romxnticdreams · 5 months
black brother angst never fails to make me sob hysterically. (i just listened to family line and matilda can’t you tell???)
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quillkiller · 3 months
wait tell me more about fwb moonwater…..
ok so. this started as a conversation between me and my beloved sude @stillagoodwitch and then me and @sugarsnappeases couldn’t let it go..
also it started because me and sude hate moonwater and are wolfstar ride or dies who like to make regulus suffer :/ so i hope ur not expecting loving and sweet moonwater
regulus studies abroad. im thinking france or berlin ?? he’s doing academic resesrch all throughout europe and just never returns home
he meets remus and they start working/studying together because they’re very academically compatible. remus thinks regulus is hot. regulus thinks remus is hot. so they start fucking. there’s never really any feelings involve buy like they do like each other and they are friends
sirius is coming to visit :/ and this is how it all started. as ive said before it physically pains me to ship either remus or sirius with anyone but each other so we were like How do people write them in other pairings and then go about introducing them in a platonic setting ???? like how is remus going to date regulus and then meet his brother and not fall in love with him… no disrespect to moonwater shippers. i even see the potential. this is literally just a me problem
anyway. sirius is coming to visit for like a week. reg and sirius dont see each other that often. regs excited and sirius is excited ! but they’re also both worried and axious <3 bc they almost always end their visits on somewhat bad terms
reg and remus are working pretty closely together. i dont really know what they’re working on but i know they have to spend a lot of time together. so naturally reg invites remus to dinner with him and sirius. thinking remus can work as a bit of s buffer between them
sirius and remus meet and well. they fall in love in every universe i dont know what to tell you. it was written in the stars. remus thought he lucked out with the youngest black and now he meets the older black who’s so smart and sexy and rough around the edges and so very pretty and so very lovely and who looks delectable and who’s batting his eyelashes at remus without really meaning to. there’s just tension between them immediately. remus is so upset he didnt meet sirius first. sirius is upset because he can’t flirt with someone his brother is sleeping with
lots of late night conversations after regulus has fallen asleep. them meeting in the kitchen in the middle of the night. they’re thirsty or hungry or whatever. they’re smoking together. getting to know each other. always in the middle of the night. and they’re not really breaking any rules but they’re also not telling regulus about it so it feels like they’re breaking rules. neither of them want to name the reason why they cant let regulus know
sirius hates himself because that’s his little brother. he’s supposed to be better. he’s also supposed to want to be better. but he also resents him a bit. resents him for defending their parents. resents him for moving abroad. resents him for not taking his side. and he loves him more than anything but they come from a home where you had to fight cheat and steal to get things you wanted. and he wants remus but he loves regulus. but he already has regulus. he’ll always have regulus because regulus will always be his brother. a fate neither of them can escape. he’ll always love regulus because he can’t help it. he loves him when he hates him
they had to fight cheat and steal to get what they wanted but in addition to that they would also always have more than they ever needed. <- an excuse sirius uses to excuse his feelings for remus. regulus has his studies, friends, a life he likes, money, a nice flat and endless opportunities. he has more than he’ll ever need and sirius wants remus.
i also love this au because it’s such a character study of both black brothers and their nastier traits. how fucked up they are and how much they love each other but how being kind to each other doesn’t come naturally. how selfishness and greed is rooted in both of them
and! i love this au because its such an interesting remus study. how he’s also a bit fucked up and selfish and greedy. he knows he’s homewrecking a family but he just cant let sirius go. he’s not used to getting what he wants in life so when it’s presented he wont turn it down. a normal person would probably extract themselves from the situation but he DOESNT
^ because in no universe will sirius or remus ever be normal about each other. they’ll never not be completely unhinged about the other ever … and that is what i love about them.. they’d both do morally fucked up things to get to each other every single time. so remus can look past sirius fucking over his brother, and sirius can look past remus fucking over someone he was ’dating’
there were never any romantic feelings between regulus and remus and regulus is genuinely not that upset about losing him. its his brother. its all about his big brother and how he always gets what he wants. regulus couldnt care less about losing remus, but he’ll never forgive sirius. and that’s okay because there’s lots of things they’ll never forgive each other for. they still love each other because they cant help it. they’re the only ones who understand and that’s fine. they’ve done unforgivable things to each other but they’ll never hate each other more than they love each other. it all comes back to how deeply they understand each other no matter how often they wish they didn’t
so regulus doesn’t talk to sirius for a year and sirius doesn’t try to reach out. until one day sirius gets a phone call and remus has all but moved in with him at this point. sirius ends the call with ’okay, miss you, too’
who was that?
your brother?
no the other person i know called regulus
but? i—, shouldn’t he like hate you forever or something?
he’s my brother. he already hates me forever
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