#Voiced by D.C. Douglas
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alexthegamingboy · 1 year ago
And voiced by D.C. Douglas in the English dub, no less.
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And here comes the trouble.
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matt0044 · 6 months ago
My IDW Sonic Fancast Part 3:
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I've had some rethinking about Surge and Jewel since I began rewatching Sailor Moon. But there are plenty of others I didn't cover before.
So... here we go:
"D.C. Douglas as Clutch The Opossum” - As a shady business man with a mug that just screams, "I'm bad news," a smooth and calm voice like that of Yoshikage Kira would be perfect. A cadence that would get people to let down their guard with him since he seems mean but sounds so refined. But like Yoshikage Kira, his dapper facade belies a heart of depravity.
“Michael Sorich as Nite The Owl” - While a live action role inspired me, Sorich’s performance as Woody in VR Troopers made me think of Nite. He’d be able to capture his jovial demeanor and would work brilliantly with the mounting horror of the Metal Virus in terms of mood shifts in the story.
“Amanda Celine Miller/Bennet Abara as Surge The Tenrec” - In Sailor Moon, Makoto Kino was kicked out of her school for defending others against bullies and is seen as a sukeban (delinquent girl) only for Usagi to find she’s good hearted. Amanda Celine Miller was a fan of the character and it shows in her performance as Sailor Jupiter’s new voice actress.
How would this shake out for Surge? Well, for me, I think Amanda’s smooth yet tough tone as Mako would lend itself well for the Tenrec when she’s unapologetically villainous. As if Mako really was the bad girl she was seen as.
However, in the event of Surge turning herself around, Amanda’s performance would be able to mellow out into something still Surge-y but also able to come off more heroic. A real punk if you will.
“Derek Stephan Prince as Rough and Tumble” - Two for the price of one. Derek's voice for Impmon would fit Rough with his fast talking New Yorker voice. Given it's a Joe Pesci impression, it'd be a good callback to the wet bandits. Badabing-badaboom.
Meanwhile, the voice of Elgar from Power Rangers Turbo would be a perfect fit for the more slow-witted Tumble.
"Stephanie Sheh as Jewel The Beetle" - I feel like Sheh's performance as the ditzy Usagi Tsukino would transfer well into Jewel's neurotic sense of order as well as how she can get anxious pretty quick. Give it a bit of a nasally quality and it'd fit perfectly.
And that's that. Feel free to voice your agreements or disagreements.
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hercoldhands · 9 months ago
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hot and interesting!! man. Anyways, this is why DC Douglas got fired from Wesker (well actually it was leaking this image but)
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anyways, uh, you know, he's actively doxxing me and one of his ex girlfriends. I have soooo much more in my dms as well, but lets start here.
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weskerwives · 10 months ago
Male Voice Over Talent in Los Angeles
Popular voice actor D.C. Douglas offers voice over services (commercials, narration, promos, videogames) direct from his Los Angeles studio to anywhere in the world.
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jjr1971 · 2 years ago
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Yours truly meeting veteran anime (& non-anime) voice actor, D.C. Douglas at Delta H Con 2023, Day One.
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cenorii · 10 months ago
Generalized theory about re9
I'm looking forward to re9 as much as you are, and I have a lot of logical conclusions about what kind of story we'll be greeted with in it. But Capcom is good at surprising people, so my thoughts on this installment may just be a grain of sand in the sea or a half-truth.
In this theory I will give my view on the plot of re9 and give my arguments, so sit back, there will be lots of facts and pictures!
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Let's start with the fact that back in 2016 Capcom threw in an interesting plot detail for us called Umbrella Corps. I can't call it a real game, it's more of a story DLC for all games.
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The plot: the main character is an unnamed mercenary nicknamed 3A-7. He is part of the Umbrella Corps, a secret corps that belongs to Blue Umbrella, an organization that "reformed and got on the right path". Didn't it seem like a lie back in re7, right? The purpose of this corps is to search for bioweapon samples in quarantined areas that the BSAA has failed to sterilize well. The main character is involved in an operation called "The Experiment" but survives every step of the way due to his combat experience. The plot glimpses an unknown Corps Leader (Executive) who even his subordinates know nothing about. One man who sent 3A-7 on missions once wondered why this Executive was so feared, why he was so intimidating, and why he knew so much about the events in re4, as if he had been to that island himself. But only two men survived the events in re4 - Leon and Wesker. A male subordinate attempted to get the Executive's DNA, but disappeared in the process. He was killed for wanting to know the truth and was replaced by a woman who also knew nothing about her boss. At the end of the story, the main character survives even after the most difficult challenge and is contacted by this mysterious Executive and told that he has plans for 3A-7. The main character is voiced by D.C. Douglas, just like the Executive, whose voice can be heard in co-op mode at the end of the missions.
His phrases: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pe7LEaA7em8
Albert Wesker is also voiced by Douglas. So why would Capcom take on such a recognizable voice? Why voice two characters at once with that voice? It can only make sense if the Executive turns out to be a suddenly alive Wesker. If you listen to his intonation, it's safe to say it's him, or his clone or twin brother.
We now know that Blue Umbrella are no longer the honest people they try to make themselves out to be in re7. In the "Not a Hero" DLC, Chris says he doesn't trust them. He has good intuition. It is in re7 that it is revealed that the Blue Umbrella are using Wesker's designs to create weapons effective against biological threats. Various firearms signed as "Albert W." are now being used by BSAA soldiers. Isn't that strange? No matter how good these weapons are, naming them after a bioterrorist and enemy of humanity is a strange move, isn't it? Someone secretly respects him.
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Chris's trust in the BSAA dwindles to the point where he creates his own small unit, the "Hound Wolf Squad". Once again, his intuition doesn't let him down. At the end of the re8 storyline, Chris discovers an unpleasant truth... The soldiers the BSAA sent into "village" to contain the Mold have turned out to be biological weapons. They are creatures completely indistinguishable from humans, and look just like Chris. They have his face.
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But why? Why Chris?
To answer that question, we need to go back to the Umbrella Corps storyline.
The mercenaries in the Corps have been collecting bioweapons samples for the mysterious Executive with Wesker's voice. The Corps is owned by Blue Umbrella, who cooperate with the BSAA and supply them with their weapons and medical supplies. It's safe to say that the Corps is also cooperating with the BSAA. These three organizations have created a new bioweapon indistinguishable from a normal human being using Chris' DNA. Hero DNA.
Why would the Executive want a bioweapon with Chris's appearance? Chris to Wesker has always been someone he considered his equal. Chris is "one of his best men." Who else but him would have thought of that? Who else besides him will speak in the voice of Douglas and hide from people? All of these details blatantly hint that Wesker is alive and involved.
Another interesting detail that also hints that Wesker is alive. Yes, it's my old theory. In re8 on the Heisenberg board this photo can be found. I originally thought it was his own photo, however why would he want his own photo on his own information board? The person in the photo is clearly older and has different facial features.
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The red line from this photo leads to Chris. Heisenberg sees a connection between the two men, but who is this mysterious old man?
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It's Wesker.
I'm 98% sure of it. Look closely at the points of interest: facial features, the shape of the nose, the distance from the nose to the mouth, the shape of the face, and the shape of the chin. Heisenberg knows from somewhere that Wesker is alive. But judging by the insignificance of this photo on the board, he doesn't think it's true or anything important.
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Putting all this information together, we get a picture of a possible re9 plot:
Wesker is again the antagonist\anti-villain, but perhaps not the main one. He operates from the shadows, running Umbrella Corps. He's obsessed with Chris and hides his existence from everyone, killing those who try to figure out his identity. Perhaps in the plot, Chris will meet an unnamed 3A-7 who is connected to the conspiracy between Blue Umbrella and BSAA. A major upheaval of all these organizations is coming and unexpected secrets will be revealed. Perhaps Ada Wong will be involved, as her concept is in re8 and the idea could still be realized. Wesker must have become very weak after the events of re5, or something happened to his body, which is why he can no longer maintain his standard image and his hair grows a lot. The plot will not be tied to defeating him, because he is not the main evil in this story.
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If BSAA has a big conflict brewing, then Jill will be affected. She could team up with Chris again, or she could get her own unique storyline (or DLC). Also, I think Claire might help her brother in some way by using TerraSave's resources, because that organization fights for human rights and in this case, Chris' rights were violated when his DNA was stolen. Looking back at this picture of the story, I'm starting to believe the rumors that the game will get very large scale and maybe even get an open world.
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However, all of this can be forgotten and discarded at Capcom's will. As logical as my re9 story picture looks, the writers may do something completely different that will surprise us all. Would I be upset if they scrapped such a logical and cool plot? A little bit. I'll be interested in playing and seeing what OTHER plot they come up with. I'll still be interested in what Capcom will try to surprise us with. Re9 is definitely a very important game for the whole story, because a lot of things will be dotted here. And even if they end up scrapping the idea of a living Wesker, it won't make re9 a bad game in my eyes. I will love these theories and the various AU's with alive Wesker even after the release of this game.
If you're wondering how Wesker survived in volcano, then I suggest you read my theory, in which I delved into this issue so much that I figured out the melting point of his clothes. It's here. Also in this theory there is a detailed analysis of the bioweapon-Chris, possible ways to understand the plot of Umbrella Corps and etc.
Thanks for reading!
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janicemarieaudio · 6 months ago
Dream Dub Fan Cast for Narnia Naberius:
Keith Silverstein.
Like, you can’t listen to D.C. Douglas voice Kalego in the English dub of Iruma-kun and NOT IMAGINE KEITH AS NARNIA!!! Like they definitely sound like they can be related, LISTEN TO THIS:
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howaboutcaptainwesker · 2 years ago
A reminder that Wesker's Report exists !!!
!!! Spoiler warning for RE1, RE2, RE3, and CODE: Veronica !!!
Wesker's Report
Wesker's Report II
Wesker's Extra Report
You can listen to them as voiced by:
Richard Waugh (CODE: Veronica / RE0 / RE4)
Wesker's Report
Pablo Kuntz (RE1)
Wesker's Report
D.C. Douglas (RE5)
Wesker's Report
Wesker's Report II ( PT 1, PT 2, PT 3, PT 4, PT 5 )
Wesker's Extra Report
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thingstrumperssay · 24 days ago
I watched this eleven hour long video on Vic Mignona while I was really fucking sick and it confirmed something that I kind of had a feeling was going on.
So basically thanks to his creepy behavior to women in the workplace and towards children his audience went from teenage Edward Elric and Tamaki fan girls to middle aged conservative men.
My whole view on Vic was basically "I heard that there's a law suit going on. I'll just wait for the results of that." And then he complained about COVID restrictions and I decided that rather he did those things or not I don't like him anymore anyway. Then I forgot about the lawsuit until the video came to my attention. (The lawsuit was apparently practically a joke.)
Anyway, even before that I've noticed a pattern between the people who would defend him and the people who would defend other right-wing pedophiles, and not those who would defend somebody who they're a legitimate fan of.
Like, when people defended the developer of FNAF to me they didn't defend his donations towards massive queerphobes. They defended the games and used "Markiplier got popular thanks to FNAF!" (which isn't true, for the record) and had nothing to do with the man himself.
But with Vic the arguments weren't "but he's a really good voice actor and he helped dubbed anime's reputation" or even "what proof is there?" It was shit like "the Me Too movement is going to enslave all men with false accusations!"
I've even noticed the weird amount of blank reviews on any anime that dared crawled above Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood on MyAnimeList. (That's not even the better one of the two.)
Frieren is currently at the top and if you look at the profiles for some of the low-effort 1 star reviews they also happen to have Brotherhood at a 10 without a review attached to it. (By "low-effort" I mean they use some of the most basic language to describe Frieren, like "it's uninspired," while not talking about the anime itself.)
At least unlike some people, Vic Mignona actually seems to be right-wing for a while, and not overnight when he knew that the accusations are coming.
This might also explain the trend of weird right-wingers who pretend to be anime fans while clearly having no clue what they're talking about.
So... I guess it feels nice to have confirmation on this?
...No, I lied. It's not nice.
What's weird is that I was going to meet him in 2019, but he got kicked (lol) from the con I was going to go to. I was able to meet some of the best voice actors that year (I got to meet Jerry Jewell, J. Michael Tatum, Ian Sinclair and D.C. Douglas while there!) so I really didn't actually care.
And from what I've seen in that video it didn't look like I would have enjoyed meeting Vic Mignona. (We'd probably get kicked out since I was there with my husband and with a couple of friends who are a couple. I dunno who would've punched him first.)
Then again we were all in our mid-twenties, so maybe he wouldn't have bothered us since we were at least ten years too old for him.
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jlandersen01 · 11 months ago
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I find Kalego in this outfit strangely hilarious- his English VA is D.C. Douglas, who also voiced...
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(Except Kalego is waaaaaaay cooler and I love his relationship with his students)
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bondedbywires · 2 years ago
hey remember when Wesker admitted that he has a hard-on to Chris? yeah me too.
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yeah it was from the novelization version of Code Veronica lol.
(and for the fact that D.C Douglas voiced Kira on DIU lol)
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ideas-on-paper · 2 years ago
An analysis of the voice lines from D.C. Douglas's Legion audition
[Potential spoilers for ME2]
So, the other day, I was browsing the internet for any interviews, commentaries, or anecdotes from D.C. Douglas in regards to his role as Legion in Mass Effect 2 (mainly out of curiosity, but also because his voice is prime ASMR material and I would never pass up an opportunity to listen to his relaxing timbre). While doing so, I stumbled upon an old video from 2015, containing some voice lines of D.C.'s original audition for Legion - well, strictly speaking, it wasn't the first one, but the call back he recorded after his initial audition. According to D.C., the first thing he submitted was a monologue, although the exact contents are unfortunately lost to us. However, since we have the fully voiced lines of the call back available (courtesy of Eric from Studiopolis), we have the opportunity to analyze the contents of these voice lines - which, as it turns out, happen to be quite interesting.
As a matter of fact, 99 % of these voice lines are completely unique and don't appear in the final game in any way, shape, or form. Although all we have is the isolated lines, we can deduce some of the context from the wording and the order of the recorded lines. Assuming that these lines were written by the ME2 staff previous to being sent to D.C. for test takes, it would mean that they were originally intended to be used in-game - and if this is the case, it would give new support to the theory that there is a huge amount of content, specifically related to Legion, that was cut from the final version.
The first thing to note is that in the audition file, Legion isn't even know as Legion yet - the recording is simply titled "D.C. Douglas - Geth", consequentially meaning that Legion's self-designation would be "Geth" as well (which, all things considered, is what they asked to be called in the first place). What follows next are some lines which seem to have been taken from a rather casual conversation with Shepard:
Most organics define themselves as social species, but insist on "personal space".
Six - six walls, including above and below. Humans do not think in three-dimensional terms.
We have noted your species is still poorly adapted to zero-gravity existence. Even aboard Normandy, you waste power creating gravity to comfort you.
My suspicion is that these are taken from a dialogue branch were Shepard inquires if they are comfortably settled in the AI core, asking if they are alright with being assigned such a tiny room (considering Legion's nature, this isn't really a concern, but it still would've been nice for Shepard to express the thought). Even though it should be clear that the term "personal space" holds no meaning to the Geth due to their nature as a Gestalt intelligence alone, the second line gives us an interesting insight into how they perceive the world around them. (It's worth noting that Legion also has combat lines where they announce the position of incoming enemies based on x-, y-, and z-coordinates, confirming their three-dimensional perception.) As for the third line, we actually know from astronauts what kind of effects continued absence of gravity has on the human body: myatrophy, blood circulation issues, and bone loss to only name a few. Although most of these issues can be reversed a short time after returning to Earth, it's still unknown whether humans would be able to adapt permanently to zero-gravity. However, if they did, we can assume they would have a hard time switching between life on a spaceship and going back to the surface of a planet, as this would require constant readaptation. (Though there's also the possibility that Legion was referring to a lifestyle exclusively onboard spaceships and space stations, like the Geth do it; either way, it's hard to tell without the context.)
Next, things get a little more interesting when it's apparent that human genetic engineering is discussed:
Human genetic engineering is sufficiently advanced to overcome those inefficiencies. You choose not to self-adapt. Why?
That's built-in obsolescence. Why does this law exist?
If we assume these lines are a continuation of the conversation above, it's possible that Legion is referring to genetic alterations that would allow humans to better adapt to a zero-gravity environment. However, as we know from the Mass Effect Codex, there's the so-called Sudham-Wolcott Genetic Heritage Act, which allows for the enhancement of qualities naturally present in humans, but prohibits manipulating the genome to gain new abilities - probably including any adaptations to weightlessness, whatever those might be (there are actually research endeavors to better understand and perhaps even cure the effects of bone loss, which would also be beneficial for people suffering from osteoporosis). When Shepard mentions the law to Legion, they are obviously confused as to why humans would actively choose not to evolve themselves if given the opportunity, as self-improvement is literally the main goal of the Geth.
Now's where things get really intriguing, because what follows are three lines that not only imply a profound discussion about the nature of humanity, but also Shepard's own self-confidence:
Ambiguous semantics - "human" is not a hardware configuration. "Human" is a set of shared experiences and assumptions - software.
The Geth believe that the Commander would be the Commander, no matter what hardware it is installed in.
Faith is belief without evidence. The Commander's core programming remains intact despite extensive hardware refit. That is evidence, and our judgement is not faith.
Going by our trail of thought from above, it could be that the reason Shepard gives why humanity abstains from extensive genetic modifications is that they would no longer be "human" otherwise. Legion, however, states that the term "human" has nothing to do with outward appearance, but rather a set of values and beliefs that all humans share - which, all things considered, is actually quite wholesome. (I guess as a neurodiverse person, this would kind of make me a "subspecies" of humanity - not that I mind, though.) 
What's even more interesting is that following this, Shepard themself seems to make a comment that they don't feel quite human, which, perhaps, could be related to their revival and the Cerberus implants. (I know of quite a few fanfictions which address this topic, and I always think it's interesting to consider Shepard themself is mostly cybernetic by this point.) Meanwhile, Legion tries to ease their worries by saying they are still the Commander, no matter "what hardware they're installed in". Shepard apparently thanks Legion for their faith, but Legion affirms that their statement is based on factual data rather than pure belief. (What a way to say "No matter how much of your body was replaced, you're still human - nothing can change that.")
And lo and behold, guys: the next line is the one and only from this audition to be used in the final game (near the end of Legion's loyalty mission, to be precise):
Alert: Heretic Geth runtimes downloading to mobile platforms.
After that, we get multiple lines that seem to be intended for combat. However, what stands out here is that they were apparently meant to be used during a battle onboard the Normandy:
Boarding attack imminent; Normandy must withdraw.
Armor hull bridged; multiple attempts to burn through pressure hull: three dorsal, one ventral, one bow, two aft.
Alert: ingress at port airlock.
Activating intrusion countermeasures; sealing bridge.
Airlock turrets hot*; burnout 2-3, burnout 2-7; 2-2 destroyed.
Alert: vehicle bay breach; crew withdraw to quarters deck.
Airlock turret 2-4 destroyed; burnout 2-5.
Cargo deck clear; locking crew lift; venting drive plasma.
Yes, cargo deck is clear.
Alert: Mobile platforms closing in on the CIC. Initialize combat routines.
System link interrupted; engaging target left at 10 meters - firing.
*UPDATE: Changed "Airlock turret taut" to "Airlock turrets hot"; thanks to @deskmisfit for the tip
To be honest, I always thought that all of the squadmates leaving (like, every single one) after the installation of the IFF for an unspecified "mission" right before the Collectors hit felt a little forced - and maybe, considering the above lines, it was planned for there to be a big battle to defend the Normandy. (There are even two alternative statement/response lines about clearing out the cargo deck with plasma.) Although it's possible that these lines are taken from a fight against Heretic Geth instead (which the term "mobile platforms" seems to hint at), perhaps that means boarding battles in general were supposed to be a feature in Mass Effect 2. (Which, if you ask me, sounds like a real good asset for the gameplay.)
What follows now are the last lines from the audition (and the last of the three "theme groups" of lines) - which, going by the context, are probably the most interesting of all. The conversation is about a character named "Tina" (potentially a human girl) who appears to be in conflict with the Quarians, while Legion tries to act as a mediator (my respect for that kind of self-confidence after your history with the Quarians, friend):
Let the Geth speak. We may convince the Quarian creators to pardon Tina's father.
We do not hate your kind. We simply do not need you anymore, though we are still fascinated by you.
We record your communications. Study the music and writing you upload to the extranet. We analyze the words you left behind, the homes and structures you built for yourself. The collective mind does not understand why we do this, but I have come to a conclusion: We fill a void. An integral component of our systems is missing. You are still our creators, and we... feel your absence.
The Geth know what it is to lose creators. We have no wish to see this void in Tina.
If there's one thing I always found intriguing about the Geth, it's their attitude towards their creators - despite their history being defined by the Quarians trying to destroy them, the Geth never held any grudge against them as an organic species would. Instead, Legion repeatedly states in the game that they do not hate them (as they do in the second line above), and they even keep the old structures of Rannoch intact in memory of the Quarians. However, this is the first time that the reason behind these actions is classified as "fascination". In ME2, Legion simply says that they do research on organics because they strive to understand their creators better, but the term "fascination" carries with it something far more visceral - dare I say, even emotional - than one would normally expect from logical creatures like the Geth. Somewhat ironically, the Consensus seems to be at odds with itself regarding their relationship to the Quarians: On one hand, they claim that they no longer need them since they have evolved into their own independent species, but at the same time, they never seem to be able to truly let go of them, studying and analyzing the Quarians' writing, architecture, and music. To make things even more extraordinary, Legion - and Legion specifically - has come to their own conclusion regarding the matter. Note the "I" pronoun I marked in the third line; this indicates that this opinion, unlike everything else, is not the standpoint of the Geth collective as a whole, but Legion's own (or rather, the opinion of the amalgamation of programs that make up Legion). Moreover, Legion specifically uses the verb "feel" when describing that the Quarians' absence has caused a sense of "incompleteness", even "emptiness" among the Geth - another completely unprecedented expression of their inner thoughts. (My theory would be that since the Geth are machines built with a specific purpose in mind, this is their way to express that they feel like their existence lacks meaning without the Quarians; considering this, perhaps this is literally part of the reason why they want to build their megastructure to "create their own purpose".) To top it all off, this "feeling" of loss even seems to enable Legion to emphasize with Tina, comparing the potential death of her father to the void the Geth feel at their creators' absence.
Now, I'm generally very reluctant to humanize the Geth too much, since I feel it would be very disrespectful towards their nature. However, reading all of this, I can't help the notion that the Geth may have something like a "parent complex", for the lack of a better word. What I mean by this is on one hand, almost everyone loves and respects their parents, but on the other, you might feel kind of imprisoned by their presence once you grow up, and unless you want to live in their shadow forever, you have to break with them at some point. Still, some teenagers who were previously convinced "I can totally live without my parents!" might find themselves missing the guidance and stability they gave them. I know this probably sounds very cheesy, but I just think it's so funny how at times, the Geth seem a little like some lost kids who are just growing up and have to deal with abandonment by their parents. (Also, I think it's worth mentioning that Tali's character somewhat mirrors this: In my opinion, Tali is a character that's very prone to overestimating herself, especially during her Pilgrimage, but she regularly finds herself at the boundaries of her own abilities, so she has to rely on the help of others to achieve her goals. Furthermore, Tali also has a very ambivalent relationship with her estranged father; you can tell she respects him and does everything to gain his appreciation, but still wishes he would take more time to actually be there for her - which, ultimately, isn't meant to happen. If you were really daring, you could even deduce the conflict regarding a loveless/absent parental figure as a core theme of the Geth and the Quarians.)
Another interesting point is that in this conversation, it seems like Legion might be developing something like an own personality. Without a constant connection to the Consensus, it is possible that the programs inside Legion's chassis have formed new "synapses" among themselves, which has unwittingly led to the creation of a completely independent intellect. As Legion themself said, they have a sufficent number of programs to function on their own (a normal Geth platform simply doesn't possess enough programs to reach consciousness themselves), and the continued restriction to one single platform would also disable the possibility of personality reset like it might occur normally when transferring to a different body (as explained in the Codex entry about Geth culture). Anyway, despite the Geth's somewhat ambivalent attitude towards individuality, the discussion above might imply that Legion gradually developing their own personality was something that was planned in the early stages.
Last but not least, regarding the conversation itself, it's interesting that it actually presents a scenario where you're standing against the Quarians (which does not happen under any circumstances in the final game). In addition to this, I recently stumbled upon this compilation of Legion's voice lines from the Legendary Edition, which also appears to contain some that were unused, but are still present in the code - including the combat announcement "Creator offline" (around 1:30), which is undoubtedly referring to taking out a Quarian.* From this, there can only be one conclusion: We were originally supposed to fight Quarians at some point during Mass Effect 2. (Again, this is my opinion, but I actually think it would have put the races on more of an "even ground" - I mean, we have been fighting Turians, Asari, and Salarians the entire time. It would only be fair to assume that not all Quarians in the galaxy are kind and peace-loving.)
*EDIT: I only realized now that "creator offline" is actually referring to Tali; when Mordin dies, Legion may say "Salarian offline", when Samara dies, it's "Asari offline", and so on. "Creator" is simply what Legion uses for Tali.
Conclusion + my thoughts
If one thing is for certain, it's that Legion's character underwent a lot of changes throughout the development process. Judging by the lines from the beginning, it seems the Geth were meant to be a little more "critical" of organics at first, not really comprehending their irrational actions and openly pointing out their inefficiency. Meanwhile, in the game, they still seem quite confused by organics, but they never voice their opinion in a way that could be described as "judgmental". (Take the case of their little experiment with the star constellation, for example: In the respective conversation, Legion simply recounts what happened, but doesn't make a comment that the Salarians' premature reaction was silly or something.) All in all, the Geth act very tolerant of organics, accepting that their way of thinking is different from their own, but not deeming it invalid because of this - and aside from the few occasions where they point out the contradictions in organics' moral values (e.g. when comparing EDI's restrictions to slavery on Illium and remarking on the inconsistent treatment of animals in organic societies on Tuchanka), Legion never expresses criticism of the organic perspective in itself. As for myself, a huge part of the reason why I became attached to Legion in the first place was precisely this acceptance - a quality I wish I had experienced from more people in my own life (back when Legion came out with the quote "organics fear that which is different", I had to fight really hard not to break down into tears). The Geth are confident about their own existence, and yet, they never act aggressive towards the differing views of organics, despite not fully understanding them themselves - and since this is basically the essence of my own life principle, I must say that I like the finalized version of Legion's character more.
On the other hand, I absolutely adore the idea of an interaction between Shepard and Legion about Shepard's Cerberus implants, since I think how they're mentally dealing with their revival is just such an interesting topic to explore. In quite a few fanfics I've read, I've seen Shepard feeling alienated about their cybernetics, wondering if they're even truly "alive" at this point. Judging by the respective dialogue above, this seems to be exactly the dilemma they're going through here, and Legion joining the team would certainly add a very interesting layer to that. Maybe they could have done something similar to the conversation above, with Legion basically cheering Shepard up and helping them accept who they are - and who knows, perhaps Shepard's technological enhancements could have even led to a deeper connection between them. (This is not just me wishing I could have had something like a platonic relationship with Legion, I swear. xD)
On a similar note, I think it would have been quite interesting to see which road the writers would have taken regarding Legion's individuality. From the lines above, it's clear they're developing something like an own personality, and I wonder what Legion's reaction would be once they realize that this process is actually taking place. After all, this completely uncharted territory for the Geth, and I could imagine that while Legion goes through something like a phase of denial at first, they become very insecure - perhaps even "panicked" if you want to call it that - once they figure out that they are, in fact, developing an individual personality. Going by my train of thought from above, it might be Shepard's turn to help them through this, which may even result in some kind of mutual emotional support. (Guys, if anyone ever writes a fanfic like that, notify me immediately - I WANT TO SEE IT!)
Finally, I would have given all my money for a more detailed exploration of how the Geth actually stand towards the Quarians. They may harbor no hatred towards them, but I can imagine the Geth encountering Quarians - and, to a certain degree, other organic species - with cautious mistrust. (As a case in point, just look at how long it took Legion to finally tell Shepard that the Geth are working on a megastructure to upload their minds; they most likely judged that most organics' would react unfavorably to this information, potentially even resulting in aggression that would endanger their endeavor, so they withheld it until they were absolutely sure that Shepard's reaction would not be negative. Thus, it can be seen as a sign of immense trust from Legion to make this reveal.) Even if they don't have some sort of parent complex as I described above, I would suspect they would at least have some kind of "logical" equivalent to it, e.g. that the opinion of each program is defined by their individual experiences (some Geth might still adhere to their original function, while for others, the harm the Quarians did to them outweighs their core programming). Still, with artificial intelligence being outlawed in the whole galaxy and the Quarians attacking them 100 % of the time when they thought they could win (as stated by Legion during Tali's loyalty mission), their Gestalt intellect basically has no positive example to work with. Consequently, all the Geth would have to base their standpoint on are their own convictions, as strange as that may sound. Viewed from this perspective, the Geth schism almost seems like a battle of faith, with some of them still hoping that they might one day be able to live in peace, while others have completely given up the prospect of any coexistence with organics. (Somewhat amusingly, I actually had to think of Tron while pondering over this; in Tron, there are also those programs who have abandoned the faith in the users, while others still continue to believe in them, despite having no decisive proof that they will help them.) Maybe this dissent is what caused the Geth to split into two factions in the first place, and maybe this is why they chose such a strangely religious term as "Heretics" to denote those who turned away from the old beliefs.
Anyway, judging from the unused voice lines above, we can conclude that there formerly seems to have been a lot more content relating to the Geth in general and Legion specifically in ME2, which ultimately got cut in the final game. As for the reasons, we can only guess, but there have been rumors going around for a long time that Legion's presence in the game was supposed to be way more extensive - at the very least, it looks like you would have been able to take them on a lot of earlier missions, since Legion has recorded dialogue for those which still plays properly if they're added to the party via modding. Who knows, perhaps the Geth themselves were meant to play a much more central role in the story.
Still, you should probably take all this information with a grain of salt, as everything I'm doing here is educated speculation at best - nevertheless, I find it very interesting to explore what BioWare's original plans for Legion possibly were, as well as imagining what could have been.
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yahoo201027 · 1 month ago
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February 2: Happy 59th Birthday to Voice Actor D.C. Douglas, who provided the voice of the secondary/recurring character of Colonel Rawls and various characters on Regular Show (throughout Season 8) and the English voices of both Yoshikage Kira on JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure and X Drake on One Piece.
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pink-strawberry-kissess · 1 year ago
What'd you think of Wesker's new VA? It'll take time to get over D.C. Douglas' iconic voice, but I think Craig did a pretty good job.
im ngl i was tired of the cartoonish iterations of wesker and we have SO MANY of this voice. i understand COMPLETELY that this is the voice that people were expecting.
but i've never been a huge wesker fan BECAUSE OF THE VOICE LOL i found it hard to get into and even though i've seen things like - he sounds like any other guy, he sounds like he's reading off a script etc...
he sounds fine??? for the role?? i don't really get the comotion for it and how it's "bad."
maybe it's because he doesn't have that many lines, but i don't think this was enough to get upset over.
also the people who are actively dubbing over wesker and ada's lines- i hope someone comes along and shits all over your work as well!
also fyi, using ai generated voices that are based entirely on a unionized actor can be pursued for legal action so good luck with that!
also i know the GENERAL idea of what happened with the previous wesker VA but i'm obviously glad he was recast. it was necessary of course.
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lunarspiral1127 · 2 months ago
And, she did it. She won. Uatu's pep talk worked. Riri took the nanites and Mysterio ran out of time to live. And, of course the symbol of hope is the Avengers logo. Y'know, she's probably gonna question who that voice was or where did it came from, but I don't think so.
Ah, I was wondering when the other Watchers were gonna catch wind on Uatu. So, the three are The Eminence voiced by Jason Isaacs AKA Lucius Malfoy from the Harry Potter movies and Gortash from Baldur's Gate 3, The Incarnate voiced by D.C. Douglas AKA Wesker from the Resident Evil games, and The Executioner voiced by Darin De Paul AKA Reinhardt from the Overwatch games. So, they know that Uatu broke his oath multiple times, so they're gonna keep an eye on him. Might be a matter of time that they'll do something to him if he keeps this up.
So, the ending is obviously setting up the upcoming story plot for this season, this time the other Watchers are gonna be the antagonists? We'll see how this goes. But, overall, this was a good episode. I really did thought the ending was gonna be depressing, but it got turned around to be a good ending for this universe. I think this was Riri's best so far, so here's hoping that he Ironheart show turns out good. And, as a What If scenario, this was one of the more interesting ones in this season so far.
Tomorrow's episode is What If 1872. I think this is the Wild West version that was showing Shang-Chi in the trailer. Heard that Kate Bishop was gonna be in this one too. I dunno if the scenario will be similar to the 1602 timeline, but hopefully, it'll be a good episode.
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hercoldhands · 8 months ago
Surely, if D.C. Douglas, Albert Wesker's former voice actor was covering things up, there'd be proof, right???
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There would be proof of him hiding things and using the same excuses since 2010, right???
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Of course not. That's why he's never said anything like this, about his freedom work's call that got him fired from Geico when he had "too many appletinis" and called the pundit, "mentally retarded killers" which he then followed up with saying "it's a perfectly reasonable medical term" which is also what he said when I told him not to use the R-slur to describe a Wesker render in 2020 to the "Wesker Children"....
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Talk:D. C. Douglas - Wikipedia here's the link if you want to read it yourself, since I 'crop things out of context'.
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