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actual-corpse Β· 1 year ago
Was gone for a week and a half.
Cats had no water
Trash not taken out
Piss on tub
Shit on toilet
Dishes in sink
I can forgive everything else, it's fucking annoying, what the fuck ever....
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dopescotlandwarrior Β· 5 years ago
Bluegrass-Chapter 24
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Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Much love to @Statell for making my stories flow.
Previous chapter on AO3
Chapter Twenty-Four
The shop owner bent over his worktable and pried the stones out of the gold setting. The ring was fourteen karat gold and would fetch a nice price. When the bell above the door tinkled, he looked up at a lady coming to the counter. She tossed a large ring on the counter.
β€œSell or pawn?”
He looked at her and reached for his loop. She looked like a street person so how did she come by this, he wondered. To his amazement the diamonds were real, and the gold tested to eighteen karat. His heart was ramming.
β€œWho’d you steal this from lady?”
β€œIt’s mine, you ignorant asshole.”
β€œSorry, I can’t help you. Try down the street.”
She grabbed the ring and looked at the man with her one good eye. β€œFuck you.”
He watched her carry her bulk toward the door and waved his hand in the air to chase away her body odor.
The woman tried two more pawn shops and the third was owned by someone with fewer scruples. He bought the ring for one thousand dollars plus a gun. It was a lady Smith and Wesson five-shooter. She grabbed a box of shells on her way out, looking at the man defiantly. He ran to lock his door and start making calls. This ring would sell quickly for ten thousand. If it wasn’t hot, he could ask fifty thousand easily. He flipped open his phone book and started dialing.
The sweaty woman stumbled into Walmart and felt the cool air inside provide a little more energy for the last item she needed. Twenty minutes later she held her new phone to her ear and ordered a taxi to take her to the Motel 6. She paid the driver without a tip and heaved herself out of the car. There were working girls and ugly people all around the place. She would fit right in.
Walking up to the desk, she pulled her shirt down over the roll of fat that bulged from her tight waistband. The clothes she was arrested in were now three sizes too small. Prison food is created to keep hundreds of people full for a few hours. Not much thought went into the caloric intake or a balanced meal. Carbohydrates and fat were the main ingredients of her diet for eleven months and she tipped the scale at two-hundred and fifty pounds. The clothes she wore were donated by the prison and they were cutting her in half.
Pulling her coach wallet out of her bag she pulled her license and scooted it toward the clerk. Ten minutes later she was locking her door and scowling at the traffic noise right outside her window. It would have to do.
She was exhausted. It took all night to get processed out of jail and then shown the door to freedom at five o’clock in the morning. She would sleep a bit and then call her father. He will want her to come home because there was nothing for her in Kentucky. He would put her mother on the phone who would beg and cry for her daughter to come back to Scotland. That could wait as well, she decided.
For eleven months she has thought of little else then Jamie Fraser, the man who stole millions of dollars from her by denying her any rights to the business or his new horse. Word went around the prison that Midnight Runner won the Triple Crown and that meant an extraordinary life was now his to live while she was shipped back to Scotland like yesterday’s trash. God she hated him.
Isobel laid down on the bed but thinking about Jamie got her so riled up she couldn’t sleep. Maybe a hot shower would help. The rundown hotel had a small mirror in the bathroom, the first clear mirror in eleven months. She looked at her face and tears rolled down her fat cheeks. One of her eyelids opened only a slit after she was punched in the forehead during a prison fight. The nerve damage was permanent. She looked at her hair cut almost to her scalp. A going-away present from the bitches who hated her and kept her in solitary much of the time. She recalled being held on the ground while the meanest of them cut off her hair. It stuck out in all directions and she tried to smooth it down with water, but nothing helped. She was raging inside at what he did to her. This was all his fault.
Isobel’s father kept money on her books, the maximum allowable at the insistence of her mother. Isobel had nothing but disdain for other women making it quite impossible to make friends who could help her. She bargained her commissary for favors and finally found someone with a relative who would look up Chad’s whereabouts. He was in the Kentucky State Penitentiary in Eddyville and she wrote to him every day and couldn’t wait to hear back. Months went by with no word and she became hurt, and then mad. She sent another letter and on the outside of the envelope in small letters, she wrote β€œyou little puke of a man why won’t you answer me?” She didn’t expect a response and when one came it was short and to the point.
β€˜Enduring your disgusting presence and vomit worthy sex was a means to an end. You self-absorbed cow. You never figured out I was gay because you were busy looking at yourself, with or without a mirror. It made it easy to manipulate you. Happy now?’
That was Jamie’s fault as well, she stormed in her head. He deserves to be skinned alive and forced to watch. She wouldn’t risk him getting the upper hand, so she had to settle for a bullet in his head.
She picked up her purse and left. There was a liquor store on the corner and she needed whisky, and a lot of it.
Claire woke up in an empty bed and noticed a note on her side table. She smiled as she read it.
β€œIt is a perfect day to sit on the sundeck and read. There is nothin you need to do today, and I won’t be long with Michael.”
They had purchased a new double-wide ergonomic chase and had not tried it out yet. Maybe they could read the book together. While she waited for Jamie, she chose pages throughout the book to read and was very impressed with Michael’s writing. The theme running throughout the book was about kindness to the horse through various means, particularly the whip. He advocated the elimination of pain as a motivator. It would change horse racing completely because the competitors would be running because they wanted to win. The horse had to love running and it could be done, according to Michael, but training and reward had to change.
Claire wondered how this book would differ from Nosh’s. He was coming to Kentucky the following week and would spend the day with them. She was excited to fulfill her promise to finish her story, whether he believed her or not.
Jamie dropped Michael at his hotel just after noon. He would be joining them for dinner tonight and would UBER back around seven o’clock. Jamie looked forward to an afternoon lounging with his best girl.
For the rest of the day, Jamie and Claire took turns reading the book and powered through half of it before cuddling on the chase to nap a bit.
β€œSassenach.” Jamie ran his hand down her arm until she opened her eyes. β€œWill ye come with me to bring the horses in?”
She smiled up at him and nodded yes before pulling her jeans and boots on. They walked to the barn and discussed the book, both commenting on how much they had forgotten about those crazy days. They brought fifteen horses in, two at a time, then went to bring in the mares and babies. Claire laughed at the antics of the foals, running ahead and then freezing with fear when they couldn’t see their mothers. When all were put away for the night, they made one more trip for Runner and Porcelain. When Jamie watched them running to the gate, he looked at Claire with a big smile.
β€œI’d like to bring Porcelain into season early and breed her in February.”
β€œTo him?”
It was settled. Porcelain would be Runner’s first cover and Claire was thrilled. A touch of romance in an otherwise clinical setting of the breeding room. They would be each other’s first.
As they walked home, Jamie threw up his arms and announced he had finished the repairs on Runner’s stall, and they could move them back to their larger accommodations. Claire held his hand and told him tomorrow would be soon enough. She had a shower and cooking to do.
It was a delightful time to sit with their old friend, spoil him with steak, roasted vegetables, and copious amounts of whisky. Claire considered inviting others to dinner but decided she didn’t want to share Michael’s time. They ate at the table outside and simply moved to more comfortable seats to continue the discussion.
Jamie answered the doorbell and spoke to a neighbor before announcing he would be back in ten minutes. The neighbor needed a jump. Michael offered to come and help but Jamie told him to relax, he had this.
Michael had Claire in giggle overload reminding her of times they were on the road. Claire got up to grab the coffee pot and stopped in her tracks.
β€œMichael, do you smell something burning.”
He stood up and said he smelled it too. When Claire opened the front door, she screamed for Michael. It was definitely a fire and somewhere close. They started running and a quarter-mile never seemed so far. The closer they got; they were more convinced it was the barn on fire. Claire punched numbers into the keypad, and Michael opened the roll away doors as smoke poured out.
β€œChase them all out, Michael!”
Claire ran down the aisle pulling stall doors open until she got to Runner and Porcelain and they were not moving. None of the horses were running outside. She slapped Porcelain hard on the rump knowing Runner would follow. The mare whinnied loudly and took off for the big doors.
Claire looked at the smoke filling the barn and coughed into her shirt. She saw horses running by but could not see Michael. She continued to work her way down the aisle smacking horses so they would run to safety. She looked up and saw babies running alongside their mothers and knew Michael had gone to the dams’ wing to set them free.
Jamie waved to the neighbor as he drove down their shared road. He caught the scent of burning wood and jumped into the bed of his truck to look for smoke. Finally, he saw the embers rising into the air on his own property! With a hammering heart, he drove through the gate and saw horses scattered all over. He knew someone was at the barn and drove as fast as possible, ever watchful for a horse running across the road.
Jamie ran to the barn. His heart rate was in the stroke zone and he started coughing the second he was inside. He called for Claire as he ran down the aisle looking for any stuck horses. The dams’ wing was empty, where the hell was Claire and Michael? Or whoever let the horses out. He turned the turbines on that pulled air from the interior. They were all over the roof so he ran as fast as he could flipping them on high.
He called the fire department as he ran for Runner’s wing. The door was open and something inside him told him to proceed with caution. He could hear Claire and Michael coughing. Why were they in there? When he heard Isobel’s voice his blood turned to ice. He forced himself not to cough and give away his presence. He searched frantically for a way to get the drop on her. He had to do something before Claire and Michael died from asphyxiation.
He ran to the back of the barn where the smoke was too thick to see. He ran his hand along the wall until he felt the switches for the turbines. Filling his lungs with air he ran into the equipment room and pulled out a ten-foot length of steel pipe, very relieved it wasn’t burning hot and ran back.
Claire wasn’t coughing any more and Jamie knew she passed out with death coming for her. Without another second to think he rammed the door open and kept running as Isobel’s startled face came into view. She raised the gun just as he rammed the pipe into her stomach, impaling her on the back wall. He threw Claire over his shoulder and helped Michael to his feet pulling them outside to safety.
The fire engines were coming in slowly with no siren because Jamie explained there were horses scattered all over the property. Michael was bent over coughing and Claire was silent, unconscious. Jamie lowered her to the ground feeling more terrified than he had been in his life.
β€œClaire! Claire!”
The EMT’s pulled him away to render lifesaving aid to his wife, his soulmate, his whole world. Fire hydrants were installed on the land according to zoning rules and the men soon had two flows of water directed at the fire. Jamie heard more sirens coming only to go silent as they negotiated the gate and keypad.
The ambulance EMT’s were given instructions to open the gate and wait for it to close to make sure no horses escaped. The driver knew there were critical injuries and it took all his training and willpower not to barrel ahead to the injured. Jamie was covered with soot and sweat as he gripped his wife’s hand.
β€œPlease Claire, ye must fight yer way back to me or I will surely die with ye.”
He was pulled away as they wheeled the gurney into the ambulance, Michael was loaded into a second vehicle. Jamie sank to his knees as a great crash came from the barn and a plume of embers rose into the night sky. Jamie didn’t flinch. He couldn’t move as he was locked into his pleading prayers to God.
A great fireball exploded into the dark sky and men were yelling about a secondary fire. Jamie heard none of it and continued to pray.
The captain pulled Jamie up and brought him under the light spreading out a schematic of the barn interior.
β€œIs there anyone else in the building?”
Jamie pointed to Runner’s wing. The fire captain pulled him to the large engine and told him to sit down. The huge fire engines took up all the space available in front of the barn and police cruisers were lined up behind them. Officers were standing by a short distance away and the captain went to speak with them.
Jamie felt the tears fall off his face, he knew his business was in ruins, his prize horse chased into the darkness, but none of that mattered as much as Claire’s pale, soot-stained face. He looked up at the commanding voice above him and stared at the officer with blank eyes.
β€œYou identified an area where someone was left inside. I am sorry to inform you that the roof caved in above that wing about five minutes ago. Did anyone go back inside to pull the person out?”
β€œNo. I impaled her against the wall with a ten-foot length of steel pipe.”
Jamie stood up and walked toward his vehicle but never made it. It took five officers to hold him back and he was finally cuffed and dropped into a cruiser. He had no comprehension of what was happening, and he fought against the restraints until he felt a blinding pain as his wrist separated. He slumped forward choking through this added suffering.
β€œMister Fraser! Stop struggling I have news of your wife. She is in intensive care, so is the other man, but they are expected to pull through. They are gonna be fine. You have confessed to a capital crime. You belong to the Lexington police force now so you might as well cooperate and sit still. You’re a big man and tasers hurt, so walk when you’re told, sit where you’re told and answer our questions. It’s the best advice I can give you.”
Jamie did as told and explained who Isobel was, how she tried to kill his horses before. He did not know she was released on parole. She had set fire to the barn and held Claire and Michael at gunpoint as they slowly choked to death in front of her. She wore an elaborate gas mask and just stood by as they struggled to breathe. She had raised her gun to Jamie’s head as he rammed the pipe into her stomach. He did not bother to go back in to save her because he was too busy with his wife and friend.
β€œI didn’t know if she was alive or dead. I didn’t care.”
Jamie was a pillar of the community and the officers made quick work of releasing him with the warning to not leave the state. There was an officer waiting to take him to the hospital. Jamie sat in the back seat holding his throbbing wrist. The officer decided to break the rules for the poor man and turned on his siren as he raced to the hospital.
Jamie piled out of the car and ran into the emergency department. He approached Claire slowly with tears streaking through the grime on his face. He was so overcome at the sight of her his whole body started to shake.
The nurse taking her blood pressure almost fainted at the sight of Jamie but recovered quickly as his face softened looking at his wife.
β€œShe has been asking for you if your name is Jamie that is.” She had a warm smile and a concerned face.
β€œIt is… my name is Jamie.”
The nurse ran for the chair that was shared among the visitors because it looked like he would fall any minute. She pushed Jamie into it and asked if he was alright.
β€œAs soon as this lass opens her eyes, I will be fine.”
β€œShe is doing really well physically. Her doctor may keep her tonight, not sure yet.”
Jamie looked down at Claire’s open eyes, looking at him. She seemed to look at everything she could see and then he watched her dissolve in tears. She was fighting to stop crying but she just couldn’t. She tried to speak to him, but no sound came out.
β€œHer voice will come back. Two or three days.”
Claire was asleep again and Jamie felt lost suddenly. She just closed her eyes to the pain that was making her cry, leaving Jamie alone. He picked up the phone and called Jason, then Angus. He knew he had to leave her and get back to what was left of their barn. He kissed her face and walked toward the entrance, there lingering at the doorway was the officer who drove him to the hospital.
β€œMister Fraser, I waited to take you home, sir.”
Jamie looked battle-scarred and fatigued at the moment, so they headed for his home without further comment. The fire was out, and firemen continued to crawl through the haylofts and roof structure looking for live embers. They had done an excellent job limiting the damage. The fire marshal approached Jaime and shook his hand. His voice was commanding yet tempered with understanding that Jamie appreciated.
β€œMister Fraser, it’s a tragedy to be sure, but we minimized the damage and found all the clues, I think. The fire was set on the north-facing side, right here.” He pointed to Runner’s wing on the barn schematic. Gasoline was used as an accelerant that was provided by your fuel tower. The perpetrator used your five-gallon buckets that were stacked at the hose in back, filled them with your fuel, and left the nozzle open to drain the fuel into the ground. When embers landed there it all went up in a fireball. You will have an ugly reminder for a while I’m afraid. It’s safe to bring the horses in except for this area. The roof caved in and it’s burned badly. It is where we found the body of a woman, but I hear you have given a statement to the police already and believe her to be responsible. The coroner has removed the body. I will be in touch as the investigation progresses. He walked toward his vehicle throwing his clipboard on the seat before getting in.
Jamie looked around feeling lost until he saw Rupert and Angus walk out of the barn with two leads each and lariats attached to their belt loops. They looked at Jamie’s haunted eyes and simply nodded as they made their way to the pastures. The horses were tied to a fence once caught so they could be identified and counted. Jason and Lulu pulled up looking shell shocked. Lulu was crying and asking about Claire. Jason ran to the barn for halters and leads and handed a lead to Lulu as they left to search for more horses.
Molly and her fiancΓ© were next, followed by two of the vets that Claire had befriended. They would check the horses that were brought in and treat any issues. As word spread, neighbors and owners came in to join the search and by afternoon, all but two horses had been rounded up. The missing horses, Porcelain and Runner.
The horses were split up into groups and led to graze in the multiple pastures. They would stay outside for the day and let the barn air out. Jamie continued to call Claire, to say I love you and give progress reports. Jamie’s voice cracked when he said they had not found Runner or Porcelain and Claire sobbed for the lost horses but mostly for Jamie. Michael had fared better and was released to rest in his hotel room. Jamie wandered through the pastures calling for Runner until dark.
Jamie stayed with Claire overnight. She was moved out of critical care and there was a fat Lazyboy right next to the bed. He had full trust in his crew, so he stayed until she was released the next day. She mostly cried when she was awake, and Jamie couldn’t wait until he could hold her and give her comfort.
Driving into the compound was very hard on Claire as visions of Isobel taunting her, saying she would shoot Jamie in front of her and then let them die, came back to haunt her. Jamie explained that he had killed Isobel, but Claire expected her to jump out from every corner.
Claire couldn’t yell for Runner, but she insisted on walking the far pastures to help look for him. To no avail, the two of them were gone. Jamie held Claire through the night, waking up every few hours because she was crying and shaking. He eased her back to sleep much quicker than he was able to follow her. By the next day, he had deep circles under his eyes as he drove the property in search of his horses.
The other horses were returned to the barn, back in their original stalls because there was very little damage to anything but Runner’s wing. Jamie shivered to think he wanted to go back to the barn and move Runner and Porcelain back to their original stalls. He closed the wing off with plans to rebuild once the insurance was settled. Not one of the owners moved their horse to another barn. They knew Jamie was honest and ethical. This was not his fault and he had taken care of the problem.
Jamie sat down hard on his office chair in the early evening. The silence was such a relief after playing hero for the past two days. He wasn’t a hero. He was terrified about what could have happened and what will happen next. Could his business recover, could Claire feel safe again, could they find a new normal without Runner? Picking up his ringing phone he heard the deep voice of Dunsany, and he lost it.
β€œJamie, it's going to be alright. You aren’t hurt, you will repair the damage and go on. Now listen to me son, get it out, and then get back to work. That’s a good lad, I’m here for ye, depend on that.”
Dunsany waited, speaking quietly to encourage Jamie, trying to infuse him with the will to start over. They talked for almost an hour and Dunsany told him arrangements had been made to bring Isobel’s body back to Scotland. She could never threaten them again. The older man worried deeply about Jamie pulling out of this nightmare and his anger at Isobel kept him secluded from his family for several days. It wasn’t right for a father to hate his own daughter and he would keep that to himself.
Jamie walked the pastures as the sun was coming up. He had a distinctive whistle that all the horses were used to. It always brought them in, no matter how far they had roamed. He heard a whinny and turned his head, heart beating like thunder in his chest he watched the pasture turning in all directions and finally saw her. Porcelain ran toward him crying out her fear in loud whinnies. She came to him and snorted while he slipped the halter on her and snapped a lead. He started walking back expecting Runner to run up on them any second. When he closed the door to Porcelain’s stall, he dropped his head in defeat.
β€œWhere have ye gone laddie?”
Jason, Lulu, Rupert and Angus put the barn back together, ordered supplies, rented stalls, answered calls from worried owners, and assisted whoever and whatever was needed in the moment. Their fearless leader searched for Runner day and night and Claire was not often seen. She looked shattered and they didn’t know how to approach her, so they didn’t.
Michael came on the fourth day and took Claire to drive the property boundaries. Claire searched the pastures through field glasses as they continued to drive for two hours. He was just gone. He jumped a fence and just kept running she assumed. There were thousands of acres of forest that bordered their land and he was lost in that forest somewhere, starving to death. Claire’s sobbing broke Michael’s heart. He stopped the car and pulled her out to hold her to him. He promised her they would find him.
β€œWe need to walk the land, Claire. He’s scared and hiding somewhere in the trees. Let him see us walking.” He pushed a lead in her hand, and they ducked between the white slats of the fence to walk the endless acres of Bluegrass.
Runner watched them from behind the trees. He watched her mostly and wanted to go to her. He could hear in her yell, something foreboding and fearful. If she would just get on his back, he could ride her to safety. He tried a couple of times to break out of the tree line, only to retreat in fear. They were getting closer to him. He was about to turn toward the forest and run but he saw images in his mind of Claire hugging him. It made him so happy. She was telling him she needed a hug. In the next second, he bolted toward the fence boundary and jumped it with ease running toward her, happier than he had ever been.
β€œStop Claire. Turn around.”
Claire turned to see Runner galloping toward them. She started to giggle and then she held her arms out like she always did, for him to run into. He stopped ten feet from her and showed her images of being hugged. She kept her arms out and walked to him until she could wrap them around his neck. She put her hands on his cheeks and Michael could swear they were having a conversation as Runner would nicker at times and drop his head on her shoulder.
Are you hurt?
I do not hurt.
Where you afraid?
I was afraid.
She kissed his face a dozen times and asked him to walk back to the barn, assuring him the smoke was gone and he would be safe. She dug a handful of sugar cubes out of her pocket and he feasted on them.
Very hungry.
Let’s go home.
Michael called Jamie to tell him they were walking back, with Runner, and he started running to meet them. Runner nickered and lifted his head when he saw Jamie running toward them. Claire unsnapped the lead and Runner took off stopping right in front of Jamie’s beaming smile. They were still hugging when Claire and Michael caught up to them.
Porcelain whinnied loudly in the air and stomped all over her stall. Rupert looked at her and wondered what got into the lass when he saw the movement in his peripheral vision. He was almost in tears when he saw the three of them with a giant black horse behind them. Runner went to Porcelain for a make-out session and Claire could see images of Rupert pouring grain into his feeder. She laughed quietly to herself.
β€œCheeky bastard.”
They said goodbye to Michael at the airport and made him promise to visit soon. Claire hugged him and cried while Michael complained she would surely melt with any more tears. Once on the road home, Claire leaned against Jamie and wrapped her arm around his middle. They had not made love since the fire and the feel of him was suddenly intoxicating. She kissed his neck until she was breathless and when she pulled his belt away and grabbed his zipper Jamie pulled onto a logging road into the forest where he pulled her to him and kissed her deeply.
They were frantic to join their hungry bodies after a long hiatus from passion. Jamie pulled her shirt over her head and reached around to unclasp her bra setting her breasts free to bounce with their efforts. When she finally pulled him into her body, they both moaned loudly before the rhythm of arousal took them to a new plane of existence.
Officer Josh Baker was heading back to the station while he daydreamed in heavy traffic. When he saw Jamie’s pickup truck veer off the road, he shook his head and blinked several times. It couldn’t be, he told himself. What are the odds of finding them in the same predicament as before? Some people never learn he thought. He pulled off onto the logging road to wait.
Traffic along the four lanes where Jamie took the detour slowed way down due to the cruiser parked along the side of the road, presumably for radar speed checking. The officer pointed his radar gun out the window and waited. When he heard Jamie’s engine start he pulled into traffic, and they were none the wiser about his protection.
Slowly, life at Highland Brothers returned to normal and Jason, the new custodian of Claire's truck, would pick her up for a day of medical treatments and do his best to remember any of the details when she asked him. On long rides she would describe the lab assays they would run to get him used to the terminology and procedure. From February to June, she would reduce her hours away to ten hours per week so she could take care of the breeding operation. She was anxious to be working with Jamie again.
Claire sat across from Nosh at the kitchen table and looked at the sheets of pictures. There had to be at least five-hundred pictures of her and runner. She answered Nosh’s questions thoughtfully and held nothing back. Nosh recovered quickly from the declaration that she can talk to animals. He always knew there was a major component of the story missing.
β€œI have wondered how an untrained jockey could ride that horse through all those races.”
β€œIt was my yoga training. My balance was very good and if you hadn’t noticed, I didn’t move at all, once the race started, I just hung on to is mane for dear life. He told me what to do, when to do it, and I felt safe after a while.”
β€œHow could he hear you during the race, there’s too much noise?”
β€œAre you saying you believe me?”
β€œYou are an educated woman Claire, a veterinarian, and you won the Triple Crown as a novice jockey. I’ve been on the track all my adult life, so I knew there was a secret to your success. What I wouldn’t give for photo evidence of you racing him on foot.”
β€œOh! I have photo evidence. Jamie took loads of pictures from the equipment barn where he hid for the first month. They are amateur at best, but I will be happy to show you..”
Nosh was on his feet in seconds, β€œplease, yes I would love to see them.”
Claire settled Nosh in a chair close to the computer monitor and brought up the pictures. There was a perfect sequence of them at the starting line, Claire running full speed around the track, and Runner staying on the rail to pass her. Claire bent over panting and Runner circling her with his head and tail in the air. In the last picture, Claire is scowling at the horse with her hands in the air.
Nosh laughed so hard and sputtered β€œpure gold!” when he could catch a breath. β€œGood God, I haven’t laughed like that since I was a kid. Name your price, I’m sure the magazine will pay it.”
β€œCertainly not! You can have them with my thanks.”
This was the icing on the cake to Nosh. The book he had dreamed of for the last year would be better than he could have imagined.
Claire told Nosh everything from cutting Runner out of his dam to winning the Triple Crown and all the baiting and psychological tricks she used to keep him wanting to win. The story was told, and she sat back and took a deep breath.
β€œHow would you like to spend some time with Runner?”
They walked out to the pasture and the two horses made a bee-line for them. Claire stood in front of Nosh and opened her arms for two frothy-mouthed horses to assault her with smells and snorts. She stepped aside pulling her phone out of her pocket and launching the camera app. Nosh seemed frozen as he watched Runner come toward him. Claire moved farther away and started snapping pictures. Nosh, nose to nose with Runner, the colt draping his head over Nosh’s shoulder from behind, stroking his neck, laughing at the assault on his pockets looking for treats. Claire kept snapping until she had sixty-five pictures of Nosh and Runner. She would transfer all the pictures of Runner including these to a thumb drive and send it to Nosh. It made her happy inside to give something back.
Claire walked the reporter out to his rental car and hugged him, thanking him for everything. Nosh saw no reason they might meet again so he made his words count.
β€œYou feel like the daughter I never had. I am so proud of what you’ve done. If your actions with Runner are any indication of motherhood, I hope to live long enough to see your kids cure cancer and win the Nobel prize. Goodbye Claire, and thank you for the interview.”
Motherhood? What an odd thing to say, she decided and waved goodbye.
Claire walked back into the house feeling her mood turn dark when she looked at the ugly furniture she and Jamie had failed to replace. She wished for a happy feeling when she opened the door to their home and hated this furniture even more after the fire. A call to the Salvation Army to pick up a high-end living room set pushed her to the front of the line. They would pick it up this afternoon. When the living room was empty, she called Jamie and asked if he could finish early because there wasn’t a chair or couch to sit on anymore. They needed to visit the furniture stores in town.
Claire got dressed up with straight hair and makeup because it felt like a special trip, something to be remembered. They would finally take ownership of their space and rid the memory of the most heinous woman on earth. With only one week until Christmas, she was excited.
Jamie watched a beautiful, confident woman walk toward him when he came home. He looked at her long pretty hair, short dress, and high heels, feeling his stomach do flips.
β€œYer beautiful Sassenach, and our living room is empty sure enough.”
β€œYou have ten minutes James Fraser.”
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noladyme Β· 4 years ago
Skip To My Lou, My Darling - Chapter 4, Hunted Hunter II
The road so far…
3 years after having said goodbye to him, Dean Winchester drops back into Lulu’s life – leviathans hot at both the Winchesters and Lulu’s heels. She skips town with the brothers, narrowly avoiding being eaten by a creature none of them know how to kill yet; and must now face her feelings for the eldest brother – feelings she does not completely trust.
Our story continues in season 7
Tag list (Let me know if you want to be added) @edonaspanca​ @wonderlandfandomkingdom​
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We made it to a motel outside Seward, and checked in to a room with twin beds and a pull-out couch. The woman at the reception gave me a hard look, as if she was seriously judging my life choices. As it was, I was questioning them myself.
Having taken small roads, it was well past time for lunch, and Dean’s eyes lit up when he noticed a combined bar and restaurant across the street from the motel. Inside, a young waitress pulled her shoulders back to perk out her chest, when she saw Sam and Dean enter. Clearly not having counted on me being with them, she almost seemed surprised when I followed them all to a booth in a corner; sitting myself beside Sam, with Dean across from us. Giving me a dissatisfied look; she quickly turned on a sweet smile, and pulled out a pad. β€œWhat can I get you guys?”, she asked. β€œWhat’s the biggest burger you have?”, Dean smiled. β€œThat’d be our XXL-Whomper”, the waitress said. β€œGive me that with fries. And a beer. Whatever you have on tap”, he winked at her. She seemed enthralled by his gesture, and I didn’t blame her.
After taking Sam’s order of a salad and a diet coke, the girl turned to me. β€œAnd the lady?”, she said; her smile not reaching her eyes. β€œCheeseburger and jalapeΓ±o poppers. Ranch on the side”, I muttered. β€œTo drink?”. I considered ordering a row of shots, but halted myself. β€œBud… or whatever you have”. β€œComing right up”, the waitress smiled at Dean.
I looked towards the bar, where a tired looking tender was taking orders from truckers. β€œConsidering a dance?”, Dean smirked. β€œSeriously, I could give you boost, and get you right up there”. β€œMaybe later”, I grumbled. I shifted in my seat. β€œI need clothes”. Dean shrugged. β€œYou’re dressed”, he said, and looked over my outfit, consisting of my least favorite jeans – they were too tight – and t-shirt, under my jacket. β€œI didn’t exactly bring a spare set of underwear, when you kidnapped me”, I said. β€œAnd I don’t have any money either, so I’m thinking that laundromat we passed might be my next stop. Must be something I can snatch up”.
The waitress sauntered back towards us with our drinks; swaying her hips as much as possible. She set down the drink; leaning forward to give Dean full view of her assets – ignoring Sam and me completely. I supposed this was because we sat next to each other, and she thought Dean was available. Which he is, I reminded myself.
β€œYou can’t go alone. And you don’t need to steal”, Sam said quietly, as the waitress walked away. β€œWe have cash”, Dean said, and took a sip of his beer. I shook my head. β€œI can’t take your money”, I muttered. Dean smirked, and pushed a black purse across the table. β€œI snatched the other me’s wallet, while you were busy grabbing your jacket”, he said. β€œHe won’t miss it”. I frowned. β€œIs he dead? The guy he’s possessing, that looks like you?”. Sam shook his head. β€œThey don’t possess people, they become them… sort of”. β€œAnd they don’t die easily… We haven’t figured out how to gank them yet”.
I raised my brows into a worried expression. β€œThat sounds disconcerting”, I said. Sam smiled at me. β€œWe just have to steer clear of them for now”, he said. Dean reached out and took my hand. β€œYou’re gonna be fine, Lou”. I snatched my hand back, a bit more abruptly than I had planned. Dean narrowed his eyes for a second. β€œI’ll check out the second-hand store down the street, then”, I said. β€œAnd the Walmart. I’m not wearing other people’s underwear”. Sam chuckled.
β€œHow did you guys know to come get me?”, I asked, and took a sip from my beer. β€œWe know a guy with a computer”, Dean smirked. β€œApparently Sammy decided to ask him to keep track of you”. I shook my head. β€œNo, that was Bobby”. Dean narrowed his eyes at me. β€œHuh… Well, he must have kept it up after Bobby died, because he called us. Said there were irregularities on your accounts. Like they had been logged into from a different computer, than the one you’d usually use”. I frowned. β€œThat’s enough to have you kick down my door?”, I muttered. Sam shrugged. β€œThese days, yeah. The leviathans have been tracking all our fake cards and movements”. β€œIt’s why we’re stuck driving that suburban-mom nightmare out there”, Dean grunted with distaste in his voice. β€œI miss my baby…”. Sam rolled his eyes. β€œWe figured they’d be coming for you as soon as they could find you. Maybe change into you, and get to us like that”.
β€œSo, what happens now?”, I asked. β€œYou’re still working a case. Ghosts don’t quit because leviathans decide to go on a rampage”. β€œWe set you up in the motel; and then Sam and me go talk to the widow of the electrocuted guy”. Sam clenched his jaw. β€œWe should probably take Lulu with us”, he muttered. β€œAs long as we don’t know if they’re still on her trail, she’s safer around us”. Dean looked at his brother incredulously. β€œHunting? No”, he said; and looked up at the waitress who was returning with our order. β€œThank you”, he smiled at her; making the girl blush.
Once she was gone, Sam leaned in over the table. β€œIt’s not hunting. It’s… groundwork”, he said quietly. β€œWhen was the last time groundwork turned out to just be groundwork for us, Sammy?”, Dean grunted. β€œIt’s never safe out there”. β€œYou think I’ll be better of in a motel room, on my own?”, I muttered. Dean smiled at me. β€œYou have that .45 and your angel sword. That wallet I gave you has quarters for the magic-fingers. Knock yourself out!”. He took a big bite of his burger.
Two hours later we pulled up at a generic looking house, with a white picket fence. In the back of the car stood a bag of fresh clothes for me – but at the moment, I was wearing a black t-shirt, slacks and a grey blazer.
β€œThis is so stupid, Sam. She should not be here!”, Dean grumbled. β€œShe can hear you; and she’d prefer it if you didn’t treat her like a child”, I sneered. He turned and looked at me; his eyes ablaze, and the red stripes on his tie matching the redness of his flushed cheeks. β€œYou, stay in the car”, he said menacingly. β€œNope”, I smiled. He cursed below his breath, and got out of the car; Sam following him, after having given me an apologetic look.
I tried to open my own door, but couldn’t. β€œChild safety lock”, Dean called; before slamming his door shut. β€œOh, come on!”, I yelled angrily. Dean waved at me, and walked up the small path to the house.
I rolled down my window, and put my arm out of it; opening the car from the outside. When he heard the door slam, Dean turned around, and gave me a frustrated look. Sam simply stifled a grin. β€œShut it”, Dean grunted; as I joined them in front of the door.
Sam rang the doorbell, and a slight mousy looking woman opened the door. β€œYes?”, she said. β€œMrs. Harper?”, Dean said. β€œMy name is Mick Green; and this is my partner – Doug Sandom. We’re with the insurance company”. The woman frowned. β€œI already talked to you people earlier this week”, she muttered, and began to close the door. β€œMa’am, this is just to cross the t’s and dot the i’s”, Sam said; going full puppy dog in his expression.
The woman looked towards me. Dean clenched his jaw. β€œThis is our… trainee…”, he muttered. β€œJoan Larkin, ma’am. I’m so sorry for your loss”. I stretched out my hand to shake hers. β€œPlease, we’ll only take a moment of your time”. I smiled softly at her. She looked tired and sad, and I felt sorry for her. She stepped aside. β€œPlease, come in”.
After some preliminary pleasantries, Mrs. Harper went into the kitchen for some drinks. β€œShe has hair”, I whispered smilingly, from my seat between the brothers. Dean rolled his eyes.
Once the woman was seated in front of us, Sam smiled comfortingly at her. β€œI understand this is a difficult time, ma’am. We just need to clear up some things”. β€œThen – after – will you pay out his life insurance?”, Mrs. Harper asked. Dean smiled. β€œWe’ll try to get things in motion”, he lied.
β€œNow, your husband died in the bathtub, as I understand?”, Sam said. The widow nodded. β€œIt was the weirdest thing. One moment I’m grabbing him a towel in the hallway, and the next, he’s screaming bloody murder… and then everything smelled like boiled ham”. I winced for a second. Dean looked at me, and cleared his throat. β€œAnd… there was a toaster in the water?” Mrs. Harper nodded.
I looked over the room. There were numerous pictures of the woman herself alongside a burly looking man with a receding hairline. The widow took a handkerchief from her pocket, and patted her tear stained cheeks. β€œI know what this looks like. The police came by, and even they thought…”. Sam took a deep breath. β€œMa’am, it’s not our place to judge; but were you and your husband having any issues? You mentioned your life insurance”, he asked softly. Mrs. Harpers eyes widened. β€œNo! Not like that. We needed money, but I would never…”, the woman sobbed. β€œRob was my world”. She blew her nose fiercely.
β€œHave you noticed anything weird around the house?”, Dean asked; his voice dark. β€œAny… cold spots?”. Mrs. Harper frowned. β€œWhy would there be cold spots?”. Dean seemed surprised by the question. β€œWell, I…”. β€œIt’s a normal insurance question, ma’am”, I intruded. β€œCold spots may indicate electrical issues in the walls”. The woman’s eyes widened. β€œReally?”, she gasped. β€œYeah, really?”, Dean muttered. I stepped on his foot. The woman looked around her, and shrugged. β€œI-i don’t think so”, she said.
β€œMay I use your facilities, Mrs. Harper?”, Sam smiled. The woman shrugged. β€œThere’s only the one upstairs; where Rob…”. She sighed. β€œGo ahead”. Dean downed his glass of water. β€œDo you mind?”, he smiled, handing Mrs. Harper the glass. β€œIt’s been a long drive”. She nodded, and went into the kitchen, leaving Dean and me alone in the room.
β€œYou, don’t talk!”, he hissed at me. I made a huffing sound. β€œI saved your ass. Just like when you were in Yankton”. He looked straight into my eyes menacingly. β€œJust, keep your mouth closed”, he muttered. I narrowed my eyes at him, and smirked. β€œThen, give it something better to do”, I whispered.
I only realized what I’d said, when Deans eyes widened, and his lips parted. β€œI’ll go wait in the car”, I croaked, and left the house as swiftly as I could.
I leant against the car, and took a deep breath. I hadn’t meant to say what I had – or maybe I had. Dean had talked about choosing to be together or not; but I didn’t know if he meant it, or felt compelled to mean it.
A few moments later, the brothers joined me outside; Sam looking questioningly at my flushed face. β€œYou ok?”, he muttered. β€œI’m fine”, I whispered. Dean looked everywhere but at me. β€œLulu…”, Sam began. β€œShe said she’s fine. Let’s go”, Dean grumbled.
Back at the motel, I grabbed some clean clothes; and sprang for the bathroom – getting into the shower. I turned on the cold water, and let it flow over my body, as I took deep breaths to calm myself. I felt so embarrassed.
When I met Dean, I was a kid, just out of college; working my first adult job. Even as I had stood in front of him then, I’d felt a deep connection – one that seemed important, and older than time. Two years later, when he’d informed me that angels had put us together – and not true emotion – I’d been destroyed. I’d even decided that I didn’t care; that I wanted him in my life. But he’d made it clear the he believed what we had wasn’t real – and we shouldn’t be together. And I’d moved on – at least I’d told myself that I had. Now he was in my life again, not only as my protector; but also with the door to his heart ajar – as if he wanted me to step inside again.
But I didn’t know if I wanted him. Not truly anyway. Because if it wasn’t real, what was the point? But then, why did I flirt with him?, I asked myself. And in such a juvenile way?. I put my hands against the wall, leaning my forehead to the cold tile.
There was a knock on the door. β€œLou, don’t use up all the hot water”, Dean grunted from the other side. β€œTaking a cold shower”, I called back. Crap! Shut up!, I told myself. β€œSounds… refreshing. Sam’s grabbing dinner”. β€œOk. I’ll be right out”, I croaked.
I got dressed in clean underwear, a tank top, and a pair of comfortable sweatpants; which made me look frumpy enough to be comfortable with being in a room with Dean alone. I stepped outside, and began drying my hair with a towel.
β€œSorry I was riding you so hard”, Dean said quietly. I forced myself not to think up any jokes about riding. β€œI get it”, I muttered. β€œYou’re the professionals”. I added the s to make the sentence about both of them, and not just him. He nodded. β€œYeah… You did good though”. β€œI didn’t say a lot”, I whispered. β€œNo, but you did get me out of a tricky question”, he admitted. β€œCaught me off guard, is all”. β€œSorry”, I said.
He sat down next to me: β€œI’m trying to say thank you”, he muttered. β€œWelcome”, I whispered. β€œWhen is Sam back?”. Dean shrugged disinterestedly. β€œHe went for Chinese. Hope that’s ok”. β€œIt’s fine”, I said, and stood up to hang the towel over a chair.
I heard him stand up behind me. β€œLou… are you uncomfortable being alone with me?”, Dean breathed. I didn’t know what to say; but turned half way around, and looked at him from the corner of my eye. β€œI’m not gonna… do anything”, he said. β€œUnless you want me to”, he added with a nervous smirk.
I sighed. β€œLook… What you said back on that road… It was just a lot”, I said. β€œI know”, he muttered. β€œBut I meant it. I need you to know that”. β€œDean… I don’t know what to do with that information”, I responded. β€œYou told me what we had wasn’t real. And I didn’t care… for the longest time, I just didn’t care. Even after Pete…”. His expression grew sad. β€œBut?”. I chewed my lip. β€œYou didn’t come back for me. And I didn’t really have any way to get into contact with you. Bobby wasn’t exactly forthcoming with your whereabouts while you were with… Lisa”. He looked down. β€œShe and Ben… they picked me up from the ground. Helped me regain sanity again”, he said. β€œBut they were never mine. And I wasn’t theirs”.
Our eyes met, and his lips parted. I wanted to run into his arms – and I wanted to run out of the door. β€œBecause of me…”, I whispered. β€œYeah… because of you”. I took in a stuttering breath. β€œBecause I was made for you. Forced upon you”. He shook his head in frustration. β€œNo, Lou…”. β€œThat’s what you said”, I breathed. β€œThe perfect mate, right? All I need to do now, is wait for Michael to gain entry; and then get to the business of popping out a few Nephilim, isn’t that it?”. β€œWhat’s a Nephilim?”, Dean grunted. I shook my head. β€œRead a book”, I muttered.
Dean clenched his jaw, and put his hands on the back of one of the chairs, leaning against it. His whole body was tense; and everything inside me screamed for me to take him in my arms, and comfort him. β€œI’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. I know you’d never say yes”. He shook his head. β€œIt’s fine… It’s in the past”.
He ran his thumb over his lower lip, and chuckled to himself. β€œIf someone had told me a year ago, I’d be alone in a room with you like this, I would have slapped them silly…”. β€œWhy?”, I half smiled. He took a step towards me. β€œBecause I wanted to forget you”, he said; letting go of the chair. β€œUp until Fate”. β€œWhen you found out you still had free will”, I whispered. β€œAnd what do you want to do with it?”.
He looked at me with warm eyes. They spoke of us, together. β€œOh…”, I muttered. β€œYou don’t…”, he said grimly, and looked down again. β€œI don’t know what I want. I’m… confused”, I admitted. β€œI want something real… Even if I choose you; is it really a choice? If I was made to feel the things I do?”. He nodded. β€œI get it… It’s was I was thinking back then”, he said. β€œBut you do feel it… don’t you?”. β€œYes…”, I whispered. β€œI just wish I believed it was real”.
He stepped over to me, and placed his hand on my cheek. I leant into it, and closed my eyes as his thumbs gently stroked my temple. I put my hand on his chest, and he leaned his forehead to mine. β€œPlease believe”, he whispered through slightly parted lips. I tilted my head slightly upwards, and felt his warm breath against my face, just before his lips brushed mine. I drew in a short breath, and closed my eyes as we pressed our lips together; as in quiet understanding, that this was the time.
Deans arm snaked around my waist, and he pulled me close, and I felt him smile against my lips. I screamed at myself to accept it. Accept that what was happening between us was real emotion – true feelings – but his words from years before still rang in my head. It’s too perfect… You’re like made for me…
I pulled back. β€œI’m sorry”, I whispered. β€œI can’t”. He instantly stepped away from me, giving me space. β€œI’m so sorry”, I croaked.
Sam stepped through the door with a large paper bag. β€œHey. Got food”, he smiled. I slid on my boots, and grabbed my coat. β€œI need some air”, I muttered, and walked out the door, closing it behind me.
I walked down the road; avoiding the streetlights as if they were spotlights searching for me. β€œCass… if you’re out there… Please help me. I need to know the truth”, I whimpered to myself. As I’d expected, no angel came to my rescue. I was alone – and by choice.
My phone rang in my pocket. I looked at the screen, before picking up the call. β€œPete…”, I croaked. β€œHey, Lulu… You sound sad”, he said. β€œWhat’s wrong?”. β€œI’m… I don’t know. I miss…”. I didn’t know what to say. Bobby. Castiel. Dean. β€œI know, I miss you too”, Pete breathed. β€œWhere are you?”. β€œNebraska”, I said. β€œI didn’t know you had family in Nebraska?”, he said. β€œI don’t have…”, I began. β€œA lot of family, I know”, Pete said. β€œYou don’t really have any family; do you…? You’re all alone in the world”. I shook my head, and stopped just before a ring of light under a street lamp. β€œWhat are you talking about?”, I said. β€œWho really cares about you, Lou?”. His voice became deeper – more gravely. It was Deans voice now. β€œNo one really loves you. Not with their own free will, anyway…”. My breath hitched. β€œWho is this?”, I asked. β€œSomeone who knows the truth… Your purpose in life. To belong to someone else… not truly your own. Do you think he would choose you if he wasn’t compelled to?”. β€œI-i don’t…”, I whimpered; tears beginning to stream down my cheeks. β€œAre you crying…? Of course, you are. It’s hard hearing the truth. I know what he really feels. He wishes he didn’t want you. He knows he’d never care if he wasn’t forced to”. β€œWhy are you saying these things?”, I croaked. β€œTo keep you on the line, so we can track your phone…”.
I hung up, and threw my phone down on the road; stomping on it until it broke into pieces.
I ran back towards the motel; seeing the station wagon driving towards me. It halted a few yards from me, and Sam sprang out of the driver’s seat. β€œLulu!”, he yelled. β€œYou can’t run off like that. It’s not safe…”. β€œThey tracked my phone. They’re coming for us!”, I yelled, and threw myself into the passenger’s seat. Sam sprang in after me, and drove back to the motel.
Inside the room, Dean was seated on one of the beds, drinking from a bottle of beer. When he saw me, his eyes instantly diverted. β€œPack up. They tracked us”, Sam growled. Dean jumped up from the bed, and grabbed his things. I snatched my new second hand backpack – filled with my new and old clothes – and all three of us ran out the door.
β€œCall Garth. Have him take over the case here”, Dean growled. β€œWe go west”. β€œWhere?”, Sam asked, as we were all seated in the car. Dean started the engine. β€œSan Francisco”, he grunted; sending me a look in the mirror. It was just a second, but his eyes spoke a thousand words; some of which I knew where I’m sorry. You’ll never have to see me again. He sped down the road, and out of town.
I closed my eyes, and sighed. β€œJust get me to a bus station”, I said. Sam turned to look at me. β€œLulu, no! We can’t do that”, he retorted. β€œI’ll be fine. Stay out of sight… I know the deal”, I grunted. Sam shook his head. β€œLook, we’ll find somewhere else. Go on lockdown…”. β€œThey’re using me to get to you!”, I yelled. β€œI’m no safer with you than anywhere else; but you’re in more danger if I stick around”. β€œLulu…”, Sam began.
β€œShe’s right, Sammy”, Dean said calmly; eyes still on the road. β€œWe’ll take you as far as Iowa. Get out of the state; and find a bus station”. Sam looked at his brother incredulously. β€œAnd then she just goes to San Francisco?”, Sam asked. β€œNo”, I muttered. β€œI can’t put that on Raul… Not now”. Sam looked back at me. β€œWhere, then?”, he growled. β€œBetter if you don’t know. I’m a weakness”, I said. β€œYou’re protecting me because you think you have to”. Dean looked at me again in the mirror. This time his expression read as disagreeing, but he didn’t say anything.
Sam grimaced in frustration. β€œI’ll call Frank. Have him wire some money”. He grabbed a map from the glove compartment. β€œRock Port. We’ll take you there”, he grunted.
Five hours later I was standing in a bus station in Iowa; my backpack at my feet, and my head full of all the information the Winchesters could give me on leviathans. Sam handed we a wad of cash, a map; and a credit card in the name of Keith Moon. β€œOnly use it in emergencies. They tracked most of our cards”. He pulled me into his arms, and held on to me tightly. β€œAnd this…”. He pulled a flip phone from his pocket. β€œThere’s only one number on there. Jody Mills”. β€œThe sheriff?”, I asked. β€œShe knows how to get a hold of us if needed”, Sam muttered, and gave me the phone. β€œAnd remember what I told you about Borax”. β€œI’ll be fine”, I lied. He pulled me in for another hug; and I buried my face in his shoulder – having to stand on my toes to reach it. β€œThanks”, I whispered, and pulled away from him.
Dean was stood a few paces away; looking at us. Sam wiped away a tear I hadn’t known was there; and I realized I was crying as well. Sam walked back towards the station wagon, and Dean came over to me.
β€œI’m sorry”, he said earnestly. β€œSeems all I do is steamroll into your life, and turn it upside down”. β€œMy life in Kansas City wasn’t exactly picture perfect”, I replied. β€œAnd you had to, right?”. He shook his head. β€œI don’t care if I did…”, he breathed. β€œBut you do… And I get it. Maybe some day you’ll…”. He let out a deep breath. β€œJust be happy, ok?”, he said. I tried for a smile, but it turned into saddened frown. β€œYou too…”, I croaked. β€œI really wish…”. β€œI know”, Dean whispered.
I took his hand, and put it to my cheek. β€œIf this was real, I’d kiss you right now”, I breathed, and looked into his warm eyes. He raised a brow at me. β€œIf you’d just believe this was real, I’d have you naked in the nearest motel room”, he smirked. I glared at him. β€œSorry…”, he smiled more softly.
β€œI’m gonna miss you, Fred”, I smiled. β€œGoodbye, Velma”, he replied. I leant in and kissed his cheek; when his arms folded around me, and he leant in to whisper into my ear. β€œSave a dance for me, Lou… I’ll lie awake”. He kissed my temple, and let go of me; walking away.
I went east for a while, moving towards Chicago; and leaving a trail of credit card receipts. At a diner outside Des Moines, the tv showed a news report about grave robberies in Seward, Nebraska. An insurance agent from the 60’s had been dug up, and for some strange reason, his bones had been burnt. Whoever Garth was, he wasn’t very good at covering his tracks.
On a bus towards Cedar Rapids, I noticed a car trailing behind; taking the same stops and turns as the bus. As I’d planned, they’d tracked me. At the next stop, I dropped the credit card in the lap of a guy who looked like he’d probably use a stolen card. I ran for the station’s bathroom, and hid out for a while; before going back outside, and hitching a ride south.
Nowhere, Oklahoma. The name sprang into my eyes as I looked over the map my giant of a friend had given me. It was tiny. Perfect. I’d needed to disappear, and what place better than a place where the name was literally an answer to where I was. Where is she? You’ll find her Nowhere.
I had to take several busses, and hitched another ride with a creepy looking trucker, who ditched me on the side of the road, when I wouldn’t put out. In the end, I made it to Nowhere. In my backpack I had my clothes, a bottle of ready mixed Borax, a toothbrush; and some drugstore makeup and hair dye.
With no motel in the town, I searched out the nearest bar. The eager looking bartender greeted me cheerfully. I asked about work in the area, and he instantly offered me a job as a waitress – his former one having skipped town the week before. β€œYou don’t need experience. Just don’t trip over your own feey when you serve the beers”, my new boss had smiled. There was a small room above the bar; and I accepted a pay cut to be able to stay there.
I lined the windowsill and the bottom of the door with salt, and stuck my gun into the back of my jeans – before grabbing an apron, and getting to work.
3 months later.
The stretch of road in front of them looks like every other they travel. At least he’s back in his baby; who is purring beautifully from under the hood. His brother is there next to him, as usual – their relationship somewhat good at the moment. Having the angel reappear in their lives was a surprise; one that he’s not sure how to feel about yet; but he’s at least happy he’s alive. Counting out the Dick made of black goo; things would be all right, if something wasn’t missing.
There is a hole inside him – one that only one person has been able to fill – and she’s gone.
Sam’s phone rings, and he picks it up. β€œYeah… Jody? Give me a sec…”. He presses a button. β€œYou’re on speaker”. β€œHey guys… I just got a weird call from someone claiming to be your friend”, the sheriff says. He frowns, and looks at the phone. β€œThey give you a name?”, he asks. β€œNo, nothing. She just said to let you know there was a Borax incident in Nowhere”. β€œNowhere?”, Sam asks. β€œYeah. Nowhere, Oklahoma. She sounded like she was in a rush. She said; Keith Moon went to Chicago. Velma washed floors in Nowhere, when a guy’s feet started melting… Does any of this make any sense to you?”. Dean and Sam send each other a look. β€œYeah, it makes sense. Thanks, Jody”, Sam says, and hangs up.
Dean clenches his fingers around the steering wheel so hard his knuckles turn white. β€œShe wouldn’t have called if it wasn’t important”, his brother mutters. β€œI know”, he grunts. β€œHow far is Nowhere?”. β€œOklahoma City’s about 10 hours away, if we skip breaks for food”. He steps down harder on the pedal, and the engine roars; speeding up down the road.
8 hours later they are standing in a bar in a small town about 40 miles outside Oklahoma City. A waitress brushes up against Dean with a bright smile, as she nabs a tray of drinks from a tired looking bartender, who is answering their questions. β€œNo, sir. No deaths or accidents around here. Unless you count me losing my favorite waitress, as an accident”, the bartender says. He looks with tired eyes at the waitress, who is now on her way to serve some patrons in a booth. She trips over her own feet, and drops the tray on the floor. β€œWhoopsies!”, the young woman smiles. She bends down as seductively as she can, and looks over her shoulder at Dean. If it hadn’t been for... He dismisses the thought. The last time he tried to use a one night stand to get over her, he’d ended up a baby-daddy to a monster.
The bartender rolls his eyes. β€œGood help is hard to find”. He frowns at the man. β€œShe go missing?”, he asks. The bartender shrugs in response. β€œI think she just skipped town with some guy…”.
Sam clears his throat in that worried way he does, when he thinks something is terribly wrong. Dean can’t help but feel the same way. β€œWhat makes you think she skipped town?”, Sam asks. β€œWell, she was a good enough girl, but she never seemed really happy here; you know?”, the bartender says. β€œThree days ago, she was helping me close up – washing the floors – when this guy comes in, and walks over to her”. β€œWhat did he look like?”, Dean asks. β€œFedora, leather jacket…”, the bartender begins. β€œToo tight jeans?”, Dean interrupts. The bartender nods. β€œI went to put away some bottles out back, and when I returned, they were both gone”.
Sam’s eyes catch something on the floor. β€œExcuse me; but what is that over there?”, he asks; and points towards two foot-shaped markings on the floor. The bartender shrugs. β€œI have no idea. It was there when she left. Looks like something melted into the floor, right? I haven’t been able to get it off”. Sam goes over to look at the markings; and pokes at them with a pen. Dean joins his brother, and instantly recognizes the goo. He swallows hard. β€œTry Borax”, he says over his shoulder to the bartender. The man chuckles. β€œThat’s what Velma always used”.
Dean turns around, furrowing his brow. β€œThat was her name?”, he asks. The bartender nods. Sam stands up, and walks back to the counter. β€œWhere was she staying?”, he asks. β€œJust upstairs”, the tender responds.
They go up to a small rom with a single bed, a wardrobe and a table. β€œWhat was that thing about what the guy looked like?”, Sam asks. β€œWhat does it matter?”. Dean frowns. β€œHe was impersonating the ex… Pete”, he responds. β€œYou worried she’d believe it? Go with him?”, Sam says. β€œShe’s too smart for that”, Dean grunts, with a crooked smile. β€œBut she might have tried to fight”. The thought of this sends chills down his spine. She’s smart, knows so much – but he doesn’t think she’s strong enough for a fight like that. He knows she’s not.
They begin searching the room for any clue as to where she might have gone, or the leviathan might have taken her. β€œDean…”, Sam says. He joins his brother by the bed. There are what looks like dried blood on the sheet; which has been shredded. He swallows hard. β€œShe might be…”, Sam begins. β€œDon’t”, Dean says. β€œShe’s not…”. He feels a mixture of rage and sorrow build up; just as it did when Bobby… But this is different. Bobby was a hunter. Lou… He brought this on her. They used her to get to him.
He turns around, walks over to the small wardrobe, and slams his fist into the door – the wood of it breaking from the sheer force. β€œWe’ll find her”, Sam says quietly. β€œAt least give her a hunter’s burial”. Dean closes his eyes, and lets out a deep breath.
β€œUhm, fellas’?. The waitress is standing outside the door; holding up a phone. β€œIs one of you John Osbourne?”. Dean opens his eyes. β€œWhy?”, he calls. β€œI got a phone call here for you. Some lady…”. She smiles sweetly at him, and bites her lip, as he nabs the phone from her. She walks down the stairs again, swaying her hips.
β€œHello?”, Dean breathes. β€œDean…”. He lets out a sigh of relief. Her voice still makes his heart leap, and sends warm waves of joy through him. β€œLou…”. Sam’s eyes light up. What?, he mouths. β€œAre you ok?”, Dean asks. β€œI’m… yeah”. β€œThere was blood… I thought…”. β€œJust a scratch. I found someone to stitch me up. Don’t worry”. He can hear the smile in her voice, reminding him of the face she’d make every time he kissed her. Except for the last time… β€œWhere are you?”, he demands. β€œI can’t tell you. You know that…”. She sighs. β€œDean, I left something there… I didn’t know what to do with it”. He frowns. β€œWhat?”. β€œIn the wardrobe… There’s a box”. Dean gestures towards the broken wardrobe door, and Sam goes to open it. He grimaces in confusion, as he pulls out a cardboard box; which seems to have some weight to it.
β€œDon’t open it around anyone…”, she says. Dean closes the door to the hallway; and walks over to the box; which Sam has placed on the bed. Dean gently opens the lid of the box, and lets out a short breath. Sam’s expression is one of pure marvel.
β€œCan you… get rid of it for me?”, she asks. β€œHow the hell did you manage this?”, Dean asks, as he looks down into the box; meeting the eyes of a fedora hat wearing head. β€œI picked up some tricks along the way”. This time he hears her smirk; that annoying, yet endearing expression that always sends heat straight to… Another time, another place, Dean, he thinks to himself. He clears his throat. β€œWe’ll take care of it”, he says quietly. He closes his eyes, and sees her face in front of him. β€œPlease tell me where you are, Lou…” β€œNo, Dean. I’m sorry. You and me… I can’t. Not if it’s not real”.
He clenches his jaw. β€œWhat are you gonna do now?”, he asks. β€œYou wouldn’t like the answer…”, she responds. He opens his eyes. β€œNo, sweetheart. That’s not an option”, he grunts. β€œYou’re way out of your league there…”. He hears her chuckle. β€œA few salt and burns here and there for practice”, she says. β€œI’ll be fine. And you can focus on the leviathans”. β€œLou, no!”. Sam looks at him questioningly. He looks at his brother with hard eyes. β€œKick their asses for me, ok?”. β€œLou!”, Dean yells. She’s hung up.
He throws the phone on the bed in frustration. β€œWhat happened?”, Sam mutters. β€œWhere is she?” Dean lets out a deep breath. β€œLou’s on a hunting trip… and she won’t be home in a few days”.
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schoe1995 Β· 5 years ago
My Travel Accessories
When it comes to traveling; I don’t play any games to be comfortable. So I decided to share my must have accessories when I’m traveling:
I’m one of the few people in the world that really doesn’t drop my phone. However, accidents can happen and when you don’t have equipment protection...you are playing a huge gamble. To protect from physical damage, I got the full package: screen protector, case, and equipment protection. My iPhone 11 Pro 256gb is well over $1000...soooo yeah. However if you don’t have equipment protection here are some cases you can get.
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I technically have five cases but one wasn’t categorized here for a reason. But let me give you a breakdown:
Upper left corner is my Lifeproof FrΔ“. Turns the phone into complete waterproof, dust proof, snow proof, dirt proof, etc. it’s super handy when I take underwater photos, go on water rides, or accidentally forget to take it out of my pocket. The case is sealed air tight, so if you need to take it off, use like a quarter and pop from the side
Gear 4 case upper right: this is my everyday case. I usually have it for like at home, errands, getting on the plane, etc. The case is super easy to take off.
Bottom left is my LuMee case: everybody needs good lighting and LuMee’s case does that on point. The duo case has lighting on the front and back and you can control how bright the light is.
Bottom right is my Shift cam case: perfect for high quality photos and trying out different lenses. I have this case when I go to concerts.
When traveling sometimes you really don’t need all that extra background noise. And since I’m a huge music addict, I’d rather hear my playlist...not some child screaming or an adult who doesn’t know how to shut up. Enter headphones.
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I got a few selections so I’ll break it down once again.
Powerbeats 3: super lightweight and compatible. They have I believe a 12 hour battery off one charge. There are probably my go-to just because of size, I really can’t lose them, and again how easy it is to travel with them.
The blue Samsung Level: lol so I got these after I saw them in one of Kpop’s group EXO’s music video Call Me Baby. Btw it’s a bop🀣 they are Bluetooth/ wireless and lasted me a couple of days. Then again I wasn’t really using them a whole lot. But they are really high quality, voice activation, slide up, down, left, right to control volume, skip songs, or repeat, and best part...NOISE CANCELLATION! When I took the train to Chicago and flipped the switch, my world was changed.
AirPods: I was one of those people who really didn’t feel like this was one purchase I needed. But you know that phrase, β€œdon’t knock it till you try it?” Yeah...that was me with AirPods. If you are an iPhone user I recommend getting them. They are lightweight, alternate compatible (meaning you can use left, right, or both), and Siri is actually more useful. All I say is β€œHey Siri” and boom. She takes care of it.
Regular cord: these are my everyday headphones. And the most expendable. I try not to lose any items...but things happen. If I lose them, these can be easily replaced. But I carry these around so my other expensive ones are my backup.
Portable Battery Packs
If you are like me, I’m always on my phone. Either checking on my social media, playing games, watching videos, blasting music, calling, texting, etc. your phone can get drained a lot. I was at a concert once in St. Louis when my phone almost went dead. Good thing my Dad and I had spot to meet afterwards. From that point on I decided to always carry around a portable charger. And let’s be real, nobody wants to be in a situation where you need help but your phone is dead.
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I have like 5 portable chargers. But these are my go to travel ones I take with me. You can say extra, but hey; better to be prepared than sorry.
Starting from the left: I found this neat solar powered portable battery pack on amazon. The directions say if you want it fully charged; plug it into an outlet. This was super helpful when I was in Disneyland because of the sun. I just attached it using the clip to my bag.
Middle: this is your standard portable battery park. I got this when I saw Instagram model/ actor Matthew Noszka post about this charger. It’s super slick and fashionable. But with a charge of 10,000mH it’s super fast and helpful. Oh! Always look for portable batteries that are 10,000 and higher. The higher the charge, faster and longer lasting it will be. If your going to be out of your hotel all day with no time to sit and plug in your phone, get you a portable pack.
On the right: This is Apple’s smart battery case. This is probably my favorite one out of all three. When you put your iPhone in the case it starts charging. Once the case fully uses all the battery, your phone battery kicks in. What’s neat is that if you have the case on and need to charge your phone, the case also charges. I had to charge up the case twice while I was at Disneyland. But worth the investment.
Bags & Backpacks
When I was younger; talking about like elementary school to middle school my mom always told me carry around a bag. Whenever she went to Six Flags she always had a bag full of snacks, drinks, and if I got soaked on a water ride extra clothes. Now that I’m older and doing a lot of solo traveling I’ve been carrying around a backpack a lot. Especially if I’m going to concerts.
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I always have two bags with me now.
See through bag: when I travel, it’s 95% of the time for concerts and amusement parks. I do occasionally do sight seeing stuff as well. However security can be a hassle if they have to check your stuff. So I have a see through pvc type bag that security can easily see all the items I’m bringing into the park or venue. Plus it’s a lot easier for both parties.
Boujee Bag: I always think it’s important to have what I call my Boujee Bag, aka Travel Bag. This is where I have like my iPad, MacBook, chargers, important documents like passport, tickets, etc. I love my Coach Backpack. It has so many different compartment that it makes traveling with tons of times a lot easier.
Water Bottle: Traveling without having a good water bottle is a receipe for disaster. I spent so much money on overpriced water at like sight seeing attractions and grab and go placesπŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ so to help cut down costs, I have this nice Lokai water bottle. It keeps cold drinks cold for 24 hours and hot drinks hot for 12. But you can always find cheaper water bottles at Walmart.
Like cases I have a variety of wallets that I travel with. I hardly carry around cash so this is where like my ID, cards, everything is in.
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On top is my everyday Fossil Wallet that I take everywhere. Including traveling as well. I love how it’s RFID protected. While I was working at Fossil, I learned from my assistant manager that criminals are adapting on how they steal credit card information. They can walk past you and use their phone to scan card information. If a wallet that has RFID protection, it blocks the scan. With safety in mind, that is a wallet I recommend. Don’t worry ladies, Fossil also has a beautiful line of collections as well.
Bottom: That is my Coach Men’s Long Zip Wallet. I got it on sale the day o purchased my backpack. I switch into this wallet when I go out to restaurants, bars, and clubs. It has a wristlet so I can hold onto and keep check. I can hold multiple cards in as well, and my phone in there. Sometimes it’s best to keep track when everything is in one place.
That pretty much is all my travel accessories. Remember not everyone is the same, so customize on what your travel neccessities are. I always recommend before any trip, plan on bringing what you need vs the wants. Once you figure that out, it makes life so much easier.
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captainsaltwater Β· 7 years ago
Pearl Earrings
Thomas swore all eyes were on him as he pushed his mostly empty shopping cart down an aisle. It squeaked and wobbled, attracting even more attention than Thomas wanted. He was certain the woman with a high, tight ponytail and sunglasses gave him a nasty look. A boy that couldn’t have been any older than five stared at him as he walked by until he finally went to the next aisle. His heart pounded as he moved to pick up a loaf of bread, convinced that the employee stocking the shelves had heard plastic containers rubbing together in one of the various pockets of his jacket.
Thomas smiled weakly at the employee before moving on.
Read more below or check the link to my full story here!
At least he was almost done. He crossed Walmart, from the groceries to the toiletries. He entered an empty aisle, waited one second, then two. Half a minute had passed with no one else walking by or joining him among the toiletries. He checked one more time, then stuck his finger under the flap of a box to slowly pry it open. Thomas checked again that no one was nearby before he began shoving as many pads as he could fit into the last empty inner pocket of his jacket.
He pushed his cart to the checkout and began tossing his items onto the conveyor belt. A gallon of milk, a loaf of bread, a box of spaghetti noodles, a jar of spaghetti sauce, a carton of eggs, a box of Lucky Charms, and a bag of potato chips.
The cashier scanned each item without looking up, but Thomas held his breath the entire time. She grumbled when Thomas produced a roll of cash to pay for the items. He didn’t bother to hold up the line making sure she had counted the right amount of change; he wanted to get out of this store as soon as possible.
β€œExcuse me, sir?” Someone behind him called, immediately causing Thomas to freeze. Β β€œHi, yes, excuse me?”
Thomas slowly turned to see a blue vested woman that had to be around his age approaching him.
β€œEr -- what is it?”
β€œCould you do me a favor and take your jacket off?” She asked. β€œI just need to see something before you leave the store.”
β€œUh,” Thomas muttered. β€œI don’t really need --”
β€œSir,” She repeated. β€œI’m going to need you to come with me.”
He could run. He could run out of the store right now, they didn’t know his name or have his license plate. He could get away with it, get home to Abigail and act like nothing had happened.
Yet, he found himself robotically following the woman regardless. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw someone push his cart towards customer services at the front of the store, opposite to where he was currently going.
She brought him to the back of the store. They approached a whitewashed door with an β€˜employees only’ sign stuck on the front. She opened the door and ushered him inside. Thomas was greeted by a small room, also with whitewashed walls, and a cold white tile floor. A metal desk with an old computer that probably ran Windows XP was the only furniture in the room save for another small plastic chair.
β€œCan um...can I ask what this is about?”
β€œWe have footage of you that we believe shows you shoplifting,” The woman said. β€œI’m going to need you to remove your jacket and sit down.”
Thomas robotically slid his jacket off of his shoulders. Its unusual weight was apparent as he offered it to the woman before he stiffly sat in the uncomfortable plastic chair.
The woman, seemingly named Barbara based on her nametag, frowned after taking the jacket. She quickly began taking items out of it: the wad of pads, a bottle of Robitussin cold, cough, and flu medicine, a small bottle of laundry detergent, and a tube of toothpaste. Just as she went to place the jacket on top of the metal table, a pair of shiny new pearl earrings fell out.
β€œOh?” Barbara picked them up to get a closer look. β€œWhat is this?”
β€œPlease,” Thomas began begging. β€œThis is just...just a misunderstanding. You can take this stuff and I’ll just be on my way with my groceries --”
β€œSee, if it was just this stuff,” She pointed to the rest of the items on the table. β€œI could let you go. But these earrings? These...these’re pretty pricey.”
β€œPlease,” Thomas repeated. β€œYou can take them. Just...don’t call the police or anything. I’ll be on my way. It can be like none of this ever happened.”
Barbara sighed. β€œUnfortunately I can’t do that.”
β€œPlease!” Thomas said once more. His foot began to bounce rapidly while his eyes darted around the room, refusing to stay on Barbara or the items on the table for more than a second. β€œI can’t...I can’t go to jail,”
β€œSo you’re admitting you were going to steal these items then?” Barbara questioned. She procured a camera from one of the desk’s drawers, along with a few sheets of paper that looked like forms.
β€œIt’s not like that,” He argued.
β€œSo you weren’t trying to steal from Walmart?”
β€œNo. I mean...yes...but--”
β€œNo buts,” Barbara shook her head. β€œThat’s all I need to know. I don’t care why you were stealing, but the fact is that you were.”
β€œThey’re for my daughter!” Thomas shouted. β€œMy little girl! Abigail!” He met Barbara’s gaze, but only long enough so he could tear his eyes away again. β€œI...I just want to give her a good birthday.”
β€œAnd the medicine?” Barbara questioned. β€œThe toothpaste? The laundry detergent?”
Thomas hung his head. β€œI...I haven’t been getting very many hours lately --”
β€œAnd neither have I.”
β€œPlease! Please, please, please,” Thomas insisted, nearly falling out of the plastic chair. β€œI can’t do this to my daughter. She’s only twelve. She doesn’t have anywhere else to go. Please don’t do this. For her. For Abigail.”
Barbara looked at Thomas, his bottom lip quivering pathetically. She bit her lip so tightly it nearly bled, but she only shook her head. β€œI’m sorry. I have to.”
β€œNo, no! You don’t understand. You don’t know what it’s like,” He persisted. β€œYou don’t know what it’s like to...to have to come to this to provide,”
Immediately, a fierce, cold flame lit up in Barbara’s eyes as she deathly stared at him. β€œYou think I don’t understand? That I don’t know what it’s like?”
Thomas grew smaller in the plastic chair.
β€œLet me guess. You thought Walmart’s easy to take things from. It’s a massive corporation. A pair of earrings won’t burn a hole in the CEO’s wallet. What’s the big deal?” She moved in front of the metal table, dangerously close to Thomas and his chair. β€œBut more things start to get stolen. Walmart starts to lose money. The cashiers start getting less hours to make up the difference. Prices rise a bit so we’re still making a profit. I start losing hours, and then I’m no longer making enough to help my daughter,” Barbara paused, just long enough to jab her finger at Thomas’ face. β€œYou got caught. I’m trying to do my job so I don’t get fired. End of story.”
Barbara returned to the old computer. She looked down at the papers on the desk, filling in boxes with information.
β€œYou have a daughter too?” Thomas asked, still small in his plastic chair.
Barbara didn’t look up.
His hands still shook, but he pursed his lips tightly and slightly nodded his head. Of course she was just doing her job. She had to watch out for her daughter, same as he did.
β€œYou’ll do anything to keep them safe, huh?” He offered.
He wasn’t sure if it was just his imagination, but he thought he saw Barbara’s head nod slightly.
The security room grew quiet, save for the graphite pencil scratching against the paper.
β€œThe police will already have been called,” Barbara muttered while she shuffled through her papers. β€œBut they won’t be here for a while,” After collecting the papers into a neat pile, she stood straight, her arms stiffly hanging at her sides. β€œLegally, I don’t have to force you to be here, Sir. I can’t stop you from leaving the store, but if you do leave, you may be charged with evading arrest.”
Was she saying what he thought she was saying?
β€œNow, I have to leave for a minute. I believe it’s raining outside and I want to grab a hat before I leave,”
Without another word, Barbara turned to her right and exited through the door.
Thomas counted to twenty before following her footsteps. A hat with a large brim without a price tag sat just outside of the security room door.
He looked left. He looked right. He was completely alone. Thomas held his breath before tugging the large hat on, and didn’t breathe again until he was safely out of the store and in his car. As he took the large hat off, a pair of shiny pearl earrings fell out and onto his lap.
Thomas didn’t look back until he was a comfortable ten miles from the Walmart, and he swore he’d never seen a bigger smile on Abigail’s face.
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allenmendezsr Β· 5 years ago
Home Made Strength Online Dvd
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/home-made-strength-online-dvd/
Home Made Strength Online Dvd
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Β Buy Now
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Β Β Β  Raise your hand if you are sick and tired of getting over-charged for strength training equipment when you know damn well you could build it yourself if only you knew how.
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Give me a HELL YEAH! if you’ve noticed any of the following:
– Equipment prices equal to purchasing a used car
– You can’t fill your gas tank up because you’re saving for a new dragging sled
– You feel like you’re taking money from your family every time you buy a new piece of equipment
– You invest in a new piece of equipment for hundreds of dollars only to find out that it doesn’t work or doesn’t meet your expectations
– You feel bad using the equipment you buy because it costs so much you don’t want to mess up the paint job
– Every spare nickel and dime you get you stick in a coffee jar in order to save up for the next big wishlist item
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Dear Friend, I’m Jedd Johnson, from the Diesel Crew, and I want to be perfectly honest with you.
Over the years I have struggled to scrape up enough money to buy the equipment I needed for my training.
I have competed in countless strongman and grip competitions and when I first started, I had to rob Peter to pay Paul in order to get the equipment I needed.
Starting out right after college, I had a car payment, college loans, credit card bills, cell phone bills, and had to buy food and supplements. I had very little extra money to throw at training equipment. It took me years to accumulate what I have gotten.
I was recently talking with my friend, Joe Hashey from Synergy Athletics, about how expensive some of the equipment on the market is these days. It turns out, his story is just like mine. He was in the same boat I was – Bills and debt stood in the way of him buying the equipment he has wanted for his athletes for years.
Unlike the golden boys who were born with a silver spoon in their mouths, Joe and I toiled in the dust and dirt begging, borrowing, and stealing our way to get our equipment.
I can’t begin to count the number of people I have spoken with that have told me the same exact thing – their budgets these days are just not big enough to pay the prices equipment companies are asking for their equipment.
For a new trainer or a strength enthusiast with limited resources, it can be damn hard to scrape up the money to put together a respectable collection of equipment.
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Joe and I have built our garage gyms from the ground up.
Recently, we put our heads together and we came up with a list of equipment that we knew how to make ourselves.
We decided we were going to give back to the people that have been so supportive of us over the years and show you all how to make your own Home Made Strength Equipment, with the HOME MADE STRENGTH ONLINE DVD.
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BREAK THROUGH: Finally, you no longer have to struggle to pay for equipment or deal with a guilty conscience for buying the equipment you need in your training.
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This is the information the equipment companies don’t want you to know.
– Never scrounge around for nickels and dimes to pay for your equipment again.
Never hock your precious possessions in order to get money for new lifting gear again.
Never apply for an extra part-time job to pay for a new training device.
Never stress out about bouncing another check you send to an equipment company.
Never worry that you won’t be able to condition properly because you don’t have the right equipment.
Never slight your athletes and hold their progress back again.
Never go to bed wondering how you’re going to explain the new monstrous charges to the credit card to your girlfriend or wife.
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The Home Made Strength Online DVD
After you purchase this video today, you will see
8 creative ways
to cheaply manufacture essential strength building pieces of equipment.
– Not only do we show you
how to quickly make a tool that will strengthen your upper back and improve your should mobility and stability, but we give you a technique tutorial on how to properly and safely use it.
– Not only do we show you
how to build one of the best conditioning tools ever designed out of materials you have lying around your house, but we also show you movements you can do with it that are fun and will make you a better, stronger athlete.
– And also, not only do we show you how to build the
MOST CHALLENGING thick bar I have ever trained on, we show you multiple ways how to use it to improve your grip strength.
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Stop and think for a minute how nice it is going to be to have a gym full of great functional equipment without having to go broke getting it.Can you picture how nice it is going to train the way you want to AND to be able to sleep soundly at night knowing that you did not have to go into debt in order to do it?
You’ll no longer have to struggle with:
– Regret – Stress – Worry – Buyer’s Remorse – Financial Woes – Economic Duress – An Empty Wallet – Mounting Credit Card Debt (from equipment expenses)
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In one Sunday morning we were able to build
8 great quality pieces of Home Made Strength Equipment:
– A Bad-ass Mace you can use for building tremendous Grip strength, shoulder mobility and aerobic capacity, and that you’ll be proud to own
– The most challenging
Revolving Thick Bar that will build machine-like Grip strength like no other on the market, while costing you only a fraction of the price
– A
Glute Ham Raise that will have you running and leaping faster and further than ever before and takes up almost NO SPACE in your garage
Each piece took about
15 minutes to build.
It took us
less than three hours to put it all together.
In many cases, this equipment was a
fraction of the price of what is advertised on popular websites.
In all of the cases, the
materials are readily available at places like Lowes, Home Depot, or WalMart.
And the best part about it is WE GOT IT ALL ON FILM. Now, with the Home Made Strength Online DVD, Joe and I show you how it is all done – how to make your own equipment.
Pick up the Home Made Strength Online DVD today and you will find out how to build high quality strength equipment that will last you for years and cost only a fraction of what the big companies are charging. Don’t put up with the conspiracy anymore. It’s time to start equipping your gym with home made equipment.
No more excuses for why you can’t make your own stuff anymore.
We are going to show you how!
This video that is going to SAVE YOU BIG BUCKS for just $27 (SPECIAL ANNIVERARY PRICE).
Don’t put it off – make a change in your training TODAY!!
Any questions – hit me up at [email protected]. If not, then all the best in your training,
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Jedd Johnson, CSCS The Diesel Crew
P.S. Don’t let the next 12 months be like the last 12. Do something about it. Get the Online DVD, start making your own stuff, and start getting stronger. Just get it done.
P.P.S. Remember, your success is money back guaranteed! If this Online DVD doesn’t honestly show you how to put together quality strength equipment at a fraction of the price that the big companies are pushing it for then you can keep the DVD and we will send your money back to you.
P.P.P.S. 30 days from now, you’ll either be a month older, or you’ll have a new collection of functional strength equipment in your gym making you stronger each time you hit a workout? What’s it going to be?
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A little bit about us:
Jedd Johnson
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I am certified through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist or CSCS. I have been an active member since 2001 and have spoken at many NSCA state clinics on athletic strength development.
Joe Hashey
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Joe earned his qualifications as a NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. Additionally he has his Masters in the Arts of Education from Colgate University and runs Synergy Athletics in Endicott, NY.
0 notes
coopdigitalnewsletter Β· 5 years ago
4 Mar 2020: Coronavirus. Insurance: Ford’s black box. Amazon goes big.
Hello, this is the Co-op Digital newsletter - it looks at what's happening in the internet/digital world and how it's relevant to the Co-op, to retail businesses, and most importantly to people, communities and society. Thank you for reading - send ideas and feedback to @rod on Twitter. Please tell a friend about it!
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[Image: New Scientist/Alfred Pasieka/Science Photo Library]
Coronavirus: making supply networks visible
UK Government published its COVID-19 plan, which says that up to a fifth of UK workers could be off sick at any one time in the β€œreasonable worst case”. If that happens there will obviously be strain on systems: you’ll seeΒ 
β€œpopulation distancing strategies (such as school closures, encouraging greater home working, reducing the number of large-scale gatherings) to slow the spread of the disease throughout the population, while ensuring the country’s ability to continue to run as normally as possible.”
That might also mean key parts of the public sector need to prioritise the most essential services, so NHS, social care, emergency services etc may see some streamlining.Β 
What are big tech firms doing? Amazon is banning non-essential travel. Twitter is encouraging staff to work from home and Google is trying out a work-from-home day in Ireland to test its preparedness. (Amazon is also trying to stop people selling face masks at hugely inflated prices on its platform.)
Very practically: it might seem suspiciously simple, but handwashing with soap is still the best thing to do, because soap is good at ripping apart the fatty envelope around the virus. Some measured β€œpreparing” is probably sensible and helpful because it introduces a little slack into the health and food systems. The wider community benefits because the case load on the healthcare system is spread out over time the. (For the avoidance of doubt, this newsletter is *not* advising anyone to immediately put their camouflage bandana on and barricade themselves into their homes. And nor are public health experts, who are the people to actually listen to.)Β 
It looks like the virus will make visible some of the things that modern life works hard to keep invisible. Critical national infrastructure - chief medical officers, scientists - explain the situation and the plan. And supply chains also become more visible: if consumer electronics become more expensive, you might get a sense of that supply chain reaching back to China. But it isn’t a single chain, a linear path of supply along which money is swapped for things. It’s really supply *networks* - all the supply chains are entwined. If schools are shut, then there will be knock-on effects: a significant percentage of the workforce would be at home looking after children. This also means that if you wanted to avoid other people by staying at home and getting everything safely delivered to your house, well that still relies on Amazon's delivery people! The virus may eventually force everyone to think at the level of the community, rather than the individual.
β€œGOV.​UK Notify just helped an NHS team set up a 2-way text messaging service for extreme-risk people to monitor and report Coronavirus symptoms. Took them a few hours, start to finish. Would've been impossible, even a couple of years ago. This is why platforms matter.”
Azeem Azhar wonders if coronavirus will force some political, economic and cultural adaptation upon society.
Insurance: Ford’s black box
Ford will offer drivers better insurance rates in partnership with Nationwide (a US insurer, not the UK mortgage provider). Insurance premia depend on how much you use the car, but also how you use it - drivers will be able to get up to 40% off if they drive safely. It’s one of the first driving telemetry solutions that doesn’t need a β€œblack box” to be installed - the car is the black box. The catch for drivers: you need to be happy sharing your driving data with Ford and your insurer, and no doubt you need to be a safe driver.
Also in car insurance:
Young drivers β€œlet down over insurance app faults” - Carrot uses phone data to measure braking and acceleration, but some say it often fails to work.
How we analyzed Allstate’s car insurance algorithm - data + code = new approaches to journalism.
Amazon goes big
Amazon has opened its first full size cashierless grocery store in Seattle - Go technology at 5,000 product lines in 10,000 sq ft size. (And here’s someone’s inevitable β€œcan we fool the sensors and steal a banana” piece.) You shouldn’t necessarily see this story as Amazon going bigger now that it has *perfected* Go. There will probably be many more experiments with technology, format, size, inventory, location and everything else. Amazon is the experiment machine.
Elsewhere in supermarkets:
Walmart's click-and-collect offering is doing well - 37% growth in US ecommerce (which covers both click-and-collect and delivered).
M&S Food will expand its fill-your-own-container scheme to Manchester after a successful trial in which half of the lines offered outsold their packaged equivalents.
Tesco puts 1,800 jobs at risk as it scales down in-store bakeries - on the other hand Waitrose is selling more bread!
Ridesharing: more pollution, more accidents
Two research reports find unexpected problems with ridesharing:Β 
ridesharing companies seem to generate 70% more pollution than the trips they displace.
ridehailing is associated with an increase of approximately 3% in the number of fatalities and fatal accidents, for both vehicle occupants and pedestrians.Β 
When your company started up in car culture’s home country, then naturally the solutions mostly look like… cars. Though this might be part of the problem.
Other news
Lloyds of London will insure crypto wallets - given the last decade of stories about cryptocurrencies and their wallets being hacked, you’d guess the premia will be quite big.
Kickstarter workers vote to form first union in US tech industry.Β 
Amazon primed to change the fashion industry in new TV series - Amazon’s first big fashion TV-meets-shopping cross-selling project.
Here is your heart-warming retail story: Italian IKEA store opens its doors to local stray dogs.
Co-op Digital news and events
How the Web team used the β€˜top tasks’ approach to prioritise.
Sign up for The Federation newsletter!
Public events, most of them at Federation House:
Global Legal Hackathon Manchester - Fri 6 - Sun 8 Mar 4pm.
Digital City Festival - Mon 9 - Fri 13 Mar at venues across Manchester, several of them at Federation house.
Open Data Manchester: Black software (explores racial injustice & the professionals & hobbyists of color who helped build the internet) - Wed 18 Mar 6.30pm.
Returners/Re-trainers (about successful initiatives to create better routes for women returners/re-trainers) - Thu 26 Mar 11.30am
Internal events:
Targeted Marketing (CRM) and Data Ecosystem show & tell - Wed 4 Mar 3pm at Angel Sq 13th floor breakout.
Membership show & tell - Fri 6 Mar 3pm at Fed 6 kitchen.
Delivery community of practice - Mon 9 Mar 1.30pm.
Co-operate show & tell - Wed 11 Mar 2pm at Angel Sq 8th floor red core breakout.
Data management show & tell - Thu 12 Mar 2.30pm at Angel Sq 13th floor breakout.
Membership show & tell - Fri 13 Mar 3pm at Fed 6 kitchen.
More events at Federation House - and you can contact the events team atΒ  [email protected]. And TechNW has a useful calendar of events happening in the North West.
Thank you for reading
Thank you, beloved readers and contributors. Please continue to send ideas, questions, corrections, improvements, etc to the newsletterbot’s typing entity @rod on Twitter. If you have enjoyed reading, please tell a friend!
If you want to find out more about Co-op Digital, follow us @CoopDigital on Twitter and read the Co-op Digital Blog. Previous newsletters.
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artificialqueens Β· 7 years ago
A Cat's Intuition (Shalaska) 2/4 - Lunaska
A/N: So, here she is.This fic, like most things I write, is a slow-burn, so be patient with me. The waiter/bartender as described in this chapter is probably ridiculously inaccurate, but it’s how I need it to be. This chapter was fun to write and I hope you like it as much as I do. Please leave me some feedback!
Aaron’s ears were red.
And his neck.
And his face.
And probably everything else too.
In his haste to get rid of the small colony of underwear that had settled on his living room rug, he had made some poor decisions.
First of all, walmart shopping bags are good for many things: acting as small trash can liners, handy helpers when you have to pick up the shit your neighbor’s dog keeps leaving on your lawn, and the classic β€œi’m staying at a friend’s house and don’t want my dirty clothes to touch the rest of my clothes.”
One of the things walmart shopping bags were not known for is their stealth.
Being mildly transparent, flimsy, and noisy, they are not the best at keeping secrets.
Another important thing to take into account is that when you want to keep the contents of your grocery bags hidden, you should probably tie them shut.
Needless to say, Aaron’s decision making skills were proving subpar.
But, his lack of knowledge in the art of the covert didn’t stop there.
On his way to drop his bag of underwear off in the big trash in the parking lot, he made a crucial error: being a distracted son a bitch.
Aaron wasn’t sure the quarter he bent over to pick up was worth the embarrassment of having his bag full of underwear spill out all over the concrete.
Underwear that wasn’t even his.
To top all it off, it was in front of the new guy who lived right next door.
As he stared at the brunette sitting on the ground in front of him, he tried to think of any possible excuse he could use to justify what was happening.
He didn’t want to be the neighborhood weirdo.
β€œI’m really sorry, I was just, uhm, doing some spr-”
β€œIs that my fucking underwear?” The other man interrupted. Though, he didn’t seem as angry as he did shocked and confused.
Aaron tried to swallow the huge lump that had just formed in his throat, but it wasn’t going down.
He decided to stop trying.
Choking sounded pretty good right now.
Justin was just trying to have a normal fucking day.
Instead, he was standing across from his new neighbor, who seemed to have a penchant for stranger’s undergarments. The man was sitting on the concrete with his scruffy blond hair in his hands. The bag that once contained the underwear was gone with the breeze, leaving only its previous contents to color the sidewalk.
Fucking walmart bags.
He really didn’t have enough time to process the scene before him. Even if he did have all the time in the world, he certainly didn’t have the patience to deal with whatever this shit show was going to entail.
The blond was now rubbing at his eyes, albeit a little too harshly.
It’s really a shame that all the cute ones at this apartment complex are absolute psychos.
But he had to admit that he would pick Brian, β€œDo you want to come over and watch Contact with me and my cat Trixie?” McCook over the weirdo stealing his underwear.
But, back to the situation at hand.
β€œAll I want to know is if that’s my underwear?” Justin said, gesturing to the messy pile decorating the sidewalk. β€œAnd if it is mine, why do you have it?”
The blond looked up at Justin, looking absolutely hopeless.
β€œUh…I don’t know.”
Justin walked over to the undergarments in question and knelt to get a closer look. It took him less than ten seconds to know that this was his missing underwear.
He looked up at the blond who was currently running his hands through his hair, pulling at the ends like he wanted to rip them out of his scalp.
He was starting to feel rather bad for embarrassing the guy. I mean, we all have our kinks, right?
He quickly looked away from the other man. He couldn’t show sympathy for someone who was actively stealing his underwear, doing God-knows-what with it, and then throwing it away.
β€œLook,” Justin said pointing his finger at the other man, β€œI don’t care what you get off to but just don’t take my shit anymore, okay?”
The blond nodded.
The guy was pretty cute, especially looking all guilty.
He steals underwear, Justin.
He pushed off the ground with a groan and a final mildly angry look at the thief, then stalked off towards his car. With one last look over his shoulder, he yelled
β€œand I want my socks back too!”
Aaron couldn’t find any damn socks.
He’d spent both of his days off cleaning his entire house and looking everywhere for them and found nothing but $3.78 in change and an old beanie that Cerrone had clearly taken his claws to.
He was already pissed that he didn’t get a chance to explain himself and now the other man was going to think he was still stealing from him. He was hoping he’d find the socks along with the answer to why he was mysteriously receiving all of his neighbor’s underwear, and maybe a couple thousand dollars.
But, no dice.
Oh well.
He couldn’t afford to dwell on his odd relationship with his neighbor, or his lack of spending money.
He was scheduled to work tonight and he really needed to make some good tips or his car was gonna have to run on imagination instead of fuel. So, as he walked into his uncle’s dusty bar and grill that evening, he tried to gather some energy. The dark blue walls of the poorly lit restaurant were slowly becoming comforting, almost homey. Waiting tables wasn’t glamorous, but it kept Cerrone’s food bowl full and Aaron’s fridge stocked with PBR.
Sparing a final grateful thought towards whoever created his drink of choice, he tied his apron and got started.
A few hours in, Aaron felt right in his element as he settled into a practiced rhythm. With the kind of grace that can only be learned over time, he juggled his tables, feeling confident in the service he was providing. He had waited tables since he was sixteen, bouncing from restaurant to restaurant learning new things every time. And now at twenty four, he felt that he could do this job in his sleep and still make more money than his co-workers.
Extra napkins for table five.
Table eight needs refills.
He was about to go get one of his tables their check when he was flagged down by a customer who wanted a drink from the bar. He quickly made his way to the bar area, grumbling under his breath. The way this restaurant handled it’s drinks for tables was inconvenient, and that’s being generous. The waiters had to go all the way to the bar and order the drinks themselves.
As he grumpily made his way to the bar for the first time that evening, he took in the unfamiliar figure of the man behind the counter, who currently had his back to Aaron. They had hired a new bartender who he had yet to meet, but word around the kitchen was that he was funny. And something else his coworkers had mentioned? Was it ambidextrous?
Whatever it was, he just hoped it helped him make good drinks.
He leaned against the bar and patted the counter yelling a quick, β€œHey, can I get a Long Island for my table, please?”
Aaron felt a little rude yelling at the back of the new guy’s head, but he didn’t have much of a choice.
As he waited for the bartender to acknowledge him, he took notice of all the people sitting at the bar. Most of them looking towards the new guy with amused expressions, others closer to him were laughing. He must be as funny as everyone said.
Putting a couple of drinks in front of his small audience, he grabbed a cocktail shaker from behind the counter and turned towards Aaron with a wide smile that melted as soon as the two made eye contact.
When Aaron met his eyes he wanted to evaporate on the spot. If he had a drink, he’d have done a spit take. And if he’d had more money to his name and a more conveniently placed exit door, he would’ve booked it out of the restaurant so fast, he would’ve broken the speed limit.
It was his neighbor.
You know, the one who thinks he’s a panty thief?
The one who probably thinks that Aaron has some sort of shrine dedicated to his briefs? The brunette probably assumed that Aaron had some sort of weird underwear fetish.
Aaron had always been both gay and weird, but he’d never been an underwear thief.
At this point, he chalked most of his problems up to bad karma, or maybe he’d accidentally been rude to a witch one day and now she was ruining his life. Either way, the amount of bad luck he was experiencing was ridiculous.
Aaron’s neighbor, whose name tag read β€œJustin,” was staring at him in shock. The shaker in his hands had stopped moving and the brunette stood stiff as a board in front of him. Β The atmosphere had gone from lighthearted to tense in a matter of seconds and Aaron had no clue how to fix it.
So, he just looked back at the other man, waiting for him to to say something.
But, the seconds passed, feeling like hours, and he knew he had to get back to his tables or his wallet would suffer. He took a quick, shaky breath and looked the other man in the eyes.
β€œSo, uh, my name is Aaron,” He gestured to the name tag pinned onto his uniformed chest.
β€œIt’s nice to, um, see you. So, yeah, a Long Island Ice Tea for table fifteen, please.” With that, he mustered up an unconvincing smile, turned on his heel and went back to his table. When he came back for the drink, his bartending neighbor was at the other end of the counter again with his back turned towards him. He quickly grabbed it off the counter and walked away with a sigh of relief.
Luckily, the rest of his shift was uneventful. He only had to make a couple more trips to the bar that night and all of them were less awkward than the first, and for that he was thankful.
As he rolled silverware with a couple of his co-workers later that night, he thought back on his previous encounter with Justin. Both times Aaron had been mostly silent, not even bothering to clear his name or give the other man an explanation. Everything had happened so suddenly and unexpectedly that all Aaron could do was just stand there.
He didn’t want to have an awkward relationship with someone he would obviously be seeing a lot of, so it was in his best interest to try to clear things up, and maybe even be friends with Justin.
He was determined to make things right.
Or at least make himself look less creepy.
His thoughts of redemption stayed on his mind till he clocked out that night. During the drive home, he considered what he would say and even planned a couple comebacks just in case an argument broke out, but the moment he turned the street corner that led to his apartment, all he could think of was getting home.
He sighed as he pulled into the familiar parking lot of his apartment complex.
It had been a long ass day.
All he wanted was to get home, take a shower, and watch a movie on his couch with Cerrone on his lap. He turned off his car almost giddy at the thought of having a relaxing night in.
But, the possibility of that scenario fizzled out as he got out of his car and saw Justin pull into the parking lot.
He knew that he would never get another opportunity to talk to him at work. He had already spent hours thinking about what to say and there was no time like the present, right?
Aaron pushed his door open and pulled himself out of his beat up toyota. He walked closer to where Justin was parking his car, hoping to catch him as he got out.
Justin got out of his car ungracefully and slammed the door behind him. Obviously not expecting aaron to be standing a couple feet from him in the middle of a dark parking lot.
Okay, not his best idea.
β€œWere you waiting for me here?” Justin said with wide eyes and a shaky voice. He had a hand over his heart and was obviously trying to catch his breath.
Aaron once again realized that this probably wasn’t the best scenario to try to convince someone that you aren’t insane or trying to stalk, kidnap, or murder them.
β€œUhm, no. I just saw you pull in and i’ve been meaning to talk to you for a while,” he said, nervously combing through his hair with his fingers, β€œ So, I thought now would be a good time.”
Justin visibly relaxed a little, but still seemed nervous.
β€œI already said we’re cool, dude.” Justin said, β€œWe all have weird kinks. I just can’t afford to keep losing shit; I’m sure Brian two doors down has some great pieces for your collection, though.”
Aaron sighed nervously, β€œNo, let me explain. I didn’t take your underwear. It just…” he started pulling at his hair again, β€œKind of appeared in my living room.”
β€œOh, I see. It appeared in your living room?” said Justin, clearly unconvinced.
β€œYes. I don’t know how it got there.” Aaron knew it was a terrible argument from the second it left his mouth, but it was the only one he had to work with.
β€œHave you considered magic? Maybe David Blaine is playing a very long, overly involved magic trick on you,” Justin said, bitingly sarcastic. β€œAnd maybe I’mDavid Blaine, after all! I’m in a mask filming this whole thing just to embarrass you, right?”
Justin took a deep, exasperated breath, clearly about to continue his list of impossible scenarios, but Aaron quickly put his hands up in surrender.
β€œI know it doesn’t sound very-” Aaron stopped suddenly, almost positive that he heard… meowing?
β€œCerrone?” he called into the darkness of the empty parking lot.
Justin was obviously confused, but also looked around trying to find whatever the blond was searching for. Suddenly Aaron’s cat sauntered out from behind Justin’s car, going straight towards his favorite person.
β€œWhat are you doing outside?” asked Aaron as he gathered the kitty in his arms, β€œhow did you even get out?”
He rubbed his cat between the ears and Cerrone purred. They were both wrapped up in their little love fest until a cough from Justin’s direction brought Aaron back to the situation at hand.
β€œOh, sorry!” he looked down at the cat in his arms, β€œdo you maybe want to talk about this at my place? I really need to get him inside.”
While he really did need to get Cerrone back home, he was also hoping that maybe showing Justin how normal his apartment was would help strengthen his argument. And after being at work for so long his feet were fucking killing him and he really wanted to sit down.
Justin shoved his hands into his jacket pockets, obviously apprehensive.
Aaron tried to muster a friendly smile, but quickly realized it probably just came off weird, so he slowly let his lips drop into their normal position.
Justin seemed to think it over for a few more seconds. With hands still in his pockets he kicked at some nonexistent rocks at his feet before uttering a quiet, β€œOkay.”
Okay, this was progress.
Aaron nodded, grinning excitedly before leading the way towards his apartment. The whole walk was awkward and as he struggled to unlock his front door with one arm, as the other was holding Cerrone, he could see the hesitance on Justin’s face.
As the key turned and he pushed the door open, he only hoped for one thing
Please don’t let there be a huge pile of this guy’s underwear sitting in my living room floor.
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allenmendezsr Β· 5 years ago
Home Made Strength Online Dvd
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/home-made-strength-online-dvd/
Home Made Strength Online Dvd
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Β Buy Now
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Β Β Β  Raise your hand if you are sick and tired of getting over-charged for strength training equipment when you know damn well you could build it yourself if only you knew how.
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Give me a HELL YEAH! if you’ve noticed any of the following:
– Equipment prices equal to purchasing a used car
– You can’t fill your gas tank up because you’re saving for a new dragging sled
– You feel like you’re taking money from your family every time you buy a new piece of equipment
– You invest in a new piece of equipment for hundreds of dollars only to find out that it doesn’t work or doesn’t meet your expectations
– You feel bad using the equipment you buy because it costs so much you don’t want to mess up the paint job
– Every spare nickel and dime you get you stick in a coffee jar in order to save up for the next big wishlist item
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Dear Friend, I’m Jedd Johnson, from the Diesel Crew, and I want to be perfectly honest with you.
Over the years I have struggled to scrape up enough money to buy the equipment I needed for my training.
I have competed in countless strongman and grip competitions and when I first started, I had to rob Peter to pay Paul in order to get the equipment I needed.
Starting out right after college, I had a car payment, college loans, credit card bills, cell phone bills, and had to buy food and supplements. I had very little extra money to throw at training equipment. It took me years to accumulate what I have gotten.
I was recently talking with my friend, Joe Hashey from Synergy Athletics, about how expensive some of the equipment on the market is these days. It turns out, his story is just like mine. He was in the same boat I was – Bills and debt stood in the way of him buying the equipment he has wanted for his athletes for years.
Unlike the golden boys who were born with a silver spoon in their mouths, Joe and I toiled in the dust and dirt begging, borrowing, and stealing our way to get our equipment.
I can’t begin to count the number of people I have spoken with that have told me the same exact thing – their budgets these days are just not big enough to pay the prices equipment companies are asking for their equipment.
For a new trainer or a strength enthusiast with limited resources, it can be damn hard to scrape up the money to put together a respectable collection of equipment.
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Joe and I have built our garage gyms from the ground up.
Recently, we put our heads together and we came up with a list of equipment that we knew how to make ourselves.
We decided we were going to give back to the people that have been so supportive of us over the years and show you all how to make your own Home Made Strength Equipment, with the HOME MADE STRENGTH ONLINE DVD.
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BREAK THROUGH: Finally, you no longer have to struggle to pay for equipment or deal with a guilty conscience for buying the equipment you need in your training.
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This is the information the equipment companies don’t want you to know.
– Never scrounge around for nickels and dimes to pay for your equipment again.
Never hock your precious possessions in order to get money for new lifting gear again.
Never apply for an extra part-time job to pay for a new training device.
Never stress out about bouncing another check you send to an equipment company.
Never worry that you won’t be able to condition properly because you don’t have the right equipment.
Never slight your athletes and hold their progress back again.
Never go to bed wondering how you’re going to explain the new monstrous charges to the credit card to your girlfriend or wife.
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The Home Made Strength Online DVD
After you purchase this video today, you will see
8 creative ways
to cheaply manufacture essential strength building pieces of equipment.
– Not only do we show you
how to quickly make a tool that will strengthen your upper back and improve your should mobility and stability, but we give you a technique tutorial on how to properly and safely use it.
– Not only do we show you
how to build one of the best conditioning tools ever designed out of materials you have lying around your house, but we also show you movements you can do with it that are fun and will make you a better, stronger athlete.
– And also, not only do we show you how to build the
MOST CHALLENGING thick bar I have ever trained on, we show you multiple ways how to use it to improve your grip strength.
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Stop and think for a minute how nice it is going to be to have a gym full of great functional equipment without having to go broke getting it.Can you picture how nice it is going to train the way you want to AND to be able to sleep soundly at night knowing that you did not have to go into debt in order to do it?
You’ll no longer have to struggle with:
– Regret – Stress – Worry – Buyer’s Remorse – Financial Woes – Economic Duress – An Empty Wallet – Mounting Credit Card Debt (from equipment expenses)
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In one Sunday morning we were able to build
8 great quality pieces of Home Made Strength Equipment:
– A Bad-ass Mace you can use for building tremendous Grip strength, shoulder mobility and aerobic capacity, and that you’ll be proud to own
– The most challenging
Revolving Thick Bar that will build machine-like Grip strength like no other on the market, while costing you only a fraction of the price
– A
Glute Ham Raise that will have you running and leaping faster and further than ever before and takes up almost NO SPACE in your garage
Each piece took about
15 minutes to build.
It took us
less than three hours to put it all together.
In many cases, this equipment was a
fraction of the price of what is advertised on popular websites.
In all of the cases, the
materials are readily available at places like Lowes, Home Depot, or WalMart.
And the best part about it is WE GOT IT ALL ON FILM. Now, with the Home Made Strength Online DVD, Joe and I show you how it is all done – how to make your own equipment.
Pick up the Home Made Strength Online DVD today and you will find out how to build high quality strength equipment that will last you for years and cost only a fraction of what the big companies are charging. Don’t put up with the conspiracy anymore. It’s time to start equipping your gym with home made equipment.
No more excuses for why you can’t make your own stuff anymore.
We are going to show you how!
This video that is going to SAVE YOU BIG BUCKS for just $27 (SPECIAL ANNIVERARY PRICE).
Don’t put it off – make a change in your training TODAY!!
Any questions – hit me up at [email protected]. If not, then all the best in your training,
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Jedd Johnson, CSCS The Diesel Crew
P.S. Don’t let the next 12 months be like the last 12. Do something about it. Get the Online DVD, start making your own stuff, and start getting stronger. Just get it done.
P.P.S. Remember, your success is money back guaranteed! If this Online DVD doesn’t honestly show you how to put together quality strength equipment at a fraction of the price that the big companies are pushing it for then you can keep the DVD and we will send your money back to you.
P.P.P.S. 30 days from now, you’ll either be a month older, or you’ll have a new collection of functional strength equipment in your gym making you stronger each time you hit a workout? What’s it going to be?
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A little bit about us:
Jedd Johnson
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I am certified through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist or CSCS. I have been an active member since 2001 and have spoken at many NSCA state clinics on athletic strength development.
Joe Hashey
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Joe earned his qualifications as a NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. Additionally he has his Masters in the Arts of Education from Colgate University and runs Synergy Athletics in Endicott, NY.
0 notes
allenmendezsr Β· 5 years ago
Home Made Strength Online Dvd
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/home-made-strength-online-dvd/
Home Made Strength Online Dvd
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Β Buy Now
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Β Β Β  Raise your hand if you are sick and tired of getting over-charged for strength training equipment when you know damn well you could build it yourself if only you knew how.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Give me a HELL YEAH! if you’ve noticed any of the following:
– Equipment prices equal to purchasing a used car
– You can’t fill your gas tank up because you’re saving for a new dragging sled
– You feel like you’re taking money from your family every time you buy a new piece of equipment
– You invest in a new piece of equipment for hundreds of dollars only to find out that it doesn’t work or doesn’t meet your expectations
– You feel bad using the equipment you buy because it costs so much you don’t want to mess up the paint job
– Every spare nickel and dime you get you stick in a coffee jar in order to save up for the next big wishlist item
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
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Dear Friend, I’m Jedd Johnson, from the Diesel Crew, and I want to be perfectly honest with you.
Over the years I have struggled to scrape up enough money to buy the equipment I needed for my training.
I have competed in countless strongman and grip competitions and when I first started, I had to rob Peter to pay Paul in order to get the equipment I needed.
Starting out right after college, I had a car payment, college loans, credit card bills, cell phone bills, and had to buy food and supplements. I had very little extra money to throw at training equipment. It took me years to accumulate what I have gotten.
I was recently talking with my friend, Joe Hashey from Synergy Athletics, about how expensive some of the equipment on the market is these days. It turns out, his story is just like mine. He was in the same boat I was – Bills and debt stood in the way of him buying the equipment he has wanted for his athletes for years.
Unlike the golden boys who were born with a silver spoon in their mouths, Joe and I toiled in the dust and dirt begging, borrowing, and stealing our way to get our equipment.
I can’t begin to count the number of people I have spoken with that have told me the same exact thing – their budgets these days are just not big enough to pay the prices equipment companies are asking for their equipment.
For a new trainer or a strength enthusiast with limited resources, it can be damn hard to scrape up the money to put together a respectable collection of equipment.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Joe and I have built our garage gyms from the ground up.
Recently, we put our heads together and we came up with a list of equipment that we knew how to make ourselves.
We decided we were going to give back to the people that have been so supportive of us over the years and show you all how to make your own Home Made Strength Equipment, with the HOME MADE STRENGTH ONLINE DVD.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
BREAK THROUGH: Finally, you no longer have to struggle to pay for equipment or deal with a guilty conscience for buying the equipment you need in your training.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
This is the information the equipment companies don’t want you to know.
– Never scrounge around for nickels and dimes to pay for your equipment again.
Never hock your precious possessions in order to get money for new lifting gear again.
Never apply for an extra part-time job to pay for a new training device.
Never stress out about bouncing another check you send to an equipment company.
Never worry that you won’t be able to condition properly because you don’t have the right equipment.
Never slight your athletes and hold their progress back again.
Never go to bed wondering how you’re going to explain the new monstrous charges to the credit card to your girlfriend or wife.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
The Home Made Strength Online DVD
After you purchase this video today, you will see
8 creative ways
to cheaply manufacture essential strength building pieces of equipment.
– Not only do we show you
how to quickly make a tool that will strengthen your upper back and improve your should mobility and stability, but we give you a technique tutorial on how to properly and safely use it.
– Not only do we show you
how to build one of the best conditioning tools ever designed out of materials you have lying around your house, but we also show you movements you can do with it that are fun and will make you a better, stronger athlete.
– And also, not only do we show you how to build the
MOST CHALLENGING thick bar I have ever trained on, we show you multiple ways how to use it to improve your grip strength.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Stop and think for a minute how nice it is going to be to have a gym full of great functional equipment without having to go broke getting it.Can you picture how nice it is going to train the way you want to AND to be able to sleep soundly at night knowing that you did not have to go into debt in order to do it?
You’ll no longer have to struggle with:
– Regret – Stress – Worry – Buyer’s Remorse – Financial Woes – Economic Duress – An Empty Wallet – Mounting Credit Card Debt (from equipment expenses)
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
In one Sunday morning we were able to build
8 great quality pieces of Home Made Strength Equipment:
– A Bad-ass Mace you can use for building tremendous Grip strength, shoulder mobility and aerobic capacity, and that you’ll be proud to own
– The most challenging
Revolving Thick Bar that will build machine-like Grip strength like no other on the market, while costing you only a fraction of the price
– A
Glute Ham Raise that will have you running and leaping faster and further than ever before and takes up almost NO SPACE in your garage
Each piece took about
15 minutes to build.
It took us
less than three hours to put it all together.
In many cases, this equipment was a
fraction of the price of what is advertised on popular websites.
In all of the cases, the
materials are readily available at places like Lowes, Home Depot, or WalMart.
And the best part about it is WE GOT IT ALL ON FILM. Now, with the Home Made Strength Online DVD, Joe and I show you how it is all done – how to make your own equipment.
Pick up the Home Made Strength Online DVD today and you will find out how to build high quality strength equipment that will last you for years and cost only a fraction of what the big companies are charging. Don’t put up with the conspiracy anymore. It’s time to start equipping your gym with home made equipment.
No more excuses for why you can’t make your own stuff anymore.
We are going to show you how!
This video that is going to SAVE YOU BIG BUCKS for just $27 (SPECIAL ANNIVERARY PRICE).
Don’t put it off – make a change in your training TODAY!!
Any questions – hit me up at [email protected]. If not, then all the best in your training,
Tumblr media
Jedd Johnson, CSCS The Diesel Crew
P.S. Don’t let the next 12 months be like the last 12. Do something about it. Get the Online DVD, start making your own stuff, and start getting stronger. Just get it done.
P.P.S. Remember, your success is money back guaranteed! If this Online DVD doesn’t honestly show you how to put together quality strength equipment at a fraction of the price that the big companies are pushing it for then you can keep the DVD and we will send your money back to you.
P.P.P.S. 30 days from now, you’ll either be a month older, or you’ll have a new collection of functional strength equipment in your gym making you stronger each time you hit a workout? What’s it going to be?
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
A little bit about us:
Jedd Johnson
Tumblr media
I am certified through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist or CSCS. I have been an active member since 2001 and have spoken at many NSCA state clinics on athletic strength development.
Joe Hashey
Tumblr media
Joe earned his qualifications as a NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. Additionally he has his Masters in the Arts of Education from Colgate University and runs Synergy Athletics in Endicott, NY.
0 notes
allenmendezsr Β· 5 years ago
Home Made Strength Online Dvd
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/home-made-strength-online-dvd/
Home Made Strength Online Dvd
Tumblr media
Β Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Β Β Β  Raise your hand if you are sick and tired of getting over-charged for strength training equipment when you know damn well you could build it yourself if only you knew how.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Give me a HELL YEAH! if you’ve noticed any of the following:
– Equipment prices equal to purchasing a used car
– You can’t fill your gas tank up because you’re saving for a new dragging sled
– You feel like you’re taking money from your family every time you buy a new piece of equipment
– You invest in a new piece of equipment for hundreds of dollars only to find out that it doesn’t work or doesn’t meet your expectations
– You feel bad using the equipment you buy because it costs so much you don’t want to mess up the paint job
– Every spare nickel and dime you get you stick in a coffee jar in order to save up for the next big wishlist item
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Tumblr media
Dear Friend, I’m Jedd Johnson, from the Diesel Crew, and I want to be perfectly honest with you.
Over the years I have struggled to scrape up enough money to buy the equipment I needed for my training.
I have competed in countless strongman and grip competitions and when I first started, I had to rob Peter to pay Paul in order to get the equipment I needed.
Starting out right after college, I had a car payment, college loans, credit card bills, cell phone bills, and had to buy food and supplements. I had very little extra money to throw at training equipment. It took me years to accumulate what I have gotten.
I was recently talking with my friend, Joe Hashey from Synergy Athletics, about how expensive some of the equipment on the market is these days. It turns out, his story is just like mine. He was in the same boat I was – Bills and debt stood in the way of him buying the equipment he has wanted for his athletes for years.
Unlike the golden boys who were born with a silver spoon in their mouths, Joe and I toiled in the dust and dirt begging, borrowing, and stealing our way to get our equipment.
I can’t begin to count the number of people I have spoken with that have told me the same exact thing – their budgets these days are just not big enough to pay the prices equipment companies are asking for their equipment.
For a new trainer or a strength enthusiast with limited resources, it can be damn hard to scrape up the money to put together a respectable collection of equipment.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Joe and I have built our garage gyms from the ground up.
Recently, we put our heads together and we came up with a list of equipment that we knew how to make ourselves.
We decided we were going to give back to the people that have been so supportive of us over the years and show you all how to make your own Home Made Strength Equipment, with the HOME MADE STRENGTH ONLINE DVD.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
BREAK THROUGH: Finally, you no longer have to struggle to pay for equipment or deal with a guilty conscience for buying the equipment you need in your training.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
This is the information the equipment companies don’t want you to know.
– Never scrounge around for nickels and dimes to pay for your equipment again.
Never hock your precious possessions in order to get money for new lifting gear again.
Never apply for an extra part-time job to pay for a new training device.
Never stress out about bouncing another check you send to an equipment company.
Never worry that you won’t be able to condition properly because you don’t have the right equipment.
Never slight your athletes and hold their progress back again.
Never go to bed wondering how you’re going to explain the new monstrous charges to the credit card to your girlfriend or wife.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
The Home Made Strength Online DVD
After you purchase this video today, you will see
8 creative ways
to cheaply manufacture essential strength building pieces of equipment.
– Not only do we show you
how to quickly make a tool that will strengthen your upper back and improve your should mobility and stability, but we give you a technique tutorial on how to properly and safely use it.
– Not only do we show you
how to build one of the best conditioning tools ever designed out of materials you have lying around your house, but we also show you movements you can do with it that are fun and will make you a better, stronger athlete.
– And also, not only do we show you how to build the
MOST CHALLENGING thick bar I have ever trained on, we show you multiple ways how to use it to improve your grip strength.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Stop and think for a minute how nice it is going to be to have a gym full of great functional equipment without having to go broke getting it.Can you picture how nice it is going to train the way you want to AND to be able to sleep soundly at night knowing that you did not have to go into debt in order to do it?
You’ll no longer have to struggle with:
– Regret – Stress – Worry – Buyer’s Remorse – Financial Woes – Economic Duress – An Empty Wallet – Mounting Credit Card Debt (from equipment expenses)
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
In one Sunday morning we were able to build
8 great quality pieces of Home Made Strength Equipment:
– A Bad-ass Mace you can use for building tremendous Grip strength, shoulder mobility and aerobic capacity, and that you’ll be proud to own
– The most challenging
Revolving Thick Bar that will build machine-like Grip strength like no other on the market, while costing you only a fraction of the price
– A
Glute Ham Raise that will have you running and leaping faster and further than ever before and takes up almost NO SPACE in your garage
Each piece took about
15 minutes to build.
It took us
less than three hours to put it all together.
In many cases, this equipment was a
fraction of the price of what is advertised on popular websites.
In all of the cases, the
materials are readily available at places like Lowes, Home Depot, or WalMart.
And the best part about it is WE GOT IT ALL ON FILM. Now, with the Home Made Strength Online DVD, Joe and I show you how it is all done – how to make your own equipment.
Pick up the Home Made Strength Online DVD today and you will find out how to build high quality strength equipment that will last you for years and cost only a fraction of what the big companies are charging. Don’t put up with the conspiracy anymore. It’s time to start equipping your gym with home made equipment.
No more excuses for why you can’t make your own stuff anymore.
We are going to show you how!
This video that is going to SAVE YOU BIG BUCKS for just $27 (SPECIAL ANNIVERARY PRICE).
Don’t put it off – make a change in your training TODAY!!
Any questions – hit me up at [email protected]. If not, then all the best in your training,
Tumblr media
Jedd Johnson, CSCS The Diesel Crew
P.S. Don’t let the next 12 months be like the last 12. Do something about it. Get the Online DVD, start making your own stuff, and start getting stronger. Just get it done.
P.P.S. Remember, your success is money back guaranteed! If this Online DVD doesn’t honestly show you how to put together quality strength equipment at a fraction of the price that the big companies are pushing it for then you can keep the DVD and we will send your money back to you.
P.P.P.S. 30 days from now, you’ll either be a month older, or you’ll have a new collection of functional strength equipment in your gym making you stronger each time you hit a workout? What’s it going to be?
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
A little bit about us:
Jedd Johnson
Tumblr media
I am certified through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist or CSCS. I have been an active member since 2001 and have spoken at many NSCA state clinics on athletic strength development.
Joe Hashey
Tumblr media
Joe earned his qualifications as a NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. Additionally he has his Masters in the Arts of Education from Colgate University and runs Synergy Athletics in Endicott, NY.
0 notes
allenmendezsr Β· 5 years ago
Home Made Strength Online Dvd
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/home-made-strength-online-dvd/
Home Made Strength Online Dvd
Tumblr media
Β Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Β Β Β  Raise your hand if you are sick and tired of getting over-charged for strength training equipment when you know damn well you could build it yourself if only you knew how.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Give me a HELL YEAH! if you’ve noticed any of the following:
– Equipment prices equal to purchasing a used car
– You can’t fill your gas tank up because you’re saving for a new dragging sled
– You feel like you’re taking money from your family every time you buy a new piece of equipment
– You invest in a new piece of equipment for hundreds of dollars only to find out that it doesn’t work or doesn’t meet your expectations
– You feel bad using the equipment you buy because it costs so much you don’t want to mess up the paint job
– Every spare nickel and dime you get you stick in a coffee jar in order to save up for the next big wishlist item
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Tumblr media
Dear Friend, I’m Jedd Johnson, from the Diesel Crew, and I want to be perfectly honest with you.
Over the years I have struggled to scrape up enough money to buy the equipment I needed for my training.
I have competed in countless strongman and grip competitions and when I first started, I had to rob Peter to pay Paul in order to get the equipment I needed.
Starting out right after college, I had a car payment, college loans, credit card bills, cell phone bills, and had to buy food and supplements. I had very little extra money to throw at training equipment. It took me years to accumulate what I have gotten.
I was recently talking with my friend, Joe Hashey from Synergy Athletics, about how expensive some of the equipment on the market is these days. It turns out, his story is just like mine. He was in the same boat I was – Bills and debt stood in the way of him buying the equipment he has wanted for his athletes for years.
Unlike the golden boys who were born with a silver spoon in their mouths, Joe and I toiled in the dust and dirt begging, borrowing, and stealing our way to get our equipment.
I can’t begin to count the number of people I have spoken with that have told me the same exact thing – their budgets these days are just not big enough to pay the prices equipment companies are asking for their equipment.
For a new trainer or a strength enthusiast with limited resources, it can be damn hard to scrape up the money to put together a respectable collection of equipment.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Joe and I have built our garage gyms from the ground up.
Recently, we put our heads together and we came up with a list of equipment that we knew how to make ourselves.
We decided we were going to give back to the people that have been so supportive of us over the years and show you all how to make your own Home Made Strength Equipment, with the HOME MADE STRENGTH ONLINE DVD.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
BREAK THROUGH: Finally, you no longer have to struggle to pay for equipment or deal with a guilty conscience for buying the equipment you need in your training.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
This is the information the equipment companies don’t want you to know.
– Never scrounge around for nickels and dimes to pay for your equipment again.
Never hock your precious possessions in order to get money for new lifting gear again.
Never apply for an extra part-time job to pay for a new training device.
Never stress out about bouncing another check you send to an equipment company.
Never worry that you won’t be able to condition properly because you don’t have the right equipment.
Never slight your athletes and hold their progress back again.
Never go to bed wondering how you’re going to explain the new monstrous charges to the credit card to your girlfriend or wife.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
The Home Made Strength Online DVD
After you purchase this video today, you will see
8 creative ways
to cheaply manufacture essential strength building pieces of equipment.
– Not only do we show you
how to quickly make a tool that will strengthen your upper back and improve your should mobility and stability, but we give you a technique tutorial on how to properly and safely use it.
– Not only do we show you
how to build one of the best conditioning tools ever designed out of materials you have lying around your house, but we also show you movements you can do with it that are fun and will make you a better, stronger athlete.
– And also, not only do we show you how to build the
MOST CHALLENGING thick bar I have ever trained on, we show you multiple ways how to use it to improve your grip strength.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Stop and think for a minute how nice it is going to be to have a gym full of great functional equipment without having to go broke getting it.Can you picture how nice it is going to train the way you want to AND to be able to sleep soundly at night knowing that you did not have to go into debt in order to do it?
You’ll no longer have to struggle with:
– Regret – Stress – Worry – Buyer’s Remorse – Financial Woes – Economic Duress – An Empty Wallet – Mounting Credit Card Debt (from equipment expenses)
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
In one Sunday morning we were able to build
8 great quality pieces of Home Made Strength Equipment:
– A Bad-ass Mace you can use for building tremendous Grip strength, shoulder mobility and aerobic capacity, and that you’ll be proud to own
– The most challenging
Revolving Thick Bar that will build machine-like Grip strength like no other on the market, while costing you only a fraction of the price
– A
Glute Ham Raise that will have you running and leaping faster and further than ever before and takes up almost NO SPACE in your garage
Each piece took about
15 minutes to build.
It took us
less than three hours to put it all together.
In many cases, this equipment was a
fraction of the price of what is advertised on popular websites.
In all of the cases, the
materials are readily available at places like Lowes, Home Depot, or WalMart.
And the best part about it is WE GOT IT ALL ON FILM. Now, with the Home Made Strength Online DVD, Joe and I show you how it is all done – how to make your own equipment.
Pick up the Home Made Strength Online DVD today and you will find out how to build high quality strength equipment that will last you for years and cost only a fraction of what the big companies are charging. Don’t put up with the conspiracy anymore. It’s time to start equipping your gym with home made equipment.
No more excuses for why you can’t make your own stuff anymore.
We are going to show you how!
This video that is going to SAVE YOU BIG BUCKS for just $27 (SPECIAL ANNIVERARY PRICE).
Don’t put it off – make a change in your training TODAY!!
Any questions – hit me up at [email protected]. If not, then all the best in your training,
Tumblr media
Jedd Johnson, CSCS The Diesel Crew
P.S. Don’t let the next 12 months be like the last 12. Do something about it. Get the Online DVD, start making your own stuff, and start getting stronger. Just get it done.
P.P.S. Remember, your success is money back guaranteed! If this Online DVD doesn’t honestly show you how to put together quality strength equipment at a fraction of the price that the big companies are pushing it for then you can keep the DVD and we will send your money back to you.
P.P.P.S. 30 days from now, you’ll either be a month older, or you’ll have a new collection of functional strength equipment in your gym making you stronger each time you hit a workout? What’s it going to be?
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
A little bit about us:
Jedd Johnson
Tumblr media
I am certified through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist or CSCS. I have been an active member since 2001 and have spoken at many NSCA state clinics on athletic strength development.
Joe Hashey
Tumblr media
Joe earned his qualifications as a NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. Additionally he has his Masters in the Arts of Education from Colgate University and runs Synergy Athletics in Endicott, NY.
0 notes
allenmendezsr Β· 5 years ago
Home Made Strength Online Dvd
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/home-made-strength-online-dvd/
Home Made Strength Online Dvd
Tumblr media
Β Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Β Β Β  Raise your hand if you are sick and tired of getting over-charged for strength training equipment when you know damn well you could build it yourself if only you knew how.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Give me a HELL YEAH! if you’ve noticed any of the following:
– Equipment prices equal to purchasing a used car
– You can’t fill your gas tank up because you’re saving for a new dragging sled
– You feel like you’re taking money from your family every time you buy a new piece of equipment
– You invest in a new piece of equipment for hundreds of dollars only to find out that it doesn’t work or doesn’t meet your expectations
– You feel bad using the equipment you buy because it costs so much you don’t want to mess up the paint job
– Every spare nickel and dime you get you stick in a coffee jar in order to save up for the next big wishlist item
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Tumblr media
Dear Friend, I’m Jedd Johnson, from the Diesel Crew, and I want to be perfectly honest with you.
Over the years I have struggled to scrape up enough money to buy the equipment I needed for my training.
I have competed in countless strongman and grip competitions and when I first started, I had to rob Peter to pay Paul in order to get the equipment I needed.
Starting out right after college, I had a car payment, college loans, credit card bills, cell phone bills, and had to buy food and supplements. I had very little extra money to throw at training equipment. It took me years to accumulate what I have gotten.
I was recently talking with my friend, Joe Hashey from Synergy Athletics, about how expensive some of the equipment on the market is these days. It turns out, his story is just like mine. He was in the same boat I was – Bills and debt stood in the way of him buying the equipment he has wanted for his athletes for years.
Unlike the golden boys who were born with a silver spoon in their mouths, Joe and I toiled in the dust and dirt begging, borrowing, and stealing our way to get our equipment.
I can’t begin to count the number of people I have spoken with that have told me the same exact thing – their budgets these days are just not big enough to pay the prices equipment companies are asking for their equipment.
For a new trainer or a strength enthusiast with limited resources, it can be damn hard to scrape up the money to put together a respectable collection of equipment.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Joe and I have built our garage gyms from the ground up.
Recently, we put our heads together and we came up with a list of equipment that we knew how to make ourselves.
We decided we were going to give back to the people that have been so supportive of us over the years and show you all how to make your own Home Made Strength Equipment, with the HOME MADE STRENGTH ONLINE DVD.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
BREAK THROUGH: Finally, you no longer have to struggle to pay for equipment or deal with a guilty conscience for buying the equipment you need in your training.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
This is the information the equipment companies don’t want you to know.
– Never scrounge around for nickels and dimes to pay for your equipment again.
Never hock your precious possessions in order to get money for new lifting gear again.
Never apply for an extra part-time job to pay for a new training device.
Never stress out about bouncing another check you send to an equipment company.
Never worry that you won’t be able to condition properly because you don’t have the right equipment.
Never slight your athletes and hold their progress back again.
Never go to bed wondering how you’re going to explain the new monstrous charges to the credit card to your girlfriend or wife.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
The Home Made Strength Online DVD
After you purchase this video today, you will see
8 creative ways
to cheaply manufacture essential strength building pieces of equipment.
– Not only do we show you
how to quickly make a tool that will strengthen your upper back and improve your should mobility and stability, but we give you a technique tutorial on how to properly and safely use it.
– Not only do we show you
how to build one of the best conditioning tools ever designed out of materials you have lying around your house, but we also show you movements you can do with it that are fun and will make you a better, stronger athlete.
– And also, not only do we show you how to build the
MOST CHALLENGING thick bar I have ever trained on, we show you multiple ways how to use it to improve your grip strength.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Stop and think for a minute how nice it is going to be to have a gym full of great functional equipment without having to go broke getting it.Can you picture how nice it is going to train the way you want to AND to be able to sleep soundly at night knowing that you did not have to go into debt in order to do it?
You’ll no longer have to struggle with:
– Regret – Stress – Worry – Buyer’s Remorse – Financial Woes – Economic Duress – An Empty Wallet – Mounting Credit Card Debt (from equipment expenses)
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
In one Sunday morning we were able to build
8 great quality pieces of Home Made Strength Equipment:
– A Bad-ass Mace you can use for building tremendous Grip strength, shoulder mobility and aerobic capacity, and that you’ll be proud to own
– The most challenging
Revolving Thick Bar that will build machine-like Grip strength like no other on the market, while costing you only a fraction of the price
– A
Glute Ham Raise that will have you running and leaping faster and further than ever before and takes up almost NO SPACE in your garage
Each piece took about
15 minutes to build.
It took us
less than three hours to put it all together.
In many cases, this equipment was a
fraction of the price of what is advertised on popular websites.
In all of the cases, the
materials are readily available at places like Lowes, Home Depot, or WalMart.
And the best part about it is WE GOT IT ALL ON FILM. Now, with the Home Made Strength Online DVD, Joe and I show you how it is all done – how to make your own equipment.
Pick up the Home Made Strength Online DVD today and you will find out how to build high quality strength equipment that will last you for years and cost only a fraction of what the big companies are charging. Don’t put up with the conspiracy anymore. It’s time to start equipping your gym with home made equipment.
No more excuses for why you can’t make your own stuff anymore.
We are going to show you how!
This video that is going to SAVE YOU BIG BUCKS for just $27 (SPECIAL ANNIVERARY PRICE).
Don’t put it off – make a change in your training TODAY!!
Any questions – hit me up at [email protected]. If not, then all the best in your training,
Tumblr media
Jedd Johnson, CSCS The Diesel Crew
P.S. Don’t let the next 12 months be like the last 12. Do something about it. Get the Online DVD, start making your own stuff, and start getting stronger. Just get it done.
P.P.S. Remember, your success is money back guaranteed! If this Online DVD doesn’t honestly show you how to put together quality strength equipment at a fraction of the price that the big companies are pushing it for then you can keep the DVD and we will send your money back to you.
P.P.P.S. 30 days from now, you’ll either be a month older, or you’ll have a new collection of functional strength equipment in your gym making you stronger each time you hit a workout? What’s it going to be?
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
A little bit about us:
Jedd Johnson
Tumblr media
I am certified through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist or CSCS. I have been an active member since 2001 and have spoken at many NSCA state clinics on athletic strength development.
Joe Hashey
Tumblr media
Joe earned his qualifications as a NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. Additionally he has his Masters in the Arts of Education from Colgate University and runs Synergy Athletics in Endicott, NY.
0 notes
allenmendezsr Β· 5 years ago
Home Made Strength Online Dvd
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/home-made-strength-online-dvd/
Home Made Strength Online Dvd
Tumblr media
Β Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Β Β Β  Raise your hand if you are sick and tired of getting over-charged for strength training equipment when you know damn well you could build it yourself if only you knew how.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Give me a HELL YEAH! if you’ve noticed any of the following:
– Equipment prices equal to purchasing a used car
– You can’t fill your gas tank up because you’re saving for a new dragging sled
– You feel like you’re taking money from your family every time you buy a new piece of equipment
– You invest in a new piece of equipment for hundreds of dollars only to find out that it doesn’t work or doesn’t meet your expectations
– You feel bad using the equipment you buy because it costs so much you don’t want to mess up the paint job
– Every spare nickel and dime you get you stick in a coffee jar in order to save up for the next big wishlist item
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Tumblr media
Dear Friend, I’m Jedd Johnson, from the Diesel Crew, and I want to be perfectly honest with you.
Over the years I have struggled to scrape up enough money to buy the equipment I needed for my training.
I have competed in countless strongman and grip competitions and when I first started, I had to rob Peter to pay Paul in order to get the equipment I needed.
Starting out right after college, I had a car payment, college loans, credit card bills, cell phone bills, and had to buy food and supplements. I had very little extra money to throw at training equipment. It took me years to accumulate what I have gotten.
I was recently talking with my friend, Joe Hashey from Synergy Athletics, about how expensive some of the equipment on the market is these days. It turns out, his story is just like mine. He was in the same boat I was – Bills and debt stood in the way of him buying the equipment he has wanted for his athletes for years.
Unlike the golden boys who were born with a silver spoon in their mouths, Joe and I toiled in the dust and dirt begging, borrowing, and stealing our way to get our equipment.
I can’t begin to count the number of people I have spoken with that have told me the same exact thing – their budgets these days are just not big enough to pay the prices equipment companies are asking for their equipment.
For a new trainer or a strength enthusiast with limited resources, it can be damn hard to scrape up the money to put together a respectable collection of equipment.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Joe and I have built our garage gyms from the ground up.
Recently, we put our heads together and we came up with a list of equipment that we knew how to make ourselves.
We decided we were going to give back to the people that have been so supportive of us over the years and show you all how to make your own Home Made Strength Equipment, with the HOME MADE STRENGTH ONLINE DVD.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
BREAK THROUGH: Finally, you no longer have to struggle to pay for equipment or deal with a guilty conscience for buying the equipment you need in your training.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
This is the information the equipment companies don’t want you to know.
– Never scrounge around for nickels and dimes to pay for your equipment again.
Never hock your precious possessions in order to get money for new lifting gear again.
Never apply for an extra part-time job to pay for a new training device.
Never stress out about bouncing another check you send to an equipment company.
Never worry that you won’t be able to condition properly because you don’t have the right equipment.
Never slight your athletes and hold their progress back again.
Never go to bed wondering how you’re going to explain the new monstrous charges to the credit card to your girlfriend or wife.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
The Home Made Strength Online DVD
After you purchase this video today, you will see
8 creative ways
to cheaply manufacture essential strength building pieces of equipment.
– Not only do we show you
how to quickly make a tool that will strengthen your upper back and improve your should mobility and stability, but we give you a technique tutorial on how to properly and safely use it.
– Not only do we show you
how to build one of the best conditioning tools ever designed out of materials you have lying around your house, but we also show you movements you can do with it that are fun and will make you a better, stronger athlete.
– And also, not only do we show you how to build the
MOST CHALLENGING thick bar I have ever trained on, we show you multiple ways how to use it to improve your grip strength.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Stop and think for a minute how nice it is going to be to have a gym full of great functional equipment without having to go broke getting it.Can you picture how nice it is going to train the way you want to AND to be able to sleep soundly at night knowing that you did not have to go into debt in order to do it?
You’ll no longer have to struggle with:
– Regret – Stress – Worry – Buyer’s Remorse – Financial Woes – Economic Duress – An Empty Wallet – Mounting Credit Card Debt (from equipment expenses)
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
In one Sunday morning we were able to build
8 great quality pieces of Home Made Strength Equipment:
– A Bad-ass Mace you can use for building tremendous Grip strength, shoulder mobility and aerobic capacity, and that you’ll be proud to own
– The most challenging
Revolving Thick Bar that will build machine-like Grip strength like no other on the market, while costing you only a fraction of the price
– A
Glute Ham Raise that will have you running and leaping faster and further than ever before and takes up almost NO SPACE in your garage
Each piece took about
15 minutes to build.
It took us
less than three hours to put it all together.
In many cases, this equipment was a
fraction of the price of what is advertised on popular websites.
In all of the cases, the
materials are readily available at places like Lowes, Home Depot, or WalMart.
And the best part about it is WE GOT IT ALL ON FILM. Now, with the Home Made Strength Online DVD, Joe and I show you how it is all done – how to make your own equipment.
Pick up the Home Made Strength Online DVD today and you will find out how to build high quality strength equipment that will last you for years and cost only a fraction of what the big companies are charging. Don’t put up with the conspiracy anymore. It’s time to start equipping your gym with home made equipment.
No more excuses for why you can’t make your own stuff anymore.
We are going to show you how!
This video that is going to SAVE YOU BIG BUCKS for just $27 (SPECIAL ANNIVERARY PRICE).
Don’t put it off – make a change in your training TODAY!!
Any questions – hit me up at [email protected]. If not, then all the best in your training,
Tumblr media
Jedd Johnson, CSCS The Diesel Crew
P.S. Don’t let the next 12 months be like the last 12. Do something about it. Get the Online DVD, start making your own stuff, and start getting stronger. Just get it done.
P.P.S. Remember, your success is money back guaranteed! If this Online DVD doesn’t honestly show you how to put together quality strength equipment at a fraction of the price that the big companies are pushing it for then you can keep the DVD and we will send your money back to you.
P.P.P.S. 30 days from now, you’ll either be a month older, or you’ll have a new collection of functional strength equipment in your gym making you stronger each time you hit a workout? What’s it going to be?
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
A little bit about us:
Jedd Johnson
Tumblr media
I am certified through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist or CSCS. I have been an active member since 2001 and have spoken at many NSCA state clinics on athletic strength development.
Joe Hashey
Tumblr media
Joe earned his qualifications as a NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. Additionally he has his Masters in the Arts of Education from Colgate University and runs Synergy Athletics in Endicott, NY.
0 notes
allenmendezsr Β· 5 years ago
Home Made Strength Online Dvd
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/home-made-strength-online-dvd/
Home Made Strength Online Dvd
Tumblr media
Β Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Β Β Β  Raise your hand if you are sick and tired of getting over-charged for strength training equipment when you know damn well you could build it yourself if only you knew how.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Give me a HELL YEAH! if you’ve noticed any of the following:
– Equipment prices equal to purchasing a used car
– You can’t fill your gas tank up because you’re saving for a new dragging sled
– You feel like you’re taking money from your family every time you buy a new piece of equipment
– You invest in a new piece of equipment for hundreds of dollars only to find out that it doesn’t work or doesn’t meet your expectations
– You feel bad using the equipment you buy because it costs so much you don’t want to mess up the paint job
– Every spare nickel and dime you get you stick in a coffee jar in order to save up for the next big wishlist item
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Tumblr media
Dear Friend, I’m Jedd Johnson, from the Diesel Crew, and I want to be perfectly honest with you.
Over the years I have struggled to scrape up enough money to buy the equipment I needed for my training.
I have competed in countless strongman and grip competitions and when I first started, I had to rob Peter to pay Paul in order to get the equipment I needed.
Starting out right after college, I had a car payment, college loans, credit card bills, cell phone bills, and had to buy food and supplements. I had very little extra money to throw at training equipment. It took me years to accumulate what I have gotten.
I was recently talking with my friend, Joe Hashey from Synergy Athletics, about how expensive some of the equipment on the market is these days. It turns out, his story is just like mine. He was in the same boat I was – Bills and debt stood in the way of him buying the equipment he has wanted for his athletes for years.
Unlike the golden boys who were born with a silver spoon in their mouths, Joe and I toiled in the dust and dirt begging, borrowing, and stealing our way to get our equipment.
I can’t begin to count the number of people I have spoken with that have told me the same exact thing – their budgets these days are just not big enough to pay the prices equipment companies are asking for their equipment.
For a new trainer or a strength enthusiast with limited resources, it can be damn hard to scrape up the money to put together a respectable collection of equipment.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½ – – –
Joe and I have built our garage gyms from the ground up.
Recently, we put our heads together and we came up with a list of equipment that we knew how to make ourselves.
We decided we were going to give back to the people that have been so supportive of us over the years and show you all how to make your own Home Made Strength Equipment, with the HOME MADE STRENGTH ONLINE DVD.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
BREAK THROUGH: Finally, you no longer have to struggle to pay for equipment or deal with a guilty conscience for buying the equipment you need in your training.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
This is the information the equipment companies don’t want you to know.
– Never scrounge around for nickels and dimes to pay for your equipment again.
Never hock your precious possessions in order to get money for new lifting gear again.
Never apply for an extra part-time job to pay for a new training device.
Never stress out about bouncing another check you send to an equipment company.
Never worry that you won’t be able to condition properly because you don’t have the right equipment.
Never slight your athletes and hold their progress back again.
Never go to bed wondering how you’re going to explain the new monstrous charges to the credit card to your girlfriend or wife.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
The Home Made Strength Online DVD
After you purchase this video today, you will see
8 creative ways
to cheaply manufacture essential strength building pieces of equipment.
– Not only do we show you
how to quickly make a tool that will strengthen your upper back and improve your should mobility and stability, but we give you a technique tutorial on how to properly and safely use it.
– Not only do we show you
how to build one of the best conditioning tools ever designed out of materials you have lying around your house, but we also show you movements you can do with it that are fun and will make you a better, stronger athlete.
– And also, not only do we show you how to build the
MOST CHALLENGING thick bar I have ever trained on, we show you multiple ways how to use it to improve your grip strength.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Stop and think for a minute how nice it is going to be to have a gym full of great functional equipment without having to go broke getting it.Can you picture how nice it is going to train the way you want to AND to be able to sleep soundly at night knowing that you did not have to go into debt in order to do it?
You’ll no longer have to struggle with:
– Regret – Stress – Worry – Buyer’s Remorse – Financial Woes – Economic Duress – An Empty Wallet – Mounting Credit Card Debt (from equipment expenses)
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
In one Sunday morning we were able to build
8 great quality pieces of Home Made Strength Equipment:
– A Bad-ass Mace you can use for building tremendous Grip strength, shoulder mobility and aerobic capacity, and that you’ll be proud to own
– The most challenging
Revolving Thick Bar that will build machine-like Grip strength like no other on the market, while costing you only a fraction of the price
– A
Glute Ham Raise that will have you running and leaping faster and further than ever before and takes up almost NO SPACE in your garage
Each piece took about
15 minutes to build.
It took us
less than three hours to put it all together.
In many cases, this equipment was a
fraction of the price of what is advertised on popular websites.
In all of the cases, the
materials are readily available at places like Lowes, Home Depot, or WalMart.
And the best part about it is WE GOT IT ALL ON FILM. Now, with the Home Made Strength Online DVD, Joe and I show you how it is all done – how to make your own equipment.
Pick up the Home Made Strength Online DVD today and you will find out how to build high quality strength equipment that will last you for years and cost only a fraction of what the big companies are charging. Don’t put up with the conspiracy anymore. It’s time to start equipping your gym with home made equipment.
No more excuses for why you can’t make your own stuff anymore.
We are going to show you how!
This video that is going to SAVE YOU BIG BUCKS for just $27 (SPECIAL ANNIVERARY PRICE).
Don’t put it off – make a change in your training TODAY!!
Any questions – hit me up at [email protected]. If not, then all the best in your training,
Tumblr media
Jedd Johnson, CSCS The Diesel Crew
P.S. Don’t let the next 12 months be like the last 12. Do something about it. Get the Online DVD, start making your own stuff, and start getting stronger. Just get it done.
P.P.S. Remember, your success is money back guaranteed! If this Online DVD doesn’t honestly show you how to put together quality strength equipment at a fraction of the price that the big companies are pushing it for then you can keep the DVD and we will send your money back to you.
P.P.P.S. 30 days from now, you’ll either be a month older, or you’ll have a new collection of functional strength equipment in your gym making you stronger each time you hit a workout? What’s it going to be?
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
A little bit about us:
Jedd Johnson
Tumblr media
I am certified through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist or CSCS. I have been an active member since 2001 and have spoken at many NSCA state clinics on athletic strength development.
Joe Hashey
Tumblr media
Joe earned his qualifications as a NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. Additionally he has his Masters in the Arts of Education from Colgate University and runs Synergy Athletics in Endicott, NY.
0 notes
allenmendezsr Β· 5 years ago
Home Made Strength Online Dvd
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/home-made-strength-online-dvd/
Home Made Strength Online Dvd
Tumblr media
Β Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Β Β Β  Raise your hand if you are sick and tired of getting over-charged for strength training equipment when you know damn well you could build it yourself if only you knew how.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Give me a HELL YEAH! if you’ve noticed any of the following:
– Equipment prices equal to purchasing a used car
– You can’t fill your gas tank up because you’re saving for a new dragging sled
– You feel like you’re taking money from your family every time you buy a new piece of equipment
– You invest in a new piece of equipment for hundreds of dollars only to find out that it doesn’t work or doesn’t meet your expectations
– You feel bad using the equipment you buy because it costs so much you don’t want to mess up the paint job
– Every spare nickel and dime you get you stick in a coffee jar in order to save up for the next big wishlist item
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Tumblr media
Dear Friend, I’m Jedd Johnson, from the Diesel Crew, and I want to be perfectly honest with you.
Over the years I have struggled to scrape up enough money to buy the equipment I needed for my training.
I have competed in countless strongman and grip competitions and when I first started, I had to rob Peter to pay Paul in order to get the equipment I needed.
Starting out right after college, I had a car payment, college loans, credit card bills, cell phone bills, and had to buy food and supplements. I had very little extra money to throw at training equipment. It took me years to accumulate what I have gotten.
I was recently talking with my friend, Joe Hashey from Synergy Athletics, about how expensive some of the equipment on the market is these days. It turns out, his story is just like mine. He was in the same boat I was – Bills and debt stood in the way of him buying the equipment he has wanted for his athletes for years.
Unlike the golden boys who were born with a silver spoon in their mouths, Joe and I toiled in the dust and dirt begging, borrowing, and stealing our way to get our equipment.
I can’t begin to count the number of people I have spoken with that have told me the same exact thing – their budgets these days are just not big enough to pay the prices equipment companies are asking for their equipment.
For a new trainer or a strength enthusiast with limited resources, it can be damn hard to scrape up the money to put together a respectable collection of equipment.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Joe and I have built our garage gyms from the ground up.
Recently, we put our heads together and we came up with a list of equipment that we knew how to make ourselves.
We decided we were going to give back to the people that have been so supportive of us over the years and show you all how to make your own Home Made Strength Equipment, with the HOME MADE STRENGTH ONLINE DVD.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
BREAK THROUGH: Finally, you no longer have to struggle to pay for equipment or deal with a guilty conscience for buying the equipment you need in your training.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
This is the information the equipment companies don’t want you to know.
– Never scrounge around for nickels and dimes to pay for your equipment again.
Never hock your precious possessions in order to get money for new lifting gear again.
Never apply for an extra part-time job to pay for a new training device.
Never stress out about bouncing another check you send to an equipment company.
Never worry that you won’t be able to condition properly because you don’t have the right equipment.
Never slight your athletes and hold their progress back again.
Never go to bed wondering how you’re going to explain the new monstrous charges to the credit card to your girlfriend or wife.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
The Home Made Strength Online DVD
After you purchase this video today, you will see
8 creative ways
to cheaply manufacture essential strength building pieces of equipment.
– Not only do we show you
how to quickly make a tool that will strengthen your upper back and improve your should mobility and stability, but we give you a technique tutorial on how to properly and safely use it.
– Not only do we show you
how to build one of the best conditioning tools ever designed out of materials you have lying around your house, but we also show you movements you can do with it that are fun and will make you a better, stronger athlete.
– And also, not only do we show you how to build the
MOST CHALLENGING thick bar I have ever trained on, we show you multiple ways how to use it to improve your grip strength.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Stop and think for a minute how nice it is going to be to have a gym full of great functional equipment without having to go broke getting it.Can you picture how nice it is going to train the way you want to AND to be able to sleep soundly at night knowing that you did not have to go into debt in order to do it?
You’ll no longer have to struggle with:
– Regret – Stress – Worry – Buyer’s Remorse – Financial Woes – Economic Duress – An Empty Wallet – Mounting Credit Card Debt (from equipment expenses)
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
In one Sunday morning we were able to build
8 great quality pieces of Home Made Strength Equipment:
– A Bad-ass Mace you can use for building tremendous Grip strength, shoulder mobility and aerobic capacity, and that you’ll be proud to own
– The most challenging
Revolving Thick Bar that will build machine-like Grip strength like no other on the market, while costing you only a fraction of the price
– A
Glute Ham Raise that will have you running and leaping faster and further than ever before and takes up almost NO SPACE in your garage
Each piece took about
15 minutes to build.
It took us
less than three hours to put it all together.
In many cases, this equipment was a
fraction of the price of what is advertised on popular websites.
In all of the cases, the
materials are readily available at places like Lowes, Home Depot, or WalMart.
And the best part about it is WE GOT IT ALL ON FILM. Now, with the Home Made Strength Online DVD, Joe and I show you how it is all done – how to make your own equipment.
Pick up the Home Made Strength Online DVD today and you will find out how to build high quality strength equipment that will last you for years and cost only a fraction of what the big companies are charging. Don’t put up with the conspiracy anymore. It’s time to start equipping your gym with home made equipment.
No more excuses for why you can’t make your own stuff anymore.
We are going to show you how!
This video that is going to SAVE YOU BIG BUCKS for just $27 (SPECIAL ANNIVERARY PRICE).
Don’t put it off – make a change in your training TODAY!!
Any questions – hit me up at [email protected]. If not, then all the best in your training,
Tumblr media
Jedd Johnson, CSCS The Diesel Crew
P.S. Don’t let the next 12 months be like the last 12. Do something about it. Get the Online DVD, start making your own stuff, and start getting stronger. Just get it done.
P.P.S. Remember, your success is money back guaranteed! If this Online DVD doesn’t honestly show you how to put together quality strength equipment at a fraction of the price that the big companies are pushing it for then you can keep the DVD and we will send your money back to you.
P.P.P.S. 30 days from now, you’ll either be a month older, or you’ll have a new collection of functional strength equipment in your gym making you stronger each time you hit a workout? What’s it going to be?
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A little bit about us:
Jedd Johnson
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I am certified through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist or CSCS. I have been an active member since 2001 and have spoken at many NSCA state clinics on athletic strength development.
Joe Hashey
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Joe earned his qualifications as a NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. Additionally he has his Masters in the Arts of Education from Colgate University and runs Synergy Athletics in Endicott, NY.
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