#WHAT is funny about this ugly joke at all theres literally zero attempt at humor its just saying something as edgy as possible
lawlightfan42069 · 8 years
In regards to the Pewdiepie thing: Can't a joke be funny even if the content it was about isn't? Like obviously the holocaust is no joke but a joke about the holocaust is. Not sure where the line needs to be drawn, I've seen some jewish people not care about the joke and some who were upset but understood it was a joke. There are others who are taking it seriously though and they have a right to be upset. But the entirety of the video was made to be satirical. In the end it was just a joke.
tbh it baffles me when people point out Um u know it was a joke :) like yes, literally everyone is aware that it was intended to be a “joke.” nobody is really disputing that fact. the issue is whether it was a good joke or the sort of humor that people ought to support. when u point out that pewdiepie was Making a Joke ur rly not pointing out anything new my guy. and it carries the implication that since it was a “joke” we can no longer criticize it. 
but!! guess what!! we can criticize jokes. jokes dont exist in some kind of Elevated plane of reality where they have zero impact on us, how we think and the ideas that we find acceptable. ppl who claim that smth is just a joke so others shouldnt get angry seem to be under the impression that humor is Always beyond critique and also that humor is completely separate from how we conceptualize the world around us. any kind of interaction exists and can never be separate from societal context and this applies to jokes too. jokes exist in context and jokes and Understood and interpreted based on the context surrounding their core ideas. saying that u can take jokes out of social context is pretending u can take the Social part out of social interaction. u cant.
but its not!! humor Affects how people think!! in the same way any sort of interaction does. when u go around making antisemitic jokes (or any sort of bigoted joke really) u Normalize the ideas behind them. whether or not /you/ believe the idea in all sincerity, people who Do believe it will hear it and say yeah u know what!! me too!!
humor is so often use as a tool to relate to people and u cant take this component out of it. thats why so many jokes function on the basis that “its funny because its true.” that is the central aspect to So much humor out there- hence why you have a thousand and one comedians up there on stage complaining about how they never get laid or whatever. obviously this isnt the only kind of humor that exists but a Large part of many jokes are: taking a relatable story on concept and framing it in a way that makes you laugh.
thats why bigoted jokes aren’t good to make. ur using a style of interaction that is so often meant to communicate “this is funny bc it is true” and then positioning the bigoted idea as True. you can claim that its clearly meant to be over the top or Obviously too absurd to be taken seriously but?? when u have a significant portion of people who genuinely believe this?? its Not absurd?? its not over the top?? when u make bigoted/ “offensive” jokes, ur literally acknowledging that ur borrowing from lines of thoughts that have been Widely Held to create systems of oppression and then u pretend that repeating them wont somehow help uphold these systems.
if u really wanna make something absurd say Death to All Plutionians- thats absurd and it has zero basis in reality and zero impact on any person. but when u use jewish ppl who Are the victims of hate crimes and u use the rhetoric Unironically Dealt towards them?? thats not too Over the Top thats something with an Actual Basis in Reality. if u want something to read as Satire it cannot parallel exactly what nonsatirical statements sound like otherwise ur just creating content that will be consumed as nonsatirical.  you trivialize the actual antisemitism that people face and pretend its nonexistent. whereas people are out there getting hurt by antisemitism, u turn the ideas that hurt them as a Funny Joke with no basis in reality. you cant say ur mocking the people that actually think that if ur just parroting exactly what they say like ?? the line is pretty simple: dont shit on people who have been historically shit on and still face oppression for that aspect of their identity. dont cater ur content to bigots.doubly so if ur a rich white dude living comfortably paying poor brown kids to say offensive shit and laugh at how far they will go for money?? like i mean even How he chose to express this in the first place is questionable as fuck. 
this is doubly important for pewdiepie who has an audience. hes not some guy in a room talking to himself and only himself, he has Millions of people out there listening to him so to a Reasonable Extent youve got to be responsible for what u say. this is something he put out Specifically for his audience too so like!! when u put content out there, be prepared to have people interact with it and use it. you can say that its not their Intent, but u take responsiblity  for ur actions that hurt ppl even if its not ur Intent (which is why we apologize to people if we accidentally step on their foot). to note, even if some antisemtic people dont yet think something as Extreme as what he said, ur tending to the seeds of antisemitic thought in them. some antisemitic person who thinks “yeah u know i dont want them to die but i dislike them” will have the Core Concept of that thought validated, even if its being expressed in a more extreme sense. a lot of humor is also about taking concepts that are relatable at their core and blowing them up so they are easily read. youre normalizing the unacceptable. 
like picture this- if u punch someone in the face and then say Its a Joke, its Satirizing people who punch others, is this is any way acceptable?? would u expect the person u punched to not be angry?? literally any person can see that that is absolutely ridiculous and the same is true for statements u say. dont punch people in the face and expect them to laugh. 
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