#Viney and Jerbo look so determined after Luz gives her speech
wingsyliveblogs · 2 years
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Yeeeeah! Us weirdos troublemakers stick together!
I love how casually she reaffirms her identity as one of them in the midst of her inspiring speech.
does. does anyone else except her actually use the term “Hexoleos”???
Hmm. I think this scene transition might actually be a good place to stop liveblogging for the night? The end of the episode is pretty close, but I don’t want to rush it, so I think I’ll continue on to the thrilling conclusion of this adventure... tomorrow! 
I might stick around a bit to check in on a couple of people’s replies, or I might leave that for tomorrow as well... I’m not sure. Either way, the liveblog itself will resume tomorrow, so see you all then!
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