nikidykeachu · 5 months
Tearing my hair out I hate p.e
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magicflowershop · 4 years
one day kitty; Yamaguchi version
《inspired by movie A Whisker Away》
✿✿ you wished to be with the person you like and wish granted. whiskers, button nose, tail, four legs and ears on top of the head; you turned into a cat. with this, you are given the opportunity to be with the person you want to express your affections to. but as a cat. and only in one day.
― haikyuu characters x cat!reader imagines!
❀ masterlist ❀
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the wheel of names have spoken.
long story short, you knew Yamaguchi and liked him for the longest time,,, not to mention it kinda annoyed you that Tsukishima was there by his side too and kinda knows you have a crush on Yams but we’ll get to that 
you’ve been living in the same neighborhood as Yams and you just liked how he’s such a sweet guy and smiles as if everything was alright
he made you feel like you wanted to protect him kinda guy yk
so,,, uh did i mention you’re a cat now? no?
nyways you’re a cat now 
for some damn reason
the last thing you remember the previous night there’s this fortune teller you went to and that you mentioned to said fortune teller you wanted to get even closer to your crush on some way possible
and you remember clearly how the fortune teller grinned at you and say
“i can make that thing some way possible”
creepy ass-
and then you woke up as a cat right next to Yamaguchi’s house
talk about convenience
you were right by their gate when Yamaguchi walked out the door, ready for school,,, instinctively you pretended to sleep out there like a lonely cold cat that’s been abandoned yk just to get his attention like that
“why is there a cat here?”
said in a very disgusted voice by Yamaguchi’s childhood friend, Tchkishima ‘Kay
Yamaguchi was just as confused bc there’s never been a cat that looked like you in their neighborhood before and he wondered if you were somebody’s pet that ran off
so Yams bein the sweetheart he is,, picked you up,, took you in his arms
and placed you in a nearby bush with all the other cats
because the cat were on the streets all defenseless like that, he was worried that it might get hit by a car or sumthin ykyk aw
so the boys left you there
gettin screeched at by the cats
bc you werent a normal cat lmao
and so you went on to your journey of ✨ stalking Yams ✨
and Tsukki gettin weirded at by you bc you were stalkin em ✨ but Yams is the star here ignore Tsukki :>
stalkin ain’t an easy job honey baby no sir no ma’am,, especially since you literally have to climb a tree just to see through the window of his classroom since animals aren’t allowed inside the school premises
you cant even sneak past the hall monitors
but thank goodness they had breaks and the boys go outside to go to the gym and practice
nyways knowin full well that you are a cat and that cats are created cute
sis mhmm did you use that advantage
except Yams is just
not noticing you
and to add to your dismay, Tsukishima’s even laughin at you 
a monster
see, Yams is just too tall and kinda too absorbed on his jump float serves that he barely turns elsewhere,, you kinda wished you were the ball
but what can you do when your crush was as much as a volleyball addict as the rest of his team,, so you try and get his attention with a different approach ;)
you annoy the hell outta Tsukishima
and when i say the hell outta him i meant the hell outta him
bc what you’ve gathered from earlier, it seemed that you were pretty blatant about your affections towards Yamaguchi that he caught onto it and even had the audacity of laughing at you :>
so you’re beautiful big brain plan was to make Tsukishima notice you, make him annoyed by you that’ll make Yams worry what’s wrong
it was a stupid yet effective idea
so literally you stared at Tsukishima all through practice, and he just tried to ignore whatever it was you were doing and you heard him whisper to Yams 
“that cat kinda reminds me of someone”
“gasp y/n isn’t annoying”
so yes your heart was leAPING IN JOY just from knowin Yams standing up for you from Tsukki of all people and dont find you annoying in human form,,, after all those times you insisted to go home with them lmao 
he doesnt find you annoying
like wow
well anywho
your craziness dont end there bc you havent had Yams to notice you yet, and after classes practice have already ended
so you let Tsukishima free from his sins and decided to proceed thy actions in,,,,, wait for it
Yamaguchi’s home
bc you nasty
bc you wanted to spend the rest of the night wif him and staying in home would be boring ykyk
but you did know you should be careful of not accidentally transforming back to human in front of him
so you took the time and waited until you thought he was already in his sleeping clothes bc common you aren’t a perv right? right
until you peeked through his window all shy and whatnot,,, to see him passed out on his bed
you waited more than an hour for this
your simpin ass was disappointed
but you ofc was never runnin out of bogus ideas, so you tried to act like a regular stupid cat and started tapping your lil paw beans on his window as loudly as you could,,, you could’ve started clawing his window cause thats louder but you wouldn’t damage his property common
Yamaguchi’s sensitive ass heard this and was snapped awake, a drool wavin to say hello, to see a little damn cat making a ruckus 
he opened the window and let you in 
and you gave the littlest softest meow you could manifest from ur being
Yams lit thought you were purring from the cold lmao but that doesn’t matter bc he let you in his room thank god we have progress now
he wrapped you around with a towel to keep you warm and held you close, askin you where your family was or if you were abandoned,,, yes heaven never felt this good
he was about to fall asleep when you notice it was already 11.45pm oh no
15 mins left you turn back to normal
you checked up on him to see if he asleep so you could leave his room without saying anything,, ofc you didn’t want him to see you in your sorry state as a whole simp ofc not
good thing his window stayed open,, you left without saying a word as if what you did was a one night stand and ran away 
you ran all the way back to your house as fast as you could with your tiny stealthy body but you didn’t even realize you were running mindlessly and that you got lost
oh no what the hell are you doing you’re wasting time dude
less than 8 minutes you’re turning back and somebody might see you
you retraced your steps, trying to go somewhere you recognize and spend the night there hiding from anyone’s sight,,, it was okay to spend the night somewhere bc you’ll wake up back in your house in your body as if nothing happened
yes as if nothing happened
“watch out!”
you were yanked and dragged out of the way by a person’s body,, a boy’s body to be exact and when you looked up, a pair of green and stunned eyes met yours
“… y/n?”
you were done for
it seemed that you almost got hit by a car mid-transformation and Tadashi was in time to save you as he found you idling about in front of his house
so you got back in time
you stared at him completely in shock as he was talking to the person who drove the car and apologizing,, while still holding you close you thanked every god you were still wearin clothes
“well take care that fella over there”
the driver went back inside his car after checking if you both were alright
“i will!”
sis i-
Yamaguchi then turned to you this time and with a stern expression says
“i’ll ask mom to let you spend the night, but other than that you have some explaining to do ma’am”
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stay tuned for more! :>
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