timperi-fan · 14 days
The next chapter of "If Love Is The Answer, You're Home" is slowly but surely coming along. It went through quite a few rewrites and scraped ideas, but it's about Âľ of the way done now and it's going to probably be about 5k words.
For now, here's a snippet for y'all to get hyped!
“Shit, shit, shit!” Timmy muttered as he hurriedly shoved dirty clothes under throw pillows. 
Tonight was his first date with Peri, and he didn’t exactly want the other man to see how he lived. It’s not like Timmy was planning to invite Peri in — he didn’t have a chance of getting that lucky tonight — so as long as the filth and grime was out of sight, Timmy figured it would be fine.
Once the dirty laundry was properly out of sight, Timmy moved on to the stacks of papers on his coffee table. He scooped them into his arms haphazardly, causing half of them to spill onto the floor. Timmy sighed and bent down to collect the wrinkled papers. It was quick work until he noticed how many of them were bills... And how many more of them were job rejection letters. And how most of them were about his failed comic pitches. 
His kitchen counter was clear, surprisingly, so he decided to stash his tower of rejection there for the night. Like most everything else, Timmy would deal with that tomorrow.
Tonight was about Peri.
“When was the last time I had a date?” Timmy chuckled and leaned against the sink. “Like, a real date?” He stopped, noting how high the stack of dishes in the sink had gotten. “Speaking of last times…” Timmy murmured, running a hand through his hair. 
The rest of his apartment was no better. Timmy had to admit it, he was a bit of a slob. That had always been the case. From the ages of about eleven to eighteen, however, he had… something that motivated him to clean up after himself. Not that he could remember what it was. 
He shook his head to clear his thoughts. “I’ll… I’ll clean the place this week! No problem-o! I’m just a little behind on my spring-cleaning, that’s all.” Timmy tried to reassure himself, but a nagging feeling of guilt tugged at his mind. He tapped his fingers against the counter top. “Maybe I’ll download one of those—” He scratched his head, trying to think of the word. “…Organizer apps. That might help.” Timmy took a deep breath and let his head fall back. “It’s gonna be okay, Turner. You’ve got a date with the hottest, funniest, nicest guy on the planet. Things are already starting to look up,” he reassured himself. 
And speak of the devil, no sooner had he lapsed back into silence than Timmy heard a knock on his front door. A grin inched its way across his face. 
He practically skipped over to the front door. Out of habit, Timmy peered through the peephole. Seeing Peri standing there on his doorstep made his heart soar. 
There was a mirror hanging over the little table where Timmy kept his keys and his wallet. He gazed at his reflection, appraising his appearance. His hair was suitably messy, his sweater wasn't stained, and his grin was anxious, but also excited. Timmy was so, so excited.
He rolled his neck and shook out his limbs. “Let’s do this,” he muttered, and Timmy opened the door.
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