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ifknlovenicodiangelo · 2 years ago
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have you guys seen this yet i am Freaking Out!!!
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beep-beep-imma-sheep · 9 months ago
Gentle reminder that
Smart ≠ Wise ≠ Literate ≠ Jerk ≠ Know-it-all
A character can be really good with, say, numbers but know absolutely nothing of history. Or be really clever and tactical but never once in their life has opened a book. Or be a genius when it comes to music, but being a complete idiot when trying to efficiently arrange objects in certain space. Or instinctively coming up with clever solutions, but lacking the words to express them. Or having a very vast vocabulary, but but it's not someone actually clever.
The say way someone can posses a lot of knowledge in a variety of areas but being unable to put that knowledge to practice, to use, or intertwine that knowledge to find a new and creative way to come up with an answer to a problem.
There are a lot of way to be smart. A character can be smart and ignorant. A character can be smart but know oh-so-little about a lot of things.
Yes, the character can be your stereotypical know-it-all that has all the solutions in less than a minute, doesn't miss a thing, gets impatient and cocky because no one can keep up with them and so one, but it doesn't need to.
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girlypsyop · 2 years ago
Giving urself a speech trying to convince yourself that you'll love & take care of yrself is so hard to do when u spent 2 years in a relationship w sb who constantly gave u that same fucking speech and then never followed thru 😊
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dedalvs · 8 months ago
My brother and I absolutely cackled after that Aemond and Aegon Valyrian exchange!
I wanted to ask (and I'm terrible at conlangs, so forgive me) what grammar/syntax Aegon is stumbling over here and how to properly say what he intended to? Any why is he making thise mistakes (simply lacking the vocabulary, or rules of the language he hasn’t grasped)?
Let's take a look at it. This is what he said:
Nyke koston... Bēvilus... Sētegon bīlīvāzmi?
The subtitles say this:
"I can... Have to... Make a war?"
Prior to this Aemond is, essentially, showing off. He knows that Aegon has simply not put any time into studying Valyrian (or studying anything). At this stage, Valyrian is no longer spoken by the family on a day-to-day basis—especially as Alicent probably never learned it at all (or if she did, only in a few scattered lessons here and there; not to actually use). In order for either of the boys to gain any kind of fluency in the language, they have to study constantly and find ways to use it. There's simply no daily need for the language—and plenty of reasons not to use it, as very, very few people they'll encounter on a daily basis speak the language.
Now, if we were talking about two random people in Westeros, this wouldn't mean anything. But these are the children of Viserys Targaryen, himself a descendant of Aegon the Conqueror. They brought their family line and their culture with them to Westeros—and, of course, their language. If someone like Alicent Hightower doesn't speak High Valyrian it means nothing. If a Targaryen doesn't speak High Valyrian, though… See, they're supposed to be able to speak Valyrian. Failing to do so carries with it a sense of shame that isn't present for a random person who doesn't speak Valyrian. Aemond knows this. Aegon is annoying him, so he goes poking at that wound.
Aemond could have fed him a short line with an obvious answer to help Aegon out, but instead he threw a whole mess of Valyrian at him. The longer it goes on, the more lost Aegon gets, desperately trying to catch up and figure out what was just said and thereby missing what is being said at that instant. From the whole speech, Aegon probably only figured out that he was being asked a question, and it was something having to do with planning.
So, back to what he says. The beginning student of a language is quite adept at doing a single verb in a present tense sentence. In a discussion like this, though, you're typically saying things like "I think that" or "We should" or "I suggest" or "Perhaps we might", etc. All that stuff that we need to offer opinions, make suggestions, hedge, etc. Much more than simple narration.
Aegon is attempting to do this without a sufficient command of the language. He knows some vocabulary, he knows some grammar, but he simply did not put in the work to actually speak this language. Thus, he has to overcome a lot of Common Tongue (i.e. English) interference.
There are many differences between Valyrian and English, but the biggest one by far is the major word order. In English, the verbs come before the rest of the junk; in Valyrian, they come at the end. And this is how things get all messed up.
In English, you start the sentence saying things like "I think" or "We should" or "It seems". In Valyrian, those things come at the end. If you start with the Valyrian equivalent of "I think", you will quickly realize (presuming you know enough of the grammar) that you're sunk, because once you've said it, the sentence should be done. Thus you get Aegon's false starts.
Starting at the beginning, Aegon says Nyke koston, which is kind of like saying, "I could". But there's nowhere to go. This is how a sentence ends. For example, if he wanted to say, "I could fly to Harrenhal", he would say Harenhalot sōvegon koston—literally "To Harrenhal fly I could". If you're thinking English-ly, you're essentially thinking backwards, and if you simply translate what you're thinking, you'll immediately have nowhere to go. You'll have to take a pause and think about how to get started again. And that's exactly what happens here.
Now, leaving aside that Valyrian is a pro-drop language and starting it off with nyke "I" is unnecessary and makes you look like a beginner, koston isn't bad (I mean, if used sentence-finally). Once he realizes he can't start there, though, he loses confidence. It's those old High Valyrian lessons all over again, and some maester suggesting he hasn't studied. That self-doubt makes his facility with Valyrian worse. This means his chances of recovery are severely hampered.
But onward he presses, and he decides to say "We have to" or "I have to". Now, the problem here is in Valyrian that requires the verb bēvilagon. This verb isn't used in the usual way. Literally it means "to lie on". If you wanted to say "We must mobilize our dragons", you'd say Īlvī zaldrīzī mazannagon īlo bēvilza. That's literally "Our dragons to mobilize us it lies upon". The one who must do something is placed in the genitive and put directly before the verb. If you start with the verb, well, you missed your chance to say who it is that must be doing something—let alone what they must do. Another false start.
It's also worth noting that he says bēvilus as opposed to bēvilza. Let's ignore that it's the aorist and focus on the fact that it's the subjunctive (just like koston). You use the subjunctive with your main verb when you're hedging—when you're suggesting. Not when you're commanding. Kind of an odd thing to say "We must do this" with the subjunctive. Kind of like saying "Maybe we might considering having to do this".
At this point, his confidence has completely evaporated. Everybody's staring at him like he has no idea what he's talking about; Aemond's eating it up. He knows he's cooked. He's got to say something, though, so he says sētegon which isn't even conjugated. It means "to make" or "to create", which might make sense in English (e.g. "to make war"), but doesn't make sense in Valyrian (a bit like saying "to construct a war" or even "to bake a war") and then tries to pronounce vīlībāzmi "war" (wrong case/number, wrong order) and fails, saying bīlīvāzmi, which means nothing (also he wanted vīlībāzme. Vīlībāzmi is "wars").
Long story short, he doesn't present himself very well—and we didn't even talk about his general pronunciation or intonation. It's kind of a great big mess in only five words. A true disaster.
But if there were no expectation that he should be able to speak Valyrian, none of this would matter! If there were no shame associated with him specifically not being able to speak Valyrian no one would expect it of him, and this challenge would mean as little as someone challenging him to speak the Old Tongue or Asshai'i. It'd be meaningless.
In short, this small portion of this scene is about being a heritage speaker of a language. It's the exact nightmare scenario all heritage speakers fear: To be put on stage and made to perform despite being unequal to the task while simultaneously feeling that they should be equal to it.
It'd be so cool if it was okay to be kind of good with a language—if that level of mastery was acceptable. In the real world, anyway.
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soxcreg · 5 months ago
Cold Secrets
Part one
Modern!Cregan Stark x Fem!Reader
Summery: You're in love with the captain of the King's Landing University hockey team. You've kept it a closely guarded secret , but something goes wrong.
Disclaimer: Enflish isn't my first language!
Word count: 1.3k
Part two, part three
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After the bell rang, I left the classroom as quickly as possible and headed for the school exit. The bus would arrive at the stop in ten minutes, if I didn't make it, I'd have to walk home in the cold. The devil made me wear a skirt with nylon tights in November.
Surprisingly, I made it to the stop, but when I saw the bus, I was distracted by the ringing phone and didn't have time to wave my hand.
"Damn hell," I made a face and started whining.
I looked down at my phone and answered it, turning towards my apartament.
"Hello?" I adjusted my backpack and looked up at the brightly colored signs of cafes, hotels and pubs. "Hey, Y/N, are busy tonight? Jace and Baela are having a get-together," Helaena's voice came from the other end of the line. "And since you're family, do you have to be there?" I shivered slightly as the wind blew.
"Yeah, but they said I could invite someone. You'll come, right?" I sighed heavily. "You think this is a good idea? Last time wasn't much fun".
By last time, I meant Jace's previous get-together, which was mostly college kids. I went because Helaena asked me to, but her family distracted her from my coming , and we never saw each other that night. But I was surrounded by drunk fooball players, and I barely managed to get rid of them.
"I'll meet you this time. And I had a serious talk with my cousins about those idiots. It'll just be a few girls from the University, my brothers, cousins and the hockey team. Jace and Aegon play there, remember?" I walked down the main street and turned toward the University. My apartament was two blocks away, too bad it wasn't that close to the school. "Okay, I'll come".
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I'm ready and waiting for Helaena's call. I put on a black dress, a sweatshirt on top to cover my bare arms. I put on makeup and styled my hair. It was quite difficult, my hair was frizzy and curly. I put on warm boots, a jacket and a scarf on my head. The doorbell rang. I grabbed my bag, answered the call on the phone and left the apartament.
"Hello," I locked the door and went to the elevator. "Y/N, Cregan is waiting for you in the car outside the house. He was just on his way, I asked him to give you a ride, okay?" My hand froze over the elevator button. What do her mean? I'm going with Cregan? My cheecks turned pink, my heart started beating faster. "Yeah, okay. I'll be right out".
As the elevator descended, my brain quickly processed the information. I met Cregan a year ago, when my family moved to King's Landing. Helaena invited me to meet her family, and he was visiting Jace.
Thise strange Targaryen-Hightower-Velaryon family lived in one huge house, theire family estate. We didn't talk much with Stark, but I liked him very much then. Since then, I secretly glance at him and sigh quetly. And now we are going to the party together in his car.
I tried to catch my breath and look calm. When I left the house, I saw a big black car, next to which stood the man of my dreams.
I walked up to the tall guy. "Hi," He looked at me, "Hi. Get in the car, it's cold". I nodded silently and walked to the front passenger seat. I got in, Cregan got in after me. We pulled away. I felt a little awkward. "So... Will everyone from the team be there?"
"Everyone axcept Blackwood. He's sick". We fell silent again. After a while, he suddenly broke the silence. "You're not from the University, are you?" I looked at him. His nose was slightly hooked, from past observations I could tell it was also broken. "Yeah, I'm from high school".
"How did you meet Helaena?" Cregan glanced at me, but quickly looked back at the road. "Online. We corresponded for a while, and met after my family moved here".
He smiled slightly. "Sounds like her".
"What do you mean?" I looked at him, confused. "Jace told me that she doesn't really like public places. And she only started coming to our get-together after she introduced us to you"
We talked a little more, and then drove up to the Targaryen estate. We go out of the car, Helaena was standing near the entrance. She quickly took me away from Cregan. I was a little upset, but then I got back into the conversation, this time with my best friend.
An hour and a half later, we were sitting in the living room, drunk, talking and laughing. Helaena and I were mostly silent, sometimes laughing at jokes and drinking. Someone suggested playing spin the bottle. How trite. Someone voiced my thoughts, so they suggested playing something more original. I don't think pass the card sounds better. But Aegon talked Helaena into it, and she talked me into it.
"Please, come on. Aegon won't leave you alone," Her brother chuckled from behind, "Oh, yes, beautiful, agree. We're just missing you".
And so I sit between Jace and Cregan, a little embarrassed, watching as they start passing a playing card to each other with their lips.We agreed that if the card falls, we should kiss.That's why I nervously finger the rings on my fingers.
At first everithing was decent, but then the guys got hot and drank too much. The jokers deliberately blew the cards away and kissed those to whom they were supposed to pass them. For several laps I managed to hold on to the card and not let awkward moments happen, but on the next lap Cregan lost his hold on the card. We exchanged glances.
As we hesisted, the crowd began to egg us on. They giggled quietly, began to whisper, and then pushed me and Cregan closer to each other. Then Cregan grabbed my shoulders so that I wouldn't fall and brought his face close to mine.
"Is this okay?" I looked into his eyes, they were so beauiful, mesmerizing. I blushed from the close contact with him. And there were a lot of people here. But they were all playing the same game as us. It wouldn't be weird if we kissed. "Yeah, it's okay".
He nodded, our lips touched. The kiss way slow, reeking of the alcohol he was drinking. I always had something light in my glass to avoid any mishaps. Cregan smelled something tart. Or was it his cologne? He deepened the kiss, interwining his tongue with mine. I moved stiffly, a little crumpled. I had never kissed before, so why was I doing it now. Horrible thoughts filled my head.
I pulled away from Cregan, my cheeks were burning. We looked at each other, but i quickly looked away. It was so awkward. I quickly took the card, put it to my lips and handed it to Jace. The circle started again. Everyone was already tired, so they finished the game. Helaena asked to stay the night with them, because it was already late, and I couldn't call an Uber because of the crowed. So I agreed. I went to the bathroom, my friend gave me her things. When I came out of the bathroom, Stark was there. He was also staying the night. I wished him goodnight and quickly ran to the room that was given to me for the night. Already lying in bed, I thought a lot about the kiss, but thank the Seven, I drank so much that I quickly fell asleep.
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There will be a second part!
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steamingstewchunks · 18 days ago
Kids being kids, I'm downright positive that at one point the tfp trio had debates about who was the "best" in terms of their friends. It happens a lot, conversations get out of hand, and all of a sudden Miko is pummeling Jack with a pillow to "defend Bulkhead and wheeljacks honor",
What's to say the bots don't over hear these conversations?
In bits and pieces of course, because I need thise guys egos to inflate and deflate at rather rapid paces.
"I'm not bulkheads human friend!" (Estimated accurate quote from the show), the kids recognize them as friends but also guardians. It's like having a favorite uncle. When babysitting their obligated to take care of you but of course you gravitate towards what your familiar with, or, who received you best, and so, there's words like "Bumblebee likes Raf more than you Miko", and "Arcee isn't that much of a dunebasher," and conveniently, the mentioned would only hear the first part not the "she's more for high speed riding in the canals! Fast and smooth!"
Ratchet gears the bulk of those conversations, and within feeding myself (maybe you guys, y'all can have some too,) I'm down to say he gets a little bit salty that he's rarely mentioned in them. He does recognize it as his own fault though, one cannot subtly threat people and get away with it in the first meeting.
"they could go squish." (Jeffery combs, one of the few voices I can recognize thanks to ratchet, you beast), I'd like to think he regrets how he's acted towards them within their first meeting, but is, understandably to the kids, constantly busy. Gently brushing off their attempts at bonding purely since it's always at inconvenient times! He would like nothing more than to talk and teach the trio about cybertronian history (as evident in their school projects) and other things regarding his own experiences, hell maybe even be the "cool grandpa" thing they keep mentioning. He has no clue what a grandpa is, but it seems to be positive.
Even better, the reason any of them can hear the bits and pieces they do is cuz of how powerful their own audials are, the kids haven't gotten a complete look at how enhanced their senses are, outside of smell and taste to be fair, and so their hushed whispers when they remember Ratchet is pretty close aren't enough.
Back on track, away from Ratchet sadly, I genuinely think all the bots love the kids, and with what they hear they might be devastated to assume the bots like their respective humans more than the other, even going so far as to find them downright annoying.
"yeah, I don't think Bulkhead really likes me as much as you. We don't talk too much and it gets quiet really easily." Raf responds, lounging on the couch legs curled in to hold his laptop up comfortably, typing away.
From the hall before what the kids call the "living room", certain audials pick it up, leaving turbulent thoughts as Bulkhead, simply walking from the wash racks to his room, raised his optical ridges in surprise.
Does Raf... Think he doesn't like him? At all? I mean, sure, the two don't actually have much to talk about, with different interests, but he Loved speaking with the boy about the different Biomes on earth learning about the surrounding deserts and forests that, thanks to Raf, he regards it all with a new light upon seeing the way the ecosystems work and balance each other out! It was awesome! Had he done something wrong? "Quiet really easily", is that something against human customs? Or at least where he comes from? Was he exuding annoyance towards Raf?? DO THEY ACTUALLY HAVE EM FIELDS JUST.... IN A DIFFERENT WAY???!?
End ex,
There's lots to deal with, including the nuances of conversation, the fact that cybertronians have vastly different social cues and linguistic tones and everything, and I doubt the bots had much contact with other humans outside of Agent Fowler and any official he brought with them, and they where always straight forward with everything.
Meaning the way that the kids speak, children civilians, would be lost in them for a while. Of course casual conversation isn't completely off the table, it just takes a few repeated words and explained definitions, but like regular conversations, especially overheard conversations, can be taken out of context with the wrong ideas, and all that Jazz.
Tldr; I want to see those Bots "make it up" to the kids by hanging out with them more.
This is also applicable with smokescreen, wheeljack, and Ultra Magnus. Less so with Magnus since he's probably heavily limiting his own contact with the kids.
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jinnie-ret · 1 year ago
Can you tell me what their all about? It's not that's ok ok it's prob gonna take some time to do that! I'll take any tho love! 💕
omg it's no problem at all!! I'll put the asks next to their titles and who it's about!
1) let noona handle it
skz x ninth member reader platonic
Can't believe I'm asking this but could you do a ninth member fic but they're Nuna to Bangchan as well instead of younger? Just wanna see all the boys taken care of, maybe like made casual dinner with their favorite foods or soft comfort after a hard concert or something. Just the boys and OC being good family.
2) macho man
Changbin X reader
9th member! Liking changbin and constantly complimenting him/his rapping and his muscles but he doesn't realise it untill the guys point it out?
3) family is complicated
Skz x ninth member reader platonic
9th member whos family is extremely unsupportive of their career choices, skz do their best to cheer them up after a loud argument that the boys overhear. their family is rude and downright mean to their 9th member and they cant let them be put down by their family so they remind her that theyre her family. love your writing.
4) gyaru, jjang yeppeuda
Skz x Ninth member reader platonic
Could you write a - stray kids x fem! ninth member, who is gyaru and other idols, look at her weird for it?
5) generation z
Skz x ninth member reader platonic
Hiii can I rq a skz x 15 y/o trainy were she acts v gen z n stuff?
6) togetherness
skz x ninth member reader platonic
I’m not entirely sure if you’d write this or not but could you write stray kids and like trainee reader who has divorced parents and is crying? You don’t have to write this and I understand if you don’t. If you do thank you
7) shed my skin
skz x ninth member reader platonic
Imagine the 9th member has always worn baggy clothes(hoodies) their muscular body anddddd TATTOOS.
8) like a broken record
(you requested this one hehehe)
skz x ninth member reader platonic
HELLOOO! Can I rq a reaction to skz s/o who isn't great with words? Like their love language is everything except words of affirmation since they aren't great with words at all so they show their love In diff ways (ex, physically, acts of service, quality time, gifts) so they know that they love the boys?
9) ball knowledge
Seungmin x reader
Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg, your asks are open!!! I haven’t been able to find aa writer with open requests/ asks in who knows how long😭 not sure if you do solo members but if not it’s more than ok for all the members but could i pleeaaasseeee ask for Seungmin with an s/o that likes baseball but he doesn’t know cause reader finds him more than adorable when he gets excited and explains stuff to them but he eventually finds out that they do indeed know about baseball and he gets slightly upset but when they explain that they found him adorable he pretty much just goes “fine ig”
10) y/n being a dilf in skz family
skz x ninth member reader platonic
Can you please write a 9th member of skz role in skz family
11) pity party
Skz x reader poly
(my first poly one yay!)
Can you make A Stray Kids (poly) (romantic) fic where the reader is the ninth member and she has had her 23rd birthday but the boys were too busy preparing for their upcoming comeback, hence forgetting it and then one day (for some reason) someone ask her age and skz replies with "oh..22" but then she says her real age and all of them are like "no you're not"?
12) anchor
skz x ninth member reader platonic
I can't remember if I requested this already but can I rq skz xx 9th member where she tries to always hide behind the boys because she doesn't want to draw more attention to herself then she already has since she the only girl in the group pls? She's not really shy or anything or insecure she js doesn't want it to seem like she wants attention caus she doesn't really like attention too much so she hides behind the guys
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pumpkinsy0 · 5 months ago
that post you made about soda and papercuts wedding made me start thinking 😈.... hcs for papercut wedding?? :D
papercut,,,getting MARRIED????? tch,,,
•ponys SO uncomfortable, like he wants to do it but like he has to b ROMANTIC???? in front of the gang?????? ew, he’d rather b taken out back and dealt w
•same thing w curly, hes barely lovey w tim and angela when theyre all alone, if u think thats magically changing im sorry but ur so wrong, AND FOR THISE REASONS☝🏽☝🏽☝🏽thats y i think the wedding wouldnt b allat long, but also bc theyre kinda impatient and dont wanna stand for that long
•darry and soda r willing to put their feelings aside for this, dare i say, i dont think theyd b as upset as ppl say they would b, at some point, theyve gotta let their own feelings about the relationship go, i dont think it would b like 100% gone but it certainly has decreased a lil, at some point u just gotta b happy for em
•thats what inspired that post btw, but also, weddings just get soda in a mood yknow???
•curlys the one who wants to splurge (i hate that word so bad.) on the wedding a lil but cause i mean THEYRE getting married, meanwhile pony just wants to keep it lowkey, so theres this in between of it
•for suits, i dont think it was anything special, but pony did have a corsage to make it more interesting, switch it up a bit, maybe they both did!!! one if em on the chest and the other had it on the wrist
•look not everyone can b a groomsmen, ill say darry walked pony down the aisle but him and soda was a groomsmen together, and tim and angela were curlys groomsmen,,,or groomsthem, everyone else was part of the sitting thing goin on in weddings
•YES, there were empty seats for ponys parents, for curlys???? i say hes not much of a mamas boy anymore and he fucking hates his stepdad so its like whatever they dont get seats, it was some other ppl occupying the shepards seating part of the wedding
•pls dont even get them started on vows, both their vows were like “yea i love u, ur pretty cool” and like i said, it WOULD probably b a BIT more romantic if both their families werent RIGHT there</333
•when pony and curly cut the cake, i feel like it just dissolved into a small food fight, just a tiny one, somethin lil light, nuthin too crazy,,
•they kept a slice of cake and their wedding toppers :D
•darry and soda have unlocked a new kinda teasing from curly btw, just bc its been years and they got married doesnt mean the teasing over, this is a life long thing here
•angelas still upset brah, how the fuck did curly get married before her, id b so pissed if i was her😭😭, BUT curly did give her this make shift bouquet of flowers as like a “u’ll get there one day, champ”
•tim was more of a planner, he didnt have much to do AT the wedding, he just rlly observed, but he and curly did have one hell of a talk after the whole thing
if ur wondering who proposed and how, technically it was curly, but it was more of a “hey do u wanna get hitched” scratches neck “sure” thing than the traditional way of it all
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mobiused · 5 months ago
It’s not “Israel’s war on Lebanon” it’s Israel against terrorists (and the terrorists are the ones not helping their own citizens)
It seems like you don’t want the war to end and just spread lies and hate about who you think the “bad guy” is in this war (which is the government, not the innocent people living in those places)
Of course you have no intention of listening to me and what I have to say but I would really love it if you and other people would try to help people from Gaza (and Lebanon) to get out of there instead of giving them money because Hamas are stealing that money from them and using them as human shields even though they are told to evacuate from certain areas. I mean, it’s a huge thing to ask but I think if people really cared they would try a little harder to save people with their hands and not through a screen. If I could take all the people from Gaza who want peace into my own home I would, with all the love in my heart.
I really hope that you would not answer this with disrespect or sarcasm but again, you probably don’t even care about what I said. I also hope that you can understand that my tone is calm and I do not want to attack you or argue or anything like that. It’s just my own thoughts and words that I’m trying to explain.
Anyways, sorry about all that and peace out homie <3
Okay answering w/o sarcasm or "disrespect" even though you or your cohort of zionists have been harrassing me w asks nonstop, why would I want a war against terrorism in the first place you seem to have it v twisted. I don't believe in fighting wars I am a pacifist and don't even agree with self defense from a personal standpoint. But that being said, Oct. 7 was not an attack out of the blue, it was a response spawned from years of provocation, humiliation and systemic genocide against the Palestinian people by the Israeli zionists. You might not agree with Hamas' politics or even faith but they are the only ones, alongside Hezballah and Iran who are taking action against the colonial genocidal beast that is the illegitimate state of Israel, and as a socialist and anti-colonialist, I have to side with those taking action instead of thise standing by passively allowing this genocide, or even worse, funding and endorsing it.
And I don't know why you're criticising fundraisers when the only people making money from it are not your so-called terrorists but rather Egypt and other countries in the middle east that are profiting off asylum seekers. At the end of the day, these fundraisers allow people to escape, and if you believe in peace, surely that matters more than whomevers pockets that money ends up in? I believe that non-zionist israeli born people are just as innocent as any other citizens born in a country that perpetuates genocide, but when only 1 in 5 Israelis believe the genocide had gone too far (and 1 in 3 believing it hadn't gone far enough!) it is mighty hard to characterise Israelis as a populace as innocent.
Genuine question, how do you suggest I, someone with a full time job, studies and disabled family members to take care of - not to mention a lack of resources and personal health circumstances - go out there and save Gazans? Practically speaking? Is there some secret Zionist-Palestinian-non-terrorist relief organisation I can sign up to that will donate my lifeforce and convert it to energy that will magically save people? Because I really don't know what you expect me to do.
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space-blue · 9 months ago
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Since we don't know the chakobsa for translation or vocabulary, I got help creating "kairi leiksat" - foreign words. Created it in dinlih...
Then embedded it as an image at the end of every chapter before the hard copy of all the chakobsa used in the chapter, for the rare girlies out there who'll download the fic to read offline.
Because if you read it online, there's a CSS skin at work to translate all (currently 37) instances of chakobsa in the text as you hover your mouse over it, or tap it on your screen.
But to further satisfy my unhinged self, the chakobsa is only translated in CSS when the POV character understands the words!
With the awesome help of the folks on the Chakobsa Translation server, I have managed to refine an absolute banger :
So ojaaha ukrinash hi akraagash noqcha!
I initially suggested "How good are your vibes = how clean is your rhythm" so having a discordant rhythm (or rather, too even in this case) means you have offputing vibes and don't fit in the community.
The sentence above means "Your rhythm is weak and attracts the worms" and is intended to mean "Your vibes are rancid"
Not is:strong-it rhythm-your and attract-you worms, as doughenningjr crafted it.
Stilgar says this to Feyd's face, and leaves Gurney to explain the meaning of it ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
All of this work and for what??? Do you know how many fics live in the feydgurney tag? That's right, only mine!! It doesn't even exist officially yet!! You can't filter for it.
I don't think any of the girlies diving in the fic care for accurate chakobsa, and the chakobsa fans son't care for my fic. I do all of thise for the pleasure of one person :
ᕦ( ˙꒳˙ )ᕤ me
But looook it's so pretty!! Use it if you want!
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imeverywoman420 · 1 year ago
Don’t you think being terminally online, lacking irl friends, & irl connections with people in general is really the root cause of you wasting your youth? Like “gen z grandmas” who have friends they hang out with and hobbies are objectively doing better than gen z terminally online neets not wasting your youth means making the most of it, seizing opportunities to learn, grow, and pursue one's passions & goals & make connections during one's younger years.
ok but thise things have roots…. Do ya think i just chose to be a friendless neet for the hell of it like i had a lot of genuinely good friends and a soshul network and i just cut them off for funsies… think man think….
what do u think ur doin here bestie…. Yr coming to me….. telling me that other people are doing better than me…. I just mafr a post saying i woke up at 8 pm and ate cold mcdonalds breakfast. Im not entirely delusional. I don’t think im “doing good” by any means 🥱
Superficial life achievements and “doing better” dont mean you have good opinions and takes tho…. Ignorance is bliss 😑
U clesrly are a gen z grandma offended by rhe words of a bedridden LUNATIC Nothing i say matters girl i hold no authority. Who am i to judge anybody. Im emily.
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badaziraphaletakes · 1 year ago
Hi!! (Im so sorry if im annoying u guys, I just like this blog sm ok😭)
I just wanted to say that I have been relatively new to this fandom, since season 1 came out, and it was great! It felt like a space for asexual amd neurodivergent ppl, and I loved all the fanartists and theorists (still do) but after season 2, and I have a confession to make here, I too was on the "anti aziraphale" bus, properly boarded, seated and all. I know I didnt indicate that in the post I made, but I didnt self identify as one, I just "agreed" with what many of the crowd holding those setiments said. Why? My dear fellow, it was simply because of poor self esteem! I related alot to aziraphale, and so seeing those posts, where ppl talked abt traits( he and I share), like his love for his interests, his exaggerated movements, his anxieties, and seeing ppl dismiss them, or make fun of them, or call him "an emotional idiot" as that one lovely person said, well it felt like looking in a mirror, because those were the exact same things I said to myself! I told myself all those things, that I didnt deserve forgiveness from ppl I loved, when I made mistakes, I told myself that I should "tone down" my excitement for my interests, and the rest. I found myself mentally taking notes, and altering my behaviour, after reading those posts, bc hey, I hate myself for having those traits, and it looks like other ppl hate this one character for having those traits too, better "shape up" and "do better" yknow?
I stopped following thise blogs, but I still seeked the posts out. Why? Bc it felt "good". It felt like my negative self talk was being validated. It felt like I "finally" found posts that wouldnt "mince words" and be as mean, and rude as they possibly could be to him, because that was "what he, and anyone else like him deserved." (Im not saying that the ppl who made those posts said that, im saying that I made myself believe that I deserved that)
Maybe I shouldnt have internalized what the posts said. Maybe I shouldnt even care all that much abt a single character, I mean obviously the ppl who made those posts werent thinking about me were they? They werent targetting me, so why did I feel all that much. It didnt matter how much I rationalized it, at the end if the day I was making myself miserable, but it felt familiar, so I kept at it
I found this blog, and it felt.. so surreal. Like ppl were defending aziraphale? Ppl were giving him, grace? What? And then I read the analysis and responses that u guys gave, and realized that I also had biases, and I found myself giving more empathy to aziraphale, and then I found myself extending that same empathy to myself. I also started going to therapy also, and I realzied that no, I made mistakes, but I am human, forgivable, that my interests arent things to hide, but rather things that make me happy, and that I shouldnt be harsh to myself bc of that. It all progressed slowly, but I could feel myself becoming, happier. I didnt hide my excitement, I didnt tone down my "exaggerated" movements. I started treating aziraphale's character with love and lo and behold, I found myself loving myself too.
I have bad days, I still do. But they are lesser in number now. Whats the point of this long ass ask? Well, I want u to know that u guys are essentially teaching ppl to be more empathetic towards others and sometimes towards themselves, by being being empathetic towards aziraphale. U are telling people like me, indirectly ofc, to love who we are, and to give ourselves grace. And that while aziraphale (and ppl like him) maybe flawed, that shouldnt warrant hate, but rather understanding. U guys are wonderful, and I promise u, u guys are helping❤️
Im sorry to whoever that person was that left, im sorry that they were harassed as I am sure, those werent ur intentions. But what I am trying to say is that u are not making this fandom more toxic. U are helping people. U guys are a breath of relief in the fandom. Pls remember that.
(Sorry if this is too long to read, or too emotional, ive been in a bit of a mood I suppose, and being vulnerable like this is terrifying but agsjsgkahsbs what can one do, have a great day!🤗)
My dear, I'm so humbled to read this. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. As an autistic person, watching Aziraphale ever since 2019 has helped me unmask a lot, so I totally understand how the bad criticism towards him may have pushed you into masking yourself. It does hurt 🫂
I'm so happy that we've helped you on your journey and that we even helped you seek therapy (everyone should and every time a friend tells me I helped them get there I feel like I won in life). This is what we aim for here in this space, this is what makes it all worth it.
Thank you for the reassurance, it is very much needed sometimes. We want to fight toxicity, not contribute to it, and feedback like yours is very much needed to know we're on the right path. We hope to bring comfort for those who are feeling harmed by the situation.
And of course thank you SO MUCH for sharing your feelings with us, this is the juice we need to keep going 🩶
And finally: remember that you are and will always be good enough and that you deserve better. And no matter what, be yourself! Good luck and we're glad to have you on our train 🥰
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jabberwockymoreau · 1 year ago
Wrap My Teeth Around the World
Tags: Rated M, Chose Not to Apply Archive Warnings, Bylerween 2023, Will Byers/Mike Wheeler, Possessed!Will, Demonic Possession, Corpses, Blood and Injury, mentions of cannibalism, Canon-Typical Violence, More or less anyway. It's not too graphic I think but well a demon is running loose in thise one
Words: 4k
“You’re a fucking prude,” is all Dustin has to say. “Do you have an idea where he went?” Lucas asks. Mike pauses with the upturned container of flour in his hand, spilling the rest of it onto the floor. He surveys the scene around him, toeing the piles of rice and sugar mixing with the flour on the ground and opening the fridge he’d already closed again, its once organized insides ripped apart like the insides of a deer ravaged by a wolf. There is no Gone to get groceries written on the notepad by the fridge or Out on a killing spree, back later smeared on the hallway mirror in blood. He sighs. “No. He turned over the entire kitchen and then just left. I heard the front door close but I wasn’t quick enough to see where he ran. The bastard’s fast.” - Or, Bylerween Day 3: Demons, Devils & Exorcisms
read on Ao3 or below; see whole collection
For today's prompt I picked "Demons, Devils & Exorcisms" and well, if you can recognize what inspired this one you probably deserve financial compensation. I hope you enjoy it anyway, and also sorry @ Benny Hammond, you're just unfortunately so damn killable. CW: Blood, Corpses, mentions of Cannibalism and also a bit of Violence
“What do you mean he escaped?” Lucas yells at him over the radio, and Mike supposes he almost deserves that.
He’s only half at fault, but still.
“I don’t know!” he all but yells back. Even if he’s partially at fault, he’s not going to admit that to Lucas. “I went to the bathroom and when I came back he was gone! What was I supposed to do?”
“Not go to the bathroom,” Lucas replies.
Lucas’ line goes silent and Dustin’s crackles on. “Dude, you could have just used a bottle!”
“I could not! And besides, I don’t wanna piss or shit in front of my possessed best friend, okay? I thought he was secure. We tied him up!” “You’re a fucking prude,” is all Dustin has to say.
“Do you have an idea where he went?” Lucas asks.
Mike pauses with the upturned container of flour in his hand, spilling the rest of it onto the floor. He surveys the scene around him, toeing the piles of rice and sugar mixing with the flour on the ground and opening the fridge he’d already closed again, its once organized insides ripped apart like the insides of a deer ravaged by a wolf. There is no Gone to get groceries written on the notepad by the fridge or Out on a killing spree, back later smeared on the hallway mirror in blood.
He sighs. “No. He turned over the entire kitchen and then just left. I heard the front door close, but I wasn’t quick enough to see where he ran. The bastard’s fast.”
He wants to curl up and cry because the whole realizing Will wasn’t the same when he showed up for their game and then having to tie him up was more than he thinks he can handle already. He doesn’t want to go looking for the demon inside of his best friend, and he doesn’t want to figure out how to get it out of him either. He wants to forget about the horrid things the demon had said as they secured it, in this sweet voice that was almost like Will’s but so unlike him at the same time. And most of all he just wants his best friend back.
But there is no one to go and ask for help. Their parents would tell them they’re crazy, and Mike’s pretty sure even a man as open-minded as their former science teacher, Mr. Clarke, would have some concerns and reservations. So it’s on the three of them to save Will.
If only the demon had stated some goals as they confronted it, instead of giggling to itself over nothing and insulting them.
“Maybe it was looking for something to eat?” Lucas suggests.
Dustin scoffs. “Why would a demon need to eat?” “I don’t know. But if it ransacked the kitchen maybe it was hungry?”
Mike tosses the radio onto the kitchen island, deciding that Lucas and Dustin can just bicker this out between them. It had been their job to find information on possession at the library, they could figure out what the demon wants. His job had only been to keep an eye on the-thing-that-was-not-Will and failing that he now has a kitchen to clean. Otherwise his mother will kill him when she comes home.
She might just do so anyway, because even cleaned the damage will be noticeable. He’ll need to buy replacements for everything at the Big Buy and his bike won’t fit that many groceries, not to mention he doesn’t have time for several shopping trips and dumping his trash in the big container out behind Benny’s-
The radio almost falls into the trash in his scramble for it. “Benny’s!” he yells, interrupting Lucas mid sentence.
The line goes dead for a second as the boys wait for one another to say something. Finally Lucas prompts: “Repeat that. Over.”
“Benny’s” Mike says. “Any restaurant downtown would draw too much attention, but if he was looking for something to eat-”
“Benny’s,” Dustin says, cutting him off.
Mike drops the bag of trash and hurries downstairs to get the rope and his flashlight. His mother’s welcome to do whatever she wants if he isn’t murdered by a vengeful demon before she can get her hands on him.
“I’m heading over now,” Mike says. “Meet you there.”
He clips his radio to his backpack, picks up his bike where he’d dropped it yesterday, and then he’s off. Lucas and Dustin briefly let him know they’re on the way and then the line goes quiet.
The run down shack that is Benny’s Burgers sits on the outskirts of Hawkins. Taking proper roads it’s quite a bit from the Wheeler’s house, which never bothered any of them, because if the Wheeler’s are eating out Benny’s Burgers is at the bottom of the list of places his mother might pick. But that doesn’t hold for the boys, and neither are their bikes bound to asphalt streets. Cutting through fields and running cross country he makes it there faster than Lucas and Dustin, bound by the laws of traffic as they rush over there from the center of town.
Mike considers waiting out front, but the restaurant looks desolate and eerily quiet. Maybe it’s just his overactive imagination. Probably he’s just jumpy because his best friend got possessed by a freaking demon. There are two cars in the lot, Benny’s pick up and an old Ford belonging to Ratchet Dan, a man Mike doesn’t know what he does but knows he tends to show up to Benny’s before it opens to bum a cup of coffee from its owner. They have to be inside, and the worst case scenario will be Benny tells him they’re technically not open yet and makes him some fries anyway to tide Mike over as he waits for Lucas and Dustin so they can plan their next steps. Best case that thing masquerading as Will is actually inside and–
Well, actually that might be the worst case scenario, even if it’s exactly what he hopes for.
So, after taking a deep breath and hiding his bike in the bushes behind Benny’s truck, he heads inside.
The doorbell dings quietly, announcing his entrance to nobody. The lights are already on even as the windows are still shuttered, but the restaurant is deserted. Dan isn’t at the counter, and neither does Benny stick his head out of the kitchen to check who entered.
His overactive imagination and horror movie education tell him that he’s going to find the thing pretending to be his best friend in the kitchen, hunched over their dead bodies, munching on their brains. When Mike walks in it’s going to turn around, grinning at him with Will’s mouth, blood dripping down its chin. And then red, wet hands are going to reach out to strangle him.
Maybe he should warn Dustin and Lucas.
But before he can reach for his radio, his eyes snatch on the disturbed chairs and table all the way at the back of the room, by the counter. He inches forward slowly, careful not to bump into anything and announce his presence any further. One of the bar stools has fallen over as well, and when he rounds the last table, he sees why: Ratchet Dan is laying on the floor, his cup of coffee shattered by his head. Mike can’t tell if the dark liquid pooling beside him is coffee or blood. Perhaps it is both.
He doesn’t so much as twitch with the shallow breaths of the dying.
Mike clamps a hand over his mouth to stop himself from crying out.
He kicks Dan lightly, but that doesn’t seem to wake him up or get him moving in some way. Reluctantly Mike kneels down and tries to find his pulse. All he comes away with is blood slick fingers though.
Mike doesn’t have to guess at what happened, but he decides that this is definitely the worst case scenario. There is no relief to be had in having found the-thing-that-is-not-Will: Now they have to deal with it, and whatever reluctance it had shown when they first encountered it seems to have given way to murderous intent.
Mike swallows hard and looks about the restaurant for a makeshift weapon. He finds a baseball bat under the cash register and thanks god for the pragmatism of small town business owners. Then he unclips his radio and whispers: “Don’t answer me, but he is here.”
There’s a bang in the kitchen, followed by the shuffling of feet. Mike puts away the radio and grips his weapon more tightly, then takes a tentative step in the direction of the noise. He won’t like what he’ll find, he knows, but he has no other choice. Taking a deep breath, he pushes open the swing doors into the back with the bat.
Where the front of the restaurant had looked undisturbed on the first glance, the kitchen is an obvious mess, the signs of struggle just as visible as the ravaging of the demon. The baskets of the fryer are tossed haphazardly on the counter beside it and one on the floor. Somebody knocked over a shelf with spices, spilling salt, pepper, curry and a dozen other things over the floor. Knives clutter the island in the middle, and Mike doesn't have to take more than two steps into the room to see the pool of blood. Its metallic tang hangs in the air, mixing sickly with the smells of old fat and burnt food.
Two more steps reveal the short buzzed head of Benny and the big knife in his throat that had been the end of him.
As he continues forward, the banging and clanging at the back of the kitchen stop. He holds his breath, waiting for the demon to jump up and rush him. Instead the thing just sniffs, loudly, and then apparently having decided there is no threat, just continues. There’s a wet squish as it digs its fingers into something and then the wet smacks of lips and loud chewing.
Mike forces himself to take another step. Maybe he’s mistaken and this is something else. Maybe a raccoon has gotten lost in the kitchen and-
Stabbed Benny in the neck?
Perhaps that was unrelated. Maybe there had been a robbery and then the raccoon started to empty the pantry. Unlikely, but Mike will take anything that isn’t the demon possessing his best friend, anything that-
His futile hopes stop dead in their tracks with Mike. Will's body kneels on the floor, hunched over by the thing inside of him, digging into a portion of hamburger meat right where it's still in the metal bowl in which it arrived with dozens like it, frozen in the back of a truck. Unseasoned, uncooked.
As Mike watches, the thing grabs a handful of raw meat and stuffs it into Will's mouth. Pieces of it get stuck on his cheeks, some fall down to the floor. Not brains but just as pink. Littered around it lay two mostly empty bowls already and yet it continues to eat with the wild abandon of a starving animal.
The demon looks up at him as it chews, grinning with a full mouth, not caring at Mike cringing away from the ground meat falling out, wet with saliva, leaving a translucent trail behind in its chin. It swallows a portion of its massive bite and then says, never stopping to chew: “Hello, Mike.”
The voice is almost sweet. Almost Will.
It's fully at odds with the mouth it comes from.
Mike gulps and says nothing.
The demon swallows the rest and rises to its feet, apparently not ravenous enough to not leave the half empty bowl of raw meat behind. “Mi-ike,” it singsongs as it steps over its meal.
Mike holds the bat out in front of him in warning. The demon pauses, a grin on its face and its head cocked, watching him with curiosity.
“Don’t come near me,” Mike warns. He’s proud of the way his voice barely shakes.
The demon’s face shifts in an instant, playful teasing replaced with fury. “Don’t say that, Mike!” it hisses.
Mike grabs the bat in both hands, holding it above his head, readying a swing.
The demon laughs coldly and takes another step closer. “You’re not going to.”
“Don’t test me.”
It takes another step.
It takes a step.
“try it.”
It takes the last step and grabs the bat, ripping it out of his hands to send it flying across the kitchen. Mike whips his head around to look for one of the many knives.
“Forget about it,” the demon says sweetly. “You’re not going to hit or cut me. Him. Are you, Mike?”
Mike swallows, trying to meet the demons eyes. It’s right, and he can’t let it to know that.
The demon gets up on its tip toes, leaning in further. “Are you, Mike? Mi-ike, Mikey-mike. You'd never hurt me.”
The demon’s breath smells of blood and raw meat. And something else, sharp like spoiled egg. Mike takes a step back.
The demon sinks back down with a laugh, then affects Will’s voice again: “Don't leave me, Mike. Please.”
“What do you want?”
“I’m hungry. Sooo, hungry. He's hungry, Mike. Do you know how hungry he’s been?” The demon places Will’s hands over his stomach and mimes doubling over in pain.
“And you had to kill people because of that?”
The demon shrugs. “No, I just killed them because they were in the way.”
Mike wants to ask if he isn’t in the way as well, but he clamps his mouth shut before he can give the thing any ideas. He stumbles back another step as the demon crosses the distance between them.
“Have you ever been really hungry, Mike? So hungry it drives you crazy? He’s sohungry, Mike. He’s starving. Don’t you care that your best friend is starving, Mike?” “What do you want?” he asks.
He swallows, trying to bring up the courage to dive back to where the knives are and just stab it. Maybe in the leg, that shouldn’t hurt Will too bad. Or the arm. Maybe the stomach, but he’s not sure about that. Better not take any chances with Will’s internal organs when he doesn’t remember where the important bits were.
“I want what he wants. I’m hungry.” It licks its lips and takes a final step forward, pinning Mike against the counter.
And Mike has no defenses. The idea that he might grab a knife is just that, an idea. A heroic fantasy. The reality is he won’t hurt Will, not even a little bit. He can’t. So this is it. This is how he dies.
The demon leans in closer, its rotting breath acrid on his face. Hot and disgusting. Its fatty, dirt encrusted fingers come up to cup his face –
And then the demon kisses him.
Mike’s mouth opens in shock and the demon in Will’s body takes full advantage of that. Their teeth clack as it presses in closer, no idea what it is doing but following some animalistic instinct. Will tastes of the raw meat the demon had been shoveling into his mouth, and his lips are slick with fat. It’s not too bad, a little like plain hamburger patty without the smoky taste of being cooked. A little earthy, and in the aftertaste a little sour. Up close the rotten egg smell – sulfuric, the forgotten memory of a morning in Mr. Clarke’s science class informs him – is inescapable. It turns his stomach.
But Mike can’t push away the demon. When his hands reach out, they only find Will’s hair, Will’s face and he can only hold them gently. Because if this was Will, really him, then-
He won’t think about that right now.
He can’t.
The demon groans in to the kiss, and Mike only holds him close. It bites down on his bottom lip, drawing it into its own mouth with much too much force, drawing blood. It tastes metallic and hot in his own mouth.
The demon sighs happily.
And Mike knows that if the demon starts tearing at him, starts eating him, very literally, he still could not stop it. If this is the moment the cannibalism finally starts, this is the end of him.
Except at the front of the restaurant the bell rings, and the demon freezes.
Mike does the only thing he can think of doing: He wraps his arms around Will’s body, pulls him tightly against himself, and yells: “In the kitchen!”
“What are you doing?” the demon hisses. It tries to free itself, but Mike is squeezing it too tightly for it to be able to bring up Will’s spindly arms and push him away. Its struggle only has Mike holding on more tightly. “Get the rope and tie it up! We’re in the kitchen!”
The demon kicks his shin, and Mike clenches his jaw to keep from crying out. Its fingers find his hip, sharp nails digging into his skin, deep enough to make him bleed, and Mike doesn’t move. Will’s body returns his hug, face burrowing into Mike’s neck, teeth sinking into skin, and still Mike refuses to let go, letting the pain bring him to tears but only kissing Will’s neck, softly, in reply.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers in the hopes his best friend is still in there somewhere.
And then Dustin and Lucas are there. They’ve got the rope ready, and Lucas grabs the demon’s legs before its kicks can get anymore vicious, or worse, it realizes how much damage its knee would do to the soft, squishy meat between Mike’s legs. They tie them together tightly and then with Mike still holding its arms, secure its fists behind its back.
Mike doesn’t let Will go so much as that Dustin and Lucas have to pry him out of his grasp. The demon’s mouth and chin are covered in blood, and the smile it gives Mike is devilish.
“Tastes good,” it says, licking its lips.
Mike wants to throw up. Instead he looks the thing dead in the eye. He knows he will lose the staring contest, but he won’t just lay down and roll over for this fiend. He owes Will better than that.
Dustin pulls the thing away and out of the kitchen before either of them can break eye contact.
“Fucking shit,” Lucas says, turning Mike’s face so he’s looking at him. He pulls Mike’s hair away to examine his neck and grimaces.
“Got me good?” Mike asks and regrets having spoken when the movement sets the wound aflame with pain.
Lucas gestures for him to hold on and goes looking for the first aid kit. He steps around Benny’s corpse with a sour expression and disappears as he rifles through the lower counters.
There’s a small table to the side for Benny and the teens working as servers to take breaks at or hang out when business is slow, and Mike takes a seat. He’s not lightheaded from his injuries, but the smell of the kitchen and the sight of the blood – dripping over Will’s chin, the crazy smile, the taste of raw hamburger meat still clinging to his lips – has his stomach turn. And the adrenaline of the fighting subsiding leaves him in a cold sweat.
Lucas returns, wielding bandages and antiseptic triumphantly. He picks up a clean towel and starts by cleaning up Mike’s neck, then presses a second towel against the wound until it stops bleeding. Then he smears antiseptic over Mike’s neck, burning where it hits raw flesh, bringing fresh tears to Mike’s eyes, and carefully places a big bandage over the wound.
Mike looks at the fluorescent lights above him the whole time, counting their flickers. His jaw hurts from how hard he clenches it, but he’s not going to give the demon the satisfaction of hearing him cry out.
“Sucks that it’s not cold yet,” Lucas says as he cleans up after himself. “Would be much easier to hide if you could just wear a scarf.”
“My mom’s already going to kill me over the kitchen,” Mike says with a huff.
Lucas inhales sharply and gives him a you’re-totally-fucked-dude expression. “Well at least we caught Will. Good job distracting him until we got here.” Mike grimaces and says nothing. He’s not going to tell his friendswhy the demon hadn’t run from Mike. Or how he had gotten close enough to the thing to grab it like he had. He’s going to take the last ten minutes to his grave. Mike just hopes Will doesn’t remember a thing when they get him back.
If they manage to get him back.
“Did you find out what it wants?” Lucas asks.
Mike shakes his head, then amends: “It said it was starving, but I don’t think it really had an idea what for either.”
Really, the thing had kissed him because Will was starving. Because Will wanted that. But Mike’s not sure he wants to believe that. If it’s true then-
He’s not sure how to ask Will, isn’t sure this isn’t going to inevitably wreck something between them, and at the same time he wants it to be true.
If Will doesn’t remember, though, can he forget about it?
“That’s odd,” Lucas says but nothing more.
Mike gives him a tight smile and rises to his feet, not wanting to talk about it more. It’s almost a relief to think that the grave to which he’ll take this secret might come quicker than he expects it to.
In the restaurant, Dustin has forced Will’s body into a chair and is standing guard, his arms crossed.
“We should probably clean up and get out of here, right?” Dustin says. “Should we call the police? Give an anonymous tip?”
Mike shakes his head. “No, no tip. We leave no trace, but-”
“No!” the demon yells. Having realized its struggle was useless it had accepted its bonds with the patience and the quiet of a saint. But now it starts thrashing again. “Not her! No! No no no! Get me out of here!”
As if on cue, tires crunch the gravel outside. Dustin and Mike share a look with Lucas, just entering from the kitchen.
Dustin hurries to the shuttered windows. “It’s the sheriff. Shit.”
“Get me away from her!” the demon shrieks.
Mike frowns at it, somehow feeling no hurry despite Dustin’s announcement because of the way the demon is acting. If it wants to run, perhaps they should stay.
Gesturing for Lucas to keep an eye on Will, he joins Dustin at the window. The sheriff’s truck rolls into view, coming to a hurried standstill in the middle of the parking lot. There’s someone in the truck with the Chief, but only when she gets out do they get a good look at her. Mike’s only sure it is a girl because of the demon’s words: She’s about their age, but her head is shaven down to her scalp and her thin body drown in clothes that look borrowed from the sheriff, a loose flannel thrown over an even looser t-shirt.
“We need go,” Lucas says.
“No,” Mike says. He meets the demons eyes as he does. “Hop’s in a hurry but he’s driving with no sirens. And he has a strange girl with him. This doesn’t seem right.”
“She’s evil!” the demon quakes. “She’s the devil!”
Lucas frowns at their former best friend and seems to come to the same conclusion Mike had come to. Slowly he nods.
Mike looks from Dustin to Lucas to the demon and then back outside where Sheriff Hopper is putting on his hat and quietly conferring with the strange girl, then takes a deep breath. And then he pulls the door open and hopes he isn’t making a mistake.
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written for @bylerween2023
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 1 year ago
The world does not revolve around Chris. He does not have private people follow him around 24/< for hair , makeup and styling. STOP thinking he's Carmen Sandiago. Hes not the Dr. He doesnt have a Tardis where he can juat pop up in diffrent coutries
🗑 messed up big we saw neither of thise rings were hers as multiple celebs have gone on Re cord how it words with borrowed jewlery so they wouldnt be putting things on there that didnt below. Theres been half a dozen rumors olthey are each flying back and forth and here and there and it statted immediately after Bookie and her friend exposed the video Jus and 🗑 posted. Immediately after it got traction rumors started and rumors will continue to clean up the mess.
No one knows when a video is made. I do pagesnts and not pageants have narional winners do holiday shoots all in one day. Evwry single holiday we made a video for and did photos with specific clothes and changes of make up here and there. He couldve filmed the video right after the auction was over or he couldve done it last weekend. It doesnt matter. And yea you cant deny that is a weird yellow gold color.
STOP trying to drum up drama
Oh and p.s. if youre going to post thing fro lm soxial at leaat be smart enough to see what is or isnt enabled on his profile right now
But lets STOP looking for drama take the quiet and enjoy sweater season. Aldo atop trying to figure out where he is based off when things are posted. Chris has said hes a night own and up late so fans probably expect things to be put up late. Or maybe* gasp* soemone forgot to post it so they did it quick or maybe well maybes can go on fkrever ok so stop reading into everything it will not onlt drive you nuts but everyone else.
The fansom should be an escape not oh god what new drama could i encounter if i say hi to friends
Well said, An🫶n, and seriously, go off!!!
And I agree... All of this back and forth is truly a pain for all. Not everything has to be broken down. I'm honestly waiting for photos or video to analyze.
And it's true, about the thing about the Fandom being some sort of escape. I came and joined for the happy fun times, I only stumbled into this because somebody got me curious. Now, I'm here, and we finally have the chance to enjoy the Fandom without Albitch and her merry band of thick faced racists making some form of drama one way or another.
I'm sorry! But I will fight but only if bullshit is around. It helps me with whatever is going on in my personal life. But the analysis of when he posts or where he's flown to and where, I'll listen but doesn't mean I'm going to overcomplicate my life trying to figure out WTF is going on somewhere over the rainbow.
This is definitely not good bye. Not by a long shot. This is a I need to take time for myself, and enjoy life while I'm not preoccupied in/with someone else's drama.
But either when I finish those fics I promised, or if something big happens, I will be back...
And final message for trolls and Team Real just waiting to pounce...
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See you soon...
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asoulofatlantis · 1 year ago
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I do not like to hear that!
But it is of course a given that wherever you go, they will somehow be better than the place the previous arc has played in. It isn't nice if as the player you have a favorite place and one were you are... uh... not so happy about, but it makes somewhat sense. The game always wants you to feel that the place you are in is the most powerful in one way or another. That is why liberl has the best bracers and was the first country with an airship like the Arsaille. That is why Crossbell is, despite his size immensely important for the economy of Zemuria at it is a a literal centerpoint for selling stuff from various different countries. And Erebonia had the strongest military-might for the longest time. Tho now that Calvards arc has started, it feels more and more like Erebonia has lost all its advantages aside from Class7 and the fact that overall Erobinia is full of strong fighters, even without the use of their strong weapons and airplanes and panzers and such. But... it seems to me this advantage is getting smaller by the day and Erebonia is left with nothing but Rean and Olivert as their trump card V.V
I said it before and I say it again, I am an Erebonian Bitch. My heart belongs to Rean and Olivert and my I will ALWAYS be first and foremost on Class7s side. Supporting Alfin as future of Erebonias Royalty and Alisa and the Reinford-Company as a great technic-company. So be aware that any word that puts Erebonia down on the latter one way or another is making me very salty.
Nadia just asked Swin for a Date and he said they can save it for another time... so... he didn't say no. That is good, although Naia is still sulking XD
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That is... one way to summon the guilds faults up in one word XD
She actually meant the working-hours tho. But she isn't wrong with that either. Sometimes it feels like Bracers hardly ever have time to sleep, despite how limited their way of operating sometimes can be.
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Its her! That is why I had that odd feeling about her looking special and somewhat familiar in a weird way. She is also far too pretty for a random store-NPC.
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I should have know Nadia would choose that kind of "disguise" XD Pretending to be a young couple on a date is certainly perfect for her plans. Lets hope it also helps my plans to get that sidequest done soon ^^'
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I hate those minigames soooo much T.T
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The right thing to do would be handing them over to the police. But I kind of like what Marduk does with people and honestly? If those idiots do stuff like that again, the bracers can deal with it, what else are they good for these days anyway?
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Okay, that picture is so cute ♥
BTW... Märchen Garten has called me again. I wonder if I will ever finish the mainquest of thise route ^^' (And this is only route B of this chapter, we have not done route A yet...)
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Those guys kill you. Like 3 times in a row. Look forward to it!
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They give me some sirious HaMi-Vibes with their "better dying together than living without each other attitude" ♥
BUT that only makes my feeling stronger that it was absolut out of character for Su- I mean Swin, to leave Nadia behind later.
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That questionmark makes it look like a joke. Then again, it kinda is a joke... oh well. Next!
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Zin, my man. Please look forward to getting killed with us!
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I forgot about that part.
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This is so damn annyoing, even if you know its comming.
I wonder if this is Falcoms punishment for the Fans screaming that they want character to die. Now we have to watch them die over and over again without any emotions (but annoyance) involved.
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glitch-in-the-code · 2 years ago
Ok this is 💯% me rambling but I think I figured the other thing (other than just the red eyes, I mean) that was off to me about the animatronics in the movie trailer,,,
they have the bottom and top eyelids that they use a lot and it just looks to me like thise old 2010 fnaf sfm animations instead of an actual robot. the pull of fnaf was those empty blank and lifeless blank eyes that were black voids with dots of white, but this version seems too,,, emotive?? I think that's the word, bc they convey expressions in a way that seems unnatural in the sense of what one would expect from a murderous robot,, it's just not hitting the horror part of it right, if you see what I mean
Does this make sense to anyone other than me lmao
also side note but the closeup of the spinning gears and wires etc in the Freddy mask as it gets closer to the cam in the trailer gives me very much both neurodivergent love of parts working together in tandem and gender envy,,,
also, hi! it's been a minute lmao I have no sense of time and/or space TmT
- music anon
I see what you mean about the animatronics but I think I didn't see them move enough to form an opinion about their movement. I do like the direction they're heading though, I think it's possible for us to still get the black eyes with the dots
THE SPINNING IS SO COOL!!! Literally goes brr
Hello btw!! Don't worry 'bout it, I get it!!!
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