#Vivo V50 5G price
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todaywold · 1 month ago
Vivo V50 Pro Max 5G Price under Rs. X7,999 launched with 360MP Camera | know full Specifications & Features | Mobile Phone
Vivo V50 Pro Max 5G Price under Rs. X7,999 launched with 360MP Camera | Know full Specifications & Features. See here what are the prices of V50 Pro Max 5G in different stores... VIVO किया Republic Day Sale 2025 में 360MP, DSLR जैसी काम करने वाली कैमरा, 120W चार्जर के साथ Vivo V50 Pro Max 5G लॉन्च! बड़ी बैटरी और पावरफुल स्टोरेज के साथ पतला और खूबसूरत स्लिम डिजाइन में, जो देंगे हाई क्वालिटी में…
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automobilr · 10 days ago
Realme 14 Pro Plus 5G : मार्किट में खूब बिका 200MP Camera और 7000mah Battery
Realme 14 Pro Plus 5G, को पेश किया है, जो अपने शानदार फीचर्स और तकनीकी नवाचारों के साथ मार्केट में तहलका मचा रहा है। इस स्मार्टफोन की सबसे बड़ी खासियत इसका 200MP का कैमरा है, जो शानदार फोटोग्राफी और वीडियो रिकॉर्डिंग अनुभव प्रदान करता है। इसके अलावा, इसमें 7000mAh की बड़ी बैटरी दी गई है, जो लंबी बैटरी लाइफ का वादा करती है, ताकि यूजर्स बिना किसी परेशानी के पूरे दिन स्मार्टफोन का उपयोग कर सकें। इन दोनों फीचर्स के अलावा, रियलमी 14 Pro Plus 5G के अन्य शानदार स्पेसिफिकेशन्स और परफॉर्मेंस ने इसे स्मार्टफोन बाजार में एक हिट बना दिया है।
Realme 14 Pro Plus 5G Display and Design
Realme 14 Pro Plus 5G का डिज़ाइन और डिस्प्ले दोनों ही बेहद आकर्षक हैं। इसमें 6.7 इंच का सुपर AMOLED डिस्प्ले है, जो फुल HD+ रिजोल्यूशन के साथ आता है। इस डिस्प्ले में 120Hz का रिफ्रेश रेट दिया गया है, जो स्मार्टफोन को स्मूथ और फास्ट बनाता है, खासकर गेमिंग और मल्टीटास्किंग के दौरान। इसके अलावा, डिस्प्ले पर Corning Gorilla Glass 5 की सुरक्षा दी गई है, जो इसे खरोंच और टूटने से बचाता है। स्मार्टफोन का डिजाइन प्रीमियम और स्टाइलिश है, जो आपको एक फ्लैगशिप डिवाइस का अनुभव देता है। इसका फ्रेम मेटलिक फिनिश के साथ आता है और बैक पैनल पर ग्लास यूज़ किया गया है, जिससे यह न केवल सुंदर दिखता है बल्कि मजबूत भी है। स्मार्टफोन के बैक में कर्व्ड एजेस हैं, जो इसे हाथ में पकड़ने में और भी आरामदायक बनाते हैं।
Realme 14 Pro Plus 5G Camera
Realme 14 Pro Plus 5G का कैमरा इस स्मार्टफोन का सबसे बड़ा आकर्षण है। इसमें 200MP का प्राइमरी कैमरा दिया गया है, जो बेहतरीन पिक्सल क्वालिटी और डिटेल के साथ फोटोग्राफी करता है। इसके अलावा, 8MP का अल्ट्रावाइड कैमरा और 2MP का मैक्रो कैमरा भी मौजूद है, जो आपको हर तरह की तस्वीरों को शानदार तरीके से खींचने का मौका देता है। इस फोन के कैमरे के साथ, आप 4K वीडियो रिकॉर्डिंग भी कर सकते हैं, जो इस रेंज के स्मार्टफोन में एक बेहतरीन फीचर है।
Camera Review:
Realme 14 Pro Plus 5G Processor
इस स्मार्टफोन में MediaTek Dimensity 7050 चिपसेट का इस्तेमाल किया गया है, जो 5G नेटवर्क सपोर्ट करता है। यह प्रोसेसर न केवल तेज़ है, बल्कि गेमिंग, मल्टीटास्किंग और वीडियो एडिटिंग जैसी भारी प्रोसेसिंग टास्क को भी बिना किसी दिक्कत के हैंडल करता है। Dimensity 7050 चिपसेट 6nm टेक्नोलॉजी पर आधारित है, जिससे यह बैटरी की खपत को भी कम करता है और पावर एफिशिएंसी बढ़ाता है।
Processor Review:
मीडिया टेक डाइमेंसिटी 7050 प्रोसेसर के साथ, रियलमी 14 प्रो प्लस 5G में शानदार परफॉर्मेंस देखने को मिलती है। यह प्रोसेसर दिन-प्रतिदिन के उपयोग और भारी गेम्स के लिए परफेक्ट है। गेमिंग के दौरान भी आपको किसी भी प्रकार की लैग का सामना नहीं होगा। मल्टीटास्किंग में भी यह प्रोसेसर शानदार तरीके से काम करता है और किसी भी ऐप को स्विच करने में कोई परेशानी नहीं होती।
Realme 14 Pro Plus 5G Connectivity
Realme 14 Pro Plus 5G में आपको 5G कनेक्टिविटी का सपोर्ट मिलता है, जिससे आप भविष्य में 5G नेटवर्क का पूरा लाभ उठा सकते हैं। इसके अलावा, इसमें Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth 5.2, GPS, और USB Type-C पोर्ट जैसे कनेक्टिविटी ऑप्शन्स भी दिए गए हैं। इन सभी कनेक्टिविटी ऑप्शन्स के साथ, स्मार्टफोन का उपयोग और भी सुविधाजनक हो जाता है, खासकर जब आपको तेज़ इंटरनेट स्पीड या डेटा ट्रांसफर की आवश्यकता होती है।
Realme 14 Pro Plus 5G Battery and Charger
रियलमी 14 प्रो प्लस 5G में 7000mAh की बैटरी दी गई है, जो इस स्मार्टफोन की एक बड़ी खासियत है। इतनी बड़ी बैटरी आपको लंबा बैकअप देती है, जिससे आप पूरे दिन बिना चार्ज किए फोन का इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं।
Battery Backup:
7000mAh की बैटरी रियलमी 14 प्रो प्लस 5G को एक बहुत ही पावरफुल स्मार्टफोन बनाती है। यह स्मार्टफोन एक बार फुल चार्ज करने के बाद पूरे दिन आराम से चलता है, चाहे आप गेमिंग करें, वीडियो देखें या इंटरनेट ब्राउज़ करें।
Charging Time:
बैटरी की क्षमता के हिसाब से चार्जिंग टाइम थोड़ा लंबा हो सकता है, लेकिन इसमें 67W की सुपर डार्ट चार्जिंग सपोर्ट दी गई है, जो बैटरी को जल्दी से चार्ज करती है। रियलमी का दावा है कि स्मार्टफोन को केवल 35 मिनट में 0 से 100% तक चार्ज किया जा सकता है, जो एक शानदार फीचर है।
Realme 14 Pro Plus 5G Launch Date in India
Realme 14 Pro Plus 5G को भारत में 14 फरवरी 2025 को लॉन्च किया गया था। इसके लॉन्च के साथ ही यह स्मार्टफोन भारतीय बाजार में उपलब्ध हो गया और तेजी से लोकप्रिय हो गया है।
Realme 14 Pro Plus 5G Price in India
Realme 14 Pro Plus 5G की कीमत भारत में ₹29,999 (8GB RAM + 128GB Storage) और ₹33,999 (12GB RAM + 256GB Storage) है। इस रेंज में यह स्मार्टफोन बेहतरीन फीचर्स और स्पेसिफिकेशन्स के साथ आता है, जो इसे एक शानदार डील बनाते हैं।
Realme 14 Pro Plus 5G Good and Bad Quality
Good Quality:
200MP का कैमरा, जो शानदार फोटोग्राफी और वीडियो रिकॉर्डिंग प्रदान करता है।
7000mAh की विशाल बैटरी, जो लंबा बैकअप देती है।
सुपर AMOLED डिस्प्ले और 120Hz रिफ्रेश रेट, जो बेहतर विज़ुअल अनुभव प्रदान करते हैं।
MediaTek Dimensity 7050 प्रोसेसर, जो तेज़ और पावरफुल परफॉर्मेंस देत��� है।
67W सुपर डार्ट चार्जिंग, जो बैटरी को जल्दी चार्ज करती है।
Bad Quality:
बैटरी का चार्जिंग टाइम थोड़ा लंबा हो सकता है, अगर आप तेज़ चार्जिंग की उम्मीद रखते हैं तो।
स्मार्टफोन थोड़ा भारी है, खासकर लंबे समय तक उपयोग करने के दौरान हाथ में थकावट हो सकती है।
Realme 14 Pro Plus 5G Review
Realme 14 Pro Plus 5G एक बेहतरीन स्मार्टफोन है, जो अपने अद्भुत कैमरा, बड़ी बैटरी, और पावरफुल प्रोसेसर के साथ सभी यूजर्स के लिए एक शानदार डिवाइस है। इसके डिस्प्ले और कनेक्टिविटी फीचर्स भी बहुत अच्छे हैं, और यह सभी प्रकार के उपयोग के लिए एक उपयुक्त विकल्प है।
Some Extra Features
5G सपोर्ट, जो भविष्य के नेटवर्क के लिए तैयार करता है।
USB Type-C पोर्ट और 67W की फास्ट चार्जिंग सपोर्ट।
नाइट मोड, जो रात में बेहतरीन फोटोग्राफी करता है।
दमदार ऑडियो, जो आपको एक बेहतरीन मीडिया अनुभव प्रदान करता है।
Realme 14 Pro Plus 5G एक शानदार स्मार्टफोन है जो अपनी बेहतरीन कैमरा गुणवत्ता, विशाल बैटरी, और शानदार प्रदर्शन के साथ स्मार्टफोन बाजार में एक हिट बन चुका है। अगर आप एक ऐसी डिवाइस की तलाश में हैं, जो हर तरह के उपयोग के लिए उपयुक्त हो, तो रियलमी 14 प्रो प्लस 5G आपके लिए एक बेहतरीन विकल्प साबित हो सकता है।
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ukmobilematrix · 4 days ago
Vivo V50 Review: A Balanced Upgrade with Impressive Features
Vivo has launched its latest addition to the V series, the Vivo V50, which brings a host of exciting upgrades while maintaining the signature style and performance of its predecessor, the Vivo V40. While the overall design remains similar, the most notable difference is the Zeiss branding on the camera lens, marking a premium step forward in photography quality. As of now, there are no plans for a Pro model in the V50 family, making this the flagship of the lineup for the time being.
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Key Features and Performance:
Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 Processor: The Vivo V50 is powered by the latest Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 chipset, delivering smooth and efficient performance, even with demanding tasks like gaming and multitasking. This processor ensures that the phone can handle everyday tasks with ease while offering solid support for 5G connectivity.
Upgraded Camera: Vivo has stepped up its camera game with the new V50, thanks to the integration of Zeiss optics. The upgraded camera system promises enhanced image quality, especially in low light. Expect crisp, vibrant shots, with accurate color reproduction, making the V50 a great choice for photography enthusiasts. The Zeiss branding adds an extra layer of trust and credibility to the imaging experience.
Larger Battery: One of the standout features of the Vivo V50 is its larger battery, ensuring longer screen time and better endurance throughout the day. Vivo has listened to user feedback and implemented a more robust power source to keep up with the demands of modern smartphone usage, including streaming, gaming, and social media.
Design and Display: The Vivo V50 continues with a sleek and modern design, maintaining its minimalist aesthetic with a premium feel. The display is sharp, vibrant, and offers excellent color accuracy, making media consumption an enjoyable experience.
Balanced Approach:
With the Vivo V50, the company has struck a fine balance between performance, camera quality, and battery life. While it doesn’t venture into flagship territory like some of its competitors, it positions itself as an excellent all-rounder, catering to users who want high-end features without the premium price tag.
For those seeking a smartphone that delivers solid performance, impressive photography capabilities, and all-day battery life, the Vivo V50 is certainly an enticing option. While the lack of a Pro variant may disappoint some, the standard V50 offers everything most users would need from a modern smartphone—at an affordable price.
If you’re looking for a device that brings a mix of reliability, upgraded features, and solid performance, the Vivo V50 deserves serious consideration.
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anuragchaubeysblog · 7 days ago
Vivo V50 Price and Specifications, Launched in India
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Vivo V50 Price in India begins at Rs 34,999 for the 8GB+128GB variant, Rs 36,999 for the 8GB+256GB model, and Rs 40,999 for the 12GB+512GB configuration. This smartphone features an ultra-slim quad-curved display, marking a first for the V series. The Vivo V50 is equipped with a 6.77-inch display that boasts a resolution of 2392x1080 pixels, a refresh rate of 120Hz, and a peak brightness of 4500 nits. Highlights of Vivo V50 - Vivo, a prominent Chinese smartphone manufacturer, has introduced the Vivo V50 in the Indian market. - The device includes cameras developed in collaboration with ZEISS and possesses significant IP ratings - With support for various artificial intelligence (AI) functionalities. Vivo V50 was officially launched in India on Monday. It is powered by the Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 chipset and features a robust 6,000mAh battery that supports 90W wired fast charging. The smartphone is equipped with dual 50-megapixel rear cameras and a 50-megapixel front camera. Additionally, it offers several AI capabilities, including Circle to Search, Transcript Assist, and Live Call Translation. In addition to its impressive camera system and AI features, the substantial battery capacity is noteworthy. A standout aspect of this device is that it is the slimmest smartphone available with a 6000mAh battery.
Vivo V50 Pricing in India
The Vivo V50 is offered in three configurations in India: 8GB+128GB for Rs 34,999, 8GB+256GB for Rs 36,999, and 12GB+512GB for Rs 40,999. Pre-orders for the device commenced today, with sales set to begin on February 25, 2025.
Vivo V50 Specifications
The Vivo V50 features a 6.77-inch full-HD+ (1,080 x 2,392 pixels) quad-curved AMOLED display, supporting a refresh rate of up to 120Hz, a peak local brightness of 4,500 nits, and a pixel density of 387ppi. It is powered by Qualcomm's Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 SoC, with options for up to 12GB of LPDDR4X RAM and up to 512GB of UFS 2.2 internal storage. The device runs on Android 15, customized FuntouchOS 15. The Vivo V50 is equipped with a camera system co-engineered with ZEISS. On the rear, it features a 50MP camera with optical image stabilization (OIS) alongside a 50MP ultra-wide-angle camera, while the front houses a 50MP autofocus sensor for selfies. Additionally, the device incorporates Vivo's Aura Light technology and offers AI-enhanced photo editing tools such as Erase 2.0 and Light Portrait 2.0. Other AI functionalities include Circle to Search, Transcript Assist, and Live Call Translation. The Vivo V50 is powered by a robust 6,000mAh battery that supports 90W wired fast charging. For security purposes, it includes an in-display optical fingerprint sensor. Connectivity options are comprehensive, featuring dual 5G, 4G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 5.4, GPS, OTG, and a USB 3.2 Type-C port. It is also reported to comply with IP68 and IP69 ratings for dust and water resistance. Display- 6.77-inch Processor- Qualcomm Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 Front Camera- 50-megapixel Rear Camera- 50-megapixel + 50-megapixel RAM- 8GB Storage- 128GB Battery Capacity- 6000mAh OS-Android 15 Resolution- 1080x2392 pixels   Read the full article
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soumenmaiti-blog · 11 days ago
Vivo V50 Launched in India Know the Price and Features of this Phone
Vivo Phones: ভারতে লঞ্চ হয়েছে ভিভো সংস্থার ‘ভি’ সিরিজের নতুন ৫জি ফোন (Vivo V Series 5G Phone)। এবার দেশে লঞ্চ হয়েছে ভিভো ভি৫০ ৫জি ফোন (Vivo V50)। জানা গিয়েছে, কোয়ালকমের স্ন্যাপড্রাগন ৭ জেন ৩ চিপসেট রয়েছে এই ফোনে। এছাড়াও পাওয়া যাবে ৬০০০ এমএএইচের শক্তিশালী ব্যাটারি এবং ৯০ ওয়াটের ওয়্যারড ফাস্ট চার্জিংয়ের সাপোর্ট। দুটো ৫০ মেগাপিক্সেলের রেয়ার ক্যামেরা সেনসর রয়েছে এই ফোনে। এছাড়াও রয়েছে ৫০ মেগাপিক্সেলের…
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techstoriesindia · 12 days ago
Vivo V50 5G V2427 Android Smartphone Launched in India – Check Price, Specs & Variants
Vivo has officially launched its latest Vivo V50 5G V2427 smartphone in India. The phone is now available for pre-order on Amazon India, with multiple variants available. The price in India starts at ₹34,999 ( Launch Offer Price ). The official release date is set for February 25, 2025 ( pre-order customers will get their devices shipped on this date ). It is available in 3 color options – Starry…
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dsrajawat · 12 days ago
vivo V50 5G Launched in India with Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 SoC & 6000mAh powerhouse
TL;DR Vivo V50 5G smartphone launched in India. The smartphone is powered by the Snapdragon 7 gen 3 chipset and the price starts at Rs. 34,999. It comes in Rose Red, Starry Night, and Titanium Grey colors. Vivo has launched the next in its V-Series in the country. The Vivo V50 5G smartphone has arrived in India as the successor to the Vivo V40 that came out in 2024. This time, Vivo has not…
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khatrinews24 · 12 days ago
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gadgetsforusesblog · 17 days ago
Vivo V5A 5G India Price Leaked
The price of Vivo V50 5G India has been leaked, suggesting that the device will start at the same price as Vivo V40 5G of the previous year. The device is ready to debut in the country on 17 February and some of its major specifications have already been confirmed by the brand, while others have been leaked. According to a leak on X, the Vivo V5G8GB + 128 will start from Rs 34,999 for the model…
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naadimtech · 4 months ago
The buzz around Vivo’s latest release, the Vivo V50 Pro Max 5G, has reached new heights as reports highlight impressive specifications that could redefine the mid-premium smartphone market. From a powerful 300-megapixel camera to a massive 6500mAh battery, Vivo’s latest device is attracting attention for its advanced features and strategic pricing. Here’s a detailed look at what this new smartphone may offer. Revolutionary 300MP Camera System The Vivo V50 Pro Max 5G promises an exceptional photography experience with its state-of-the-art 300-megapixel primary camera. This camera sets a new standard in mobile photography, capturing incredibly detailed images and offering a top choice for photography enthusiasts. Complementing the primary sensor is a 50-megapixel ultra-wide lens and a 12-megapixel depth sensor, delivering versatility for capturing stunning landscapes, portraits, and close-up shots. For selfie lovers, the device sports a 50-megapixel front camera that captures high-resolution self-portraits with clarity and detail. Additionally, the device supports 4K video recording, making it ideal for content creators aiming to produce high-quality video content directly from their phone. Also Read: Vivo V60 Ultra 5G: 400MP Camera with 7100mAh Battery Immersive Display and Premium Design Equipped with a 6.82-inch Full HD+ display with a punch-hole design, the Vivo V50 Pro Max 5G provides an immersive viewing experience with a resolution of 1080 x 2912 pixels. The screen’s 120Hz refresh rate ensures smoother scrolling, gaming, and video playback, appealing to users who prioritize a fluid display experience. Adding a layer of security and convenience, the device integrates a fingerprint sensor directly within the screen, giving it a sleek and modern look. Powerhouse Performance with MediaTek Dimensity 7200 Powered by the MediaTek Dimensity 7200 processor, the Vivo V50 Pro Max 5G offers impressive performance across various applications, from multitasking to intensive gaming. Vivo provides ample options for users in terms of memory and storage configurations: 12GB RAM + 256GB storage 12GB RAM + 512GB storage 16GB RAM + 512GB storage These options allow users to choose a model that best fits their usage needs, ensuring a lag-free experience and ample space for apps, photos, and videos. Extended Battery Life with Rapid Charging The 6500mAh battery in the Vivo V50 Pro Max 5G ensures the phone can easily last through an entire day of heavy use. For added convenience, the phone features 120-watt fast charging technology, which charges the device fully in about 50 minutes. This pairing of battery size and rapid charging addresses a common challenge in smartphones today, making it a suitable option for users who require long-lasting power and minimal downtime. Competitive Pricing and Launch Timeline Expected to launch within a price range of ₹27,999 to ₹35,999, Vivo’s new offering targets the mid-premium segment with an attractive pricing strategy. Buyers can expect additional discounts between ₹1,000 and ₹3,000 at launch, potentially reducing the effective price to between ₹28,999 and ₹31,999. EMI options may start at around ₹12,000, making the phone more accessible to a wider audience. While Vivo has not officially announced a launch date, industry insiders suggest a release in late January 2025 or early February 2025. Also Read: OnePlus 200MP Camera and 7000mAh Battery for Just Rs.5,999 Final Thoughts: Is Vivo V50 Pro Max 5G Worth the Hype? The Vivo V50 Pro Max 5G is shaping up to be a compelling contender in the smartphone market, boasting a 300MP camera, powerful processor, generous storage, and enduring battery life. Its combination of advanced features and competitive pricing may offer excellent value for those looking for a high-end experience at an accessible price point. With Vivo’s strong presence in the market, this device could attract a broad user base, especially content creators and power users who seek top-tier specifications without the premium price tag. Disclaimer The details shared here are based on leaks and early reports. Specifications, pricing, and availability may change upon the official release. Buyers should check Vivo’s official announcement for confirmed details.
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gadgetzview · 4 months ago
Upcoming Mobile Phones That Will Make You Upgrade
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Samsung continues to lead the way in smartphone innovation, introducing powerful new models that are set to shape the market. With the latest Galaxy S and A series announcements, Samsung’s new phones offer faster processors, improved cameras, and lightning-fast charging. These upcoming releases in India, inspired by Samsung’s flagship design principles, combine high performance with premium materials, ensuring a top-tier user experience.
Expected Features
5G-enabled smartphones powered by the latest Snapdragon 8 Gen processors.
Foldable screens and under-display cameras for futuristic designs.
120Hz Dynamic AMOLED displays for smooth graphics and fluid animations.
Affordable models under ₹30,000 with excellent camera performance, catering to both casual and professional users.
1. Samsung’s Latest Innovations for 2024
Samsung is raising the bar with its new Galaxy S and A series, featuring powerful processors, improved cameras, and lightning-fast charging. Expect foldable screens, under-display cameras, and dynamic 120Hz AMOLED displays to enhance your experience.
Samsung Galaxy A57
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Expected Price: ₹45,990
Display: 6.72-inch 120Hz AMOLED
Processor: Exynos Octa-Core
Camera: 50MP + 13MP + 5MP Rear, 50MP Front
Battery: 5000mAh, 45W Fast Charging
OS: Android 15
A sleek design paired with great cameras and 5G support makes the A57 perfect for both casual users and gamers.
Samsung Galaxy M56
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Expected Price: ₹34,990
Display: 6.82-inch 120Hz AMOLED
Processor: Exynos 1480
Camera: 108MP Quad Rear, 32MP Front
Battery: 5000mAh, 50W Fast Charging
OS: Android 14
With a focus on performance and style, the Galaxy M56 offers a vibrant display, long battery life, and great camera quality.
2. Redmi’s Affordable Powerhouses
Xiaomi continues to deliver high-performance devices with 5G capability at budget-friendly prices. Expect AI-driven cameras, MediaTek chips, and fast charging to enhance the user experience.
Redmi Note 14 Pro Plus
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Expected Price: ₹22,990
Display: 6.67-inch 120Hz AMOLED
Processor: Snapdragon 7s Gen3
Camera: 50MP + 50MP + 8MP Rear, 20MP Front
Battery: 6200mAh, 90W Fast Charging
OS: Android 14
Designed for gamers and multitaskers, this model features a crisp AMOLED display and powerful internals.
Redmi Note 14 Pro Max
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Expected Price: ₹22,990
Display: 6.78-inch 144Hz AMOLED
Processor: Dimensity 7350 Pro
Camera: 200MP Quad Rear, 32MP Front
Battery: 5200mAh, Fast Charging
OS: Android 14
Offering a premium look and impressive camera, the Note 14 Pro Max balances style and performance.
3. The Craze for Upcoming Mobile Phones in 2024
The smartphone market in India is buzzing, with brands like Realme, OnePlus, Vivo, and iQOO introducing feature-packed models. From AI-enhanced cameras to ultra-fast charging, these phones aim to redefine tech expectations.
iQOO 12 Pro
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Expected Price: ₹64,990
Display: 6.78-inch QHD+ 144Hz AMOLED
Processor: Snapdragon 8 Gen 3
Camera: 50MP + 64MP + 50MP Rear, 16MP Front
Battery: 5100mAh, 120W HyperCharge
OS: Android 14
With flagship-level features and IP68 water resistance, the iQOO 12 Pro offers a seamless mix of power and design.
Samsung Galaxy M44
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Expected Price: ₹29,999
Display: 6.58-inch AMOLED
Processor: Exynos Series
Camera: 50MP Rear, 13MP Front
Battery: 5000mAh
Samsung continues its tradition of delivering feature-rich smartphones at competitive prices with the M44 model.
4.Upcoming Phones in India Offering 5G at Affordable Prices
 Vivo V50 Pro 5G
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Expected Price: ₹54,990 Key Specifications:
Processor: Dimensity 9300, Octa Core, 3.25 GHz
RAM: 8 GB | Storage: 256 GB (Non-expandable)
Display: 6.8-inch AMOLED, 1260 x 2800 px, 144 Hz
Battery: 5700 mAh with 100W fast charging
Cameras: 50 MP Quad (Rear) | 50 MP (Front)
OS: Android v15
SIM Type: Dual SIM with 5G and VoLTE
The Vivo V50 Pro 5G is rumored to combine high-end performance with an elegant design. Its AMOLED panel promises stunning visuals, and the advanced camera setup caters to both photographers and multitaskers. As a 5G-ready device, it ensures smooth connectivity for streaming, gaming, and more. This phone aims to leave a lasting impact on the market with its innovative features and user-friendly design.
Vivo Y300 Pro 5G
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Expected Price: ₹21,990 Key Specifications:
Processor: Snapdragon 6 Gen 1, Octa Core, 2.2 GHz
RAM: 8 GB | Storage: 128 GB
Display: 6.77-inch, 1080 x 2392 px, 120 Hz
Battery: 6500 mAh with 80W fast charging
Cameras: 50 MP + 2 MP (Rear) | 32 MP (Front)
OS: Android v14
SIM Type: Dual SIM with 5G and IR Blaster
The Vivo Y300 Pro 5G offers a balance of performance, style, and connectivity. Designed for tech-savvy users, this phone ensures fast download speeds and smooth streaming. With a large battery, vibrant display, and fast charging capabilities, it caters to users who seek both entertainment and productivity.
5. Finding the Perfect Phone Under ₹30,000
Several upcoming 5G phones promise great value for money, with the Redmi Note, Samsung M, and Realme Narzo series leading the charge. Many new Samsung models are rumored to feature robust batteries, making them perfect for power users.
Honor 200
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Expected Price: ₹24,999 Key Specifications:
Processor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 7 Gen 3
RAM: 8 GB | Storage: 256 GB
Display: 6.7-inch, 1200 x 2664 px
Battery: 5200 mAh
Cameras: 50 MP + 12 MP + 50 MP (Rear) | 50 MP (Front)
The Honor 200 stands out with a sleek design and impressive camera setup. It delivers excellent photo quality, both in daylight and low-light conditions, making it an ideal option for photography enthusiasts. With a decent battery life and multimedia-ready display, this phone strikes a good balance between performance and style.
OnePlus Nord 4
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Expected Price: ₹29,989 Key Specifications:
Processor: Snapdragon 7+ Gen 3
RAM: 8 GB | Storage: 128 GB / 256 GB
Display: 6.74-inch AMOLED, 1240 x 2772 px, 120 Hz
Battery: 5500 mAh with 100W fast charging
Cameras: 50 MP + 8 MP (Rear) | 16 MP (Front)
OS: OxygenOS 14.1 based on Android v14
Weight: 199.5 g | IP Rating: IP54 (Water & Dust Resistant)
The OnePlus Nord 4 offers flagship-like performance at a competitive price. Its AMOLED display with a 120 Hz refresh rate ensures smooth visuals, while the Snapdragon 7+ Gen 3 processor delivers reliable speed. With a powerful battery and ultra-fast charging, this phone is designed for heavy users. Its camera setup is well-suited for everyday photography, and the device is available in several attractive colors.
6. Why Upgrade to a New Mobile Phone in 2024?
The new wave of smartphones launching in 2024 promises more than just better cameras and bigger displays—it brings smarter software and innovative features. Many of the upcoming mobile phones in India will incorporate AI-powered photography for enhanced image quality and 5G connectivity for seamless internet speeds. Additionally, brands like Samsung are focusing on eco-friendly designs, using sustainable materials to reduce environmental impact. These models will also offer longer software support, ensuring your device stays updated for years to come.
The countdown to the upcoming mobile phone launches in India is almost over! With brands like Samsung, Redmi, and Realme preparing to release their new 5G smartphones in 2024, now is the perfect time to plan your upgrade. Whether you're searching for affordable 5G phones under ₹30,000 or the latest Android flagships, there’s no shortage of options. Stay ahead of the curve and make sure to grab your desired smartphone as soon as it hits the market!
Which new mobile are you most excited for? Get ready for a tech revolution in 2024 that’s set to redefine mobile innovation!
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todaywold · 6 months ago
Vivo V50 5G - Price in India, Specifications & Features | Mobile Phones
आज के दौर में स्मार्टफोन के यूजर लगातार बढ़ते जा रहे हैं इस क्रम में Vivo किया प्रीमियम फीचर्स और सुपर फ़ास्ट परफॉर्मेंस वाला बेहतरीन स्मार्टफोन Vivo V50 5G लॉन्च सबसे कम प्राइस में मिल रहे हैं iphone जैसा फीचर्स विवो लगातार अपने स्मार्टफोन में कम से कम प्राइस में बेहतरीन फीचर्स को Add करते हैं जा रहे हैं जिससे सभी यूजर Vivo के स्मार्टफोन को ज्यादा चाहने लगे हैं। अगर आप एक ऐसे स्मार्टफोन की…
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khabarpadhe · 4 months ago
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tillyswatson-blog · 5 years ago
All You Need to Know About the Rural Boxing Gym in Wisconsin
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anuragchaubeysblog · 12 days ago
Vivo V50 Price and Specifications, Launched in India
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Vivo V50 Price in India starts from 8GB+128GB for Rs 34,999; 8GB+256GB for Rs 36,999 and 12GB+512GB for Rs 40,999 The device has an ultra slim quad-curved display, a first for a V series smartphone. Vivo V50 has a 6.77-inch display with 2392x1080 pixels resolution, 120Hz refresh rate, and 4500nits local peak brightness. Highlights of Vivo V50 - Vivo, a Chinese smartphone maker, has launched the Vivo V50 in India. - Vivo V50 has cameras co-engineered with ZEISS. - The device has important IP ratings and supports AI (artificial intelligence) features. Vivo V50 was launched in India on Monday. The device comes with a Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 chipset and a 6,000mAh battery with support for 90W wired fast charging. It sports two 50-megapixel rear cameras alongside a 50-megapixel front shooter. The phone is equipped with several AI features Circle to Search, Transcript Assist, Live Call Translation and more. Apart from the camera and the AI features, there's a huge battery that you should pay attention too. One highlight of the phone is that it is the slimmest handset with a 6000mAh battery.
Vivo V50 Price in India
Vivo V50 is available in three variants in India - 8GB+128GB for Rs 34,999; 8GB+256GB for Rs 36,999 and 12GB+512GB for Rs 40,999. Pre-bookings for the device have already started from today and sales will start from February 25, 2025.
Vivo V50 Specifications
The Vivo V50 has a 6.77-inch full-HD+ (1,080 x 2,392 pixels) quad-curved AMOLED display with up to 120Hz refresh, 4,500 nits of peak local brightness, and 387ppi pixel density. Powering the device is Qualcomm's Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 SoC, paired with up to 12GB of LPDDR4X RAM and up to 512GB of UFS 2.2 onboard storage. It ships with Android 15-based FuntouchOS 15. The Vivo V50 has a ZEISS co-engineered camera system. At the rear, there's a 50MP OIS camera coupled with a 50MP ultra-wide-angle camera and for selfies, there's a 50MP AF sensor at the front. The handset also gets Vivo's Aura Light feature and comes with AI-backed photo editing features like Erase 2.0 and Light Portrait 2.0. It gets other AI features like Circle to Search, Transcript Assist, and Live Call Translation. The Vivo V50 carries a 6,000mAh battery with 90W wired fast charging support. For security, the phone has an in-display optical fingerprint sensor. Connectivity options include dual 5G, 4G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 5.4, GPS, OTG and a USB 3.2 Type-C port. It is said to meet IP68+IP69 ratings for dust and splash resistance. Display- 6.77-inch Processor- Qualcomm Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 Front Camera- 50-megapixel Rear Camera- 50-megapixel + 50-megapixel RAM- 8GB Storage- 128GB Battery Capacity- 6000mAh OS-Android 15 Resolution- 1080x2392 pixels   Read the full article
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appliancesreviews · 5 years ago
Xiaomi phones Review
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Today, more than 600 companies produce smartphones. However, almost 80% of the world market belongs to ten major manufacturers, including South Korean Samsung (19%) and LG (3%), American Apple (12%), Finnish Nokia (1%) and Chinese Huawei (13%, including Honor), Xiaomi (9%), Oppo (9%), Vivo (8%), Lenovo (3%, including Motorola), Tecno (1%). As known, the Chinese Xiaomi Corporation was founded in 2010. During this time, the company has developed and released a huge number of models in almost all price segments. Some series, for example, Xiaomi Mi Note, were discontinued, having existed for several years. But others were more successful.
Xiaomi series line
1.Xiaomi Mi - the main, flagship line; 6-inch or more IPS, or AMOLED displays, 8-core Snapdragon 660, 845, 710, 712, 730, 855 and 855+. 2018 - Mi 6X, Mi 8, Mi 8 Lite, Mi 8 EE and Mi 8 SE; 2019 - Mi 9T, Mi 9 SE, Mi 9 and Mi 9 Pro 5G. 2.Xiaomi Mi Max - phablets; 6.9 - inch IPS, 8-core Snapdragon 636. 2018 - Mi Max 3. 3.Xiaomi Mi Mix - frameless design; 5.99 "IPS and 6.39" Super AMOLED, 8-core Snapdragon 845. 2018 - Mix 2S and Mix 3; 4.Xiaomi Mi A - without MIUI firmware, with Android One distribution and a minimum of pre-installed programs (only Google services). Up to 6 inches IPS or 6-inch AMOLED, 8-core Snapdragon 660, 625 and 665. 2018 - Mi A2 and Mi A2 Lite; 2019 - Mi A3. 5.Redmi is a budget segment; IPS up to 6 inches, 8-core Snapdragon 625, 8-core MediaTek Helio P22 or 4-core MediaTek Helio A22. 2018 - Redmi 5, 5 Plus, S2, 6, 6A, 6 Pro. 6.Redmi Note - Phablets; IPS from 6 inches, 8-core Snapdragon 636. 2018 - Redmi Note 5 and 6 Pro. 7.Redmi sub-brand - since 2019, the budget segment; IPS or AMOLED from 6.2 inches and above, 4-core Snapdragon 425 or 8-core Snapdragon 632, 660, 675, 730, 439. 2019 - Redmi GO, Redmi 7, Redmi Note 7, Redmi Note 7 Pro, Redmi K20, Redmi 8. 8.Black Shark - game series (liquid cooling system, screen with a refresh rate of 120 Hz, enhanced performance mode); 6-inch IPS, 6 or 6.4-inch AMOLED, 8-core Snapdragon 845 or 855. 2018 - Black Shark and Black Shark Helo; 2019 - Black Shark 2.
MIUI (MI User Interface)
Of course, the OS is one of the main components of a modern phone, providing most of its smart functionality. As known, since 2010 Xiaomi Inc has been developing open-source MIUI (MI User Interface) based on the Android OS. This OS does not use the app menu. The first versions were developed using a startup based on Android 2.2.x Froyo and only supported the Chinese language. After entering the international market, Xiaomi divided MIUI into local Chinese and international. The local version uses English and Chinese languages, and Chinese counterparts instead of Google services. The international version supports Google services and more than 40 languages. For nine years, the company has released 11 versions. The penultimate, MIUI 10 ( latest stable release) version was released on May 31, 2018. On September 24, 2019, the company introduced the latest MIUI 11 ( release) for Android 7.0 and up, including Android 10.
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The list of major changes: - DC dimming. Probably, DC dimming has become one of the main improvements of the new version. As known, adjusting the brightness of OLED matrices uses PWM (Pulse Width Modulation). Unfortunately, PWM causes the screen flicker when brightness decreases, which causes eye strain. In fact, this is one of the main disadvantages of modern AMOLED screens. Of course, the solution to this problem is a serious achievement. To reduce brightness, the algorithm reduces the voltage applied to the pixels, instead of frequency; - interface - dark theme schedule, displaying the % battery charge, selecting MIUI or Android notifications, font size settings, a button for switching between camera modules, etc; - a significant expansion of the assortment of sounds and their sets for notifications, mainly on the theme of nature (meowing, etc); - Always On Display with dynamic animation; - similar to Apple's AirPlay, MIUI 11 offers Cast from Xiaomi (support for transferring content to the screens of most modern Smart TVs without additional software or equipment); - similar to Apple's AirDrop, data transfer to some other smartphones (Xiaomi, OPPO, Realme and Vivo).
Xiaomi Mi 9T and Xiaomi Mi 9 SE
The Xiaomi Mi 9T with a retractable front selfie camera offers a minimal flagship set.
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The model uses a 6.39-inch AMOLED display with 2340 x 1080 resolution (403 ppi), an 8-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 730 chipset (2 ARM Cortex-A76 with a frequency of up to 2.2 GHz and 6 ARM Cortex-A55 with a frequency of up to 1.8 GHz), RAM 6GB and 64/128GB. In addition, the model may well claim the status of a camera phone using a three-module camera (48 MP, 8 MP and 13 MP sensors) with f/1.75, f/2.40, f/2.40 aperture, LED flash, autofocus, macro mode and optical Zoom 2x. As usual, the front camera uses a 20 megapixel sensor. In addition, a 4000 mAh battery provides a good battery life. PROS - good hardware platform; - great main camera; - retractable front camera; - high battery life. Cons - does not support 4K @ 60 video recording; - the average level of the unlock system. Xiaomi Mi 9 SE is a compact version with a 5.97-inch Super AMOLED with 2340 x 1080 resolution (432 ppi).
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MI 9 SE uses Snapdragon 712 (2 Kryo 360 clusters, including 2 Cortex-A75 with a frequency of 2.3 GHz and 6 Coretx-A55 with a frequency of up to 1.8 GHz), RAM 6GB and 64 / 128GB, NFC and fast charging. The model also has a three-module camera (8MP Sony IMX586 Exmor RS + 8MP + 13MP) and a 20-megapixel front camera.
Xiaomi Mi 9
Xiaomi Mi 9 is a more performance phone. Like the Mi 9T, the model uses a 6.39-inch AMOLED display with 2340 x 1080 resolution (403 ppi), RAM 6GB and 128GB.
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But the company equipped it with the more powerful Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 (8 Kryo 485, including Coretx-A76 up to 2.84 GHz + 512 KB cache, 3 Coretx-A76 (256 KB cache) up to 2.42 GHz and 4 Coretx-A55 up to 1.8 GHz).
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As known, the first smartphones with Snapdragon 855, including Xiaomi Mi9, Samsung Galaxy S10, LG G8 and V50 were presented at MWC (Mobile World Congress) 2019. In addition, Mi 9 uses an exellent three-module (48 MP + 16 MP + 12 MP) camera with f/1.75, f/2.20 and f/2.20 aperture and a 20-megapixel front camera. PROS - great hardware platform; - excellent shooting quality; - Qualcomm Quick Charge and wireless charging. Cons - high price; - no optical stabilization; - there is no protection against moisture.
Xiaomi Mi 9 Pro 5G
But in September, the company already introduced the Xiaomi Mi 9 Pro 5G.
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This smartphone has the latest Snapdragon 855+ (2019) with a fast Prime Core that clocks up to 2.96 GHz (up from 2.84 GHz in the 855), three fast ARM Cortex-A76 performance cores, which can reach up to 2.42 GHz and four power-saving ARM Cortex-A55 cores that clock up to a maximum of 1.8 GHz. In AnTuTu, the result of Xiaomi Mi 9 Pro 5G reaches 480,830 points. Its price is $ 520 for model with RAM 8GB and 128GB, $ 534 - 8/256GB, $ 577 - 12/256GB and $ 605 - 12/512GB. The capacity of battery increased from 3300 to 4000 mAh. The model supports triple fast charging. Charging time for wired charging is 48 minutes; wireless charging provides 2000 mAh in 25 minutes. The smartphone also supports wireless reverse charging for other mobile devices.
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But other components have not changed much. The Mi 9 Pro 5G uses a 6.39-inch Samsung Super AMOLED Full HD+ display with a maximum brightness of 600 nits, and a fingerprint sensor is integrated under the screen. The three-module camera has a 48 megapixel sensor (wide-angle lens with a viewing angle of 79° and an aperture of f/1.75), a 16 megapixel sensor (ultra wide-angle lens with an aperture of f/2.2 and a viewing angle of 117°) and 12 megapixel sensor with f/2, 2. Additionally, the model has a front-facing 20-megapixel camera with f/2.0.
Xiaomi Black Shark 2
In addition, in 2019, the company introduced the second generation of the gaming Black Shark smartphone.
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Xiaomi engineers managed to significantly improve the previous version. Firstly, Black Shark 2 uses an AMOLED matrix with an unprecedentedly low switching time for brightness levels and response of the sensor layer. Unfortunately, it does not support DC Dimming technology that eliminates screen flicker due to low frequency PWM. Secondly, the model uses an advanced liquid cooling system with a copper radiator and several layers of graphite film.
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Unfortunately, it still heats up under prolonged high loads, but much less compared to Black Shark. The model uses an 8-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 855. In addition, the smartphone has a 6.39-inch AMOLED display with 2340 x 1080 resolution (403 ppi), RAM 6GB, 128GB, a dual-module camera (48 MP + 12 MP) with f/1.75 and f/2.20 aperture and 20-megapixel front camera. Additionally, a 4000 mAh battery provides a good battery life. PROS - Snapdragon 855; - very fast AMOLED matrix; - gamer interface; - Parental Control; - optional gamepad. Cons - no DC Dimming technology; - does not support memory cards; - no NFC (Near Field Communication) module. As known, the NFC module provides wireless data transmission at a short distance of up to 10 cm using a radio signal. The module practically does not consume energy and provides almost instant communication. Unfortunately, this protocol supports a rather low speed and limited amount of data. However, its popularity is growing rapidly.
Xiaomi Mi MIX Alpha
Of course, Xiaomi Mi Mix Alpha has become the most innovative phone in 2019. The area of its wrap-around screen reaches 180.6% of the body area. In fact, this unusual display is wrapped around the case.
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Its side faces are used to place touch buttons. Of course, the camera with a 108-megapixel sensor (1/1.33-inch) was the second sensation of the model.
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The camera also has an integrated optical image stabilization system. Lightweight and durable titanium alloy case provides a stylish design.
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The rest of the specs also correspond to the highest level, including 5G, Snapdragon 855 Plus, RAM 12GB, 512GB, sound transmission technology via vibration of the screen surface, 4050 mAh battery, fast charge, etc. Unfortunately, the preliminary price of the model reaches around $ 3,000.
More recently, consumer electronics from Chinese brands was mainly positioned in the budget or mid-budget segments due to the relatively low quality and innovative level. But in the past few years, the situation has changed radically. Chinese smartphones, TVs, projectors, robotic vacuum cleaners are increasingly successfully competing with the flagships of traditional leaders. For example, many experts call Xiaomi Mi 9 Pro 5G one of the best models of 2019. In addition, Xiaomi Black Shark 2 successfully competes in the gaming segment. Moreover, Xiaomi Mi Mix Alpha rightfully claims to be the main innovative sensation of 2019. On the other hand, the price of Chinese brands also no longer refers to the budget segment. Of course, Samsung, LG, and other traditional leaders are still leading in terms of reliability and service. But Xiaomi can press them on the innovative Olympus. Of course, this factor will significantly affect the choice of the optimal smartphone among high-tech fans. This video shows a new Xiaomi Mi Mix Alpha phone with a unprecedented screen to body ratio (180,6%) and with a 108-megapixel sensor (1/1.33-inch). Read the full article
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