#Vinnie's one is scary tho
leffee · 1 month
Ranking lps short songs because I can from best to worst:
"The Fire Hydrant Song" - all I can say is
and that the last chorus is so fucking good
2. "Pet Peeves" - so fucking good, the chorus is just mmmmmmmmm
3. "Boys Don't Care About Clothes" - mmmmmm the boys' song mmmmmm
4. "The Ladies of LPS" - mmmmmm the girls' song mmmmmm, took me a while to see its real brilliance tho
5. "OmmmMG" - a quick song that only Vinnie and Minka could pull off and Vinnie's vocal is so fucking good in this one
6. "So Like Bored" - *goes to a public place* "What are these people doing here?" go queeeens
7. "Dance Party" - I really like it, a typical party song but I never said those were bad. But it's always a shame when a song is sang by some disembodied choir instead of specific characters. Bonus points for being in Vinnie's short *once again moan sound mp3*
8. Littlest Pet Street Commercial - I??? Still don't know why this short was only ever published in one language let alone Polish??? Well, I'm not complaining, I can at least understand it compared to most of you suckersssss. It's not bad at all but it really makes me wonder how it was supposed to be in original English dub.
Mind you the last songs are not bad at all, just worse than the ones higher
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alrightiam · 1 year
Sooo… ep 2 was so epic! It wasn’t as scary when I was watching it but now that I think back I’m actually really disturbed. Like, Niki’s death was the most disturbing while I was watching (also her screams in the background she did so greattt!), but if you remove the ‘comedic filter’ Showfall Media put over the other deaths they’re actually way more horrifying to me. Vinny (and ‘the spirit’ slime from ep 1) gets crushed by an anvil, which looked funny but imagine brains just spat on the ground… yuck. Ethan gets brutally crushed. And Austin and Sneeg get too. It’s also scary Ranboo doesn’t react to anything and Sneeg doesn’t either. Ethan was pretty happy (so probably brainwashed) but Austin and Niki weren’t that much.
Thinking back to the moment reality broke trough during Charlie’s “surgery” we realized the slime is actually blood. Which makes ep 1 actually r-really gory and I’m scared eep-. It also makes me think, was Charlie screaming the whole time but no one could hear? Or was he also under the influence of the ‘filter’ too and he really was making jokes and stuff?? (I hope the 2nd one plz the 2nd one T_T)
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I actually really can’t handle blood so I’m actually getting nauseous just thinking about it akskdk. They do a really good job making it so gory without actually showing the gore.
Oh that reminds me of that game with the happy pills. We Happy Few. I remember watching a letsplay of Jacksepticeye I think back in the day lol. In that game is a pill that makes you only see happy things but everything is secretly really gory. There it’s (sorta) their own choice tho, whereas in generation loss they’re getting mind controlled by Showfall…
Also, I think whoever controls squiggles is maybe responsible for Sneeg getting caught so fast. He was the only one aware even before the glitches started… and ofc also during them. The others were just confused. The spirit from ep 1 and the puzzler from this ep are also just pawns then.
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Anyway, ending with a happier(?) note: OUR HERO IS FREEEE WOOO
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kaleschmidt · 4 months
TKP Dungeon Meshi AU
okay so this started out as just me wanting to draw Kale + laios together but now. It's a whole damn au in my head and now i must make it everyone's problem forever. i'm keeping this relatively free of spoilers for both tkp + dunmeshi unless asked otherwise soo.. rambles under cut!
so first of all. um. i don't have all of the tkp chars. sorry guys. specifically, charon + percy are the ones i'm having the most trouble thinking of. they're supposed to be ANDROIDS... i can't figure what would be a good equivalent of that. otherwise if they had to be an actual species, i think they'd probably both be elves- maybe part of the canaries? i also like the thought of kobold percy
january. cmon. she's halfling. okay. half-stealing this from quentin but also it just makes sense. 🤏. i was thinking of tammi as a gnome at first but i can't lie. i think ogre tammi would be so wonderous and cool. or kobold... hm. hard choices
mena.. i think mena is just a normal tallman. "what's vinnie" don't worry about vinnie. okay. he's. normal. normal. (said unconvincingly). lulu i'm debating between full or half-elf because she MIGHT be of nobility
SHIT I ALMOST FORGOT ABOUT SVEN??? SORRY KING. i think they would be a gnome though. i think he'd use a bit of magic to help him around but it's not something they use often i.e. in regards to the spirits being treated kindly with favor. you get it
some of these choices aren't really permanent choices so if i think about it more or get some input they might change in the future..
okay. now. the main guys. the main 6. so! for reasons i still have yet to come up with yet, the main 6 teamed up together as a dungeon-travelling team! i think they bump into the touden group at least once ^_^ . there's not an exact leader, but aster n naomi kinda co-lead! they fill in each others faults through their leadership (aster being too harsh with their leadership + naomi being too soft with hers). chazz volunteered for leadership and was prominently shut down </3. they hate a bitch.
now okay let me split the main 6 out.
so first of all. their name in the au would be asterisk begonia! only friends can call them just by aster. they're an elf. They taught themself some magic, with the rest being from their school, before they dropped out for reasons they are NOT going into. they're pretty much the mage of the group, but they've been teaching the group some basic spells on the occassion that something happens to them because they'd rather DIE than have the whole team fucking flunk. chazz refuses. aster is going to kill it.
not a really important detail but also kinda is. ver staff has a big ass bow on it. this is important i lied. i think its sweets
i. have no idea where she comes from. i KNOW the kennedys would most likely come from the northern, but that's all. sorry naomi of ???. anyways she's half halfling + half-dwarf, leaning dwarf. Due to being half halfling she has some magic bone in her but she still gets mana sickness easily. she uses a big ass hammer tho so it's fine forever ^_^!! I feel like she'd be studying dwarf tech in order to modify the team's weapons somehow (not exactly blacksmithing but also kinda? the steampunkness of it all ig)
i havent really come up with all of how dayshift would go in this au so. Dont worry too much about it. also some stuff is spoilers. so. next ramble maybe.
ohhh god. who let that bitch be a halfling. god. fuck. shit. its full name is chazzsaw. no one knows its last name and NEVER WILL!!! yknow thinking about the hair colors n such in dunmeshi, most of them are pretty naturally colored arent they... minus some elves' white hair. so basically we're getting nongenta chazz. scary.
so chazz i've been vaguely bouncing around. first of all she's bunking with darrell! before the two of them joined the main 6, the two of them often went into dungeon parties together. not all of them were good, though- whether chazz was getting used as bait or people were ganging up on darrell. basically the main 6 is one of the best groups the two of them have ended up in. chazz, much like in canon, often conflicts with aster and although he jokes about using magic to be a funny little goofster, he has no interest in actually using magic. She'll do just fine with her halfling shenanigans!
chazz is one char i thought about interacting with the canon chars.. i feel conflicted about how she'd feel about laios. on one hand i can see her hearing about the touden group's monster grub shit and being like "shiiiit. we need that. aster what the fuck are you TEACHING us you should be teaching us HOW TO MAKE A GOOD ASS MEAL OUTTA THOSE MONSTERS" but at the same time . i think chazz would be reminded of phil in some capacity. DAMN YOU BLONDE MAphil isn't blonde in this au technically but he's still blonde in spirit so. yea. also he'd be half-tallman half-halfling i think. that's all the thought he's getting
FUCK I FORGOT CHAZZ'S ROLE. OOOOPPS. um. chazz is like? the thief? rogue? chazz has small daggers that it keeps on its person at least. its got no interest in helping with traps physically but sure lets throw this huge ass rock there <3. i think he'd find chilchuck funny and have like a little respect for him but if she had to be in a team with him she might bite his head off (exaggeration
DARRELL!!!! he's the resident normie of the group. the tallman. like i mentioned in chazz's section, he and chazz used to join random dungeon groups! his parents don't really approve of it and told him that he could always just come back home and work for them but!!!! he's very adamant that he can help make a living! also his parents don't like chazz and chazz would have nowhere to go if he were to leave :[... so darrell's really keen on making it big with the main 6
something i've been spinning around since i started writing this... hear me out. darrell with the bow and arrow. okay. I think he'd still have a melee weapon if he were to run out of ammo (good ol sword?) but otherwise vi's more comfortable with ranged combat. chazz likes to act like target practice and darrell's screaming and sobbing (EXAGGERATION.)
psichael my best friend psichael my bff psichael. i miss nem. fuck. (NOT THE MAIN POINT OF THIS SECTION?????????) anyways. chazz still names nem but whether or not ne still ends up with the name "psike" is debatable. DON'T LET CHAZZ COOK 🔥🔥🔥🔥 anyways other than that. psike is half-elf half-tallman, with eir mom being a tallman! don't. worry about nis dad. okay. anyways! before the main 6, psike was often this mysterious, hooded figure that randomly appeared in dungeons. ne primarily appeared to groups/people that were in places where no one would be able to find them + were on the verge of death/dead. people would recall being revived/healed with no evidence of who did it, with some reporting catching a glimpse of their savior before the savior disappeared. sometimes psike would help via actively attacking, but this was very rare. tbh this might've been how ne and chazz met
anyways! psike is pretty good with magic- especially healing + resurrection magic. knows some ancient magic too... ofc, psike has nis limits, but it's pretty high. In combat, Psike tries to be quick on nis feet but sometimes just. shuts down, so ne's usually on the sidelines, where ne doesn't have to fully deal with the combat, but can still help. if there's someone who wouldn't be terribly picky about eating monsters, i think it would be psike
KALE. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. (BEATING THE FLOOR SO INTENSELY IT CAVES IN) hmm yes. i'm normal now. (affirmation). i'd love to talk about him in detail but. he's so spoilerpilled. i hope he explodes into 5 million flames. SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN THAT. okay anyways. we'll settle for the nonspoilered version and if the people want the rampant spoilery ramble then they can ask...
so! kale! :)! kale! my friend kale. kale. my friend kale. i think about how he possibly ran into aster n naomi... maybe at a tavern or smth? i can see him being like "hoho ! i will gladly join anyone's dungeon group for free ^_^!!!! all these people are so nice and will not betray my trust in any way!" and naomi is like "aster we need to save that poor strange guy". then again maybe like in his debut, it's just naomi who's at the tavern and hears kale's thing and is like "oh they're not going to survive the winter......." and then convinces aster to let kale join permanently, after a few adventures??
oh something important. kale is ALWAYS clad in armor. never takes that shit off. he's sleeping oh so comfortably in his heavy ass armor <3! also the armor is wolf-themed it's important you guys know this until i get to draw him up. No one knows what race he is and kale tends to steer off the topic somehow. he's too tall to be an average tallman, but he couldn't be an ogre either... huh. not too related but his and psike's relationship is A Bit Abysmal. Psike tends to avoid dealing with him 1 on 1 a lot
kale's the other guy i think about regarding canon relationships! he'd find laios SUUUCCCHHH a joy. they're frolicking in the hills together. the thing is. kensuke doesn't seem to like kale... what a shame!
OH OH SOMETHING EXTRA IMPORTANT I FORGOT TO MENTION. part of me feels like kale's name wouldn't be kale in here. haven't decided what it would be, if that's the case tho.
anywyas. thats all. its almost 3 am rn enjoy + feel free to ask questions!
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toxooz · 2 years
Would they also do a camping trip?? If so, who's doing what?
i mean hell yeah they'd probably take a 3 day hike up to an abandoned skatepark in the middle of the woods with some sketchy legend behind it bUT Remy would be the holder of the snack backpack and sneak snacks for himself most of the time, Kari could set up the campfire no problem and take pictures of every single pretty leaf, rock, tree, bug she comes across; Ponti would probably think its extremely lame at first but im sure he'd eventually be the one that's all up in the trees like the reptilian gorilla he is scratchin shit up to """mark his territory""" having the time of his life (and probably being able to camouflage really well🤔) ; Oscar would be in the river or stream next to them to stay hydrated and to pick out cool looking rocks or, if he's super lucky, bottle caps; Ollie would carry all the heavy stuff like the tents, cooking supplies, ect (and probably carry someone else if they end up getting too tired); Vinny would be a lil energizer ball running all throughout the woods around them and torturing bugs if he catches them and Abio would probably just be vibin taking everything in u-u Ollie would be the walking encyclopedia for all the herbs and spices from him being his mommas lil spice and herb gatherer when he was a kid IN FACT he probably has a collection of plant bottles to gather stuff in and would take healing plants to bring back and plant in the woods behind the skatepark Just In Case. Remy would reflexively help him pick some stuff here n there since he used to have to go with Ollie as a kid as well and Vinny would enthusiastically pick random plants to help too :3 🌿c
As far as food goes Ollie would most likely bring his bone tools for hunting and skinning for their actual meals and bring Ponti along for Good Ol Honky Tonk Huntin Bondin Time 😤 and also bc Ponti could very much hunt and kill a deer or bear if he really wanted to LMFAO and the moment a drop of blood hit the ground from Ollie cutting it up Ponti's ass would be right there up on him like
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seeing if he can maneuver his way into getting an organ or ear or tail anything he can munch on sksksk Abby and Remy would probably have to detour Vinny away from the butchering so he doesn’t get traumatized and ok but like them telling scary stories around the campfire tho?? 👀👀👀 Ollie’s deep ass creepy voice and creepier stories and Kari being able to manipulate the campfire and Ponti’s ability to terrify someone witless im sure poor lil Vinny would have to sleep in someone else’s tent after that 😭😭
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spqce-buns · 3 years
Okay so let me just write my thoughts and reactions on ep 18 ( it’s kinda long)....
From the starting I knew that jang Han SEO never betrayed him. Please look at the shock, his shaky hands and a bit of horror. His acting skills man. My himbo baby. They way he GOT UP made my squeal so hard. Whenever vin speaks Italian I ascend to heaven. They way he just kill the Interpol guys and scared the shit out of the officers was amazing lol. The cover story was so convincing. WHEN HE SAID MS Choi ARE YOU STUPID , I WAS SO PROUD. Jang Han SEO should be an actor istg😂. Me Han was suspicious tho. ‘Bye ms Choi’😂. Just hold my hand lmao. I like how mr Han also stood up against ms Choi. IT WAS A SET UP YAY. I like how vin was worried for him and asked him if he was scared, nobody asked him that in his life time🥺. MR NAM COMING AS A REFREE WITH HIS ROLLER SKATES. Vinny , mr nam and jang Han seo make a great team. They way they just look at each other and smirk. The scene where jang Han SEO is carrying so much things and Vinny is like is it heavy? I jus feel like he is asking him to not carry this much load and give him some just warms my heart. Han seo is carrying the trauma,fear and helpless since birth. All of that is making him tired . Then Vinny takes his bag anyway means that he is taking Han seo fear because now Vinny is on his side. He is assuring him or am I interpreting it wrong. The whole shooting in the arm said BROMANCE. It was so endearing to watch them behave like real brothers and I was so happy. Him repeating everything Vinny says, being confident about getting shoot, Vinny teasing him that he didn’t even shoot it, them him fainting was so wholesome and funny. ‘ Grandma, why are you here grandma’ , JANG HAN SEO YOU ARE SO FUCKING CUTE. Then him smiling and giggling like a baby in hospital room please I only want happiness for him. Bye bye balloon trip, is it foreshadowing 👀. Vincenzo gaining a younger brother and N older brother please why am I in tears. Jipragi team is just chef kisses. Miri really is a bad bitch. Just want Vinny and chayoung to adopt her. Feels like she is their daughter or is it just me? She just raised the volume lmaoo. Han seok losing his pieces. YAY.Their court room walk be always iconic. Chayoung literally had heart eyes when Vinny was taking to the press. She was like that’s my man. I am 100% sure that monks are carrying out the gold. I love how geumga family take care of everyone. This found family is everything. They way chayoung and Vinny said see you later and departed I knew this episode will break my heart later. I can totally see jang Han seo enjoying by seeing his brother suffer. Mr Han really thought he could underestimate him. The way vin hung up the phone remainded me of chayoung 🥰. The scene with chayoung and Choi is so good. The way the director showed that chayoung is overpowering her is just wow. Their whole conversation is just oozing out queen energy. I am a lesbian for Hong chayoung the power she holds. They way Choi just takes a sip and chayoung the bad bitch she is took a shot with no hesitation. I was screaming. I Stan this women. Just because mr Han is a chief prosecutor he thinks he can underestimate him. I laughed at his naive childish behaviour. Vinny being the intimidating mafia consigliere not giving a single fuck and shot them in the leg🥵🥵. Han seok being chased out of his kingdom .Their fight scene phew. Him being scared was so good. Mr cho getting beaten up🥲. I feel like mr Kim will be the real villain pulling up the strings. Han seok throwing a tantrum like a spoiled annoying brat and ms Choi acting like his mother. ‘ you must admit, Vincenzo is no match for you’ I was like FINALLY THEY REALISE. Han SEO not getting scared of his brother outright telling him that he is not scared and dumb anymore. You can see shock on Han seoks face when he realises that he can’t control his brother and when he laughed at him I lost shit.Jang Han SEO FINALLY standing up to him. Him pressing the hand cuffs please he is really learning a lot from Vinny. Han seok realising that he doesn’t have enough power is just so satisfying to watch.
The scene where Han seo says that Vinny is like his brother and like how he is comfortable with him. The scene was so heart wrenching. He has never experienced love and warmth. When Vinny told him not to call him brother you can see the pain. He is thinking that I wish he was his real brother so that I don’t have to ask for his permission to call him brother. When Vinny agreed you can see the happiness in his face and how he got all giggly and happy. Please someone hug him. The scene touched my heart. You can see that Vinny CARES for him. He really does. He really has been treating him like his little brother. You can also see that Vinny got a bit sad by how Han seo was treated. You can see a bit of protectiveness when he looks at Han SEO. I am really scared for Han SEO though. Like really. Vinny finally showing Han seok who is the BOSS .His story about his past was given in two lines but it didn’t feel rushed and I was satisfied. The writer really is amazing. The story about how he tortured the murder and saying that he is a cat which likes to play with his mouses aka the enemy was scary and so satisfying. I always thought that he was this kind of a guy. This just shows how superior he is. The big brain energy he has is just amazing. Like how he literally played Han seok. Everyone fangirling over luca aww. Vinny happy to see Luca but it was ruined by serious matters. Angry Vinny is so sexy. The chayenzo moments were less but it’s okay. I love how they are slowly building the relationship which will be unbreakable. I saw that the curtains of both Vinny and chayoung house were open. Does this mean they are finally acknowledging their feeling? The photo was so beautiful. Look how lost Vinny was when inzaghi didn’t come. The whole goodbye was so emotional. Chayoung is so strong. A true Mafia wife. Look at her consoling everyone while putting on a brave face and a smile. Some one hug her please. The whole geumga plaza giving him food and warmth I am crying. When he says thanks bro to bye bye balloon boss. I was like AWWWWWWWWWWW. Chayoung literally learned Italian FOR HIM I AM CRYING. The handshake....can’t he just hug her. she literally said you are my other half. THE GOLD IS NOT THEIR BAHAHAHA I KNEW IT. chayoung protecting miri is just like how a mother protects her child🥺. The way she was shielding her.
YAY VINNY CAME BACK. YOU CAN SEE THE ANGER ON HIS FACE. He was like how dare you touch my wife and scare my daughter you piece of shit and then just yeets the guy. Vincenzo really knows how to end the episode. Vincenzo is officially my favourite k drama istg.
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dragons-and-art · 4 years
So i’ve been thinking a lot about the AU lizard gang lately, so much so i decided to make a list of random bits of info I’ve come up with (and don’t forget about immediately)
A song that never fails to make Vinny cry is Baby Mime from Dumbo.
Vex unironically loves the movie Horton Hears a Who
Nala does have a collection of hats and sweaters, many of which were “borrowed” from friends.
Bo Burnham’s shows are one of my biggest inspirations for Vinny’s personality and piano skills
If Vex learned to sing, he would maybe sound like Jermain Clement. That being the case, i very much need to make him sing “Shiny” in the shower.
Nala’s singing would sound like Ariana Grande
The trio likes to dress up for Halloween and there’s always some sort of theme.
Nala and Vincent are very much internet people, Vex is not. You can imagine how lost he gets when these two start talking with memes.
Instruments that i identify Vinny with: Piano, bass guitar, and cello
Vinny gets a weird power rush any time he has a knife in his hands. He doesn’t notice, everybody else does tho.
Nala cannot handle horror or scary stuff, specially the violent kind.
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15 Question Tag 
Tagged by: @mynerdybadonkadonk
1. Are you named after anyone?
Nope, my parents legit picked my name last minute-- Wow, sounds like most of my life, because everything is last minute for me loll 
2. When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday I think???? It’s rare for me to cry, but when I do it’s like at 4am and I got to work the next morning;;; 
3. Do you have/want kids?
Do goats count??? I’m sorry it’s an ongoing joke for me, but like if I decided to I’d probably adopt. Not really into babies anyway-- unless it’s baby animals tbh..
  4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Always, I mean for fuck sake...I’m a Sytherin so...Yes, lol. 
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
The vibes they give off/ actions is what I first notice, appearance and words only do so much. 
6. What colour are your eyes?
Dark chocolate brown 
 7. Scary movie or happy ending?
This question is a little confusing, but as much as I like horror movies once in a while-- I really am secretly into Romance with the cute sappy endings....soooo happy endings I suppose. 
8. Any special talents?
Being a bad bitch~ Just kidding, but probably staying up way too late and acting like I give a shit  (which is a requirement in the hospitality business and I’m almost kinda too good to the point it’s scary..I just wanna go home and play Red Dead Redemption and sleep for 54329492304230 years smh instead of listening to people complain about petty shit for like 15 minutes straight.) Oh! Showing up randomly after disappearing for months or years at a time. 
9. Where were you born?
That my friend, is a secret uwu 
10. What are your hobbies?
Being extra af at all times, creating themed hats, casual yoga, collecting crystals, oddities,books, plants, and antiques, drawing, writing poetry, making really extravagant tanks for my pets (because if my life is extra so is theirs and they deserve the best.) I collect other stuff to, but that’s all I’ll put for now... Also binge watching tv shows and movies as of recently. 
11. Do you have any pets?
Oh man this question...Here we go!
Birds: Iggy (Green Cheek Conure), Storm (Cockatiel), Luna + Forest (Lovebirds)
Dogs: Fratello (White German Shepherd), Sam/ Samantha (Border Collie), Vinny (Red Doberman Pinscher, he belongs to my Dad tho)
Cats: Magic, Ivy, Boo! ( a lot of people think she could possibly be a Maine Coon), Levi (Also possibly a Maine Coon) + the stray cat I feed outside that I lovingly named Oliver 
Rabbits: Peter + Bambi and Jackie + Bunnicula
Reptile: Hibiscus (Leopard Gecko)
Inverts: Arizona Blonde T, Rosie (Rose Hair T),  Bulldozer (Grammostola pulchripes), Belladonna (Western Black Widow), Hades (Emperor Scorpion), Whip Scorpion, Joker (Rainbow Crab)
Fish: I think I have like 8 Betta??? Only one has a name though,and her name is Vixen, because she looks like she has lipstick on. 
12. What sports do you/have you play/ed?
Kickboxing, but I never like fought against anyone? I think I could be good if I applied myself though (if I were to start again.)
13. How tall are you?
14. Favourite subject in school?
History, art, or English 
15. Dream job?
If you asked me this a while back I would have told you I wanted to be a SFX makeup artist working on tv shows like TWD. I’m not sure if I still want to pursue that,work strictly with animals in someway, or work as an herbalist. I just have so many passions, and I guess I’ll just somehow do them all? Who says you need to stick to one job all your life? That’s like sticking to one ice cream flavor-- BORING.  
Thanks for the tag! Going to tag these people for now, and you don’t have to do it if you don’t want~~ 
Tagged: @shoushypie , @theshe-wolfwaits , @assassinatemewithkindness
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an-ordinary-roach · 6 years
RULES:  repost, dont reblog!
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NAME: Nathaniel Costa ALIAS/NICKNAME(S):   Nat, lil-Costa (by his mobs higher ups and dad too) GENDER: Masc non-binary? ( AFAB ) AGE:  27 DATE OF BIRTH:   May 31, 1982 OCCUPATION: mortician, Happy Buddy ™ | APPEARANCE ;; EYE COLOUR: hazel (the other was brown but it’s gone tho) HAIR COLOUR: black HEIGHT: 5′9″ SCARS: missing eye and bite marks from the middle of their cheek on up BURNS: Both on missing pinkies, had to cauterize their missing pinkies OVERWEIGHT: nah UNDERWEIGHT: nope | FAVOURITE ;; COLOUR: tan, orange, purple, black, burble, red HAIR COLOUR:  eh EYE COLOUR:  hm SONG: Old school - B. Reith MOVIE:  it’s hard to choose, but they’re mostly scary ones TV SHOW: goosebumps, bill nye, among other things FOOD:  sweets, junk foof, tiramisu (don’t give them this as a demon cuz they’ll probably revert back to Nat, it’s their favorite and they always ask for this for their birthday), fruit, honey. DRINK:  Pepsi, Cokecola (they mixed the two) BOOK:  Lovecraft books PASSED UNIVERSITY: it took a few tries HAD SEX: :333c si HAD SEX IN PUBLIC:  yeh GOTTEN PREGNANT:  NO GOTTEN TATTOOS: none GOTTEN PIERCINGS:  plugged earlobes and eyebrow piercings (on the ear rims too) KISSED A BOY:  yes!~ KISSED A GIRL:  yeh! HAD A BROKEN HEART: few times, but they like to end it mutually as much as possible BEEN IN LOVE:  Yerp STAYED UP FOR MORE THAN 24 HOURS: occasionally when they're hyperfocused on something
| ARE THEY , , , A VIRGIN: (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) mi amigo... A KISSER: they kissed SCARED EASILY: only if you cheat and bring a doll in JEALOUS EASILY: not that much TRUSTWORTHY:  anybody’s secrets are sealed with them DOMINANT:  depends SUBMISSIVE: if only IN LOVE:  Yeah! with his BF~ SINGLE:  nop | RANDOM QUESTIONS HAVE THEY HARMED THEMSELVES: if eating things they shouldn’t yeah THOUGHT OF SUICIDE / ATTEMPTED SUICIDE: thought of it while workig with Dr. money WANTED TO KILL SOMEONE:  their brothers and dad usually had their back if there was someone they wanted to kill, and visa versa DROVE A CAR: Yeh yeh HAVE/HAD A JOB:  2 | FAMILY SIBLINGS: two brothers and a sister (dead after joining Dr. Money) PARENTS:  both dead same bc of sibs CHILDREN: none PETS: Had a pet Boxer and tabby named Bubbsy and vinny Stolen from: @nattjeger Tagging: *does a shrug*
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