circusballoon · 26 days
For Artist Ask: 5, 15, 25! :D
From this meme~ (which I'll still gladly accept more numbers from)
5. What's your favorite thing to draw?
Silly humanoid/anthro sci-fi/fantasy OCs of various sorts! I love excuses to sit around and think about my chaotic sci-fi/fantasy worlds and characters, and drawing them helps me think about them so ... they're 100% my favorite thing. I've been making silly fantasy/sci-fi worlds and stories pretty much since I was old enough to talk. It originally started with playing with my toys and coming up with magical planets for them to live on! Buuut when the magic of toys wore off in my preteens... I turned to drawing to get that same energy out. I just really love OCs 😭
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15. How long does an average piece take you to complete?
UHHH gosh that's so varied but I think I'd say like 15 minutes for simple sketchy things, and more like 2 - 3 hours for something more finished? And then somewhere in between that for stuff that's in between there (or 5 minutes for a very loose sketch)
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25. Do you like to draw in silence, or with music?
Depends a lot on the day! I really love drawing with music, especially to set the mood of whatever I'm drawing My actual main preference for noise just tends to be having sound cancelling headphones on, which tends to be silence more often than music I think?? but I love music.
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erradox · 11 years
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Here are some more iscribble doodles. Image captions reveal who is who! 
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burbled · 12 years
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HORRIBLE VALENTINES Vuarei and Riujat belong to Bob and Tiger respectively ! !
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circusballoon · 4 months
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More challenge nonsense with @erradox! This time describing characters' features with only one word per feature and the other person trying to draw based on that without knowing who they're drawing. Everyone came out relatively close to their actual selves, but we know each other's characters extremely well so it's easy to recognize them from description.
Also some bonus doodles of vampire space monkey boyfriends
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circusballoon · 3 months
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Originally for a meme of answering my five favorite OCs of mine, but I ended up adding bonus characters after drawing five. I have a lot more favorite runners up, too... I just love my characters so much.
If you want to know character names: Nando (he), River (she), Paz (they) Ayo (she), Rosette (she), Psavine (he/any) Then (any), Tabitha (she), Vuarei (he) top left and bottom right corners are reserved for cheerful flirty vampire guys, and bottom left and top right are reserved for extremely nerdy agender dorks (none of this is actually intentional but it's how it worked out)
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circusballoon · 1 year
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Space vampire guys!!! And Warren (bottom left), who is not a vampire or from space, but is often surrounded in space vampire guys.
Warren and Jayk (the guys on the bottom) were the first canonical queer couple I ever had with anybody so they hold a very special place in my art (and heart which this was supposed to say but art is true too)
Both characters who have color pictures belong to @erradox
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circusballoon · 1 year
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A page of old characters of mine who I've had for ... I'm not sure how many years now but a lot. The oldest (the cat lounging) I've had in some form for 23 years though
Jayk, the one in color on the bottom left, was my very first canonically queer character to be in a relationship. I made him more of a monkey now because he deserved to be a fuller monkey
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circusballoon · 1 year
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doodle page!!! The character leaning in a chair is Warren (he/him) and belongs to @erradox
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circusballoon · 27 days
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A page o' vampires + me, who somehow has never had a vampire sona?? Initially inspired by the fact I've drawn Nando and Psavine (the ones on the left and drawing below that) far too few times despite them being self-proclaimed brothers and close.
But I also needed to draw other characters because I just love vampires. Everyone is mine except for @erradox's character, Lossi, in an outfit swap with Jayk.
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circusballoon · 8 months
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Doodles and drawing games with @burbled and @erradox!! I think these are from August-ish 2023
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circusballoon · 10 years
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I don't knoowwww it was just time for drawing space pirates... Well, except only two of them are even pirates. Vuarei (middle right) merely manages taxes for an officer on the ship, Ryn (bottom left) is a secretary, and Zip (bottom right) is ..mostly a delivery girl. They all work on the same pirate ship, though.
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circusballoon · 12 years
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I can't draw guitars
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