#Virtual Keynote Presentations
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Inspiring Virtual Keynote Presentations
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Sphinxmumps Linkdump
On THURSDAY (June 20) I'm live onstage in LOS ANGELES for a recording of the GO FACT YOURSELF podcast. On FRIDAY (June 21) I'm doing an ONLINE READING for the LOCUS AWARDS at 16hPT. On SATURDAY (June 22) I'll be in OAKLAND, CA for a panel and a keynote at the LOCUS AWARDS.
Welcome to my 20th Linkdump, in which I declare link bankruptcy and discharge my link-debts by telling you about all the open tabs I didn't get a chance to cover in this week's newsletters. Here's the previous 19 installments:
Starting off this week with a gorgeous book that is also one of my favorite books: Beehive's special slipcased edition of Dante's Inferno, as translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, with new illustrations by UK linocut artist Sophy Hollington:
I've loved Inferno since middle-school, when I read the John Ciardi translation, principally because I'd just read Niven and Pournelle's weird (and politically odious) (but cracking) sf novel of the same name:
But also because Ciardi wrote "About Crows," one of my all-time favorite bits of doggerel, a poem that pierced my soul when I was 12 and continues to do so now that I'm 52, for completely opposite reasons (now there's a poem with staying power!):
Beehive has a well-deserved rep for making absolutely beautiful new editions of great public domain books, each with new illustrations and intros, all in matching livery to make a bookshelf look classy af. I have several of them and I've just ordered my copy of Inferno. How could I not? So looking forward to this, along with its intro by Ukrainian poet Ilya Kaminsky and essay by Dante scholar Kristina Olson.
The Beehive editions show us how a rich public domain can be the soil from which new and inspiring creative works sprout. Any honest assessment of a creator's work must include the fact that creativity is a collective act, both inspired by and inspiring to other creators, past, present and future.
One of the distressing aspects of the debate over the exploitative grift of AI is that it's provoked a wave of copyright maximalism among otherwise thoughtful artists, despite the fact that a new copyright that lets you control model training will do nothing to prevent your boss from forcing you to sign over that right in your contracts, training an AI on your work, and then using the model as a pretext to erode your wages or fire your ass:
Same goes for some privacy advocates, whose imaginations were cramped by the fact that the only regulation we enforce on the internet is copyright, causing them to forget that privacy rights can exist separate from the nonsensical prospect of "owning" facts about your life:
We should address AI's labor questions with labor rights, and we should address AI's privacy questions with privacy rights. You can tell that these are the approaches that would actually work for the public because our bosses hate these approaches and instead insist that the answer is just giving us more virtual property that we can sell to them, because they know they'll have a buyer's market that will let them scoop up all these rights at bargain prices and use the resulting hoards to torment, immiserate and pauperize us.
Take Clearview AI, a facial recognition tool created by eugenicists and white nationalists in order to help giant corporations and militarized, unaccountable cops hunt us by our faces:
Clearview scraped billions of images of our faces and shoveled them into their model. This led to a class action suit in Illinois, which boasts America's best biometric privacy law, under which Clearview owes tens of billions of dollars in statutory damages. Now, Clearview has offered a settlement that illustrates neatly the problem with making privacy into property that you can sell instead of a right that can't be violated: they're going to offer Illinoisians a small share of the company's stock:
To call this perverse is to go a grave injustice to good, hardworking perverts. The sums involved will be infinitesimal, and the only way to make those sums really count is for everyone in Illinois to root for Clearview to commit more grotesque privacy invasions of the rest of us to make its creepy, terrible product more valuable.
Worse still: by crafting a bespoke, one-off, forgiveness-oriented regulation specifically for Clearview, we ensure that it will continue, but that it will also never be disciplined by competitors. That is, rather than banning this kind of facial recognition tech, we grant them a monopoly over it, allowing them to charge all the traffic will bear.
We're in an extraordinary moment for both labor and privacy rights. Two of Biden's most powerful agency heads, Lina Khan and Rohit Chopra have made unprecedented use of their powers to create new national privacy regulations:
In so doing, they're bypassing Congressional deadlock. Congress has not passed a new consumer privacy law since 1988, when they banned video-store clerks from leaking your VHS rental history to newspaper reporters:
Congress hasn't given us a single law protecting American consumers from the digital era's all-out assault on our privacy. But between the agencies, state legislatures, and a growing coalition of groups demanding action on privacy, a new federal privacy law seems all but assured:
When that happens, we're going to have to decide what to do about products created through mass-scale privacy violations, like Clearview AI – but also all of OpenAI's products, Google's AI, Facebook's AI, Microsoft's AI, and so on. Do we offer them a deal like the one Clearview's angling for in Illinois, fining them an affordable sum and grandfathering in the products they built by violating our rights?
Doing so would give these companies a permanent advantage, and the ongoing use of their products would continue to violate billions of peoples' privacy, billions of times per day. It would ensure that there was no market for privacy-preserving competitors thus enshrining privacy invasion as a permanent aspect of our technology and lives.
There's an alternative: "model disgorgement." "Disgorgement" is the legal term for forcing someone to cough up something they've stolen (for example, forcing an embezzler to give back the money). "Model disgorgement" can be a legal requirement to destroy models created illegally:
It's grounded in the idea that there's no known way to unscramble the AI eggs: once you train a model on data that shouldn't be in it, you can't untrain the model to get the private data out of it again. Model disgorgement doesn't insist that offending models be destroyed, but it shifts the burden of figuring out how to unscramble the AI omelet to the AI companies. If they can't figure out how to get the ill-gotten data out of the model, then they have to start over.
This framework aligns everyone's incentives. Unlike the Clearview approach – move fast, break things, attain an unassailable, permanent monopoly thanks to a grandfather exception – model disgorgement makes AI companies act with extreme care, because getting it wrong means going back to square one.
This is the kind of hard-nosed, public-interest-oriented rulemaking we're seeing from Biden's best anti-corporate enforcers. After decades kid-glove treatment that allowed companies like Microsoft, Equifax, Wells Fargo and Exxon commit ghastly crimes and then crime again another day, Biden's corporate cops are no longer treating the survival of massive, structurally important corporate criminals as a necessity.
It's been so long since anyone in the US government treated the corporate death penalty as a serious proposition that it can be hard to believe it's even happening, but boy is it happening. The DOJ Antitrust Division is seeking to break up Google, the largest tech company in the history of the world, and they are tipped to win:
And that's one of the major suits against Google that Big G is losing. Another suit, jointly brought by the feds and dozens of state AGs, is just about to start, despite Google's failed attempt to get the suit dismissed:
I'm a huge fan of the Biden antitrust enforcers, but that doesn't make me a huge fan of Biden. Even before Biden's disgraceful collaboration in genocide, I had plenty of reasons – old and new – to distrust him and deplore his politics. I'm not the only leftist who's struggling with the dilemma posed by the worst part of Biden's record in light of the coming election.
You've doubtless read the arguments (or rather, "arguments," since they all generate a lot more heat than light and I doubt whether any of them will convince anyone). But this week, Anand Giridharadas republished his 2020 interview with Noam Chomsky about Biden and electoral politics, and I haven't been able to get it out of my mind:
Chomsky contrasts the left position on politics with the liberal position. For leftists, Chomsky says, "real politics" are a matter of "constant activism." It's not a "laser-like focus on the quadrennial extravaganza" of national elections, after which you "go home and let your superiors take over."
For leftists, politics means working all the time, "and every once in a while there's an event called an election." This should command "10 or 15 minutes" of your attention before you get back to the real work.
This makes the voting decision more obvious and less fraught for Chomsky. There's "never been a greater difference" between the candidates, so leftists should go take 15 minutes, "push the lever, and go back to work."
Chomsky attributed the good parts of Biden's 2020 platform to being "hammered on by activists coming out of the Sanders movement and other." That's the real work, that hammering. That's "real politics."
For Chomsky, voting for Biden isn't support for Biden. It's "support for the activists who have been at work constantly, creating the background within the party in which the shifts took place, and who have followed Sanders in actually entering the campaign and influencing it. Support for them. Support for real politics."
Chomsky tells us that the self-described "masters of the universe" understand that something has changed: "the peasants are coming with their pitchforks." They have all kinds of euphemisms for this ("reputational risks") but the core here is a winner-take-all battle for the future of the planet and the species. That's why the even the "sensible" ultra-rich threw in for Trump in 2016 and 2020, and why they're backing him even harder in 2024:
Chomsky tells us not to bother trying to figure out Biden's personality. Instead, we should focus on "how things get done." Biden won't do what's necessary to end genocide and preserve our habitable planet out of conviction, but he may do so out of necessity. Indeed, it doesn't matter how he feels about anything – what matters is what we can make him do.
Chomksy himself is in his 90s and his health is reportedly in terminal decline, so this is probably the only word we'll get from him on this issue:
The link between concentrated wealth, concentrated power, and the existential risks to our species and civilization is obvious – to me, at least. Any time a tiny minority holds unaccountable power, they will end up using it to harm everyone except themselves. I'm not the first one to take note of this – it used to be a commonplace in American politics.
Back in 1936, FDR gave a speech at the DNC, accepting their nomination for president. Unlike FDR's election night speech ("I welcome their hatred"), this speech has been largely forgotten, but it's a banger:
In that speech, Roosevelt brought a new term into our political parlance: "economic royalists." He described the American plutocracy as the spiritual descendants of the hereditary nobility that Americans had overthrown in 1776. The English aristocracy "governed without the consent of the governed" and “put the average man’s property and the average man’s life in pawn to the mercenaries of dynastic power":
Roosevelt said that these new royalists conquered the nation's economy and then set out to seize its politics, backing candidates that would create "a new despotism wrapped in the robes of legal sanction…an industrial dictatorship."
As David Dayen writes in The American Prospect, this has strong parallels to today's world, where "Silicon Valley, Big Oil, and Wall Street come together to back a transactional presidential candidate who promises them specific favors, after reducing their corporate taxes by 40 percent the last time he was president":
Roosevelt, of course, went on to win by a landslide, wiping out the Republicans despite the endless financial support of the ruling class.
The thing is, FDR's policies didn't originate with him. He came from the uppermost of the American upper crust, after all, and famously refused to define the "New Deal" even as he campaigned on it. The "New Deal" became whatever activists in the Democratic Party's left could force him to do, and while it was bold and transformative, it wasn't nearly enough.
The compromise FDR brokered within the Democratic Party froze out Black Americans to a terrible degree. Writing for the Institute for Local Self Reliance, Ron Knox and Susan Holmberg reveal the long shadow cast by that unforgivable compromise:
They describe how redlining – the formalization of anti-Black racism in New Deal housing policy – led to the ruin of Toledo's once-thriving Dorr Street neighborhood, a "Black Wall Street" where a Black middle class lived and thrived. New Deal policies starved the neighborhood of funds, then ripped it in two with a freeway, sacrificing it and the people who lived in it.
But the story of Dorr Street isn't over. As Knox and Holmberg write, the people of Dorr Street never gave up on their community, and today, there's an awful lot of Chomsky's "constant activism" that is painstakingly bringing the community back, inch by aching inch. The community is locked in a guerrilla war against the same forces that the Biden antitrust enforcers are fighting on the open field of battle. The work that activists do to drag Democratic Party policies to the left is critical to making reparations for the sins of the New Deal – and for realizing its promise for everybody.
In my lifetime, there's never been a Democratic Party that represented my values. The first Democratic President of my life, Carter, kicked off Reaganomics by beginning the dismantling of America's antitrust enforcement, in the mistaken belief that acting like a Republican would get Democrats to vote for him again. He failed and delivered Reagan, whose Reaganomics were the official policy of every Democrat since, from Clinton ("end welfare as we know it") to Obama ("foam the runways for the banks").
In other words, I don't give a damn about Biden, but I am entirely consumed with what we can force his administration to do, and there are lots of areas where I like our chances.
For example: getting Biden's IRS to go after the super-rich, ending the impunity for elite tax evasion that Spencer Woodman pitilessly dissects in this week's superb investigation for the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists:
Ending elite tax cheating will make them poorer, and that will make them weaker, because their power comes from money alone (they don't wield power because their want to make us all better off!).
Or getting Biden's enforcers to continue their fight against the monopolists who've spiked the prices of our groceries even as they transformed shopping into a panopticon, so that their business is increasingly about selling our data to other giant corporations, with selling food to us as an afterthought:
For forty years, since the Carter administration, we've been told that our only power comes from our role as "consumers." That's a word that always conjures up one of my favorite William Gibson quotes, from 2003's Idoru:
Something the size of a baby hippo, the color of a week-old boiled potato, that lives by itself, in the dark, in a double-wide on the outskirts of Topeka. It's covered with eyes and it sweats constantly. The sweat runs into those eyes and makes them sting. It has no mouth, no genitals, and can only express its mute extremes of murderous rage and infantile desire by changing the channels on a universal remote. Or by voting in presidential elections.
The normie, corporate wing of the Democratic Party sees us that way. They decry any action against concentrated corporate power as "anti-consumer" and insist that using the law to fight against corporate power is a waste of our time:
But after giving it some careful thought, I'm with Chomsky on this, not Yglesias. The election is something we have to pay some attention to as activists, but only "10 or 15 minutes." Yeah, "push the lever," but then "go back to work." I don't care what Biden wants to do. I care what we can make him do.
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
Image: Jim's Photo World (modified) https://www.flickr.com/photos/jimsphotoworld/5360343644/
CC BY-SA 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/
#pluralistic#linkdump#linkdumps#chomsky#voting#elections#uspoli#oligarchy#irs#billionaires#tax cheats#irs files#hipster antitrust#matt ygelsias#dante#gift guide#books#crowdfunding#public domain#model disgorgement#ai#llms#fdr#groceries#ripoffs#toledo#redlining#race
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Registration remains open for the 17th Annual Lawrence J. Schoenberg Symposium on Manuscript Studies in the Digital Age coming up in just a few weeks. We look forward to seeing you there! (Note that there is a virtual option so you can attend even if you can't make it to Philadelphia)
November 21-23, 2024
Before the age of print, manuscript books and documents were the lifeblood of premodern intellectual, religious, literary, and civil life. They circulated knowledge, ideas, beliefs, and values throughout the highly connected yet distinct book cultures of the premodern world. Today, even though performing a different role as artifacts of these times, the surviving witnesses of premodern manuscript cultures continue to move and nourish new lines of cultural, scientific, and scholarly inquiry. This year's topic takes the notion of circulation as a starting point to consider not only how manuscripts produced in various scribal cultures circulated information throughout the premodern world but also what the mechanisms were, and are, that have generated, shifted, and complicated the movement and circulation of the books themselves from the time of production to the present day. The symposium is organized in partnership with the Rare Book Department of the Free Library of Philadelphia.
This event will also mark the full implementation of the new Digital Scriptorium Catalog, developed by the Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies in partnership with Digital Scriptorium. Saturday's lineup will feature a presentation on the DS Catalog and its contributions to Wikidata as well as presentations on the innovative work of Syriaca.org's Syriac Manuscripts in the British Library project and the latest updates on the exciting work and discovery of the Peripheral Manuscripts Project.
The program will begin Thursday, November 21, at 5:15 pm, with the keynote address delivered by Lisa Fagin Davis, Executive Director of the Medieval Academy of America, followed by a reception. Due to upcoming closures related to renovations at the Free Library of Philadelphia, the entire symposium will take place at Penn Libraries’ Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts.
The symposium will be held in person with an option to join virtually. All are welcome! Registration, full program details, and abstracts are available here:
Feel free to share this announcement widely across your networks.
#event#manuscript#medieval manuscripts#virtual#hybrid#FREE#NO COST#Come as you wish#Everyone is welcome
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I know that the average person’s opinion of AI is in a very tumultuous spot right now - partly due to misinformation and misrepresentation of how AI systems actually function, and partly because of the genuine risk of abuse that comes with powerful new technologies being thrust into the public sector before we’ve had a chance to understand the effects; and I’m not necessarily talking about generative AI and data-scraping, although I think that conversation is also important to have right now. Additionally, the blanket term of “AI” is really very insufficient and only vaguely serves to ballpark a topic which includes many diverse areas of research - many of these developments are quite beneficial for human life, such as potentially designing new antibodies or determining where cancer cells originated within a patient that presents complications. When you hear about artificial intelligence, don’t let your mind instantly gravitate towards a specific application or interpretation of the tech - you’ll miss the most important and impactful developments.
Notably, NVIDIA is holding a keynote presentation from March 18-21st to talk about their recent developments in the field of AI - a 16 minute video summarizing the “everything-so-far” detailed in that keynote can be found here - or in the full 2 hour format here. It’s very, very jargon-y, but includes information spanning a wide range of topics: healthcare, human-like robotics, “digital-twin” simulations that mirror real-world physics and allow robots to virtually train to interact and navigate particular environments — these simulated environments are built on a system called the Omniverse, and can also be displayed to Apple Vision Pro, allowing designers to interact and navigate the virtual environments as though standing within them. Notably, they’ve also created a digital sim of our entire planet for the purpose of advanced weather forecasting. It almost feels like the plot of a science-fiction novel, and seems like a great way to get more data pertinent to the effects of global warming.
It was only a few years ago that NVIDIA pivoted from being a “GPU company” to putting a focus on developing AI-forward features and technology. A few very short years; showing accelerating rates of progress. This is whenever we began seeing things like DLSS and ray-tracing/path-tracing make their way onto NVIDIA GPUs; which all use AI-driven features in some form or another. DLSS, or Deep-Learning Super Sampling, is used to generate and interpolate between frames in a game to boost framerate, performance, visual detail, etc - basically, your system only has to actually render a handful of frames and AI generates everything between those traditionally-rendered frames, freeing up resources in your system. Many game developers are making use of DLSS to essentially bypass optimization to an increasing degree; see Remnant II as a great example of this - runs beautifully on a range of machines with DLSS on, but it runs like shit on even the beefiest machines with DLSS off; though there are some wonky cloth physics, clipping issues, and objects or textures “ghosting” whenever you’re not in-motion; all seem to be a side effect of AI-generation as the effect is visible in other games which make use of DLSS or the AMD-equivalent, FSR.
Now, NVIDIA wants to redefine what the average data center consists of internally, showing how Blackwell GPUs can be combined into racks that process information at exascale speeds — which is very, very fucking fast — speeds like that have only ever actually been achieved on some 4 or 5 machines on the planet, and I think they’ve all been quantum-based machines until now; not totally certain. The first exascale computer came into existence in 2022, called Frontier, it was deemed the fastest supercomputer in existence in June 2023 - operating at some 1.19 exaFLOPS. Notably, this computer is around 7,300 sq ft in size; reminding me of the space-race era supercomputers which were entire rooms. NVIDIA’s Blackwell DGX SuperPOD consists of around 576 GPUs and operates at 11.5 exaFLOPS, and is about the size of standard row of server racks - much smaller than an entire room, but still quite large. NVIDIA is also working with AWS to produce Project Ceiba, another supercomputer consisting of some 20,000GPUs, promising 400 exaFLOPS of AI-driven computation - it doesn’t exist yet.
To make my point, things are probably only going to get weirder from here. It may feel somewhat like living in the midst of the Industrial Revolution, only with fewer years in between each new step. Advances in generative-AI are only a very, very small part of that — and many people have already begun to bury their heads in the sand as a response to this emerging technology - citing the death of authenticity and skill among artists who choose to engage with new and emerging means of creation. Interestingly, the Industrial Revolution is what gave birth to modernism, and modern art, as well as photography, and many of the concerns around the quality of art in this coming age-of-AI and in the post-industrial 1800s largely consist of the same talking points — history is a fucking circle, etc — but historians largely agree that the outcome of the Industrial Revolution was remarkably positive for art and culture; even though it took 100 years and a world war for the changes to really become really accepted among the artists of that era. The Industrial Revolution allowed art to become detached from the aristocratic class and indirectly made art accessible for people who weren’t filthy rich or affluent - new technologies and industrialization widened the horizons for new artistic movements and cultural exchanges to occur. It also allowed capitalist exploitation to ingratiate itself into the western model of society and paved the way for destructive levels of globalization, so: win some, lose some.
It isn’t a stretch to think that AI is going to touch upon nearly every existing industry and change it in some significant way, and the events that are happening right now are the basis of those sweeping changes, and it’s all clearly moving very fast - the next level of individual creative freedom is probably only a few years away. I tend to like the idea that it may soon be possible for an individual or small team to create compelling artistic works and experiences without being at the mercy of an idiot investor or a studio or a clump of illiterate shareholders who have no real interest in the development of compelling and engaging art outside of the perceived financial value that it has once it exists.
If you’re of voting age and not paying very much attention to the climate of technology, I really recommend you start keeping an eye on the news for how these advancements are altering existing industries and systems. It’s probably going to affect everyone, and we have the ability to remain uniquely informed about the world through our existing connection with technology; something the last Industrial Revolution did not have the benefit of. If anything, you should be worried about KOSA, a proposed bill you may have heard about which would limit what you can access on the internet under the guise of making the internet more “kid-friendly and safe”, but will more than likely be used to limit what information can be accessed to only pre-approved sources - limiting access to resources for LGBTQ+ and trans youth. It will be hard to stay reliably informed in a world where any system of authority or government gets to spoon-feed you their version of world events.
#I may have to rewrite/reword stuff later - rough line of thinking on display#or add more context idk#misc#long post#technology#AI
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I'm keynoting this conference next week. I am learning so much in the process of researching this presentation and I'm super-excited about this topic.
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Virtual Tech Events ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
Tech events are a great way to learn, network, and meet other people who are interested in the same things as you! I've compiled a short list of virtual & hybrid events that are happening soon and seem interesting. ❥
RSA Conference SF ($$$$) Apr. 24 - 27, 2023 I recommend researching for student/company sponsorships, some companies like HackerOne are offering free expo passes ☆ Join cybersecurity leaders and peers as we explore our critical role in ensuring a more secure future. Access expert-led sessions, Keynotes, in-depth Trainings, and more.
Developer Week Europe (€100) Apr. 26-27, 2023 there are discounts available for student, gov, groups ☆ DeveloperWeek Europe 2023 is the hub of the Europe developer community: We will be showcasing 100+ technical speakers from Europe and the world’s top technology companies and corporate engineering teams, inviting 3,000+ attendees from over 1,000+ companies to take part in Europe’s largest developer & engineering conference & expo.
Reactathon San Francisco (free virtual) May 2-3, 2023 ☆ If you're looking for a technical conference on React & the modern frontend ecosystem, look no further than Reactathon. We facilitate conversations around the latest topics, technologies, and various skill levels to help you find the people & subjects that are most meaningful for you. You will learn from some of the leading engineers in the field who present on stage in a single track, with plenty of opportunities to meet & discuss with those speakers and other experts including library maintainers, core-contributors, & sponsor companies working on interesting & relevant problems.
Women in Tech Global Conference (free to $$$) May 9-12, 2023 prices vary based of student, group, vip and scholarships ☆ This hybrid conference will bring women in tech, minorities and allies from all over the world together through an interactive platform featuring live educational & training content, keynotes, engaging panels, breakout rooms, technical workshops, and networking with virtual and in-person sessions.
Product Day by ADPList ($10) May 10, 2023 ☆ From career success tips to future trends, covering some of the hottest spaces 24hrs non-stop. We bring you 80+ live keynote and thematic networking sessions in design and product. You will experience an extraordinary lineup of contents with a bevy of entertainment.
Signal hosted by Twilio (free) Aug. 23, 2023 ☆ SIGNAL product sessions where you'll see case studies of industry-leading customer engagement from Twilio’s customers and deep dive product demos from Twilio experts. This year, we’ll focus on products for data-driven customer relationships like Segment and Engage, the cloud contact center Flex, Messaging, and building a customer engagement platform through Twilio.
Unfortunately, not all of these events are for free. However, most of the time there will be a way to get discounted or free admission! I recommend checking around on the event sites you want to attend but aren't free for scholarship, volunteer, or discount links. I also recommend checking in with your school or work manager they may have funds saved to send you to these events! example of a "convince your manager" email you can send [。♥‿♥。]ノ
#tech#tech events#react#cybersecurity#frontend#virtual tech events#career resources#networking#developers#codeblr#progblr#womenintech#programming#coding#might make more of these if its useful
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ICARC 2024 - Unveiling the Future of Computing
In February, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka hosted the 04th International Conference on Advanced Research in Computing (ICARC) 2024, centered around the theme "Smart and Innovative Trends in Next Generation Computing Technologies." Let's take a journey back to this captivating event where innovation and expertise converged to shape the future of computing.
The conference illuminated the transformative power of next-generation computing technologies, from Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Edge Computing, Quantum Computing, Internet of Things (IoT), and Immersive Technologies. These trends promise unparalleled opportunities for efficiency, productivity, and creativity while posing challenges that demand careful consideration of privacy, security, and ethical implications.
ICARC 2024 was a vibrant hub of intellectual discourse and collaboration, featuring keynote speeches from distinguished scholars and industry experts. Attendees had the opportunity to delve into a diverse array of computing disciplines through oral presentations, workshops, and tutorials. With IEEE Technical Co-sponsorship for the third consecutive year, ICARC 2024 showcased cutting-edge research and innovation at its finest.
The conference offered a hybrid experience, allowing participants to engage both in person and virtually, ensuring accessibility to a global audience. From theoretical breakthroughs to experimental discoveries, ICARC 2024 provided a platform for researchers to showcase their high-caliber work and contribute to the advancement of computing technologies.
Reflecting on ICARC 2024, it was more than just a conference; it was an immersive experience that ignited passion, fostered collaboration, and propelled the field of computing forward. As we look ahead, the insights gained and connections forged at ICARC 2024 will continue to shape the future of computing and inspire innovation for years to come.
Stay tuned for updates on future conferences and events at Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, where excellence in research and education converge to drive meaningful change in the world of computing.
🔗 Explore more at : https://www.sab.ac.lk
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Disruptive Innovation Keynote Speaker Jeremy Gutsche on Trends & Change
" Top Innovation Keynote Speaker Jeremy Gutsche's speech on trends, change, creativity and disruptive innovation. In this disruptive innovation keynote speech, Jeremy (...) walks though how disruptive innovation happens, how to create a culture of innovation & change and the Trend Hunter's top 18 futurist mega trends impacting our world. "Disrupt or be Disrupted" is his latest and best speech on disruptive innovation and creativity and was presented at Trend Hunter's epic Future Festival Trends Innovation Conference (where it was titled "How to Spark a Revolution")
As a New York Times Bestseller, CEO of Trend Hunter and one of the top innovation keynote speakers, Jeremy has helped 500 brands, billionaires to implement disruptive innovation strategies in order to avoid being disrupted themselves. The Disruptive Innovation Keynote Speech is structured in five parts, based off several of Jeremy's latest keynote speaker topics:
i. INTRO - MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH ON INNOVATION - Ignite your enthusiasm for change with Jeremy's high energy keynote speaker style as he introduces the reason for studying disruptive innovation and trends.
ii. KEYNOTE SPEECH ON CHANGE & DISRUPTION - Learn why disruptive innovation happens, and the need for companies to adapt their business models sooner in Jeremy's thesis. This part of his innovation speech is based on research from his New York Times Bestseller "BETTER and FASTER" which is currently the top innovation keynote video on youtube with 6,000,000 views.
iii. KEYNOTE SPEECH ON PURPOSE - Learn how to create a culture of innovation with a 3-part culture framework from Jeremy's innovation speech on culture. This part is a bit more tactical, but to disrupt, innovate or make change happen, you need a culture of innovation and change.
iv. KEYNOTE SPEECH ON TRENDS & TREND-BASED INNOVATION - Modeled off Trend Hunter's big data from 130,000,000 people, this part of the disruptive innovation keynote speech gets deeper into the futurist mega trends that are shaping our world, and how your business can adapt to leverage trends. Disruptive innovation starts with creative ideas that are linked to the trends that are changing business.
v. KEYNOTE SPEECH ABOUT INNOVATION AND ACTION - Finally, Jeremy wraps up with a couple examples from his strategy keynote about action and how innovation often stems from little ideas that you can make big. People think about disruption as something linked to big Eureka moments, but actually disruptive innovation is more frequently linked to little iterations, change, and adaptation that can be more broadly implemented into a company's business strategy and organizational culture.
"Disrupt or be Disrupted" is a TED Talks style speech on innovation is designed to inspire you, and if you want more, but if you want more, come to Future Festival where you can spend more time exploring the top 18 Disruption Megatrends AND take part in Trend Hunter's innovation workshops to identify disruptive innovation opportunities for your own brand. "
Source: Trend Hunter - 2017
#Brand#Neuromarketing#McKinseyMatrix#Viralmarketing#Facebook#Marketingmetrics#icebergmodel#EdgarScheinsCultureModel#GuerrillaMarketing#STARMethod#7SFramework#gapanalysis #AIDAModel #SixLeadershipStyles #MintoPyramidPrinciple #StrategyDiamond #InternalRateofReturn #irr #BrandManagement #dripmodel #HoshinPlanning #XMatrix #backtobasics #BalancedScorecard #Product #ProductManagement #Logistics #Branding #freemium #businessmodel #business #4P #3C #BCG #SWOT #TOWS #EisenhowerMatrix #Study #marketingresearch #marketer #marketing manager #Painpoints #Pestel #ValueChain # VRIO #marketingmix
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The Thousand Brains Theory of Intelligence | Jeff Hawkins | Numenta This presentation is clipped from a virtual keynote Jeff was invited to give on December 16.Numenta technology is built on the Thousand Brains Theory, our se... Cool Creatives https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqDVUWgJQPI
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Virtual Solarpunk Conference on June 24th
I just stumbled upon this on the YT Channel of the amazing Andrewism. The acess is via this Kickstarter for 60 CA$.
Current schedule as of May 22th, taken from the kickstarter page. It's super Important that as many people as possible can join this, bc this is the beginning of an actual organisation.
[ ID: Schedule: Opening 8:30-8:45 MST; Land Acnowledgement 8:45-9:00; Keynote Speaker Andrew Sage 9:00-10:15; Speaker Sarena Ulibarri 10:30-11:00; Speaker TBA 11.15-11.45; Lunch Social 12:00-12:30; Regenerative Agriculture Panel Workshop 1 TBA 12:30-1:45; Research Presentations 2:00-2:45; Panel Discussion 2 TBA ; Climate Grief Workshop 3:00-4:00; Research Presentations 4:15-5:00; Closing 5:00-5:15; After Party Starting 5:30. ID End]
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This day in history
On September 22, I'm (virtually) presenting at the DIG Festival in Modena, Italy. That night, I'll be in person at LA's Book Soup for the launch of Justin C Key's "The World Wasn’t Ready for You." On September 27, I'll be at Chevalier's Books in Los Angeles with Brian Merchant for a joint launch for my new book The Internet Con and his new book, Blood in the Machine.
#20yrsago You Might Be An Anti-Spam Kook If… https://www.rhyolite.com/anti-spam/you-might-be.html
#20yrsago IEEE members: save democracy from a broken standards-committee! https://web.archive.org/web/20030922031714/https://www.eff.org/Activism/E-voting/IEEE/
#15yrsago American Psychological Association members can’t aid in military torture https://web.archive.org/web/20080805001530/https://www.apa.org/governance/resolutions/work-settings.html
#15yrsago Welcome to Fear City: a guide to scare tourists away from NYC https://www.flickr.com/search/?w=58226389@N07&q=fear city
#10yrsago NSA contracted with notorious French spy-tech company VUPEN https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2013/sep/17/nsas-contract-vupen-darth-vader-cybersecurity/
#10yrsago Asbestos-bound first edition of Fahrenheit 451 https://web.archive.org/web/20160316135700/https://www.ebay.com/itm/190905167150?ssPageName=STRK%3AMESELX%3AIT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
#10yrsago Report shows how the anti-SOPA fight came from the bottom up https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2295953
#5yrsago Ted Chiang lecture on interspecies communications https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7rkojpnwOE
#5yrsago Your wireless carrier is definitely throttling video, but not because of network congestion (Verizon’s the worst) https://www.vice.com/en/article/bjanw5/wireless-carriers-throttle-video-for-no-good-reason-researchers-find
#5yrsago My closing Decentralized Web Summit keynote: “Big Tech’s problem is Big, not Tech” https://decentralizedweb.net/videos/keynote-cory-doctorowbig-techs-problem-is-big-not-tech/
#5yrsago Your life will be better if you turn off push notifications (and all notifications) https://www.vice.com/en/article/7xjb79/turn-off-push-notifications
#5yrsago 30 years after cyberpunk, Japan is still the (greying, insular, shrinking, climate-wracked) future https://offramp.sciarc.edu/articles/a-slow-utopia
#5yrsago Rice University eliminates tuition for all but wealthiest students, makes housing free for poorest https://www.npr.org/2018/09/18/649160232/rice-university-says-middle-class-students-wont-have-to-pay-tuition
#5yrsago Cloud computing and DRM: a match made in hell https://web.archive.org/web/20180918200400/https://publicknowledge.org/news-blog/blogs/its-always-drms-fault
#5yrsago 3D print this Harriet Tubman stamp and fix all those twenties that Mnuchin forgot to take Andrew Jackson off of https://tubmanstamp.com
#5yrsago Anita Hill on how sexual harassment allegations should be handled https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/18/opinion/anita-hill-brett-kavanaugh-clarence-thomas.html
#5yrsago Kalamazoo criminalizes homelessness, arrests city commissioner and other activists https://www.mlive.com/news/kalamazoo/2018/09/police_arrive_at_bronson_park.html
#5yrsago Denmark’s largest bank laundered €200B through its Estonian branch, ignoring glaring warning signs https://www.ft.com/content/cbc4b02a-bbda-11e8-8274-55b72926558f
#5yrsago Germany’s far-right top spy just lost his job after gaslighting the country about right-wing, violent mob https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2018/sep/18/germanys-domestic-spy-chief-hans-georg-maassen-chemnitz
#1yrago How to ditch Facebook without ditching your friends https://pluralistic.net/2022/09/19/interoperable-facebook/#federated
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The 17th Annual Schoenberg Symposium starts this Thursday evening (EST). Registration remains open through the end of the event. We look forward to seeing you there in person or online!
November 21-23, 2024
Before the age of print, manuscript books and documents were the lifeblood of premodern intellectual, religious, literary, and civil life. They circulated knowledge, ideas, beliefs, and values throughout the highly connected yet distinct book cultures of the premodern world. Today, even though performing a different role as artifacts of these times, the surviving witnesses of premodern manuscript cultures continue to move and nourish new lines of cultural, scientific, and scholarly inquiry. This year’s topic takes the notion of circulation as a starting point to consider not only how manuscripts produced in various scribal cultures circulated information throughout the premodern world but also what the mechanisms were, and are, that have generated, shifted, and complicated the movement and circulation of the books themselves from the time of production to the present day. The symposium is organized in partnership with the Rare Book Department of the Free Library of Philadelphia.
This event will also mark the full implementation of the new Digital Scriptorium Catalog, developed by the Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies in partnership with Digital Scriptorium. Saturday’s lineup will feature a presentation on the DS Catalog and its contributions to Wikidata as well as presentations on the innovative work of Syriaca.org’s Syriac Manuscripts in the British Library project and the latest updates on the exciting work and discovery of the Peripheral Manuscripts Project.
The program will begin Thursday, November 21, at 5:15 pm, with the keynote address delivered by Lisa Fagin Davis, Executive Director of the Medieval Academy of America, followed by a reception. Due to upcoming closures related to renovations at the Free Library of Philadelphia, the entire symposium will take place at Penn Libraries’ Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts.
The symposium will be held in person with an option to join virtually. All are welcome! Registration, full program details, and abstracts are available here:
#reblog#manuscript#medieval#university of pennsylvania#event#hybrid#zoom#symposium#manuscript studies#book history#rare books
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Do you ever do school/classroom visits (virtual or otherwise)? If so, what's your usual presentation like?
I have been asked to come speak about my writing exactly once, for a fantastic virtual book club, and it consisted half of me listening to people talking about my work while I vibrated in place from sheer joy, and half answering questions.
I've been on panels at conventions but that's always about some other subject, and my own work may or may not come up. My favorite of these was a scifi and disabilities panel. OH or the time I talked my local con into letting me have an hour and a keynote projector to myself so I could ramble about fictional events that would radically alter a character (or actual living human's) relationship to their body, and what I thought the effects of that would be. That was a BLAST. The room was large and packed and we hung out in the hallway for an hour afterwards chatting.
I would do so much more of this if anyone asked, but alas, I am obviously incredibly obscure. Maybe someday! I particularly dream of queer teen book clubs.
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Open Your Career Potential: Top 5 Medical Billing Seminars to Elevate Your Expertise
Unlock Your Career potential: Top 5 Medical Billing Seminars to Elevate Your Expertise
In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare,medical billing remains a vital component of the industry.A career in medical billing offers not only job stability but also a chance for growth and expertise. However, to accelerate your career trajectory and stay current with industry standards, attending specialized medical billing seminars can provide a important advantage. This article explores the top five medical billing seminars that can elevate your expertise and unlock your career potential.
Why Attend Medical Billing seminars?
Medical billing seminars serve several crucial purposes for professionals within the healthcare industry:
Networking Opportunities: Meet industry leaders and peers to exchange ideas and build professional relationships.
Skill Enhancement: Upgrade your skills with hands-on workshops and advanced training sessions.
Latest Industry Trends: Stay updated on new policies, technologies, and regulations affecting the billing sector.
Expert Insights: gain valuable details and tips from seasoned professionals and trainers.
Top 5 Medical billing Seminars to Consider
1. AAPC National Conference
The AAPC National Conference is one of the largest gatherings of medical billing and coding professionals. Every year, it offers a series of workshops, keynote speeches, and various breakout sessions covering a range of topics in medical billing.
Key Benefits:
In-depth sessions on billing compliance and coding.
Networking events with industry leaders.
Certification opportunities available.
2. American Health Information Management association (AHIMA) Convention
The AHIMA Convention focuses on health information, data management, and the roles of medical billing professionals in the healthcare ecosystem.
Key Benefits:
Workshops on data integrity and regulatory changes.
Opportunities to earn continuing education credits.
Engagement with health informatics and technology.
3. Healthcare Billing and Management association (HBMA) Annual Conference
The HBMA Annual Conference is specifically tailored for billing and management professionals. It presents the latest strategies for maximizing revenue cycle performance.
Key Benefits:
Sessions on ethical practices and compliance.
Critical insights into billing technology advancements.
Forums for peer discussions and problem-solving.
4. Medical Billing Training and Certification Programs
Various institutions offer intensive medical billing training and certification programs. These seminars are frequently enough more localized and business-focused, ensuring that attendees receive personalized guidance.
Key Benefits:
Tailored training sessions for diverse backgrounds and skill levels.
Cultivation of practical skills applicable in day-to-day tasks.
Certification opportunities to enhance professional qualifications.
5. Virtual Medical Billing Conferences
With the rise of remote work, virtual medical billing conferences offer flexibility for professionals unable to attend in-person events. These online seminars cover the same essential topics while allowing for participation from the comfort of your home or office.
Key Benefits:
access to a wide range of speakers and topics.
Networking through virtual breakout rooms and discussion panels.
Cost-effective with no travel expenses.
Benefits of Participating in These Seminars
attending these seminars can transform your career in many ways:
Enhanced Knowledge: Stay updated on billing policies, technology, and compliance regulations.
Career Growth: Increase your chances of promotions or job offers through advanced skills.
Certification: Obtain valuable credentials that boost your resume and attract potential employers.
Community Support: Build connections with fellow professionals for ongoing support and collaboration.
Practical Tips for Attending Seminars
Set Goals: Define what you want to learn and achieve by attending.
network Actively: Don’t hesitate to introduce yourself and exchange contact information with peers and speakers.
Participate: Engage in Q&A sessions, workshops, and discussion panels to get the most out of your experience.
Follow Up: After the seminar, reach out to new contacts and keep the conversation going.
Case Studies: Success Stories from Seminar Attendees
Seminar Attended
Jessica D.
AAPC National Conference
Promoted to Senior Billing Specialist
Mark R.
AHIMA Convention
Secured a role in Health Data Management
Lisa T.
HBMA Annual Conference
Redefined billing strategies at her firm
Investing in your career through medical billing seminars can unlock avenues to higher expertise and opportunities. By attending events such as the AAPC National Conference, AHIMA convention, and others mentioned in this article, you position yourself to stay ahead in a competitive field. Your career potential is only limited by the effort you put into advancing your knowledge and skills.Take the plunge into continued education, and witness the transformation of your career in medical billing.
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Why Attending the 15th World Nursing Conference Will Elevate Your Nursing Career
Nursing is an ever-evolving field that requires professionals to stay up-to-date with the latest advancements, practices, and technologies in healthcare. The 15th World Healthcare, Hospital Management, Nursing, and Patient Safety Conference (15NHPSUCG2025) offers a unique opportunity to enhance your knowledge, expand your professional network, and elevate your career to new heights. Whether you're a nurse, healthcare leader, educator, or researcher, this event is the perfect platform to advance your skills, gain insights, and stay informed about the latest developments in the nursing profession.
Why Should You Attend the 15th World Nursing Conference?
Attending the 15NHPSUCG2025 is not just about attending another event—it's an investment in your professional development and future. Here's why you should mark your calendar for May 14-16, 2025, and register for this transformative experience:
1. Cutting-Edge Knowledge and Research
The 15th World Nursing Conference brings together global experts to share the latest research, technologies, and practices in nursing and patient safety. You will have the opportunity to learn from thought leaders about innovative solutions in patient safety, infection prevention, mental health care, and more. With so many industry advancements, you can take home invaluable knowledge that will help improve patient outcomes in your day-to-day practice.
2. Networking with Global Leaders
One of the biggest benefits of attending the conference is the chance to connect with other professionals from around the world. Nurses, healthcare leaders, academics, and researchers will gather in San Francisco, United States and virtually, creating an ideal networking opportunity. You will be able to interact with experts in your field, exchange ideas, and potentially find mentorship or collaborative opportunities that can shape the future of your career.
3. Learn from Specialized Tracks
The conference will feature specialized tracks covering a wide range of topics crucial to nursing and healthcare. Some of the key tracks include:
Track 20: Patient Safety Tools and Solutions
Track 21: Infection, Prevention, and Control
Track 22: Mental Health
Track 23: Chronic Disease in Nursing
Track 24: Midwifery and Women Health Nursing
Track 25: Pediatric Nursing
Track 26: Change Management in Nursing
Track 27: Clinical Nursing
Track 28: Patient Safety in Pharmacy
Track 29: Home Care Safety
Track 30: Pandemic Response in Nursing
Whether you're interested in improving patient safety, enhancing nursing practices, or exploring new research in clinical care, these tracks offer focused sessions and discussions tailored to your area of interest. Attending these tracks will provide you with the tools to make a tangible impact on your practice and your organization.
4. Continuing Education and Career Advancement
Participating in the 15NHPSUCG2025 will not only help you gain new insights but will also give you access to continuing education opportunities. Whether you're looking to expand your skills, earn certifications, or advance into leadership roles, this conference provides a platform for growth. Learning about the latest trends and developments in nursing will help you stay competitive in the evolving healthcare landscape.
5. Hands-On Workshops and Discussions
Along with keynote sessions and presentations, the conference will feature interactive workshops, panel discussions, and networking events. These activities will allow you to dive deeper into specific areas of interest, ask questions directly to the experts, and engage in meaningful discussions with peers who share your passion for improving healthcare.
How to Register for the 15th World Nursing Conference
Ready to take the next step in your nursing career? Registering for the 15th World Healthcare, Hospital Management, Nursing, and Patient Safety Conference (15NHPSUCG2025) is simple:
Visit the Registration Page Head over to the official registration page at Register Now.
Complete the Registration Form Fill out your personal and professional details, select your registration type (in-person or virtual), and choose your preferred tracks.
Make Payment Secure your spot by completing the payment process. Various payment methods are available for your convenience.
Confirmation After registration, you’ll receive a confirmation email with your registration details, including a schedule of events, session topics, and more.
Important Conference Details:
Conference Name: 15th World Healthcare, Hospital Management, Nursing, and Patient Safety
Short Name: 15NHPSUCG2025
Dates: May 14-16, 2025
Venue: San Francisco, United States & Virtual
Email: [email protected]
Visit the Conference Website: https://nursing.utilitarianconferences.com/
Call for Papers: Submit Your Abstract
Register Here: Conference Registration
Call/WhatsApp US: +447723493307
Attending the 15th World Healthcare, Hospital Management, Nursing, and Patient Safety Conference (15NHPSUCG2025) will be a game-changer for your nursing career. With access to groundbreaking research, the opportunity to network with global experts, and a wealth of knowledge across multiple specialized tracks, this conference will help you gain the skills and insights needed to thrive in today’s healthcare environment.
By registering today, you’re taking an important step in advancing your career and making a meaningful impact in your nursing practice. Don’t miss out—join us in San Francisco or virtually this May and elevate your professional journey.
Register now and be a part of this transformative event!
Trending Hashtags:
#NursingConference2025 #PatientSafety #HealthcareLeadership #NursingExcellence #Nurses #NursingResearch #ClinicalNursing #PatientCare #NursingEducation #HealthcareInnovation #MentalHealthNursing #InfectionControl #ChronicDiseaseNursing #MidwiferyNursing #PediatricNursing #NursingLeadership #NursingCareers #NursingDevelopment #GlobalNurses #HealthPolicy #NursingProfession #HealthcareQuality
Tag: @HealthcareCEO @Nurses @Doctors @Professors @PractitionerNurses @StudentNurses @Academics @Researchers @Clinicians @PatientSafetyExperts @ChiefNursingOfficers @NursingStaff @ComplianceOfficers @InfectionControlOfficers @RiskManagement @PatientSafetyManagers @ManagingDirectors @DepartmentManagers #15NHPSUCG2025
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Global Gastroenterology Trends: What to Expect at This Year’s Conference
The field of gastroenterology is evolving rapidly, shaped by advances in research, technology, and clinical practices. This year’s 15th World Gastroenterology, IBD & Hepatology Conference is set to spotlight the latest trends, innovations, and challenges transforming digestive health. Whether you're a healthcare professional, researcher, or student, this event promises unparalleled insights into the future of gastroenterology.
Key Trends in Gastroenterology to Watch
Precision Medicine in GI Care The rise of precision medicine is revolutionizing the management of gastrointestinal disorders. Tailored treatments based on genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors are enhancing outcomes for conditions like IBD, IBS, and colorectal cancer.
Advancements in Endoscopic Technology Minimally invasive procedures are reaching new heights with innovations such as:
AI-powered diagnostics for earlier and more accurate detection of GI cancers.
Capsule endoscopy for non-invasive small intestine visualization.
Robotic-assisted endoscopy for improved precision and safety.
The Role of Microbiome Research The gut microbiome continues to gain attention as a critical factor in digestive and systemic health. Researchers are exploring its role in managing conditions like Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and even mental health disorders.
Telemedicine and Digital Health Accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, telemedicine has become a staple in GI care. Virtual consultations, remote monitoring tools, and AI-driven platforms are bridging gaps in access and enhancing patient engagement.
Addressing Global GI Health Disparities Tackling inequalities in access to care, particularly in underserved regions, is a growing priority. Efforts include community health initiatives, affordable diagnostic tools, and telehealth expansion.
Highlights of the Conference Agenda
This year’s conference promises a diverse lineup of sessions designed to educate, inspire, and foster collaboration:
Keynote Presentations: Learn from world-renowned experts on topics like inflammatory bowel disease advancements, gut-brain axis research, and the latest in hepatology treatments.
Panel Discussions: Engage with thought leaders on addressing healthcare disparities, implementing precision medicine, and integrating cutting-edge technologies into practice.
Research Presentations: Discover groundbreaking studies through abstract submissions from global researchers.
Submit your research today: https://gastroenterology.utilitarianconferences.com/submit-abstract-abstarct
Networking Opportunities: Connect with peers, industry leaders, and academic experts to share knowledge and build professional relationships.
Interactive Workshops: Gain hands-on experience with advanced endoscopic techniques, telemedicine tools, and microbiome analysis methods.
Why You Should Attend
Stay Ahead of Trends Gain insights into the future of gastroenterology and learn how to integrate new developments into your practice.
Present Your Work Showcase your research to a global audience of peers and experts.
Be the participant : https://gastroenterology.utilitarianconferences.com/registration
Expand Your Network Build connections with professionals across the gastroenterology spectrum.
Learn from the Best Access exclusive sessions led by pioneers in GI research and clinical practice.
gastroenterology trends, GI innovations, microbiome research, precision medicine in GI, AI in gastroenterology, telemedicine in GI care, endoscopy advancements, global GI healthcare. #GlobalGastroTrends #GIConference2024 #PrecisionMedicineGI #MicrobiomeInsights #EndoscopyInnovation #TelemedicineInGI #IBDResearch #HepatologyTrends #DigestiveHealthSummit
Join the Conversation
Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of the global conversation shaping the future of gastroenterology. Register now to secure your place at the 15th World Gastroenterology, IBD & Hepatology Conference.
For more details, visit: https://gastroenterology.utilitarianconferences.com/
Let’s innovate and elevate digestive healthcare—together
Visit our blogs: https://medium.com/@drcarladam/revolutionizing-digestive-health-key-takeaways-from-the-15th-world-gastroenterology-conference-24f29d7cd8ca https://www.blogger.com/blog/posts/8137169137771813872 https://sites.google.com/d/1pC85sU9-y2U_u4W7xJF27LG_XOy5giMe/p/1EJhhtRfil2AevCjpj5BCeTb3ym19g3ya/edit https://wordpress.com/post/digitalpathologyucgconference.wordpress.com/77 https://www.tumblr.com/dashboard
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