sebbysgirl · 4 years
The first chapter of a new fic Imma be working on.
Sombra looses her memory and chaos is sure to follow after the Deadlock Gang takes her in.
Sombra x Ashe fic
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tempestseye · 5 years
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Ashe and Sombra seem like they’d have really good chemistry, and if I have to be the one to pump out content for them, I WILL.
(Also we really need a set name for them, IMO both viperbyte and sombrashe are good and distinct from other Ashe ships.)
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"Spending a little time with Pyre is fun. She gets a little flustered when I do this. You feeling alright, Viper?~ You're blushing. You have a fever?" -Sombra
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raccoonnornsaid · 6 years
If there's "Ouihaw" for Ashe x Widowmaker, and "Healhaw"" for Ashe x Mercy... Then the Ashe x Sombra ship is... It is "Güeyhaw"(or Weyhaw, it is valid too). That's it, GÜEEEEYHAW!
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hello83433 · 4 years
I know a while ago LosDeadlock was a possible alternate ship name for McSombra ... but now that we have Ashe, OT3 name anyone?
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Real Overwatch Fact #667:
Zenyatta chooses Rainbow Road when playing Mario Kart. He always gets first place.
Submitted by @sombrashe-viperbyte.
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tenaflyviper · 6 years
Can you recommend me any horror films that have to do with fast food I work at McDonald’s and I was wondering if such films exist
Well, let’s see...
Drive-thru (2007)
Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead (2006)
Compliance (2012)
Blood Diner (1987)
Blood Feast (1963)
Return of the Killer Tomatoes (1988)
The Eight Immortals Restaurant: The Untold Story (1993)
Ebola Syndrome (1996)
Attack of the Killer Donuts (2016)
The Restaurant (2018)
These were all I could come up with at the moment (I’m sure there are some very obvious ones I’m forgetting).  There are some that sort of have to do with fast food (the aliens from Bad Taste come to Earth to harvest humans for their intergalactic fast food chain), but these are the only ones that came to mind as being set in or around a restaurant.  Even the horrormovies.org database didn’t bring up much for the keywords “fast food”.
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raccoonnornsaid · 6 years
Ashe: *covering her ears after discovering that B.O.B. is hacked in the most ridiculous way*
B.O.B.: *in mode jukebox, playing "Amor Prohibido" by Selena*
Sombra: *comes from behind and clings to Ashe, singing* Amor prohibido murmuran por las calles, porque somos de distintas sociedades ♪
Ashe: *growling and blushing* The fuck is this?! Shut it down!
Sombra: Don't lie to me, niña rica. There's no way you don't know Selena~ *smirks*
Ashe: *tries to get off Sombra's hug* Ok, ok! Now stop it! Turn B.A.W.B. back to normal!!
Sombra: Not until you sing with me~ *kisses Ashe's cheek*
Ashe: Argh! *blushes more* Fine!! *sighs* I hate you...
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raccoonnornsaid · 6 years
Sombra: *hacks the US's voting system just for fun, and watches Texas's results, polls and etc.*
Ashe: *smoking a cigar quietly, but then sees what Sombra is doing* ... What the hell, sugar skull... Did you just hack the elections voting ballots?
Sombra: *glances at her* ...Did you just vote for a Colt 45?
Ashe: !! *glares at Sombra* The fuck y'all talkin' about? I ain't voted for a gu—
Sombra: *shows a screen with Ashe's ballot*
Ashe: ...
Sombra: ...
Ashe: Nevermind... Keep what you're doing.
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tenaflyviper · 6 years
Hey what are your favorite horror films set in new Orleans? I saw one recently called "Angel heart" starring Mickey Rourke and Robert Deniro. It's pretty dark and disturbing but it's definitely worth a watch because its really brilliant. It's shot in that neo film noir style that was so big in the mid to late 80's.
Yeah, I remember seeing that one a while back (I would need to revisit it again before I can make a proper judgement call on it).  There aren’t too many other horror films set specifically in New Orleans:
Interview with a Vampire (1994)
The Beyond (1981)
The Skeleton Key (2005)
Cat People (1982)
Hatchet (2006)
Candyman: Farewell to the Flesh (1995)
I would have to say that my favorite would be Fulci’s The Beyond.  That film is a surreal masterpiece with a hauntingly beautiful score (by frequent Fulci collaborator Fabio Frizzi) that should be high on the list of any horror connoisseur with an interest in Italian horror.
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tenaflyviper · 7 years
Hello, I have a question. Do you know if Re-Animator is the only well known adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft's works into film? It's a good movie, but as far as reading goes there are a lot from him that I enjoy more and I believe have potential.
There are a decent number of films based on Lovecraft’s work, and Wikipedia does have a page listing most of them here.
As for personal recommendations, Stuart Gordon also made From Beyond (1986), and Dagon (2001), the latter of which is incredibly faithful to the source material.  Banshee Chapter (2013) was entertaining enough (with some great creepy imagery and an interesting story), but not particularly memorable (it’s somewhat based on the same short story as From Beyond).
Just make sure to avoid Cthulhu Mansion (1990).  It has extremely little to do with Lovecraft, and it’s godawful.
Unfortunately, I haven’t seen as many Lovecraft-inspired films as I probably should have, but I also found this article that lists a few, as well as this one.
Hope that helps!
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tenaflyviper · 7 years
Sometimes I like looking at Japanese ads for american movies. Interesting to see how they market our shit.
Sometimes the results are completely incomprehensible.
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However, they still can’t hold a candle to the baffling interpretations of American cinema found in Poland and the Czech Republic.
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tenaflyviper · 6 years
Hello and good evening! Long time follower/lurker, first time asker. I was watching TCM with my mom just now when 1958's Curse Of The Demon came on. It reminded me of you and thought it'd be right up your alley!
Ah, yes–that’s what they retitled the edited version of Jacques Tourneur’s Night of the Demon.
Fun Fact: Neither Tourneur nor writer Charles Bennett wanted an actual demon to be shown in the movie (the one prominently displayed on the film’s poster).  The producer (Hal E. Chester) demanded that a physical monster be shown on screen, and had additional footage added in post, without Tourneur.  As proven by the highly-successful Cat People (1942), Tourneur’s films do not need to show the threat in order to be suspenseful, and it’s likely that Night of the Demon would have done just as well (if not better) without Chester’s meddling.
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tenaflyviper · 7 years
I need to check out that delirious dude is he funny
He is hilarious, and he has the most contagious laughter I’ve ever heard.
A lot of his charm comes from his high energy and childlike enthusiasm (an enthusiasm that often overtakes his common sense), but also his tendency to mix up common phrases, and just generally trip over his own tongue (I think his mouth runs faster than his brain can catch up with).  He is also prone to making completely bizarre statements out of nowhere (such as asking his friend if he’d ever taped his beard to his forehead to hide his face).
He’s not the brightest crayon in the box (his spelling errors when they play “Fibbage” are priceless), but he’s got a big heart, he’s humble (even though he tries to talk shit while playing with his friends–and usually fails), he doesn’t take things too seriously, and he’s able to laugh at himself.
He’s a very endearing individual, and definitely one-of-a-kind.
Oh, and he absolutely adores teddy bears (there’s several minutes of teddy bear shenanigans from various games here).
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tenaflyviper · 7 years
Hate to be a bother but what is Nazisploitation And I’m just wondering cause I’m a curious little devil
Nazispoitation is pretty much what the name suggests.  It’s the use of Nazis as an exploitative element in a film.  I’ll try to explain as best I can.
In the history of the world, it’s hard to think of any group more hated–and more deserving of it–than the Nazis.  Nazisploitation films are not simply films containing Nazis, but films in which Nazis are utilized solely as a force for committing atrocities (thankfully, the settings for these films are never concentration camps full of Jewish civilians, but always set in a Stalag holding Allied soldiers as prisoners of war). 
Nazisploitation films are an offshoot of the “Women in Prison” subgenre of exploitation/sexploitation.  Nazis are used as an excuse to go to sadistic extremes in terms of sex and violence, but society’s hatred for them makes the audience instantaneously side with the victims, and want them to prevail over their fascist captors (which they do).  There is no arguing that many–if not most–of these films can be seen as misogynistic, and whether they can be called “entertainment” is subjective.  Simply put, Nazis were the go-to “bad guy” for audiences to hate, while still exploiting the elements of sexuality and violence that define exploitation cinema.  Think of it like how massive brutes in masks and aprons became a popular type of villain following the success of Eli Roth's "Hostel" and the "Saw" franchise. 
On a final note: There are horror films featuring Nazis, but they don’t all qualify as Nazisploitation (for example, the curious subgenre of the “Nazi zombie” movie does not count, nor the sub-subgenre of the “underwater Nazi zombie” movie.  Yes, surprisingly, there are a few of those).
Here’s the Wikipedia article about Nazisploitation, if you’re interested.
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tenaflyviper · 7 years
got newgrounds recommendations for us tena?
Oh, god.
You must be warned ahead of time that I haven’t been on my Newgrounds account since maybe 2009 (i.e., before social media really took off, and before memes).  So, anything in my favorites there is going to be old as balls.
That said, I can only rightfully recommend very few of the things from my favorites:
Fishy! (game)
Dad’s Home (animation)
Dad’s At Work (animation)
My Name is Bill (animation)
What All Old People Can Do (animation)
I also have a couple of “animutations” on there.  I have a feeling very few people that see this post are going to know what the fuck those even are.
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