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I may be seen as crazy, possibly downright dangerous for this idea, but I'll put it out there anyway:
Gary and Len power couple
HEAR ME OUT Wentworth Miller has actively said he wants back on Legends, and he said he no longer wants to play straight characters. According to an interview, he said Len is Pan. This (at least in my brain) all adds up to Len coming back, but getting a BF or a Nonbinary partner. Who is Bi, cute, and looking for a partner? Gary. And with John having flirted with Leo form earth X you KNOW he'd be jealous of Gary getting the hot man. The possibilities are limitless. I know Len is generally the loner type, but the idea of Gary and his nerdiness slowly growing on him, and then Sara and Ava being like you chose G A R Y? And just,,, there's probably no way this will happen but it's my big brain thought of the day and sometimes a girl has just gotta share 😌
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CCers and Donald Trump both love to rage and spin up their followers but neither knows how to handle the anger they generate
If you are going to spend your time frothing up your followers into an angry hornets nest of hate and frustration, you have to be prepared for dealing with that anger. The current crop of “leaders” have no idea. They acting righteously indignant when the anger comes back on Darren. If they spend any amount of time reading what they wrote with a critical eye they would see that everything expressed by crissvoncolfer reflects the various tropes ccers love so much. Crissvoncolfer is missing the crucial step after hearing all of Darren’s failures one is supposed to immediately feel pity for Darren and blame those who surround him but NEVER DARREN. Nothing Darren does is his responsibility.
The ccers are like republicans -they want to find fault with everything he does, blame everyone around him for his failures but then give him mountains of credit for his successes. It’s like the American Capitalism under republicans- privatized profits and socialized losses (need proof- look no further than the bailout packages that went to mega wealthy corporations (a few which were caught and did give the money back), airlines, and now they are pushing for the automobile industry next but we CANNOT afford socialized medicine and we need to make cuts to social security-something we pay into- and Medicare- something that works -after they gave billionaires a huge tax cut).
I really want to point out Notes post because it offeneded me the most. Chrisdare is again speaking for all the gays while pretending she isn’t and Cassie is playing a version of “I’m not racist because I have black friends” switched to “Darren isn’t hurting the LGBTQ community by hiding in the closet because so many gay people say he’s nice”. If Darren did all the things they claim ccDarren does, he would be pretty toxic. It’s not about letting him come out on his own terms, it’s about the many lies ccDarren has spun in order to protect his truth... all while living with Chris. Claiming that young gay kids wouldn’t be harmed by his message of “being gay is awesome but I”m straight”. It’s one thing to hide in the closet publically but to get married in a lavish wedding week and to speak so freely on his wife and happy marriage make him ineligible for his ccstatus as an innocent gay icon who’s just too scared to come out this month, year, decade...maybe in the next decade?
As for Cassie- maybe quarantine is getting to her...too much time with her dream lover?
crissvoncolfer You know the more he talks about the beard and the strip club with a fucking smile on his face the more he’s going to look like a lying asshole when all of this comes out. He already looks like one to a lot of people in the lgbt community.
PS Fellow queer K/Michale deserves to be called out for feeding the beast when he knows what the score is. I don’t care if he needs the work.
chrisdarebashfulsmiles You know I’m tired of this. I can’t talk for all the lgbt community but my opinion is it would be hypocritical by people of our community being judgmental shit towards D.
I’m part of it and I don’t care what he has to do most of the time because the struggle is real and I know how hard can be in some environment to be not out for whatever reason. And I’m only a pan person who can talk like a straight one like R/aymond A/insley of HW seems white in the industry.
I don’t think that the community thinks D is good only when he helps to raise money… Otherwise shame on us as community… Really.
Let’s stop saying that he already looks like an asshole for a big part of the lgbt community. I don’t think we have made a poll to know for sure about it. What I see, personal experience, to be pressed about him are most of the time straight relative or friends of lgbt people who think they can dictate when that man has to publicly come out for their consumption and don’t really understand what a coming out could mean.
As far as I can see in every lgbtq forum checked since 2013 I’ve always found that most of the people fantasize about tap him and don’t care if he’s not out for the public.
I think we should all take a big breath and count at least until 100 before deciding to talk in the name of the community.
You think D’s is looking like an asshole? Be my guest I have no problem about it. You are part of the lgbtq community? Good. This is your opinion, valid as mine.
Let’s not talk in the name of others.
notes-from-nowhere What @chrisdarebashfulsmiles said. Most members of the LGBT+ community understand D better than anyone. And there is no way the blame is going to stay on his shoulders for long after the truth will come out.
cassie1022 Run along, you dick, and reblog that vile video for the 7,000th time. Have you SEEN how many celebs that identify as LGBTQ LOVE him? Have you? I doubt it. You think he’s an asshole? Skippy for you, I think YOU’RE an asshole. Did you forget how long NPH, Ellen, Ricky M, Wentworth M, and countless others were forced to stay in the closet? Seriously, fuck off. Leave the fandom if he makes you that miserable. (X)
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Just watched the latest CW DC crossover event, Crisis on Earth X...
1.) My love for Snart will never die. It may wane and become dormant for a time, but damn do I love that man and always will.
2.) Whooo, Wentworth was finally able to get Snart to be pan! Alright, I know it’s not stated and you could argue he is only bi or even just gay, but it’s no secret Wentworth has the headcanon Snart is pansexual so pansexual he shall forever be to me, too. Whether it’s fully supported or not in canon is irrelevant.
3.) Joe is gonna be so sad he missed his kids getting married. Super happy for them, but sad he missed it.
4.) Thea is not gonna be happy she missed her brother’s wedding. She just woke up from a coma and still she wasn’t at Oliver’s wedding?! Way to be stubbed. I know, I know, it was a last minute thing on Felicity and Oliver’s part, but they better do a proper wedding or even reception with Thea, William and Quentin.
5.) After 6 years of buildup, this is the wedding we get for Oliver and Felicity? A last minute wedding the last five minutes on a crossover? It was very anticlimactic and felt really hollow.
6.) Why wouldn’t Barry just flash himself, Iris, Oliver and Felicity back to Star City for Oliver to marry them? That would have made more sense and been more impactful for Oliver to marry them. Barry could have flashed them back to the Arrow Lair, Oliver marries them, Felicity asks Oliver to marry her and then Dig (who’s in the lair at the time doing his thing in the background) comes forward and marries them. Same events played out, but in a different, better way.
7.) Dr. Martin Stein. Damn, was that unnecessary. The CW DC universe has got to learn that characters can leave a show without dying. They already wrote in a respectable manner for the character to leave and then killed him off anyway. Did the writers really think the heroes needed a death to rally them against the enemy? It’s Nazis. They are the bad guys and need to be defeated because they are Nazis. No other motive is necessary and it’s insulting and disrespectful that anyone thought otherwise.
8.) It was nice to see Tommy and for Oliver to call him Thea’s other brother (I feel like that fact as mostly been brushed off and Oliver calling him Thea’s sibling to Tommy’s own face brings home the fact Thea and Tommy are siblings in a way simply saying that newfound fact after Tommy was already dead never could).
9.) Barry became fast enough to beat Zoom and even defeated the big bad Savitar speedster. I am positive it was said at one point that Barry became faster then Eobard. It doesn’t make sense to me that he wasn’t able to beat him easily. Compared to past speedsters, isn’t Eobard now small potatoes? Why then was he so much of a challenge?
10.) It bugs me that Earth X Kara and Oliver had the same hairstyles has our Kara and Oliver. I know it’s a small thing, but evil versions of you have different hairstyles. Them the rules. It’s a time honored tradition and it seems lazy and unrealistic that both Kara’s had the same hairstyle. One could have simply been longer or shorter than the other or even straight instead of her usually waves, just give me something different between the two.
11.) Oh boy, did this confirm that I have zero interest in seeing Infinity War. It’s just plain boring to have multiple fight scenes going on at once. It’s too much action, too many quick cuts, and as a result becomes a convoluted mess. The church fight wasn’t as bad because it was less people fighting and it was contained in one area instead of jumping all over the place following multiple people for short bursts of time with quick camera movements, but the climax big fight scene was a shallow mess that boils down to having too many cooks in the kitchen. It becomes too many people involved with too much action and results in you not being invested in any of the fight scenes that are rapidly shown and flipped through (like flipping quickly between channels on a TV--you see what’s happening, but absorb nothing).
12.) I really wish instead of Legends we were given a Rogues show with Leonard Snart as the main character. That man could have carried his own show easily. Or even just kept him on The Flash where he could have stayed alive and potentially gained powers along side Caitlin during Flashpoint. Bottom line, I really wanted more of him and wish he hadn’t been taken from us to go on Legends.
13. Barry and Snart hugged! Don’t care that it was Leo and not our Barry’s Snart, because it’s still a Snart and a Barry who hugged and that’s good enough for me. Awww, they hugged. So nice.
14. I wish they’d stopped doing crossovers. 2 show crossovers are one thing and done right they’re kinda cool as a one-off kind of thing, but 4 show crossovers are too much. We get it, CW, you have 4 DC shows on your network. Please stop tooting your own horn and trying to advertise all 4 shows by doing 4 show crossovers. It’s annoying and if you’re gonna keep it up at least come up with better plots and a story worthy of 2 hrs. 48. minutes of screentime. It’s your chance to tell a movie length story and you keep wasting that opportunity.
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Today was......I don't know. It was emotional. Which I guess shouldn't be surprising given its events, but it's never been like this on this case before, at the other hearings. It was just all so real today. But, I'll start from the beginning. I fucked up walking up somehow, I don't even remember how because I was still half asleep, but I got a text off to my supervisor saying I'd be in at 11 and that was fine since we didn't have any morning obligations. I'm never happy when I do things like that because it makes me feel lazy and unmotivated, but oh well. I got to work at 11 and did some more prison call listening (and candy crush playing) which didn't reveal anything all that rich. Idk if I told you, there was one call from the other day that was like the motherlode, they were insulting everyone in the courtroom and saying they should be prosecuted for what they've done and how the GAL has it out for the caseworker and just all of these absolutely ridiculous statements that I couldn't even write down fast enough, so I think that'll be plenty. We were scheduled for 1:30 for our case to come back up but their courtroom was running late so I kept popping into my former boss' office to see if he was up here yet haha, around 12:45 he arrived and not too long the foster parents were there and we were ready to go. The proceedings were.....interesting. So it's the second phase of the termination trial, where the subject is only the best interest of the children, not the parents constitutional right to parent or whatever. The state and GAL (us) had already rested, so it was just time for the 3 defense attorneys to put up their cases, which of course got hectic. Dad #1, who wasn't involved in "the incident" but is just a gang member who deals drugs, went first, so he testified about loving his kids and such and then they had his mother and his sister testify as to how they had rented a house where they could all live if they let the kids return home to them, but like, the dad was already found depraved because of his felony convictions, plus he's done zero services, so that's going be a stretch. I do genuinely have empathy for the family members because they haven't done anything wrong here, but again, this is about the best interest of the children, not the family members. So then dad #2 went, which was probably the most interesting point. First she had the dad's grandma testify with a Spanish interpreter, I guess just about how she wanted her great grandkids in her life and how close their family is and all that. There was a great moment on cross when she said something about telling the dad they didn't like his "girlfriend" and the ASA was like REALLY LETS EXPLORE THIS and I had to cover my smirk, which is really something I need to get better at because I get far too amused during court proceedings. The real show through was with the letter dad #2 wanted admitted to the judge but we wouldn't stipulate to foundation, so the dad (when I'm talking about this dad, remember he's actually a 17/18 year old) had to get on the stand to establish he wrote the letter and such, and then of course it was time for cross and we wanted to get into the contents of the letter, but the judge kept the scope pretty limited, but that's TBC....I don't think moms attorney actually called any witnesses, she just admitted some certificates of classes mom had completed is jail. I mean, there's really no valid argument she could've made there given the circumstances. Anyone they put on the stand could be massively screwed on cross. So then she rested and there gets to be "rebuttal" and we were kind of colluding with the ASA and we decided to call dad 2 as our witness and ask about the letter which were are allowed to do, though his lawyer objected since the GAL doesn't have the burden of proof they shouldn't be able to do rebuttal, but the judge overruled that. So they got into the letter and really grilled him on it, a lot of it was argumentative by nature cuz he's like "I'm a changed man since I've seen my children born" so the question is "so before this you didn't know it was wrong to starve a 4 year old to death?" Part of the reason we called him though instead of the state is because then technically the state gets to cross and has a better scope. I was watching his attorney while the questioning was happening and it started to look like she was maybe giving him cues for answers??? Like I couldn't tell if she was just kind of nodding along in solidarity or cueing him when to say yes, so I motion for the ASA and tell him and we both just end up looking at her for the rest of the questioning. It was probably nothing, or if anything harmless, but I felt kind of proud of myself for noticing it and bringing attention t it, lol. The letter started with him saying "first I just wanted to say I'm sorry for everything" and the ASA just stood up and was like "so what are you sorry for?" And he goes to answer but then his lawyer jumps up and is like MY CLIENT IS ASSERTING HIS FIFTH AMENDMENT RIGHT AGAINST SELF INCRIMINATION AND REFUSES TO ANSWER so the judge just asked him are you going to take your attorneys advice? And he said yes and didn't answer and it was epic because that was EXACTLY what we wanted to happen because it makes him look guilty as sin, and it's something the finder of fact is allowed to draw negative inferences from. So that was great. Then it was just closing arguments, and things got heavy. State went first of course, and laid out the trauma these kids have experienced and how they now have permanency in each of their foster homes and it was in their best interest to have their parental rights terminated. So then we went. Since our clients are the kids of course we talked more about them, and my former boss was talking about what the siblings said in the VSI's about how they lived in the home with the corpse of their dead sibling for days while having to listen to the mom and boyfriend talk about ways to dispose of the body, including, which I hadn't heard up until this point, knocking his teeth out with a baseball bat so they couldn't identify him by dental records. And for whatever reason, that fact was my tipping point. I could feel my heart just sinking in my chest and I closed my eyes for a few seconds to try and compose myself. And I managed to do so for when I had to. The defense closing arguments were like- dad #1- well he wasn't involved in killing the kid and he has good family support, dad #2 cited some specific passages of the juvenile court act about culture and tradition and then just said to consider the age of her client and how is rehabilitatable. I think moms attorney just adopted their argument about culture and stuff and that was pretty much it. At the start the judge told us he wasn't gonna give a ruling today, he'd take it under advisement and return for a ruling on another date. So we got another date, June 22nd (of course over a month away). I can't blame him though, because this is such a high profile case he has to make sure he gets everything right because no matter what this case will be appealed and he has to do everything he possibly can to make sure that doesn't happen. We might actually get a written opinion out of it, which I'd be super interested to read (we almost never get written opinions out of trial courts). But yeah, that about ended the day. Bus home, made dinner quickly and accidentally melted part of the plastic handle of the rubber spatula by leaving it in the pan and having it rest on the side....oops. At least it was minor. And then it was time to watch the flash. Spoilers ahead, obviously. I think I had actually managed to not get myself too worked up about Snart returning and was going into it with the mindset that I may not get what I want here, so I think that made the overall actions, although still disappointing, at least more bearable. But yes, I'm disappointed that they didn't take this as an opportunity to bring him back to life when they could've easily worked it into the storyline. There was a moment, when Len was trapped in with King shark and Barry was on the other side of the door I was like OH SHIT because the timeline damage if Len got killed right there instead of the oculus.....??????? Like holy fuck, that could've gone in so many directions. But that was quickly handled so crisis averted. I did very much enjoy captain cold in the episode, he was at top snark level and pretty much everything he did was fantastic. On the rest of the episode, well it felt extremely weak to me for Lyla to be like "no" upfront and then after Barry fucking breaks into ARGUS and like potentially compromised national security she was like "oh take it because it's true love!"......I was just like, really? That was the best you could do? Just...ugh. Return Len to Siberia, as has been noted is not a location that we know of the legends visiting yet, was interesting, but I feel like this is more them retconning and being lazy in not exactly wanting to establish when during season 1 of LOT did they grab him from rather than we're going to go to Siberia in 1892 with Len on the waverider in the future. I would love to be proven wrong there, though. The ending...I wasn't expecting them to go as far as they did because they still need a fucking season finale, but they did go there and I'm sorry, I don't believe for two seconds that Iris is actually "dead" and the fucking season finale is just them mourning. Like, no. I've never for a second believed they were actually going to kill off Iris, and that's only gotten stronger as the season goes on. That being said I have no idea how they're gonna fix this next episode, but they've come up with enough creative/ridiculous solutions to seemingly impossible problems before so I'm sure they'll figure something out. I could probably keep going but for times sake I'll move on because PRISON BREAK. Just yes, all the Wentworth Miller on my tv screen <3 and Michael and Sara reunited and it was the most precious thing ever and everything I could've dreamed of and then FUCKING HANK HAS TO SHOW UP AND RUIN EVERYTHING WHEN I TOLD YOU ALL HE WAS A BAD EGG TO BEGIN WITH. FUCKING HANK. (If you're really confused right now, just know that I refuse to refer to Jacob by his actual character name because I hate him too much). It was a good twist though, but now I'm like ahhhh for Michael Jr and Sara's safety as this fucking nut job is running around and of course Linc and Michael and crew have to find their way back into the US, so that'll bring all sorts of new adventures. So that was good. I didn't do much of substance after that, so I think I'm gonna call it here and go to bed because it's really late and I have to actually force my ass out of bed at 7 am. So goodnight babes. Stay sweet.
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As pansexual I do wanna say that we really never even get representation in media. If someone is into both guys and girls [And even if they clearly base their attraction on who the person is and their personality] everyone just labels it as bisexual. And even bisexual people exclude us. I remember a specific post of a lesbian woman shaming bisexuals and pansexuals, and someone replied to and ONLY mentioned and defended bisexuals. Like you guys know how we feel, but still exclude us.
I’m very sorry that you’ve had that experience, anon! My personal experience has been seeing bi/pan people grouped together more often than not (which in its own way, is problematic), but that doesn’t mean that my experience is your experience, and I’m sorry that yours has been isolating, as that is not what the community is supposed to be like.
I did research canon pan characters in media, however, and wanted to provide you with some, although I know there are very few.
Wade Wilson/Deadpool - Deadpool, Marvel Comics.
Carlton Lassiter - Psych (confirmed by the writers, apparently)
Jack Harkness - Dr. Who (also said to be omnisexual).
Rick Sanchez - Rick & Morty (confirmed by the writers, but he also shows interest in different people/aliens throughout the series).
All the Sensates from Sense8
This can be a bit problematic with Nomi and Lito, who are considered lesbian/gay (especially with Lito, who comes out as gay and has a whole storyline revolving his sexuality), but in all technicalities, Nomi never says she’s a lesbian, and Lito saying “I’m gay” could be him saying that in terms of him being in the LGBTQIA+ community - so, it could easily be fandom applying the label onto them incorrectly.
Leonard Snart - The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow.
This is actor-canon only, but Wentworth Miller has stated that he plays Len as “inherently pansexual”.
And, some characters who are definitely in the LGBTQIA+ community, but not explicitly stated to be bi/pan/polysexual and therefore can be read as pansexual unless the writers want to state their sexuality:
Chuck Shurley - Supernatural (*recurring character, in a show that has 12+ seasons, I should warn you).
Sarah Manning - Orphan Black
Claire Bennett - Heroes
And if my other followers know of any other pansexual characters, please comment them below!
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cannot believe they had len say “set you straight” when no single bone in len’s body is straight there is no universe where that man is heterosexual
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