavy brush it off! spy is a night owl himself so he'll often lay in bed with heavy and rub his head or his back while he reads and heavy falls right to sleep! if heavy has a nightmare, spy is awake and right there, ready to comfort him. he asks if he wants to talk about it, or if he needs him to go and get medic. spy always makes sure there's a glass of water and a snack on the bedside table (i think they're both bed time/night time snackers! hehe) if heavy wants it, but usually he's just glad spy is there with him. he focuses on spy running his thumb over the shell of his ear and spy Volunteers to read to him (one of heavy's russian copies of his favorite books, but reads it in french; something heavy loves) and lets heavy cut in with anecdotes about translation and language while spy hums lovingly... <3 14. How do their personalities compliment each other? How do they clash? tbh i think they have very complimentary personalities. level-headed, rational, very calculated people. i have no clue where the "heavy is dumb" trope came from but i hate it soooo much. i think they're also on the same footing intellectually as well as street-smarts and mercenary capability. while their skillset is Very Opposite i'd say they're still mutually knowledgeable and very emotionally intelligent, too. spy's a little more thickheaded than heavy is, but i think spy needs someone who can cup his face and be like hey. listen and give him earnest advice when he needs it. which is often. because spy is the world's most grand supreme darling little girlfailure and i think heavy sees that but also respects spy enough to know it's more complicated than whatever "surface level reasons" spy has for doing what he does! 51. What’s a non verbal way they say I love you? ah! they love leaving each other notes. it's the linguists in them! spy leaves heavy little notes tied to sasha with a ribbon and heavy stashes notes in spy's disguise kit or in the book he knows he's going to pick up later that day. heavy thinks it's fun to "communicate like a spy does" and spy likes the cheekification of "communicating like a spy does"!! it's playful and very flirty for both of them and they often play games of trying to catch one another in the act of placing the notes!! HEHE.., they have yet to catch each other though!!! >:)
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