#WHAT is this stuff about number systems and barricade. they are touring for a REASON.
batw1nggg · 2 years
wholly against gatekeeping allow people to enjoy things etc. this being said. every time i hear new my chemical romance discourse i think well we can all collectively make one exception
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bluewinnerangel · 3 years
I am on the other side of the world and still can’t move on from this. How does anyone with daily contact with him survive?
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ALSO HIS SHIRT. ALSO HIS LIL CURL His curl I couldn't stop watching.... I got the good stuff men i was bless-ed my show fucking ruled so fking hard
Also orange shirt plus Teenage Dirtbag in Amsterdam? This plus that equals:
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I just wanna put this pic somewhere too where he might or might not be looking at me and my funny lil shirt im not gonna tell u what it is because i might wanna wear it again and i don't need to be recognised but like who knows its half a pixel but I love these pics lol like the experience bro to experience HIM. LIKE. HE'S REAL. HE'S THERE AND HE WAS SO GOOD. SO AMAZING.
Okay I'll try to stop all-capsing now and tell you all about it. Gonna put a cut in because BLAAAAA about the entire thing including a lot of personal experience queueing and seeing the fans and stuff so if you're here to read a beautiful written concert review about all the songs you're shit outta luck that mans everything i have no words for how mindblowing it was but ill throw some pics at the end to make up for all the rambling ok:
Before the concert - So first of all I have to acknowledge how much of a privilege it is to even be able to watch him like that, not just that he's got a show somewhere close enough to you it doesn't cost you a fortune to even be there (and then still.. to even be able to afford a ticket), and managing to get a ticket in the first place, but I joined the queue in the afternoon the day before in order to be sure of a good spot without being an asshole about it sdfasd (with that I mean, others ensured their spots with other tactics causing quite the.. vibe.. at the front there. It's not even the "cutting line" I'm bothered by it's the part where they'd just brag over and over how they did that. Like you're trying to make people around you feel like shit or start an argument like do you wanna get punched by a horde of exhausted people or what like let's just all enjoy the show instead maybe). Anyway about the privilege thing. You have to be able to afford the time and money to accommodate yourself and also.. who the fuck does that for anyone? that's insane it's absolute fucking insanity what the fuck are all of us what the fuck does this man do to us that we do that for him like it's. ridiculous. I can't believe how willing I was to do that ksadjlakj. I didn't think I was. I don't think it makes sense to do this. I'm gonna be honest here I don't enjoy this aspect of the fandom, this need to be in the first box of people to enter, to run to barricade (tbh that part was kinda fun), to exhaust yourself for 24+ hours, remove comfort, perhaps endanger yourself if you aren't able to do it properly for health reasons or just naivety or whatever, to all keep inching the time you need to be there to get a regular spot further up and up and up as tour goes on until people are claiming the venue doors a full 2 days in advance. And even on the day like if you wanna be in the first 2000 to get in you need to be there for like 8 hours (im just saying numbers here like these are prob total bs but you get the point) like either you camp to be in the first lil clump of people that are let in, or you just arrive just before it starts. Those are your options really. To be honest I wasn't planning on sitting there for 24hrs but I did, like on the spot I decided to stay, because I was there the day before just to bring my friends ( @ialwaysknewyouwerepunk and partner <3 EDIT: @caralara !!! I didn't know if you wanted to be tumblr official so I didn't tag but EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HI) some stuff for camping and then the plan was for me to go to sleep and join them early morning. But once the system was explained it was clear that would mean a lot of queueing by myself and I just wanted to be with them so I stayed and we managed and were somehow still prepared even though it was an improvised thing. It was actually really fun, I didn't mind any of it really. But that was 100% the company. And in that regard I do get this whole... situation we got going on before every show where fans are just all have a big camp out. It's addictive even, it's part of the whole experience, I do really get it, but for that aspect of it, not for the need to be at the front over and over again. That's just... an amazing perk then. Like really I'd queue again if there are people in it that I wanna hang out with and I wouldn't see them otherwise, but in no way am I sitting outside for that long solely to get a good spot at a concert. Even if that's louis. And the best fucking thing I've ever seen. Anyway on friday we just snoozed with a view of the tour bus which was like.. a night under the stars get it asddsf. The next day we sat in the front lil box for the special first 150 and it was funny to recognize a lot of common fandom faces and then figuring out from what exactly.
I also talked to one of the people working at the venue, and they said they've only seen something similar 4 or 5 events in the 20 years they've been doing this work, but they were all huge and in Ziggo Dome, another venue at that square. They also let us store our stuff in lockers beforehand at that venue instead (but i think a lot of people already had means to store their stuff)... I guess they got the memo we would NOT take ANY time putting those safe whatsoever once the doors opened. literally people were willing to risk their lives and possessions for a good spot. Really just all logic is out the window for louis tomlinson istg and I knew this of course but seeing it all around me was new. Oh but talking to other fans? TALKING TO ELLA? my PEOPLE my PEEOPLLLEEEEE I'm SO happy I got to meet you two you are such amazing amazing kind souls we're absolutely gonna meet again weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
So it got pretty shit about 2 hrs before we could get in, because the sun was JUST behind the building and all of us had already stored all our stuff and the temp was being weird, like it almost heated up and then it didn't so we weren't doin too well luv and that was the first moment I really felt like this wasn't it this wasn't the way akasljsal.
Inside - Once the doors opened of course it was total chaos and we ran and managed to get on what I think was 4th row? but by the end it was like 6 or 7. We were slightly to the left, this is the exact spot with the help of louis pointing at me of course its potato footage:
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There was a water sent into the crowd, us and the people in front and behind us had a job like we were constantly busy handing over plastic cups, both full ones into the crowd and empty ones back, it got a bit less motivated to keep that up after a while but let me tell you i NEEDED that water and so i also wanted everyone behind me to get it if they'd feel like me or worse. I was well hydrated, i needed to pee but you don't notice it at all with all the adrenaline, but with all the screaming and jumping and post covid lungs/throat you need it.
The intro is LOUD. LIKE. LOUD. Like I felt that everywhere and it adds to the buildup and anticipation perfectly and then the curtain falls and he walks in and I apparently look like a child with wonder in its eyes when he came on, because these bitches were filming me (<3) and I got to see my reaction and its .. askdljalks cute I guess. yeah and then he was just there. he was there. in HD boy real life in very high quality did you know that? and hes fucking perfect like seriously what the hell and he just-. I don't have words I don't get it. I was going in between losing my shit dancing and singing and everything, just standing there staring at him, and trying to take some pictures. Unfortunately the taking pictures caused me to miss his stupidass smileyface green wink flickering thing (did you pick that up online? Yeah it did.). I was taking pictures at that exact moment but it didn't catch it rip.
Another unfortunate bit was that my hearing got fucked from the beginning with all the screaming so I didn't get to fully experience his sound but it was already SO overwhelming in every other aspect I didn't even really mind plus the premise of seeing him again ASAP and experience it then, with the assumption I'll get a ticket (got my eyes on Antwerp so if anyone has one please) that is.
Then there were the stops... again... I don't know if it was just one person or multiple that needed assistance but the show got stopped 2 times and you can tell he's so fking sick of it. I was fking sick of it. Anyway shits not nice of me to say, perhaps these people were in big need of assistance for reasons out of anyone's control and it did end badly but you just get so desensitized to it when it happens constantly I'm just afraid people are either clueless to the point where they just didn't know they couldn't handle it, that with not knowing how to take care of themselves included, or knowing they can't but are willing to risk everything to see him... or they're exaggerating, perhaps not even consciously, to get an unfortunate notice. Like OmG LoUiS CaReS aBoUt Me yeah but do u care about louis anyway I'm just afraid of people, louis included, not responding anymore when there's a very critical emergency at some point and everyone yells to stop the show and louis is just like bitch here we go again whenever i stop the show everyones just good what are we doing lemme just continue? you know? I thought he said something like "really?" something too but it's all a blur.
have a pic have a pic
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But man the ENERGY? THE CONFIDENCE? THE even though i know every single fucking bit of this show because ive watched lives 30+x times this was still just all so .. another level. Ella warned me beforehand that it's nothing like it. The lives are missing the sound the vibe the entire stage his whole body how he moves how he talks where he is within the space how awesome his band is the crowd EVERYTHING and man I was not prepared. I have a lil confession i always thought he was a lil awkward. Cute awkward but still... I thought he was awkward and turns out you can make the most confident man look awkward when you zoom in on their face performing without showing the rest of the performance, environment, nothing, and perhaps further made awkward by you as the viewer sitting in your pjs snacking in front of a screen watching it, who knew, apparently. BOY OH BOY he is NOT awkward. He owns that fking stage. What the fuck. Not even a lil bit. I was so so so wrong. I'm. intimidated lol (somehow wasnt at all when he pointed ... i was like YUUUUUHHH BROOOO BRING IT [my partner is telling me to make an edit of mad max where hes like HE LOOKED AT ME HE LOOKED ME STRAIGHT IN THE EYE!!!! i just might]) but yeah so yeah jesus christ omg.
picspics this is a ramble
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As for things during the concert I noticed that were cute outside of the regular program... there was a sign in the crowd that said stage dive or something so he saw it, laughed at it, and then pretended to stage dive. it was cute af. he did rock paper scissors, he pointed and agreed with a sign that asked if they could smoke a joint together after the show, he cracked the absolute fuck up about a sign that said "stroganoff to get it wrong? In front of all these people" which was all the way to the right of the stage. Like he deadass just stayed in it it was so fking hilarious watching him just crackling.
He was vibing with someone off stage and making funny movements idk what it was but i was just staring like oh. He really loved some signs all the way to the left as well but I didn't know what they were.
He REALLY hated someone else that seemed to be at barrier on the left of the stage too, it was like... like a fucking dagger stabbed me lol he just gave them the 2 fingers british fuck you sign, then walked away not looking at them and flipping them off behind his back but it was with SUCH force. He was MAD. No idea what he saw but he was not happy. He then looked at one of the bandmembers like yeah they deserve it kinda thing.
He said "I see ya at the back" at some point and we looked back and didn't really see anything. There was a group cheering and jumping, so my best guess is he saw them vibing. There were pride flags on the balcony tho so it could have been that as well.
When he jumped off the stage during kmm we lost him for a long time and then he popped up reaaaaallyl short he just went BLOOP and gone, not sure about that, maybe someone pulled him? idk.
Also he refused to acknowledge a sign that said something not very interesting because we were right behind it and every time he came close like CLOSE CLOSE like i can SEE YOU SO WELL RN close the fucking sign would pop up with the speed of 28 lightyears so stronk so high so present I couldn't see him basically at fucking all i mean... it needs an arrow to show you where louis is because you can't fucking seeeeeeeeee, this is no zoom what it looked like:
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I mean.. after the 5th time he has stood right in front of you reading it you don't need to keep holding it up after that? He's read it. What do you want him to do? I'm sorry he's just not gonna interact with it the 28th time if he hasn't 27 times before. It's done lemme see him please :') But this is going somewhere I promise because after a while at more than one occasion he tried to look around it at fucking us god damn it and it was in the way and so I missed 2 or 3 interactions that were directed at either one of us or one of the people next to us because only one of us at the time could see him whenever he got near so I just got half of a sentence or movement or whatever that I couldn't make out now and then, no idea, maybe watch an uploaded live, I know this one was very close to us, maybe I will, but there's one happening very soon so. Anyway he could've been interested in giving us that lil pointypoint for many reasons of which half aren't mine to tell so I won't, but for me it was just 1) going fucking mental, and it wasn't to like get him to see me do that, but lemme tell you when he confirmed that he did and enjoyed it I just got such a fucking sense of like this is the tiny thing I just gave back to him that he's given me. That seems weird probably but I'm very very held back, not just with a celebrity everyone wants to get near it seems, but with anyone I'm just always thinking I'm violating peoples space and I annoy you when I alert you of my existence basically that's just a me thing and makes me not want to like, meet him, send him anything, just... nada. Like I just don't wanna bother anyone. But like this? It's perfect. He had all the freedom to not acknowledge me but he did on his own free will because he enjoyed it and fed off the energy there seeing how ALDKJSDKLJLK we were going from his music and performance? what the fuck else would i want like shit that's just. thats perfect. But then there's 2) which is my shirt, which again I'm not gonna say just yet but you're welcome to ask me in a dm if we talk of course, but it's just combining 2 things he's big on so it would make sense it'd catch his attention.
But that's not what I came there for. I don't wanna be like y/n moment xoxo let's get more (but also, I do now, because he RUINED IT. HE RUINED IT. nothing is gonna compare to him fucking being like YO THIS BITCH IS GOING FOR IT *P O I N T S* like fuck) I just wanted to see him at least once because I could, and I was honestly planning on getting there just before it started and standing at the back by myself, chilling. But that's not what I got, I got to meet amazing people and had the fucking time of my fucking life holy shit. Like everything went better than I could've ever imagined and he was better than i had imagined and i already thought he was everything.
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purplecantaloupe · 4 years
It’s after arzaylea’s break up with Luke. Luke shuts everyone out and Ashton calls the reader to help out with Luke after he shuts everyone out. Luke reveals his feelings to the reader after she comes over.
The name you can use is Kele
Hello my sweet pea, I hope you’re staying safe and healthy. I throroughly apologize that this took so long for me write so I’m not wasting anymore time, here you go my love, I hope you enjoy xoxo ♡
Warnings: badly written, fluff, mentions of drug use, a few memories from the past, a bit of angst if you squint
Let me set the scene for you: backtrack all the way to the year 2011, you and a couple friends decided to go out to the pub and watch the local bands perform live. It was a normal thing for you guys to try and not only expand your knowledge of the area but also expand your knowledge of the local underground bands in the area. The pub of choice was normally at the Annandale Hotel downtown and tonight was no different, you didn’t know what to think, the different types of bands that they had in and out of the pub was just so different every week and your clique never got tired of the atmosphere and the aura that surrounded you all when you were there was unmatched by the other pubs nearby. As nightfell, you all got ready at your respective houses and told your parents that you were spending the night at each other’s houses which you would, just not until the last set was over. Having such an old personality and easily an adult’s face, you would buy rounds for your friends and find a nice table to sit at before settling, watching the set, sneaking out of the set going to Lachlan’s house whose parents were asleep by 9pm and slept like rocks, then sneaking out of the house by the time they woke. It was a typical Friday night for your friend group.
This Friday was no different, you got ready at your house and met up with the rest of the gang at Annandale, the black and white sign outside showing the band of the night ‘5 Seconds of Summer’. The name hadn’t piqued your interest, “must be some annoying sounding Indie band that couldn’t keep their rent money up,” you thought. Your hopes weren’t sky high as you lot entered the muggy room that your teenage mind craved, got yourselves some drinks and sat at your usual table. You saw a few other kids around your age walking around and you thought that they were sneaking around (Annandale wasn’t well known for a strict policy) it was normal for a few younger-than-eighteen stragglers would show up for the same reasons as your group. The tiny brunette approached your friends with a bright smile and a hand out to introduce himself as Ashton. You all made small talk and as Ashton and your friends interacted, he also brought up that he and his friends were playing a set tonight, then Ashton had to excuse himself to go backstage but not before saying that he wanted the band to meet you guys before the night was over. That fact alone that Ashton was involved made you slightly worried due to your previous thoughts on the ‘Indie-type’ music you were figuring they played. Your thoughts dissolved just as quickly as the conversation with Ashton happened; the four boys gathered on the stage and a couple handfuls of parents started clapping and cheering on the young men, Luke leaned into his microphone nervously,
“Hey guys we’re 5 Seconds of Summer,” the crowd starts yelling out, “I’m Luke. That’s Calum,” Luke points to his left behind him, “Ash on the drums, and Michael,” he talks and the crowd just gets more and more excited. Knowing all the names of his bandmates, you couldn’t be more excited to meet them, their music was so nice, their personalities on stage were mesmerizing, that was the turning point in Kele’s life.
After the set was over Ashton came out and found your group of friends. By this time you were bouncing with adrenaline, no other band that you’d heard sounded quite like them, even though they based their music off of older bands as well as they covered a couple of songs. Nothing truly amounted to anything they played, or maybe that was the little bit of alcohol in your system talking, either way you were bouncing. You could tell your friends were less excited as Ashton led you all to the back, they were stumbling a bit from the liquor and they were moving slowly behind you but once you made it through the crowd they were slightly more aware and had their land-legs. Ashton introduced your friends to his, surprisingly remembering all your names and introducing you to his friends as well. After all of you started talking, you realized just how cool these guys were, they were so passionate about music, they also told you that they post covers on YouTube and that they have been gaining a following.
Charlotte applauded the boys’ performance and said she could totally see them as the next up and coming “Blink-182-type” band. To which Michael smiled brightly and they went off into a deep conversation about the bands that they liked and what they thought 5SOS could become.
You all shared a few facts about yourselves and before you knew it, the pub was closing and you guys had to go to Lachlan’s house before anyone would notice you. The 5SOS boys helped you sneak out of the back before anyone could see you and you all got a clean getaway not before exchanging numbers and waving good-byes.
Getting home in the early morning, you walked into the office in your house and immediately looked the boys up, making sure to share their music on as many forms of social media your parents allowed you at that age. Not long after, your new friends were off to becoming one of the most well-known bands in the world and you got the lucky chance to know them and watch them grow.
Fast forward to about two years later in the band’s career, your parents saw that you were not only head-over-heels in love with the band but having met all the guys and getting to know them individually they trusted you and them together. Your parents reluctantly allowed you to go on their first tour with One Direction, Liz assuring them that they wouldn't need to worry about the school work getting done since she was making sure that Luke was doing the same while also performing. The boys and you were practically inseparable: always partying backstage, standing side-stage, recording small little Keeks to keep the fans updated on the behind the scenes stuff, you were always there helping out and trying to keep not only yourself sane but the fans that were in the same boat as you, sane. Liz had become your mother as well, making sure that you were getting fed properly, that you were being safe, and that you were getting the proper discipline that you needed to grow up just the way she brought up her boys. You were the daughter she never had and she was the mother that you needed, especially to keep your mind stable with four boys and a whole lot of angsty, moody, hormonal male energy.
Fast forward even more, just around the present time, you were definitely part of the 5SOS team. The boys always made sure you were included in everything they were involved in, they tried to make sure you had the best seats to watch their performances, made sure that you stayed in close proximity when the paparazzi were bombarding them with questions, they especially kept you on the sidelines for interviews. A few interviewers wanted your input on their stories as well, making sure that they were staying honest with their answers as well as keeping them modest. You kept them grounded just as much as they kept you grounded. You all kept each other humble.
2017 is right around when you started to worry about your friends. They started partying a lot more, getting into drugs and sleeping around, moreso Luke. Sure all the guys would party and yuck it up with their musician friends but you couldn’t help but think that Luke was losing his sanity a little more than the rest of the group. He didn’t have his mom behind his shoulder anymore and he was taking that to his advantage, he didn’t care who saw him doing what but nobody truly knew what was going on behind the scenes, not you, not even Luke saw what was happening. Arzaylea brought sex and drugs to the table and that’s all he wanted; Luke brought her to the public eye and had money and that’s all she wanted.
Arzaylea had done nothing but ruin not only his mental but physical state, he was addicted not to just the drugs and alcohol he was consuming, but to her. He was enamoured. In his mind, this girl had brought him nothing but happiness and a new state of mind to his career. He was taking advantage of his life and he finally saw a new light of day. She showed him what he could do with his fame to which he would spend penny after dime on anything she wanted and she drank it up, she was happy and he was high.
His new found love for his girl was consuming him. All the while, the other members would worry about their band mate but nobody could or would stop him. Luke did this to himself and anyone could tell him that it was wrong, he didn’t care.
Arzaylea had the same kind of problem that he did, though she was introduced to drugs and alcohol a little before he was. When they met she saw his potential and thought that he would stick to her like the others had, they started their relationship out like that, they both were stuck like feathers to a chicken.
The day that Luke found out that the girl he thought was the love of his life was cheating on him with another well known artist, was the day that he shut down. Luke went absolutely ballistic. The drugs couldn’t numb the pain, his music couldn’t even come close to dulling the ache. He had barricaded himself in his house and refused to talk to anybody. Even his best friends.
All the boys had tried calling and texting Luke after they had seen Arzaylea posts on her social media, and Luke ignored everything. Kele had even tried to contact him to which he would reply in barely full sentences, she was lucky she’d even get a one- word response. The boys had had enough when Luke had posted a particularly deep tweet the day of the breakup to which they thought it was over for Luke. They knew his heart was hurting and they had no clue how to help him. He had shut them out before the break and now he didn’t know how to cope.
The boys had gone over to his house the day he posted the tweet and let themselves in. They made their way through the halfway destroyed home, commenting on the mess and sharing looks between each other before calling out to Luke and of course not getting a reply. They glanced through all the rooms just to be sure but knew Luke was in his bedroom.
When the boys had walked into Luke’s pitch black bedroom, Mike turned the light on, they hadn’t seen him but heard sniffling coming from the ensuite bathroom. Ashton made his way to the door and saw the gleam of light coming from under the door and knocked gently.
“Luke?” Ashton’s voice was small and gentle.
The only response was a clearing of the throat and another sniffle. Ashton tried the doorknob which he wasn’t surprised it was locked.
“Luke, if you don’t unlock the door I'm going to force it open,” Ash warned and heard nothing from the other side of the door. Ashton sighed and shared a look with the others and they all knew what was coming next, “right you’ve left me no choice,” Ashton pulled his phone out of his pocket and sent a quick message and then made his and the boys’ way downstairs to start cleaning up.
Kele arrived quickly after reading the text from Ashton and entered Luke’s house without knocking. Ashton gave her the lowdown of what’s happened and she nodded and jogged up the stairs and knocked on the door.
“Luke? Hey it’s me,” Kele said, her voice just as gentle as Ashton’s was just moments ago.
Luke’s ear perked up at the sound of her voice but made no move to unlock the door. He heard her sigh and some rustling from the other side.
She was sitting cross legged, her knees pressed against the door frame and forehead laying against the cold divots made in the design of the door.
“Luke everyone else is downstairs, it’s just us, please open up.” She whispers. The other side of the door has gone stone quiet and she sighs, no sniffling, no pitter patter of his nails against the tile flooring.
The only sound that Luke could hear was Kele’s breathing and his heart ripping in his chest. He reaches up and unlocks the door, the sound unmistakable in Kele’s ears. Luke slides out of the way as Kele gently opens the door and they make eye contact, the first time since the breakup just two days prior. Luke’s eyes were bloodshot and droopy, Kele’s were sad and full of pity, brimming with tears for her best friend’s pain. She immediately shuts the door behind her and wraps her arms around him. He buries his head in her neck and the tears were upstoppable from both of their eyes.
The oversized man in her arms clearly masked her small body but neither cared as they hugged on the floor of the bathroom. Luke’s cries were etched into Kele’s eardrums like the lyrics from his songs. She ran her right hand up his back while her left kept a tight grip around his neck, running her fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck.
“Why did she do it?” His voice broke through his cries and Kele’s sighed, wiping her eyes quickly before returning her hand to Luke’s spine.
“She wasn’t good enough for you, you deserve the best in the world and she was just a step to point you in the right path.” She replies and lays her head on top of his.
“Luke that whole relationship was built on drugs and sex, you will have phases that you go through before you find the right person that your heart belongs to. You now know what to look for in your next partner, they may not be the right person but even then, every relationship is meant to be a different stepping stone for you to know what you want and need in a significant other so think of this as just another feat accomplished and now you’re onto the next one.” Kele said, running her fingers soothingly up and down Luke’s spine.
Luke let her words sink into his brain and in his vulnerable state he let his actions take over. He leaned his head up and pressed a kiss into Kele’s cheek.
“Thank you. I love you.” He whispers and they share a small smile together. Luke glances down at Kele’s lips quickly before Kele sits up.
“Let get you up and into the shower, I’m sorry to kick you when you’re down but you reek,” Kele says and they both share a chuckle, Luke’s a little more pained than humorous but a chuckle nonetheless.
Kele stands and holds her hands out to Luke, which he takes and stands, gaining his balance and Kele nods.
“I’m gonna let you do your business, I’ll be right outside in your bedroom cleaning up, ok? If you need anything just yell out,” she says and looks up at him expectingly and he nods.
“Thank you,” he whispers and she leans up and kisses his cheek just as he did minutes ago.
Kele excuses herself from the interaction and leaves the bathroom door open a crack, leaving Luke to his thoughts and the sound of water pelting to the floor.
Kele makes up Luke’s bed and reorganizes a few things back the way they were when she’d been in the bedroom when he’d first moved in. Reminiscing on how happy and carefree the whole friend group was when they’d moved to Los Angeles.
The boys roughhousing around with the boxes of belongings for Luke, tossing pillows at each other and letting out booms of laughter. Kele was in Luke’s bedroom laying out little knick-knacks and plugging in his television and a lamp, making sure the sockets work and whatnot. She could hear the laughs coming from down below, making her way over to the window she looks down and smiles at the guys and the scene below her.
Kele reaches up above her and grabs ahold of the curtain rod and starts to weave it between the wrinkled curtains from the pack Luke had just bought. Just as she is in the zone watching the trees sway in the California breeze and the sun slowly starting to set she’s brought out of her trance by a pebble hitting the window. She jumps and looks down still pushing the curtains onto the rod she smiles as all the boys are looking up at her making funny faces and waving. She tucks the rod under her arm and opens the window.
“Rapunzel, Rapunzel let down your hair,” Michael yells up at her and she giggles.
“I don’t think my hair will reach, my prince!” She yells back and waves her ponytail in the wind. “You guys better finish getting the boxes out, we only have that moving truck for another hour,” She announces, glancing at the newly hung clock on the wall. The boys shoot her a thumbs up before she shuts the window and reaches above her to hang the curtain rod back on its hinges. A hand comes above her and helps her hang the long rod and another hand sits on her shoulder.
“Thank you for the help,” Luke says as he hears a click signaling the rod’s endings in place.
“Of course I would be here to help! You’re finally moving out of the 5SOS house, I had to make sure that the new apartment was at least half as good as how you were living before,” she says and wraps her arms around his waist. “This place is the start of your adulthood and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else to see you grow,” Kele says as Luke chuckles into her hair. They pull away from the hug just as the other boys wrap their arms around them in a tight bear hug, Ashton’s high pitched giggles heard through the grunts of the others.
Kele has her arms wrapped around herself as she looks out the same window, biting onto her lip looking at the spot the moving truck was in, the tree illuminated by a streetlight was swaying in the nighttime breeze. She reaches up and shuts the curtains just as the bathroom door opens with a squeak. Kele looks up as Luke is entering his bedroom, towel wrapped around his waist and his hair dripping from his shower moments ago. He stalks over to his dresser and pulls out a pair of boxers, Kele turns around as he pulls the briefs up his long legs and he hums when he’s done. Kele turns around and sighs.
“You look better,” she says and looks at his clean shaven face. She makes her way over to him and runs the back of her knuckle across the smooth skin and nods. “You’ll feel better with the boys’ and I’s help. We’re gonna get you through this.” Luke tears up slightly and nods.
“I love you… So. Much.” He says and wraps his arms around her, his damp skin warm against Kele.
She was oblivious to the fact that his words meant more than what he was letting off but he knew what he meant.
Kele wrapped her arms around his clammy skin and sighed, “I love you too, Killer,” she whispered and he sighed into the hug. Over the sound of his breath, she could hear scuffling and the boys walked into the room slowly and over Luke’s shoulder she signaled for the guys to join which they did. They all embraced into the tightest bear hug they could muster, letting out grunts and other noises. Luke chuckled into Kele’s hair and they all cheered.
“Finally! Some happiness!” Ashton exclaimed and looked at Luke who still had a small smile on his face as the group pulled away.
“How about we get some pizza and watch How I Met Your Mother? Hows does that sound?” Kele says and the group looks at Luke.
“How could I say no?” He smiles back, the boys cheer and make their way out to the hall to order the food.
Kele starts walking out the room so Luke could get dressed but he grabs her arm at the last second and pulls her back to his chest. The room is silent as Luke just studies her face, biting the inside of his cheek where the lip ring used to be.
“What?” Kele whispers, slightly uncomfortable in the silent room.
“I love you,” he whispers once again. Kele furries her eyebrows and nods.
“I love you too, Killer.” She says, confused and still a bit uncomfortable.
“Can I kiss you?” He whispers, sliding his hands down around her waist and her eyes widen.
“Luke, I-“ She’s cut off.
“This isn’t a rebound type thing, I just want to try something,” he pauses then bites the invisible lip ring again, “where’s the harm in that?” He adds and looks down at her.
She weighs her options in her mind. Is this something that could ruin the friendship? Could this end up being awkward in the long run? Kele went against her better judgement and surprised the both of them.
“Kiss me,” she whispers, her eyes widen as the words left her mouth, Luke’s eyes move to her lips before he shuts them and lets his mind drift into space.
The kiss they shared was something out of the cheesiest romance movie: firework bursting, time-stopping, leg-lifting type cheesy movie. The duo saw stars, the world seemingly spinning around them faster than light speed.
When Luke pulled away, Kele tried to chase after his lips for a moment, causing Luke to chuckle softly as he opened his eyes and smiled down at her. Their hearts practically beating in sync.
Kele smiles up at him, letting out a breath as she pressed her forehead against his chest.
“Wow.” They both breathe out, letting a chuckle slip from both of their lips.
“How do you feel?” Kele asks, raising her head to look into Luke’s eyes, smiles adorning their blushing tomato faces.
“I feel better than ever,” he replies, bright smile never leaving his face.
“I think the boys are waiting for us,” she whispers, detaching herself from his grip. He nods in agreement and let’s go of her, letting his train of thought wander.
If anyone actually enjoys this I would consider writing a part two
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thepatricktreestump · 6 years
concert tips!!!
as someone who has gone to several concerts and has had many different experiences, both good and bad, I hope to bring some knowledge to those who might need it in the future
1. TICKETS: always try to figure out when tickets go on sale, because when they first go on sale is when you can get the best prices and of course, the best seats. get general admission if possible! this means you'll be in the pit and you can get to the venue early, and although you have to wait in line, you'll be able to get barricade or at least closer to the stage. have trouble getting tickets or are broke? look for contests, radio station opportunities, call numbers, and even go to their website for limited deals. sign up for clubs, get emails, and work the system, make friends on social media and scout the web for lower prices. nosebleeds usually range from $20-30 and hey, shitty seats are better than no seats, so it's best to get nosebleeds than get sold out and not be able to even go in the first place.
2. UNIQUE EXPERIENCE: like I said, getting general admission tickets and waiting outside the venue is the best way to get close to the stage. that means you have double the chance to touch your idols, get better quality pics and vids, possible guitar picks or drumsticks, and even maybe get pulled onto the stage or get a response to one of the things you've shouted. however, not everyone has the money or ability or time to do this. but what you can do is befriend the security at the venue. the stage crew and security can also help you get guitar picks, drumsticks, and even meet and greets if you ask them nicely. other people you can ask to get you these stuff is the people at the merch tables.
3. DOCUMENTATION: keep everything you get! obviously you can keep your ticket stubs, but be sure to keep your eye out for other things! there's almost always a merch table where shirts and posters are available, but also you can sometimes get confetti if they have it or wristbands. take pictures of everything, take videos, look on social media the next day through hashtags and locations for other stories and pics of your show. this will help you remember the experience.
4. MAKE FRIENDS: I know some people get antsy waiting in line or at the venue for such a long time or might feel awkward standing next to a stranger, much less rocking out or dancing next to them. ask their name! ask their favorite song! ask how long they've been listening to the band or how they heard about the concert! go on social media the day before and ask if anyone else is going! if you go out to eat near the venue before or after and spot someone wearing merch, go up and talk to them, talk to the people in line. two times out of three they will be nice and they will want to talk to you! take that chance and spread the positivity and love and dedication of that band or musical act with others.
5. PREPARATION: look for a setlist and listen to the songs before you go. one of the best ways to put a smile on the performer's faces is to sing along. actually listen to the opening bands, check them out, support them. they deserve it and the headliners are touring with them and chose them to open up the show for a reason. take snacks and water with you for the ride over, buying an eight dollar waterbottle at the venue is fucking ridiculous. print extra tickets in case something happens or you forget to bring them. try to get to the venue a little earlier than normal so that you can get good parking and have time to find your seats or get a first chance at the merch table, things sell out surprisingly quickly.
6. PEER PRESSURE: when I first went to concerts, I was extremely nervous and awkward and confused. I looked around at the people around me for what to do. I was self-conscious and didn't really know what to do with myself. but hey, you're there for a reason. you want to love and support and listen to your idols and their art. do that. don't care about who's watching or what you're doing. sing at the top of your lungs. jump around. raise your hands. clap and snap and dance. you paid fucking money for this, you might as well enjoy it as much as you can. plus, you have so much more fun when you let yourself go, and you also actually get a better chance at being recognized. I know people who have gotten better seats and even backstage just by security and bands watching them being so passionate. enjoy your experience to your heart's extent!
whoever you're going to see, wherever you're going to go, I hope you have an amazing time! music is such a beautiful thing that brings people together and creates a safe space for people to share that magical gift. embrace and revel in the atmosphere and ecstasy that is a concert.
"If I didn't have music, I don't know what I would have." -Demi Lovato
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