random-twst-things · 6 months
Part 2 of this!
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*After the interview, it was cut short*
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: Mal?
Malleus: ...yes?
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: HOW?! how is it that we're even married?
Malleus: Well-
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: We haven't even dated each other?!
Malleus: ...
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: Look, it's not that I mind, really but-
Malleus: Really? ☺️
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: Not the point Mal! How did this even happen? And for an entire year?!
Mc/Y/N/Yuu, turns to Mal: Mind explaining?
Malleus: Well, you were the one to court me
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: ...Me?
Malleus: Yes, do you remember around a year ago the time you gifted me a new tamagotchi, coupled with a pretty rock with a small card saying "love you"?
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: Yes? It was a while ago, but yea
Malleus: Well, I thought that was you courting me, dear
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: ...
Malleus: ...
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: You thought that I was courting because I gave you a rock? A simple rock?
Malleus: Correction, a very pretty rock, but yes
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: Please don't tell me this is the way faes court?
Malleus: Well, not exactly. Instead of the, VERY, pretty rock you gave me we usually find or buy an unpolished emerald rock and give it to the person we wish to court.
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: AN EMERALD?! UNPOLISHED EMERALD?! I gave you nothing close to that!
Malleus: Well, I assumed that given your living situation and expenses you sadly had to use a pretty rock you found instead of the emerald
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: Mal, you do know that our way of "courting" is very different, right?
Malleus: I am aware, but I assumed you knew
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: ...
Mc/Y/N/Yuu, sighs: Okay, okay- wait- this was when?
Malleus: A month before we got married
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: A MONTH?!
Malleus: Yes, a month, I wished to do it sooner but thought I'd wait to respect your human traditions. Lilla also said patience is key ☺️
Malleus: It is? 😔
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: YES BUT-
Malleus: Dear, the event I held a year ago in Diasomnia's courtyard was our wedding
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: I thought that was some fae holiday or tradition you guys did?
Malleus: It was not, it was our wedding
Mc/Y/N/Yuu, pacing the room: wait- you need a marriage officiant for a wedding to happen though? What about the vows? The walking down the aisle?
Malleus: The vows we said we're done in private, remember? when I poured my heart out telling you how I could never imagine you not being in my life? The marriage officiant was Lillia and the walk down the aisle I chose not to do as I couldn't wait any longer.
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: Okay, so I remember the "vows" but when did I even sign the marriage license?
Malleus: As soon as you walked into the dorm doors
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: I thought that was a paper to see who came?
Malleus, worried tone, happy face: My, dear, you really should read something before you sign it 😊
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: yea, I really should
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: what about the wedding attire? I didn't wear a wedding dress/suit? The ring?
Malleus: The outfit of garments I sent to you the day before our wedding and the ring I'm assuming you thought was a "simple" gift 😞
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: THAT WAS MY WEDDING DRESS/SUIT?! And wedding ring?!
Malleus: Yes, I must say you looked positively gorgeous/beautiful/handsome and I chose the ring very well, it suits you tremendously
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: Thank you-
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: okay, okay- No big deal- I'm just married to the prince of Briar Valley, descendant of fae, the most powerful mages in the world.
Malleus: I prefer to be called "Mal", by you
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: ...
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: Oh by the Seven, I can't believe we got married all because I gave you a SIMPLE ROCK
Malleus: As I said before, a very pretty rock
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: Mal, we don't even live together
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The rock You/Mc/Y/N/Yuu gave to Malleus:
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Authors note: (this turned out longer than I thought 😭)
(FINALLY! DONE! No next part... Unless a part 3 where they talk it out better? Nah.... Unless)
Dividers by/from @/cafekitsune
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pars-ley · 2 months
I...do? (part one)
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Pairing: Kim Taehyung x f. reader (ft Jung Hoseok briefly) Summary: Based on the film ‘the proposal’ - You hate your boss. He's rude, arrogant and conceited, not to mention works you to the bone, day and night. So walking into one of his meetings, where he announces your upcoming wedding, you being shocked is the least of it. But when he threatens the career you've worked so hard for, can you still say no to his proposal? Genre: Enemies to lovers au / CEO au / fake dating au / colleagues to lovers au / co-workers to lovers / series / angst / fluff / smut Rating: 18+ (future chapters will be nfsw) Warnings (per chapter): blackmail / manipulation / rudeness / angst W/C: 2.9k Banner: @shadowkoo you are amazing Beta: @beomcoups and @cherrysoulth thank you so much!  Notes: So this has been in the works for about four fucking years now and I’ve decided to do this as a series and i’m finally ready to start posting! Sorry to anyone who has been waiting. This was originally for the 'spring will come again' event with @bangtanarmynet Please, share and comment, it will really help with motivation for writing, which I have been lacking for a while. Thank you so much for reading! Taglist: @ladyartemesia @taestannie @somewhereofftheglobe @moonchild1 @taebangtanbabe @leedoesntknaur @siadreams @m-1234
It’s a lovely spring morning; the trees are green, and the flowers are beginning to bloom. The sun is out and the air is fresh. You have one of the most beautiful views in the city outside your office, floor-to-ceiling windows looking out over the new growth and warm weather. You’re relaxing into your seat, basking in it…that is, until the elevator down the hall stops on your floor, and you know exactly who's about to step off. You type out your usual frantic message to everyone in their office cubicles in the expanse between the elevators and his office, which you sit directly outside of, and hit send.
Y/n: Satan is entering the gates of hell
Everyone rushes frantically back to their desks. Hushed whispers sound across the void, filling the atmosphere with nervous energy. The elevator dings and silence is instant. You watch as your boss struts along, ignoring everyone else’s presence entirely. 
“Good morning, sir,” you remark with a polite smile as soon as he reaches your desk, to which he strides past you, straight into his office. Resisting the urge to make a sarcastic remark, you focus back on your work, but your irritation grows towards him. Your patience is already thin this morning.
Discreetly, you glance in his direction, noting the way he sits behind his desk, leaning back in his chair, leg crossed casually over the other, and flipping through document pages with an arrogance you can see, even from here. You absolutely hate how good-looking he is. Why does someone so infuriating get to look like that? It somehow makes his whole attitude even worse.
His low voice calling your name snaps your attention. "Get in here."
Sliding your chair out from under your desk, you follow orders.
“Yes, Mr Kim, ” you respond, standing with hands clasped in front of you. Your posture and all-black attire, particularly the skirt, were requested by him.
“Where was my usual tea this morning?” he asks, eyes unwavering from the pages he's absorbed in. 
“The shop was closed this morning, sir, and I thought it best not to go to the other one, as you told me their tea 'looks and tastes like noodle soup.'” Your heart races with annoyance, as you chew the inside of your lip, attempting to hold back any smart-arse remarks.
I’ll tell you where I’d like to put your tea, sir, I’d shove it right up your-
“Then, what is this?” He points to the mug you left on his desk in replacement, a look of disdain twisting his face.
“That’s the tea I made for you, Sir.”
His eyes meet yours for a second with a hard stare. “Right, well next time, how about...don’t.” 
Your teeth clamp together, jaw tensing as you struggle to bite back your retort, instead opting to take the tea and down it right in front of him. The hot liquid burns your throat as it slides down uncomfortably, and you carefully place the mug back on his desk, wiping the corners of your mouth with your fingertips.
"Is that better, sir?" You smile sweetly, but it’s written all over his face that he knows it’s not genuine judging by the glare he throws your way.
Your stomach somersaults nervously, worrying you've gone too far before his eyes fall back down to his paper.
“I have an unscheduled meeting in twenty minutes, it’s important, so make sure I am not disturbed by anyone. Are we clear?” He meets your eyes again, the intimidating aura he radiates hitting you fiercely.
“Y-yes, Mr Kim. Should I delay the ten o’clock meeting then?”
“You’re a smart girl; figure it out.” 
He looks back down at his work, seeming bored of your presence, but you stand there aghast as to what you can reply to that without getting fired.
“Get out.” He waves a hand, dismissing you.
"Right away, sir." You bow dramatically before leaving and closing the door, forcing yourself not to slam it and wishing you could go and scream into a pillow. 
Mr Kim Taehyung can kiss your arse.
Sitting back down at your desk, searching for anything to get your mind off the frustratingly rude man, when your mobile phone rings, surprising you. Even more so when you see it's your mum.
"Yes, mama, I'll be down this weekend," you say quietly into your phone once you're finally able to get a word in. Keeping your voice low to avoid your slave driver of a boss hearing your personal call.
Your mother’s squeal makes you giggle. "Like I'd miss my parents’ thirtieth wedding anniversary celebration."
"How long are you staying for this time? It's been too long since I've seen my baby!" she stresses.
You can't help the smile that tugs at your mouth. "I know, mama, I'm still working on that."
"You need to tell that boss of yours that enough is enough before he ends up working you to the bone!" Her disapproving tone makes you feel at home.
You see Mr Kim heading your way, "Hmm-mmm, listen, ma, I've got to go; I'll see you this weekend. Love you." You hang up abruptly and get straight back to typing.
"Personal calls should be taken at personal times," he says firmly, heading off down the hall.
Heat flashes up your chest, and your attempt to bite down a retort wavers, "That would mean me being allowed a personal life, sir, " you call after him.
His steps falter for a brief moment before continuing on with not another word or so much as a glance in your direction. 
You swallow and let out the breath you didn't realise you'd been holding, envisioning hurling your phone at the back of his head. I wonder how hard I'd have to throw it to knock him unconscious or to at least give him a concussion.
Taking a long breath and trying not to grind your teeth, something that has become a habit lately and focusing back on your workload.
A short while later, Mr Kim is sitting in his unscheduled “important” meeting, meaning you could blissfully get on with paperwork without interruption. However, glancing up from your computer, you notice how tense and somewhat uncomfortable Mr Kim looks, something most uncharacteristic of him. So it does not surprise you when your work phone vibrates loudly at your desk. Looking down, you see the message "Save me," sent from him, your usual code system to get him out of something he really doesn't want to be part of anymore.
Getting up from your desk and striding across the space, you knock quietly on the door before entering.
"Sir, you have an urgent call on--"
"Ah, here she is," Mr Kim beams at you, a sight that is not only shocking because of how rare it is but also how breathtakingly gorgeous his smile is. You stand there frozen in your spot, unsure what has caused this sudden change in his mood. "No need to stand on ceremony, sweetheart; Mr. Jung is well aware of our upcoming nuptials." 
You stare at him blankly, wondering if he's perhaps having some kind of stroke and considering whether or not you should call an ambulance. He comes over to your rooted feet by the door, and before you can say anything, his arm winds around your waist and guides you over to his desk. You're hyper-aware of his hand on you in such an intimate manner and it infuriates you, boiling your blood liquid hot in your veins. It feels like everything's moving in slow motion while you attempt to piece together all the chaotic thoughts happening in your mind, but nothing makes any sense. 
Upcoming nuptials? Hell would have to freeze over more than once for you to be hitched to a man as rage-inducing as him. In fact, you'd rather be a miserable, shrivelled-up spinster living with a household full of cats than walk down an aisle where he's waiting for you.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, and please, call me Hoseok." Mr Jung stands up and shakes your hand, offering you a dazzling grin. You don't fail to notice his suspicious gaze raking over you and your boss. "So, a wedding, that sure is exciting, huh?" he asks you, raising an eyebrow as he waits for your response.
You feel Mr Kim's hand dig into your waist, sparking you to say, "Yes, very. Who doesn't love a wedding?"
Hoseok laughs. "It's true, they are such joyous occasions. Are you prepared? Is everything set, I mean?"
Before you can say anything, you hear your boss's baritone voice beside you, sending vibrations through your body and muddling your mind even more. "There are still a few things here and there to take care of, but I have faith it will all be done in time."
"Perfect." The man smiles at you. "So your families know about this wedding?" 
Hell, I didn't even know about it, so they definitely don't.
"I don't have any family; both my parents died years ago, no siblings or grandparents alive," Mr Kim admits, voice impassive. You can't help but be surprised by this new piece of information. You’re unsure if that was true or part of his weird ruse, but your heart tugs a little at imagining someone not having anyone, even someone as vile as him.
"Oh, I am sorry," Hoseok offers, "and what about your family?" He aims at you.
"We were planning on telling her family this weekend," Mr Kim interjects. “It's her parents' wedding anniversary, so we thought we'd go up there for the bank holiday and surprise them, didn't we, sweetheart?" 
You clench your teeth together to stop your mouth from popping open in shock. He squeezes you closer to his side, a movement that has you tensing your jaw in an attempt to keep the searing in your veins down to a minimum. 
"Yes, yes, we are," you add, forcing a smile.
"So what happens now?" Mr Kim asks.
You glance up at him, then at Hoseok, who seems to be scrutinising your every move. You resist the urge to squirm uncomfortably in Mr Kim's grasp.
"Well, you'll both have to come in for an interview at some point. Provided you both pass this stage and I deem this marriage legitimate then, we'll fill in the necessary paperwork, you'll no longer be deported and your new visa will be valid."
You no longer hear the words being said, everything becoming muffled and moving in slow motion. Deportation!? Legitimate marriage!? That's why he's made this up, so he can stay in the country. 
You feel your stomach drop to your feet, heavy, yet threatening to shoot up and out of your mouth, decorating his office carpet.
"Great. Is there anything else you need from us, Mr Jung?"
He taps his chin and stares at you quizzically. "Just make sure neither of you are lying, then we'll have no problems. A fine and prison time is not to be looked at lightly."
What!? You laugh nervously. "People actually get sent to prison for that?"
He nods. "Sure, it happens all the time. You could face up to five years in prison and a two hundred and fifty thousand dollar fine, and yet people still think that they can trick us." He rolls his eyes and shakes his head. "Anyway, I'll be sending you both a letter about when and where your interview will occur, most likely in a few weeks, I look forward to seeing you both then." 
You shake hands before he's gone and both of you are rooted to the spot, staring after him. 
Soon enough, Mr Kim moves back around to his desk, flicking through his papers, his eyes focused as if nothing out of the ordinary has just happened.
You stand there frozen, waiting for some kind of explanation, and when nothing comes, you speak up, "Excuse me, sir, but what was that?"
He sighs as if bored by your presence and continues to focus on the files in front of him. "They were going to fire me once I got deported and give Mr Park my job."
You stare at him, wide-eyed and open-mouthed. 
"Don't worry, we'll get married and get a quickie divorce. It will be over in no time."
You feel like your feet will surely collapse from the weight of this burden that has suddenly become yours. Without asking or consenting, you've ended up in a situation you're unsure how to deal with or get out of.
"Sir," you finally speak, breaking through your stunned silence and swallowing the burning you feel rising into your throat. "I cannot marry you."
Finally, he drops his papers and meets your panicked eyes. "Listen, you don't really have a choice; if you don't, I'll fire you and ensure that any new job you apply for will have zero interest in hiring you. I'll make something up so terrible you'll be blacklisted, and where will that leave you, after all the hard work you've put in during the last three years? Hmm?"
You stare into his cold, dark eyes and know there's no hint of a lie or an exaggeration in his words. 
“All of those late nights runs to the grocery store for me, all the weekend calls and late night working will have been for nothing.”
You struggle to find the words, feeling your world crashing in on you and smothering you beyond belief. Feeling yourself being pushed against a rock and a mountain with nowhere to escape, when all your legs want to do is run.
You suck deep breaths into your lungs. 
He would ruin your career and everything you've worked so hard for. In one fell swoop, your life would be over. For the last three years your job has been everything, not allowing an ounce of a social life; no holidays and no relationships, nothing has existed outside of your job.
Not to mention, how could you afford your apartment if you had no job? You'd have to move back home with your parents to small-town life...the thought made your stomach churn, that was more frightening than anything. 
"If I do this, I'm taking a big risk here, so I'm going to need some assurances."
He smirks, sinking back into his chair and folding his arms across his chest. The material of his blazer stretched across his bicep muscles, giving him an even more intimidating edge.
"I wasn't aware you were in a position to make demands."
Your hands clench into fists at your sides, longing to make a connection to his perfectly chiselled jaw, as anger bubbles inside the deepest pit of hatred you have for this man.
"I could go to prison! You're not asking me to go on a business trip; you're asking me to marry you so you can stay in the country! So, you either give me what I want, or I quit here and now, and bye-bye, Mr Kim, hello, Mr Park." turning towards his office door, your face flushes with angry heat. Feeling brazen and reckless, two can play at this game and if you are going to do this, you are damn sure you're going to make it worth your while.
"Wait," he says quickly.
Glancing back, you watch the smugness on his features slowly die as he realises how serious you are. "What is it you want?"
"A promotion. Not a bullshit one you make up so I can continue assisting you either."
He sighs and massages his temples. "Ok, ok, fine. How about the head of a department?"
You've wanted that since you started at this company; ever since you were hired, that has been your focus and the only thing getting you through this role.
"Hm, which department?" You act coy, knowing there's only one answer you want to hear.
He rubs his face and groans, his cool, calm exterior well and truly forgotten. "Design. That's what you want, isn't it?"
Taken aback by how he could have known that you pause for a moment before composing yourself once again. "Yes. I want it in writing and signed by you." 
You nod, feeling a triumphant bloom expand in your chest.
"Are we done here?" He asks.
"Ask me nicely." 
His hands come down hard on the desk; an exasperated look withers his face. "What?"
"Ask me nicely to marry you."
His mouth pops open, closes, and opens again. His cheeks flush, and the sight makes you smile. Who would have thought something so simple would make him blush?
"That's ridiculous."
"Ok, goodbye, Mr Kim; I wish I could say nice knowing you." You turn and push his office door open.
"Alright," he calls. "Just….shut the door."
You can hear the pleading in his voice, knowing how desperate he is and wondering how much you should take advantage of that. You do as he says, step back into the room, and watch with unashamed amusement as he stands up and rounds his desk, closing the gap between you rather sheepishly.
He takes a deep breath as his eyes stay fixed on your blazer's lapels. "Will-"
"On one knee, please." You interrupt.
His cheeks darken as he prepares to argue, but he second-thinks as his eyes flit desperately between yours. He slowly sinks down onto the ground at your feet and plasters on a fake and yet still dazzling smile, "Will you, please, marry me?" he finally says, sarcasm dripping off of every word.
For a moment, you enjoy the sight of him on his knees in front of you, looking up through thick eyelashes, but your abhorrence of him stops your mind from going any further.
"Fine," you reply with a smirk as you walk out, leaving him staring at your back. If you are doing this for him, you sure as hell are going to make him pay for it.
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and-claudia · 4 months
His Heir pt. 41 (Darth Maul x pregnant! reader)
Hey long time no see. Life is a shit show for me, but here's the next part of His Heir. It's not super edited, die like men, IG.
Wordcount: 3334
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The next morning was a whirlwind of chaos. I got dressed in my everyday clothes after I got up and ate the breakfast that was brought to our room for us before heading out to attend to the list Totin had given me. He was busy with last-minute stuff and had me to check that everything and everyone was prepared for the dress rehearsal that evening. It wasn’t too long of a list and was definitely manageable, even being as pregnant as I was. 
First on the list was to make sure that the ceremony space was set up correctly. I loved Totin to death, but he was very particular about things that he has envisioned in his head. This would be no exception, and if a single thing was out of place it would upset him and that was the last thing I wanted to do. 
“This one, it’s missing a flower.” I said, pointing out one of the displays placed at the end of one of the rows. 
“Yes, we know, that’s why we placed it further back, so it was less noticeable.” One of the decorators that was with me explained. 
“No, it needs to be fixed. Nothing can be out of place or missing.” I said, continuing to look around, trying to see if anything else was wrong. 
Everything else seemed to be okay, so I sent the servant droids to round up everyone who would be in attendance for the rehearsal dinner to give them the information they would need. We were meeting in the great hall. Since the palace was so huge it took nearly half an hour to get everyone rounded up and to the meeting location. Once everyone was there and was sitting, I rose from my seat and cleared my throat to get everyone’s attention. 
“Okay, thank you, everyone, for meeting me here. I am just going to give you a rundown of how everything is going to happen for today and tomorrow. Today, after lunch, if you are in the wedding party, meet in the pre-disclosed getting-ready area for hair and or makeup for tonight.
As we all know, Totin and Dasar do not do anything small or simple and everything must be photographed and or recorded. So, please be sure your attire does adhere to the dress code for each event. I highly recommend eating at least something, because once hair and makeup are done, everyone will get dressed and then head to the ceremony space for the rehearsal and who knows how long that will take,” everyone laughed a little at that, knowing how Totin can be about his events, “Dinner will be after the rehearsal. Then tomorrow will look very similar to today but the getting ready process will start after breakfast and not lunch because the ceremony is early in the afternoon.” 
Everyone nodded along as I gave all the details. Once I was finished I allowed them to ask questions to clarify anything, then once everything was settled, I dismissed everyone to continue their day until it was time to get ready for the rehearsal. 
The next big thing on my agenda was to check that everyone’s gowns and suits were ready for them in the getting-ready areas. Maul tagged along to keep me company. 
“Okay, there should be…38 different suits in here.” I said, checking my datapad. 
“38?” Maul asked, shocked. 
“Yup… they know a lot of people. I have all their names and a picture of what they submitted to wear. I just have to make sure they match up and are labeled for the right person. And that the servant droids have pressed and steamed them.” 
“Here, give me the datapad. I’ll call out the names and what they should have and you can check them.” He offered. 
“Thank you.” I said, handing him the datapad.
I didn’t mind that he was getting the easier part of the task. It was my task to do after all, and I was fully capable of doing it alone. I was just happy to have help. 
We had gotten about halfway through the suits when there was a knock on the door. I looked at Maul with my eyebrows furrowed before calling out. 
“Come in!” 
The door opened, and in rushed Totin. He was clearly frazzled. 
“Have you seen the servant droids?” He asked. 
“No. Last I heard, they were supposed to be prepping all the dresses… why what’s wrong?” I asked calmly. 
“I can’t find my suit… Dasar has his, but mine is missing. I told them to steam and press it with all the others, but now I don’t know where it is! Dasar pressed his own and offered to do mine, but I didn’t want him to worry about it but now I am thinking I should’ve let him do it because now mine is gone! I can’t walk down the aisle naked, Yn, I can’t! Well, I could, I would look great, but this isn’t the time nor the place for that…” 
As he continued to spiral, Maul subtly flashed me the datapad. At the very bottom of the list, Totin’s name was there with what he should be wearing as well. 
“Totin,” I took a step towards him and carefully grabbed his arms, “deep breath.” I did the same to get him to do it with me, “Now, did you tell the droids to bring all suits to this room?” 
“Well, yeah. Are we missing another one?” He asked, clearly missing what I was trying to get him to realize. 
“No. Totin, all of them are here.” I said, emphasizing all. 
The relaxation and relaxation was visible all over his body. 
“It’s here?”
I nodded, “It’s here.” 
He sighed heavily, and I released his arms before leading him to the last suit hanging along the wall. 
“You’re a lifesaver. You know that, right?” 
I smiled, “I try. Now, do you want to take this with you now or do you want to send for one of the droids?” I asked. 
“I think I’ll just take it…” he said, carefully reaching up to take it off its hook. 
I continued to get everything else ready that I needed to. It was then a little over half an hour before lunch. Perfect timing. 
“Maul, I arranged to have lunch brought to the room, care to join me for a quick nap? Maker knows I’ll need one to make it through tonight.” I joked, already starting the journey back to the room. 
“It would be my pleasure.” He said with a slight smile. “Just so we’re clear, I mean an actual nap, not a handsy leading to more type of nap.” I said with a small laugh. 
“You’re no fun.” He teased, but I knew he wasn’t really disappointed, he knew I had a lot to take care of both today and tomorrow, and this rest was needed. 
Once we got to the room, we just at half an hour for me to close my eyes before the food got there. After we ate, Maul escorted me to where the ladies were getting ready before heading off to get ready himself. Although he wasn’t actually in the wedding party, he was my date for lack of a better term, so he had to get drug to all the preparations.
Since I had to go double-check that everything was running smoothly, I had to get hair and makeup done first. It was nothing fancy, just some light, natural makeup and a nice touch-up on my hair to keep it out of my face. 
Then, I had one of the girls there help me put on my dress. I used to be able to get into and out of dresses without any assistance, but being pregnant threw me way off balance, so it was nice to have an extra set of hands to help with the zipper. Then last thing to do was to put on my shoes. Tomorrow, for the wedding, I would wear actual heels to match everyone else, but I knew that if I wore them tonight as well, my feet would be beyond sore tomorrow, so with Totin’s approval, I opted to wear flats for tonight. 
Once I was ready, I made sure everyone in my dressing area was good to go and did not need anything from me before I left. Then, I made my way to where those wearing suits were getting ready. I knocked and made sure everyone was dressed before entering. Things were understandably going quicker in here. There weren’t as many needing makeup done in here, so most of them were just getting their hair touched up or fixed for the evening. In Maul’s case, he was doing a quick touch-up on his horns at one of the far mirrors. I smiled to myself, remembering the times I’d gotten to help him. I wanted to go over and offer my help now, but I knew I couldn’t. I had to make sure everything was on track. I made a few quick announcements to everyone and when there were no questions in response, I left with the handful of people that were ready and walked to where the rehearsal was taking place. 
I had a datapad once again with me. This one gave a detailed list of who walks when. It didn’t take long for more people to trickle in and so I began lining everyone up. I called out names and got them in line and told them whether they would stand on Totin’s or Dasar’s side when they got down the aisle. Dasar showed up and stood at the front of the line. It took about 10 minutes from when the last few people arrived for me to get everyone where they needed to be. Luckily, though, instead of walking individually or splitting at the end of the aisle to either side, they had decided that each pair would stand together, alternating which side they would stand on. My name was last on the list, right before Totin, which was a huge honor. I got into my spot and asked Totin if I was good to tell those inside to open the doors and begin the rehearsal. 
“Yes, that’s fine, but why isn’t Maul here?” He asked glancing to where the Zabark in question stood off to the side. 
“He wasn’t on the list…” I said, confused. 
“Well, I thought it was a given that he would be walking you down?” He said as if it were obvious, “Everyone is walking down with their partners if they have one.” 
It was only then that I realized that everyone here was a couple. 
“Oh…” was all I could say before excusing myself to go get Maul. 
He was just as confused as I was for a moment, but regardless, he came over to join me. Once we were back in line, I used the comlink to tell them to start, and soon, the huge double doors opened in unison, and music began to play. Luckily someone was at the doors telling people when to walk, so I wouldn’t have to do that as well. 
I felt a tap on my shoulder as Totin leaned down, “You didn’t really think I would let you walk down the aisle without the man of your dreams did you?” He said right before it was our turn to walk. 
I felt heat creep up in my cheeks as Maul and I walked down together. I was holding onto his arm, stealing glances up at him from time to time.
“What?” He asked quietly. 
“Nothing… I just hope the next time I am walking down an aisle after this wedding is at ours.” I said. 
Maul very rarely smiled genuinely, especially in the public eye, but upon hearing my words, he had the biggest smile out of anyone in that room. 
“It will be, I promise.” He whispered just as we got to the end of the aisle. 
We turned to go stand on the side that Totin would be on and waited for him to walk down as well.
Surprisingly, the rehearsal of the ceremony only took about an hour. They didn’t say their actual vows, wanting to save them for tomorrow. We all practiced our exit, and then it was time to head to the dinning hall for dinner. I was getting really tired as the night drug on, and after eating, my tiredness only grew. I had scooted my chair closer to Maul and had been resting my head on his shoulder. I hadn’t meant to fall asleep, but the next thing I knew, Maul was nudging me slightly. 
“I’m so sorry.” I said quickly, glancing around to see who had seen me asleep. 
“It’s okay, Totin wanted me to come tell you that you can leave. We both know you have been on your feet all day, making sure everything was running smoothly. Which we thank you for, so much. Go get some rest. We will see you tomorrow.” Dasar said gently. 
“Tell him I said thank you.” I said before turning to Maul. 
He stood up before helping me do the same. He bid Dasar a goodnight before leading us out of the hall. The walk to the room felt like it was taking ages. When we finally got there, the moment we were in the door, I was already turning my back to him to get him to help take my dress off. He undid the zipper and carefully helped me out of it. Then he took the garment over to the wardrobe to hang it until the housekeeping droids came to get it. He brought me a tunic to sleep in, as I sat down on the edge of the bed. 
The next morning was a whirlwind of getting ready. I allowed myself to sleep in a little later and just get ready in my room instead of with everyone else. The golden dress fit perfectly and complemented Maul’s tan suit nicely. 
“That’s a good color on you.” I commented as he fixed the jacket in the vanity mirror. 
He hummed in response. 
“I am almost ready. I was just going to repolish my horns one last time.” He said, grabbing what he needed from his toiletry bag. 
“May I help?” I asked. 
“Of course.” He said, moving to sit down in the chair, which I had used to do my makeup earlier. 
I admittedly took longer than I needed to with the task, wanting to soak up every moment of calmness before the inevitable chaos of today started. 
“We need to get going, love.” Maul finally said gently. 
I nodded, “I know…”
Without a word, he stood up and walked me back to the bedroom to help me with my shoes. Then, before I knew it, we were watching Dasar walk down the aisle for real. Their vows were absolutely beautiful. You could really tell how much they loved one another. I slightly cursed my damn hormones as my eyes began to water when they kissed. Maul subtly pulled out a small handkerchief and passed it to me so I could wipe my eyes. 
After the ceremony, there was about an hour lull to allow everyone to change into the reception attire. This dress was a lot more fun than the one I had worn to both the rehearsal dinner and the ceremony. It had sequins that were sure to catch the light and shine and sparkle all night long…or as long as I would last. 
Maul didn’t really change, instead, he just removed his suit jacket, leaving him in just a tan vest over a white button-down. 
Once we were both dressed, we made our way to the grand ballroom, where the reception was to take place. Once again, we were lined up in the same order we were in for the ceremony; however, now, both Dasar and Totin stood behind Maul and me. Someone with a datapad was going down the row asking everyone how they would like to be announced upon their entry. I was a little shocked when they stopped before they got to Maul and me but Dasar told me to just trust him. 
It wasn’t too long before we were next. I was a little confused by what Dasar had said… how were they going to announce us? 
“Now welcome, Lord Maul, Lady Mand'alor Yn, and their heir to Crimson Dawn!” The DJ said, causing a huge uproar of applause as Maul and I walked in. 
I was a bit embarrassed that he included our titles, but everyone here knew of those titles, I just didn’t want to take away any attention from them. Also, under different circumstances, the mention that our son was the heir to a crime syndicate wasn’t something I wanted to be announced; however, again, everyone here already knew that. 
Within no time the party was in full swing. The formalities like cutting the cake, the first dance, and parent dances were all over and now it was time to have fun. I found a few old friends of Dasar and I and danced with them as much as I could. And I must say, despite my center of gravity being completely thrown off, I held my own pretty damn well and was still able to get down. Unfortunately, one aspect of the pregnancy I couldn’t work around was the fact that I get winded much faster now. Unfortunately, I had to take frequent breaks between dancing to catch my breath. 
Maul was dotting over me the whole time, though. Anytime I came off the floor to sit down to take a breather, he was right there with a glass of water for me. However, eventually, I couldn’t keep going much longer and I knew my night would be coming to a close soon. 
I walked off the floor to sit down again and was surprised when I couldn’t find Maul anywhere. Regardless I took a seat, figuring he may be off getting himself a drink or something and would return soon. Which he did. He sat next to me in his chair and grabbed my hand.
“You doing alright?” He asked over the music. 
“Yeah… getting tired, though. I think it may be time to call it quits.” I said with a laugh, though I was very serious. 
“Do you have the energy for one more dance?” He asked. 
“For you, always.” I said with a smile. 
The song that was playing ended, fading into a much slower song. One that I recognized quickly. It was one of my favorite slow songs. Maul stood up and offered me his hand. I took it and he helped me stand before leading me to the dance floor. He held me close to him, and I leaned into him, cheek resting against him. I had slipped off my heels earlier in the evening so he was quite a bit taller than I was now. 
“I love you.” He whispered mid-song. 
“I love you too, Maul.” I said, pulling back just enough to look up at him. 
“I had the housekeeping droids pack our things already. They left us both something to sleep in and something to wear tomorrow to depart in.” Maul said quietly. 
“What? We’re supposed to stay a few more days.” I said, confused and slightly hurt. There was still more celebrating that would happen. Admittedly, they would be much more of a party atmosphere with drinking and even possibly some spice, I wanted to be here for it, for my friend. 
“I know you wanted to stay, but I have arranged something for us, with the help of Dasar and Totin. They said we could return later after the baby to celebrate with them again.” He explained. 
“Okay… what are we doing?” I asked still confused. 
“That is a surprise.” He said with a small smile. 
@fan-g0rl @mxkyrie @onceuponanightmareisawme @lothiriel9 @wordsfromshona @kgbtardis @wondermia69 @mh073099 @ktrivia @fifithexeno @perseny @justalittletomato @pomiotszatana @ameliachastain @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @its-me-meg 
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@yondus-girl @andrakass2 @bubusi11 @medicmiles18
@narcolepticduck @angelinerose @little-red-bone
@missy-laine-98 @phoenixofdathomir
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blues824 · 2 years
Here With Me - Lilia Vanrouge x Reader
@roxanavanrouge2400​ gave me an idea that I took inspiration from. Thanks, bestie!
The song is Here With Me, by d4vd.
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Lilia Vanrouge
He was a very old fae with a lot of history behind him, but what a lot of people don’t know is that he had a spouse. You were his beloved Y/N, and you both first met when you were placed under his command. You quickly rose through the ranks and became his lieutenant. Unfortunately, along the way, you both made too many enemies and one of them got to you.
Now, you were but a distant memory to Lilia.The spouse of Vanrouge was no more, and Mr. Vanrouge was a widower. Not even Malleus remembers what you look like, which was a sad reality. Silver never got a chance to see his would-be-adoptive parent.
Even though it has been centuries, he still remembers the sound of your voice and the feeling of your hands in his. He may not remember your face clearly as your image has been weathered after so many years, he will always remember your wedding day.
It was a joyous occasion for all who attended, and it was the majority of the Briar Valley. That wasn’t uncommon, though, since Lilia was a very decorated general and you were his lieutenant. The two of you were “as thick as thieves, but as strong as heroes”, as per the words of the Queen.
Lilia sighed a heavy, melancholy sigh as he laid in his bedchambers in the Diasomnia dormitory. He looked at his desk where a framed picture stayed, and it was a photo of the portrait of the two of you on the aforementioned day. More memories started flooding into his head.
For example, your wedding attire. It was black, as per the custom of the Briar Valley, and you looked ravishing. In fact, as the bat fae saw you walking down the aisle, one of the many thoughts that went into his head was that he couldn’t wait until you both were in the privacy of your new home, if you know what I mean.
He quickly snapped out of it, seeing that it was very late at night and that he had some early classes the next day. The ex-general liked to keep a sharp sleep routine on school days so that he could lead his ‘sons’ by example. Plus, he needed to be energized if he was going to carry out his duty as Malleus’s guardian.
But once he entered the sweet abyss we call ‘sleep’, he was met by you. You looked happy to see him, and he was definitely very happy to see you. However, he knew that it wasn’t real. It never would be. That didn’t mean he wouldn’t indulge himself this one time, so he ran into your arms.
At that moment, he knew he would never want to wake up as long as you were there, and he wanted to be selfish and actually go through with it. However, there were people who depended on him and it just made him sadder to see you. You could sense it, and pulled away to hold his face.
“What are you doing here, darling?” He asked.
“You called for me.” Oh, your voice was exactly how he remembered it. “But I do have to leave soon.”
“Please don’t! I’m not ready to let you go…” He exclaimed desperately.
“Alright, my love. I will give you one last dance. Be wise in choosing,” you gave him a wink as you led him to a few records. Some of them were classics, and some were more modern songs. Each of them were about keeping someone close to you because you love them so much.
He selected a modern one that he enjoyed, and he took the record out of the sleeve and put it into the gramophone. The song started playing, and Lilia made his way to you and bowed down while extending his hand to you… just like he had on your wedding day.
You placed your hand in his, causing him to pull you into his chest. He was in his more mature form, so he was taller than usual. He looked around a bit as the music started, and he recognized your surroundings; it was your wedding venue. It was exactly the same, save for you being alone.
Then the lyrics started up:
Watch the sun rise along the coast
As we’re both getting old
I can’t describe what I’m feeling
He wasn’t even paying attention to the words. He was just happy to be back in your arms once again. He missed the feeling so much, and he hadn’t realized it until now. Upon looking again, you both were back in your wedding attire, and you looked just as dazzling as you did then.
And all I know is we’re going home
So please don’t let me go, oh
Don’t let me go, oh-oh-oh
You both had started swaying side-to-side, getting used to the melody of the very sad song. You knew exactly why he chose this one to dance to, but you knew that you couldn’t stay. No magic was strong enough to bring you back, and your soul needed rest.
And if it’s right
I don’t care how long it takes
As long as I’m with you
I’ve got a smile on my face
Lilia gently let you go and spun you around, only to bring you back into him. He did indeed have a smile on his face, but it wasn’t the happy one that you remember seeing at your wedding. No, it was a smile that was trying to hide pain so that he could savor his last few moments with you.
Save your tears, it’ll be okay
All I know is you’re here with me
Oh, oh, oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
The feeling of his dearly departed spouse wiping the flowing tears away was one that brought him both comfort and anguish. He closed his eyes, trying to memorize the way your touch upon his face felt. For a former soldier, your hands were gentle and kind, and he let out a huff of laughter at the thought.
Watch the sunrise as we're getting old, oh-oh
I can't describe, whoa-oh
That’s when he noticed that your surroundings were changing once again. It wasn’t a different scene, it was that everything was fading away in sparks. His grip on you tightened, fearful of the prospect of you fading away as well.
“I wish I could live through every memory again
Just one more time before we float off in the wind”
He whispered the lyrics so that only you would hear, not that it mattered anyway since you two were the only ones there. The entirety of the background faded away, and the trail of your wedding outfit was breaking off piece-by-piece into butterflies. You seemed to be going at a much slower rate than everything else, so Lilia knew that time was running out.
And all the time we spent
Waiting for the light to take us in
Have been the greatest moments of my life
Both of you leaned in so that your foreheads were touching. Tears streamed down both of your faces in a beautiful but sorrowful way. You didn’t want to leave, but you knew that you had to so that he could move on.
The butterflies were nearing your waist, but you were still moving back and forth as your husband led you in the small dance. It was very out of character to hear the sniffles and sobs coming from him, and it only broke your heart even more.
I don't care how long it takes
As long as I'm with you, I've got a smile on my face
Save your tears, it'll be okay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay-ay-ay-ay
Now, the two of you were aware that faes were not immortal. You would meet Lilia again once he has passed over. However, that wouldn’t be for a very long while. As much as he would love to continue dancing with you in the afterlife, he had 3 boys to look after.
What was left of you was your shoulders up. Your beloved took a long look at you, hoping to preserve you in his memory until his last breath. But, he could tell that this would be like any dream: he would forget just a few moments after he woke up. You quickly pulled him into a long and deep kiss, hoping to convey each word you wanted to say through that act of affection.
Yeah, if with me
Oh, oh, oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
I can't describe, oh, oh
In just a few moments, he was left kissing air. What was left of you was a single black butterfly, which resembled the type of fae you were. It flapped its wings a little as it was perched on the bridge of his nose. It was your final goodbye.
“Old man!” Silver shouted.
Lilia quickly sat up in his bed, disoriented until he spotted his dear son. He let out a shaky sigh of relief before quickly wiping the stray tear from his eyes. The memory of his dream quickly came flooding back into his mind, and he quickly went to write it down so that he would never forget, all-the-while Silver was confused as to what his father was doing.
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lifeofpriya · 20 days
Hello love!
Because I am insane for this man now may I please request the “Kissing you, and then putting their hands around your neck to stay like that for the next seconds, minutes as you two get lost in each other.” prompt for our cutie Brit? 🩷 - @pyotrkochetkov
hi!!! i had a real blast writing this one and ughh, i just feel like Jack would be a wonderful wedding date 😩
A Little Spontaneous Romance
wc: 2.1k
"Jack, we need to get going, or otherwise, we'll be late for Lizzie's wedding," you reminded your boyfriend, peeking into the bathroom as he perfected his tie in the mirror. The room smelled faintly of his aftershave, something woody and expensive that always made you feel like you were standing in a forest glade. The sink was scattered with his toiletries, and a puddle of water had formed around the base of the tap. You stepped closer, taking in the sight of his broad shoulders, his muscles flexing as he tugged at the knot.
Jack turned to you with a smile that could melt glaciers, his eyes a mesmerizing shade of hazel that reminded you of the leaves that rustled outside your childhood home in the autumn. His hair was slightly damp, the ends curling just enough to give him that 'I woke up like this' look that you knew took him at least fifteen minutes to achieve. "Alright, love," he said, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. "Let's not keep the happy couple waiting."
As you both walked out of the hotel room, the sun was just beginning to kiss the horizon, casting a warm glow over the city. The cobblestone streets of the old town were already bustling with life, the sound of laughter and distant chatter mixing with the faint notes of a street musician playing a saxophone. You felt Jack's hand in yours, his grip firm but comforting as you navigated the throngs of people making their way to the wedding venue. The anticipation of the day ahead filled you with excitement and a touch of nerves - Lizzie had been your best friend since childhood, and you were thrilled to be a part of her special day.
Jack looked over at you, the corner of his mouth tugging upwards into a smirk. "You know, I've never seen you so dressed up," he said, his eyes scanning your attire with appreciation. A gentle breeze ruffled your hair, and you felt a shiver run down your spine as Jack leaned in closer. "You look absolutely stunning," he whispered, his breath warm against your ear.
You blushed, looking down at the dress you'd chosen. It was a simple yet elegant number, the fabric shimmering slightly in the early morning light. You'd spent hours searching for the perfect shoes, finally settling on a pair of shoes that added a touch of sophistication to your outfit. "Thank you," you murmured, glancing up to find him studying you intently.
As you approached the grand archway that led to the wedding venue, the scent of fresh flowers grew stronger. The air was filled with the sweet aroma of roses and peonies, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of serenity wash over you. The venue was a picturesque rooftop garden, with greenery cascading down the walls and a stunning view of the city beyond. The chairs were arranged in neat rows, draped with ivory fabric that billowed gently in the breeze.
Jack squeezed your hand, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "This is going to be an amazing day," he said, his voice full of genuine warmth. You nodded in agreement, feeling a swell of happiness for Lizzie and her soon-to-be husband, Darcy. The two of them had been through so much together, and you were thrilled that they had found their way to this moment.
As you entered the venue, you couldn't help but notice the way the light danced across the surface of the crystal chandeliers hanging from the canopy above. They cast a soft, romantic glow over the space, making everything seem ethereal and magical. The string quartet played a soft melody that resonated with the air around you, setting the tone for the celebration to come.
Jack looked around, his eyes wide with wonder. "This place is unreal," he murmured, his voice filled with awe. You nodded, squeezing his hand tighter. It was unlike any wedding venue you had ever seen, a perfect blend of nature and opulence that reflected Lizzie's unique style.
As you made your way to your seats, you felt a rush of excitement mixed with nerves. You had been helping Lizzie plan this day for months, and now it was finally here. You had never seen Jack so dressed up either, in a tailored suit that hugged his athletic frame, making him look every inch the dashing tennis star he was. His tie was a deep shade of blue that matched the color of the sky above, and his shoes were so polished you could see your reflection in them.
The music grew louder as the bridesmaids began their procession, their dresses fluttering in the breeze like petals on a summer's day. Lizzie looked stunning in a gown that made her look like a modern-day princess, her eyes sparkling with joy as she made her way towards Darcy, who was standing at the altar, looking as though he couldn't believe his luck. You watched as they exchanged vows, their love for each other palpable in the air, making it thick and warm around you.
As the ceremony concluded and the newlyweds shared their first kiss, the crowd erupted into applause. You turned to Jack, whose gaze was fixed on the couple, a soft smile playing on his lips. He leaned in, his eyes finding yours, and for a moment, the world around you seemed to fade away.
The reception was a whirlwind of laughter and dancing, the air thick with the scent of champagne and the sound of clinking glasses. You and Jack mingled with the guests, chatting and sipping on drinks, but your thoughts kept drifting back to how unbelievably handsome your boyfriend looked in his suit. His strong arms were wrapped around you as you swayed to the rhythm of a slow song, the fabric of his jacket feeling smooth against your bare shoulders.
The sun had set, and the twinkling lights strung up around the venue created a romantic atmosphere that seemed to beckon you closer to him. His hazel eyes searched yours, and you felt the warmth of his breath against your skin as he leaned in to whisper something in your ear. You couldn't make out the words over the music, but the sentiment was clear: he was as smitten with you as you were with him.
As the night progressed, Jack grew more and more relaxed, his movements fluid and graceful as he danced. You watched him, unable to take your eyes off of him, feeling a mix of pride and desire. He was truly in his element, the charming, charismatic man that had stolen your heart on the tennis courts and never let it go.
But then, something changed. The music grew softer, the lights dimmer, and the air between you two seemed to crackle with an intensity that was almost tangible. You found yourselves standing in a quiet corner of the rooftop garden, the sounds of the party muffled by the dense foliage that surrounded you.
Jack looked at you, his gaze unwavering, and before he could say a word, you leaned in and kissed him. The kiss was tender, yet filled with a passion that had been simmering just beneath the surface of your relationship. His arms encircled your waist, pulling you closer, as if he was afraid that if he let go, you would vanish like a mirage in the desert heat. The world around you ceased to exist, and all that mattered was the feel of his lips on yours, the beat of his heart echoing in your chest.
You moved your hands up to Jack's neck, feeling the steady throb of his pulse beneath your fingertips. The kiss grew deeper, more urgent, as if you were trying to convey every unspoken word, every unvoiced emotion, through the simple act of pressing your mouth to his. His hands slipped from your waist to cup your cheeks, his thumbs gently caressing the soft skin beneath your eyes. The warmth of his palms sent a shiver down your spine, and you realized that you had never felt more alive than you did in this moment.
As the kiss lingered, you felt the tension in your body melt away, leaving only the sensation of Jack's firm grip and the heat of his touch. Time seemed to stand still, the only indication of its passing the soft rustle of leaves in the wind. You were lost in the moment, lost in the feel of him, lost in the realization of just how much he meant to you.
When you finally pulled away, you were both panting slightly, your cheeks flushed and eyes wide with surprise and desire. "I've wanted to do that all night," you confessed, your voice barely above a whisper. Jack's eyes searched yours, a mix of confusion and something else - something deeper, something that made your stomach flip.
He leaned in again, this time with a more urgent need. His kiss was fiercer, more demanding, as if he were trying to claim you in that very instant. Your hands tightened around his neck, your nails digging slightly into his skin. The world around you faded away once more, replaced by the sound of your beating hearts and the soft caress of the evening air.
Jack's hands moved to the small of your back, pressing you closer to him, your bodies fitting together like two pieces of a puzzle that had finally found their place. The music swelled around you, a cacophony of sound that seemed to be playing just for the two of you.
You could feel his heart racing, echoing the tempo of the music, as your chests rose and fell in sync. The world outside the confines of your embrace was a blur of colors and shapes, a distant reality that couldn't compare to the intimacy you shared.
You couldn't help but wonder if anyone had noticed the two of you in the secluded corner, but the truth was, you didn't care. The connection between you was magnetic, drawing you closer with each passing second. Your breaths melded into one as the kiss grew more intense, your bodies swaying to the rhythm of the music that played softly in the background.
Reluctantly pulling away from the kiss to catch your breath, you looked into Jack's eyes, which had darkened with passion. The music swirled around you, a symphony of love and longing that seemed to be playing just for the two of you. His thumb traced the curve of your cheek, and you leaned into his touch, feeling the roughness of his skin against yours.
"That was…wow," Jack murmured, his voice hoarse with emotion. He was usually well-spoken and eloquent with his words, but in this moment, he seemed to have been rendered speechless by the intensity of your kiss. The look in his eyes was one of pure amazement, as if he couldn't believe what had just happened between the two of you.
"You weren't expecting that, were you, Draper?" You teased, a smug smile playing on your lips.
Jack chuckled, the sound rumbling in his chest, his hands still lingering around your neck. "No, I wasn't," he admitted, his voice low and husky. "But I'm not complaining."
The sound of distant laughter and clinking glasses brought you back to reality. You were at Lizzie's wedding, in the middle of a crowded reception, and you had just shared a kiss that could have set the whole venue on fire. You felt a warm blush spread across your cheeks, but instead of pulling away, Jack leaned in closer, his forehead resting against yours.
"What? Can't I surprise my boyfriend with a little spontaneous romance?" You quipped, your voice filled with mirth.
Jack's grin grew wider, his eyes never leaving yours. "You always know how to catch me off guard," he said, his voice filled with affection. "But I like it."
You both took a moment to breathe in the cool evening air, your hearts slowly returning to their normal rhythm. The scent of the garden's blooming flowers wafted around you, mixing with the faint scent of Jack's cologne. It was a heady combination that made you feel light-headed and intoxicated.
"We should probably get back to the party," you murmured, not wanting to break the spell that had been cast over you.
Jack nodded, but his arms didn't move from around you. "In a minute," he whispered, his breath warm against your skin. He kissed you again, more gently this time, as if he was savoring the taste of you. The world around you faded away once more, leaving only the sound of your hearts beating together.
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thoseboysinblue · 1 year
My Type
Part 1
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Christian Pulisic x reader
You have a chance encounter with Christian, who happens to be just your type.
Word count: 2700+
Requested: No
Warnings: Swearing, drinking
Thanks to the girlies in the gc for the inspiration 😘
You spent the day lounging on the beach in Miami sipping on drinks, reading, listening to music and enjoying some much needed downtime for your friend, Ella's, bachelorette party. After your day in the sun, you and your friends had all returned to the beach house you were renting for the weekend to get ready for your night out. It promised to be an interesting night based on the theme of "dress like your type" chosen by the bride-to-be.
You were thankful that you would be able to dress casually and let your hair down a bit, pulling on some cutoff shorts and your favorite sneakers. Although your friends had no idea who he was; Christian Pulisic embodied your type, brown hair, brown eyes, soft spoken and athletic. Topping your outfit off with his jersey, you finished curling your hair and applied a final coat of lip gloss and mascara before you joined the rest of the group.
A few more drinks and social media posts later, you all climbed into a minibus, ready to enjoy the Miami night life and celebrate your friend's upcoming wedding.
"I don't know man, can't we just stay here?" Christian asks, running his hand through his hair.
"No, come on, let's go into Miami, have a night out, blow off some steam," Nick pleads with him.
"Fine, yeah, whatever," he gives in, going into the bathroom and turning on the shower.
He's tired and isn't really in the mood for a big crowd, but he doesn't get to see his friends in the States that often so he obliges their request for a night out, hoping a few drinks will improve his mood.
They arrive at a night club, trying his best to keep a low profile, Christian directs them to a booth just off the dance floor and orders a round beers and shots for everyone.
Scanning over the sea of people on the dance floor, Nick nudges him and tilts his head in the direction of your group of friends, "they look like a fun bunch," he raises his eyebrows. Christian had already spotted you, noticing you were in a US soccer jersey, "interesting attire for a night club" he thought to himself as he waited patiently for you to turn your back to him so that he could see whose jersey you were wearing. His eyes widen and his heart rate increases slightly when you turn just enough for him to see "SIC" on your back.
You are enjoying yourself, dancing and drinking the night away with your friends, mostly ignoring anyone who approaches your group since you are more interested in your girls weekend than any random hookup. "I'm going to go get drinks," you shout over the music to Ella before turning to make your way through the crowd to the bar.
"I'll be right back" Christian says to Alec, noticing you leaving the dance floor and hoping to catch you at the bar.
You push your way through the crowd finding an open spot at the bar and waiting to catch the bartender's eye. Christian spots you, breathing a sigh of relief when he sees an open space next to you that he can squeeze into.
"Nice jersey, you a fan?" he says over the music. "Something like that," you say back, still trying to get the attention of the bartender until you turn to face whoever is speaking to you.
"Oh shit" you blurt out as you are met with a pair of dark eyes and a playful grin, dimples fully on display as you feel your cheeks flush.
"Hi" he chuckles, grabbing the bartender's attention, finally.
"Can I get a Michelob Ultra here, and whatever she's having, then send a round of beers to that booth over there, along with tequila bottle service," he asks, nodding towards you to order, "you can order for your friends too, if you want," he smiles at you, "just put it on my tab" he nods at the bartender.
"One vodka sprite and one vodka cranberry please" you smile, thanking him for the drinks.
"You could've ordered for the rest of your friends," he smiles at you. "I just came over to get something for me and the bride-to-be," you shrug, "I wouldn't expect you to get drinks for all of us."
"Ah, so it is a bachelorette party," he says offering you a lime for your drinks and picking up the vodka cranberry you had gotten for Ella. "Yeah, just here for the weekend," you say taking a sip of your drink and watching as he takes a swallow of his beer.
"I'm assuming there is a theme, or do you always go out dressed in jerseys?" he smirks, looking you up and down before catching the look on your face that didn't seem amused by his comment. "That didn't come out right, you look good, I swear, it's just not what girls around here usually wear on a night out," he tries digging himself out of the hole he's in, but you don't budge, keeping a straight face. "Fuck. I'm making this worse" he says as he rubs his hand over the back of his neck looking at you, his cheeks flushing.
"You finished?" you say, still no sign of amusement on your face.
"Thanks for the drink, but I don't think I'm what you came into this club looking for, Christian" you hold your hand out to take Ella's drink from him.
His pupils dilate slightly as he hears his name roll off of your tongue, "I'll take this to her," he looks at you, his demeanor definitely changed.
Christian notices that his group of friends has now joined in with your friends on the dance floor as you are making your way back to Ella, "fuck sake" he mutters to himself before plastering a smile on his face and offering Ella her drink along with his congratulations.
"It is a bachelorette party, man" Nick shouts over the music "dress like your type is the theme," he grins, grabbing one of your friends and spinning her around before he realizes what you have on, a Cheshire Cat grin on his lips. You stand there frozen, tempted to just leave without making eye contact with Christian again.
"What are the fucking odds" Alec chuckles elbowing Christian. He shakes his head at him, "don't, I've already fucked it up," he rolls his eyes at himself, watching as you slip away through the crowd.
"Hey, let your friends know I've bought beer and a bottle of tequila for our table over there, you guys can help yourselves and if you want anything else, just have one of them put it on my tab" he gestures towards Nick and Alec smiling at Ella before wandering over to the booth and sitting down.
You return to your friends on the dance floor, noticing that Christian seems to be watching you from his booth, averting his gaze every time you glance towards him. A smirk painted on your lips, you decide to give him a little show if he was going to stare all night. You dance sensually to the music, turning to give him a good view of your ass along with his name on your back, pulling your shirt up slightly in the heat of the packed dance floor, exposing your toned mid drift. You throw him a wink when you catch him staring, his lips slightly parted like he's in a trance.
"Come take a shot" Abigail shouts at you, grabbing your hand along with Nick's and pulling you over to the table where Christian is sitting having absolutely no idea that he is actually the man whose jersey you are wearing.
"What's your name?" she shouts at Christian, pouring shots out for the four of you. "Christian" he smiles catching on to the fact that she doesn't recognize him. "Why aren't you dancing?" she presses him, sliding a shot across the table to him. "Because he doesn't even want to be here," Nick answers earning a glare from Christian, "he'd rather be at home, being boring," he chuckles swallowing the shot back and turning to grab a lime. "So would, y/n, we always have to beg her to come out with us," she laughs before taking her shot. "Thanks for these" she grins at Christian before turning to pull Nick back to the dance floor.
"You gonna take that?" he nods towards the shot glass sitting in front of you as you sit down on the edge of the booth. "Are you?" you fire back at him. He nods, watching as you take the shot glass and hold it to your lips, pausing slightly to take a deep breath before taking it. You glance around looking for a lime, finding him holding one up for you between his fingers. He pulls it away when you reach for it, smirking as he offers it to you again, holding it up to your lips for you to take. You roll your eyes and pull the lime from between his fingers with your mouth, noticing the way he bites his lower lip when you do.
He takes his shot quickly, standing up and holding his hand out for you, "dance with me?" he asks, cocking an eyebrow at you. "Fine" you huff, placing your hand in his and allowing him to lead you out onto the dance floor.
"Y/N, is it?" he asks as you nod, turning your back to him as he places his hands softly on your hips.
"Tell me how this is your type," he says, pulling at the material of the jersey you're wearing. You grind your hips back against him, smirking when he groans and grips onto your hips a little tighter before you turn to face him wrapping your hands around the back of his neck. "Is it, actually me, or something else?" he asks, genuinely curious.
"I mean, I guess it's guys like you, dark hair, dark eyes, athletic, probably should throw some red flags in there too, since that seems to be what I attract, but no, not you specifically" you shrug at him.
"Well, no red flags here," he dips his head to speak directly in your ear, causing a shiver to run up your spine. "You sure about that?" you tilt your head back to look him in the eyes. "I guess that would depend on what you consider red flags," he grins at you.
"I know what I said earlier, came across wrong," he starts before you hold your hand up against his chest stopping him. "Don't worry about it, I wasn't actually upset, just wanted to make you squirm a bit," you say, the corners of your mouth tilting up slightly. "Well, I still want to explain my self," he says turning you back around so that your back is against his chest.
"It's actually nice to see someone dressed more casually on a night out, I like it, prefer it actually," he says, against the shell of your ear, his mouth dangerously close to your neck as you feel his warm breath fan across your face, "most girls around here come out specifically looking for one thing, but you don't seem that way."
You shake your head, "Do you really think I'd have worn your jersey if I thought there was a chance I'd run into you? I wanted the ground to swallow me up whole when I realized it was you standing next to me at the bar," you say, throwing your arm up and around the back of his head, pulling him closer to you so that he could hear you.
"I noticed you before I realized what you had on," he smiles against your neck inhaling the sweet scent of your perfume mixed with your shampoo.
"Is that so?" you ask, turning to face him as he nods, cheeks flushing a bit. "Yes, seems like you're my type, too" he winks.
"Would you like another drink?" he asks tilting his head towards the bar. "I think just a water, this time" you smile as he slips his fingers through yours, pulling you towards the bar. He orders both of you a water as you sit and chat realizing you have a lot in common with one another. "How long are you here until?" he asks. "All day tomorrow, and our flight is at 4 on Sunday," you smile at him.
The bartender calls last call and you watch as Christian closes out his tab. Abigail and Nick walking over to where you are. "Y/N, our minibus is on the way, it will be here in a few minutes," she says, eyeing Christian up and down as he slips his card back into his wallet. You nod at her and stand to leave, but feel Christian's hand slip loosely around your wrist giving you a little tug to get your attention. You turn to face him, standing between his legs, "nice to meet you, Christian," you smile, bringing one hand to the side of his face and leaning in to press a light kiss to his cheek.
"Yeah, it was nice to meet you too, y/n" he smiles nervously and it seems like he's holding something back. You offer him a smile, before turning to join the rest of the group assuming your chance encounter is over and that you will never see him again.
"Please tell me you got her number," Alec says to Christian as he watches you walk away. "Nope, didn't even get her last name," he says shaking his head at how stupid he's been. "Did either of you get any of their names so that maybe we can track them down?" he looks between them visibly frustrated when they both shake their heads.
As you crowd into the minibus, Ella, loops her arm around yours. "Who was the hottie you were with all night?" she giggles. "He was exactly my type," you sigh at her. "Well did you get his name?" she asks. "Didn't have to" you roll your eyes, opening up his Instagram profile and showing it to her. "Oh fuck, are you serious?" she stammers, clearly at a loss for words when you nod and bury your face in your hands.
"It's fine, not like I'll ever see him again" you shrug. "Oh, honey, the way he was devouring you with his eyes, that boy is going to be trying to track you down," she grins. "Well, it's gonna be tough, he only got my first name," you shake your head at her.
Taking matters into her own hands, Ella, tags him on one of the pictures she had posted earlier in the evening, hoping on an off chance he might see it along with your profile tagged.
Once he's home, Christian scrolls through his social media, clearing out notifications when sees that someone named Ella has tagged him on a picture. Surely not, he thinks to himself as he clicks on the notification, opening up the picture of you and your friends. He smiles to himself realizing that Ella must have added the tag recently in hopes of playing matchmaker after he presumes you'd told her who he is. He notices that you are also tagged, clicking on your name and finding that your account is private, his finger hovers over the request button momentarily before he pushes it and closes the app and goes to sleep.
The next morning you wake up, groaning when your head starts pounding as soon as you sit up. You get out of the bed and put your phone on the charger after you notice it's dead, before going in search of water and painkillers. When you return to your room, your phone turns on, and you hear several notifications come through. Assuming it's where your friends have tagged you in photos and videos from last night, you grab the phone and scroll through the notifications.
Your eyes widen in disbelief when one in particular catches your eye:
cmpulisic has requested to follow you
Part 2
@chelseagirl98 @neverinadream @masonspulisic @pulisicsgirl @swimmingismywholelife @lovelynikol16
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quanxitii · 3 months
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-Shadows of Duty:"Eve Before the Wedding"-
Chapter - 1
┈➤ Next chapter
-Story Summary :
╰┈➤ In the mysterious backdrop of ancient Kyoto, Y/N, the only daughter of the Hirano clan, prepares for her marriage to Gojo Satoru, the most powerful magician, a union designed to secure the future of their clan.
I don't allow the story to be republished or translated I'm getting tired for this please understand the matter, and thank you
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
-Current year : 2012
-Current reader age: 16
-Gojo Satoru's current age: 22
-Started : July, 8th, 2024
-Ended : Not Finished
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Important notes:
-age gap (six years), gojo is a bit violent, the reader is 16 years old in current events.-
• JUJUTSUKAISEN ━≫ Akutame Gege
• COVER CREDIT ━≫ _3aem
-All Rights Reserved
that's all, I hope you like this!
━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━
-In the heart of Kyoto, where ancient traditions intertwined with modern sorcery, the Hirano clan's estate stood as a silent sentinel to its illustrious lineage. Within its quiet corridors and manicured gardens, the air was thick with the weight of duty, a burden that the young heiress, the reader "y/n".
-Her chambers, adorned with silks of deep crimson and gold, reflected the opulence and austerity expected of one destined for greatness. y/n, with her bright green eyes and sun-kissed hair, adorned with light orange freckles, a picture of quiet obedience, She sat on her bed, which was draped in luxurious silk sheets and pillows embroidered with intricate patterns. In her hands, she held a well-worn book about a princess, its pages soft from being read many times. This story was her favorite, as the princess's life mirrored her own in many ways, filled with duty, tradition, and a yearning for something more.
-As she lost herself in the familiar tale, the door to her chamber opened with a soft creak. Her mother, Lady Hirano, entered the room with an air of authority that commanded attention. Tall and imposing, she wore a kimono that exuded elegance, paired with very dark lipstick that contrasted sharply with her golden-yellow hair, a shade identical to her daughter's. With a graceful but firm gesture, Lady Hirano took the book from Y/N's hands and set it aside.
-She said in a firm tone :                                 
-"You must understand, daughter, that your marriage to Gojo Satoru is more than a personal union, It is a pact that binds our clans, securing our future."-
-y/n inclined her head respectfully, her fingers tracing the intricate patterns of her kimono. The fabric whispered tales of craftsmanship passed down through generations, each stitch a testament to the artistry that adorned the Hirano lineage. From childhood, she had been immersed in the teachings of duty — to marry, to bear children, to uphold the honor of her ancestors. Her desires and dreams had long been surrendered to the sanctity of tradition, woven into the fabric of her existence like the threads of her ceremonial attire.
-From a young age, she had been groomed for this role — to marry, bear children, and uphold the honor of the Hirano name. Her desires had long been sacrificed on the altar of duty, her dreams mere whispers in the wind.
-Since her early years, Y/N's mother had treated her with a cold formality, constantly reminding her that she was special and not like other children. Play was forbidden, replaced by a strict regimen of meals and classes that focused on education and moral discipline. Under her mother's stern guidance, she transformed into an obedient doll, a woman molded to wait for marriage and childbirth without any personal goals. Like the women before her, she was expected to perform her duty, give birth to heirs, and then pass away in peace.
-"You possess the blood of warriors and sorcerers," -
-Lady Hirano continued, her gaze unwavering as it assessed her daughter. Pride mingled with expectation in her eyes, a reflection of the legacy that y/n was destined to inherit.
-"Your union with Gojo will ensure the prosperity of our clan,"-
-She affirmed with conviction.
-"This is your destiny, y/n."-
-A tumult of emotions stirred within y/n's heart — apprehension, resignation, and beneath it all, a quiet rebellion that dared to question the path laid out before her. She had been raised to honor tradition, to embrace her role without question, yet a flicker of curiosity burned within her. Beyond the rigid confines of duty, she yearned for a glimpse of a world where freely, untethered by the expectations of clan alliances.
-Lady Hirano turned to leave she will not allow her to answer, because Y/N's answer simply does not matter, as it will not change anything. She also expects absolute obedience. Any objection will result in punishment and many lectures. Her silhouette framed by the soft glow of lanterns.
-Y/N, now sixteen years old, prepares to take on the role of gojo Satoru's wife, in the eyes of her clan, this is an appropriate age for marriage.
-Y/N gaze lingered on the moonlit garden beyond her window. Cherry blossoms swayed in the evening breeze, In that quiet moment, amidst the weight of tradition and the legacy of her bloodline, y/n pondered the path that lay ahead.
-Tomorrow was the beginning of a new life, the day she had been preparing for all her years...
-Your wedding day, you had simple encounters with Gojo Satoru, specifically at clan gatherings, you don't know much about him, but what you concluded after your encounters was that he didn't care much about you, for the most part, he hates her, but you don't care, you already heard many rumors throughout their engagement that he's a womanizer.
-A sigh escaped Y/N's lips, as she cleared her mind of conflicting thoughts. She murmured in a low tone,
-"No need to be nervous, I will do what I learned,"-
Before she got up, closed the window, and went to sleep.
❛ ━━━━━━━━━━━・❁・━━━━━━━━━━━ ❜
-Gojo's Point of View-
-The year doesn't change (in 2012)
❛ ━━━━━━━━━━━・❁・━━━━━━━━━━━ ❜
-In contrast, Gojo Satoru, the man who is twenty two years old, prowled the corridors of the clan headquarters, his best friend and confidant, Suguru Geto, by his side. Gojo was grumbling incessantly, and Suguru, with his soothing voice, tried to calm him.
-"You know, Satoru," -
-Suguru began cautiously, his voice a calming presence amidst the brewing storm.
-"she didn't choose this any more than you did. Remember that."-
-Gojo's response was a derisive scoff, his expressions hidden behind the dark blindfold that marked him as a prodigy among sorcerers.
-"I know what this is, Suguru,"-
-He replied sharply.
-"A marriage to a minor who isn't even eighteen yet, to strengthen alliances. Don't expect me to play the doting husband."
-Suguru sighed, fixing his gaze on his friend's impassive face.
-"She's not just a piece in this game, Gojo,"-
-He insisted gently, knowing how much his friend despised the traditions that dictated their lives.
-"She's a person with dreams and hopes. You could at least try to see that."-
-Gojo turned away, his clenched jaw revealing the turmoil within.
-"Dreams and hopes,"-
-He repeated mockingly.
-"What does she know about such things? She's been groomed since birth to obey, to serve the clan's ambitions, just a stupid doll. Our marriage changes nothing."-
-Suguru's brow furrowed in concern, aware of his friend's stubbornness.
-"Maybe not,"-
-He conceded quietly,
-"but she deserves more than your indifference."-
-With a frustrated grunt, Gojo fell silent, his footsteps echoing through the polished corridors of the headquarters. Geto watched him, letting out a quiet sigh as he broke the silence in his gentle tone.
-"Remember, Satoru, she's a girl, barely sixteen, thrown into a harsh reality of premature adulthood."-
-Gojo looked at him, recalling their few encounters, her hesitant smiles, the nervous glances she cast around the room, her attempts to mimic the grace and poise expected of her. She was a child, really, though their world didn't afford her the luxury to remain one.
-"You know she's only sixteen,"-
-Suguru added, his voice softer, almost pleading.
-"She's not just young, she's practically still a child."-
-Gojo clenched his fist, his knuckles turning white. He knew what was expected of him — to marry her, strengthen the alliance, and get her pregnant as soon as possible. The weight of the elders' expectations was suffocating.
-"They want me to marry a minor and have children with her as quickly as possible. It's absurd,"-
-Gojo muttered, his tone filled with bitterness.
-"Do you think I don't know that? Do you think I don't understand the pressure? But I won't be forced into this without a fight."-
-Suguru stepped closer, his gaze imploring.
-"I'm not asking you to accept this without a fight, Satoru."-
-He placed a gentle hand on his friend's shoulder.
-"But at least consider what she must feel. She's trapped just like you, if not more. Show her some kindness. She deserves that."-
-Gojo turned to face his friend fully, the agitation in his eyes clear even through the blindfold.
-"And what if I can't, Suguru? What if I'm too consumed by my own anger and resentment to see beyond my suffering?"-
-Suguru smiled sympathetically, a small, sad smile touching his lips.
-"Then you'll both suffer needlessly. Especially her. You already have some freedom and a bit of authority over the elders, but she doesn't."-
-He sighed, lowering his hand from Gojo's shoulder.
-"But if you can find it in yourself to show her a little compassion, maybe — just maybe — you'll both find a way to bear this together."-
-Gojo's shoulders relaxed slightly, the internal battle momentarily subdued.
-"I'll try"-
-he whispered, almost to himself.
-"But only for myself. I'll try."-
-He said arrogantly,
-"Don't expect me to be the devoted husband. I'll just try not to treat her too harshly. I really don't see her as my wife."-
-Suguru nodded, his temper rising slightly at his friend's arrogance.
-"That's all anyone can expect from you, Satoru."-
-The moonlight bathed the Gojo headquarters in a serene glow as they continued walking, discussing other topics.-
❛ ━━━━━━━━━━━・❁・━━━━━━━━━━━ ❜
-Flashback:The First Encounter-
2003 (nine years ago)
-gojo : thirteen years old
-y/n : seven years old
❛ ━━━━━━━━━━━・❁・━━━━━━━━━━━ ❜
-Years ago, on a balmy summer evening, the Hirano and Satoru clans convened for a rare gathering at the sprawling Satoru estate. Lanterns cast a warm glow over the meticulously manicured gardens, where the scent of cherry blossoms mingled with ceremony.
-y/n Hirano, then a timid seven-year-old adorned in a kimono of soft pastels, stood amidst the opulence of the estate's grand reception hall. Her heart fluttered with a mix of curiosity and trepidation as she awaited the introduction to Gojo Satoru, the thirteen boy, heir to the formidable Satoru lineage and already a prodigy among sorcerers at sixteen, she will be engaged today, with him.
-The dinner between the clans had been a tense affair, filled with polite exchanges that barely masked the undercurrents of political maneuvering and ancient rivalries. Gojo, seated at the head of the table, occasionally glanced towards Makoto with an unreadable expression, his gaze piercing through the formalities with unsettling intensity.
-After the formalities, y/n found herself alone with Gojo in a quiet corner of the garden, away from the prying eyes and murmured conversations of their elders. Gojo leaned against a stone pillar, his posture relaxed yet his presence commanding.
-"You're the Hirano girl,"-
-Gojo remarked coolly, his voice carrying an edge of disdain as he glanced down at y/n with barely concealed disinterest.
-y/n, trained from birth in the art of etiquette and obedience, lowered her gaze respectfully.
-"Yes, Lord Gojo,"-
-She replied softly, her voice tinged with a hint of nervousness.
-"It is an honor to meet you."-
-Gojo scoffed, approached her and held her wrist tightly, but not to the point that it would hurt her, he pressed her small figure and looked at her with complete annoyance, his tone biting as he circled her with a predatory grace.
-"This arrangement is nothing more than a shackle forced upon us by tradition. Don't mistake it for anything else."-
-y/n felt the weight of his words like a physical blow, her youthful innocence colliding with the harsh reality of their predetermined futures, She bit her lip, tried not to tremble, struggling to maintain composure in the face of Gojo's blunt dismissal.-
-"You're right, Lord Gojo,"-
-She murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.-
-"I understand."-
-Gojo's gaze softened imperceptibly for a fleeting moment, a hint of something unreadable flickering in his eyes before he turned away dismissively.
-He muttered, striding off after he left her arm and the sound of his steps filled the corridors.
-Alone once more in the vastness of the Satoru estate, y/n clutched at the folds of her kimono, her young heart heavy with the weight of their brief exchange. She had been taught from a tender age the importance of compliance, of burying one's desires deep within the recesses of the soul in service to the clan's aspirations.
-As she wandered the labyrinthine halls, the echoes of Gojo's words lingered in her mind, In that moment, amidst the opulence and the traditions that bound their clans together, She started thinking about her life — a life intertwined with the enigmatic figure who had already left an indelible mark upon her heart.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Author's Note: I have made a few changes to the original plot, as you know, don't be the ghost reader, I really love to see your opinions on this chapter, what did you like the most? are there any things you want me to add? your engagement encourages me to publish more (I will read all the comments) thank you for reading, Have a great day!
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
-Hashtags: #anime #saturo #gojo #saturogojo #gojosaturo #suguru #geto #romance #jjk #jujutsukaisen #gojoxreader #gojosaturoxreader #saturoxreader #animeromance #arrangemarriage #animeworld #annoyingparents #clans #love #marriage #fanfiction #getoxreader #jujutsukaisenxreader #sugurugeto #getoxreader #suguruxreader #fantasy #jujutsu #kaisen #femaleoc #japan #domestic #characterxreader #jjkanime #jjkmanga #lovers #reader #ff #oc jjk #gojousaturoxreader #angst #jjk #ff #socerer #manga #fluff #xreader
to be continued...
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xximpressions · 2 years
Raging Fire (3)
Daemon Targaryen x Velaryon!reader
Series Summary: Your Uncle has betrothed you to the King's brother, and when you meet, you are not at all what he expects.
Chapter Summary: Your journey into the city does not go as planned
Warnings: Injury
Word Count: 1,233
A/N: I love each and every one of you 🥰 Thank you for your interest in my story! Please help keep me inspired by leaving a comment about what you thought of the chapter below 😭😭
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House of the Dragon Masterlist
You and the Prince ended up sparring in the field for the rest of the afternoon. 
By the time dinner was served, you both were engaged in an earnest conversation with one another where you spent the entire meal trading stories of combat.
You both were so engrossed with the other’s tales that as the evening turned into night, you had not noticed that he had ended up escorting you all the way to your chambers.
He seemed to realize this as well as he smirked and took a noticeable step away from you.
When you raised a brow in question, he simply replied with a hint of amusement,
“Best not to tempt fate.”
Before bidding you a pleasant night and leaving with that smirk still on his face.
In the weeks following, you could confidently say your relationship with the Prince had changed for the better. As the respect you held for one another as warriors turned into the respect you held for one another as people, an unexpected friendship had formed.
Playing the roles of the besotted intendeds was easy to do when you actually liked who you were engaged to. 
Daemon was of the same mind as he was forced to make appearance after appearance to keep up the perception of your courtship.
But as he spent more and more time with you, the less forced these outings felt. 
That is why he did not mind it when his brother suggested he take you on a tour of the city — accompanied by chaperones and guards, of course. After admitting that you have only ever been to the Red Keep whilst visiting King’s Landing, it was agreed that this needed to change if you were soon to become a Princess of the Realm.
So, with a handful of guards for protection, and a few Septas for propriety, you both journeyed into the city on horseback.
You spent most of the time asking him questions about the towns, buildings, and statues that you passed by.
And it was because your eyes kept straying to your surroundings that you did not notice your betroth’s eyes kept straying to you.
Having gotten used to the sight of you in your tunics and trousers, Daemon was decidedly unprepared to see you dressed in proper court attire.
A small smile grew on his face as he recalled the petulant look in your eyes as you stressed that your Uncle had insisted on such clothing.
He supposed he would have to thank Lord Corlys the next time he saw him given the way your dress accentuated your curves.
It was difficult not to notice, and even harder not to think about.
Not for the first time, the Prince found himself grateful that it was you that he was to wed.
However, his musings were cut off when he heard you say,
“Shall we, my Prince?”
Meeting your gaze, Daemon saw the knowing look in your eyes and realized, since he had not heard your question, that you had caught him in the act of observing your appearance.
As a smirk joined your expression, you saved him the embarrassment of asking you to repeat yourself and simply stated your question again.
“I merely asked if we could walk about the square and give the horses a moment’s rest.”
Nodding in agreement, the Prince dismounted from his horse before making his way over to help you dismount from yours.
Since you were in a gown, you had to ride side-saddle, and as such, needed assistance in properly getting down.
But as your bodies came into contact as he helped lower you to the ground, Daemon found that his thoughts were anything but proper.
After he handed off the reigns of your horses to one of the guards, you took the Prince’s offered arm as he escorted you into the town square.
You pleasantly conversed about various things in a bid to know more about one another as you passed by the many merchants. It was when you came across a stall selling weaponry that your conversation found its focus.
Picking up a beautifully designed dagger, you appreciatively said, 
“This is a fine blade.”
The seller looked to see which one you were holding before saying,
“Ah, you have a good eye, my Lady. The metal of that blade is Valyrian steel.”
Knowing of the rarity of such a metal made you look at the dagger once more. Turning to Daemon with a grin on your face, you declared,
“Well, I must purchase it then”
With an amused smile, the Prince took the handle from your grasp to inspect the weapon you wanted to buy.
After exaggeratedly looking over it for a moment, he asked, in his mother tongue,
“What guarantee do we have that this is genuine, hmm?”
And because he asked the question with a certain level of condescendence, you felt the need to defiantly ask a question of your own in the same language.
“Well, what if I just liked the look of the thing?”
Your eyes narrowed at him in a playful manner, as he glanced to you with a similar expression on his face.
You held each other’s gaze for a moment longer before you both broke into light chuckles.
He was still smiling at your little standoff when something over his shoulder caught your eye.
As a white speckle gleamed in a tower far off in the distance, your military mind immediately reminded you that the glint you were seeing was the point of an arrow.
Without thought, you shoved the Prince as hard as you could to the side. Since he was unprepared for such a push, Daemon wound up unexpectedly falling over.
But you did not notice as a searing pain in your shoulder immediately sent you to the ground on your back.
Chaos erupted in the square as soon as your body hit the floor.
You could vaguely hear the sound of your betrothed calling for the guards to form a perimeter around you both as he made his way to you.
You had told yourself to focus on your breathing so you did not focus on the radiating pain. You were so concentrated on just getting air into your lungs that you did not hear the first time the Prince called your name as his face came into view above you.
It was when he repeated himself more urgently that you finally made eye contact with him.
Using your eyes to quickly rove over his body, you eventually said in a shaky voice,
“Are you hurt?”
Giving a relieved huff to hear you talking, the Prince simply responded,
“No, but you are.”
And carefully gathered you in his arms before picking you up.
You were swiftly brought back to the Red Keep to have your injury tended to. After the Maesters assured him of your wellbeing, he found himself compelled to visit you in your chambers.
Having been given the milk of the poppy for the pain, you were decidedly unconscious as he made his way into your room.
Taking a seat next to your bed, the Prince observed you for a few moments in silence before slowly moving to take your hand in his.
As he entwined his fingers with yours, he felt a roaring anger blaze through him as he decided then and there that whoever was responsible for this, would pay.
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teddypickerry · 1 year
Hi! I don't know if you have open requests right now, but i just LOVE your single dad! Jess Mariano. I already love Alice so much. And i wanted to ask if you Please could make Jess (+Alice of course) meet reader. Thank you so much for all of your writing and no pressure to write this if you don't want to.
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pairings — older! jess mariano x fem! reader
word count — 2.3k
summary — in which jess mariano meets a woman in a bar…
a/n — i missed writing this series 😭 anyways this was kinda boring so iM SORRY!! i wasn’t planning on including a love interest but yk. anyways pls request more from this series because i truly love it. also don’t forget that i quite literally did not reread this at all so if it sucks then. well. fuck you.
A BAR REBRANDED FROM A SANITARIUM was an odd place for a bachelorette party, right? You'd think the fact that mental patients died in such an area would affect the liveliness of the now bar. But the darkness was hidden within the red velvet carpeted booths. Ones that looked like they hadn't been changed in decades — so there was a safe chance a serial killer's ass sat with yours decades later.
A group of six women sat around a dimmed booth. Party hats and wild attire matched their adolescence-like cheers. You would have thought they were the patients by their chilling screams. The one girl who watched over the other five, with her arms crossed as she watched her little sister unpack glittery bags with candied undergarments in them. As if that made them any more tasteful...
She watched with a tired expression, not exactly hiding how uninterested the party scene was for her. They'd just spent two and a half hours at a four and a half star restaurant that her sister's soon to be sister-in-law booked them a reservation at. She had to pay for a singular breadstick. She felt like some rich dick who went to the club... much like her grandparents. The group then spent the next hour in a club, before moving next door to the bar. The bar was a sectioned off area that lacked the loud party music and dancing area. But the classy atmosphere only matched the rich-kid her sister was marrying.
Her sister was twenty-one years old marrying her college boyfriend. She couldn't help but be envious. Not because her sister was getting married or that she had a "college sweetheart". But rather the idea that her sister was given a relationship from the universe. A man willing to marry her so badly that they couldn't even wait until graduation. They had to get married mid-semester and spend their spring break as their honeymoon. At some rich family villa of his, which would soon be her sister's... you can see why she lacked excitement yeah? It was selfish. She was the first to recognize it. But her sister had never shown any interest in being wed until she was at least twenty-six. She was one of those people with the plans. The ones who carried around their planners like they'd just solved world peace.
Her sister wasn't making a mistake... or at least she didn't think so. Or it didn't seem so. Her soon to be brother-in-law was a respectful guy. But he lacked any awareness in how the girls had grown up. They didn't have a house filled to the brim with white tiling and gold accent pieces. He didn't understand how she spent her whole high school career working her ass off to help her mom pay for the cost of living of their family. Maybe that was a deal breaker for her... but not her sister.
So, she stand here now twirling her glass as she watches her sister smiley scold her college roommates for gifting her a set of lingerie. Sometimes she wishes she'd gone to college. But this was not one of those times. She'd excused herself to walk over to the bar once more, looking for away to espace from the 'bride babe' headbands.
The bar wasn't exactly crowded but she lacked the room to comfortably move. But the group of men taking up the space, moved swiftly as she approached. Her bodycon dress seemed like a simple motivation. One she was not giving into. "Another, please, thanks." She told the bartender who shot her a nod and added it to his mental list. The group of young men (who acted like they'd never account for that title) slowly filed away as some approached her group. She didn't waste any time leaning against the bar as she waited. Desperately wanting to down a shot.
To her direct right, a man balancing a whiskey sour. He was tilting it as he glanced up at her, noticing her eyes locked on the drink being made. She was drop-dead gorgeous, which caught his attention like no other. He knew he shouldn't even be thinking that when a woman was supposed to be the last thing on his mind. But everything about her caught his attention. Which he'd never been good at comprehending, wanting to seem like such a tough guy. When in reality, he had a heart of surprise.
"Old fashioned?" He asked aloud when he noticed the bartender handing her the drink. Her eyes didn't even dart toward him as she remained where she stood, taking a sip of her drink. "I'm partial with a good bourbon myself," He spoke curiously. As if wondering if she'd take the bait. Her eyes finally caught his as she glanced in his direction, taking a sip of her drink without leaving his eyesight.
He watched playfully with deep eye contact, his finger tapping his drink. She placed her drink back down on the counter and remained in the same spot. "Meeting someone?" Jess asked. He didn't want the cliche bar meet like he'd read in so many of his books. But this would be a one-time thing, right? If she even obliged. "More like hiding from someone." She spoke as she leaned onto the counter her gaze adverted to watch the bartender work. Jess didn't take his eyes off of her as he found them roaming, interested in what he was seeing. "Your ex? Bonnie or Clyde?"
She looked back over at him for that one giving him a look. He only watched her with a smirk falling on his lips, he liked her. "The sorority sisters," She matched his energy right back as she tiredly glanced over at the group of girls who hardly noticed her disappearance. They were now loudly laughing over a severely unfunny joke. Something about some girl in their dorm buying her boyfriend $500 pants that were ruined in a day. A humorous idea, lacking a reason for a 360 laughing circle. 
"They aren't no Helen Keller," One two many drinks led to this disastrous joke. Her eyes squint slightly at the poor joke, holding in a laugh. He, too, had to wince. "I am drunk." No, you're not, Jess. You just suck at picking up girls. Probably because your only influence is trapped within book pages.
"Okay be honest, how bad am I doing here?" He asked aloud something he'd typically never do without a few drinks in his system.  She bite down on her bottom lip as she pretended to think. "You're digging yourself a hole, pal. A ditch." He didn't waste any time nodding fairly as he finally lost his eye-sight glancing down at the bar before looking back at her. Jess crossed his arms and leaned onto the counter. She admired his approach which was shown when she took a seat beside him, her knees a few inches away from being pressed against the side of his thigh. Her attention was diverted to a book beside his drink. "On The Road?"
The man glanced down at his choice of literature before looking back over at the girl seemingly impressed. He watched her glance back over at her group which he could already tell was not her scene. "So what are you doing here?" Her lips finally revealed, her eyes still trapped on his while he raised his drink to his mouth. A sip was a dry term for what he took as he finally lowered his beverage revealing a smirk that had fallen on his lips. "Who's your favorite Beatle?" 
The woman's face remained the same, noticing the direct change the man-made in the conversation. "None," She quipped with a straight look like she was inspecting him for something. He was quick to understand she was a bright one. Her face, like her name, and her starry eyes were bright and memorable -- almost so that he had to examine her for flaws. Her cheeks only added to her appeal so he moved his attention to her messy hair which had clearly been an asset he was interested in. So, she was perfect like that. Transcendent if you will. "Everyone has a favorite Beatle, 'ya got Ringo then Le-"
"I don't." She cut him off like her duty. As if she owed him the power of not having to repeat four known names. He licked his lips at this with a firm nod eyes darting across the room. Her thoughts remained on his intentions. He didn't seem like a bastard or anything... his looks overpowered the rights for that. "Y'know, lad, if you just told me what was on your mind we could move on from this insatiable eye contact."
Jess nodded at her words with her head falling on her hand. "My girl... my daughter," He corrected when he realized how his choice of words could further affect their conversation. "Her Mom suddenly came into her life. Now Alice, my daughter, is all over her. When she wasn't there the past fourteen years of her life... so for all of it." He spoke aloud, despite if whether she was listening or not. "The woman's a madman... a hookup when I was seventeen and miserable over a breakup and my Dad. It's unfair." 
The woman listened to every single word intently. Her bad night seemed glorious at this moment as she watched him huff and turn toward her, half expecting her to dart at the mention of his messy situation. "That... sucks. I mean that really fucking sucks." She told him with sincerity ghosting her voice. Her words were something he needed to hear. Jess was finally grateful he opened up for once in his thirty-one years of living. "I'm Y/N by the way... if I know something personal about you, it's only fair you know my name."
"Jess," He responded while sticking out his hand with a thin-lipped smile. She matched his expression while shaking his hand firmly. The two pulled away hesitantly as Jess seemed to spark back into his almost-cocky demeanor. "So, tell me why you're sat over here with me. It's only fair, y'know." He cocked with a tilt of his head. Y/N was quick to nod at his words as she messed with her hair. "You looked really depressing, miserable actually." 
He chuckled at her words as a genuine smile took over his face. "Haven't we learned to not beat around it with one another... tell me. I'm listening." 
"It's dumb." She seriously told him before sighing, knowing he wouldn't give up. "The guy my sister, the one with the candy panties, is marrying is just... not for her. And if I try and tell her she gets pissed off at me. So it's safe to say I'm not exactly in the mardi gras mood here." Y/N looked over at the group once more.  Jess was quick to react despite the lack of emotion shown on his face. His features mute. "She looks like a kid."
"She is," She agreed before sighing. "Well, she's twenty-one. But that's still a baby— I mean come on, when I was twenty-one I would have laughed in my boyfriend's face if he proposed to me. She has her whole life ahead of her and I don't know..." 
"If my daughter came home from college and told me she was engaged I would go Hulk Hogan on the guy's ass." Jess reassured her of her sanity with his words. Somehow two emotion-lacking people shared their pressures in sensibility prose. Which both recognized and swore off by their drinks. Which was no excuse. 
His words were almost unheard as the bachelorette party began to cheer once more, followed by the sound of the club next door. Jess pressed his lips together before letting out a puff of air. "Let's get out of here," He told her... although his words were a prominent question that he was awaiting her answer for. Her drink balanced in her hands at his words with an unreadable expression. "Bold move." 
"Life's too short to be shy," He shrugged with his confident look and his eyes practically undressing her mind. Her eyes remained lost in his for a moment before a dry chuckle escaped her lips. "Trust me, I wanna. But as older sister... I gotta watch out for those annoying girls. Emphasis on annoying.”
"Responsible and admirable," He spoke with a nod while taking the final sip of his drink. "But unnecessary... we'll go somewhere quiet for a bit. I swear you'll be back here in an hour and a half." He was persistent which she easily saw coming. "Yeah? And where's that?" 
"I own a publishing company. We have this bookstore downstairs that's closed... quieter than a goddamn J.K. Rowling lovefest." Jess started continuing to attempt to charm her enough for her to stay as his company. "We can have a coffee and talk nonsense. I can promise you you'll be back here by midnight because I need to get home to my kid by midnight. My Uncle won't stay up any later." 
His demeanor changed while he attempted to convince her. He was full of truth and warmth while he anticipated her next move. Which he so desperately hoped would be spending the rest of the evening with him. "Is the 'I own a company' thing supposed to impress me?" She hinted at with a gentle smirk, one he matched instantly. "You haven't seen anything yet." 
"And why should I come with you?" She was just playing with him now. "First of all, you wanna get the hell outta here. Second of all, you wanna have some fun which I'm willing to give you. It's your game."
"Let's go," She stood up with him quickly following as he threw on his jacket and walked behind her. Jess's arm threw around her, they walked closely together. And it was safe to say... Jess and his parental problems were just an afterthought for about an hour and twenty-nine minutes.
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changbinisms · 11 months
Coup De Grâce - Park Seonghwa x reader (Part Three)
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coup de grâce
/ˌkuː də ˈɡrɑːs/
A final blow or shot given to kill a wounded person or animal.
An action or event that serves as the culmination of a bad or deteriorating situation
wc: 1,330
Royalty au / Arranged marriage au
contains: angst, time period specific discrimination, misogyny, classism. more will be added as the series progresses.
this work is not proofread (as usual)
feedback is welcome and encouraged
[a/n: this fic may not be entirely time period accurate, but it will contain time period specific discrimination (i.e. misogyny and classism)]
[a/n2: I'm also trying out a new banner so please let me know what you think]
Sitting by the fire, you went over everything that had happened. After Prince Seonghwa had stormed out, you took the opportunity to change out of your wedding attire and into something to sleep in. It wasn’t an easy thing to do, your body twisting and turning almost painfully to reach behind you to the ribbons of your corset that were neatly tied into a bow and double knotted for security, but it was miles better than the alternative which was asking the prince for help. No, thank you, you’d rather suffer in silence. Either that or you would have to ask one of your maids, which would leave you open to a whole new barrage of questions; the first one pertaining to your husband and why he wasn’t the one to help you out of your garments.
It was clear that there wouldn’t be any consummating of the marriage tonight. You weren’t sure if that was good or not. It was good as you didn’t want to engage in any type of intimacy with someone who obviously didn’t hold a high opinion of you. You had yet to figure out exactly what you had done. You weren’t the one to arrange the marriage. You weren’t the one who was keeping him and his lover apart. Okay, maybe in a sense you were. But at least not directly.
However, it was bad in the sense that the sheets would be checked. And if they check the sheets, they’ll see that there’s no blood, and if there’s no blood then they’ll know that you didn’t lay together.
You had to come up with a way to fix this.
It was late by the time Prince Seonghwa had come back inside. You had since moved to the bed, laying the covers over you lap with a book in your hand. You had figured that sleep wasn’t an option yet and needed something to occupy your mind. The only prompt you received of him entering the room was the soft click of the latch as he closed and locked the balcony doors. You chose not to acknowledge his entrance. Despite not being tired, you lacked the energy for any fight he still had in him, and it had been a long day.
It wasn’t until you heard a soft “what are you reading?” that you looked up, marking your spot in the book with your bookmark, closing it, and putting it to the side after flashing him the cover. The sight in front of you left you a tiny bit taken aback. At the foot of the bed stood Prince Seonghwa, with one hand rubbing up and down the upper part of the opposite arm and a sheepish look on his face. His eyes never held yours for long, contact breaking every few seconds or so, which was surprising due to the fact that any time you had seen him, he always seemed so sure of himself, he always knew what exactly to say and when exactly to say it, easily commanding the attention of a room. The man in front of you seemed quite the opposite, like an entirely different person.
He let out a quiet sigh at your lack of response, giving his head a light shake.
He moves around to the side of the bed that isn’t occupied by you and sits on the edge, slightly turned towards you. You still don’t say anything, you simply watch him, curious as to what will happen next.
“I,” he starts, before clearing his throat and trying again, “I believe I owe you an apology,”
You raise one eyebrow in intrigue. Now you were more inclined to listen to what he has to say. He doesn’t continue, which prompts you to give him a nod in encouragement. You knew you were owed an apology; however you were curious as to whether he would apologise for treating you the way he did, or for something else he came up with.
His eyes finally met yours, a soft determination in them, as he squared his shoulders and opened his mouth to speak.
“I shouldn’t have spoken to you the way that I did, I had no right, and I shouldn’t have accused you of throwing yourself at Prince Wonwoo. I know that you are very close and have been friends for years,” 
He did?
He continued on; “and I know that there’s nothing romantic to it. I’ve simply had a lot happen recently, and adding onto that, the marriage and worrying about the image we should present – the image I present – especially if my wife looks happier in the arms of another man instead of me. I let it all get to me and I took it out on the wrong person, you didn’t deserve that. So, please, accept my sincere apology,”
You could tell from his eyes, the candour that they held, that he was telling the truth. Although you were still annoyed (and a tiny bit upset) about how he spoke to you, you can understand where he’s coming from, even if it didn’t justify it.
You take a few minutes before replying, wanting to correctly articulate what you want to say. The moment seemed very fragile, as if the wrong words could shatter it and turn it sour.
“thank you, Prince Seonghwa, for apologising. I understand that it’s not an easily thing to do, especially when you’re being particularly vulnerable about it, I also understand where you’re coming from this,” despite knowing what you want to say, it was now your turn to not meet his eyes, picking a particular spot in the bedsheets, noting the loose thread. It’s easier to get the words out without looking into his intense eyes, “but I need you to remember that we’re in the same boat here, from now on we have to be a team, a united front. It’s quite literally us against the world, if any of our enemy nations see any kind of weakness or disconnect like that, we give them an opening. Which is why I ask that when you plan any future rendezvous with your lover, that you’re both more careful.”
“My lover?”
“Yes, your lover. I understand that you do not like me, and that you’ll never love me, you made that very much clear. But I hope in time that you will grow to be my friend,”
“Princess, I appreciate your words and your ability to keep a level head, but I do not have a lover and I do not intend to take a mistress. I have no idea where you got that impression from,”
“Don’t take me for a fool, I saw your mother’s handmaiden leaving your room in the small hours of the morning. I have no intention of keeping you both apart. You deserve to have a romantic love in your life,”
The prince looked like he wanted to argue it more, however he shook his head and let out a sigh. “this is a conversation for another time, which I promise we will have. But we need to figure out how we’re going to convince everyone that we lay together, it wouldn’t feel right to consummate the marriage in this moment,”
Oh… ouch. That hurt lightly, you can’t lie. However, you had more pressing matters than licking your wounds.
“I’m way ahead of you, your highness, I’ve already marked the bed with just enough blood to convince them that we consummated the marriage,” you could see the look of confusion in his eyes and raise your arm to show the small cut near to the crease of your inner elbow. Far enough away from anywhere that would cause issues, but close enough to your crease to remain inconspicuous. “I have one or two friends that are in marriages that started the same way as ours,”
“That’s genius, although I’m concerned about those wives,” the prince chuckled “and please, we’re married. Call me ‘Darling’,”
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devildom-drabbles · 2 years
Hi! I started reading some of your stories and I would like to make a request! Mc confessed their affections to Mammon and being a flustered mess, Mammon accidentally turns them down harshly. Afterwards Mc out of heartbreak won’t talk to Mammon. time goes by and Mc becomes friends with Mammon again but likes Lucifer after Lucifer was there for Mc during the heartbreak. A couple of years goes by and Mammon is at the wedding wondering what would have happened if he hadn’t been such a flustered mess. (If you need more context please feel free to message me!)
Oof, what a heart-wrenching scenario... 😭 I apologize for the delay in responding to this, as I really wanted to make sure I felt good with how this came out. Thanks for the prompt! Enjoy!
Story - No Next Time
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Main Characters: Mammon and MC Other Character: Lucifer Word Count: ~1.7k Warnings: Angst and swearing
Since the beginning of the ceremony, Mammon’s gaze never left MC.  He studied every detail of their appearance, from the way their white attire and accessories adorned their body to how their eyes crinkled as they grinned wider than they ever had before.  They were perfect.  No, they were always perfect to Mammon.  Rather, on this momentous occasion, they seemed to shine brighter than usual, as if to remind him of his new permanent place in their life.  
When MC reached out their hand in his direction, Mammon’s fingers twitched at his side, eager to accept their hand into his own.  But alas, another demon was given the honor of holding it.  Mammon unconsciously balled his hand into a fist as his eyes trailed over to the recipient, the one wearing pristine white garments that complimented MC’s:  his older brother Lucifer.  The happy couple looked at each other like they were the only two beings in existence—in their own love-filled little world—while Mammon stood off to the side with the rest of his younger brothers.  In order to prevent himself from making a scene on this special day, Mammon briefly tore his attention away from the pair to stare at his feet, his nearly-crumbling expression reflecting in his polished black shoes.
How did it turn out this way?
“I like you, Mammon.”
MC spoke those words so sincerely—a confession straight from the heart despite their nerves.  A gentle blush caressed their cheeks as they did their best to keep steady eye contact with him.
“Wh-What the hell are ya sayin’?!”
Mammon’s response shot out like ridicule because of his nerves.  He was caught off-guard by MC’s declaration, making his face flush more than theirs and his eyes dart away from them.  This was a dream come true for him, but it was all too sudden.  His heart was pounding harder than all of the times he’d run for his life from debt collectors; his head was spinning like an excited kid on a teacups ride; and his stomach was ready to burst out an army of butterflies.  He wanted to tell them that he felt the same way toward them—that he liked them for the longest time but never knew how to vocalize it.  Instead, his flustered state in that moment rendered him unable to think straight, so he ended up blurting out what sounded like the complete opposite of what he wanted:
“Are ya serious?  I mean, a human like you, in love with the Great Mammon?  I won’t accept just anyone as my partner, ya know!”
The hope in MC’s expression faded away.  “...Oh.”
No, no, that wasn’t right, Mammon realized.  He had to fix this, fast!  “Er, uh, well, I deserve the best, yeah?  So, when I think about you and our time together, it only makes sense that we—”
“I get it, Mammon.  You’re not interested.  Just stop.”
MC turned away to leave the room, but Mammon managed to grab their arm before they could.
“W-Wait, MC, that’s not—”
“I said, ‘stop!’”  Tears pricked at the corners of MC’s eyes when they glared back at the demon.  “Please...  You’ve told me enough.”
The pain evident in the human’s face was contagious, squeezing the life out of Mammon’s whole body.  He couldn’t maintain his grip on their arm when they roughly pulled away from him, nor could he utter a single word that would help to clear their misunderstanding.  He could only stare blankly ahead until MC’s figure was no longer in view.
“...It only makes sense that we be together, because you’re the best to me, MC...  Dammit.  DAMMIT!  Why didn’t I just say that?!”
Mammon knew he screwed up, and after spending a bit of time sulking and beating himself up for what he said to MC, he was determined to rectify the situation.  However, MC wanted nothing to do with him.  They blatantly avoided him for weeks, refusing to speak to him in person or over the phone and spending more time with others so that he had almost no chance to approach them alone.  This created tension whenever the two of them happened to be in the same room together, and Mammon was getting tired of his brothers’ comments about “how terrible” and “how much of an idiot” he was toward MC.  He didn’t want this to continue, but the human wasn’t making it easy for him to fix things.  It reached a point where he missed their company so much that he didn’t even care if they never forgave him—he just wanted them to look at him, to respond to him with their voice, to act like he existed again.
Then one day, the silent treatment came to an end.
“Y-You forgive me?!”
“For turning me down, yes.”
“And for what I said, too, right?  ‘Cause I really didn’t mean—”
“It’s fine, Mammon.  You don’t have to explain yourself.  I freaked you out with my confession, so your response came out harsher than you intended.  Lucifer helped me understand that.”
“Yeah, he’s been a big help while I’ve been sorting out my feelings.  And I want to apologize, too, for not giving you the chance to tell me that yourself and for just ignoring you all the time instead.  Can we...be friends again?  I miss hanging out with you.”
“...Yeah.  Sounds good.  Let’s do that.”
Except, Mammon didn’t want to be friends—he wanted to be more.  MC had given him the chance to take that next step in their relationship, but he blew it.  He needed to rebuild what they had lost after that “rejection,” so starting with being friends again was the best way to do that.  Then, once the two of them were closer, he’d confess his true feelings for them.   
Next time, for sure, he’d get it right.
A few months later, Mammon stood nervously in front of MC’s bedroom door with a single plastic wrapped flower, tied with a ribbon in the human’s favorite color, hidden behind him.  This was it.  He was going to tell MC he loved them without any mistakes or misinterpretations.  Nothing was going to mess this up for him.  A deep breath and a knock on the door summoned the human in front of him, dressed in nice clothes that caused an unconscious “wow” to escape the demon’s lips.  They giggled while he cleared his throat out of embarrassment.
“It’s a great outfit, right?”
“I-It ain’t half bad.  But what are ya all dressed up for anyway?  It looks like you’re ready for a date!”
“I am, actually.”
Mammon almost dropped the flower.  “Wh-What?!  But who—”
MC’s phone went off, signaling that they received a text.  A giddy smile slowly stretched across the human’s face as they read over the message, and although such a sight would normally make Mammon’s heart do backflips, it sank deep into the pit of his stomach from knowing that he wasn’t the reason for their joy.  When they moved to tuck their phone away, Mammon noticed Lucifer’s name at the top of the screen.
“Sorry, I have to get going now.  Let’s talk later, OK?”
And with that, MC hurried toward the entrance hall of the house, leaving Mammon behind to deal with his messy feelings for a second time.
Lucifer...  He had been spending more time with MC than usual lately, but Mammon figured it was related to the RAD student exchange program.  And when he thought about it, MC had been mentioning Lucifer often in a positive manner during their conversations, including how he was “much kinder than he seemed.”  Mammon cursed himself for not paying more attention to what the two of them were doing alone together in favor of focusing on his own plans to strengthen his bond with MC.  But surely they’d come back from this date and tell Mammon all about how boring Lucifer was and how they would’ve much rather done something with him that evening.  Then, he’d have his chance to make his move.
That chance never came.  MC had a great time with Lucifer that night and the dates that followed, and soon enough, they made their relationship known to everyone.  Whenever the two of them were together, it was clear to Mammon how in love they were, how they brought out the best in each other, and how they were happier than they’d ever been before.  He couldn’t deny that Lucifer treated MC right.
But he could treat MC better.  He was sure of it.  
MC just needed to see the meaning behind the gifts Mammon gave them, the hangouts he planned for them, his recollection of all their favorite things, and his willingness to always put them first.  He was confident that his actions would greatly make up for where his words failed him, that everything he did would shout “I love you” loud and clear.
It wasn’t until MC announced their engagement with Lucifer that Mammon realized the foolishness of that belief.  He should’ve said those three words out loud a long time ago, directly to them, so they’d know exactly how he truly felt.
Now, MC was across from Lucifer to exchange wedding vows, unaware of the trembling stance of the other demon nearby who loved them first.
It should’ve been me, Mammon thought.
It should’ve been him in Lucifer’s place right now.  He should be the one preparing to spend the rest of MC’s life with them.  He should be receiving affection from the human more precious to him than all the money in existence, and even giving them his overflowing love in return.
But it was too late.  Mammon couldn’t change the past.  And as much as he wanted to cry his objections in the middle of the wedding ceremony, he wanted his brother and the human he held dear to be happy.  And if they were happiest together, then so be it.  He’d congratulate them afterwards with a smile so bright, no one would suspect the pain and regret buried deep behind it.
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kmomof4 · 2 years
A Very Disney Proposal A Birthday Fic for winterbaby89
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Today is the birthday of one of my besties, @winterbaby89​!!! To celebrate, I've written her this little fic full of fluffy sweetness that will hopefully put a smile on her face!! I love you so much, my friend, and I hope you love this as much as I love you!!! 😘🥳❤️
All the love and thanks to @jrob64​ for her beta expertise, @hollyethecurious​ for her support and advice, and to @motherkatereloyshipper​ for her manips of the couples I used in the artwork!
Summary: Killian Jones and David Nolan propose to their girlfriends while they are at work as Disney princesses in Walt Disney World.
Rating: G
Words: Almost 2600
Tags: Birthday Fic, Fluff, Walt Disney World, Disney Princesses, Marriage Proposal
On ao3
New tag list! Please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!
@jrob64​ @teamhook​ @winterbaby89​ @hollyethecurious​ @xarandomdreamx​ @undercaffinatednightmare​ @the-darkdragonfly​ @stahlop​ @superchocovian​ @pirateprincessofpizza​ @tiganasummertree​ @anmylica​ @cosette141​ @motherkatereloyshipper​ @zaharadessert​ @jonesfandomfanatic​ @ultraluckycatnd​ @jennjenn615​ @allons-y-to-hogwarts-713​ @kymbersmith-90​ @booksteaandtoomuchtv​ @wistfulcynic​ @mie779​ @snowbellewells​ @lfh1226-linda​ @aprilqueen84​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose​ @pirateherokillian​ @elfiola​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​ @justanother-unluckysoul​ @poptart-cat-78​ @myfearless-love​ @goforlaunchcee​ @searchingwardrobes​ @gingerpolyglot​ @gingerchangeling​ @djlbg​ @cocohook38​ @cs-rylie​ @thisonesatellite​ @donteattheappleshook​
Under the cut, unless Tumblr ate it.
“Granny? Are you here?” Killian Jones called as he and his best friend David entered the costuming and makeup area behind the scenes of Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom.
“In here, Killian,” she called back.
Killian looked behind him and opened the door wider for David to come through. They both looked around, dumbfounded, at all the costumes lining the walls. They were separated by character and there were multiple reproductions of each costume, he assumed in different sizes, as well as the different costumes for each character in their respective movies.
Killian’s gaze zeroed in on the Cinderella section and saw not only the princess gown everyone was familiar with for the character, but also Cinderella’s night dress, her servants attire, the torn up ball gown, as well as her wedding dress. A smile blossomed on his face as he thought of his Swan dressed up in the variety of costumes he saw. He’d never forget when Emma had come to him so excited to finally be cast as a Disney Princess. She loved working at Disney World, but it was her dream to be a Disney Princess and greet all the guests, especially the little girls who visited wearing their own Princess gowns.
He turned back to David who had a similar look on his face as he looked at the Snow White section.
“Come on, mate,” Killian said, drawing David out of his reverie. “They’re waiting for us.”
David came back to himself with a shake of his head and a sheepish smile on his face. “Sorry. I was just imagining Mary Margaret in some of those costumes.”
Killian grinned and placed his hand on David’s shoulder. “I was envisioning Emma, as well,” he assured his friend. They turned and made their way into the next room to see Granny still laying out the costumes for their ladies' respective Prince Charmings. Cinderella’s prince for Killian and Snow White’s for David.
“Come on, Ruby,” Granny called. “They’re here.”
Ruby, Granny’s assistant and granddaughter, came in from the makeup room followed closely by Prince Adam, from Beauty and the Beast. Ruby smirked as ‘Adam’ passed her with a slight upturn of his lips and nod of greeting to the two men. Killian heard a muffled slap of a hand on fabric and Ruby’s innocent then wolfish smirk at the man’s surprised expression when he turned back to look at her, told Killian she must have slapped him on the butt. The prince moved into her space and gave her a quick peck on the lips.
“I’ll see you later, Ruby,” he said.
“Bye, Graham,” she purred before turning her attention to Killian and David. “Y’all ready?” she asked. At Killian’s nod, she wrapped her arm around his and ushered him into her makeup chair. It only took a few minutes for her to have his hair combed into place and just a touch of makeup so he wouldn’t be washed out under the lights. “This is such a fantastic idea, Killian,” Ruby commented as she ushered him back out into the costuming area where David was snapping his cape into place before donning the plumed hat of Snow White’s prince. “I’m sorry it took so long to be approved and about all the hoops you had to jump through to get it to happen.” She ran her hand along his clean shaven face and scowled. “Emma’s hardly gonna recognize you without your scruff. And she’s gonna blame me for it.”
Killian laughed good naturedly. “It’s worth it, Ruby. Prince Charming getting to propose to Cinderella? In front of all the guests? This is a once in a lifetime thing. And no, she is not going to blame you for the lack of facial hair,” he assured his friend. “If I’m going to play the part, even for an hour, I have to look it. It’ll grow back in a couple of days. And besides, she’ll love the ring too much to notice. I hope.” He pulled a small box out of his pocket and opened it. Nestled inside was a gorgeous ring with a dark blue topaz center stone in a diamond frame. The diamond lined split shank on either side of the stone framed smaller blue topazes. Ruby caught her breath.
“She’ll love it,” she declared, nodding. “Let me see yours, Charming.”
David pulled his own small box out of his pocket and opened it up revealing a beautiful ring with a round peridot stone settled on a white gold band.
“This belonged to my mother,” he said, looking down at it with a soft smile. “She always said True Love followed this ring.” He looked back up at them. “And she was right. Mary Margaret is my True Love.”
Ruby smiled as she led David into the other room. Killian picked up the costume laid out for him and grimaced. The high neck of the costume he was to wear was the only drawback to this whole elaborate scheme. But as he said to Ruby, it was worth it. Granny smirked at him as he scowled at the offensive article.
“Come on, Killian. You can endure it for one hour.” She handed him the costume and patted him on the back as he turned toward the dressing room.
Twenty minutes later, Granny and Ruby were escorting him and David from the costuming area behind the scenes to the Princess Fairytale Hall in Fantasyland, where Emma and Mary Margaret were about an hour away from the end of their time greeting guests as Cinderella and Snow White. The ladies were on either side of the hall, so once the group got to the branch where they’d have to split to surprise their respective girlfriends, Granny took Killian left and Ruby took David right.
Granny cracked open the door to the hall and character greeting area to watch for the current guests to leave. The plan was to surprise ‘Cinderella’ before the next guests arrived.
Emma Swan waved goodbye to the family from Missouri and turned towards the other side of the hall. She saw Mary Margaret bidding farewell to her guests, who were now heading her way. Suddenly the door to backstage opened and Cinderella’s Prince Charming stepped through. It took her a moment, but her eyes widened when she recognized her boyfriend, Killian. Her jaw dropped, but she quickly snapped it shut and schooled her features as he approached her, his gloved hand held out to her.
“Hello, Cinderella,” he said, sinking to one knee before her. Her mouth fell open again and she quickly covered it with her hand. She noticed the couple stopping on the edge of the rug marking her space and the young woman recording on her phone. Emma’s eyes darted over to where Mary Margaret stood in a similar posture as herself, as her own Prince knelt before her.
Emma’s eyes caught Killian’s, where she saw a mixture of love, hope, roguish mischief, and trepidation swirling in their blue depths. Tears filled her own eyes when he pulled a small box out of his trousers pocket and opened it.
“Cinderella,” he began, his eyes twinkling, “The instant I laid eyes on you, I knew you were the one for me. I will never forget the first moment I saw you. You were the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, looking around, trying to find the entrance to the grand hall where the royal ball was being held. I was truly captivated and everything faded away around me except you. I approached you and asked if you would dance with me, which you graciously accepted, having no idea who I truly was.”
Emma gasped out a sob as she thought back to when she had met Killian- crashing into him in the dining hall on campus at UCF, not recognizing the captain of the soccer team.
Killian continued. “You stole my heart that night and when I lost you, I was determined to find you again. I knew I could not live without you. Then when I did find you, my joy knew no bounds. In the last year we have been together, everything I sensed about you that first time we met has been confirmed many times over. You are strong- stronger than anyone I have ever known. You are loving and you have loved this man for who he is, not for his image. You are kind, so kind to the people of our kingdom.” He looked around at the people gathered, waiting for their chance to meet Snow White and Cinderella, before looking back at her again. “You are generous, giving of yourself so freely to me, your loved ones, and our kingdom. You are the most amazing woman I have ever met and I love you with everything that is in me. Would you do me the greatest honor and become my wife, my Princess, my Queen?”
Emma couldn’t speak as she searched his eyes. Yes, she loved Killian Jones and she’d certainly agree to marry him- they’d already talked about marrying after they both graduated in the spring- but this was Prince Charming proposing to Cinderella. And of course Cinderella would agree to marry Prince Charming.
She caught her breath and held her gloved hand out to him as she nodded with a jerking motion that she hoped didn’t betray the turmoil of her thoughts.
“Yes, my prince,” she breathed, her eyes again filling with tears. She could only guess that Killian, or maybe David, had concocted this ridiculous scheme to propose to their ladies at work as Disney princesses, and thus had to dress up as their respective princes in order to do it. “I will happily marry you!”
Killian drew her glove down her arm and removed it before taking the ring out of the box and placing it on her finger. It was breathtaking and Emma released a gasping sob as she gazed at it. Killian rose to his feet and gathered her in his arms for a brief and tender kiss. He placed his forehead on hers and spoke in a whisper.
“Are you alright there, Swan?”
“Shhh, you know we can’t break character,” she admonished him.
“They’re far enough away, they can’t hear us,” he assured her.
“Whose idea was this? Do you mean this? For us? Really?”
Killian grinned at her. “It was mine, and yes, I do, Swan. I love you and I know you love me. I thought this would make a great tale for our grandchildren.”
Emma barked out a laughing sob. “Yes, I’d certainly agree with that.” She pulled back and turned to the guests who were still waiting. Over on the other side of the hall, Mary Margaret and David were already greeting their next guests.
The young woman who had been recording them squealed loudly as she approached. “I got to watch Prince Charming propose to Cinderella! May I see the ring?”
Emma felt her cheeks flush as she held out her hand to show her. The woman let out a louder squeal and asked if she could take a picture of Cinderella and her Prince showing off the ring.
“Of course, milady,” Emma said, with a proper curtsy. She rose and Killian wrapped his arm around her waist and held her hand to show off the beautiful ring to its best advantage.
“Oh, it’s so beautiful,” she breathed. “Congratulations, Your Highness.” Emma spotted a ring on her finger and reached out for her.
“I see you have one yourself, milady.”
The woman blushed and looked adoringly at the man at her side. “Yes. We’re getting married in July.”
“Congratulations are certainly in order then,” Killian said before getting the attention of the Disney photographer. “Can you take a picture with the four of us together?”
“Of course, Your Highness. Get in close, everyone, that’s it. One, two, three.” He captured the image, then changed the angle of the camera and took a few more.
“Thank you so much, Your Highness,” the young woman murmured as she hugged Emma tightly. “I’m so excited I got to witness this! It’s made this whole trip!”
“I am so glad,” Emma assured her. After both she and Killian signed their autograph book, the couple walked away, briefly stopping by Granny before they left the room. Emma wondered why Granny was talking to them but then remembered the young woman had recorded the proposal. She had no doubt Granny was asking for the video to be forwarded to her so Emma and Killian would be able to see it. She could only hope someone had done the same for Mary Margaret and David.
Before she knew it, the last hour of her shift had flown by. Killian had handled the guests like a champ, staying in character and answering questions. He even got down on one knee again when a little four year old girl dressed up as Cinderella, who’d been further down the line during his proposal, asked if she could have a picture with just him since she was Cinderella, too. Emma’s heart fluttered and tears filled her eyes as he knelt next to the girl and held her close, bright smiles on both of their faces as the photographer took several shots. He’ll make such a great dad someday, Emma thought as she joined the pair for a few pictures of the three of them together. She didn’t bother putting her glove back on, as word of the dual proposal had made its way down the line of guests and everyone wanted to see her ring. Once the shift was over, Emma and Killian waved goodbye to the guests and promised Cinderella would be back in about ten minutes. Of course, it wouldn’t be Emma that returned, but one of the other Disney employees.
As soon as they were backstage, Emma and Mary Margaret ran to one another to compare rings and stories. Killian and David’s grins nearly split their faces in two as their eyes met over their ladies oohing and ahhing over their beautiful rings. Ruby and Granny offered their congratulations as well.
“How did you do this?” Mary Margaret asked David. Killian blushed and scratched behind his ear as David related the tale.
“It was Killian’s idea,” he told his fiancèe. “After Emma was assigned as Cinderella last summer, he got the idea of proposing to her while she was on duty.” David shrugged sheepishly and cut his eyes toward his best friend. “Then I asked if I could join him. He wrote the General Manager of the park, outlining his proposal. He knew the chances were next to nothing, but figured he had nothing to lose by asking. So imagine our surprise when he received a letter back two months later with a whole list of requirements we’d need to meet in order to be given approval. It was a no-brainer.”
Emma ran her palm along Killian’s clean shaven face with a slight pout. “And I guess shaving was one of the requirements?”
“It was, Swan. I’m sorry,” he apologized. “But now that this is done, it’ll grow back in just a few days.”
“Good.” She drew him down to her lips and kissed him with all the love in her heart. “I love you, Killian Jones, and I can’t wait to be yours forever.”
Killian grinned and held her close, looking around at the loved ones surrounding them. “Me neither, Love. Me neither.”
The End
Thank you for reading and sharing! Happy birthday, Laura! I love you and hope you have a wonderful day!
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idyllcy · 2 years
Day 7 - AU
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"You're getting a wife."
Komaeda pauses, staring at his caretaker. "What?"
"The Komaeda name is sought after in high society, but since you're an orphan, I'm the one that decides." The woman smiles. "I want to see you get married before I pass."
Komaeda doesn't know how to break it to her that he's been seeing someone.
"What's... their name?"
"You'll see when you meet them." 
Komaeda waits apprehensively at the door as he waits for the bride to enter. 
He wonders if news of his marriage had gotten to your ears, and you had rushed off in fear that you'd be replaced. He wouldn't blame you. He was nowhere near the ideal guy to date or marry. His thoughts dampen his mood, and he lifts his head as he hears footsteps.
The bride bows, and Komaeda's eyes widen at the voice.
"A pleasure to meet you, heir of the Komaeda name," You hold your position until Komaeda speaks up.
"P-please get up," He mumbles. "We have prepared a banquet for your arrival. I hope you enjoy it."
"Thank you."
Komaeda pulls the doors open for both you and the escort in, and just for a moment, he wonders if you knew about this.
"Shujin," You wave for him, and he slides the door shut to sit next to you. As Komaeda finds a seat next to you, he thinks it'll be okay. Hopefully.
The banquet passes peacefully, thankfully. Komaeda's more worried about the consummation part. Maybe you'll see his body and run away. Maybe you'll take another lover because you don't think he's enough. Komaeda pauses and realizes his biggest worry would probably be an impending fear that his caretaker would watch you two consummate the marriage. He's heard stories of such from the servants. How scary.
You step into the room, staring at Komaeda.
"My parents will send a servant to check in the morning," You pause. "I... can cut if you don't want to."
"It's fine with me!" Komaeda tries explaining. "Ah, um, I was worried you wouldn't want to."
You bat your lashes at him, peeling the wedding attire off of yourself. "Um, I've never done this before, so."
"I haven't either," Komaeda helps you untie the kimono, and his breath hitches. "Did they... prep you?"
"Kind of? They put oil in me."
Komaeda pulls your kimono off and pulls his own to the side, his cock half-hard. You swallow slowly as Komaeda leans you back onto the futon, pumping himself twice before sliding himself into you slowly. Your breath hitches as he bottoms out in you, and Komaeda pauses, eyes widening at the sight of blood. 
"A-are you okay?"
"I think that's supposed to happen," You mumble. "uh... something about purity."
"Do you want me to stop?"
"We're supposed to," You gasp, whimpering as you shift your hips. "Finish, right?"
"But you're bleeding," Komaeda furrows his brows.
"It's okay," You mumble. "It feels, kind of good now."
"Are you sure?" Komaeda shifts his hips slightly, breath catching in his throat.
Komaeda moves slowly, unsure how to. He slides in and out of you slowly, pistoning uncertainly with you underneath him. You reach between your legs, desperate for something on your clit. Komaeda stops you before you can, his own hand replacing yours and speeding up. 
"Is this g-good?"
"Yeah!" You whisper, voice breathy. "It's good."
Komaeda speeds up, and your breath catches in your throat as you feel your stomach coil. You reach for his chest, and Komaeda interlaces his fingers with yours, pushing your hand to the side, feeling him come close too. You cum first, crying as you cum on him, making a mess on the sheets. Komaeda cums next, spilling into you with a low grunt. He stays there for the moment, and you feel him soften inside of you. 
Komaeda finally pulls out once he catches his breath.
"I'm sorry." He mumbles, reaching for a towel. "I made a mess."
"I'm the one who made the mess," You take the towel from him, wiping yourself down. "That was good."
"Yes," You exhale, settling yourself into the futon, holding the blanket up for Komaeda. "What's for breakfast tomorrow?"
"Whatever you want," Komaeda slips in next to you. 
"That's good," Your eyes close, and Komaeda's shoulders relax once in the futon. "Good night..." you whisper.
"Good night," Komaeda whispers back.
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cwritesforfun · 2 years
Hangman x Fem!Reader: Fake Dating and Flirty Rivals
This is based on a fake dating dream I had.  It is also inspired by this Rooster imagine I read & it was so amazing (it was based on a wedding trip and it was so cute). Here is the link to that! 
Basically, Y/N (Your Name) is a rival of Hangman for a few years. Recently it’s gotten a little flirty. You admit that you find him attractive, but you don’t want a relationship right now. 
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We just finished our morning drills. I’m starving. I need food now. 
I hear my name being yelled at and see Hangman running over to me. I wonder what he’s up to or needs now. It was a drill, you can’t beat anyone at a drill.  Hangman asks “Y/N, would you do me this one tiny favor?” I ask “Why should I?” He answers “Because if you don’t, I will make our next training miserable.” I don’t doubt it. I take a step closer to him, smirk, and say “I like to watch a man beg. It’s hot.” He smirks and replies “I bet you do. I bet you like it more when they’re on their knees.” I start to walk away and say “I guess you’ll never know.” 
I hear “Y/N! Please. Look, I’m on my knees begging. Please.” I look at Hangman on his knees bowing down to me. I laugh at him and walk back over to him. I crouch in front of him and say “I’ll do it. What’s the favor?” He answers “You’re coming with me to meet my family for dinner and you’re going to pretend to be my girlfriend of over a year.” I …. What?! I reply “That’s not believable. If anything, we’ve been rivals for a year.” He replies “Yeah and in being my rival, you’ve studied me and you know how I work as intimately as a girlfriend would. You’re the perfect and only woman for the job.” I reply “Ok. When do we leave? What attire should I wear? Please be quick because I am starving.” He smirks and replies “I know where you can get cake.” I reply “I ... I’m just going to go.”
I stand up and walk to get food. Hangman follows me and begins rambling about his family. He gives me all of the family dynamics and information that I need to know. I eventually start eating my lunch as he continues rambling on. He ends his whole speech with “I’ll pick you up at 5:30, babe” before he leaves. 
Phoenix immediately slides into the seat Hangman previously occupied then Bob slides in next to her with Rooster sliding in next to me. I ask “What? Is this an intervention?” Phoenix asks “Hangman just called you babe. What happened since we finished the drills to now? And why was he on his knees begging you for something outside?” I fill them in and Rooster says “I can’t believe you would willingly do this for him.” I reply “I don’t hate him and I know he would make my life miserable if I refused. I’m taking one for the team and ensuring a good week for us. I don’t mind. Hangman’s family seems like they could be entertaining.” Phoenix says “Girl, you like him. How did I not know?” I answer “I find him attractive, but I don’t want a relationship.” I hear “Well, it’s a little too late for that sweetheart, but I’m glad you find me attractive.” I see Hangman standing there holding my phone. He then says “You left your phone back there. I didn’t want you to forget it.” I reply “Thanks.” Hangman then walks off. Rooster says “I’ve never seen Hangman look or act like that.” I ask “Like what?” He answers “He likes you.”  I shove him and we all finish lunch.
The rest of the day continues. Coyote and Fanboy tease me about my arrangement with Hangman. Hangman told them and they’re surprised he had the balls to do it because he’s been debating asking me out for a while. I pretend to act like I knew even though, I’m now freaking out.
5:30 pm - Hangman’s POV
I’m meeting Y/N right now and I’m nervous. I’m never nervous to be with a girl, but Y/N is something different. I don’t want to mess up this fake date with her because I’m hoping that we can have a real date at some point. I like her a lot and I find her attractive. She even said she finds me attractive earlier. I want to know why she doesn’t want a relationship though. 
I knock on her door and she opens it. She locks the door and we head out to my car. I open the door for her and she slides in.
After I get in, I crank up the truck and start driving.
I turn on the music and I exclaim “So Y/N, how are you?” Y/N answers “I’m good, Hangman. I’ve had a good day today. What about you?” I answer “I got a girlfriend and I get to do what I love all day. It’s great for me.” She laughs and asks “Are you excited to see your family?” I answer “I’m really excited to see my mom. My dad should be fine. My brothers are cool sometimes if they want to be.” She replies “I wish my mom would come to the area. I miss her.” I reply “Well, if you need a fake boyfriend, you know where to find me.” She laughs and I ask “So, why don’t you want a relationship?” She answers “Being a female is hard in this job and I don’t want anyone to treat me differently if I have a boyfriend. I’m sure if I found the right person and I loved them, then it wouldn’t be an issue.” I reply “You let me know if anyone treats you badly for being a female, alright? I’ve got your back.” She smiles and replies “Thanks, Jake.” She said my name?!??! It sounded beautiful coming out of her mouth.
We arrive at the restaurant and we get out of the car. As we walk through the parking lot, Y/N exclaims “I can’t believe we’re doing this. This is insane.” I reply “Just smile and hold my hand. Everything will be fine.” She reaches her hand over to mine and I intertwine them as we walk,
We make it to the restaurant and I see my parents. 
When we walk up, I exclaim “Hey Mom, Dad, Paul, and Jed. This is Y/N, my girlfriend. Y/N, this is my mom and my dad. Then, that is Paul and Jed, my brothers.” My mom hugs Y/N and my dad does too. Paul and Jed even go to pull her in a hug, which is crazy. They don’t normally hug people. That is weird.
We head inside and are led to a table. This is how we’re sitting at the table:  one side - My mom Y/N Me  other side - My dad Paul Jed
Paul asks “So how long have y’all been together, Jakey?” I answer “1 year and it’s been the best year of my life.” Jed asks “Hey Y/N, why do you date my brother? I’m sure you could find someone better.” I clench my hand in a fist under the table and I feel Y/N hand slide over it. She starts to trace circles on the back of my hand as she says “There is no one man better than, Jake. Jake and I started as rivals in flight academy. Because we started as rivals, I got to know his character and personality before I ever got to know him romantically. His determination and drive for success make him an unstoppable force in the sky. He may come off as arrogant to some, but that’s a good thing because it means that he is very determined to achieve his goals and won’t let anything get in his way. And while he’s not in the sky, he’s a fierce protector of those close to him and a loving boyfriend. He makes me feel so happy with just his presence and I could spend every day with him.” She’s going to make me cry. She just said that about me and we’re not even dating. We are actually rivals though. I wonder if she actually thinks all that stuff about me?! I turn to face her and say “Thanks, babe.” She kisses me on the cheek and says “Of course, hot stuff.” I smirk and kiss her on the cheek too.
I look over and see Jed’s mouth dropped wide open.  My mom says “I am happy for you, Jake. You deserve happiness and who better than this lovely girl? Y/N, sweetheart, I’m sorry for one of my son’s words. And I’m happy you’re with Jake. Over this last year, he’s talked about mainly you and how you push him to be successful during tough missions. I can’t thank you enough for that and for helping make sure he comes home at the end of the day. I love my son and I want him to be safe. Knowing he’s with someone who said such kind words about him makes me so happy. Thank you. Now let’s dig into the food.” She hugs Y/N from the side and we eat dinner.  Jed doesn’t say anything for the rest of dinner, but he occasionally laughs at someone’s jokes. Paul is chill tonight and seems to be doing well. My dad also compliments Y/N and her speech later. 
After dinner, we stand outside.
I whisper in Y/N’s ear “You should kiss me.” She whispers back “You know how I feel about relationships.” I push my bottom lip out and ask “Please?” She whispers “Only for you.” She leans in and we kiss. It’s the perfect kiss. I can taste the sweetness of the dessert on her lips and I can feel sparks. I’m definitely asking her out for real tonight.
We say goodbye to my family then we head to my car.
After we get inside, I ask “Want to go see if everyone is still at the Hard Deck?” She answers “Sure.”
I drive to the Hard Deck and see lots of cars still out. I notice Rooster’s Bronco in the parking lot, so they must still be here.
We get out of the car and I exclaim “Hey. Before we keep walking, I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for coming out tonight with me and for that speech. I’ve never had anyone stand up to me to my brothers and you did it with grace. My mom and dad were praising you too. I just think you’re amazing and I wanted you to know that.” She replies “I’m glad I could go, Jake. It was really funto be with you outside of work.” I ask “Would you ever want to go on a real date with me?” She answers “Yes.” I reply “Cool cool. Well, since you said yes, you should know that I’ve liked you for a year and that’s why my family thinks we’ve been dating for a year. I kind of lied to them and said I asked you out when I found out I had a crush on you.” She replies “Fanboy and Coyote also said that they were surprised you finally had the balls to ask me out.” I sigh and reply “I’m going to kill them.” She steps forward and wraps her arms around my neck. I wrap my arms around her waist and I ask “What’s this about?” She answers “I like you too... and I was wondering if you want to kiss.” I reply “Ok, Miss-I-Don’t-Want-A-Relationship.” She playfully slaps me and says “Ok, Mr. I-Sleep-With-Everything-That-Walks.” I gasp and she starts to run towards the Hard Deck. I run after her and grab her wrist. I spin her to face me and I cup her cheek with my hand before I lean down to kiss her.
Once we get inside, we order one drink each, and I sit down. I pull Y/N over and into my lap. We hold hands and we just talk together. We forget about our surroundings and our friend's shocked faces. We just sit there talking happily in each other’s presence.
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ranchracoon · 5 months
Ch. 24 A Wedding
"I apologize that it took so long, the internet isn't very fast out here neither is phone services. It takes a few days for anything to come or go, however I did manage to contact the lawyer in charge of the will. Unfortunately, you still need to be married to do anything with it. Including giving it to another person."
"I understand. Thank you Mother Miranda." You said calmly.
You hung up the phone with a soft click of the receiver, swallowing thickly as you stared off through the window toward the waterfall. The thought of being Donna's wife made your heart soar with happiness, but you didn't want her to think you were marrying her only because of the will. Perhaps you should take your own advice, and just talk to her. It's been another since Mother Miranda and Dimitrescus visited, Dona has been more communicative about her needs and boundaries. Maybe broach the subject lightly. You snap out of your thoughts at the sound of glass dropping, running toward the sound you push open the door to one of the seating areas to find Angie hovering over some ceramic bits.
"Oh dear. Y/N, go get me a broom please."
"Please? Are you feeling alright?"
"Oh shut it and get me a broom."
You chuckled and turned away to go get the broom and dust pan, when you returned you knelt down to carefully sweep the shards into the pan. Once everything was clean and clear Angie smacked her lips and huffed with her fists on her hips.
"That was my favorite mug. Now I'll have to go to the village and get another one. Blasted."
"I would like to go with."
You jumped from the intrusion of Donna's voice, even Angie gasped a little from surprise. You looked over at Donna standing in the doorway, her hands rubbing each other nervously as she looked from you to Angie.
"Fine, but I ain't waiting for you to catch up." Angie scoffed.
Angie waddled out of the other door and you gave Donna a half smile, she only stared back at you then followed you to return the broom. You gathered your cloak that was kindly returned to you and tightened it around your neck, Donna put on a thicker coat than normal over her attire. Fall was coming to an end and Winter was starting to rear its cold heart, the mornings were always frosty but the afternoon sun was still plenty warm. It's mid November which means the Fall Festival will be arriving soon, and everyone in the village needs to stock up and winterize their homes. Winter means life or death this far in the mountains, Donna's manor is plenty warm and Angie said that Lady Dimitrescu often opens her castle when blizzards hit.
"Are you sure about this Donna?" You asked.
"The entire village saw my face anyhow, I cannot live in hiding any further. I need to do this."
You sighed and took her hand into your own with a smile, she squeezed it in return and pushed the door open. You walked next to her in silence, the walk was nice with the fall breeze blowing through the trees. Donna tilted her head upwards and breathed in deeply, a smile crept over her lips and she paused for only a moment to savor the air. The sun highlighted her dark hair, giving it a blueish tint and matching the dark colored outfit she wore. Eventually the gate to the village came into view and Donna hesitated, her eye drifted over the wooden gate and you squeezed her hand in reassurance.
She walked beside you as you passed through the gate into the heart of the village. Her hand tightened on yours so hard that your fingers started to tingle as people passed by. Some of them smiled and bowed their heads toward Donna, others moved out of the way but otherwise said nor did anything. You stretched out your neck to look toward the bay, the same fishermen and women carried their catches to the town square, some of them wore black while others didn't. Donna led you toward the church path up the hill, she paused again outside the door of the church. When you looked up at her, her eye was closed and her head was down with her chin against her chest. With how tightly she was holding your hand, her pulse clashed against your own with how fast it was going.
"You know, I've only been scared three times in my life." Donna said suddenly.
"The first time was the night my father attacked my mother and I. The second was when Moreau knocked me down. Up until then I had not feared death, in fact, I would have welcomed death like an old friend had I not met you. I was so scared I wouldn't see you again."
You sucked in a sharp breath and twisted around to rest your other hand against her cheek. She looked over at you, finally opening her eye to meet yours when she blinked slowly and a single tear rolled down her cheek. You let go of her hand and placed it against her mask, running the pad of your thumb against the smooth porcelain. She raised her hands and placed them over yours, you wiped away the tear and she chuckled under her breath when you broke the silence.
"When's the third?"
"Right now." She answered.
"Why?" You chuckled out.
Donna gave you another smile, she straightened up and broke free from your grasp then leaned over and opened the door to the church. It swung open with a loud creak and thud, you looked at her confused and she nodded her head in the direction of going inside. You walked down the short hallway and gasped when you came into view of the inside of the church. Inside was Angie, Alcina, and her daughters all sitting in the pews with Johanna and Ina sitting with them. Mother Miranda was at the podium and white fabric was strung up along the ceiling and walls. Lights were strung up in the banisters of the ceiling coating the entire church in a warm glowing light. Everyone was dressed in their finest clothing and they turned to look at you with broad, knowing smiles. You whipped around to look at Donna who stood next to you, she held her hands behind her back.
"Because I'm scared you'll say no." She whispered.
You looked at her shocked.
"Angie told me about your conversation with Cassandra and I told her that I wanted you to be my wife regardless. She came up with a plan and I agreed to it because I knew I wouldn't ever have the courage to ask you otherwise." 
Donna turned to look at you, she knelt down onto one knee in front of you, "Y/N, will you marry me?" She asked, looking up at you.
You stared at her, your eyes darting between hers before looking over to see everyone in the church waiting for you to answer with baited breath. You smiled brightly and felt tears threaten to spill over your eyes as you nodded your head and used the palm of your hand to wipe your eyes.
"I'll marry you Donna. Even if it's only for my money." You joked.
Donna laughed and the girls swarmed around you in an instant, they dragged you along toward the back of the church. You glanced over your shoulder to see Donna being taken away by Alcina and Angie to another part of the church. Inside a small room in the back were two strikingly white outfits: a dress and a suit. The suit was a three piece suit with a ruffled collared button up, a jacket similar to Donna's with the six buttons on the front, and slacks. The dress was the same height as you with a mermaid cut and a deep V neck that would accentuate your breasts. You picked your outfit and was whisked away behind a curtain to change into it, once you did Daniela shoved you into a chair and sat in front of you. She did your make-up, highlighting your best features while Cassandra made sure your hair looked nice.
Bela pulled out a camera and started to take pictures, you laughed loudly at their contagious excitement. You never thought you would get married so you never daydreamed about your dream wedding, but this set up felt absolutely perfect for you. When you were ready they took you back outside and fixed you up in the tiny hallway by the front entrance. Daniela, Bela, and Cassandra of course held bouquets of fake flowers to be the bridesmaids. They walked down the aisle first as a piano started to play, Alcina appeared around the corner and smiled at you warmly.
"Mind if I walk you down dear?" She asked, offering her arm.
You smiled brightly and took her arm with your own, a ping of gratefulness struck you in that moment. You lost your parents, your aunt, and didn't have any friends to share this important step with. Alcina was there though, and she was closer to a motherly figure than your actual mother ever was. She pulled you along down the aisle and you locked eyes on Donna who stood at the podium next to Mother Miranda. Of course she was wearing an all black suit, a white button up, a black neck tie, and all of the buttons on her suit were shimmering silver. Better yet, she wasn't wearing her mask and you could see her entire face beaming with happiness when she looked at you.
By the time Alcina handed you off to Donna you were blinking feverishly to fight back the tears and not ruin the make-up that Daniela worked so hard on. Donna however was letting her tears flow freely, her eyes had a tint of red from them but her smile never faltered. She held both of your hands in her own, she looked down at you and leaned down to whisper into your ear.
"You look so beautiful." She whispered through a choked sob.
"And you look so handsome Donna." You replied.
"Thank you everyone for coming to celebrate the matrimony of Donna Benviento and Y/N L/N. I call upon the Black God to oversee this union between two souls to be forever joined. Let us pray." Mother Miranda announced.
"Great ones, hear our voice, together as one in reverence. We call on thee within the endless dark to deliver us into fate's hands. As the midnight moon rises on black wings, so we make our sacrifice and await the light at the end." Everyone but you and Donna said.
Your eyes widened and your cheeks burned, Donna only smirked at you when the realization hit you. She chuckled lowly and you squeezed her hands, narrowing your eyes at her as your face only burned hotter. Thankfully Mother Miranda cleared her throat to grab your attention.
"Donna Beneviento, do you take Y/N L/N as your partner, a part of your soul, to lift her sorrows, to be the drink that fills her cup, the light to guide her through darkness, until the end of eternity?" Mother Miranda asked.
"I do." Donna said proudly.
"Y/N L/N, do you take Donna Beneviento as your partner, a part of your soul, to lift her sorrows, to be the drink that fills her cup, the light to guide her through darkness, until the end of eternity?"
"I do." You answered.
"Please exchange the rings."
Donna winked at you when you started to panic that you didn't have a ring. Someone tapped your shoulder and you looked over to see Cassandra holding up a ring in her fingers. You sighed with relief and took the ring in your hand, Donna held out hers and you slipped the simple band onto her ring finger. She then took your hand and slipped on a golden ring encrusted with small diamonds along the top.
"Then by the power invested in me by the Black God, I pronounce you two bonded until the end of time. You may kiss."
Donna leaned down and you didn't hesitate to jump up and wrap your arms around her neck. You clashed your lips against hers, everyone clapped and of course the girls cheered loudly as Donna locked her arms around your waist. She pulled you close to her, your body molding against hers until nothing could pass through. You broke away from the kiss and finally let the tears roll down your cheeks. 
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feyresdaughter · 1 year
A Court of Wings and Ruin, chapter 41:
Every time Azriel spoke, I heard his roar of pain as that bolt went through his chest. Every time Mor countered an argument, I saw her pale-faced and backing away from the king. Every time Rhys asked for my opinion, I saw him kneeling in his friends’ blood, begging the king not to sever our bond.
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I barely touched my dinner. And I barely slept that night, twisting in the sheets until Rhys woke and patiently listened to me murmur my fears until they were nothing but shadows.
I love them, your honor. I love their little moments
The usual attire— except my own. I had not found a new gown. For there was no other gown that could top the one I now wore as I stood in the foyer while the clock on the sitting room mantel struck eleven. We had taken my gown from Starfall and refashioned it, adding sheer silk panels to the back shoulders, the glittering material like woven starlight as it flowed behind me in lieu of a veil or cape . If Rhysand was Night Triumphant, I was the star that only glowed thanks to his darkness, the light only visible because of him.
Feyre loves her Starfall gown 🥰🥺
I caught Cassian glancing at me for the third time in less than a minute and demanded, “What?” His lips twitched at the corners. “You just look so …” - “Here we go,” Mor muttered. “Official,” Cassian said with an incredulous look in her direction. He waved a Siphon-topped hand to me. “Fancy.” - “Over five hundred years old,” Mor said, shaking her head sadly, “a skilled warrior and general, famous throughout territories, and complimenting ladies is still something he finds next to impossible."
I love their sibling energy, it's hilarious
Azriel, wreathed in shadows by the front door, chuckled quietly. Cassian shot him a glare. “I don’t see you spouting poetry, brother.” Azriel crossed his arms, still smiling faintly. “I don’t need to resort to it.”
Lie he def would
Mor let out a crow of laughter, and I snorted, earning a jab in the ribs from Cassian. I batted his hand away, but refrained from the shove I wanted to give him.
Even as a merchant’s daughter, I could not calculate the worth of any of it.
See, Feyre was matching since she was a kid. Why do people think she's bad at it
“Glowworms,” Rhys told me as the tiny, bluish globs crusted in the arches of each nook seemed to glitter like the entire night. [...] “Pick one,” Rhys whispered in my ear. “A glowworm?” He nipped at my earlobe. “Smartass.”
Thehehe adorable. I love Feyres sass
I had been terrified once, in Tamlin’s court, of being given a crown. Had dreaded it. And I supposed that I indeed had never fretted over it when it came to Rhys. As if some small part of me had always known that this was where I was meant to be: at his side, as his equal. His queen.
No fr, the fact that she was so scared that Tamlin could gift her a crown but didn't even question it with Rhys is such an amazing detail
Rhys had crowned me at each and every meeting and function we’d had, long before I was his mate, long before I was his High Lady. Even Under the Mountain.
Always his queen
And as Rhys appeared at the top of the stairs, resplendent in that black jacket. Now striding down the town house stairs, Rhys’s attention went right to that crown atop my head. And the emotion that rippled across his face was enough to make even Mor and Cassian look away.
My crown was crafted of silver and diamond, all fashioned into swirls of stars and various phases of the moon. Its arching apex held aloft a crescent moon of solid diamond, flanked by two exploding stars.
I want that crown, it sounds amazing 😭
Rhys stepped off the stairs and took my hand. Night Triumphant— and the Stars Eternal.
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