seachranaidhe · 2 years
1/ Rejectionist Unionism is still grappling with the cold reality of modernity and loss of veto on the affairs and control of the previously subordinated minority, exposing their insatiable need to kettle & police their neighbours as enemies. The anti-GFA Dup have always been
1/ Rejectionist Unionism is still grappling with the cold reality of modernity and loss of veto on the affairs and control of the previously subordinated minority, exposing their insatiable need to kettle & police their neighbours as enemies. The anti-GFA Dup have always been
2/ against powersharing.Brexit offered the opportunity to turn the clock back to pre-1972 supremacist regime hegemony. It backfired spectacularly now Brexit is ravaging unionism itself.The DUP don’t want any deal. They wanted a border!They got one, but not the one they wanted. 3/3 The mindset has landed us all with the inevitable confirmation that bigots themselves are incapable of…
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seachranaidhe · 2 years
Lier lier porn movies on firer , What do you have to say for yourself Deputy jeffwee pic.twitter.com/DSCGusJV0u— The Count of mounty Bisto part Due (@SeanBra33633981) October 28, 2022
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seachranaidhe · 2 years
If there is another election don't let the DUP fool you once again with their lies #VoteJeffreyGetJamie
If there is another election don’t let the DUP fool you once again with their lies #VoteJeffreyGetJamie
pic.twitter.com/EnVV8BefLQ— 👻🎃DUP Leader 🇪🇺🎃👻 (@DUPleader) October 28, 2022
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