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grrlmusic · 2 months ago
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vijaxx · 18 days ago
billie series
it seems like yall really want a series so here's vote 2/3!
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radix-outpost · 4 months ago
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Coming in at project no. 40: Eternal Sailor Chibi Moon!
The element I was most concerned about was her twintails... which ended up being very easy to figure out, after I stopped stressing about making the base and tips all one piece. :U
She has the exact same body as Saturn, though due to the difference in gauge between my ivory and light peach yarn, Saturn gets the height advantage.
Pattern below:
{light peach} 0) MR 6 1) inc 6 (12) 2) [sc, inc] x6 (18) 3) [sc 2, inc] x6 (24) 4) [sc 3, inc] x6 (30) 5) [sc 4, inc] x6 (36) 6) [sc 5, inc] x6 (42) 7) [sc 6, inc] x6 (48) 8) [sc 7, inc] x6 (54) 9-20) sc 54 {embroider face, starting from R14; mouth is top of R19} 21) [sc 7, dec] x6 (48) 22) [sc 6, dec] x6 (42) 23) [sc 3, dec] x12 (30)
[EARS] x2
{light peach} 0) ch 5 1) sc 4, ch, turn 2) sc 2, inc, sc (5) {top point of ear is sewn on at R14, 6 sc away from eye} {embroider earrings}
{yellow} 0) ch 11 1) sc 2, hdc 8 2) ch 11 3) sc 2, hdc 8 {embroider gem into center}
{soft pink} 0) MR 6 1) inc 6 (12) 2) [sc, inc] x6 (18) 3) [sc 2, inc] x6 (24) 4) [sc 3, inc] x6 (30) 5) [sc 4, inc] x6 (36) 6) [sc 5, inc] x6 (42) 7) [sc 6, inc] x6 (48) 8) [sc 7, inc] x6 (54) 9-10) sc 54 11-18) sc 26, ch, turn 19) sc 12, dec, sc 11, ch, turn (25) 20) sc 13, dec, sc 10, ch, turn (24) 21) sc 24 {depending on yarn used, you may need to subtract rows starting from R9}
{soft pink} 0) MR 6 1) inc 6 (12) 2) [dc, dc-inc] x6 (18) 3) [dc 2, dc-inc] x6 (24) 4) [dc 3, dc-inc] x6 (30) 5) dc 30 6) [dc 3, dc-dec] x6 (24) 7) [dc 2, dc-dec] x6 (18) {begin stuffing twintail} 8) [dc, dc-dec] x6 (12) {sc closed} tip, 0) MR 6 1) sc 6 2) inc 6 (12) 3) dc 3-in-1, sc
{soft pink} 0) MR 6 1) sc 6 2) inc 6 (12) 3) sc 12 4) [sc, inc] x6 (18) 5) sc 18 6) [sc 2, inc] x6 (24) 7-9) sc 24 10) [sc 2, dec] x6 (18) 11) [sc, dec] x6 (12)
{start w/red} 0) MR 6 1) inc 6 (12) 2) cc white, [sc, inc] x6 (18) {upper section: [ch 5, sc 4] x2}
[BANGS] x2
{soft pink} 0) ch 7 1) sc, hdc, dc 4, ch, turn 2) dc, dc-inc, dc 2, hdc, sc, ch, turn (7) 3) sc 2, hdc, dc 4 4) ch 7 5) sc, hdc, dc 4, ch, turn 6) dc, dc-inc, dc 2, hdc, sc, ch, turn (7) 7) sc 2, hdc, dc 4
{pink} 0) ch 7+3 1) dc into 4th chain from hook, [dc 3-in-1] x5
{white} 0) [ch 4, sc 3] x3
{start w/ white} 0) MR 6 1) inc 6 (12) 2) [sc, inc] x6 (18) 3) [sc 2, inc] x6 (24) 4) [sc 3, inc] x6 (30) 5) [sc 4, inc] x6 (36) 6) [sc 5, inc] x6 (42) 7) [sc 6, inc] x6 (48) 8-10) sc 48 11) [sc 6, dec] x6 (42) 12-13) sc 42 14) [sc 6, inc] x6 (48) 15-16) sc 48 17) sc 7, inc 18) sc 10, cc light peach, sc 15, cc white, sc 29 (54) {carefully cc such that the "exposed skin" bit is always around 15 sc in length} 19) [sc 3, dec] x12 (42) 20) [sc 3, dec] x12 (30)
{pink} {work in rows} 0) ch 17 1-4) dc 16 5-8) hdc 5, ch, turn 9) hdc, dec, hdc 2 10-13) hdc 4 14) hdc, dec, hdc 15-17) hdc 3 {return to other end of R4 and repeat R5-17} {embroider piping}
[LEGS] x2
{start w/ white} 0) ch 17 1) sc 16; join round 2-5) sc 16 6) cc pink, [sc 3, inc] x 4 (20) 7) cc light peach, sc 20 8-11) sc 20 {sc closed} {embroider star before sewing on foot/stuffing}
[FEET] x2
{white} 0) MR 6 1) inc 6 (12) 2) [sc, inc] x6 (18) 3-9) sc 18 {begin stuffing foot} 10) [sc, dec] x6 (12) 11) dec 6 (6) 12) dec closed
{start w/ white} 0) ch 7 1) sc 6, continue on other side, sc 6 (12) 2) sc 12 3) [sc 6, inc] x 2 (14) 4-5) sc 14 6) cc pink, sc 14 7) {thumb} ch 3 8) sc 2
[ARMS] x2
{start w/ soft pink} 0) MR 6 1) inc 6 (12) 2) [sc, inc] x6 (18) 3) [sc 2, inc] x6 (24) 4) sc 24 5) [sc 2, dec] x 6 (18) 6) cc pink, [sc 3, dec] x4 (14) 7) cc light peach, sc 14 8) cc pink, sc 14 9) cc white, sc 14 10-13) sc 14
{start w/ soft pink; keep with it for second tier} 0) ch 49 1) sc 48, join 2) cc pink, dc 48 3-4) dc 48 {alt: last two stitches are hdc, sc}
[BOWS] x2
{one in hot pink, one in soft pink} {work in rows} 0) ch 5 1-16) sc 4, ch, turn {fold and pinch in center}
{pink} 0) ch 17 1) sc 16 2) ch 17 3) sc 16
{pink} 0) ch however many you need to reach from skirt star to under back bow
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sachi-mei · 5 months ago
Studia (R14) *end of the round*
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Koniec tury wiąże się z odwiedzeniem moich studenciaków. Na samym początku na studia wybrała się trójka simów - Ursula, która wybrała studiowanie biologii, Tashia, która wybrała sztukę oraz Billy, którego wybór padł na ekonomię. Każdego z simów dzieli równy rok.
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Tashia jak to Tashia pierwsze czym się zajęła to romansowanie z różnymi simaki. Jak widać miewała w tym wzloty i upadki.
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Do grona studentów dołączył również Calvin, który postanowił studiować biologię. Mimo tego, że jest jedynie simem pragnącym bogactwa to romansuje, z każdą możliwą simką.
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Pewni simowie przychodzą na studia, a inni z nich odchodzą. Takim oto sposbem Stella jak i Ursula ukończyły uniwersytet z najwyższą możliwą ocenę co sprawi, że będą mogły powrócić do Miłowa z dużymi oszczędnościami.
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Do akademika wprowadziła się rownież Wilma wraz ze swoich chłopakiem. Yoosung nie czekał ani chwili i od razu postanowił się oświadczyć.
Wilma postanowiła studiować matematykę, a Yoosung literaturę.
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Na sam koniec tury również Tashia pożegnała się ze studiami. Może nie skończyła ich z najwyższą oceną, ale na pewno odchodzi z nich z największą ilością wspomnień.
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general-radix · 1 year ago
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The last member of DV's core seven (and project 19), Jess! Completed a couple of days ago; I know she looks weird without her shades, but I wasn't confident I could make those work.
This took a fair bit of experimentation--Jess has a very different body type from her pals, so I had to figure out how to make her both wider and shorter. The answer was to double three of the usual increase rounds, then do a normal round to get her to the number she needed to be at before moving up her torso. Jess's limbs are also wider.
Pattern below:
{latte} 0) MR 6 1) inc 6 (12) 2) [sc, inc] x6 (18) 3) [sc 2, inc] x6 (24) 4) [sc 3, inc] x6 (30) 5) [sc 4, inc] x6 (36) 6) [sc 5, inc] x6 (42) 7) [sc 6, inc] x6 (48) 8) [sc 7, inc] x6 (54) 9-21) sc 54 {embroider face; top of R15 is top of eye, bottom of R16 is bottom of eye, R20 is mouth} 22) [sc 7, dec] x 6 (48) 23) [sc 6, dec] x 6 (42) 24) [sc 3, dec] x12 (30)
[EARS] x2
{latte} 0) ch 5 1) sc 4, ch, turn 2) sc 2, inc, sc (5) {top point of ear is sewn on at R15, 6 sc away from eye} {embroider earrings}
{tropical pink} 0) MR 6 1) inc 6 (12) 2) [hdc, hdc-inc] x6 (18) 3) [hdc 2, hdc-inc] x6 (24) 4) [dc 3, dc-inc] x6 (30) 5) [dc 4, dc-inc] x6 (36) 6) [dc 5, dc-inc] x6 (42) 7) [dc 6, dc-inc] x7 (48) {embroider details and sideburns}
{tropical pink} 0) ch 15 1-3) sc 3, hdc 3, dc 2, hdc 3, sc 3, ch, turn 4) ch 15 5-7) sc 3, hdc 3, dc 2, hdc 3, sc 3, ch, turn 8) ch 15 9-11) sc 3, hdc 3, dc 2, hdc 3, sc 3, ch, turn 12) ch 15 13-15) sc 3, hdc 3, dc 2, hdc 3, sc 3, ch, turn 16) ch 15 17-19) sc 3, hdc 3, dc 2, hdc 3, sc 3, ch, turn 20) ch 15 21-23) sc 3, hdc 3, dc 2, hdc 3, sc 3, ch, turn
[HAIR B (shaping)]
{tropical pink} 0) ch 7 1-8) dc 6 {goes under Hair A before it's sewn all the way down}
[HAIR C] x2
{tropical pink} 0) ch 15 1-3) sc 3, hdc 3, dc 2, hdc 3, sc 3, ch, turn
{tropical pink} 0) ch 9 1) sc 2, hdc 2, dc 4, ch, turn 2) dc, dc-inc, dc, hdc 3, sc 2, ch, turn (9) 3) sc 4, hdc, dc, dc-inc, dc 2 (10) 4) ch 6 5) sc 3, hdc 2
{tropical pink} 0) ch 13 1) sc 3, hdc 3, dc 6, ch, turn 2) dc 2, dc-inc, dc-inc, dc, hdc 4, sc 3, ch, turn (14) 3) sc 3, hdc 4, dc 7
[STRAY BIT A (next to Bangs B)]
{tropical pink} 0) ch 4 1) sc, hdc 2
{tropical pink} 0) ch 7 1) sc, hdc, dc 2, hdc, sc
{tropical pink} 0) ch 9 1-3) sc, hdc 2, dc, hdc 2, sc, ch, turn
{start w/linen} 0) MR 6 1) inc 12 (24) 2) [sc, inc] x12 (36) 3) [sc 2, inc] x12 (48) 4) [sc 8, inc] x6 (54) 5-10) sc 54 11) cc latte, sc 54 12-14) sc 54 15) cc linen, [sc 8, inc] x6 (60) 16-17) sc 60 18) [sc 8, dec] x6 (54) 19) cc latte, sc 54 20) [sc 3, dec] x 12 (42) 21) [sc 3, dec] x 12 (30)
[LEGS] x2
{start w/aubergine} 0) ch 19 1) sc 18; join round 2-5) sc 18 6) cc latte, [sc 3, inc] x 4, sc 2 (22) 7-13) sc 22, sc closed on r14
[FEET] x2
{aubergine} 0) MR 6 1) inc 6 (12) 2) [sc, inc] x6 (18) 3-9) sc 18 {begin stuffing foot} 10) [sc, dec] x6 (12) 11) dec 6 (6) 12) dec closed
[ARMS] x2
{start w/linen} 0) ch 15 1) sc 14, join 2) [sc 3, inc] x2, sc 6 (16) 3) sc 16 4) cc latte, sc 14 5-12) sc 16 {sc closed}
[HANDS] x2
{start w/latte} 0) ch 7 1) sc 6, continue on other side, sc 6 (12) 2) sc 12 3) cc aubergine, [sc 6, inc] x 2 (14) 4-5) sc 14 6) {thumb, latte} ch 3 7) sc 2
[CUFFS] x2
{aubergine} 0) ch 16 1) sc 15; join around wrist
{aubergine} 0) ch 31 1) hdc 30, ch, turn 2-8) dc 30, ch, turn {row 8 is folded over to form collar}
{blue spruce} 0) ch 29 1-4) dc 28
{blue spruce} 0) ch 28 1-7) dc 28
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lumequentalea · 11 months ago
WolfChan (SKZOO) 🐺
1: 6 сбн в КА (6)
2: 6 пр (12)
3: (сбн, пр)х6 (18)
4: (2 сбн, пр)х6 (24)
5: (3 сбн, пр)х6 (30)
6: (4сбн, пр)х6 (36)
7: (8 сбн, пр)х6 (40)
8-9: 40 сбн (40)
10: (19 сбн, пр)х2 (42)
Добавляем другой цвет:
Серый - с, белый - б.
11: 12 сбн (с), 2 сбн (б), 5 сбн (с), 2 сбн (б), 21 сбн (с)
12: 11 сбн (с), 4 сбн (б), 3 сбн (с), 4 сбн (б), 20 сбн (с)
13: 10 сбн (с), 5 сбн (б), 3 сбн (с), 5 сбн (б), 19 сбн (с)
14: 9 сбн (с), 6 сбн (б), 3 сбн (с), 6 сбн (б), 18 сбн (с)
Вяжем только белым:
15: 42 сбн (42)
16: (5 сбн, уб)х6 (36)
17: (4 сбн, уб)х6 (30)
18: (3 сбн, уб)х6 (24)
19: (2 сбн, уб)х6 (18)
20: (сбн, уб)х6 (12)
21: 6 уб.
Закрепить нить, вышить нос и глаза.
1: 4 сбн в КА (4)
2: 4 пр (8)
3: (3 сбн, пр)х2 (10)
4: (сбн, пр)х5 (15)
5: (4 сбн, пр)х3 (18)
6: (4 сбн, уб)х3 (15)
Развернуть ��язание.
7: 6 сбн
Развернуть вязание.
8: 1 уб, 2 сбн, 1 уб (4)
WolfChan (SKZOO)
R1: 6 sc MR
R2: 6 inc [12]
R3: (sc, inc)х6 [18]
R4: (2 sc, inc)х6 [24]
R5: (3 sc, inc)х6 [30]
R6: (4 sc, inc)х6 [36]
R7: (8 sc, inc)х6 [40]
R8-9: 40 sc [40]
R10: (19 sc, inc)х2 [42]
Knitting with other colours:
Gray - g , White - w.
R11: 12 sc (g), 2 sc (w), 5 sc (g), 2 sc (w), 21 sc (g)
R12: 11 sc (g), 4 sc (w), 3 sc (g), 4 sc (w), 20 sc (g)
R13: 10 sc (g), 5 sc (w), 3 sc (g), 5 sc (w), 19 sc (g)
R14: 9 sc (g), 6 sc (w), 3 sc (g), 6 sc (w), 18 sc (g)
Let's use only white yarn:
R15: 42 sc [42]
R16: (5 sc, dec)х6 [36]
R17: (4 sc, dec)х6 [30]
R18: (3 sc, dec)х6 [24]
R19: (2 sc, dec)х6 [18]
R20: (sc, dec)х6 [12]
R21: 6 dec
Ears and nose in black felt.
Eyes and smile with black yarn.
Fringe and dimples with gray yarn.
R1: 4 sc MR [4]
R2: 4 пр [8]
R3: (3 sc, inc)х2 [10]
R4: (sc, inc)х5 [15]
R5: (4 sc, inc)х3 [18]
R6: (4 sc, dec)х3 [15]
Pick up a chain and turn.
R7: 6 sc
Pick up a chain and turn.
8: 1 dec, 2 sc, 1 dec [4]
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viridianed · 2 years ago
looming with cheryl hippo
LEGS (make 4)- 
MR w/ 6 sts
R1: sc, inc, inc, sc, sc, sc = 8 sts
R2-3: sc = 8 sts
tie off and stuff
EARS (make 2)-
MR w/ 5 sts
MR w/ 5 sts
R1: inc = 10 sts
R2: sc, inc = 15 sts
R3: sc, sc, inc = 20 sts
R4-10: sc = 20 sts
R11: sc, sc, dec = 15 sts
R12: sc, dec = 10 sts
R13: dec = 5 sts
dec until closed, stuff,  & add tail
MR w/ 5 sts
R1: inc = 10 sts
R2: sc, inc = 15 sts
R3: sc, sc inc = 20 sts
R4: sc (add nose on sts 8 and 13) = 20 sts
R5: sc = 20 sts
R6: sc, sc, dec = 15 sts
R7-8: sc = 15 sts
R9: sc, dec = 10 sts
R10-13: sc = 10 sts
R14: dec = 5 sts
dec until closed
attach ears and eyes
sew together
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theglaremage · 5 years ago
Happy February everyone! To start the month of love, I bring to you an amigurumi pattern of on of the most cutest duos: Plusle and Minun! These two Cheering Pokemon are known for using their electric powers to make pom-poms out of sparks in order for them to cheer on their friends. There’s always a special place in my heart for the Pikaclones of each generation and I’ve been dying to crochet one (or in this case, two) of them. I thought they would be perfect to make this month so you can have a pair of two cheerleaders by your side or give them to someone special!
As you can see from the picture, the main differences from Plusle and Minun are their color scheme, cheeks, and tail. Everything else is exactly the same so once you’ve made one, the other will be even easier to work up! More reference pictures will be near the end of the pattern.
Cream worsted weight yarn
Red worsted weight yarn (for Plusle)
Blue worsted weight yarn (for Minun)
Black worsted weight yarn
10mm safety eyes
E(3.5mm) crochet hook
Yarn needle
Fiberfill stuffing
FINISHED SIZE: 5 ½” tall including ears. Size may vary depending on hook size or type and brand of yarn used.
Using cream yarn
R1: Sc 6 in magic ring (6 sts)
R2: *Inc* rep 6 times (12 sts)
R3: *Sc 1, inc* rep 6 times (18 sts)
R4: *Sc 2, inc* rep 6 times (24 sts)
R5: *Sc 3, inc* rep 6 times (30 sts)
R6: *Sc 4, inc* rep 6 times (36 sts)
R7: *Sc 5, inc* rep 6 times (42 sts)
R8-13: Sc 42 (42 sts)
R14: *Sc 5, dec* rep 6 times (36 sts)
R15: *Sc 4, dec* rep 6 times (30 sts)
R16: *Sc 3, dec* rep 6 times (24 sts)
Insert safety eyes between R10 and R11 , 9 sts apart. Also begin stuffing head firmly.
R17: *Sc 2, dec* rep 6 times (18 sts)
R18: *Sc 1, dec* rep 6 times (12 sts)
Finish stuffing head.
R19: *Dec* rep 6 times (6 sts)
Fasten off and weave in the end.
Using black yarn, sew a “w” shaped mouth between R11 and R12
EARS (make 2)
Using red yarn for Plusle or blue yarn for Minun
R1: Sc 6 in magic ring (6 sts)
R2: *Sc 1, inc* rep 3 times (9 sts)
R3: Sc 9 (9 sts)
R4: *Sc 2, inc* rep 3 times (12 sts)
R5: Sc 12 (12 sts)
R6: *Sc 3, inc* rep 3 times (15 sts)
R7-9: Sc 15 (15 sts)
Switch to cream yarn
R10: *Sc 3, dec* rep 3 times (12 sts)
Begin stuffing ears firmly.
R11: *Sc 2, dec* rep 3 times (9 sts)
Finish off leaving long tail for sewing. Finish stuffing ears and sew to either side of the head
CHEEKS (make 2)
Using red yarn for Plusle or blue yarn for Minun
R1: Sc 6 in magic ring (6 sts)
R2: *Inc* rep 6 times (12 sts)
Finish off leaving long tail for sewing.
Using cream yarn, embroider plus sign for Plusle or minus sign for Minun on the cheeks. Sew to either side of the head.
Using cream yarn
R1: Sc 6 in magic ring (6 sts)
R2: *Inc* rep 6 times (12 sts)
R3: *Sc 1, inc* rep 6 times (18 sts)
R4: *Sc 2, inc* rep 6 times (24 sts)
R5: *Sc 3, inc* rep 6 times (30 sts)
R6-13: Sc 30 (30 sts)
Finish off leaving long tail for sewing. Stuff firmly and sew to head.
ARMS (make 2)
Using red yarn for Plusle or blue yarn for Minun
R1: Sc 6 in magic ring (6 sts)
R2: Sc 6 (6 sts)
Switch to cream yarn
R3-5: Sc 6 (6 sts)
Finish off leaving long tail for sewing. Sew to either side of the body under the head.
FEET (make 2)
Using cream yarn
R1: Sc 6 in magic ring (6 sts)
R2: *Inc* rep 6 times (12 sts)
R3: Sc 12 (12 sts)
R4: 6 dec (6 sts)
Fasten off and weave in the ends, thread a long tail through the center of the foot. Sew to body.
Using red yarn
R1: Sc 5 in magic ring (5 sts)
R2-6: Sc 5 (5 sts)
Switch to cream yarn
R7-9: Sc 5 (5 sts)
Finish off and leave long tail for sewing.
Using red yarn
R1: Sc 5 in magic ring
R2-3: Sc 5 (5 sts)
Finish off and leave long tail for sewing. Sew on either side of the base tail to form a plus sign. Sew base tail to back of the body.
Using blue yarn
R1: Sc 5 in magic ring (5 sts)
R2-3: Sc 5 (5 sts)
Switch to cream yarn
R4-6: Sc 5 (5 sts)
Finish off and leave long tail for sewing.
Using blue yarn
R1: Sc 5 in magic ring
R2-3: Sc 5 (5 sts)
Finish off and leave long tail for sewing. Sew on either side of the base tail to form a minus sign. Sew base tail to back of the body.
This pattern is an original pattern by Lauren Filio of Master Lauren’s Atelier. Please do not claim this pattern as your own. If you wish to share this pattern, you may link to this pattern but please DO NOT repost, sell, or distribute the pattern anywhere.
You may sell finished items made with this pattern but please credit Lauren Filio as the designer and link to my Instagram @themasterlauren or my WordPress.
Pattern: Plusle And Minun Happy February everyone! To start the month of love, I bring to you an amigurumi pattern of on of the most cutest duos: Plusle and Minun!
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toeflmaterial · 5 years ago
TOEFL IBT Reading Practice Test 27 Solution & Explanation
1.    |D) The Greeks were early supporters of the idea that life originated elsewhere and was carried to Earth. See Exercises R9-R14.
2.    (D) When something is “propelled” or “thrust,” it is pushed onward with great force. See Exercises R1-R3.
3.    |D) If it were known for certain that there is no life elsewhere, there would be no…
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chez-pezeater · 6 years ago
TCR Birthday Bash 2019: Day 7- Game Night
So this is probably going to get me either a lot of hate, thrown out of the fandom, or (best case scenario) requests for more. I’m honestly not sure which is worse (worst?) at this point. Either way please enjoy Cards Against Humanity: The Cat Returns Addition. Persephone is a TCR OC that belongs to @tcrmommabear & @sindysugar being used with their permissions.
At this point Hiromi has long since become a frequent visitor to the Bureau after following Haru one day. Meaning Hiromi while not quite as close to the others as Haru is, is still considered a friend.  Also the humans are in their early 20s and knowing my friends and I when we get into the game, potty language. Which really should just be a warning for CAH in general.
Cards Against Humanity (for those that don’t know) is played with two types of cards: Black prompt cards and White (I call them) Reaction cards. A person draws a prompt card and the other players put down their reaction card(s) face down and then replace the number of cards they used. Prompt drawing player flips them over and selects the best reaction card of the round. Best reaction card(s) win the prompt card. Prompt cards use between 1-3 reaction cards.
- - - - - - - - - - -
To be fair, the entire thing was ENTIRELY Hiromi’s fault. Now that’s not to say that Haru didn’t love her best friend, because she did. She also knew EXACTLY what kind of humor Hiromi had. Mix that with a card game who’s box quite literally proclaims it to be “A horrible game for horrible people”. Yeah… It’s all Hiromi’s fault.
Hiromi drew a black prompt card. “’What’s making things awkward in the sauna?’ Ok folks hit me with your best shots.”
Louise puts down a card reading ‘A sales team of clowns and pedophiles.’
Muta chose to use ‘Scrotum tickling.’
Persephone gave it some thought before selecting ‘Cute Boys.’
Baron hesitated before putting down ‘MechaHitler.’
Haru slaps down ‘Full Frontal Nudity.’ with NO HESITATION.
Toto calmly places down ‘Fiery Poops.’
Hiromi reads all the reaction cards before declaring “A sales team of clowns and pedophiles is the winner. Who put that down cuz yeah that would make things awkward?”
Louise raises a hand while smirking. She accepts her prize before drawing a new prompt card, “’Only two things in life are certain: death and (blank).’ Oh my, there are so many ways that could be taken.”
Hiromi slapped down ‘The violation of our most basic human rights.’ as her card.
Muta, thinking of everything that happens regarding any of the groups antics, put down ‘Total fucking chaos.’
Persephone, not having very many good cards, selects ‘The male gaze.’
Baron, knowing how dramatic his sister is, chose ‘Dropping a chandelier on your enemies and riding the rope up.’ (winner)
Haru hemmed and hawed before putting down ‘Kamikaze pilots.’
Toto put down ‘Every ounce of charisma left in Mick Jagger’s tired body.’ hoping to get some laughs.
Louise read the cards out loud, cackling in between them, and said “’Dropping a chandelier on your enemies’ wins. So which one of you called me out like this?”
“I did sister dear, after all between the two of us this is exactly the kind of dramatics you would use.” Snorts echoed around the table, implying that Louise wasn’t the only over-the-top-Gikkingen around.
And so the game continued:
R3) Muta- (prompt) Listen, Gary, I like you. But if you want that corner office, you’re going to have to show me (blank).
Hiromi- Being a busy adult with many important things to do
Louise- Deez nuts
Persephone- Exactly what you’d expect
Baron- A constant need for validation
Haru- My worthless son
Toto- Meaningless sex
“Tough call but with how humans are ‘A constant need for validation.’ wins although ‘Meaningless sex.’ was close.” “Drat,” Toto declared while Baron took another card.
R4)Persephone- (prompt) Dear Sir or Madam, We regret in infom you that the Office of (blank) has denied your request for (blank).
Hiromi- Bill Nye the Science Guy & A gassy antelope
Louise- Republicans & Black People
Muta- Blackula & The shambling corpse of Larry King
Baron- Sean Penn & Tripping balls
Haru- AXE Body Spray & Being fabulous
Toto-  Wifely duties & Consensual sex
“Seriously Louise? ‘Wifely duties.’ AND ‘Consensual sex.’ You know that combination wins.” “Sorry Love but that wasn’t mine.” “Nope it was mine.” “Well either way it was well played, well done Toto.”
“Looks like it’s time to pull out the ‘Most Horrible Person of the Night Award’.” “Hiromi, No!” “Hiromi YES!” “Hey! Why does Birdbrain get Doritos?!”
R5) Baron- (prompt) Well if (blank) is a crime, then lock me up!
Hiromi- The boners of the elderly
Louise-  Eating together like a god damn family for once
Muta- The harsh light of day
Persephone- The Boy Scouts of America
Haru- Saying “I Love You”
Toto- The light of a billion suns
“I feel like I’m being called out right now. Who played ‘Saying “I Love You.”?” Baron asked with a very unamused look on his face.
“I did,” Haru replied straightfaced.
“You’re never going to let that go are you?”
“What do you think?”
Baron sighed before handing Haru the prompt card. It was better not to argue with her.
R6) Haru- (prompt) When I was tripping on acid, (blank) turned into  (blank).
Hiromi- Sudden Poop Explosion Disease & Used panties
Louise- The economy & The sweet song of sword against sword and the braying of mighty war beasts
Muta- Expecting a burp and vomiting on the floor & Turning the rivers red with the blood of infidels (winner)
Persephone- Crazy opium eyes & Treasure beyond your wildest dreams
Baron- Natalie Portman & Angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night
Toto- A Ugandan warlord & Former President George W. Bush
“Really Muta? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: That’s disgusting.” “So are some of these reaction cards.”
R7) Toto- (prompt) Life for American Indians was forever changed when the White Man introduced them to (blank)
Hiromi- All my friends dying (winner)
Louise- Syphilitic insanity
Muta- How awesome it is to be white
Persephone- Indescribable loneliness
Baron- The Pope
Haru- The eighth graders
“Toto pass Hiromi the bag. Hiromi you’re terrible.” Hiromi just giggles naughtily.
R8) Hiromi- (prompt) (Blank): Brought to you by (blank).
Louise- Homeless people & Rich people
Muta- Mouth herpes & Going down on a woman, discovering that her vagina is filled with eyeballs, and being totally into that
Persephone- Santa Claus & Being rich
Baron- Shutting the fuck up & The Rev. Dr. Marin Luther King, Jr.
Haru- Getting caught by the police and going to jail & Going around punching people(winner)
Toto- Running out of semen & A mine having a stroke
“Sound about right.” “Oh and how would you know Turkey Leg? You don’t have any fists!” “Wouldn’t you like to know fatso.”
R9) Louise- (prompt) (Blank). Betcha can’t have just one!
Hiromi- Heartwarming orphans
Muta- Grammar nazis who are also regular Nazis
Persephone- Gwyneth Paltrow’s opinions
Baron- A sad handjob (winner)
Haru- Horrifying laser hair removal accidents
Toto- Emotions
“Is there something you want to confess brother dear?” “Not to you sister dear.”
R10) Muta- (prompt) This is the prime of my life. I’m young, hot, and full of (blank).
Hiromi- My dad’s dumb fucking face
Louise- Cancer
Persephone- Lunchables TM (winner)
Haru- The Hamburglar
Toto- Statistically validated stereotypes
“What? I’m hungry!”
R11) Persephone- (prompt) We never did find (blank), but along the way we sure learned a lot about (blank)
Hiromi- Blowjobs for everyone & Pac-Man uncontrollably guzzling cum (Hiromi)
Louise- What Jesus would do & The South
Muta- The white half of Barack Obama & A black-owned and operated business
Baron- God & A chimpanzee in sunglasses fucking your wife
Haru- Jobs & Western standards of beauty
Toto- Important news about Taylor Swift & Starting a shitty podcast
“HIROMI!” “AHH SAVE ME SOMEBODY!” (This was not the first time Hiromi used Pac-Man against Haru. Nor would it be the last.)
R12) Baron- In return for my soul, the Devil promised me (blank), but all I got was (blank).
Hiromi- Jesus & White people
Louise- Third base & Being fat and stupid
Muta- A subscription to Men’s Fitness & Pooping back and forth. Forever.
Persephone- Some shit-hot guitar licks & An ass disaster
Haru- Interspecies marriage & Necrophilia (winner)
Toto- The Blood of Christ & Adderall TM
“Guilty conscious Haru?” “I’M NOT A FURRY DAMNIT!”
R13) Haru- (prompt) You won’t believe what’s in my pussy. It’s (blank).
Hiromi- Daddy issues
Louise- The power of the Dark Side (winner)
Muta- A salty surprise
Persephone- Old-people smell
Baron- My collection of high-tech sex toys
Toto- How wet my pussy is.
“I hate you all.”
R14) Toto- (prompt) Money can’t buy me love, but it can buy me (blank)
Hiromi- The mere concept of Applebees TM
Louise- Sexual peeing
Muta- Authentic Mexican cuisine
Persephone- An asymmetric boob job (winner)
Baron- Helplessly gigling at the mention of Hutus and Tutsis
Haru- Switching to Geico®
R15) Hiromi- (prompt) (Blank) is a slippery slope that leads to (blank).
Louise- Blackface & Ripping open a man’s chest and pulling out his still-beating heart
Muta- Court-ordered rehab & Words, words, words.
Persephone- Same-sex ice dancing & Butt stuff
Baron- Establishing dominance & Stockholm Syndrome (winner)
Haru- Overpowering your father & Darth Vader
Toto- Copping a feel & A boo-boo
“Damn Baron, what are you into?” “I’m not! Why are you handing me these?” “Because you made shit go real dark, real quick boyo.”
R16) Louise- (prompt) My gym teacher got fired for adding (blank) to the obstacle course.
Hiromi- Walking into a glass door
Muta- Sperm whales
Persephone- Peeing a little bit
Baron- A face full of horse cum
Haru- Meatloaf, the man.
Toto- Warm, velvety muppet sex (winner)
“I think I need to give these back to you Toto.” “No no, you can still keep them.” (Cue unhappy Baron face.)
R17) Muta- What gets better with age?
Hiromi- Crippling debt
Louise- A Super Soaker TM full of cat pee (winner)
Persephone- Roland the Farter, flatulist to the king.
Baron- Yeast
Haru- The placenta
Toto- Nothing
“At least no one played ‘My genitals.’ this time.” “That can still change Haru~.”
R18) Persephone- (prompt) In his new action comedy, Jackie Chan must fend off ninja while also dealing with (blank).
Hiromi- Not having sex
Louise- Aaron Burr
Muta- Mixing M&Ms and Skittle like some kind of psychopath
Baron- The dentist
Haru- Samuel L. Jackson (winner)
Toto- Getting eaten alive by Guy Fieri
“To be fair, Ryan Renolds had a hard time dealing with Samuel L. Jackson in ‘The Hitman’s Bodyguard.’” “Still funny.”
R19) Baron- (prompt) Today on Maury: “Help! My son is (blank)!”
Hiromi- A woman
Louise- A monkey smoking a cigar (winner)
Muta- Teaching a robot to love
Persephone- Running naked through a mall, pissing and shitting everywhere
Haru- Such a big boy
Toto- Filling every orifice with butterscotch pudding
“What is ‘Maury’?” “An American TV show that mostly deals with people deliberately exposing themselves to lie detectors and paternity tests because they can’t stay in their lanes and be decent human beings.”
R20) Haru- (prompt) Heed my voice, mortals! I am the god of (blank), and I will not tolerate (blank)!Hiromi- Sunshine and rainbows & Incest
Louise- The profoundly handicapped & Throwing a virgin into a volcano
Muta- Sweet, sweet vengeance & Cheating in the Special Olympics
Persephone- Finger painting & The hiccups
Baron- Erectile dysfunction & Having a penis (winner) (game end)
Toto- Nickleback & Licking things to claim them as your own.
“That’s it, game over, Baron wins, Good night.” “Oh c’mon Haru.” “Nope! Can’t do it! Good night!”
- - - - - - - -
‘Most Horrible Person of the Night Award’ is an inside joke among my circle of RL friends that typically ends up being a bag of Doritos.
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danielszysz · 2 years ago
Opony 175/65 R14 na zimę – Kleber KRISALP HP3
Opony 175/65 R14 na zimę – Kleber KRISALP HP3
Jak wybrać dobre opony na zimę? Który model będzie najbardziej odpowiedni w przypadku konkretnego stylu jazdy? Jaki bieżnik powinna mieć zimowa opona, by najlepiej speniała swoje zadanie? Ciekawą propozycją okazują się opony Kleber KRISALP HP3 z segmentu ogumienia medium. Dlaczego zasługują na uwagę kierowcy szukającego opon zimowych? Odpowiedź znajduje się w tym tekście! Dla kogo opony 175/65…
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radix-outpost · 1 year ago
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Project no. 17, Eternal Sailor Astarte! I was so eager to get to her that she made it ahead of Venus. :U
{ivory} 0) MR 6 1) inc 6 (12) 2) [sc, inc] x6 (18) 3) [sc 2, inc] x6 (24) 4) [sc 3, inc] x6 (30) 5) [sc 4, inc] x6 (36) 6) [sc 5, inc] x6 (42) 7) [sc 6, inc] x6 (48) 8) [sc 7, inc] x6 (54) 9-21) sc 54 {embroider face, starting from R15} 22) [sc 7, dec] x6 (48) 23) [sc 6, dec] x6 (42) 24) [sc 3, dec] x12 (30)
[EARS] x2
{ivory} 0) ch 5 1) sc 4, ch, turn 2) sc 2, inc, sc (5) {top point of ear is sewn on at R15, 6 sc away from eye} {embroider earrings}
{yellow} 0) ch 11 1) sc 2, hdc 8 2) ch 11 3) sc 2, hdc 8 {embroider gem into center}
{mixed berry} 0) ch 21 1-3) sc 3, hdc 3, dc 8, hdc 3, sc 3, ch, turn 4) ch 21 5-7) sc 3, hdc 3, dc 8, hdc 3, sc 3, ch, turn 8) ch 21 9-11) sc 3, hdc 3, dc 8, hdc 3, sc 3, ch, turn 12) ch 21 13-15) sc 3, hdc 3, dc 8, hdc 3, sc 3, ch, turn 16) ch 21
{mixed berry} 0) MR 6 1) inc 6 (12) 2) [hdc, hdc-inc] x6 (18) 3) [hdc 2, hdc-inc] x6 (24) 4) [dc 3, dc-inc] x6 (30) 5) [dc 4, dc-inc] x6 (36) 6) [dc 5, dc-inc] x6 (42) 7) [dc 6, dc-inc] x7 (48)
-- [HAIR C] x2
{mixed berry} 0) ch 21 1) sc 3, hdc 3, dc 8, hdc 3, sc 3
[BANGS] x2
{mixed berry} 0) ch 9 1) sc 4, hdc 2, dc 2, ch, turn 2) dc 2, hdc 2, sc 4, ch, turn 3) sc 4, hdc 2, dc 2 4) ch 13 5) sc 5, hdc 3, dc 4, ch, turn 6) dc 4, hdc 3, sc 5, ch, turn 7) sc 5, hdc 3, dc 4
{start w/ white} 0) MR 6 1) inc 6 (12) 2) [sc, inc] x6 (18) 3) [sc 2, inc] x6 (24) 4) [sc 3, inc] x6 (30) 5) [sc 4, inc] x6 (36) 6) [sc 5, inc] x6 (42) 7) [sc 6, inc] x6 (48) 8-10) sc 48 11) [sc 6, dec] x6 (42) 12-13) sc 42 14) [sc 6, inc] x6 (48) 15-18) sc 48 19) sc 7, inc 20) sc 10, cc ivory, sc 15, cc white, sc 29 (54) {carefully cc such that the "exposed skin" bit is always around 15 sc in length} 21) [sc 3, dec] x12 (42) 22) [sc 3, dec] x12 (30)
{cranberry} {work in rows} 0) ch 17 1-4) dc 16 5-8) hdc 5, ch, turn 9) hdc, dec, hdc 2 10-13) hdc 4 14) hdc, dec, hdc 15-17) hdc 3 {return to other end of row 4 and repeat steps 5-17} {embroider piping}
[LEGS] x2
{start w/ white} 0) ch 17 1) sc 16; join round 2-5) sc 16 6) cc cranberry, [sc 3, inc] x 4 (20) 7) cc ivory, sc 20 {embroider star on this row before going too far} 8-14) sc 20, sc closed on r14
[FEET] x2
{white} 0) MR 6 1) inc 6 (12) 2) [sc, inc] x6 (18) 3-9) sc 18 {begin stuffing foot} 10) [sc, dec] x6 (12) 11) dec 6 (6) 12) dec closed
{start w/ white} 0) ch 7 1) sc 6, continue on other side, sc 6 (12) 2) sc 12 3) [sc 6, inc] x 2 (14) 4-6) sc 14 7) cc cranberry, sc 14 8) {thumb} ch 3 9) sc 2
[ARMS] x2
{start w/ orange} 0) MR 6 1) inc 6 (12) 2) [sc, inc] x6 (18) 3) [sc 2, inc] x6 (24) 4) sc 24 5) [sc 2, dec] x 6 (18) 6) cc cranberry, sc 18 7) cc ivory, sc 18 8) cc cranberry, sc 18 9) cc white, sc 18 10-14) sc 18 15) [sc 3, dec] x 4 (14)
{start w/ orange for first tier; keep with it for second tier} 0) ch 49 1) sc 48 2) cc cranberry, dc 48 3-4) dc 48
{alt: last two stitches are hdc, sc}
[BOWS] x2
{one in buttercup, one in orange} {work in rows} 0) ch 5 1-16) sc 4, ch, turn {fold and pinch in center}
{cranberry} 0) ch 17 1) sc 16 2) ch 17 3) sc 16
{cranberry} 0) ch however many you need to reach from skirt star to under back bow
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sachi-mei · 5 months ago
Newbie N (R14)
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Początek tury zaczął się awansem dla Nany. Dodatkowe pieniądze bardzo jej się przydadzą, ponieważ ciągle rosnące długi i przychodzące rachunki nie są ��askawe dla samotnej mamy.
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Przyszedł czas aby Kent stał się nastolatkiem. Wyrósł na popularnościowego sima, który uwielbia koszule i marynarki.
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Jak to przystało na świeżo upieczone nastolatki Kent udał się do Inter@ctive, w którym kupił sobie nowy telefon oraz poznał kilku rówieśników. W szególności zaprzyjaźnił się z Debbie Scott.
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Nana dostała kartę kariery, w której musiała wybrać między posadzeniem do stołu starszej pary lub grupy 25 nastolatków. Postanowiła wybrać drugą opcję co zagwarantowało jej awans.
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Nawet po tylu latach Nana nadal ma ogromy uraz do jakiegokolwiek rodzaju związków co sprawia, że decyduje się jedynie na szybkie woohoo co jakiś czas.
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Jak widać Kent totalnie zauroczył się w Debbie i bardzo szybko postanowił wyznać jej swoje uczucia. Okazało się, że simka również je odwzajemnia.
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general-radix · 1 year ago
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Project no. 18, Thema! The team's habitual traveler, now in plush form; once I'd finished her head, it was smooth (if physically-intensive) sailing from there.
Pattern below:
{coffee} 0) MR 6 1) inc 6 (12) 2) [sc, inc] x6 (18) 3) [sc 2, inc] x6 (24) 4) [sc 3, inc] x6 (30) 5) [sc 4, inc] x6 (36) 6) [sc 5, inc] x6 (42) 7) [sc 6, inc] x6 (48) 8) [sc 7, inc] x6 (54) 9-21) sc 54 {embroider face, starting from R15} 22) [sc 7, dec] x6 (48) 23) [sc 6, dec] x6 (42) 24) [sc 3, dec] x12 (30)
[EARS] x2
{coffee} 0) ch 5 1) sc 4, ch, turn 2) sc 2, inc, sc (5) {top point of ear is sewn on at R15, 6 sc away from eye} {embroider earrings}
{black} 0) MR 6 1) inc 6 (12) 2) [sc, inc] x6 (18) 3) [sc 2, inc] x6 (24) 4) [sc 3, inc] x6 (30) 5) [sc 4, inc] x6 (36) 6) [sc 5, inc] x6 (42) 7) [sc 6, inc] x6 (48) 8) [sc 7, inc] x6 (54) 9-11) sc 54 12-19) sc 26, ch, turn 20) sc 12, dec, sc 12, ch, turn (25) 21) sc 13, dec, sc 10, ch, turn (24) 22) sc 24 {embroider details and sideburns}
[HAIR A] x2
{black} 0) ch 31 1-3) sc 3, hdc 3, dc 18, hdc 3, sc 3, ch, turn
[HAIR B] x4
{black} 0) ch 27 1-2) sc 3, hsc 3, dc 14, hdc 3, sc 3, ch, turn
[HAIR C] x2
{black} 0) ch 27 1-3) sc 3, hsc 3, dc 14, hdc 3, sc 3, ch, turn
{black} 0) ch 21 1-2) sc 3, hdc 3, dc 8, hdc 3, sc 3 {fold/sew end into curl}
[HAIR E] x3
{black} 0) MR 6 1) inc 6 (12) 2) [sc, inc] x6 (18) 3-11) sc 18 12) [sc, dec] x6 (12) 13) sc 12 14) dec 6 15) sc 6 16) dec closed
{royal} 0) ch 13 1) dc 12; close around hair where narrowest point meets head
{start w/ glacier} 0) MR 6 1) inc 6 (12) 2) [sc, inc] x6 (18) 3) [sc 2, inc] x6 (24) 4) [sc 3, inc] x6 (30) 5) [sc 4, inc] x6 (36) 6) [sc 5, inc] x6 (42) 7) [sc 6, inc] x6 (48) 8-10) sc 48 11) [sc 6, dec] x6 (42) 12-13) sc 42 14) [sc 6, inc] x6 (48) 15-18) sc 48 19) sc 7, inc 20) sc 54 21) [sc 3, dec] x12 (42) 22) cc coffee, [sc 3, dec] x12 (30)
[LEGS] x2
{coffee} 0) ch 17 1) sc 16; join round 2-5) sc 16 6) [sc 3, inc] x 4 (20) 7-14) sc 20, sc closed on r14
[FEET] x2
{start w/coffee} 0) MR 6 1) inc 6 (12) 2) cc grey mist, [sc, inc] x6 (18) 3-9) sc 18 {begin stuffing foot} 10) [sc, dec] x6 (12) 11) dec 6 (6) 12) dec closed
[ARMS] x2
{coffee} 0) ch 15 1) sc 14; join rounds 2-13) sc 14 {sc closed}
{coffee} 0) ch 7 1) sc 6, continue on other side, sc 6 (12) 2) sc 12 3) [sc 6, inc] x 2 (14) 4-5) sc 14 6) {thumb} ch 3 7) sc 2
{grey mist} 0) ch 16 1) sc 15; close around wrist
{start w/royal} 0) ch 48 1) dc 48, join 2) cc ocean, dc 48 3) cc glacier, dc 48 4-8) dc 48 9) sc 48
{ocean} 0) ch 31 1-5) dc 30 6) sc 30 {sc closed} {sleeves: ch 57, dc 56; sew around waist}
{grey mist} 0) ch 43 1) sc 15, hdc 5, dc, hdc 5, sc 14
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unibirmingham · 6 years ago
Dear Parents: Here’s how to pass a weekend in Brum!
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Image: @vspinkuob
About to drop off a loved one to begin an exciting new chapter in their life? You may want to spend a little time exploring the University yourself so you can get a feel for the place and entertain yourself whilst they’re at their welcome lectures. So, we have few suggestions of things you can do over Welcome Weekend while your student is busy!
1. Chill out at Winterbourne
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Image: @framesofmoments
Winterbourne House and Gardens is right on our campus (G12 on your campus map) and features a historic Edwardian house and a 7-acre botanical garden. It’s gorgeous.   You can also get a cream tea in the café or explore their second-hand bookshop while you’re there. What better way to escape the crowds and relax?
2. Visit the Lapworth Museum of Geology
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Image: @rebecca.louise95
Our Lapworth Museum of Geology is right in the centre of campus (building R5 on the map) and holds the finest and most extensive collection of fossils, minerals and rocks in the Midlands. Dating back to 1880, it is one of the oldest specialist geological museums in the UK. AND we have our very own dinosaur Roary! It’s even got activities for children if you’ve got younger family members with you!
3. Stop off at the Barber Institute of Fine Arts
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Image: @what_a_joy
Yet another fantastic attraction right in the heart of campus (R14). The Barber boasts one of the most celebrated small fine art collections in Europe, with works by Vincent van Gogh, Claude Monet, Auguste Rodin, J. M. W. Turner, and Rubens. It also features a concert hall frequented by both the University’s music groups and professionals who regularly perform in the venue.
4.  Explore the city
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Image: @meg_alys_
Forget everything you remember about Birmingham – it’s changed! Jump on a train from our station right on campus, it will take you less than 10 minutes to get to Grand Central Station in the heart of  Birmingham city centre. Go shopping in the Bullring and Grand Central, go sightseeing at the top of Birmingham Central Library (offering panoramic views across the whole of Birmingham), or experience some culture at Birmingham Museum and Art gallery. You could also venture down to the Custard Factory in Digbeth for a movie at the Mockingbird, food at Digbeth Dining Club, or try out the UK’s largest zero-waste supermarket, the Clean Kilo.
5. Attend the Parents’ Address!
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Of course the most important thing to do is to attend the Parents’ Welcome Address!  This is your chance to be greeted by the University and hear about our all the services we have available for students - from student mentors to our mental health and wellbeing service. It’s a great way to get a comprehensive understanding of all we offer students at UoB and help put a nervous parent’s mind at ease!
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danielszysz · 2 years ago
Opony 175/65 R14 na zimę – Kleber KRISALP HP3
Opony 175/65 R14 na zimę – Kleber KRISALP HP3
Jak wybrać dobre opony na zimę? Który model będzie najbardziej odpowiedni w przypadku konkretnego stylu jazdy? Jaki bieżnik powinna mieć zimowa opona, by najlepiej speniała swoje zadanie? Ciekawą propozycją okazują się opony Kleber KRISALP HP3 z segmentu ogumienia medium. Dlaczego zasługują na uwagę kierowcy szukającego opon zimowych? Odpowiedź znajduje się w tym tekście! Dla kogo opony 175/65…
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