#Vzridmi Ri'kho've
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exn0bisstudios · 4 years ago
hey Adrian 👀👀👀 ive seen this on a few other blogs so uhhh, what would the TTO RO’s dying words be to the seer or their words to a dying seer?
Thank you for indulging me with this, even though I am full of regret because I actually managed to make myself sobby while writing it. So much so that this is actually only part one since I needed to break from writing part two (the 'RO reactions to Seer dying' part) due to emotionally exhausting myself. Oops. 😂 I'll reblog this with part two once I get it finished 😘
Prepare for pain!!!
RO's dying words to the Seer
Mira: Whatever pain they may be in physically, they don't show it. Instead, they hold the Seer with all their remaining strength. If this is to be their end, they will do their damndest to comfort their lover before they go. They keep their gaze locked, watching Seer like they hung the moon, and smile as best they can. "You carry enough burdens, love. Don't let my memory be one of them. This was my choice." They close their eyes as their consciousness starts to slip, not wanting Seer to have to watch the light leave them. "I love you. Always. I love you."
Nova: They are calm, almost eerily so. But then again, it's not the first time they've lost their mortal life. Instead, they lean into the Seer as if memorizing their warmth, closing their eyes with a wistful sigh. "I wish we'd had more time..." Then, almost as if an afterthought, they reach to lay a comforting hand against their lover's jaw. "Do not make that face, sweet thing. This is hardly the end." Even as their body starts to dissolve into smoke, they keep smiling, so very sure of their words. "Until we meet again."
Stella: They're angry, resentful, raging at the universe and this bitter, bitter end. They try desperately to hide it, to somehow make this last moment with the Seer easier. To minimize the scars it will leave on their heart if they can because they know how much it hurts to watch someone you love die. But any comforting words get caught in their throat, and all they can do is hold on, furious tears in their eyes. It's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair. "I love you. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I love you."
Désiré: He's panicking, not because he knows this is his end, but because he fears he won't be able to tell Seer how much he loves them one last time. His body trembles too much to spell it against their skin, and there's no time to find his slate, even if he could hold the chalk. No, he thinks, it can't end like this. Resolve in his eyes, he uses whatever strength he has left to pull Seer into one final, crushing kiss, pouring in a lifetime of love and tenderness. 'I love you,' he speaks against their lips. Then, he is still.
Vittore Simone: He seems confused, mystified, as if his own mortality comes as a complete surprise. For a moment, he simply stares at his own blood with a peculiar look on his face, like he's trying to figure out if this is really happening or if it's just another bad, bad dream. Finally, he seems to come to some kind of conclusion and exhales a weak chuckle. "Death has never wanted me, before. I... I should have known better, I suppose." His whispers die in his throat, and for a brief moment, his expression twists into a soul-aching pain. Then, finally, he looks to his lover with a poor excuse for a smile plastered across his paling lips. "I just wanted... I am sorry, che cietto."
Andrai: He's terrified, shaking, eyes squeezed shut as he clutches Seer tight enough to bruise. He shakes his head over and over again as if denying this so vehemently will change reality. He doesn't want to leave; he doesn't want to be alone again. He doesn't want to leave Seer alone. But he can't hang on like this for much longer. So, he chokes down a sob and hides his face, not wanting Seer to see him cry. "I love you," he says it before he can't anymore, and even muffled against their clothing, it sounds like a prayer. "I love you."
Vzridmi: "Unexpected," she tries to make light of things, to laugh, but it's a soggy thing between the crying and the pain. She's never been afraid or ashamed to show her emotions, but at this moment, she wishes she could hide how scared she is. She doesn't want Seer's last memories of her to be of her tears. She wants them to know how happy they made her, how grateful she is. And after her, she wants them to live, to move on, to be happy. Her words come out far more desperate than she wants, but she's out of time. "Promise me, vna ada. Promise me you won't ever lose your smile."
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exn0bisstudios · 3 years ago
Questions from the Discord
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What would be the RO’s ideal gift(s) from the Seer?
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Mira's ideal gift from a unromanced Seer would be having a Bestie Day together where they can just spend time enjoying each other's company or doing any kind of joint hobbies they may have. Mira would especially be tickled if Seer was willing to spar with them a little bit. Mostly, though, it's about just having some good quality time without any worries or responsibilities hanging over their heads for once.
From a romanced Seer, Mira's ideal gift is pretty similar, but with more focus on letting Mira spoil them without complaint. Mira genuinely enjoys taking care of Seer and pampering them, so being allowed to do so without Seer worrying about giving back or something would be lovely. ....They would still be tickled if Seer agreed to spar with them, though.
Nova's ideal gift from an unromanced Seer would basically be the equivalent of friendship bracelets. Basically just some small accessory (doesn't matter how cheap or tacky honestly) that Seer has the matching pair to and that they can both wear. Definitely bonus points if Seer attempted to hand-make (or commission) something. Nova will love it even if it's ugly tbh.
From a romanced Seer, Nova's ideal gift would be an honest love letter. Doesn't need to be flowery or eloquent, but just having how Seer feels about them, in their own words and writing, would mean a great deal to Nova. They'd likely keep the letter on their person at all times, tucked safely into the hidden pocket inside their robes, over their heart.
Stella's ideal gift from an unromanced Seer would be, unsurprisingly, books! Especially meaningful if Seer went out of their way to find a book Stella's been after forever, or a new installment from a series or author they like or something.
From a romanced Seer, Stella's ideal gift would be giving them a pampered day where they can just lounge around and read, and Seer will take care of them. Doesn't have to be anything super fancy like spa day or something (though they wouldn't say no to a massage), but just letting them have a day where they can quietly luxuriate in their company and indulge in their favorite hobbies.
Désiré's ideal gift from an unromanced Seer is probably helping him out with his daily tasks and responsibilities. Dez never complains, but running an entire community of people & families is a lot of work, and sometimes it's nice to have help. Especially for the more mundane stuff, like balancing the books or taking inventory and stuff. Dez isn't particularly good a asking for help, so if Seer just kinda went 'today I am assisting whether you like it or not!' he'd really appreciate it.
For a romanced Seer, Dez's ideal gift would be... pretty much anything that allowed them to be comfortably physically close with each other (as in non-sexual physical intimacy). Touch is so extremely important to Dez, both emotionally and just as a part of his daily life, so he would appreciate being allowed to indulge in cuddling or even just holding hands or something
Vittore Simone's ideal gift from an unromanced Seer would be them arranging an actual day off for him and then forcing him to actually take it by spending time with him doing fun things, not work things. We know that V uses working as a way to self medicate, but another big reason he never takes time off is because he doesn't want to saddle anyone else with the weight of his responsibilities even temporarily. So if Seer conspired with V's staff to make arrangements for his responsibilities to be handled for the day, that's one big hurdle defeated. Then, filling V's day with quality time and fun stuff not only helps him relax and rest, but fills V's need to keep busy. He's be extremely grateful and probably get some of the best sleep of his life that night lol.
For a romanced Seer, V's ideal gift would be sitting for an informal portrait. Nothing big or requiring much fanfare, but some small portrait that V can carry with him on his business trips (think like a wallet photo). Extreme super bonus points if Seer also writes a mini love note to go along with it.
Andrai's ideal gift from an unromanced Seer would be going on a hike with him, or something else suitably immersed in nature, especially if Seer is usually not the type to like to go do nature-ie stuff. Ideally, Andrai would love if Seer agreed to go for a little weekend camping trip with him in Ongi specifically, since those are Andrai's stomping grounds. He'd enjoy being able to show Seer his favorite places in the forest, and all the beautiful and magical things about it that most non-native-elves don't even know exist. He'd especially love it if Seer asked questions about things they encounter or otherwise was engaged in the trek, because he'd enjoy answering their questions or explaining anything regarding living off nature. He knows it's not for everyone, but the forest is his home, so it would be deeply meaningful to him to get to share it with someone important to him.
For a romanced Seer, Andrai's ideal gift would be to agree to join him on a weekend visit to his family. He is all too aware of how overwhelming his family is, so he gets nervous about them essentially scaring people off, so he usually... limits exposure, if you will. But his family is so, so important to him, so it would mean the world to him if Seer put in the effort to get to know them despite their eccentricities. He doesn't expect Seer to become best of friends with the whole group of them or anything (though he'd be so happy if Seer did find friendship with some of them), but just the effort put forward on Seer's part to have some kind of relationship would have him over the moon.
Vzridmi's ideal gift from an unromanced Seer would be, similar to Mira, having a Bestie Day! She would want to go shopping and go out to eat and just do indulgent fun stuff, especially the more superfluous luxuries they don't normally get to indulge in (like spa day!). She'd just enjoy the chance to spend the day chatting, laughing, and having fun with someone important to her; especially because she knows she sometimes struggles to leave research mode, so being forced to get her nose out of her books and actually enjoy some friend time would be lovely.
For a romanced Seer, Mimi's ideal gift would be a combo of relaxation time and Seer agreeing to let her give them a tour of her lab. Mimi's research and pursuits are derisive at best and she regularly faces a lot of backlash and cruelty from the academic & scientific communities, if they don't outright treat her like a hack or like she's insane. So being allowed to just ramble about her work and the things she's so excited about, especially if Seer is engaged in the conversation and asks questions and such, would be extremely meaningful to her (doubly so if she knows science and research aren't really Seer's cup of tea). She'd especially love if Seer agreed to do a fun little experiment with her; nothing serious, think middle school lab level stuff. Just something small they can do for fun together. Then, after the lab tour, going out to eat and having a relaxing evening together would be the perfect end of the day.
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exn0bisstudios · 3 years ago
ooo apologies if this has been asked but !! pet names!! what do the ROs call the MC, and what would they like to be called? :3
(Backlogged ask [sorry for the wait!] sent before TMP was announced)
What would they like to be called...
In general, all of the ROs would be happy with any pet name. In fact, most of them would preen when called by a pet name! The only real exception is with Andrai, who would probably get too embarrassed over some of the more ridiculous pet names out there (like ‘honey-melon sugar-pie’ type ridiculous) and would ask not to be called them. Otherwise, have at!
What they call their partner(s)...
Mira Twilight
Mira tends to use 'love' for casual endearment, like "Of course, love, I'll take care of it." Once they know it’s okay to use a pet name, they usually end up using it more than their partner’s actual name in casual conversation. When it comes to sincere or emotional moments, they add a possessive and switch to 'my love'.
In the poly route... Mira has a habit of playfully calling Nova ‘sugar’ as their casual pet name, and much like with MC, they start using it more often than they do their actual name. With sincere or emotional moments, Mira sticks with ‘my love’, or, if referring to both Nova and MC at the same time, switches to ‘my loves.’
Nova Dreamreaver
Nova isn't too big on casual pet names and is more likely to just use someone's name. However, if they're teasing someone or being sarcastic, they’ll often use use 'darling'. When they are being sincere or emotional, they will start peppering in the occasional pet name, specifically ‘sweet thing.’ This is mainly because they are trying to mask how emotional they really are by trying to frame it flirtatiously.
In the poly routes... Nova’s general habits with casual pet names remain mostly the same in both their available poly routes, preferring to use their partner’s names unless they’re teasing or being sarcastic. When they are being sincere or emotional, for Mira they will use ‘sunshine’ and for Stella they will use ‘honey bee.’
Stella uses pet names constantly in casual conversation, usually sarcastically, as insincere flirtations, or just as friendly teasing. Most commonly they will call people ‘babe’ or ‘hun’. Thus, their version of a casual pet name is to actually use someone's proper title (or a title of their own making, if a proper one isn’t applicable), so 'Seer' in the case of MC. In casual conversation, though, they still pepper in plenty of ‘babe’s and ‘hun’s. When Stella is being sincere or emotional, they express their affection by actually using their partner’s name.
In the poly route... Stella gives Nova the same constant pet name treatment, and since Nova does not have a proper title, they have dubbed them ‘Dreamwalker.’ Similarly, when being sincere or emotional, Stella will use Nova’s name.
Désiré Desrosiers
Désiré doesn't use pet names casually at all. In general, if he's calling you a pet name, he always means it with sincerity and emotion. 'My love' or 'my darling' are his go-to, but the biggest endearment for Dez is an action rather than words. Namely, that he will start speaking against Seer's skin as a sign of affection/intimacy.
Vittore Simone Armati
Vittore Simone uses some casual endearments platonically, which is a common cultural practice in Chepria. In such cases, he usually uses ‘urso’ (’darling’ in Cheprian), but sometimes says 'dear' in Common. Casual romantic endearments are always in Cheprian, like ‘che igni’ (my sweet), ‘che bepriese’ (my beauty), or ‘rovi’ (honey). When Vittone is being sincere or emotional, he uses ‘che cietto’ (my treasure). When he's especially in his feelings, he’ll use ‘che piugio/che piugio prippi’ (my heart/my whole heart).
Andrai Freestrider
Andrai struggles with expressing himself, especially emotionally, so pet names are few and far between and usually only used if he's having a very emotional moment. In casual settings, he's more the type where him calling you a fool or other mild insult is actually affectionate and means he cares. For those aforementioned sincere or emotional moments, he'll either use his partner’s name or a traditional ‘my love.’
Vzridmi Ri'kho’ve
Vzridmi will use pet names casually with anyone she's fond of, both platonically and romantically. Usually those pet names are along the lines of ‘hun’ or ‘dear.’ If the relationship is romantic, a few additional casual pet names are added to the retinue and are used liberally. These are all in her native language of Atnachi, and include ‘ada’ (darling) and ‘trini’ (sweetheart). When Mimi is being sincere or emotional she starts to add a possessive to the pet name, most frequently using ‘vna ada’ (my darling).
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exn0bisstudios · 3 years ago
dear author 😌 what would the ROs save the seer as if they had phones?
Thank you for indulging me with this.
How they'd name their contact for Seer in the beginning, vs. in a relationship:
Mira: ✨[Name]✨ | 💕[Name]!!💕 Nova: The Seer who didn't kill me? | Mine😘💋 Stella: ⚔️🌙👀(don't answer) | ⚔️🌙👀💖(answer!!!!) Dez: [Name] Twilight (Seer) | [Name] Twilight (Family) Vittore Simone: Twilight, [Name], Seer (The Order) | Cietto💗 Andrai: doesn't save MC to his phone, uses recent calls list if he needs to get in contact | [Name] Mimi: Seer [Name] (friends) | Beloved!!!❤️🧡💚💙💜
Bonus Poly Routes!
Mira @ Nova: 🔪The Weird Nightmare🔪 | 💕My Weird Nightmare💕 Nova @ Mira: The Hunter who didn't kill me??? | Mine #2😘💋
Stella @ Nova: 👿🍆⚔️(don't answer) | 😈🍆💖(answer!!!!) Nova @ Stella: the extremely teaseable assassin | Brat😘💋
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exn0bisstudios · 4 years ago
Please, kind author... RO reactions to the Seer placing a handmade flower crown on their head and calling them the ruler of their heart? Thank you! <33
Aww, how cute!!
Mira: They grin wide, dimples on full display as they pull MC close to kiss their forehead. "If I'm royalty, that makes you my King/Queen/Royal Consort." Proceeds to call MC 'your majesty' for the rest of the day in a sweetly teasing voice and makes them a flower crown of their own so they can match.
Nova: They smirk and strike a suitably royal pose. "Hmm, yes. It's about time I'm recognized for my efforts." Wraps an arm around MC's waist and pulls them close, grinning deviously as they whisper low against MC's skin. "What other royal offerings do you have for me, hm...?"
Stella: Settles their crown at a jaunty angle and nods approvingly. "Lovely and versatile! If I'm ever in a pinch, I can crush up the flowers and use them as a poison." Chuckles at MCs reaction to the possibility they gave Stella a poison crown, then leans in to smooch them on the cheek. "I'm kidding. Your face is adorable. Have I mentioned that?"
Désiré: Smiles softly and reaches to gently extract a petal from one of the blooms. Takes MC's hand and presses the petal to their palm, curling their fingers around it and kissing their knuckles. 'A crown I happily share with you, my love.' At the end of the day, he carefully presses and dries the crown so he can keep it safely in his journal.
Vittore Simone: At first, he's admittedly just impressed MC managed to fit a crown over his hair. Otherwise, he's all smiles. Takes MC's hand and bows over it with a flourish, kissing their knuckles as he does. "A more beautiful crown there will never be. I am nothing without you, che cietto. Know this, always." Refuses to remove the crown for the rest of the day, wearing it proudly even to whatever fancy engagements he's scheduled to attend. Before you know it, flower crowns are suddenly in fashion in Alli vi Piugio.
Andrai: Quietly admires his new crown, leaning in to cradle MC's face and give them a grateful peck on the cheek. Flushed and a bit too flustered to say or do too much beyond that, and finds a way to excuse himself so he can scurry away and regain control of the stupid grin he has on his face. When he returns, it is with a crown of his own making, having done his best to get flowers that match. He places it on MC's head and follows it with a slow and passionate kiss this time, regardless of if they're in public or not.
Vzridmi: She's absolutely tickled, giggling with a smile from ear to ear. "Oh, vna ada*, you must show me how you make one of these! How sweet!" She gives MC a kiss on the cheek and an enthusiastic embrace, then proceeds to start babbling ideas on how to best go about preserving her new crown for as long as possible. Ends up enchanting it and wearing it proudly for at least a week before the enchantment fades, and then she dries and presses it to store it in one of her journals.
*Note: vna ada /vnʲa aˈda/: "my darling", an Atnachi term of endearment
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exn0bisstudios · 4 years ago
how do the cast sleep when alone & when with a partner? very excited for the demo i know its going to be amazing!!
Thank you, and I'm so glad to hear you're excited about the game!! I hope to bring you something you'll enjoy!!
Alone: They actually sleep sitting up more often than not, or at the very least propped up on something. Makes it easier to jump to action if something attacks. Pro tip: do not startle Mira awake. It's super dangerous.
With partner(s): They like to hold on in a big spoon position, but not so tightly that it restricts their partner's movement. Usually, they'll have one arm out for their partner and themself to use as a pillow, and the other will be comfortably draped over their partner's side.
Alone: They are going to luxuriate on their bed as much as is physically possible. Likely the bed is massive and, yes, it's all for them. Shoo.
With partner(s): They still sprawl, but now they affectionately sprawl on top of their partner(s), too. It's very comfy, in their opinion.
Alone: On their back with their hand on the hilt of their weapons. There's also probably another blade hidden under their pillow. Another person you should really not startle awake.
With partner(s): They want to be snugly held, please! They prefer to be little spoon with their back pressed securely to their partner's chest rather than facing in.
Alone: At this point in his life, he struggles to sleep on solid land. Got too used to being rocked on his boat. Tends to keep himself busy until his body finally just crashes, so you'll often find him sleeping in weird positions and places, like sitting at a table or something. If he does make it to a bed, he's in whatever position he landed in.
With partner: He desperately wants to be the little spoon. He knows he's big and strong and all that, but please let him be little spoon. It makes him feel so safe and comfortable. He especially likes to face into his partner's chest and fall asleep listening to their heartbeat.
Vittore Simone: 
Alone: Will do anything and everything he can to avoid sleeping due to chronic nightmares (lowercase n). You're far more likely to find him face down at his desk over some business documents after a three-night spree than in his bed. If he is in a bed somehow, fetal position.
With partner: Head on their chest to feel their breathing and listen to their heartbeat, typically with his arms wrapped around them as best as he can. Preferably, he'd like his partner to hold on to him, too. One of the few times he'll actually sleep.
Alone: He uses Namira (his dire tiger companion, as a reminder) as a pillow. When he was a child, she'd curl up around him to keep him warm and safe, and they've just kept up with it even as he grew up. So he'll lean back against her side as she crescents around him, fold his arms, and doze right off. He doesn't often use regular beds because he can't sleep without Namira, who is too heavy for regular beds.
With partner: Curled up facing into their chest, legs tangled and holding tight. And, yes, Namira is probably lounging against his back, so he ends up comfortably sandwiched.
Alone: She's a master of power naps and can effectively doze off while standing up if needed. But usually, she's a pretty standard side-sleeper. On exceptionally comfy beds, though, she has been known to sprawl a little bit.
With partner: She is an octopus, and her partner will not be escaping her snuggling any time soon. Only relents if you give her a "legitimate reason" to be getting up, like having to use the bathroom.
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exn0bisstudios · 4 years ago
can we get the tto ro's love languages pretty please 🤲 (also i hope you're feeling better now <3)
Of course you may, lovely Anon!
(And thank you! I am slowly but surely feeling better as we get this insomnia issue under control! It's nice to feel less like a zombie again. 😂 )
(edit: sorry, apparently hit some keyboard combo that published the ask prematurely lol)
RO Love Languages:
Mira Giving: Acts of Service Receiving: Quality Time
Nova Giving: Physical Touch Receiving: Words of Affirmation
Stella Giving: Quality Time Receiving: Acts of Service
Désiré Giving: Quality Time Receiving: Physical Touch
Vittore Simone Giving: Physical Touch Receiving: Words of Affirmation
Andrai Giving: Quality Time Receiving: Quality Time
Vzridmi Giving: Giving gifts Receiving: Acts of Service
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exn0bisstudios · 4 years ago
Can you tell me which routes are slow-burn and why?
God, I had to think way too hard about this one! But let's assume we're talking a 'slow to the point of establishing a relationship' scale, not a 'slow to the point of acknowledging feelings' scale.
From Fastest burn to slowest: Mira, Vzridmi, Nova, Dez, Andrai, Stella, Vittore Simone
As for the reasons why it pretty unanimously has to do with trust issues and/or trauma for the longest three. Slightly more in-depth answer:
Andrai: He's terrified of being hurt or abandoned, so he tends to self-isolate as a very unhealthy defense mechanism. He'd be quick to acknowledge his own feelings for MC. Still, it would take a bit for them to establish some pretty solid trust before he was willing to risk fully committing in an official capacity. Though, really, Andrai is pretty much 0-to-100 and was fully committed in his head as soon as he acknowledged he felt romantically towards MC, soooooo.… But, on the bright side (?), he is at least open with the MC about his issues and asks for time. He doesn't want to just leave them guessing about where his heart's at, as that just guarantees he'll lose them, and he doesn't want that.
Stella: The last people they loved in any capacity ended up dying violently, so the idea of inviting the possibility of losing someone else into their life paralyzes them. Once again, it's not about denying the feelings exist (though in Stella's case, they probably would try to initially), but about feeling stable enough to act on them, and safe enough to admit to their own vulnerability. Stella's the type to push people away out of fear, so buckle up for a bit of emotional push-and-pull in their route.
Vittore Simone: Surprise, surprise! Vittone truly believes he is not worthy of love and that his affections would only lead to the person's own suffering. He's had this belief beaten into him since he was a child. He typically uses those experiences as 'evidence' to support his claim. His slow burn is mostly him being at constant war with himself. He so desperately wants to love and be loved, and the belief that he doesn't deserve it is mixed with the fear that he'll hurt MC if he attempts to act on his feelings. Expect a lot of almost-touches, declarations of loyalty in place of love, excruciating pining, and so on.
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exn0bisstudios · 4 years ago
I don't think this has been asked yet. I'll make this a two parter. what's the quickest way to make the ROs mad? and on the flipside, what's the quickest/easiest way to make the ROs happy?
Oooh good questions, my dear. Gonna try to keep this one short and to the point though, don't want to give too much away, since some of these situations miiiight just come up. ;)
Make Angry: Insult, threaten, disrespect, or in any way slight MC. They're generally very level-headed but don't you dare mistreat their Seer or so help them you will be choking on a soul-bound sword.
Make Happy: Acknowledge how hard they're working! They don't really need validation, but it makes them happy to know what they do is appreciated by the people they're working so hard for.
Make Angry: Imply that there is something wrong with them (assuming full knowledge of what they actually are). Nova is… sensitive to the idea that they are broken or wrong in their preference for peace or their interest in mortals.
Make Happy: Accept them for who and what they are. This includes even small and passive gestures, even as simple as just… not questioning their motives.
Make Angry: Imply they're a bad person in some way because of their profession. Stella's under no illusions that being an assassin is an honorable thing, but they've done what they've had to in order to survive, and they screen their contracts to the best of their ability.
Make Happy: Expressing genuine interest in their preferences and hobbies. Basically, looking past the flirtatious façade and acknowledging them as a person.
Make Angry: Call him a 'whoreson', mistreat sex workers, badmouth Alix. He's the most calm and level-headed member of the core cast and is usually extremely hard to make genuinely angry, but he'll go from perfectly calm to punching someone in the jaw over these issues.
Make Happy: When people don't coddle him over his disability, but also don't disrespect him over it or, on the flip-side, try to pretend it's not there. Just… treat him like a normal person, because he is a normal person. He appreciates that.
Vittore Simone:
Make Angry: Bring up his relationship to his family or insult his mother. He very rarely gives people the satisfaction of actually getting a rise out of him, though. He'll be boiling under his skin, but his control over his outward behavior is pretty deity-like at this point in his life.
Make Happy: Any small shred of genuine acknowledgment and/or appreciation will have him walking on clouds. It's a little depressing how little it takes, actually.
Make Angry: Insult, threaten, disrespect, or in any way slight the people he cares about (including his tiger, who is a people as far as he's concerned). Despite his brooding he's actually pretty calm in temper, but he'll go for the throat in the aforementioned situations.
Make Happy: Show him affection. Doesn't have to be much or even direct. If anything, it's those subtle or passive displays, like the touch as one walks by, that get to him the most. It just makes him happy to feel wanted like that.
Make Angry: Accuse her of ignorance, or attack her theories without evidence. She's all up for outside opinions, debate, and peer review, as that is an important part of science. But if someone just comes at her with clear bias, or without being able to actually provide backup to their counterargument, it frustrates her.
Make Happy: Listen to her when she talks. She knows she can ramble pretty badly when she's excited about something, and she doesn't expect everyone to be as invested in her studies as she is. Still, knowing that someone is willing to put in the effort to at least listen to her means a great deal.
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exn0bisstudios · 4 years ago
the ro's have to share a bed with mc (perhaps they're have a crush on the mc?), how do they react to their current situation?
Gasp! The famed "only one bed" scenario!!! Assuming crush stage, where they've acknowledged that they indeed have Feelings:
Mira: Wouldn't think anything of it, really. They've been glued to the Seer's side for the past 5 years, including roughing it through rugged terrain. Sharing a sleep space, bathing together, other bathroom or hygiene needs - none of that phases them; it's all par for the course. They'd only react if someone else made it 'weird' by suggestively teasing them about being all up close and personal with Seer. In which case they'd turn beet red and get very flustered while trying to assure Seer it's nothing like that at all, they have no ulterior intentions, etc. 
Nova: Outwardly doesn't react any differently than expected, so the usual mildly suggestive teasing of the Seer, like "hm, I had been hoping to have some private time together." In practice, though, they'd be highly respectful of Seer's needs, comfort level, and boundaries. Would actually offer to just give them the bed and leave them alone, citing that they don't technically need sleep like an ordinary mortal does. They don't want to risk making Seer uncomfortable and somehow losing their budding closeness, after all.
Stella: Blushes furiously and immediately starts arguing with whoever is organizing the bed situation to find a different arrangement. They'd try to write it off as "nothing personal, I just like my privacy," but it'd hardly be believable with their cheeks so flushed. They'd offer to sleep on the floor so that Seer can have the bed, too. Either way, they probably wouldn't get much sleep, as they'd be too preoccupied being hyperaware of the Seer's proximity.
Désiré: Isn't too bothered by it, as he's used to close-quarters since he spends so much time on his boat with his crew. He'd be more concerned over the Seer's comfort, expressing that he'd be willing to trade with someone else if that made Seer more comfortable. If he was told that his company is fine, he'd blush lightly, smile, and accept the situation without further protest. Remains respectful through the night.
Vittore Simone: Flat refuses, in a serious enough way that leaves no room for argument. Will be honest and explain to Seer that it's not a personal remark against them by any means but that he has chronic nightmares. He doesn't wish to subject them to that or potentially disrupt their sleep. He's polite enough to listen to counterarguments, but he won't budge on this. Will thank the Seer for their kindness and help them settle, though, before disappearing elsewhere for the evening. Internally he'll be a bit of a mess that night and probably doesn't sleep at all. He just desperately doesn't want the Seer to think poorly of him by seeing him so vulnerable.
Andrai: Tries to play it off like he doesn't care, but a keen eye will see how the tips of his ears have gone red and that he won't meet the Seer's gaze. Would offer to give up the bed entirely since he can't sleep without Namira anyway. If the Seer protested this, he'd eventually, hesitantly offer that the Seer can join him in snuggling with Namira, if they'd like. His blush will be much more apparent when he does so.
Vzridmi: Goes rather pink at first, surprised that they're even in such a situation, but after ascertaining that the Seer is comfortable with the idea, she'd get excited about it. In her brain, she'd almost be thinking of it as an impromptu sleepover party with her favorite person, really. Just takes the opportunity to spend some quality time with Seer before bed. Probably ends up cuddling them in her sleep without realizing it.
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exn0bisstudios · 4 years ago
As a preface: no need to answer if you don’t feel comfortable with it,I know people sometimes don’t like these questions so no pressure if you’re one of them! Who likes kids, who would like to be a parent (if their partner also wanted that of course!), and who is good with kids? Thank you!
Well, firstly, thank you for your concern! I'm okay with these topics so long as it's not about me personally, so don't worry! That said, though, I'll put this under a cut since the topic might be uncomfortable for some people.
CW for: talk involving conception, infertility, pregnancy, miscarriage
Edited 5/16 - Changes to include more inclusive language. My apologies! 
Since we're talking about the ROs and kids, let us talk about MC too for a sec.
It should be noted that it is typically challenging for a Seer to bear children/impregnate someone. The corruption that comes with their Void powers usually renders them infertile, or at least close to. However, it's not unheard of for a Seer to have children. Still, it usually results in a difficult pregnancy and can be dangerous to both the carrier and the child. Additionally, any child born from a Seer (either parent) would be Dream-touched.
That said, as we know, MC is a very special Seer. Canonically, their powers have not rendered them infertile, though their kid would still end up Dream-touched. However, I will be leaving it up to players to decide if their MC can or can't have biological kids for other reasons. And, obviously, adoption is also very much an option!
Now on to the ROs!
Mira likes kids well enough, and they're usually very good with them. They struggle a bit with dealing with noble children. Still, Mira's kind and empathetic nature tend to have children warming up to them regardless. They used to help take care of the young recruits back at the Order, both daily routine stuff and some training.
They would absolutely love to have a family one day, but it's something they kinda push to the back of their mind and try not to think about. Their lifestyle doesn't lend itself to the stability and safety necessary for raising children, considering they could be killed in action any day. They think it would be grossly irresponsible to have a family, then end up dead somewhere and leave them hanging. Mira was an orphan themself, and they know firsthand how hard life is for kids on their own. They have no desire to contribute to that lifestyle or put their own potential child through that.
If there ever came a time where they could lay down their weapons for good, though, then yes. They'd want to start a family in whatever way they could. Though not opposed to having biological children, both masc & fem Mira would prefer to adopt. Again, being an orphan themself, they would choose to take in a child. Mira would ideally like 2-3 kids so they can have a big family to grow old with, and they'd be a very supportive and doting parent. They'd probably struggle with discipline.
Children confuse the absolute shit out of Nova, and the way mortals procreate admittedly terrifies them. Nightmares are not born in the same sense that mortals are; they just kinda pop into existence fully formed. When Nova first learned about mortal procreation, they had a minor mental breakdown. The idea of another, smaller living thing growing inside someone strikes them as distinctly horrific. They've done their best to accept the idea at this point in their life, but mainly they cope with it by ignoring its existence. They see a pregnant person and basically go, 'suddenly I have no eyes.' Babies and children continue to confuse them despite their best efforts, and they have no idea how to interact with them. You put a child around Nova, and you're liable to hear them genuinely asking the kid why they are so small and dumb.
Nova's mortal body is also infertile by design. They chose this shortly after they realized they actually enjoyed sex and would do it again. They don't know if it would be possible for them to become pregnant/impregnate someone, considering they're not actually mortal. Still, they didn't want to risk it.
The only time Nova would consider starting a family is if it was something their partner(s) really, really wanted. They'd sit down and have an honest talk about how it's something that they know nothing about, that the process scares them, and that they are absolutely going to need help learning how to handle it all. But, if their partner is willing to accept all that, Nova would be willing to try. Though again, they don't know if they can procreate with a mortal, so they'd probably recommend going for a surrogate or adoption. Eventually, Nova'd grow into a good parent, very supportive, and surprisingly level-headed.
They don't have too much of an opinion on children, which shows in how they don't really know how to interact with them. Stella feels super awkward around kids, and they're more likely to tell them to shoo. Their own childhood has tainted their views, and being around children brings up things they'd rather not think about. Honestly, the fastest way to make Stella disappear is to put a child nearby.
Deep down, though, they like the idea of starting a family. It would take a lot of encouragement to get them to admit that. It'd take even more to help them process long-ignored family-related trauma and unlearn a whole lot of unhealthy habits. With the proper support from their partner(s), though, they'd really like to give things a try. Fem Stella wouldn't mind carrying a child. Still, both fem & masc Stella generally don't care if their kid is biological or adopted.
Stella would make for a very nervous parent, and they'd be absolutely terrible at discipline. They'd probably helicopter and be overprotective and would have to be reminded by their partner(s) that things will be okay.
So a bit of history: Dez is one of the only two ROs who already has child-rearing experience. His best friend and second-in-command, Alix, was born and raised in the brothel with him. While he grew up to be an errand boy and bodyguard, she became one of the courtesans. He took up smuggling and worked his ass off to get them out of there, but unfortunately, Alix became pregnant before they could escape. Alix's son, Dimitri, was born in the cabin of the first ship Dez ever owned.
Alix eventually married Catarina, the crew's healer, who has acted as Dimitri's other mother. Thus, while Dez is 'officially' Dimitri's uncle, he has always been his only father-figure. Dimitri is 14 by the time of the game and is still a very active part of Désiré's life. You'll actually get a chance to meet him in-game since he's got a place on Dez's crew (he's the cabin boy)!
Now that history is managed, it's safe to say that Désiré would love to start a family one day. It doesn't matter to him how, though going the biological route, let it be known he's excellent at tending to pregnancy needs. He's a wonderful parent, generally gentle while supportive and encouraging, and is comfortable being stern when it's called for.
Vittore Simone
Sadly I can't get into the specifics of Vittore Simone's thoughts on kids and family without it becoming a spoiler. However, I can say that he vowed when he was young that he'd never have kids and has never thought of it since. Going forward, it would never be something that crossed his mind unless brought up by his partner and would be something he'd defensively refuse at first. Later, he'd come back with apologies and to have a more open conversation on the matter to express his reservations and fears.
Suffice to say that the idea of being a father absolutely terrifies him, and he has always taken great pains to avoid it ever happening. Even just the thought is enough to send him into panic attacks. His partner will need to be patient with him and accept that this is something he may genuinely never be able to do for the sake of his own health and any future child's. It would take a lot of time, reassurance, work, healing, support, and understanding before Vittore Simone ever agreed to give parenthood a shot. It will not be an easy road for him or his partner. It would likely be a road that never truly ends, and he'd need to be sure that they can both accept that without damaging their own relationship. He would try, though. He would do his damnedest. And, thankfully, there will never be any doubt that he genuinely does love his kid.
As a father, initially, he would constantly be terrified he was hurting his kid somehow. He would struggle with being overly permissive & overprotective at the same time. He's liable to have a panic attack any time the kid cries for the first several years. His partner will have to help him get through 'I'm a terrible father, this was a mistake' breakdowns periodically. Slowly, though, he'll build some confidence and be more comfortable interacting and expressing himself with his kid. He'll always be supportive, and he'll work his hardest to be sure his family knows he loves them unconditionally. His partner will have to accept the role of disciplinarian, though. That's never going to be something he'll be able to do on his own (but of course, he'll be there to support them in those conversations. He doesn't want to make them the 'bad guy' by any means).
The other RO with child-rearing experience! Andrai has 15 younger siblings (yes, you heard me correctly) and absolutely adores them all. They're all grown now, but he loved taking care of them when they were little, and he still dotes on them whenever he can, in his own way. In general, he loves kids. He just thinks they're adorable. And, despite appearances, he's excellent with them. Kids love this man, they flock to him, and he has no problem with that. It confuses most onlookers.
The idea of starting his own family turns him to absolute mush. And, he'd love to, so so much. Adoption, biological, and surrogacy are okay with him. It would be up to his partner to limit exactly how many kids they have since Andrai would just say he wants them all. He makes an excellent dad, albeit quiet, and is unwaveringly supportive. He's comfortable with discipline and is the type to encourage self-assessing behavior. He's excellent at giving advice and genuinely just likes spending time with his kids and being involved in their lives.
He's probably not the one you would peg as the 'domestic bliss' type, but he absolutely is.
She's very comfortable with kids since communal rearing is very common in ork communities, and she'd love to have a family one day. Some kids unused to orks might find her a bit intimidating just because of her size, but in general, children think she's fun to be around. She doesn't necessarily think about it too much, though, at this point in her life. It's not something she sees as being on the table for quite some time - she has research and exploration to be doing, after all.
Whenever she was ready to settle down for a family, she'd be comfortable with carrying a child herself, surrogacy, or adopting. She would really like to have at least one biological child if possible, though. She would make for an entertaining mother, excited about her child's life and ever-supportive of their interests and pursuits. She's comfortable with all the aspects of child-rearing. Still, She would definitely need her partner's advice if they ever discovered their kid was dealing with bullying. She'd need to be reminded by her partner not to be overprotective - she's not above threatening others with her war-hammer if they upset her baby.
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exn0bisstudios · 4 years ago
-sliiiides in- HIIIII.💜 (just doin what I said I would in discord no rush but) would you perhaps grace us with TTO RO scent profiles pls ??? -chinhands-
I love me some scents~ I have had some custom perfume oils made for some of my characters before. 😂 Unrelated to anything really, but if anyone is ever interested in some really wonderful (handmade and vegan, too!) perfumes and bath & body products, I always recommend Haus of Gloi! They make some really amazing things. Definitely my go-to.
But anyway, to your actual question!
Mira naturally deepens scents.
Top Notes: Bergamot Middle Notes: Chamomile; Leather Base Notes: White Oak (a pale wood note, tinged with vanilla)
Scents remain mostly neutral/true on Nova.
Top Notes: Sweet Pea (delicate and sweet watery floral) Middle Notes: Chai; Jasmine Base Notes: Vanilla bean
Stella naturally softens scents.
Top Notes: Black Tea Middle Notes: Rose; Leather Base Notes: Labdnaum (balsamic, sweet, resinous. Reminiscent of incense and amber.)
Désiré naturally sweetens scents.
Top Notes: Almond Middle Notes: Coffee; Rain (damp ozone) Base Notes: Vetiver (very distinctive dark, dry, earthy note, very tenacious)
Vittore Simone:
Vittone naturally deepens scents.
Top Notes: Lavender Middle Notes: Clove; Rose Base Notes: Patchouli (rich, earthy, and dark)
Andrai naturally softens scents.
Top Notes: Kaffier Lime Leaf (a spicy warm green note) Middle Notes: Leather; Leaf Pile (slightly green, dry leafy note) Base Notes: Woodsmoke
Mimi naturally softens scents.
Top Notes: Cardamom Middle Notes: Anise; Apricot Base Notes: Brown Sugar
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exn0bisstudios · 4 years ago
okay VITTONE SIMPS reporting for booty.. idk i just love bad boys esp genius bad boys. also very important: which ROs are swole?
One: I am SO HAPPY to see Vittone love. He’s a deeply important character to me so I’m like 🥺🥺🥺🥺💕
Two: I dunno how to tell you this, Anon, but... pretty much the entire core cast is some level of swole. This would be easier to answer as ‘who is most swole to least swole’, really. SO!
Most swole to least swole (from Prime Beef to Lean Beef):
Mira, Vittone, Vzridmi, Andrai, Stella, Dez, Nova
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exn0bisstudios · 4 years ago
I can't wait to meet my 6'7 orc GF and stand on my tippy toes to give them a smooch.
She will happily lean down as far as she needs to for smooches! Er... and don’t be surprised if she randomly goes on a tangent about inventing some kind of enchanted step stool.
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exn0bisstudios · 4 years ago
I need to know where the ros for both of your ifs fall on this graph....for science.
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You know, I'm not actually sure I understand this meme, but I did my best. 😂
TTO Ver.
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TMP Ver.
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Summary: We have a lot of ROs who have no problem staring God in the eye. 😐
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exn0bisstudios · 3 years ago
Part two is finally here!! I finally finished it!! It’s extremely painful!! I never want to think about this again!!!!!
RO reactions to Seer dying
(Decided not to do 'Seer's dying words' because that would vary depending on Seer's personality. Somehow, too, this is actually more painful??? Oops... )
Mira: They have always been your rock, your calm at the center of the storm. Steady and sweet and so very, very kind. A part of you had always wondered what it would be like if something finally broke and if their calm finally came apart. You regret ever having wondered, now. They cradle your broken body to their chest, rocking you so very gently as they sob, beg for you to be okay. "It should be me. It should be me. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry, please, don't go. I'll do anything. Please. Please."
Nova: They cradle you gently in their lap, uncaring of the blood and filth that stains their fine clothes. One warm, well-manicured hand holds yours, thumb drawing soothing circles across your knuckles. The other strokes your hair as they coo to you softly, tender words of adoration and comfort. It is a peaceful way to end, something you never thought you'd be allowed to have, and you're grateful. They speak to you as if this is simply some momentary parting, and they seem so sure of this that you find yourself actually believing them. It is a beautiful thing to think as your eyes begin to close, tainted only by a different revelation caused by the dark streak you see roll down Nova's face before your vision wanes: Nightmares can cry.
Stella: "Don't you dare! Don't you fucking dare!" You almost want to laugh at how fitting it is for Stella to be yelling at you in your last moments; they've never been the best at expressing their real emotions, but that's never stopped you from knowing how much they love you. You wish you could tell them that and remind them that they deserve to be loved, too. And that you did, do, love them. They are clinging to the front of your robes now. The sobs that have replaced their shouting shaking you to your core, and you desperately wish you could comfort them. If only you could stay awake. "I can't— I can't! Not again! Not you! Not like this! I— I can't! I-I can't..." 
Désiré: You never would have imagined, back when you first met, that this man who so meticulously maintains an unreadable expression could look at you with such unrestrained and unmistakable adoration written all over his face. Tears roll down his cheeks as he supports you, but that loving smile never wavers, and his gaze stays locked on yours. You both know what's happening, and you appreciate him using what time you have left to treasure you. You shiver as the creeping cold steals feeling from your limbs, and he clutches you closer, pressing his lips to your forehead. You feel the 'I love you' against your skin shortly before you feel nothing at all.
Vittore Simone: You've had to think about death a lot in your line of work. You often figured that when you died, you might feel angry, or scared, or maybe bitter at how unfair it was. And you do, you suppose, now that you're confronted with it. Just not for the reasons you expected. You feel angry because Vittore Simone falls to his knees at your side, mumbling for this to be a nightmare, a falsity, and you're furious, knowing you'll be one more thing the world has taken away from him. You're scared because you look in his glassy eyes, and you see the fragile thread he's been using to hold himself together all his life straining under your loss, and you're terrified this will finally break it. You’re bitter, so, so bitter, because it's not fair; this man who holds you like you're holy even now, sobbing and destroyed, deserves so much more than to be left behind one more time. You struggle, and you fight to remain conscious, to stay, to give him something better, but death calls - and as you close your eyes, your last vision a shattered echo of the man you love, you know it has claimed you both. 
Andrai: He wears your blood up to his elbows, face streaked with tears and sweat as he pours everything he has into trying to heal you, to save you. His body trembles with his efforts, and you want to tell him to stop, that it's too late, that you don't want your last memories to be of him hurting himself for a hopeless cause. You touch his face, weak and gentle, and the golden glow of his eyes fades to panic and terror. "No," he tries to speak it like he can command it into reality, but his voice is hoarse and shaking. "No, you can't. You won't. I'll save you. You'll be fine. I'll save you." You want to tell him that this isn't his fault, his failing; you want to say to him that everything will be okay in time and that he needs to let you go. But he is too scared, too crushed by the weight of his past; he will kill himself trying to save you, but you don't have the strength to stop him. Your hazy eyes look to find the bright azure of the beast who dutifully sits at his side; keep him safe, you think. The tiger bows her head, solemn and understanding, and you give your lover one final smile before the beast grabs the back of his armor. You close your eyes early, so you don't have to see his face as he fights to stay at your side with the pittance of strength he has left. It does nothing to save you from the sobs or the screams, the heartsick chanting of 'don't leave me, don't go' echoing before the darkness takes you.
Vzridmi: You watch as she looks you over, her eyes the calm calculation of a professional, her touch sure and skilled. You appreciate it while you can because, somehow, you know before she does; there's no coming back from this. It doesn't take long before she realizes it, too, and that's when the change happens. Her eyes snap to yours, wide and watering as the realization sinks in. "You're going to be okay. Don't worry." She tries her best to mask her sorrow with warm reassurance, but her voice breaks. She's never been good at ignoring the facts, but she's doing her best to comfort you, to make this easier. You try to smile, to reach for her, and she takes your hand and holds it close to her chest. "I love you," she says it like a prayer, pressing a kiss to your fingers as the tears start to fall. "Everything is going to be okay." You're grateful for her strength, for her warmth. But as you close your eyes, you wonder: who is going to comfort her?
hey Adrian 👀👀👀 ive seen this on a few other blogs so uhhh, what would the TTO RO’s dying words be to the seer or their words to a dying seer?
Thank you for indulging me with this, even though I am full of regret because I actually managed to make myself sobby while writing it. So much so that this is actually only part one since I needed to break from writing part two (the 'RO reactions to Seer dying' part) due to emotionally exhausting myself. Oops. 😂 I'll reblog this with part two once I get it finished 😘
Prepare for pain!!!
RO's dying words to the Seer
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