pennywises · 6 months
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Bill Skarsgård in THE CROW (2024) dir. Rupert Sanders
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cinamun · 1 year
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It could've gone off... | Next
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callofdudes · 1 year
Can I request TF141 x Reader where they’re on a mission til suddenly Y/n got into a fight by the enemy. Til she went trigger bringing out the savage beast and started to kill the enemy who get into her way. TF141 are shock what they’re seeing. They try to calm Y/n but she lost control and about to attack them. Price brought out a record tape that Lasewell give it to him and told him to play it for Y/n calm down just in case. Once Y/n hear the lullaby song the voice from her mother she started to cry and passed out.
Take all the time you need. No need to rush. Btw I love your work. I read all of them.
Ah, thank you for the request. I'm glad you enjoy my writing @silverwolf-108 I realized that you'd sent in a second and third request so I thought I needed to hop to it and finish this one for you!
A/n: I made the tape an ipod instead, I hope you don't mind, it's a bit easier to play quickly in a frantic situation.
Also thank you for being so patient with me, you are an angel 😊😅
The battle had gone on long and hard. Bullets sprayed across the field, wind whipping around you and the boys. Ghost was hidden back against a shed, practically pinned down and unable to move while Johnny bled out. He cupped the sergeants cheek to try and keep him awake, his heart beating out of his chest.
"Y/n!! Find cover!" Simon urges.
He turns back to Johnny, trying to keep him awake.
Your heart pounds out of your chest. Everything is a blur and it's way too much for you. Too stimulating. A bullet whizzes by your hair, blood rushing through your ears.
Your fingers start to itch on your gun, wanting to pull the trigger on these motherfuckers and give them a piece of your fucking mind.
You look back at your team, trying to hide for cover as well. Gaz is tucked into Price's shoulder, hiding against the ground to try and survive the bullet spray.
"Johnny!! Open your eyes sergeant!! We're not done here!"
You see Simon in desperation and Johnny's limp body. It's all too much. Your heart lurches in your chest and you feel like you're going to puke.
Blood drips from Johnny's chest and you lose it. Seeing his blood makes you violent. Animalistic.
You regrip your gun and run from your hiding spot.
"Soldier!!" Price yells at you.
You can't hear, blood rushes in your ears. You throw a smoke grenade one way and take out the two soldiers closest to you. You disregard their fallen bodies and run into the smoke.
You raise the stock of your gun and hit another man upside the head and send him down to the ground.
You drop your gun and grab your knife, grabbing another man by the throat and carving it out and up his jaw. Blood spilled across your face and you kick his body away.
They try to shoot you through the smoke, bullets whizzing and whipping by you but never touching.
You shoot two more men and advance on the others.
Everything is red. Murder and blood was all too much. Too stimulating. Your fingers itch as the smoke clears. Another soldier attempts to take hold of you, your blade meeting him first, followed by you snapping his neck before he has the chance to bleed out.
Another soldier grabs you but you sink your blade into his shoulder, chopping and hacking away at the spot before drawing a deep line across the expanse of his chest.
You don't stop to catch your breath, throwing your knife into the forehead of another man.
Two men grab you and pull you back. You snarl, kicking in the dirt and grab another knife, slicing it into one of the men's wrists and pulling him around and swinging him into the other men.
"I will not let you touch my family." You growl before sinking your blade into his chest and twisting it around in the cavity. The second man tries to get up and run but you slice his leg and slam your blade into the back of his head, blood spilling and splattering across the ground.
The 141 watches in horror and shock. The men that just moments ago were about the kill them all were now being demolished by you. What had happened.
Simon watches, honestly impressed. Though he'd kick your butt for pulling such a stunt and putting yourself in the way like that.
He clutches Johnny tightly to his chest, another bullet whipping past his head before you rip the man's gun from his hands and smash the side right into his face.
Another bullet whizzes by and Price pulls Gaz against his chest, breathing heavy. "It'll be ok, it'll be ok." He reminds Gaz, watching you from where they were hiding with shock and is just as impressed as Simon. Although he sees where your safety is in immediate danger.
Your heart is still beating out of your chest even when things slow and the soldiers are gone.
Using the soldiers gun you shoot down more of the soldiers until the troops begin to slow in numbers.
The last of the soldiers run at you and you hit him with the stock, slamming him on the ground and stomping on his head, cracking it and splattering more blood across the ground.
Price sits up and looks at you, he's not sure if he should congratulate you or slap you over the head.
You just stand there, hunched over and breathing heavily. Your fingers itch, bloody blade still clutched in your hand while you try to recover some semblance of thought.
Gaz gets up from his spot and rushes out to see if you're ok. "Y/n, wh-what was that??"
His footsteps make your head twitch. His hand grazes your shoulder and you push him back, throwing him into the dirt.
Price grabs you and pulls you into a roll with him, ripping you away from Gaz. Your blade drops from your hands and narrowly misses Gaz's eye, slicing a cut against his forehead.
Price is already reacting when he sees you climb on top of Gaz and raise your blade. Gaz tries to kick you off, trying to get away.
You snarl at him, your eyes are dark and he can see that you're not in there, not fully present right now. His heart lurches when the blade starts to come down and he scrunches his eyes tightly.
Price tries to hold you down while you scream and kick and squirm. You hit him with all your might, trying to take him down but he's just so much stronger than you.
Price firmly but lovingly holds you against him, shielding you from the world.
"I'll bloody murder you!!" You scream, trying to bite him.
You grew distressed and uncomfortable in his arms. Too tight, tol restricting, to unsafe. You scream again, trying to kick and punch and spit.
"It's ok y/n, it's ok, it's just us. It's just us." He tries to soothe you with his voice but it's not affective.
You continue to kick and squirm, hitting him in the shoulder and trying to bite his arm.
And then he remembers protocol. He'd been given a rundown on this when you'd joined the 141.
"Gaz, check my bag!"
Gaz whines, clutching his bleeding forehead but rushes to complete the task and searches Price's bag. "When you find and old ipod let me know."
Gaz keeps digging until he finds the phone at 100 percent. "Got it."
"Play the first song, now!"
"Is now the time for songs, captain??"
"Kyle Garrick do it now!!"
Gaz is shaking as he presses play and a soft moldy starts. He holds it's closer to you and your fighting starts to slow. Your nails dig into Price's forearm and your bottom lip quivers.
You go limp and burst into sobs. Hot, wet tears flow down your face and your breathing gets faster. You cling to Price now instead of trying to fight him.
You clutch his gear, trying to breath through heavy tears.
Price runs his hand over your head. "It's ok sergeant, take a deep breath soldier. Take a deep breath."
You whimper and exhaustion floods your body, and your eyes close.
Gaz pauses the music as you fall asleep in Price's arms, curled up in his safety and his warmth.
"What... Just happened??"
"Classified sergeant. But it's over now." He strokes your hair gently. "Now we need to get both Y/n and Johnny out of here now."
Simon comes over, still a little stunned with a shivering, weak Johnny in his arms.
They all move to the evac site where they meet medical. They take both of you and fly their soldiers back to base.
Price is nervous for you to wake up, but he sits the boys down for a chat to try and explain what happened as much as he can. it brings a bit of light to the subject, but doesn't change the fact that Ghost and Gaz didn't see it coming and are a stunned.
Ghost had never seen anything like it. The absolute rage that drove you into that battle like a madwoman.
Nonetheless they were all happy that they survived, it was all thanks to you.
You woke up a day later, exhausted and tired, but alive. You didn't all remember what happened. You remember you were fighting, and then you were cradled in Price's arms. Looking back on it felt like a mindless blur.
You slowly sat up, seeing small wounds of yours patched and stitched.
In the next bed lay Johnny, out cold with bandages tightly wrapped around his chest.
The door opened and you snapped up to look as Price, Ghost and Gaz come in.
"Guys!" You smile and hold your arms out for hugs. Price hugs you tightly, kissing your forehead. "I'm so glad you're alright."
Ghost pats your head and Gaz also hugs you.
You notice the bandage on his forehead and brush your thumb over it. You don't like to see them hurt.
"Who did this to you, Gaz?"
Gaz smiles awkwardly. "Just some guy on the field, but with how you were hacking around I think you got him."
You clutched your head when you felt a sharp headache come on. "I... I don't remember much... I'm sorry."
Price takes your hand and squeezes it. "You were very brave y/n, you saved our asses back there. You don't have to remember it for it to have happened."
You look up at him and nod. "Thank you."
Ghost moves closer to you and grumbles under his breath. "I don't know what the bloody fuck you were doin', but you could have gotten yourself killed!!" He sighs and squeezes you in a tight hug, surprising you.
"So bloody glad you're alive. You hear me??"
You hug him back and smile. "I hear you lieutenant."
He pulls away and leans over the other bed, clutching Johnny's limp hand in his own.
"What about Johnny??" You ask.
They all look over at Johnny who is still unconscious and breathing quietly. The heartbeat monitor near his bedside plays in soft smooth rhythms.
"Johnny is alright. Lost a lot of blood and needs rest, but he is doing ok."
You sigh in relief. Price helps you off your bedside and you shake out your sore limbs. "I think I'm gonna go rest in my room for a bit... Thank you."
"Of course sergeant, call us if you need us."
"Will do Captain."
You headed down to your room, still with a headache you crawled into your nice warm bed, and drifted asleep. The anxiety and overstimulation got to you sometimes on the field, reminding you of things and sending you into overdrive fight mode.
But I guess this time it really did save your asses. Johnny doesn't remember anything, but he'll thank you for saving them regardless.
And they all lived happily ever after, I hope you like it 😊
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rosiathemagician · 3 months
Aaaaaand here we go. All that negativity especially on IG and X posts caused that Patreon is postponed for those who did not have a chance to support KS. Very well done guys 👏
Thanks to your selfishness and over the line comments, you ruined it for other fans who were looking forward and who wanted to support the devs.
I'm really disgusted by that behavior. Some constructive criticism and feedback is one thing, but some of those things I saw on other platforms were really too much.
Have a good day. I am taking a break from this shit because this is utterly disgusting.
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blmpff · 8 months
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Playboyy (2023) 1x9
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scre6m · 5 months
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Clawdeen Wolf (former weirdo human, now newly self-actualized werewolf) and the horrible realization her fellow online monster enthusiasts from the Mysteries Inc forum got worried when she went quiet after mentioning going into some woods alone,
and they have transportation
and they just pulled up to the gates of Monster High in their Mysteries Inc van
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snowy-bones · 2 months
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my microwave exploded tonight...all that was wanted...was melted butter...for dinner...
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ayo-edebiri · 1 year
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f1-birb · 7 hours
"You never want to be 8 tenths away from your teammate" 💀
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loevhyuck · 9 months
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atwas-meme-ing · 1 month
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From Archie Sonic 42.
Tails is a genius, but he sure got a big mouth.
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violinist-rachel · 1 year
Dear Rachel!
I don't know how to exactly ask it without making it sound rude but, do you need someone to talk to about things that bother you? You seem bothered by something
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"O-oh my, is that how I've been coming off lately? Nothing's really bothering me, I promise! I-...!"
Rachel settled awkwardly into a short, but pensive pause as she struggled to find the words she's looking for.
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"...I think I'm just tired lately. I've been staying up far longer than I should, so my sleep schedule isn't the best...
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thorinkingoferebor · 1 year
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robinfrinjs · 11 months
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psychicvoidtale · 4 months
They are the same cats that appeared with Baldo
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THE GIRLS✨🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈
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