dragonfoodadventure · 7 years
Chocolates From Japan!
I had bought an assorted thing of small Tirol chocolates from japan and I finally got them! So I’m gonna record my thoughts on the different ones!! 
They look super cute! 
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I’ll be eating them row by row, leaving the bigger one on the right for last. 
I’m pretty sure some of these are all just milk chocolate with different wrappers, however I’ll still try them in case, and who complains about MORE chocolate? 
1. Frankenstein! First of all he’s really freaking cute. I was surprised to see on the inside there seems to be white chocolate on the inside, it’s tasty! not just solid brown chocolate! 
2. Coffee Nougat Ghost pal! I love his lil grin. I love coffee so I’m excited for this one. Inside is a firm chewy nougat, with some coffee flavor, it’s nice, and the thing i love with the Japanese chocolates I've had is that they’re not too sweet. The nougat however does have a slight sweetness which lingers unlike the chocolate which has a sweetness that doesn’t linger too much. Which i like. 
3. Pistachio! ooh! It’s a pale green coloured chocolate, like VERY light and pale and seems to have chunks of pistachio inside, Lets take a bite! It’s definitely a white chocolate, again like most of the chocolates I've have from japan, not overly sweet, Very nicely flavored like pistachio, with crunchy crispy bits that might not be the actual nut, but something flavored like it. over all very enjoyable! 
3. Next we have mixed berry! I’m not a huge fan of berries however i’m very excited since so far the flavoring and sweetness in these chocolates have been very good. A light pink colour is to the chocolate and it certainly has a strong berry smell for such a small piece of chocolate. Taking a bite, it has the same crunchy consistency as the pistachio chocolate, however the berry flavor is much stronger than that the pistachio chocolate had. However even as the flavor of the bits in the chocolate are stronger, I certainly still enjoyed it. It especially doesn’t taste fake like a lot of berry flavours I've had in products here in canada have. 
4. MILK. I have a hunch that unlike the Frankenstein chocolate, this one’s gonna be all white. Yep! and it smells really good! Oh wow, unlike the past two that shared the same wrapper style, this chocolate’s very soft and in the middle feels like a fondant or marshmallow like filling- definitely like marshmallow. It’s a very mild flavor, Super lightly sweetened. I very much enjoyed it and it was interesting texture wise.
5. Strawberry Jelly! I’m guessing this has jelly in the middle and is either a strawberry chocolate of a usual milk chocolate. Ooor both! the bottom is milk chocolate while the top half is strawberry- which shows in the smell as it smells very much of both. just from looking at it as it it definitely looks to have jelly in it! And it does! however not the kind i was thinking. It’s like a soft gummy that is easily bit through, and tastes like strawberry jam. Enjoyable and typical flavor for a strawberry desert, however not at all fake like the kind you might find in america. 
6. Last of the top row we have the adorable pumpkin which by the wrapper looks like it’s going to be pumpkin Biscuit! The colour of the chocolate is a golden-yellowy orange colour, and smells... I can’t actually place the smell, it’s not a usual scent you’d find in anything, the taste, definitely reminds me of pumpkin, however not in the usual pumpkin spice kind of flavour. It certainly doesn’t sit well with me and isn’t at all a flavour I enjoy. there was a biscuit inside, and other than the pumkin flavour there is some of the original chocolate flavour inside. Sadly though as I said I do not enjoy the pumpkin flavour. 
7. Starting off in the second row we have what looks like a strawberry and kiwi/melon smoothie! However I suspect this will only be strawberry. Opening it the bottom of the chocolate is a light de-saturated green and the top is a dark brownish-pink colour, both having flecks. Inside theres that marshmallow-like candy which i believe is common in japan. The main flavour is strawberry, however the majority of the flavour is a very soft, milky flavour that is very lightly sweetened. 
8. next looks like mochi? Matcha Mochi maybe? I’m super excited for this! I LOVE Matcha kit-kats and this looks definitly like matcha chocolate. It doesn’t smell strongly like matcha and the center looks dark and i suspect theres a filling inside! Very nice matcha flavour to the chocolate and inside is a soft gummy which i’m guessing is the mochi aspect of it? I’m very happy to have the matcha chocolate! I’m not a huge fan of the gummy inside however. 
9. This one looks to be a basic milk chocolate by the wrapper. Possibly the brand’s basic chocolate. looking at the actual chocolate however there seems to be something inside, however it is a milk chocolate around it. Ooh! Inside is, coffee? Or chocolate nougat?? It tastes very much like the coffee nougatt and I’m pretty sure is that! 
10. Next is Milk Choco Bis. Which is biscuit! It’s a milk chocolate with a biscuit inside And tastes very close to Pocky. 
11. White and Cookies, I’m assuming this is gonna be like cookies and cream. Yep! Very similar however not as sweet! The milky flavour to the chocolate is very good and this might even be one of my favourites! 
12. Next is another milk labeled chocolate and so far it looks like it might either be a solid milk chocolate or like the Frankenstein chocolate. Yep! Like the Frankenstein chocolate. Milk chocolate with a white milky core! 
13. Last of the smaller chocolates we have what looks to be a strawberry short cake? and that certainly looks like what it is. The chocolate itself seems to be a marbled mix of strawberry and some kind of bits inside. It’s reminiscent to the berry one, much lighter and has some fort of cookie and gummied fruit bits inside. Strawberry isn’t my favourite flavour when it comes to chocolate, however it wasn’t unpleasant. 
14. And lastly we have what looks to be deepfried banana? It’s smell is very much banana. and inside there seems to be another kind of cookie bits. The colour is very pale, almost white, yellow. The banana smell smells much like a ripe banana and almost smells spiced? Taking a bite, it tastes just like eating a real banana with some slight banana-bread like flavour to it. Theres gummy bits inside it, and over all this is a VERY good chocolate. It’s definitely my favourite. 
That’s all I have for this time, I have some kits i’m going to want to do, but other than that this was fun! I hope to get more chocolates to try and other treats! 
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