#Vishnu Dev Sai
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pniindia · 4 months ago
Vishnu Dev Sai Worships: भगवान विश्वकर्मा की मुख्यमंत्री श्री विष्णु देव साय ने की पूजा-अर्चना
Vishnu Dev Sai Worships: आज भगवान विश्वकर्मा की जयंती के मौके पर मुख्यमंत्री विष्णु देव साय ने मुख्यमंत्री निवास में मंत्रोच्चार और पूर्ण विधि-विधान के साथ भगवान विश्वकर्मा की पूजा-अर्चना की है. उन्होंने संसार के प्रथम वास्तुकार, सृजन व निर्माण के देवता, भगवान श्री विश्वकर्मा की जयंती पर सभी श्रमवीरों के साथ प्रदेशवासियों को बधाई एवं शुभकामनाएं दी हैं. आपको बता दें कि इस मौके पर मुख्यमंत्री निवास के अधिकारी, विधायक श्री अनुज शर्मा और कर्मचारी भी उपस्थित रहे.
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newsplus21 · 11 months ago
CG News: मुख्यमंत्री विष्णु देव साय ने की बड़ी घोषणा, दामाखेड़ा का नाम अब होगा कबीर धर्म नगर दामाखेड़ा
CG News: रायपुर: मुख्यमंत्री विष्णु देव साय आज बलौदाबाजार-भाटापारा जिला के दामाखेड़ा ��ें माघपूर्णिमा के अवसर पर आयोजित होने वाले सद्गुरू कबीर संत समागम समारोह में शामिल हुए। धर्म गुरू पंथश्री प्रकाश मुनि नाम साहेब ने मुख्यमंत्री के रूप में पहली दफा दामाखेड़ा आगमन पर साय का कबीरपंथी समाज की ओर से आत्मीय स्वागत किया। मुख्यमंत्री विष्णु देव साय ने इस मौके पर दामाखेड़ा का नाम कबीर धर्म नगर दामाखेड़ा करने की घोषणा की।
उन्होंने पूर्व में स्वीकृत 22 करोड़ रूपये से अधिक लागत से बनने वाले कबीर सागर के निर्माण कार्य में तेजी लाने के निर्देश दिए। साय ने कहा कि दामाखेड़ा के 10 किलोमीटर की परिधि में कोई भी नया औद्योगिक प्रतिष्ठान शुरू न हो इसके लिए विचार किया जाएगा। समारोह में मुख्यमंत्री साय ने पंथश्री हुजूर प्रकाश मुनि नाम साहेब से छत्तीसगढ़ की तरक्की और खुशहाली के लिए आशीर्वाद लिया। इस मौके पर उप मुख्यमंत्री विजय शर्मा, केबिनेट मंत्री दयाल दास बघेल, सांसद सुनील सोनी, भाटापारा विधायक इंद्र कुमार साव, लुण्ड्रा विधायक प्रमोद मिंज, भाटापारा पूर्व विधायक शिवरतन शर्मा, पूर्व जिला पंचायत अध्यक्ष लक्ष्मी वर्मा ने भी दर्शन कर गुरू से आशीर्वाद प्राप्त किया।
CG News: मुख्यमंत्री विष्णु देव साय ने अपने उद्बोधन में कहा कि छत्तीसगढ़ प्रदेश का मुख्यमंत्री का दायित्व मुझे मिला है इस दायित्व से जनता की सेवा और प्रदेश के विकास के लिए हमेशा तत्पर रहूंगा। आप सभी के विश्वास और सहयोग से प्रदेश में विकास की गंगा बहाएंगे। उन्होंने ने कहा कि बचपन से ही मेरा जुड़ाव कबीर पंथ से रहा है और चौका आरती में शामिल होते रहा हूं। मेरे गृह ग्राम बगिया में कबीर पंथ के मुनियों का पदार्पण हुआ है जो मेरे लिए सौभाग्य की बात है। उन्होंने कहा कि एक छोटे से गांव के किसान के बेटे को आप लोगों ने मुख्यमंत्री का बड़ा दायित्व दिया है। इस चुनौतीपूर्ण जिम्मेदारी पर खरा उतरने में लिए आप सबका सहयोग और मार्गदर्शन मिलता रहे। जिस प्रकार से मोदी जी की गारंटी पर आपने विश्वास जताया है उसे आगे भी कायम रखते हुए सेवा का अवसर देते रहेंगे। हम सब मिलकर छत्तीसगढ़ को विकास के पथ पर आगे ले जाएंगे।
Read more: https://newsplus21.com/cg-news-chief-minister-vishnu-dev-sai-made-a-big/
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4rtheyenews · 1 year ago
रायपुर : मुख्यमंत्री विष्णु देव साय ने अयोध्या में भण्डारे के संचालन के लिए श्रीराम के ननिहाल से कार्यकर्ताओं की टीम को झंडी दिखाकर किया रवाना
मुख्यमंत्री विष्णु देव साय ने आज राजधानी रायपुर स्थित श्री राम मंदिर परिसर से श्रीराम की जन्मभूमि अयोध्या में भण्डारे के संचालन के लिए कार्यकर्ताओं की टीम को झंडी दिखाकर अयोध्या के लिए रवाना किया। मुख्यमंत्री साय ने मंदिर में दर्शन कर प्रदेशवासियों की सुख-समृद्धि एवं खुशहाली की प्रार्थना की। इस अवसर पर मुख्यमंत्री साय ने कहा कि आज हम सबके लिए एक विशेष अवसर है। भगवान श्रीराम के ननिहाल छत्तीसगढ़ से…
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ainews18 · 1 year ago
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rightnewshindi · 5 months ago
छत्तीसगढ़ में सीएम विष्णु देव साय ने लॉन्च किया ई-ऑफिस, जानें आम जनता को क्या होगा फायदा
CM Vishnu Deo Sai Launch Swagatam Online Portal: छत्तीसगढ़ की विष्णुदेव साय सरकार प्रदेश की विकास के साथ-साथ राज्य को बेहतर बनाने के लिए लगातार काम कर रही हैं। इसके लिए साय सरकार द्वारा प्रदेश में कई ऑनलाइन पोर्टल भी लॉन्च कर रही है, ताकि सरकारी काम आसान हो पाए। इसी के तहत राज्य सरकार ने शासकीय कामकाज को ट्रांसपेरेंट बनाने और सिस्टमैटिक करने मुख्यमंत्री विष्णुदेव साय ने मंत्रालय में ई-ऑफिस…
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ajkanews · 1 year ago
Who is Vishnu Dev Sai: विष्णु देव साई कौन हैं? छत्तीसगढ़ के नये मुख्यमंत्री से सम्बंधित कुछ बातें...
Who is Vishnu Dev Sai: विष्णु देव साई कौन हैं? छत्तीसगढ़ के नये मुख्यमंत्री से सम्बंधित कुछ बातें...
Who is Vishnu Dev Sai? Some things related to the new Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh…पांच साल बाद बीजेपी ने 54 सीटें जीतकर छत्तीसगढ़ में दोबारा सत्ता हासिल की. विधानसभा चुनाव में पार्टी को जिन तीन राज्यों में जीत मिली, वहां मुख्यमंत्री चुनने के लिए करीब एक हफ्ते तक मंथन चला। आज छत्तीसगढ़ के मुख्यमंत्री का औपचारिक परिचय हुआ. विधानसभा चुनाव के नतीजे घोषित होने के एक हफ्ते बाद ही भारतीय जनता पार्टी…
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runaeveena · 10 months ago
i just saw monkey man and wow it had everything
a character saying "you ever seen john wick" before we see two hours of senstive john wick
dev patel petting puppies
commentary on femicide in india
nicki minaj reference
girls cheering when dev patel took his shirt off
trans women attacking bad guys in vishnu costume
allegories to the ramayana at every turn
veiled commentary on modhi's politics
beating a man to death with a high heel
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bhaktiworld · 1 month ago
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Bhaktiworld Media : आपकी आस्था का डिजिटल साथी, निरंतर भक्ति संगीत, प्रवचन, पॉडकास्ट, आरती, भजन, मंत्र, और सभी भगवान ��ी चालीसा, कभी भी और कहीं भी। अभी डाउनलोड करें! #bhaktiworldmedia सुनिये श्रद्धा से || Download our FREE App Android - https://bit.ly/bhaktiworldmedia iOS - https://apple.co/3OOZ4hk #bhaktiworld #bhaktiworldmedia #bhaktiworldmediaapp #bhaktiworldmedia #shiva #devotional #spirituality #krishna #krishnabhajan #vishnu #shiv #Narayana #lakshmivishnu #hanumanji #shiva #sitaram #sai #neemkarolibaba #reels #bajrangbalii #ganpati #krishna #durga #Maa #bholenath #lakshmi #maalakshmi #saibaba #hanuman #durga #maadurga #india #maa #dev #bhaktiworldmedia
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yogeshblogs · 1 year ago
20 Religious Places in Rajasthan
Birla Mandir, Brahma Sanctuary, Karni Mata Sanctuary, Eklingji Sanctuary, Galtaji Sanctuary, Mehandipur Balaji Sanctuary, Sai Dham, Rani Sati Sanctuary, Ambika Mata Sanctuary, Ranakpur Jain Sanctuary, Dilwara Jain Sanctuaries, Ajmer Sharif, Govind Dev Ji Sanctuary, and that's just the beginning.
Like the actual state, the strict spots in Rajasthan, as well, are overflowing, energetic, and imperial in nature. Its best illustration would be the Birla Mandir in Jaipur , which exhibits a fabulous blend of excellence, craftful artisanship, and a blue-blooded glory! In the event that you are searching for a somewhat quiet and tranquil environment to partake in the strict energy of the sanctuary, then the Mehendipur Balaji Mandir ought to be an optimal choice for you.
Beside it, Karni Mata Sanctuary is one more spot that offers a mix of Indian and Mughal culture. It likewise houses a lovely spear, which should be visible miles from the smooth sanctuary. Ajmer Sharif is one of the most conspicuous strict attractions of Rajasthan and is visited by a few lovers consistently. In this way, assuming you are pondering venturing out to Rajasthan and searching for a few other strict spots, then, at that point, try to peruse the review till the end!
Here is a list of religious places in Rajasthan:
Birla Mandir
Laid out in the year 1998 by the Birla family, the Birla Mandir is one of the most popular strict spots in Rajasthan. It is situated at Moti Dungri Mountain in Jaipur and exhibits the delightful icons of Master Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi.
There are around three vaults accessible in the sanctuary, which depict the variety of religions in India. Besides this, here, you can likewise discover a few persuasively created sculptures of strict figures and rationalists in the sanctuary. The genuine magnificence and loveliness of the design of Birla Mandir can be enjoyed during the hour of dusk.
Area: Birla Mandir, Jawaharlal Lal Nehru Marg, Tilak Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302022.
Timing: 6:00 AM to 12:00 PM, 3:00 PM to 9:00 PM (ordinary).
Brahma Temple
In contrast to Birla Mandir, the Brahma Sanctuary, situated close to the eye-getting Pushkar Lake, has matured over 2000 years. As the name proposes, it is essentially dedicated to one of the Divine forces of Hinduism, Ruler Brahma.
In any case, here, you can likewise see a few wonderfully made sculptures of Goddess Saraswati, who should be his significant other. The entire sanctuary was fabricated with flickering white marble as well as stone wounds, which, thusly, makes it look incredibly exquisite during the daytime. Notwithstanding every one of these, the spot likewise includes a tremendous pinnacle, which can be seen miles from the area.
Area: Brahma Sanctuary Street, Ganahera, Pushkar, Rajasthan 305022.
Timing: 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM.
Karni Mata Temple
While discussing the most well-known strict spots in Rajasthan, the principal name that strikes a chord is Karni Mata Sanctuary. Situated at the core of Bikaner, this delightful asylum adores Karni Mata, who is viewed as the encapsulation of grit and boldness.
There are in excess of 20,000 rodents that live and get taken care of in the sanctuary, as a piece of the custom. Because of this explanation, Karni Mata Sanctuary is otherwise called Rodent Sanctuary in the nearby areas. The sanctuary, generally, exhibits a deep-rooted Mughal craftsman and elements of a spear, which can be found at the highest point of the structure.
Area: NH89, Deshnok, Bikaner, Rajasthan 334801.
Timing: 5:00 AM to 10:00 PM.
Eklingji Temple
Arranged in an unassuming community known as Eklingji, the Eklingji Sanctuary is a must-visit perfect structural wonder of Rajasthan. The lovely spot of adoring was implicit in the eighth hundred years and is given to God Eklingji, who is essential for Ruler Shiva.
Subsequently, on Mondays, you can see various kinds of customs as well as functions getting performed here. Nonetheless, the best chance to visit this spot would be Maha Shiva Ratri because of the conspicuous stylized reason. Besides the legalism, the environmental factors of the sanctuary are likewise very gorgeous, which, thus, makes them an optimal spot to take some photographs.
Area: Shri Eklingji Sanctuary, Udaipur, Delvada Marg, Eklingji, Rajasthan 313202.
Timing: 4:15 AM to 6:15 AM, 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM, 5:15 PM to 7:45 PM.
Rani Sati Temple
One of the most seasoned strict spots in Rajasthan, the Rani Sati Sanctuary was laid out around the thirteenth 100 years in Jhunjhunu. As you can as of now comprehend from the name, it is, for sure, given to Rani Sati, who was known for her character and pride.
The inside segment of the sanctuary has been made with marble stone and, in this way, looks totally bubbly during the evening because of the lighting. The lodging likewise houses different more modest sanctuaries of Ruler Ganesh, Goddess Sita, Master Shiva, Hanuman, and some more. There is likewise a sanctum of Rani Sati accessible here that represents strength, pride, grit, and intensity.
Area: Rani Sati Mandir, Chobari Mandi Settlement, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan 333001.
Timing: 5:30 AM to 1:00 PM and 3:00 PM to 10:30 PM.
Ambika Mata Temple
Not at all like most other strict spots in Rajasthan referenced beforehand, the Ambika Mata Sanctuary is found a tad far away from the city regions. In any case, in the event that you are heading out to Rajasthan without precedent for your life, then it ought to be a must-visit place for you. Basically, the sanctuary includes a lovely type of Indian design, which looks very multifaceted on the inside too.
The carvings on the outside are intricate and could help you to remember the Khajuraho Sanctuaries of MP. Principally, the sanctuary reveres the Goddess of respect and strength, Maa Durga, yet you can likewise discover a few hints of Jainism here.
Area: MDR 11, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313905.
Timing: 6:00 AM to 7:00 PM.
Ranakpur Jain Temple
Otherwise called Chaturmukha Dharana Vihara, the Ranakpur Jain Sanctuary is simply a Jain safe haven, which is committed to Tirthankara Rishabhanata. It is situated close to the wonderful town of Ranakpur and offers an impeccably grand perspective on an energetic encompassing.
One of the priority things of the sanctuary is clearly the statuette of Ruler Adinath, who is viewed as the absolute first Tirthankara of Jainism. One more astounding thing about the sanctuary is that every one of its points of support appears to be a lot of unique than the others. To enter the premises of the sanctuary, the outsiders will be charged around INR 200 and the expenses for the camera will be counted in an unexpected way.
Area: Desuri, Ranakpur Rd, Sadri, Rajasthan 306702.
Timing: 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM.
Timing: 6:00 AM to 7:00 PM.
Dilwara Jain Temples
Dilwara Jain Sanctuaries, otherwise called Delvada Sanctuaries, are found something more than two kilometers from Mount Abu. As per local people, these delightful safe havens were underlying between the 11th and thirteenth hundred years by Vastupal Tejpal and Vipul Shah.
The engineering style as well as the glorious stone carvings of the sanctuaries looks stunningly lovely during the daytime. Like its outside, the inside of the heavenly spot looks very unpredictable yet lovely too. In addition, fortunately, you can take however many pictures here as you need by simply paying the modest quantity of extra charge.
Area: Delwara, Mount Abu, Rajasthan 307501.
Timing: 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM.
Khatu Shyam Ji Temple
The name of the Khatu Shyam Ji Sanctuary has been derived from the name of the region where it is laid out, Khatushyamji. As per the pioneers, this spot houses the genuine head of Khatushyam or Barbarika, who is an indispensable person of Mahabharata.
The sanctuary is to some degree little in size; in any case, it looks very gorgeous as well as enchanting regardless. At the focal point of the asylum, you can find the little yet recognizable puppet of Khatushyam who eagerly gave his head to Ruler Krishna.
Area: Shri, Shyam Mandir Rd, Panel, Khatoo, Rajasthan 332602.
Timing: 5:30 AM to 1:00 PM, 4:30 PM to 9:00 PM. If you are interested in trip of these temples. I recommend you best taxi service in Jodhpur named as Jodhpur Cab Service. Jodhpur Cab Service makes your ride, even more, happier. while you reach your destination on right time. You can book your cab from our website.
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aartibhardwaj · 2 years ago
*Almighty God Kabir Parmatma's departure to Satlok Bodily*
Who is the Absolute Supreme/ Imperishable God who never takes birth from the mother's womb, neither dies, Who Incarnates with a body, departs with a body?
Supreme God Kabir Saheb comes in every age,but does not take birth from mother's womb, He Incarnates with body, departs with body. He comes from Satlok and appears in the form of an infant. By removing the evils spread in all religions, by Imparting true devotion, by erasing the difference between caste and religion, He establishes one human religion.
505 years ago, Kabir Sahib was departing to Satlok, at that time Hindu-Muslims were getting ready to fight over Kabir Ji's body, then Kabir ji explained that my body will not be found, whatever you get, divide it in half. Fragrant flowers were found in place of His body. Even today there is evidence of this in Maghar. There, both Hindu and Muslim have built memorials at the same place.
Supreme God Kabir Sahib appeared on a lotus flower in the Lahartara pond of Kashi on Shukla Purnmasi Vikrami Samvat 1455 (year 1398) of Jyestha month and went to Satlok in body from Maghar on Shukla Ekadashi Vikrami Samvat 1575 year 1518 of Magh month.
Apart from Kabir Saheb, all the Gods and their Incarnations are in the Cycle of birth and death. That means they are not imperishable.
Kabir Sahib's Says that :
Ram Krishan Avtaar hain, Inaka Nahi Sansar.
Jin Sahab Sansar Kiya, So Kinhu Na Janmya Naar..
That is, all the incarnations of the Trinity Gods (Rajgun Brahma ji, Satgun Vishnu ji, Tamgun Shiv ji) and their father Brahm (Kaal) are also in birth and death.
While Supreme God Kabir Dev / Kabir Saheb is imperishable, He is beyond birth and death, He is the creator and Master of all .
There is Speech of Divine God Kabir Sahib
Kabir, Na Mera Janm Na mera Garbh Basera Balak Ban Dikhlaya
Kashi Nagar Kal Kamal par Dera Tahan Julahe me Paya
505 years ago Supreme God Kabir Saheb had appeared in the form of an infant on a lotus flower in Lahartara pond in Kashi in the year 1398. From there the childless couple Neeru Neema had taken Him. At that time God had lived for 120 years and propagated True Spiritual Knowledge to His beloved souls He also Opposed social evils and hypocrisy. By erasing casteism and communalism, He tied everyone into One thread of Humanity.
In 1518, Almighty Kabir Sahib went to His own abode, Satlok with Body. And avoided the fierce civil war between Hindus and Muslims .
Kabir Parmeshwar had said that when 5505 years of Kalyug will pass, then I will come again on the earth and Will destroy all religions / sects and make them one.
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pniindia · 4 months ago
Collector Conference Begins: 2 दिवसीय कलेक्टर कॉन्फ्रेंस मुख्यमंत्री विष्णु देव साय की अध्यक्षता में हुई शुरू, कही ये बातें
Collector Conference Begins: 2 दिवसीय कलेक्टर कॉन्फ्रेंस मुख्यमंत्री विष्णु देव साय की अध्यक्षता में अब शुरू हो चुकी है. आपको बता दें कि इस कॉन्फ्रेंस में मुख्य सचिव, विभागीय सचिवों के सहित सभी संभागायुक्त और कलेक्टर मौजूद है. मुख्यमंत्री ने कहा कि शासन की योजनाएं पूरी पारदर्शिता के साथ अंतिम व्यक्ति तक पहुँच जाए और सभी फ्लैगशिप योजनाओं का क्रियान्वयन सैचुरेशन के लक्ष्य को ध्यान में रखते हुए किया जाए, जिससे हर पात्र व्यक्ति को उनके लाभ मिल सके.
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newsplus21 · 11 months ago
Raipur City News: रायपुर को मिला तक्षशिला रीडिंग जोन, सीएम विष्णुदेव साय ने किया लाइब्रेरी का लोकार्पण
रायपुर। Raipur City News: शहर में मोतीबाग में बनी नवनिर्मित स्मार्ट रीडिंग जोन सह लाइब्रेरी तक्षशिला का लोकार्पण मुख्यमंत्री विष्णुदेव साय ने किया। नालंदा परिसर की तर्ज पर स्थापित इस नई लाईब्रेरी से प्रतियोगी परिक्षाओं की तैयारी करने वाले विद्यार्थियों को फायदा होगा। साथ ही नालंदा लाईब्रेरी पर सदस्यता और पठन-पाठन का दबाव भी कम होगा।
Raipur City News: इस अवसर पर मुख्यमंत्री साय युवाओं के साथ परिचर्चा की और उन्हें स्थायी सदस्यता कार्ड भी दिए। इस दौरान उपमुख्यमंत्री अरूण साव, शिक्षा मंत्री बृजमोहन अग्रवाल, वित मंत्री ओपी चौधरी, लोकसभा सांसद सुनील सोनी, विधायक मोतीलाल साहू, अनुज शर्मा, रायपुर नगर निगम के महापौर एजाज ढ़ेबर तथा नगर निगम की नेता प्रतिपक्ष मीनल चौबे भी मौजूद थीं।
शहर के मध्य में शैक्षणिक केंद्र विकसित करने के उद्देश्य से प्रदेश का दूसरा सबसे बड़ा लाइब्रेरी का निर्माण किया गया है। इससे प्रतियोगी परीक्षा की तैयारी करने वाले युवाओं को अच्छी सुविधाओं का लाभ मिलेगा। लाइब्रेरी में पढ़ने के लिए 550 युवाओं ने निर्धारित शुल्क जमा कर सदस्यता सुनिश्चित की गई है। इस 750 सीटर लाइब्रेरी का आठ करोड़ रूपए की लागत से निर्माण किया गया है। कलेक्टर ने बताया कि अत्याधुनिक लाइब्रेरी में बायोमेट्रिक सिस्टम के जरिए ही अधिकृत सदस्यों को प्रवेश दिया जाएगा।
Read more: https://newsplus21.com/raipur-city-newsraipur-gets-takshila-reading-zone-cm-vishnudev-sai-inaugurates-library/
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4rtheyenews · 1 year ago
रायपुर : उप राष्ट्रपति जगदीप धनखड़, राज्यपाल विश्वभूषण हरिचंदन और मुख्यमंत्री विष्णु देव साय ने विश्वविद्यालय परिसर में मौल का पौधा रोपण किया
उप राष्ट्रपति जगदीप धनखड़, राज्यपाल विश्वभूषण हरिचंदन और मुख्यमंत्री विष्णु देव साय ने विश्वविद्यालय परिसर में मौल का पौधा रोपण किया। उप राष्ट्रपति जगदीप धनखड़ ने कृषि स्टार्ट अप, बायोटेक और कृषि विज्ञान केंद्र द्वारा लगाए गए विभिन्न स्टालों का निरीक्षण किया।
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nidhi-writes · 2 years ago
Nigazh (Chapter -8)
Umaiyal POV
I have been done with my morning routine and just had breakfast. Which I would say is just awesome but I do miss spicy Korean noodles which I normally like to have at least twice a week. If only I brought some ingredients with me.
I am trying to find my so-called brother 'Vandiyathevan' as I know he must be somewhere here sleeping beside a balcony. I am excited about the next part as this is where we would be going to Kudanthai Jothidar's home. But what if someone else finds my identity by then? I shook my head and went hurriedly to check up on Dev.
I round the corner and saw a figure who is still sleeping, this idiot! I looked around and found a jug with water in it. I took that and went near him, for a sec I thought I shouldn't pour it in his face as he looks so peaceful and cute when he sleeps, if only he looks like this every time. But I want to meet Kundavai soon so here we go, I said to myself and pour the water on his face.
'Who is there!' He shouted and stood up, I laughed loudly looking at his so-called scared face.
'Aw! The mighty warrior is scared! ' I said and laughed again. His serious face turned to a smile which I love.
'Ok, now get ready we should be going!' I said and started to pack his stuff which was laying around.
I had my things packed which is not that much and also Manimegalai gave me a necklace that she thought would go great with my skin tone, and I am currently wearing it and also she packed extra sweets, for the road.
But I stopped and turned to meet Dev's eyes and remembered last night's events and what would have happened.
'So seeing you well today says you are careful enough to hide properly yesterday night?' I asked with my eyebrows raised.
He gaped at me but soon realized that I know the stuff and chuckled.
'Well, I did what I do best after all I am the man who my prince Aditha Karikalan trusts! aren't I?' His words just contain so much pride but fun hidden in it.
As he got ready Kanthamaran came and greeted me with a shy smile, what's with these people? didn't they have seen girls around here?
And then Dev started to flow along with lies to leave the place sooner as it's not good to be here for long. And later he went to have his breakfast to start the trip.
As we are about to leave Dev made me hide my face by covering my head as its morning and told me to stay away from unwanted attention. I rolled my eyes but went with whatever he said cause he knows more about the people here than me.
I am currently walking slightly before the two people who were talking nonsense and Dev is trying to get any more info about the chieftains but acting innocent. I am having my time with Nila my beautiful horse who is just my baby here. As we both reached the river which we have to cross by boat I suddenly remembered that Nambi will be there too. Ohh I am so wanted to meet him again. I love him.
Our horses were been locked in another flatboat to carry them and we went on to a separate boat.
'Could you please wait, I think there is someone who is coming' I said to the boatman. Dev looked at me as if saying "What the hell I am planning" but his expression changed once he saw Nambi who comes in out of breath to catch the boat.
'Oh no! Oy please start rowing don't have to wait for that man' Dev shouted and also some Saivites started to protest about the wait. But with one look from me, the boatman didn't move not sure why but it worked.
Nambi smiled at me which caused me to smile widely not caring about others, this man really does the work so respect. 'So Nambi seems you didn't about me after all'  I asked him teasingly. 'How would I ever forget someone who sang a beautiful song to my Vishnu? Seems like you are the avatar of Aandal herself' He said and sat next to Dev who currently throwing a dagger at me through his eyes.
Before I could ask other questions I saw a boat that is rowing quite a distance from us and my eyes widen at the outlook of one figure in that. Is that the guy from yesterday's night, my blue eyeball literally would have been in the water if not for the disturbance that is happening beside me, I sighed and turned around to find Nambi's head being dunked in the water.
'Oh Anna leave the poor fellow!' I said and went to rescue the smart Vaisnavite from Dev. I wipe the water out of his hair.
'Now Now Vaishnavare, please answer my Anna's question properly cause I don't want you to see your Perumal soon, ok' I said and smiled sweetly to which Nambi looked at me curiously like he is trying to find out who I am really.
And I also noted that another guy is currently in our boat and looking at us, no mainly looking at me. I slouched my shoulder and diverted my eyes to the other side. I couldn't help but want to reach Kundanthai Josiyar's house soon, I also want to ask Josiyar regarding my stay here if he knew anything at all.
'Amma, here eat this seems like you are very thin' An elderly woman who is sitting next to me offered me some Sooru(rice). Wow being thin here is not seen as beauty at all, I started gulping the cooked rice and some neer mooru(buttermilk) following up, and thanked her.
'Uma, we have to go to-' I interrupted him by nodding my head indicating I know.  I said goodbye to Nambi and went our way.  But I can feel eyes on me and I can't shake it off. After multiple attempts, I finally started to ignore it and just went with the flow.
Kundhavai! We are coming to Kudanthai Josiyar!
Check out full story on Wattpad!!
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news365timesindia · 6 days ago
[ad_1] Sambhv Steel Tubes Limited, one of the key manufacturers of electric resistance welded (“ERW”) steel pipes and structural tubes (hollow section) in India in terms of the installed capacity as of March 31, 2024 (Source: CRISIL Report) is proud to announce its participation as the Title Sponsor for the All India Steel Conclave 2.0, which took place on January 10-11, 2025, in Raipur, Chhattisgarh, with an inspiring address by Mr. Suresh Goyal, Chairman of Sambhv Steel Tubes Limited. The event was graced by the honorable Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh Shri Vishnu Dev Sai Ji, esteemed Finance Minister of Government of Chhattisgarh Shri O.P. Choudhary Ji, and other distinguished dignitaries from the steel industry and government.   Mr. Suresh Goyal, Chairman & Executive Director, Sambhv Steel Tubes Ltd. addressing the audience   "We pay tribute to the rich heritage of Chhattisgarh, the land of Maa Kaushalya and natural resources like coal, iron, and paddy," said Mr. Suresh Kumar Goyal, Chairman and Executive Director. "We are thrilled to be the Title Sponsor for the All India Steel Conclave 2.0. Emphasising on the potential of the Indian steel industry he urged young professionals to embrace challenges with resilience and determination. “The word ‘impossible’ should never be a part of your vocabulary. True courage lies in facing challenges head-on with the belief that ‘Sab Sambhv Hai."   The All India Steel Conclave 2.0 delved into critical issues such as sustainable raw material sourcing, the adoption of advanced technologies, overcoming logistics challenges, and the urgent need for decarbonisation. Sambhv Steel Tubes is honoured to support this initiative, reflecting our commitment to fostering growth, sustainability, and technological advancements in the steel industry.   For further information about Sambhv’s steel products and their applications, please visit www.sambhv.com   About Sambhv Steel Tubes Limited According to CRISIL Report, Sambhv Steel Tubes Limited is the only company in India with a single location backward integrated manufacturing facility for ERW steel pipes and tubes with presence across the value chain as of March 31, 2024. The Company is one of the two players in India manufacturing ERW steel pipes and tubes (along with hollow section pipes and tubes) using narrow-width HR coil, as of March 31, 2024. It is the only player in India to manufacture narrow-width HR coil with backward integration capability, as of March 31, 2024.   The Company’s backward integration processes allow it to manufacture a range of finished products including ERW black pipes and tubes (hollow section) and galvanized iron (“GI”) pipes, using intermediate products such as sponge iron, blooms/slabs (mild steel and stainless steel) and hot rolled (“HR”) coil (mild steel and stainless steel) which are manufactured in-house. The installed capacity of ERW and GI pipes as of September 20, 2024 was 350,000 MTPA,   Disclaimer SAMBHV STEEL TUBES LIMITED is proposing, subject to, receipt of requisite approvals, market conditions and other considerations, to undertake an initial public offer of its Equity Shares and has filed the DRHP dated September 30, 2024 read with the corrigendum dated November 28, 2024 (“DRHP”) with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (“SEBI”). The DRHP is available on the website of the Company at www.sambhv.com, SEBI at www.sebi.gov.in, websites of BSE Limited at www.bseindia.com and National Stock Exchange of India Limited at www.nseindia.com and the website of the book running lead managers, i.e. Nuvama Wealth Management Limited and Motilal Oswal Investment Advisors Limited at www.nuvama.com and www.motilaloswalgroup.com, respectively. Any potential investor should note that investment in equity shares involves a high degree of risk and for details relating to such risk, please see the section entitled “Risk Factors” of the RHP, when filed. Potential investors should not rely on the DRHP for making any investment decision.
  This announcement does not constitute an offer of the Equity Shares for sale in any jurisdiction, including the United States, and the Equity Shares may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration under the US Securities Act of 1933 or an exemption from registration. Any public offering of the Equity Shares to be made in the United States will be made by means of a prospectus that may be obtained from the Company and that will contain detailed information about the Company and management, as well as financial statements. However, the Equity Shares are not being offered or sold in the United States.   CRISIL Market  Intelligence  &  Analytics  (CRISIL  MI&A),  a  division  of  CRISIL  Limited,  provides  independent research,  consulting,  risk  solutions,  and  data  &  analytics  to  its  clients.  CRISIL MI&A  operates  independently  of CRISIL’s other divisions and subsidiaries, including, CRISIL Ratings Limited. CRISIL MI&A’s informed insights and opinions on the economy, industry, capital markets and companies drive impactful decisions for clients across diverse sectors and geographies. CRISIL MI&A’s strong benchmarking capabilities, granular grasp of sectors, proprietary analytical frameworks and risk management solutions backed by deep understanding of technology integration, makes it the partner of choice for public & private organisations, multi-lateral agencies, investors and governments for over three decades.   For the preparation of the report, CRISIL MI&A has relied on third party data and information obtained from sources which in its opinion are considered reliable. Any forward-looking statements contained in the report are based on certain assumptions, which in its opinion are true as on the date of the report and could fluctuate due to changes in factors underlying such assumptions or events that cannot be reasonably foreseen. The report does not consist of any investment advice and nothing contained in the report should be construed as a recommendation to invest/disinvest in any entity. The industry report is prepared for use in the Offer Documents to be filed by the Company with the RoC, SEBI and the Stock Exchanges in India. !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments); if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window,document,'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('init', '311356416665414'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); [ad_2] Source link
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news365times · 6 days ago
[ad_1] Sambhv Steel Tubes Limited, one of the key manufacturers of electric resistance welded (“ERW”) steel pipes and structural tubes (hollow section) in India in terms of the installed capacity as of March 31, 2024 (Source: CRISIL Report) is proud to announce its participation as the Title Sponsor for the All India Steel Conclave 2.0, which took place on January 10-11, 2025, in Raipur, Chhattisgarh, with an inspiring address by Mr. Suresh Goyal, Chairman of Sambhv Steel Tubes Limited. The event was graced by the honorable Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh Shri Vishnu Dev Sai Ji, esteemed Finance Minister of Government of Chhattisgarh Shri O.P. Choudhary Ji, and other distinguished dignitaries from the steel industry and government.   Mr. Suresh Goyal, Chairman & Executive Director, Sambhv Steel Tubes Ltd. addressing the audience   "We pay tribute to the rich heritage of Chhattisgarh, the land of Maa Kaushalya and natural resources like coal, iron, and paddy," said Mr. Suresh Kumar Goyal, Chairman and Executive Director. "We are thrilled to be the Title Sponsor for the All India Steel Conclave 2.0. Emphasising on the potential of the Indian steel industry he urged young professionals to embrace challenges with resilience and determination. “The word ‘impossible’ should never be a part of your vocabulary. True courage lies in facing challenges head-on with the belief that ‘Sab Sambhv Hai."   The All India Steel Conclave 2.0 delved into critical issues such as sustainable raw material sourcing, the adoption of advanced technologies, overcoming logistics challenges, and the urgent need for decarbonisation. Sambhv Steel Tubes is honoured to support this initiative, reflecting our commitment to fostering growth, sustainability, and technological advancements in the steel industry.   For further information about Sambhv’s steel products and their applications, please visit www.sambhv.com   About Sambhv Steel Tubes Limited According to CRISIL Report, Sambhv Steel Tubes Limited is the only company in India with a single location backward integrated manufacturing facility for ERW steel pipes and tubes with presence across the value chain as of March 31, 2024. The Company is one of the two players in India manufacturing ERW steel pipes and tubes (along with hollow section pipes and tubes) using narrow-width HR coil, as of March 31, 2024. It is the only player in India to manufacture narrow-width HR coil with backward integration capability, as of March 31, 2024.   The Company’s backward integration processes allow it to manufacture a range of finished products including ERW black pipes and tubes (hollow section) and galvanized iron (“GI”) pipes, using intermediate products such as sponge iron, blooms/slabs (mild steel and stainless steel) and hot rolled (“HR”) coil (mild steel and stainless steel) which are manufactured in-house. The installed capacity of ERW and GI pipes as of September 20, 2024 was 350,000 MTPA,   Disclaimer SAMBHV STEEL TUBES LIMITED is proposing, subject to, receipt of requisite approvals, market conditions and other considerations, to undertake an initial public offer of its Equity Shares and has filed the DRHP dated September 30, 2024 read with the corrigendum dated November 28, 2024 (“DRHP”) with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (“SEBI”). The DRHP is available on the website of the Company at www.sambhv.com, SEBI at www.sebi.gov.in, websites of BSE Limited at www.bseindia.com and National Stock Exchange of India Limited at www.nseindia.com and the website of the book running lead managers, i.e. Nuvama Wealth Management Limited and Motilal Oswal Investment Advisors Limited at www.nuvama.com and www.motilaloswalgroup.com, respectively. Any potential investor should note that investment in equity shares involves a high degree of risk and for details relating to such risk, please see the section entitled “Risk Factors” of the RHP, when filed. Potential investors should not rely on the DRHP for making any investment decision.
  This announcement does not constitute an offer of the Equity Shares for sale in any jurisdiction, including the United States, and the Equity Shares may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration under the US Securities Act of 1933 or an exemption from registration. Any public offering of the Equity Shares to be made in the United States will be made by means of a prospectus that may be obtained from the Company and that will contain detailed information about the Company and management, as well as financial statements. However, the Equity Shares are not being offered or sold in the United States.   CRISIL Market  Intelligence  &  Analytics  (CRISIL  MI&A),  a  division  of  CRISIL  Limited,  provides  independent research,  consulting,  risk  solutions,  and  data  &  analytics  to  its  clients.  CRISIL MI&A  operates  independently  of CRISIL’s other divisions and subsidiaries, including, CRISIL Ratings Limited. CRISIL MI&A’s informed insights and opinions on the economy, industry, capital markets and companies drive impactful decisions for clients across diverse sectors and geographies. CRISIL MI&A’s strong benchmarking capabilities, granular grasp of sectors, proprietary analytical frameworks and risk management solutions backed by deep understanding of technology integration, makes it the partner of choice for public & private organisations, multi-lateral agencies, investors and governments for over three decades.   For the preparation of the report, CRISIL MI&A has relied on third party data and information obtained from sources which in its opinion are considered reliable. Any forward-looking statements contained in the report are based on certain assumptions, which in its opinion are true as on the date of the report and could fluctuate due to changes in factors underlying such assumptions or events that cannot be reasonably foreseen. The report does not consist of any investment advice and nothing contained in the report should be construed as a recommendation to invest/disinvest in any entity. The industry report is prepared for use in the Offer Documents to be filed by the Company with the RoC, SEBI and the Stock Exchanges in India. !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments); if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window,document,'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('init', '311356416665414'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); [ad_2] Source link
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