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WAB train, engine number 603, engine type 4-4-2 Passenger train; 7 cars. Photographed: near St. Louis., Mo., November 5, 1927.
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aryburn-trains · 9 months
Another Christmas Cab Unit by Will Rasmussen Via Flickr: Trainboy made a quick run down to Springfield in order to nail the NS Santa Train running out of Decatur with me. His truck came in handy to navigate the 5+ inches of snow that fell during the overnight and morning hours. Another nice series of runbys were performed by the fine equipment of the Monticello Railway Museum with Wabash F7A 1189 leading the way at Righter (Harristown, IL).
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what's your favorite john album lyrics wise? :)
Hi anon, thanks for this ask!!
While I think Double Fantasy is my fave overall, that's 50% Yoko and also I think the production is a big factor in my love for it. So I'd say Walls and Bridges, which I feel just has a lot of interesting things to say about living with John Lennon Brain (lol). Mannnnn I hope it gets a reassessment when they come out with a new mix for it, although i don't think its sound is actually that badly dated (it's interesting to me that I find John was a better producer than he's often given credit for). I wish #9 Dream and Nobody Loves You were more highly regarded John songs :(
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guerrerense · 1 year
PANO 146 / 145 / Wengneralp por Marc Boltshauser Por Flickr: Am Tag des Lauberhornrennens sollte jeweils jedes Rad der WAB rollen. Als wir am Morgen hochfuhren hatte es bereits eine Stunde Stau in Wengen. Dabei konnten zwei BDhe 4/4-Pendel ausgemacht werden. In Schlemmerlaune fuhren wir hoch und freuten uns auf die BDhe 4/4-Pendel. Leider sind diese auf mich alergisch, so dass wir es hinbrachten, jeweils dort zu sein, wo die BDhe 4/4 nicht waren. Ohne Foto und mit etwas Frust zogen wir um drei von dannen, denn morgen gibts etwas weiteres zu erledigen. Dies ist dann aber eine andere Geschichte. Weil die meisten Passagiere über die neue V-Bahn gelenkt wurden, waren alle 10 Panos auf der Lauterbrunnen-Seite unterwegs. Vier Doppeltraktionen, sowie zwei mit einem BDt 251ff. Sie wurden abschnittsweise mit zwei BDhe 4/4 , dem 114er sowie dem 117er samt Steuerwagen unterstützt. Auf dem Grindelwalder-Ast waren die vier DTW 131-134 in Doppeltraktion unterwegs. Morgens wurden alle Kurse in Wengen gebrochen, man musste umsteigen. Ob dies sinnvoll war, kann ich nicht beurteilen. Hier sind die PANO 146 und 145 auf Talfahrt oberhalb der Wengneralp in Richtung Wengen unterwegs. Fazit vom heutigen Ausflug: Ich würde wieder gehen, jedoch wäre die Ideale Position für die BDhe 4/4 zwischen Wengen und der Wengneralp. Leider gibts es dort wenige bekannte Fotostellen, doch ich werde sicher etwas machbares finden. Aber vielleicht wird das diesjährige Konzept wieder über den Haufen geworfen und ein neues erarbeitet. Wir werden es sehen ...
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scribblaire · 2 years
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july 2020: a quick eye watercolor study using tokyo finds watercolor journal 300gsm -- a small notebook you can carry wherever for a random sketch or your next big idea.
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miastaslow · 6 months
"Gdynia obiecana" czyli miasto z morza
Na spotkaniach Sosnowieckiego Klubu z Kawą nad Książką staramy się sięgać po książki nieoczywiste, które w innych okolicznościach byśmy pominęli. Czasem jednak sugerujemy się pozytywnymi opiniami czytelników sprawdzając pozycje nagrodzone w różnych rankingach i plebiscytach - tym razem nasz wybór padł na Gdynię obiecaną Grzegorza Piątka.
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Autor z dbałością o szczegóły i faktografię, ale nie tracąc przystępności przekazu snuje opowieść o międzywojennej Gdyni. Jest to historia o ludziach, architekturze oraz epoce II Rzeczypospolitej i każdy z tych elementów jest równie ważny dla zrozumienia fenomenu "miasta z morza". To co udało się Piątkowi przede wszystkim to opowiadanie historii przez pryzmat architektury i opowiadanie architektury przez pryzmat historii, wzbogacając całość o interesujące odniesienia do współczesności. Gdynia obiecana pokazuje jak architektura i urbanistyka przekładają się na funkcjonowanie zbiorowości, z czego możemy wyciągać wnioski również obecnie. To także pasjonująca opowieść o ludziach żyjących w "ciekawych czasach", prezentowana z perspektywy różnych narodów i warstw społecznych. Piątek dokłada też swoją cegiełkę do demitologizacji okresu międzywojennego pokazując po równo blaski jak również cienie tego okresu. Wszystko to razem sprawiło, że uznaliśmy Gdynię obiecaną za jedną z najciekawszych lektur 2023 roku.
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fmarkets · 8 months
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WAB's Revenue Soars to New Heights in Latest Fiscal Period https://csimarket.com/stocks/news.php?code=WAB&date=2024-02-16215036&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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nsebullcom · 1 year
Guru Fundamental Report for WAB - Martin Zweig
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Below is Validea's guru fundamental report for WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE TECHNOLOGIES CORP (WAB). Of the 22 guru strategies we follow, WAB rates highest using our Growth Investor model based on the published strategy of Martin Zweig. This strategy looks for growth stocks with persistent accelerating earnings and sales growth, reasonable valuations and low debt. WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE TECHNOLOGIES CORP (WAB) is a large-cap growth stock in the Railroads industry. The rating using this strategy is 69% based on the firm’s underlying fundamentals and the stock’s valuation. A score of 80% or above typically indicates that the strategy has some interest in the stock and a score above 90% typically indicates strong interest. The following table summarizes whether the stock meets each of this strategy's tests. Not all criteria in the below table receive equal weighting or are independent, but the table provides a brief overview of the strong and weak points of the security in the context of the strategy's criteria.P/E RATIO:PASSREVENUE GROWTH IN RELATION TO EPS GROWTH:FAILSALES GROWTH RATE:PASSCURRENT QUARTER EARNINGS:PASSQUARTERLY EARNINGS ONE YEAR AGO:PASSPOSITIVE EARNINGS GROWTH RATE FOR CURRENT QUARTER:PASSEARNINGS GROWTH RATE FOR THE PAST SEVERAL QUARTERS:FAILEPS GROWTH FOR CURRENT QUARTER MUST BE GREATER THAN PRIOR 3 QUARTERS:PASSEPS GROWTH FOR CURRENT QUARTER MUST BE GREATER THAN THE HISTORICAL GROWTH RATE:PASSEARNINGS PERSISTENCE:FAILLONG-TERM EPS GROWTH:PASSTOTAL DEBT/EQUITY RATIO:PASSINSIDER TRANSACTIONS:PASSDetailed Analysis of WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE TECHNOLOGIES CORP WAB Guru Analysis WAB Fundamental Analysis More Information on Martin Zweig Martin Zweig Portfolio About Martin Zweig: During the 15 years that it was monitored, Zweig's stock recommendation newsletter returned an average of 15.9 percent per year, during which time it was ranked number one based on risk-adjusted returns by Hulbert Financial Digest. Zweig has managed both mutual and hedge funds during his career, and he's put the fortune he's compiled to some interesting uses. He has owned what Forbes reported was the most expensive apartment in New York, a $70 million penthouse that sits atop Manhattan's Pierre Hotel, and he is a collector of all sorts of pop culture and historical memorabilia -- among his purchases are the gun used by Clint Eastwood in "Dirty Harry", a stock certificate signed by Commodore Vanderbilt, and even two old-fashioned gas pumps similar to those he'd seen at a nearby gas station while growing up in Cleveland, according to published reports. Additional Research Links Top NASDAQ 100 Stocks Factor-Based Stock Portfolios Factor-Based ETF Portfolios Harry Browne Permanent Portfolio Ray Dalio All Weather Portfolio About Validea: Validea is aninvestment researchservice that follows the published strategies of investment legends. Validea offers both stock analysis and model portfolios based on gurus who have outperformed the market over the long-term, including Warren Buffett, Benjamin Graham, Peter Lynch and Martin Zweig. For more information about Validea, click here The views and opinions expressed herein are the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Nasdaq, Inc. Source link Read the full article
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aryburn-kc · 2 years
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Kansas City Southern 25 at Kansas City, MO August 9, 1961
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WAB train, engine number 674, engine type 4-6-2 Passenger train; 11 cars, 50 MPH. Photographed: near St. Louis., Mo., June 17, 1946.
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aryburn-trains · 1 year
Untitled by Bob Wilcox Via Flickr: NKP 759 leads the westbound Golden Spike Centennial Limited through Peru, IN. May 5, 1969
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what was john ON when he wrote nobody loves you
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Wab Kinew’s New Democratic Party is projected to have enough seats in the Manitoba Legislature to form a majority government, taking the helm after two consecutive terms of a majority Tory regime. The CTV News Decision Desk is declaring the NDP have been elected in the Manitoba Legislature. The win comes after weeks of opinion polling in the run-up to election day that put the New Democrats as the favourite to win, especially in the seat-rich Winnipeg. The win also makes Kinew Manitoba’s first First Nations premier and second Indigenous premier, after John Norquay. The Metis politician served as the province’s fifth premier until 1887. The party campaigned on a platform of rehabilitating health care, helping Manitobans cope with the affordability crisis, and a five-point plan to address crime.
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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bettercallwillow · 3 months
AFTER DARK: sneak peek
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pairing: obi-wan x reader
contents: oral (m!recieving), dirty talk, praise
note: just a little peek of a story i've had brewing for a long long long while (too long) it should be out in the next week or so :))
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As if muscle memory, you nodded and stuck out your tongue, eager to feel the weight of his dick. “Good girl, always know what to do,” He opened his sleep robe, revealing his massive length to your hungry eyes. Wasting no time, he shoved himself into your open mouth, the tip hitting the back of your throat and making you gag.
He didn’t pull out though, instead snaking his hand into your hair and pulling you further down his cock, making your eyes fill up with tears. You looked up at him and just the look on his face alone could make you cum right there. “There we go, sweetheart, I know you can take it, be a good girl,”
He fucking knew you melted when he spoke to you like that. He knew you would instantly submit to him, let him do anything he wanted to you.
Starting off slow, Obi started to move his hips, tears falling down your face as the tip stretched your throat- burning in the most delicious way. “You look so pretty with a mouth stuffed full of my cock, little one,” he groaned, his other hand slapping your cheek lightly, “How did I get so lucky to have such an obedient little cockslut like you, hm?”
As much as you were enjoying having his huge length invade your throat, you so wished he would be done with it now because you were seriously starting to throb with how much you needed him. He must have sensed this too, because after another few thrusts, he pulled out; enjoying it as you coughed and spluttered, gasping for air as spit drooled from your mouth.
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things-methinks · 2 months
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miastaslow · 11 months
Listopad w sosnowieckim Klubie z Kawą nad Książką
Książka: Gdynia obiecana. Miasto, modernizm, modernizacja 1920-1939
Autor: Grzegorz Piątek
Data spotkania: 12.11.2023
Miejsce spotkania: Herbaciarnia Marzenie, ul. Grochowa 1
Godzina spotkania: 17:30
Osoba kontaktowa: Tomek [email protected]
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Listopadowe spotkanie sosnowieckiego klubu z kawą nad książką poświęcimy rozmowie o książce Gdynia Obiecana Grzegorza Piątka.
Gdynia obiecana to opowieść o mieście tworzonym od podstaw, gdzie można było zacząć „z czystą hipoteką”: przezwyciężyć różnice między zaborami, pokonać zacofanie, uciec od narodowych przywar, od wiejskiej nędzy i wielkomiejskiego bezrobocia, zostawić w tyle waśnie etniczne i konflikty klasowe, uniknąć urbanistycznych błędów i historycznych ograniczeń krępujących rozwój innych miast. Tu nowe pokolenie uczyło się nowych umiejętności i zawodów związanych z morzem i międzynarodowym handlem. Tu, niczym w laboratorium, mogła powstać nieobciążona żadną złą ani dobrą tradycją nowoczesna polska miejskość oraz morska polskość. Tu Polska miała uciec do przodu, z wieku dziewiętnastego w dwudziesty.
Zapraszamy do lektury i oczywiście do wspólnej rozmowy o książce!
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