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Way of Death - Vulpes-Ibculta
#Way of Death#Vulpes-Ibculta#giant#trees#monsters#travelers#transformation#ominous#dark fantasy#digital art
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All Rights Reserved © Vulpes-Ibculta • Please don’t copy, modify or use the artist’s work without permission. Thank you!
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Люби, люби, не опуская моё сердце в омут слез..
Люби, люби, не опуская Моё сердце в омут слёз.. "Любил ты ?" задан был вопрос; Любил, но сердцем не растаял..
Ты мне дороже всех на свете, Дороже кладов и принцесс.. "Постой.. где муза та, с небес, После которой жаждал смерти ?.."
Её столь нежен поцелуй, Но не искал я в нём забвенья, Мне вкус её не дал прозренья.. "..Портрет её мне нарисуй.."
Я не любил, меня любили… Она проста, а я был сложен, И всё ж, не я достал из ножен Кинжал, что счастье погубил..
Печален был её удел - Меня искала, я же, вечно Любовь искал, что бесконечна - Любовь, что лишь теперь узрел…
"И это правда ? вновь ты любишь ?.." Да, это правда.. нет, не вновь.. Я первый раз нашёл Любовь.. И Ты - моею вечно будешь..
L'Aube by Vulpes-Ibculta
#russian tumblr#русский tumblr#русский тамблер#дневник#поэзия#стихи#русский дневник#russian poetry#русский пост#личный блог#искусство#русский блог#текст на русском#art#poetry#блог#русский#мой тамблер#мысли вслух#мой блог#любовь#эстетик��#элегия#мистика#Aiden Levitsky
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Untitled, by Artem Demura, via crystalball23.tumblr.com.
#illustration#weird art#artem demura#vulpes-ibculta#hazegrave#undead#skull face#writing#smoker#cigarette#macabre#dark art#dark surrealism#surreal
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RestInPeace by Artem Demura (Vulpes-Ibculta on DeviantArt)
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Days by Vulpes-Ibculta
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v̸u̸l̸p̸e̸s̸ i̸b̸c̸u̸l̸t̸a̸
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Vulture - Vulpes-Ibculta
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Planewalkers - Mallard Conway & William Wisp, for @unwitnessprotection
Jean-Paul Sartre, No Exit and Three Other Plays; The Flies/Alice Notley, In the Pines/Erika Sánchez, Lessons on Expulsion/Alex Beddows, Stairway to Heaven/John Martin, Sadak in Search of the Waters of Oblivion/Simone de Beauvoir, Jean-Paul Sartre/Melissa Lee-Houghton, The Bray/Eilif Peterssen, Absorbed in his Studies/Mary MacLane, I Await The Devil’s Coming /Natalie Díaz, American Arithmetic, Postcolonial Love Poem/Jean-Paul Sartre, No Exit and Three Other Plays; The Flies/Vulpes-Ibculta/Nekro, Borja Fresco Costal/Franz Kafka, Letters to Milena/Darren Shan, Cirque du Freak/Erica Jong, Mother/Franz Kafka, Letters to Felice/Franz von Stück, Wilde Jagd
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Honoring by Vulpes-Ibculta via ImaginaryMythology
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Treasure, by Artem Demura (Vulpes-Ibculta), via DeviantArt.
#illustration#weird art#artem demura#vulpes-ibculta#creature#four arms#pond#flowers#dark art#fantasy art
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Samael by Vulpes Ibculta
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Dragon Rider by Vulpes-Ibculta
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The Nuckelavee [Scottish mythology, Orcadian mythology]
In Orcadian mythology – that is to say, the myths of the Orkney Islands of Scotland – people feared a foul beast that might be one of the more popular creatures in this bestiary. This is the dreaded Nuckelavee, a monster that resembles a rider fused to his horse, but both rider and horse are one and both are without skin, which means their muscles and bones are visible. Its veins are yellow and should you be able to wound it somehow, you’d see that its blood is black as ink. Though the rider has no visible legs, since his torso fuses to the horse’s back, he has very long arms that can reach the ground. It was known to attack livestock as well as people. It does not belong to a species or kind of monster, rather there is only one single Nuckelavee.
The horse’s head also has one singular eye and its legs have fins, since the Nuckelavee spends most of its time underwater. In some versions, the legs of the horse body are replaced entirely with fins. To complete the picture, some depictions also gave the monster a pig-like snout.
It makes for a terrifying creature, especially since its foul breath can spread diseases among livestock and can wither crops: in fact, when a pestilence or disease had swept across Scotland, people often blamed the Nuckelavee. The creature was also responsible for droughts.
In the 18th century (starting from 1722), Scotland started with the commercial production of sodium carbonate (or ‘soda ash’ as it was then called) by burning seaweed. This product had applications in agriculture (to treat acidified soil) and the production of glass and soap, but legend has it that the pungent smell of burned seaweed drove the Nuckelavee into a rage, and it produced a plague called Mortasheen to kill the horses of Stronsay (one of the Orcadian islands). But the smell of burning seaweed did protect against the monster, and people used to burn small amounts of seaweed to keep the Nuckelavee at bay.
Though the creature is powerful, it cannot cross a flowing stream of fresh water, so if you ever find yourself chased by one, be sure to seek out a river or stream! Due to its extreme aversion to fresh water, the Nuckelavee would never come on land when it was raining. Oddly, it has no such weakness to salt water, and often hides under the surface of the sea to leap out at victims.
During the summer months, the Nuckelavee is imprisoned by the “Mither o’ the Sea”, a powerful Orcadian spirit. In Shetland, the creature was called ‘Mukkelevi’. Like several other Orcadian mythical monsters, the Nuckelavee is actually rooted in older Norse myths.
Sources: Dennison, T. W., 1891, Orkney Folklore: Sea myths, in Scottish Antiquary: or Northern Notes & Queries, Edinburgh University Press, 5:19, 130-133. Monaghan, P., 2004, The Encyclopedia of Celtic Mythology and Folklore, Facts on File Library of Religion and Mythology, 512 pp. Marwick, E., 2020, The Folklore of Orkney and Shetland, Birlinn Ltd, 216 pp. Pérez-Lloréns et al., 2020, Seaweeds in mythology, folklore, poetry and life, Journal of Applied Phycology, 32, 3157-3182. (image source 1: Vulpes-Ibculta on Deviantart) (image source 2: Ulderico Fioretti)
#Scottish mythology#creepy#spooky#Halloween#spirits#monsters#monster#mythology#art#myths#world mythology#bestiary#mythical creatures
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