#Villanelle Navarro
silver-handed · 4 years
1, 13, 15, and 21 for you and Valentine for sure (tho if you're down id love to read Victor and Villanelle's as well!!) <33
what radio station(s) do you listen to?
I just answered this one for myself and Valentine, so I’ll do Villanelle and Victor here!
Victor: Oh! Principales! Or actually Body Heat! Or maybe Ritual, or...or maybe I just station surf way too much actually...
Villanelle: I’ll listen to Morro Rock sometimes for Johnny, but I usually prefer the sounds of the city.
what quest/sidejob/gig fucked you up the most? (multiple answers are allowed)
Me: Honestly, Walk the Line fucked with me for h o u r s as I tried to choose between the two options. Which wouldn’t be so bad, but I spiraled into conspiracy mode over Rogue AIs and how the ‘change’ could fuck over everyone, but I also didn’t want NetWatch/Corporations to have more control over the net than they already do.
Also finding the body of the actual Bryce Mosely...did not help
Valentine: Dealing with the Peralez cases was...difficult, to say the least. Memory modification? Mr. Blue Eyes? I couldn’t, in good conscious, let Jefferson go on thinking everything was alright. What would happen if he did win while those psychopaths were altering his mind? But...I keep worrying that I made the wrong choice.
Victor: Helping River find Randy was rough. There...well...I could have ended up in the same kinda situation, y’know? And I don’t like to think about that. I’m just glad we were able to get Randy out of there okay.
Villanelle: Sinnerman and everything tied to it. That was just...Jesus Christ, it was horrible. Put me off of taking jobs from Wakako for a while.
which NPC is your bff?
Me: Is ‘all of them’ an acceptable answer? I legitimately haven’t met a friendly NPC that I haven’t fallen in love with! Tho tbh, Judy seems the most like someone I’d meet an hang out with irl? And Johnny, though I also want to bully him.
Valentine: Jackie, no question. He’s been my best friend since we were kids, and after everything he did for me...I don’t think anyone else could ever claim that spot. 
Victor: River! He’s a good dude, and I’ve been trying to teach him some new recipes and help out with Randy.
Villanelle: Panam. Honestly never thought I’d play nice with nomads again but...she’s sweet, and the girl knows her cars.
favorite tarot card that you’ve seen/discovered and which one do you relate to the most? (these can be two different answers)
Me: I love the design of The Sun card so fuckin much I swear, and I think I relate the most to The Star--or at least the hope that it represents.
Valentine: The Hanged Man, for both. I feel like I am still paying a price, but I’m still not sure what and what for.
Victor: The Fool, I think? It’s the one closest to home, like I can...I don’t know, I can see myself in that? I’m still on my journey, and so is he.
Villanelle: The Empress is gorgeous, but I think The Wheel of Fortune is what I relate to the most. I made it to the top of this city, but for how long?
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silver-handed · 4 years
1-6 for whoever you feel like writing!!
what radio station(s) do you listen to?
Me: I don’t really listen to the radio a lot tbh? I typically default to either Morro Rock or Night FM when I do tho!
Valentine: Pacific Dreams, but I sometimes switch to 30 Princepales--Jackie got me hooked on that one.
which car (or cars) is your favorite (even if it’s not one of the purchasable ones)?
Me: I l o v e Jackie’s Arch more than anything, tbh. It’s my main and it handles so damn well
Valentine: The Aerondight Guinevere. I’m not too much of a car man, I’ll admit that, but that car is gorgeous. My Caliburn is a smooth ride, too.
how did you feel about Johnny that first night in the apartment, and how does it differ from what you feel now after everything?
Me: I went from excited to ‘fuck this dude actually’ to becoming horribly fond of him quicker than I care to admit. He is just so damn endearing. Would still fight him in a heartbeat if given the chance, tho.
Valentine: I...hated him, at first. The fucker is like a parasite in my brain, and he has the gall to try and kill me? After everything we went through, though? He saved my life and helped me through so much. And I’m going to pay that debt back, some way, some how. 
if you had to pick one of the gangs to join, which would it be?
Me: Moxes! They seem to be the chillest overall, and I love their aesthetic tbh
Valentine: Valentinos, if I really had to. I grew up around them, hanging with Jack all the time. And Jackie would haunt my ass to the grave if I joined anyone else.
how do your loved ones (LI, found family, etc) feel about you being a merc? or if you’ve given up the life now that everything’s finished, what was their reaction?
Valentine: They worry, but I can’t really do anything else. I can’t go back to being a corpo, and I’m not really made for pushing papers or anything low stress, you know? This is all I really know how to do now. I think Kerry would like if I toned it a bit down though, took a vacation? Maybe I should schedule one...
Victor: It was a job, like any other in Night City, but...everyone seemed happier when I left that life, like they were relieved, y’know? I thought Panam was going to crush my spine with her hug when I told her, ha!
Villanelle: I didn’t really think I had a lot of loved ones who cared, not up until recently. But I think...despite how much he worries, I think River likes it, in his own way. 
what’s your preferred style?
Valentine: Neomilitarism. It’s clean and elegant, and blood cleans off easy. Usually.
Victor: Entropism. Get it done with as few eyes on you as possible, yknow? Ain’t gonna draw a lot of eyes in jeans and ballcap, that’s what I’m sayin’.
Villanelle: Neokitsch. I like bright colors, what can I say? And it’s nice to look nice. 
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