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leynaeithnea · 8 months ago
Wow your post is really so good and also really really perfect so I'll try to not really add much to it and just sit here in awe of you jaksjsnnsns
Eurylochus begging to be gaslighted aaah and being the voice of the crew and Ody not wanting to fight him and Ody always being smarter than all of their opponents and bargaining even with Gods to protect his men but not anymoree aaaakdkksnsnsnsnsn
Also I agree , the big ass sword does look awkward and out of place but it also looks really cool so I understand Jorge's choice a little bit lol
(btw you worded everything so well !!!! )
"Don't make me fight you"=I don't want your blood on my hands SOMEBODY SEDATE ME THE ANGST IS TOO MUCH
( I have nothing to say for a good while here bc I was just soaking up your pretty pretty words and got distracted and didn't take any notes lol)
Eury being suicidal "we're never gonna make it home alive " I AGREE SO MUCH bc he never says " nah man don't worry there will be no consequences these cows are chill" he says " meh, we're desperate with nowhere to go, might as well eat and get killed for it " like HE KNOWS WHAT WILL HAPPEN BUT HE'S SO DEFEATED KAKSKSMNS
Ody's like "this is the home of the sun god DON'T FORGET HOW DANGEROUS THE GODS ARE" but EURY ISN'T LISTENING KAKSKS AAAAH
We need a therapy saga FR
The pause before Ody says home being bc he is taking a breath 'cause his wounds hurt I LOVE YOUR BRAIN SO MUCH YOU'RE SO AKSKSKKSJSJNAN
"people die like this"= trusting you, EXCUSE ME MISS YOU DID NOT HAVE TO GO THAT HARD I was gonna interpret that as " we die from the constant dangers and the monsters and Gods while the hope of returning home gets fainter and fainter and I'm tired of it " BUT THEN YOU HAD TO GO AND MAKE IT "we are trusting YOU and still getting our ass handed to us by all these monsters while we were SO SURE YOU COULD PROTECT US CAPTAIN, WHERE'S YOUR GUILE NOW SIR??"
Never stopped to think about Ody saying"we pissed him off", oh gods they're still in this together no matter what mwksksksksk AAAH
The full speed ahead thing being so sad bc it's useless jsjskksjs my poor Greek idiots trying to outrun the literal sky kamsnsnsn
I really wanted to make this much much shorter I don't know what possessed me lol ( might have been your writing girl, I loved this one so much I might frame it just you wait )
( Uhm girl don't worry??? This was majestically written?? Also spelling and punctuation is temporary Epic the musical is forever )
I'll try to not really add much to it
Im glad you did not follow through with this ssisegijsegijesg 25. Thunder Bringer
Thunder, war cry like chanting, a storm is brewing
The ENTRANCE the entrance of a god, the one true divine, the king of the gods…..The thunder bringer
Zeus is so fucking SMUG its HOT
the pause before Zeus starts singing, he doesnt even directly address or acknowledge Ody or the crew
"Pride is a damsel in distress, hiding away where only I can undress her, try as she might not to confess, in the end its all the same once i apply all the pre-ssure" ZEUS ZEUS YOU MFUCKER ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT SEXUALLY HARRASSIng PRIDE??? PRIDE??? REALLY??? ….yes yes you do and fuck thats the best musical characterization of Zeus imaginable, Jorge is such a fucking GENIUS I LOVE IT AT THe SAME TIME THIS??? PRIDE??? this pride is talking about Odysseus pride, his hubris, its talking about him trying to hide his pride, where only Zeus, the king of the gods can reveal Odysseus true nature "once he applies all the pressure"
The music is so good
"Thunder, bring her through the wringer, show her Im the judgement call the one who her kingdom fall Lightning, wield her, use and yield her, show her what she cant conceal for true nature will be revealed" THESE LYRICS "Thunder bring her" "Thunderbringer" "Lighting wield her" "lighting wielder" AAAAHHSUEHGSEUGse also yes, we continue to sexually harass Odysseus pride, because this a greek epic and this is Zeus, also "her kingdom" is Odysseus prides "kingdom" his hopes of making it home to Ithica with his crew? or the crews believe into Odysseus? mhhh
"Tell me Odysseus" ah yes he finally acknowledges Odysseus existance, also HE ACKLOWLEDGES HIS eXISTANCE Odysseus, king of ithica, the myth, the walking legend, even the gods know his name, for his whole crew to see (lets ignore poseidon for a second)
"If i were to make you choose, the lifes of your men and crew or your own" (just hypotethically of course..) "why do I think theyd loose?" because he has heard from Hades that he had a whole solo song in the underworld singing how he was the monster rawr rawr rawr sigjseigjse ahem, and maybe also because he made that choice back in troy when he choose to kill the infant…..odysseus will do anything he has to to get home…..
"Elighen me, King of ithica" smug mfucker i love it, taunting, maybe recalling what he said to polyphemus…just mabye….
"Since hunger was far to great, i wonder whod take the weight of the damned and suffer a gruesome fate" well i KNOW it wasnt you who killed the cattle, but youre their captain its on you to take responsibility for their actions and be the one to get punished so they can get home, they were desperate, theyre innocent, you know that, but someone has to pay…
back to the aweseome chorus "Thunder bringer, here to ring your ears until youre deaf with fear and spear you while your death is near" you must learn to fear and respect the gods. you will learn to fear us, your pride has no chance against me, im the king of the gods "Lighting wielder here to yield your time for you have passed your prime, sublime you for your act of crime" youre good days are behind you, youre old?? time to vaporize you
"Choose"….maybe the question wasnt so hypothetical after all "Choose?" ody….my boy, sounds so scared as he asks that
"Someone's gotta die today and you have got the final say" How dare he sing such beautiful vocals here, damnit Luke
"You, or your crew" CRUEL SO CRUEL
"Please dont make me do this, dont make me do this" THE CALLBACK TO HORSE AND THE INFANT ARG OUCH; HES IN SO MUCH PAIN
"When does a comet become a meteor? when does a candle become a blaze?" THE JUST A MAN CALL BACK OF THE CREW JOINING IN
"I can take the suffering from you" PENELOPE? where is she coming from???? how does that make sense???? is that a hallucination? is that Zeus trying to torture Ody a bit more??? need answers "When does a man become a monster? When does a ripple become a tidal wave? when does the reason become the blame? (let me take the suffering-) when does a man become a monster?" Now. this is the moment where Odysseus becomes truly a monster he willingly chooses HIMSELF over the remaining crew members. His reason (penelope) becomes the blame.
theres silence, and we only hear the thunder and rain
"Captain?" he knows what Ody will do, he had hopes for all of one second, its useless, Odysseus will always be their captain and their captain will choose his own life over that of his crew
"I have to go see her" yeah….
"but we'll die" just…resignation
"I know" Ody breaks, he needs more than one therapy saga, this man is haunted af …he points at his crew, Zeus is SMUG AF AGAIN and elevates into the sky as he gathers the lighting around his hands as the crew stares at odysseus in disbelieve picking up their weapons and going on to attack him, ody closes his eyes in defeat
the delivery of "true nature will be revealed", the grip IS SO GOOD ALSO YES ODYSSEUS TRUE NATURE HAS BEEN REVEALED THERE IS NO DENYING IT
lighting and thunder hits the ship before the men reach odysseus, they die and sink into the ocean, ody is badly wounded and sinking into the ocean, he reaches a hand out to the surface, towards penelope and telemachus, telemachus lullaby plays, his consciousness fades, there is no way he will get home now...right?
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