#Viktoria Lauterbach
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Offener Brief 25.01.2021
Sehr geehrte Professorin Dr. Auma,
wir als Studierende und Absolvent_innen der Kindheitswissenschaften möchten Ihnen hiermit öffentlich für Ihre Lehre und Forschung danken. Viele von uns durften Sie live in einem Ihrer Seminare erleben und von Ihrer fundierten Expertise profitieren.
Die Kontextualisierung von Macht und sozialen Positionierungen sowie die Situiertheit von Wissen sind zentrale Erkenntnisse, die wir in den Kindheitswissenschaften u.a. durch Sie verstehen lernen durften. Ihre wissenschaftlichen Beiträge und Analysen zu Diversity Studies bezogen auf Kindheit(en), Ihre intersektionale Forschung, die uns diskriminierungssensible Bildung in der Kindheit fortwährend verstehen und anwenden lässt, sind von großem Wert für unsere Ausbildung und unseren weiteren beruflichen Werdegang. Darüber hinaus tragen Sie mit Ihren machtkritischen Analysen dazu bei, gesellschaftliche - und demnach auch universitäre - Räume verstehen zu lernen und neu zu denken.
Für diese wegweisende Arbeit möchten wir Ihnen herzlich danken!
Die Strategie rechter Populist_innen, anerkannte Wissenschaftler_innen zu diffamieren, ist nicht neu. Dass diese haltlosen Diffamierungen sich Ihnen gegenüber als Schwarzer Frau rassistischen und sexistischen Inhalten bedienen auch nicht. Wir leben in einer Gesellschaft, in der sich solche Szenarien täglich zur Genüge abspielen. Ohne diese Tatsache aus den Augen zu verlieren, inspirieren uns Menschen, die sich für eine diskriminierungsärmere Zukunft einsetzen. Zu diesen Menschen zählen wir Sie und stehen an Ihrer Seite.
Vielen Dank für Ihre bisherige Arbeit. Wir freuen uns auf weitere erkenntnisreiche Seminare und Publikationen Ihrerseits, die unser Studium, unsere Arbeit und unser Leben bereichern.
In Verbundenheit,
Studierende und Absolvent_innen der Kindheitswissenschaften (B.A. und M.A.) der Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal sowie weitere Hochschulangehörige und Unterstützer_innen
Der Brief kann durch eine Email mit dem zu veröffentlichenden Namen an [email protected] unterzeichnet werden.
Unterzeichner_innen: Anika Noack, Annika Stark, Luisa Fischer, Stephanie Fischer, Britta Wiese, Daniela Tews, Vanessa Jahn, Viktoria Jünemann Madsen, Sally Matthes, Raimund Schütze, Mara Erdmann, Janine Rösicke, Dr. Anne-Sophie Windel, Kristin Kramer, Magda Przybylska, Patrice Jäger, Lea Mangelsdorf, Christian Heidig, Janne Riebesell, Daria Pilka, Lysann Krug, Esther Mailand, Hanna Reich, Emma Trepte, Marvin Theilig, Katharina Lauterbach, Kyra Sukop, David Iversen, Alexandra Schulz, Silvia Leitner, Jonas Khalyfa, Hannes Krischkofsky, Katrine Juel Thomassen, Jasper Ehlers, Johannes Krug, Anjuli-Marie Hecker, Franziska Schulze, Carmen Buschendorf, Silke Markgraf, Clementine E Burnley, Romy Schulze, Alexandra Blaik, Denise Mikoleit, Ann-Katrin Strobel, Jens Bornemann, Pauline Funk, Gabi Heßler-Stark, Lina Münnich, Lara Lilienthal, Daniel Frömbgen, Maria Kovács, Monique Chiyangi, Silke Markgraf, Stefanie Kummer, Annegret Keller, Annalena Otto, Annika Mordhorst, Carolin Martin, M.Simla, Monique Otto, Jens Weber, Annemarie Czinzoll, Moritz Kolbus, Jasmin Kolbus, Anja Funke, Melanie Zenk, Prof. Dr. Raimund Geene, Maxi Ines Müller, Frederike Dümpelmann, Ida M. Schwerin, Annemarie Fischer, Josefine Dettmer, Hannah Benz, Maria Elisabeth Vorwallner, Pia-Charline Brockmann, Anja Demme, Martin Leonhardt, Kerstin Seela, Henriette Quade (MdL Sachsen-Anhalt, Die Linke.), Hanna Steller, Lukas Wanke, Elisa Bönisch, Dekanin Prof. Dr. Beatrice Hungerland, Prof. Dr. Michael Klundt, Franziska Fuchs, Aliena-Sophia Mard, Maxi Helm, Annika Kleiner, Anouk Schütt, Zivilgesellschaftliches Bündnis “Herz statt Hetze Stendal”, Kamilla Goltze, John Murawa, Jelena Lischka, Wencke Grahn, Sara Ser, Anja Eggert, Rektorin Prof. Dr. Anne Lequy, Katharina Steiner, Ruben Wendrock, Prof. Dr. Katrin Reimer-Gordinskaya, Hendrik Lange (MdL Sachsen-Anhalt, Die Linke.), Prof. Dr. Susanne Borkowski, Prof. Dr. Claudia Dreke, Paulina Hammer, Pascal Begrich für Miteinander e.V. Sachsen-Anhalt, Richard Stark, Erik Benndorf, Josephin Steinau, Claudia Kipping, David Tyllack, Pascal Radowski, Flüchtlingsrat Sachsen-Anhalt e.V., Prof. Dr. Thomas Kliche, Alina Albrecht, Fachschaftsrat der Philosophischen Fakultät I der MLU Halle-Wittenberg, Sonja Lamer, Annika Köther, Prof. Dr. Josefine Heusinger, Carolin Lucke-Schurk, Stefanie Plate, Mathilde Grauer-Nottrott, Juliane Nitschke
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Ramirez, Juan Antonio
Corpus Solus
Editorial: Ediciones Siruela
"Volver dentro del cuerpo"
es la II parte de la exposición de los proyectos beneficiarios de las Ayudas Injuve para la Creación Joven en la modalidad de Artes Visuales en las líneas de producción y de movilidad, con las propuestas de los 17 jóvenes creadores beneficiarios de las Ayudas a la Creación Joven de Injuve presentadas en los últimos meses en la Sala Amadis de Madrid.
/soulevements / insurreccions
Imatges de la revolució L'exposició ‘Insurreccions’ mostra com l'art ha reflectit rebel·lions i revoltes en els últims dos segle. ...L'exposició és una idea del filòsof i historiador de l'art Georges Didi-Huberman, que fa anys que imparteix un seminari amb el mateix títol a l'Escola d'Estudis Superiors en Ciències Socials (EHESS), a París. La mostra es va gestar entre els gasos lacrimògens de la plaça de la República, a la capital francesa, a tocar d'on viu Didi-Huberman. La primavera passada, mentre ultimava aquesta mostra, eclosionava allà el moviment Nuit Debout, que va ocupar places de tot França seguint el model del 15-M espanyol. No obstant això, l'exposició no és un acte de militància, ni a favor ni en contra d'aquestes petites revolucions, de les quals no n'examina la validesa ideològica. Se cenyeix a la funció de catàleg iconogràfic que resumeix el que tota revolta ha compartit fins ara. “No hi ha judici moral, no hi ha diagnòstic ni militància. El fet important en aquesta mostra és observar la representació que ha fet l'art i la forma de pensament que vehicula”, afirma Gili...
http://cat.elpais.com/cat/2017/02/22/cultura/1487787836_901676.html http://www.elpuntavui.cat/cultura/article/19-cultura/1078447-el-mnac-crida-a-la-revolta.html
http://soulevements.jeudepaume.org/ #Insurreccions dossier: http://www.museunacional.cat/sites/default/files/dossier_insurreccions_cat_0.pdf http://www.museunacional.cat/sites/default/files/insurreccionscoberta_cat_0.pdf http://www.museunacional.cat/ca/insurreccions-2 http://www.museunacional.cat/ca/insurreccions.
https://vimeo.com/jeudepaume Art i Activisme Piotr Pavlenski 'Activismo global', el arte como herramienta para denunciar los abusos de los gobiernos http://on1.zkm.de/zkm/stories/storyReader%248501 http://www.20minutos.es/noticia/2013455/0/activismo-global/arte-protesta/exposicion/
https://www.adbusters.org/ http://yomango.net/ https://www.floatinglabcollective.com/?p=274
http://eng.partizaning.org/?p=4764 Brandalisme http://www.rehogar.net/brandalism/
https://www.radar.st/art/brandalism-propose-un-tutoriel-pour-apprendre-a-masquer-les-publicites-de-rue http://www.cccb.org/ca/activitats/fitxa/grrrls/223142?fbclid=IwAR1DuaaQLzxvwukvPNk2fFttEUtTTRsiXoLlJg-r-ss-q3X2b0_YjjVIa3A
A la seva primera exposició individual a àngels barcelona, Oliver Ressler presenta una sèrie d'obres videogràfiques, així com treballs fotogràfics, centrats al voltant dels moviments socials i formes de resistència sorgits a causa de la destrucció del clima del planeta -la base de l'existència humana- provocada pel capitalisme global. http://angelsbarcelona.com/en/program/a-rising-tide-sinks-ships/216 http://www.ressler.at/category/projects/ http://www.ressler.at/take_the_square/ altres: Adbusters Media Foundation, G.M.B. Akash, Anonymous News Germany, ATTAC, Martin Balluch, Zanny Begg, John Beieler, Bombily Group, Ángela Bonadies & Juan José Olavarría, Nadir Bouhmouch, Osman Bozkurt, Campact, Center for Artistic Activism, Chim↑Pom, Noam Chomsky, Ralf Christensen, Chto delat?, Paolo Cirio, Cyber Guerilla, Hassan Darsi, Johanna Domke & Marouan Omara, Electronic Disturbance Theater, Enmedio, Colectivo Etcetera, Everyday Rebellion, Femen, Noah Fischer, Floating Lab Collective, Freedom of the Press Foundation, Muath Freij, Isabelle Fremeaux & John Jordan, Jakob Gautel & Jason Karaïndros, Greenpeace, Stéphane M. Grueso, Ed Hall, Hedonistische Internationale, Stéphane Hessel, Niklas Hoffmann, Jim Hubbard, Indymedia, Alexey Iorsh, Just do it (Kim Asendorf & Ole Fach), Amadou Kane Sy, Thomas Kilpper, Kiss my Ba, kreativerstrassenprotest.twoday.net, Mischa Kuball, Jan Jaap Kuiper & Katja Sokolova, Sasha Kurmaz, Christopher LaMarca, Mohammed Laouli, Lynn Lauterbach, Julia Leser & Clarissa Seidel, Let’s Do It!, Viktoria Lomasko, Renzo Martens, Masasit Mati, Mikaela, Mootiro Maps, Carlos Motta, Neozoon, No TAV, occupygezipics.tumblr.com, Otpor!, Partizaning, Jean-Gabriel Périot, Platform, Pussy Riot, R.E.P., Resist, Oliver Ressler, Mykola Ridnyi, Itamar Rose & Yossi Atia, Faten Rouissi, Sandra Schäfer, Bahia Shehab, Lisa Sperling & Florian Kläger, Jonas Staal & Metahaven, Stop the Traffik, Joulia Strauss & Moritz Mattern, Stuttgart 21-Protest, Jackie Sumell, Surveillance Camera Players, Tanya Sushenkova, Aaron Swartz & Taryn Simon, Take The Square, Pelin Tan, Teatro Valle Occupato,The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest, The Yes Men, Thomson & Craighead, Patricia Triki & Christine Bruckbauer, Troika, UK Uncut, Various authors organized by Sharon Hayes with Angela Beallor, Voina, Christoph Wachter & Mathias Jud, Mark Wallinger, WANGO, wearethe99percent.tumblr.com, WikiLeaks, Alexander Wolodarskij, Yomango, Malala Yousafzai, Salam Yousri und andere Ara a Paris , al Jeu du Paume Soulevements, comissari Georges-Didi-Hubermann: Vindrà al febrer al MNAC http://museunacional.cat/ca/insurreccions http://www.jeudepaume.org/index.php?page=article&idArt=2476
http://www.humanite.fr/georges-didi-huberman-les-possibles-dune-imagination-politique-618356 http://paris-luttes.info/soulevements-la-revolte-n-est-pas-7276?lang=fr
Imatges de la revolució L'exposició ‘Insurreccions’ mostra com l'art ha reflectit rebel·lions i revoltes en els últims dos segle. ...L'exposició és una idea del filòsof i historiador de l'art Georges Didi-Huberman, que fa anys que imparteix un seminari amb el mateix títol a l'Escola d'Estudis Superiors en Ciències Socials (EHESS), a París. La mostra es va gestar entre els gasos lacrimògens de la plaça de la República, a la capital francesa, a tocar d'on viu Didi-Huberman. La primavera passada, mentre ultimava aquesta mostra, eclosionava allà el moviment Nuit Debout, que va ocupar places de tot França seguint el model del 15-M espanyol. No obstant això, l'exposició no és un acte de militància, ni a favor ni en contra d'aquestes petites revolucions, de les quals no n'examina la validesa ideològica. Se cenyeix a la funció de catàleg iconogràfic que resumeix el que tota revolta ha compartit fins ara. “No hi ha judici moral, no hi ha diagnòstic ni militància. El fet important en aquesta mostra és observar la representació que ha fet l'art i la forma de pensament que vehicula”, afirma Gili... http://cat.elpais.com/cat/2017/02/22/cultura/1487787836_901676.html http://www.elpuntavui.cat/cultura/article/19-cultura/1078447-el-mnac-crida-a-la-revolta.html
http://soulevements.jeudepaume.org/ #Insurreccions dossier: http://www.museunacional.cat/sites/default/files/dossier_insurreccions_cat_0.pdf http://www.museunacional.cat/sites/default/files/insurreccionscoberta_cat_0.pdf http://www.museunacional.cat/ca/insurreccions-2 http://www.museunacional.cat/ca/insurreccions
Diseño y activismo. Un poco de historia Aunque el tipo de causas ha variado en función de las condiciones de cada época histórica, desde el siglo XIX hasta la actualidad un buen número de diseñadores ha visto en el diseño una herramienta para transformar y mejorar el mundo...
Raquel Pelta Diseño y activismo
http://www.monografica.org/02/ Diseño y medio ambiente
Diseño y humor
actual Del 18 d'octubre de 2018 al 17 de març de 2019 68
L'exposició 68è Pop and Protestre uneix les imatges, les pel·lícules, els textos i el so d'aquesta època en una imatge d'ànim complexa. Amb al voltant de 200 objectes - icònica
https://www.mkg-hamburg.de/de/ausstellungen/aktuell/68-pop-und-protest.html https://www.mkg-hamburg.de/fileadmin/user_upload/MKG/Ausstellung/Aktuell/MKG_Flyer_1968.pdf
A la seva primera exposició individual a àngels barcelona, Oliver Ressler presenta una sèrie d'obres videogràfiques, així com treballs fotogràfics, centrats al voltant dels moviments socials i formes de resistència sorgits a causa de la destrucció del clima del planeta -la base de l'existència humana- provocada pel capitalisme global. http://angelsbarcelona.com/en/program/a-rising-tide-sinks-ships/216
moma.org/Cindy Sherman artists/5392
Franco “Bifo” Berardi
.Ana Mendieta jeudepaume.
Women Design
Sarah Ahmed “Alçar la veu”
Judith Butler
Cossos que encara importen
feminismes-exposicions-cccb artistes: Cabello/Carceller, Lúa Coderch, Lucía Egaña, Nuria Güell, ideadestroyingmuros, María Llopis, Jesús Martínez Oliva, Julia Montilla, O.R.G.I.A, Daniela Ortiz, Linda Porn, María Ruido, Anna Irina Russell i Txe Roimeser, Mireia Sallarès, Toxic Lesbian,
lucysombra. lucia-egana lucia-egana-rojas/
Comité Invisible
...kintsugi, vulnerabilitat/quotidianitat, cos, body, cuerpo, feminismes, identitat, activisme, Moma
Se progettare per Enzo Mari «è il modo migliore per evitare di essere progettati»
La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc est un film français réalisé par Carl Theodor Dreyer en 1927
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VIPs feiern Wasen anstatt Wiesn
Glamour, Promis - typisch München
©Agency People Image, Jessica Kassner Die Trachten-Party-Saison ist eröffnet! Gefühlt drei VIPs pro Quadratmeter tummelten sich am Freitagabend im Münchner „Emporio Armani Caffé“. Dort hatten Natascha Grün vom Online-Kleiderverleih dresscoded.com und Gastronom Michael Wilhelmer nach dem großen Erfolg im Vorjahr erneut zur „GlamWasen“-Party geladen. Mit dabei waren u.a. Schauspielerin Mariella Ahrens, Viktoria Lauterbach, Moderatorin Annabelle Mandeng, die Meise-Zwillinge Julia und Nina, Moderatorin Viviane Geppert und Model-Agent Peyman Amin. Gefeiert wurde nicht der baldige Start der Wiesn, sondern der Beginn des Wasen, des Stuttgarter Pendants zum Münchner Oktoberfest, das vom 22. September bis zum 8. Oktoberfest in der Schwaben-Metropole stattfindet. „Wir verleihen wie im Vorjahr während dem gesamten Wasen-Zeitraum wieder unsere Dirndl im SchwabenWelt-Zelt von Michael Wilhelmer. Die Besucherinnen können unsere Dirndl nicht nur online, sondern auch direkt vor Ort leihen. Dirndl-Leihen liegt im Trend denn die Damen möchten sich ja nicht zweimal im gleichen Outfit präsentieren, ganz egal ob Wasen- oder auch Wiesn-Besuch. Dresscoded goes Wasen – das möchten wir schon heute mit unseren Freunden in München feiern. Ich war im Vorjahr erstmals selbst dort und total begeistert. Die Stuttgarter stehen den Münchnern was das Feiern angeht keineswegs nach“, so Natascha Grün, die gemeinsam mit Michael Wilhelmer rund 200 Gäste begrüßen konnte. Viele kamen im Leih-Dirndl Schauspielerin Mariella Ahrens zum Beispiel (in „Astrid Söll“). Für sie war es der erste Auftritt auf dem Münchner Society-Parkett nach der Trennung von ihrem Freund Sebastian Esser – und somit trug sie die Schütze links – was quasi „Single“ bedeutet. „Ich bin mit Natascha Grün befreundet und unterstütze sie gerne, deshalb bin ich hier. Ich muss gestehen, dass ich es leider noch nicht zum Wasen geschafft habe. Aber ich war schon letztes Jahr hier bei der Wasen-Party und die Stimmung war toll. Ich als Berlinerin komme mir im Dirndl zwar immer ein bisschen verkleidet und wie ein Mädchen vor, liebe es aber Tracht zu tragen. Ich habe selbst vier eigene Dirndl, aber dank Dresscoded kann ich immer wieder ein neues Dirndl ausführen.“ Wie geht es ihr nah der Trennung? „Ich schaue vorwärts“, erzählte sie. „Ich komme am 16. September auch zum Münchner Oktoberfest und bin dann im November fast vier Wochen zum Theaterspielen in München: ich stehe in der Komödie im Bayerischen Hof mit dem Stück „Mirandolina“ auf der Bühne. Ich werde fast noch eine ‚kleine Münchnerin’“. lachte sie. „Ich mag diese Stadt wirklich sehr.“ Viktoria Lauterbach war zum zweiten Mal dabei. Sie kam mit ihrer Schwester Najat und beide trugen (Leih-)Dirndl von Lola Paltinger. Viktoria Lauterbach in Rosa, ihre Schwester in Blau: „Ich bin ein großer Fan vom Dirndl-Leihen“, so Viktoria Lauterbach. „So kann man immer ein neues Dirndl ausführen, ein super Service. Beim Wasen war ich leider noch nie, aber ich habe gestern das erste Mal nach längerer Zeit wieder ein Dirndl in der Hand gehabt und auf Anhieb Lust auf Tracht bekommen. Im letzten Jahr war ich nicht in der Stimmung für die Wiesn aufgrund der vielen politischen Ereignisse. Aber dieses Jahr freue ich mich darauf.“ Wo war Ehemann Heiner? „Er dreht und außerdem ist heute Fußball, das ist eher sein Ding.“ Eigens aus Berlin kam Moderatorin Annabelle Mandeng (in „Alpenherz“): „Ich schaffe es in diesem Jahr weder zur Wiesn noch zur Wasen. Ich mache im September mit meinem Freund einen dreiwöchigen Segeltörn in Griechenland. Umso mehr freue ich mich dass ich wenigstens heute einmal das Dirndl ausführen kann.“ Die Wiesn kennen in München alle, den Wasen noch nicht jeder
©Agency People Image, Jessica Kassner „Die Wiesn kennen in München alle, den Wasen noch nicht jeder. Wir haben aber jedes Jahr auch zahlreiche begeisterte Besucher aus München - Tendenz steigend. Auch wir Schwaben sind schon auf den Geschmack der glamourösen Trachten von dresscoded.com gekommen. Der Cannstatter Wasen ist nach der Wiesn das zweitgrößte Volksfest in Deutschland. Wir freuen uns sehr über die erneute Kooperation mit Natascha Grün. Denn sie sorgt für Trachten-Glamour in unserem Zelt“, so Michael Wilhelmer, der mit seiner Frau Daniela (in „Astrid Söll“) Er betreibt in Stuttgart seit 2009 das In-Zelt SchwabenWelt und seit 2015 auch das Münchner Emporio Armani Caffé in den Fünf Höfen: „Wir werden diese Party so oft hier in München feiern bis auch wirklich jeder auf dem Wasen war“, so Natascha Grün. Der Dresscode für die Damen lautete Dirndl in Rosé, Pink oder Blau und Blumenschmuck im Haar. Und die weiblichen Gäste führten zum Großteil das Leih-Dirndl aus. „Leihen ist liegt im Trend. Denn welche Frau möchte bei der Wiesn oder der Wasen dauernd im gleichen Dirndl auftauchen? Auch für die auswärtigen Gäste ist es eine wunderbare und preisgünstige Alternative. Bei uns kann man ein Dirndl schon ab 75 Euro leihen, Reinigung inklusive. Wer mag kann sein Dirndl aber auch gerne im Showroom anprobieren. Zudem bieten wir auch Dirndl-BHs, Bluse sowie den passenden Schmuck und Taschen an – also das Trachten-Rundumpaket“, so Natascha Grün. Die Meise-Zwillinge Nina und Julia kamen im Partner-Look von „Alpenherz“: „Das ist unsere erste Wasen-Veranstaltung und wir waren wirklich gespannt, ob es einen Unterschied zur Wiesn gibt. Aber die Stimmung ist genauso toll wie auf dem Oktoberfest und alle tragen Tracht. Für uns ist Leihen perfekt, denn für die Wiesn brauchen wir zahlreiche Outfits und so können wie immer die aktuellsten Modelle tragen. Am Liebsten gehen wir beide im Partnerlook - so wie heute. Nur bei den Blusen unterscheiden wir uns.“ Die Location war für diesen Abend zünftig umdekoriert worden. Michael Wilhelmer’s Gastro-Team verwöhnte die Gäste mit einem köstlichen Menü: Vorspeisenvariation „Glam Selektion“ mit getrüffeltem Hüttenkäse, Salamibrezeln, mariniertem Lachs und Rettich, zum Hauptgang Kalbstafelspitz mit Spitzkohl, Honigkarotten und Kartoffelknödeln und zum Dessert geeister Kaiserschmarren mit Aprikosen und Rumrosinen. Danach wurde bis spät nachts zu DJ Musik gefeiert. Dabei: Model-Agent Peyman Amin mit Freundin Julia Rutkowska („Wir sind seit zwei Monaten ein Paar“), Pro7-Moderatorin Viviane Geppert („Als ich vor fünf Jahren nach München kam hatte ich genau ein Dirndl im Schrank, heute sind es vier. Leihen ist eine praktische Alternative, denn in der Regel ist ein schönes Dirndl zu teuer um sich jedes Jahr ein Neues zu kaufen. Ich liebe die traditionellen Dirndl – ohne Glitzer und Chi Chi“), Martin Krug, Markus und Ulrika Gutheinz (Hotel Jungbrunn in Tirol), Sky-Moderator Gregor Teicher („Ich freue mich immer sehr über diese Einladung, denn gefeiert wird zwar die Wasen, aber es bedeutet auch, dass die Wiesn bald wieder los geht. Es ist immer eine gute Möglichkeit, das neuste Trachten-Outfit Probe zu tragen und zu schauen, ob der „Hirsch“ noch knackig sitzt“), Model Maria Imizcoz (in „Alpenherz“), Westwing-Gründerin Delia Fischer mit Schwester Jana, Schönheitsärztin Dr. Miriam Rehbein (in „Alpenherz“), Unternehmer Param Singh („Mojio“), Bloggerin Julia Haupt, Vanessa Birkenstock, Künstler Johannes Weinsheimer, uvm. |Werbung| Die neusten Wiesn-Frisuren gibt es 2017 im neuen Lifestyle-Salon in München, bei Anil Ayaksiz Friseure neu Viktualienmarkt (hier) ganzen Beitrag lesen
#Annabelle Mandeng#Astrid Söll#Julia Haupt#Lola Paltinger#Mariella Ahrens#Meise-Zwillinge Julia und Nina#Natascha Grün#Viktoria Lauterbach
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There’s a masterlist below compiled of over 1,170+ Lebanese faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. Special thanks to @folaevanakingbola for helping us out with this masterlist! If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever faceclaim or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK - examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Rosalind Elias (1929) Lebanese - singer.
Najah Salam (1931) Lebanese - singer.
Renée Roxana (1931) Argentinian [Lebanese, Syrian] - actress and screenwriter.
Hiyam Younes (1932) Lebanese - singer.
Fairuz / Nouhad Wadie' Haddad (1934) Lebanese Assyrian - singer.
Samira Tewfik (1935) Lebanese / Armenian - singer and actress.
Mariam Nour (1936) Lebanese / Armenian - tv personality.
Jacqueline Monroe (1936) Lebanese - singer.
Marlo Thomas (1937) Lebanese Maronite / Italian - actress, producer, and author.
Samira Ahmed (1938) Lebanese - actress.
Valerie Sarruf (1940) Lebanese - actress.
Terre Thomas (1942) Lebanese Maronite / Italian - actress.
Sandra Zaiter (1943) Puerto Rican [Lebanese Maronite] - actress, singer, tv host, composer, and former athlete.
Huda Haddad (1944) Lebanese - singer.
Zulma Faiad (1944) Argentinian [Lebanese] - actress, vedette, and former model.
Eman / Liz Sarkissian (1945) Lebanese, Armenian - actress.
Sona Ghazarian (1945) Lebanese, Armenian - singer.
Wanderléa / Wanderléa Charlup Boere Salim (1946) Brazilian [Lebanese] - singer and tv host.
Wanda Seux (1948) Paraguayan [Lebanese, Syrian, French] - actress, vedette, and dancer.
Liliana Abud (1948) Mexican [Lebanese] - actress and screenwriter.
Sonia Fares (1949) Lebanese - fashion designer and former beauty pageant contestant.
Aida Chalhoub (1951) Lebanese - singer.
Georgina Rizk (1953) Lebanese / Hungarian - model, socialite, and Miss Universe 1971.
Elmaz Abinader (1954) Lebanese - performer, poet, and author.
Kuh Ledesma / Maria Socorro Ledesma (1955) Lebanese, Filipina - actress, singer, model, fashion designer, and painter.
Iara Jamra (1955) Brazilian [Lebanese] - actress.
Naji Hakim (1955) Lebanese - composer and organist.
Christine Hakim / Herlina Christine Natalia Hakim (1956) Lebanese, Yemeni, Minangkabau Indonesian, Acehnese Indonesian, Javanese Indonesian, Possibly Other - actress and producer.
Majida El Roumi (1956) Lebanese - singer.
Kathy Najimy (1957) Lebanese - actress.
Astrid Hadad (1957) Mexican [Lebanese] - actress and performing artist.
Callie Khouri (1957) Lebanese, Syrian / French, German, English - director, producer, and screenwriter.
Sandra Shamas (1957) Lebanese - actress, comedian, director, producer, and writer.
Arsinée Khanjian (1958) Lebanese, Armenian - actress and producer.
Sonia Abrão (1958) Brazilian [Lebanese, Possibly Other] - tv presenter and writer.
Jane Wiedlin (1958) Lebanese, Syrian / German, Swiss - singer-songwriter, guitarist, and actress.
Inaya Jaber (1958) Lebanese - writer, artist and singer.
Catarina Abdala (1959) Brazilian [Lebanese] - actress.
Catherine Keener (1959) Lebanese / English, Scottish, German - actress.
Nadia Sahari (1960) Lebanese, Italian, French - producer.
Dalida Rahme (1960) Lebanese - singer.
Astrid Achi (1961) Ecuadorian [Lebanese, Possibly Other] - singer.
Adrienne Maloof (1961) Lebanese, Irish - businessperson, tv personality, and shoe designer.
Madeleine Tabar (1961) Lebanese - actress.
Marie Sleiman (1961) Lebanese - singer.
Amy Yasbeck (1962) Lebanese / Irish - actress.
Rose Abdoo (1962) Lebanese / Dominican - actress and comedian.
Misty McNichol (1962) Lebanese / Irish - actress, singer, comedian, and producer.
Doris Younane (1963) Lebanese - actress.
Mary Zilba (1963) Lebanese / French - singer and tv personality.
Carmen Lebbos (1963) Lebanese - actress.
Joelle Khoury (1963) Lebanese - pianist and composer.
Alejandra Darín (1964) Argentinian [Syrian, Lebanese, Italian] - actress.
Pascale Sakr (1964) Lebanese Maronite - singer.
Ana Zins (1964) Lebanese, Dutch, English / Spanish - director.
Yamila Cafrune (1965) Argentinian [Syrian, Lebanese, possibly other] - singer.
May Nasr (1965) Lebanese - singer and musician.
Péri Cochin / Périhane Chalabi Cochin (1965) Lebanese, Iraqi - tv host.
Malu Mäder / Maria de Lourdes da Silveira Mäder (1966) Brazilian [Lebanese, Portuguese, Luxembourgian] - actress.
Elizabeth Kenner (1966) Lebanese / English, Scottish, German - actress.
Lili Estefan / Liliana Del Carmen Estefan García (1966) Cuban [Lebanese, Spanish, Galician / Unspecified] - model and tv host.
Oumeima El Khalil (1966) Lebanese - singer.
Badi Assad (1966) Brazilian [Lebanese / Unspecified Other] - singer-songwriter, guitarist, and percussionist.
Najwa Karam (1966) Lebanese - singer and songwriter
Gricel Mamery / Gricel Mamery Muñoz (1967) Puerto Rican [Lebanese / Unspecified] - tv host and comedian.
Natasha Hovey (1967) Lebanese - actress.
Pascale Machaalani (1967) Lebanese - singer.
Maisara (1967) Lebanese / Egyptian - actress.
Dad Dáger (1967) Venezuelan [Lebanese, Possibly Other] - actress and singer.
Julia Boutros (1968) Lebanese / Palestinian, Armenian - singer.
Mona Abou Hamze (1968) Lebanese Druze - TV personality and presenter.
Susana Harp (1968) Mexican [Lebanese / Mixe] - singer.
Julie Nesrallah (1968) Lebanese - actress, singer, and radio host.
Khrystyne Haje (1968) Lebanese / Polish - actress.
Najwa Qassem (1968) Lebanese - tv presenter.
Darina Al Joundi (1968) Lebanese / Syrian - actress.
Nancy Dupláa (1969) Argentinian [Lebanese, possibly other] - actress.
Joana Hadjithomas (1969) Lebanese - director.
Luciana Gimenez (1969) Brazilian [Lebanese, Spanish, Portuguese, possibly other] - model and tv host.
Tania Saleh (1969) Lebanese - singer.
Karol Sakr (1969) Lebanese Maronite - singer.
Gariné Torossian (1970) Lebanese, Armenian - filmmaker.
Amani / Angel Nabil Ayoub (1970) Lebanese - actress, dancer, choreographer, and teacher.
Paola Turbay (1970) Colombian [1/8 Lebanese, 7/8 Spanish] - actress, model, tv presenter, and Miss Colombia 1991.
Barbara Abdeni Massaad (1970) Lebanese - tv host, blogger, photographer, author, and food consultant.
Myriam Klink (1970) Lebanese, Serbian - model and singer.
Tiffany / Tiffany Darwish (1971) Lebanese, Syrian / Cherokee, Irish - singer-songwriter and actress.
Elissa / Elissar Zakaria Khoury (1971) Lebanese / Syrian - singer.
Ward El Khal (1971) Lebanese - actress.
Janie Haddad Tompkins (1972) Lebanese, Irish - actress.
Nawal Al Zoghbi (1972) Lebanese - singer.
Ghada Shbeir (1972) Lebanese - singer.
Hiba Kawas (1972) Lebanese - singer.
Hiba Al Kawas (1972) Lebanese - singer.
Kerri Kasem (1972) Lebanese Druze / Unspecified - tv personality and radio personality.
Joumana Kidd (1972) Lebanese - actress and journalist.
Viktoria Lauterbach (1972) Lebanese - actress.
Carole Samaha (1972) Lebanese - singer, actress, and performer.
Madeline Matar (1972) Lebanese - singer.
May Hariri (1972) Lebanese - singer and actress.
Shannon Elizabeth (1973) Lebanese, Syrian / English, Irish, German - actress and former model.
Dina Azar (1973) Lebanese - Miss Lebanon 1995.
Hilda Khalife / Hilda Moudabbar (1973) Lebanese Maronite - model and tv presenter.
Viviane Ndour (1973) Lebanese / Mauritanian, Malian - singer.
Dania Khatib (1973) Lebanese - singer.
Coraima Torres (1973) Venezuelan [Lebanese, Possibly Other] - actress.
Sabine Nahas (1973) Lebanese - model and Miss Internet Asia 2001.
Noura Rahal (1973) Lebanese / Syrian - singer.
Bassima / Paula Al Turk (1973) Lebanese - singer.
Senta Moses (1973) Lebanese / Italian - actress.
Ana María Orozco (1973) Colombian [Lebanese, Possibly Other] - actress.
Razan Moughrabi (1973) Lebanese - singer, actress, and TV presenter.
Jillian Michaels (1974) 1/2 Lebanese, Syrian, 1/4 Italian, 1/8 Russian Jewish, 1/8 Austrian Jewish - tv personality, author, and personal trainer.
Nadine Naous (1974) Lebanese - director, screenwriter and actress.
Isabel Bayrakdarian (1974) Lebanese, Armenian - singer.
Aline Khalaf (1974) Lebanese - singer.
Rima Khcheich (1974) Lebanese - singer.
Alissar Caracalla (1974) Lebanese - dancer, choreographer, dance instructor, and art director.
Clauda Chemaly (1974) Lebanese - singer.
Marwa (1974) Lebanese - singer.
Nicole Saba / Nicole Chaba Elias (1974) Lebanese / Armenian - actress and singer.
Chenoa / Chenoa María Laura Corradini Falomir (1975) Argentinian [1/4 Lebanese, 1/4 Italian, 1/4 Basque, 1/4 Spanish] - singer.
Nadine Labaki (1975) Lebanese - actress and director.
Grace Deeb (1975) Lebanese - singer.
Sam Doumit / Samia Doumit (1975) Lebanese, Jewish, Irish, French, German - actress.
Roobz / Rouba / Rouba Zeidan (1975) Lebanese - singer.
Daniella Semaan (1975) Lebanese - instagrammer (daniellasemaan).
Ralana / Fadia Dirawi (1975) Lebanese, Palestinian - singer, songwriter, record producer and DJ.
Nada Abou Farhat (1976) Lebanese - actress.
Yamila Díaz / Yamila Díaz-Rahi (1976) Argentinian [1/4 Lebanese, 3/4 Spanish] - model.
Roula Chamieh (1976) Lebanese - actress and comedian.
Kym Marsh / Kym Ryder / Kym Lomas / Kimberley Marsh (1976) Lebanese / English - actress and singer-songwriter.
Marwan Naji (1976) Lebanese - actor, producer and director.
Mayssam Nahas (1976) Lebanese - singer.
Kenya Mori (1976) Uruguayan [Lebanese, Japanese, Basque, Spanish], some Mexican - actress.
Mireille Safa (1976) Lebanese - actress.
Laura Khalil (1976) Lebanese - singer.
Maya Nasry (1976) Lebanese - actress.
Ana Roces (1976) Lebanese, Filipina - actress, singer, and tv presenter.
Katia Kaady (1976) Lebanese - actress, tv presenter, and Miss Lebanon 1998 First Runner-Up.
Diana Haddad (1976) Lebanese Arab / Lebanese Maronite - singer, tv personality, and producer.
Joanna Mallah (1976) Lebanese - singer.
Yasmine Hamdan (1976) Lebanese - singer-songwriter and actress.
Maya Nasri / Maya Asmar (1976) Lebanese - singer and actress.
Paula Sharim (1977) Chilean [Lebanese Jewish, Egyptian Jewish, possibly other] - actress.
Joyce Chamaoun (1977) Lebanese - actress.
Carla Rahal (1977) Lebanese / Bulgarian - actress.
Nour / Marian Farid Abi Habib (1977) Lebanese - actress.
Michelle Buteau (1977) African-Haitian, some Lebanese / French, African-Jamaican - comedian, actress and podcast host.
Rima Maktabi (1977) Lebanese - tv presenter.
Joelle Mardinian (1977) 1/4 Lebanese, 1/4 Syrian, 1/4 Armenian, 1/4 Italian - tv host and makeup artist.
Amal Hijazi (1977) Lebanese - singer.
Cyrine Abdelnour (1977) Lebanese, Greek - singer, actress, and model.
Elissa / Elissar Zakaria Khoury (1977) Lebanese / Syrian - singer.
Raya Abirached (1977) Lebanese - tv presenter, tv personality, and producer.
Bibelot Mansur (1978) Lebanese / Mexican - actress.
Clarice Assad / Clarice Vasconcelos da Cunha Assad Simão (1978) Brazilian [1/4 Lebanese, 3/4 Unspecified Other] - singer, pianist, composer, arranger, and orchestrator.
Natalie Saleeba (1978) Lebanese - actress.
Mariam Ghani (1978) Lebanese / Pashtun Afghan - filmmaker and multimedia artist.
Rola Saad (1978) Lebanese - singer and model.
Bárbara Mori (1978) Uruguayan [Lebanese, Japanese, Basque, Spanish], some Mexican - actress, model, producer, and writer.
Nathalie Sader (1978) Lebanese - instagrammer (nathaliesader).
Amal Clooney (1978) Lebanese Druze - writer.
Maguy Bou Ghosn (1979) Lebanese - actress.
Re-Mi Bendali (1979) Lebanese - singer.
Dana Hamdan (1979) Lebanese, Palestinian, Jordanian - actress.
Nelly Makdessy (1979) Lebanese - singer, songwriter, record producer, instrumentalist and model.
Rindala Kodeih (1979) Lebanese / Unspecified - director, actress and producer.
Hala Shiha (1979) Lebanese / Egyptian - actress.
Darine Hamze (1979) Lebanese - actress.
Carole Ammoun (1979) Lebanese - actress and writer.
Nadine Al Rassi (1979) Lebanese - actress.
Nadine Saab (1979) Lebanese - singer.
Nadina Zarifeh (1979) Lebanese - singer.
Tulip Joshi (1979) Lebanese / Gujarati Indian - actress.
Petra Yared / Petra Jared (1979) Lebanese - actress
Juliana Paes (1979) Brazilian [Portuguese, African, Indigenous], some Syrian, Lebanese - actress and model.
Joelle Behlok (1979) Lebanese - fashion designer, tv presenter, actress, and winner of the Miss Lebanon 1997.
Tamar Vezirian (1979) Lebanese - actress.
Clemence Achkar (1979) Lebanese - Miss International Lebanon 1999.
Verónica Orozco (1979) Colombian [Lebanese, Possibly Other] - actress and singer.
Nadja Haddad (1980) Brazilian [Lebanese] - actress, tv presenter, dancer, and journalist.
Dolly Shahine (1980) Lebanese / Brazilian - former singer, actress, and fashion designer.
Jenna Dewan / Jenna Dewan-Tatum (1980) Lebanese, Polish / German, English - actress and dancer.
Viviane Mrad (1980) Lebanese - singer.
Cristina Abuhazi (1980) Venezuelan [Lebanese] - actress, model, and tv host.
Katee Sackhoff (1980) 1/16 Lebanese, Syrian, 1/4 Luxembourgian, 11/16 Irish, English, German - actress.
Naty Botero / Natalia Botero (1980) Colombian [Lebanese, Possibly Other] - singer and model.
Cynthya Karam (1980) Lebanese - singer.
Abeer Nehme (1980) Lebanese - singer.
Lamitta Frangieh (1980) Lebanese - actress, former beauty pageant contestant and fashion model.
Dominique Hourani (1980) Lebanese - recording artist, actress, beauty queen, and former top model.
Christina Sawaya (1980) Lebanese - model and Miss International 2002.
Maya Diab (1980) Lebanese - singer, entertainer, actress, and tv personality.
Valerie Domínguez (1981) Colombian [Lebanese / Unspecified] - actress, model, Miss Colombia 2005, and fashion designer.
Katia Khatchadourian (1980) Lebanese - actress.
Diala Makki (1981) Lebanese / Iranian - tv host, media personality, and journalist.
Aline Lahoud (1981) Lebanese - singer.
Majida Issa (1981) Colombian [Lebanese, Italian] - actress and singer.
Darine Hadchiti (1981) Lebanese - singer.
Sabrina Sato (1981) Brazilian [Japanese / Lebanese, Swiss] - tv presenter.
Elsa Zgheib (1981) Lebanese - actress.
Carla Haddad (1981) Lebanese - actress and tv host.
Bethany Kehdy (1981) Lebanese / Unspecified - Miss World Lebanon 2002, culinary expert and cookbook author.
Darine Chahine (1981) Lebanese - tv host and tv personality.
Mais Hamdan (1982) Lebanese, Palestinian, Jordanian - actress, singer, and tv personality.
Tamara Jaber (1982) Lebanese / Unspecified White - singer-songwriter and dancer.
Adriana Tarud (1982) Colombian [Lebanese / Unspecified] - model and Miss Colombia 2004.
Sandra Rizk (1982) Lebanese - Miss Lebanon 2000 and TV presenter.
Nadia Buari (1982) Lebanese / Ghanaian - actress.
Liz Kouri (1982) Lebanese / Unknown - actress, dancer, and elite gymnast.
Dina Hayek / Collet Bou Gergis (1982) Lebanese / Syrian - singer.
Marcelle Bittar / Marcelle Bittar de Almeida (1982) Brazilian [Lebanese, Portuguese] - model.
Layal Abboud (1982) Lebanese - singer, folk music entertainer, sound-lyric poet, concert dancer, and fit model.
Melissa / Myriam Shehab (1982) Lebanese, Iraqi - singer.
Rouwaida Attieh (1982) Lebanese, Syrian - singer.
Samia Ghadie / Samia Maxine Longchambon (1982) Lebanese, French / English - actress.
Nancy Ajram (1983) Lebanese / Palestinian Arab - singer.
Tammin Sursok (1983) Lebanese, Unspecified Other - actress and singer.
Nancy Nasrallah (1983) Lebanese - singer.
Yara / Carla Nazih al-Berkashi (1983) Lebanese - singer.
Lolita Chammah (1983) Lebanese, Italian / Hungarian Jewish, Slovakian Jewish, German Jewish, Austrian Jewish, French Jewish, French - actress.
Mai Selim (1983) Lebanese, Palestinian, Jordanian - actress and singer.
Daniella Sarahyba (1984) Brazilian [Lebanese / Spanish (including Galician), Portuguese, possibly other] - model.
Mashael (1984) Lebanese - singer.
Nourhanne (1984) Lebanese, Armenian - singer.
Nancy Afyouny (1984) Lebanese - singer.
Rola Yammout (1984) Lebanese / Egyptian - actress.
Sheila Scribner (1984) Lebanese, Possibly Other - singer-songwriter and voice over artist.
Amelia Vega (1984) Dominican [Lebanese, Cuban, Spanish, English] - actress, singer, model, and Miss Universe 2003.
Lara Maria Kay (1984) Lebanese - singer, model, and youtuber.
Nadine Nassib Njeim (1984) Lebanese / Tunisian - actress and Miss Lebanon 2004.
Valeska Saab (1984) Ecuadorian [Lebanese, Spanish] - model and Miss World Ecuador 2007.
Darine (1984) Lebanese / Romanian - singer-songwriter.
Kinda Hassan (1984) Lebanese - director.
Serina Krawczyk (1984) Lebanese / Unspecified - director, writer and producer.
Layla Iskandar (1984) Lebanese - singer.
Celeste Thorson (1984) 1/8 Lebanese, Syrian, 1/4 Korean, 3/16 Mexican [Mescalero Apache, Spanish], 7/16 Scottish, Irish, English - actress, model, and screenwriter.
Susie Youssef (1984) Lebanese - actress, comedian, and writer.
Hana Shiha (1985) Lebanese / Egyptian - actress.
Gabrielle Bou Rached (1985) Lebanese - actress, model, and Miss Lebanon 2005.
Jamie Gray Hyder (1985) Lebanese / German, English, Scottish - actress and model.
Maria Nalbandian (1985) Lebanese, Armenian - singer.
Rebecca Simonsson (1985) Lebanese Assyrian, Syrian Assyrian / Greek - singer, model, blogger, and designer.
Rima Fakih (1985) Lebanese - actress, model, professional wrestler, and Miss USA 2010.
Carolina Guerra (1986) Colombian [Lebanese, Possibly Other] - actress, model, and tv presenter.
Rima Ostwani Najjar (1986) Lebanese - model.
Sabrina Houssami (1986) Lebanese / Indian - actress, model, and Miss Australia 2006.
Hanine El Alam (1986) Lebanese - violinist.
Nanda Costa / Fernanda Costa Campos Cotote (1986) Brazilian [1/4 Lebanese, 3/4 Unspecified Other] - actress.
Malikah / Lynn Fattouh (1986) Lebanese - rapper.
Dolly Ayash (1986) Lebanese - TV host.
Elise Edwards (1986) Lebanese, Sicilian, Scottish, Welsh - actress, writer and comedian.
Sara Al Hani (1986) Lebanese - singer.
Xriss Jor (1986) Lebanese - singer and artist.
Juliet Ibrahim (1986) Lebanese / Liberian, Ghanaian - actress, singer, and producer.
Karen Wazen Bakhazi (1986) Lebanese - instagrammer (karenwazenb).
Yrahid Leylanni (1986) Mexican [Lebanese] - actress.
Sandy Farah Hakim (1986) Lebanese - actress and tv presenter.
Bruna Abdullah (1986) Brazilian [Lebanese / Italian, Portuguese] - actress.
Kamar / Kamar Al Tahech (1986) Lebanese - singer and artist.
Annabella Hilal (1986) Lebanese - model and TV presenter.
Rita Hayek (1987) Lebanese - actress.
Brigitte Yaghi (1987) Lebanese - singer.
May Matar (1987) Lebanese - singer and director.
Serene Assaad (1987) Lebanese, Thai - instagrammer (sereneassaad).
Hiba Dagher (1987) Lebanese - actress and model.
Manel Mallat (1987) Lebanese - singer.
Yasmin Mitri (1987) Brazilian [Lebanese / Unknown] - actress.
Ahed Ghraizy Otrok (1987) Lebanese - model and Miss Elegance Lebanon 2007.
Rita El Hajj (1987) Lebanese - instagrammer (elhagerita).
Hiba Tawaji (1987) Lebanese / Palestinian - singer, actress, and director.
Maya Nehme (1987) Lebanese - singer.
Bárbara de Regil (1987) Mexican [Lebanese, possibly other] - actress.
Aim��e Sayah (1987) Lebanese - actress and tv personality.
Nour El-Refai (1987) Lebanese, Syrian - actress and comedian.
Dana Halabi (1987) Lebanese - actress and singer.
Taliana Vargas (1987) Colombian [Lebanese, Greek, Italian, Possibly Other] - actress, model, tv personality, and Miss Colombia 2007.
Stephanie Saliba (1987) Lebanese - actress and presenter.
Cristina Vee / Cristina Valenzuela (1987) Lebanese, Mexican, Unspecified Native American - actress and director.
Dalida Khalil (1987) Lebanese - actress.
Hayet Rida (1988) Lebanese / Ghanaian - model and blogger.
Jowy Khoury (1988) Lebanese - actress.
Rahaf Abdallah (1988) Lebanese - model, tv personality, and Miss Lebanon 2010.
Sabine / Sabine Fouchaux (1988) Lebanese / French - singer.
Nadine Njeim / Nadine Wilson Njeim (1988) Lebanese - Miss Lebanon 2007.
Alanna Masterson (1988) Lebanese / Irish - actress.
Nour Hage (1988) Lebanese - fashion designer.
Tania Safi (1988) Lebanese - filmmaker and ex-buzzfeed employee.
Nayer / Nayer Regalado (1988) Cuban [Lebanese, Brazilian, Spanish, possibly other] - singer.
Graziella Kamel (1988) Lebanese - tv host, MC, and writer.
Mariam Hassan (1988) Lebanese - actress.
Stephanie Siriwardhana (1988) Lebanese / Sinhalese Sri Lankan - model and Miss Sri Lanka 2011.
Nelly Maatouk (1988) Lebanese - singer.
Jessy Abdo (1988) Lebanese - actress.
Rosarita Tawil (1988) Lebanese - Miss Lebanon 2008.
Jessica Kahawaty (1988) Lebanese - model, Miss World Australia 2012, and tv host.
Nadia Aboulhosn (1988) Lebanese Druze / Unspecified White - model, fashion blogger, and clothing designer.
Pamela El Kik (1988) Lebanese - actress.
Sahar Khalil (1988) Lebanese - youtuber (Sahar khalil سحر خليل).
Houria Radwan (1988) Lebanese - instagrammer (houriaradwan).
Natasha Choufani (1989) Lebanese - actress.
Saly Greige (1989) Lebanese - model and Miss Lebanon 2014.
Edy Ganem / Edurne Ganem (1989) Mexican [Lebanese, possibly other] - actress.
Mayssa Karaa (1989) Lebanese - singer and pianist.
Sally Greige (1989) Lebanese - model and Miss Lebanon 2014.
Yasmien Kurdi / Yasmien Yuson Soldevilla (1989) Lebanese, Kurdish / Chinese, Filipina - actress, singer-songwriter, and model.
Mirna Tahan (1989) Lebanese - model.
Kristina Maria / Kristina Maria Chalhoub (1989) Lebanese - singer-songwriter.
Jamillette Gaxiola (1989) Mexican [Lebanese] / Cuban [Lebanese] - model and Miss Earth Cuba 2009.
Ghina Daou (1989) Lebanese - actress and director.
Feryal Fayad (1989) Lebanese - instagrammer (feryalfayad).
Joanna Hausmann (1990) Venezuelan [Lebanese Jewish, German Jewish] - actress, comedian, and writer.
Elaine Khawand (1990) Lebanese - actress and tv host.
Hanan Tehaili (1990) Lebanese - youtuber.
Laëtitia Eïdo (1990) Lebanese / French - actress.
Samia Halabi (1990) Lebanese - actress.
Kat Dahlia / Kat Hue / Katriana Huguet (1990) Cuban [Lebanese / Unspecified] - singer-songwriter and rapper.
Deyana Mounira (1990) Lebanese - instagrammer (deyana_mounira).
Rima Zeidan (1990) Lebanese / Taiwanese - actress, model, and tv presenter.
Daniella Rahme (1990) Lebanese - actress, tv host, and Miss Lebanon Emigrant 2010.
Martine Andraos (1990) Lebanese - Miss Lebanon 2009.
Lana El Sahely (1990) Lebanese - instagrammer (lanaelsahely).
Murielle Telio (1990) Lebanese, Jewish, Italian, Spanish, French, Lithuanian - actress.
Rasha Khatib (1990) Lebanese - tv host.
Abir Nameh (1990) Lebanese - singer.
Gabbie Hanna / Gabrielle Hanna (1991) Lebanese, Syrian, Slovak, Polish, French, German, possibly other - actress, singer-songwriter, youtuber, comedian, and author.
Claudia Doumit (1991) Lebanese, Italian, possibly Unspecified Indigenous Australian - actress and producer.
Karen Ghrawi (1991) Lebanese - designer, model and Miss Lebanon 2013.
Nicole Sabouné / Amanda Marina Nicole Sabouné (1991) Lebanese, French / Swedish - singer-songwriter.
Constanza Báez (1991) Ecuadorian [1/4 Lebanese, 3/4 Unspecified] - model and Miss Ecuador 2013.
Rina Chibany (1991) Lebanese - model and Miss Lebanon 2012.
Zahraa Ghandour (1991) Lebanese / Iraqi - actress and tv presenter.
Lea Makhoul (1991) Lebanese, French - singer.
Nadine Abdel Aziz (1991) Lebanese - model and reality tv star.
Bianca Vitale (1991) Lebanese / Italian - actress.
Farrah Laurel Abraham (1991) Syrian, Lebanese, Italian - actress and reality star.
Lara Zeidan (1991) Lebanese, Unspecified - filmmaker.
Sarina al-Sha’ar (1991 or 1992) Lebanese - Miss Big Arabian Beauty 2015.
Naya / Nibal (1992) Lebanese - singer.
Christina Karam Ramia (1992) Lebanese / French - tv personality.
Manal Issa (1992) Lebanese - actress.
Jessy Mendiola (1992) Filipina / Lebanese, British - actress.
Cynthia Khalifeh (1992) Lebanese - actress and tv personality.
Mira Al-Toufaily (1992) Lebanese - model and Miss World Lebanon 2018.
Roselyn Ashkar (1992) Lebanese, Ghanaian - model.
Yara Khoury-Mikhael (1992) Lebanese - model and Miss Lebanon 2011.
Sarah Jorge León (1992) Dominican [Lebanese, Canarian, Cuban, Venezuelan, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, French] - actress.
Valerie Abou Chacra (1992) Lebanese - actress, radio announcer, model and Miss Lebanon 2015.
Stephanie Karam / Stephanie Dash Karam (1992) Mexican [Lebanese] - model, makeup artist, and Miss International Lebanon 2016.
Nina Abdel Malak (1992) Lebanese - singer.
Mikaella Boulos (1992) Lebanese, Greek Cypriot - actress.
Guinwa Zeineddine (1992) Lebanese - model, Miss Arab USA 2014, and tv host.
Stephanie Atala (1993) Lebanese / French - actress.
Mia Khalifa (1993) Lebanese - social media personality, webcam model, sports commentator, and former porn actress.
Sofia Carson (1993) Colombian [Lebanese, Syrian, Palestinian Arab, Spanish, possibly other], possibly English - actress and singer.
Lillian Safa (1993) Lebanese - instagrammer (lilliansafa).
Christina Khalil (1993) Lebanese, Russian - youtuber.
Reyan Abdallah / Reyan Haidar Abdallah (1993) Lebanese - instagrammer (reysignatureblog).
Shiraz (1993) Lebanese - singer and beauty pageant contestant.
Dima Safi (1993) Lebanese - model and Miss International Lebanon 2017.
Rasha Sarkis / Rasha Khawly Sarkis (1993) Lebanese - instagrammer (rashakhawly).
Jiana Ghantous (1993) Lebanese - singer and musician.
Nura Afia (1993) Moroccan / Lebanese, Swiss - youtuber.
Maya Ahmad (1993) Lebanese - instagrammer (themayaahmad).
Haya Maraachli (1994) Lebanese, Syrian - actress.
Emily Estefan (1994) Cuban [Lebanese, Spanish, Galician / Asturian, Castilian] - singer-songwriter.
Natasha Sabeh (1994) Lebanese - singer.
Maha Haider (1994) Lebanese - instagrammer (mahahaider).
Sarina Cross / Sarine Sagherian (1994) Lebanese, Armenian - singer.
Habiba Da Silva (1994) Lebanese, Syrian / Brazilian [Unspecified North African, Unspecified West African, Unspecified Indigenous Brazilian, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian] - youtuber (Habiba Da Silva) and instagrammer (lifelongpercussion).
Nadine Asmar (1994) Lebanese - director.
Daniela Banikova (1995) Lebanese / Slovakian - youtuber and filmmaker.
Rachel Younan (1995) Lebanese - model and Miss International Lebanon 2018.
Gabriela Tafur (1995) Colombian [Lebanese] - model and Miss Colombia 2019.
Perla Helou (1995) Lebanese - model and Miss Lebanon 2017.
Laura González (1995) Colombian [Lebanese, Possibly Other] - actress, model, and Miss Colombia 2017.
Iman Othman (1995) Lebanese - instagrammer (imanothman).
Maya Reaidy (1995) Lebanese / Russian - model and Miss Lebanon 2018.
Cynthia Samuel (1995) Lebanese - actress, model, and Miss Universe Lebanon 2015.
Amina Sabbah (1995) Lebanese / German - model and Miss World Germany 2013.
Darin Al Bayed (1995) Lebanese - instagrammer (darin00013).
Sandy Tabet (1995) Lebanese - model and Miss Lebanon 2016.
Nat Weaves / Natalie Weaver (1996) Lebanese, Choctaw, French - singer and instagrammer (natweaves).
Laila Abdallah (1996) Lebanese - actress.
De'Laila Johnson (1996) Lebanese, Nigerian - Youtuber.
Rania Abdulla (1996) Lebanese / Bahraini - instagrammer (raniaabdulla9).
Sasha Elijah (1997) Lebanese - model and performer. - Trans!
Maritta Hallani (1997) Lebanese - singer.
Foreign Doll (1997) Lebanese / Persian Iranian, Azerbaijani, Armenian - youtuber.
Rayyan (1997) Lebanese - model (instagram: anotherarabgurl1).
Jana Sader (1997) Lebanese - model and Miss Universe Lebanon 2017.
Fit with Heba (1997) Lebanese - instagrammer (protein_babe).
Nadia Azzi (1998) Lebanese / Japanese - pianist.
Mabelle Chedid (1998) Lebanese - singer and dancer.
Natalie Sallaum (1998) Lebanese, Chilean, Swiss - instagrammer (nataliesallaum).
Karen Maalouf (1999) Lebanese - instagrammer (karenmaalouf_).
Amar Sibai (1999 or 2000) Lebanese - instagrammer (amarsibai).
Mika Abdalla (2000) Lebanese, Bulgarian, Greek, German - actress.
Josie Jay Totah (2001) Palestinian Arab / Lebanese Arab, Italian, Irish, German - actress, singer, and comedian. - Trans!
Rebecca Yammine (2002) Lebanese - instagrammer (rebeccayamm).
Yuliana Naim (2003) Lebanese, Mexican Dutch - actress.
Leen El Hayek (2003) Lebanese - singer.
Nicole Chamoun (?) Lebanese - actress.
Hollie Shay (?) Lebanese, Syrian, Turkish, Greek, Italian, Irish - actress.
Ranin El Sha'ar (?) Lebanese - singer.
Natacha Karam (?) Lebanese, French / Irish - actress.
Cynthia Karam (?) Lebanese - actress and singer.
Dawn Elder (?) Lebanese / Palestinian, possibly other - pianist, impresario, composer, producer, and promoter.
Maya Moussa (?) Lebanese - instagrammer (maya_b_moussa).
Jeannette Pualuan (?) Chilean [Lebanese, possibly other] - singer-songwriter.
Layal Ghosn (?) Lebanese - instagrammer (layalghosn).
Alexandra Ayoob (?) Lebanese, Syrian - actress and singer.
Christine Said (?) Lebanese - singer.
Samar Khoury (?) Lebanese / Congolese - actress, model, and dancer.
Ingrid Bawab (?) Lebanese - singer.
Hana Chamoun (?) Lebanese / Palestinian, possibly other - actress.
Niam Itani (?) Lebanese - filmmaker.
Lina Hayek (?) Lebanese, Palestinian - actress.
Zeina Makki (?) Lebanese - director.
Italia Toochi Kash (?) Lebanese, Cuban, Egyptian - actress, social media personality.
Diana Sharaneq (?) Lebanese - singer.
Kimberly McFarland (?) Lebanese, Italian, German, French, Scottish, Irish, Czechoslovakian - actress.
Fatima Haidar (?) Lebanese - instagrammer (exoticarabian).
Allyssa Barley (?) Lebanese, English, Irish, Jewish - actress.
Cynthia Farah (?) Lebanese - model and Miss International Lebanon 2015.
Layal Badaro (?) Lebanese, Unspecified - actress.
Mia Haddad (?) Lebanese - singer.
Hollie Shay (?) Lebanese, Syrian, Turkish, Greek, Italian, Irish - actress and producer.
Sara Boutine (?) Lebanese - actress.
Emma Apgar (?) Palestinian Arab, Jordanian, Lebanese, Iranian, Iraqi / Polish, Lithuanian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Unspecified Native American - actress.
Yumna Marwan (?) Lebanese - actress and director.
Rima Haddad (?) Lebanese - actress.
Vixen Romeo / Julia D. Romeo (?) Lebanese, Irish, Scottish - singer-songwriter, model, and dancer.
Lydia Canaan (?) Lebanese - singer-songwriter.
Nawal Ayoub (?) Colombian [Lebanese] - model and Miss Earth Lebanon 2014.
Joumana Kayrouz (?) Lebanese - actress.
Maxine Denis (?) Lebanese / Unspecified - actress.
Matia Karrell (?) Lebanese - director.
Christine Uhebe (?) Brazilian [Lebanese, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese] - actress.
Jennifer Chahoud (?) Lebanese - Miss Arab USA 2010.
Sarah Karjian (?) Lebanese / Swedish - actress.
Joyce El-Khoury (?) Lebanese - singer.
Sophia Eleni (?) Lebanese, Cypriot, British, Italian - actress and singer.
Raya Meddine / Rana Alamuddin (?) Lebanese - actress, tv host, and writer.
Natalie Nasr (?) Lebanese, Danish - actress, director and writer.
Doris Saba (?) Lebanese - filmmaker, writer and producer.
Rayanna Dibs (?) Lebanese, British - actress.
Isis Kiwen (?) Mexican [Lebanese] - writer and producer.
Carol Abboud (?) Lebanese - actress and producer.
Ruba Zarour (?) Lebanese, Unspecified - actress.
Azizi Donnelly (?) Lebanese, Irish, German - actress.
Marie-Lou Nahhas (?) Lebanese - actress and model.
Amanda Abizaid (?) Lebanese, Mexican / Unspecified White - singer-songwriter.
Laila Debs (?) Lebanese - casting director, talent agent, theatre director and producer.
Jeanemarie Almulla (?) Lebanese, Brazilian - actress, singer and model.
Eimanne Zein (?) Lebanese - actress and model.
Rina Mimoun (?) Lebanese, Tunisian - producer and writer.
Marwa Khalil (?) Lebanese - actress.
Noor Gharzeddine (?) Lebanese - filmmaker.
Marie-Ann Umali (?) Lebanese, Filipina / Unspecified - model and Miss World Philippines 2009.
Suzanne Salhaney (?) Lebanese - actress.
Elizabeth Ayoub (?) Venezuelan [Lebanese] - actress and singer.
Nada Zeidan (?) Lebanese - model, archer, and roadracer.
Chantale Hannouch (?) Lebanese - director.
Nadia Dean (?) Lebanese / Unspecified - director.
Amber Fares (?) Lebanese - filmmaker, cinematographer, director, and documentarian.
Mia Soteriou (?) Lebanese / Greek - actress and musician.
Cynthia Moukarzel (?) Lebanese - actress, model, fashion designer, and Miss International Lebanon 2012.
Rouba Khoury / Rouba El Khoury (?) Lebanese - singer.
Jude Chehab (?) Lebanese, Unspecified - filmmaker.
Lara Ajouz (?) Lebanese - blogger.
Amber Kahwaji (?) Lebanese / Unspecified - actress.
Romy Melhem (?) Lebanese - actress, musician, and a bailaora.
Manar Asaad (?) Lebanese, Saudi Arabian - model and instagrammer (fadsandmilkshakes).
Caroline Hatem (?) Lebanese - dancer, actress, and writer.
Yara Bou Nassar (?) Lebanese - actress, stage director, and writer.
Nina Najjar (?) Lebanese / Korean - director.
Lia Saad (?) Lebanese - actress, model, and Miss International Lebanon 2014.
Adrienne Leigh Windus (?) Lebanese, Unspecified European - actress.
Marie-José Hnein / Marie-José Honein (?) Lebanese - model, photographer, and Miss Lebanon 2003.
Lana MacIver (?) Lebanese, Scottish - actress, writer, director and producer.
Giselle Khoury (?) Lebanese - talk show host.
Katrina Elias (?) Colombian [Lebanese, Chibcha, Spanish] - actress, director and writer.
Rola Nashef (?) Lebanese - director, screenwriter, producer, and multimedia artist.
Melanie Mahdessian (?) Lebanese, Armenian, Belgian - producer.
Layla Yarak (?) Lebanese - model and Miss International Lebanon 2013.
Wendy Bangura (?) Lebanese, Indian / Unknown - actress.
Daniella M. Sakr (?) Lebanese - instagrammer (daniellasakr_).
Ines Skh (?) Lebanese - Instagrammer (ines_skh).
Valeria Mazraany (?) Lebanese - Miss Congeniality Lebanon 2017.
Nisrin Khalifeh (?) Lebanese, Qatari - model and instagrammer (nisrinkhalifeh).
Elian Ba'ini (?) Lebanese - singer.
Nadim Olivera Soudaiha (?) Lebanese, Mexican - fashion designer (Instagram: nadimski)
Rita Mhanna (?) Lebanese - instagrammer (ritamhanna).
Carla Boutros (?) Lebanese - weather anchor (Instagram: carlaboutros).
Lara Ghraoui (?) Lebanese - model.
Haifa Mjk (?) Lebanese - model (instagram/other social media: Haifamjk). - Trans!
Irene White (?) Lebanese - actress.
Renee Ghosh (?) Lebanese - actress.
Razane Jammal (?) Lebanese - actress.
Mona Karim (?) Lebanese - actress.
Soledad Diab (?) Ecuadorian [Lebanese, Possibly Other] - model and Miss Ecuador 1992.
Zeina Daccache (?) Lebanese - actress and director.
Nawal Hijazi (?) Lebanese - voice actress.
Asmahan Bitar (?) Lebanese - voice actress.
Diana Ibrahim (?) Lebanese - actress and voice actress.
Samara Nohra (?) Lebanese - actress and voice actress.
Rosie Al-Yaziji (?) Lebanese - actress and voice actress.
Jihan Malla (?) Lebanese - tv personality and voice actress.
Flavia Bechara (?) Lebanese - actress.
Liliane Nemri (?) Lebanese - actress and comedian.
Eliane Mahfouz (?) Lebanese - singer.
Georgette Sayegh (?) Lebanese - singer.
Sonia-Lynn Gabriel (?) Lebanese - model and Miss World Lebanon 2012.
Dalal Shemali (?) Lebanese - singer.
Salma Mousfi (?) Lebanese - singer.
Taroob (?) Lebanese - singer.
Marie Suleiman (?) Lebanese - singer.
Majdala / Naziha Moukarzel (?) Lebanese - singer.
Nay Sleiman (?) Lebanese - singer.
Marlène Talih (?) Lebanese - Miss Lebanon 1966.
Reem Acra (?) Lebanese - fashion designer.
Rola Bahnam (?) Lebanese, Iraqi - TV presenter.
Julia Kassar (?) Lebanese - actress.
Maria Farah (?) Lebanese - model and Miss International Lebanon 2011.
Soumaya Baalbaki (?) Lebanese - singer.
Nadine Khouri (?) Lebanese - singer.
Chantal Chamandy (?) Lebanese / Egyptian, Greek - singer.
Amal Hnayno (?) Lebanese - singer.
Star Manar (?) Lebanese - singer and model.
Lena Khater (?) Lebanese - singer.
Rima Karaki (?) Lebanese - tv host, trainer, and writer.
Sarah Barbosa Mansour (?) Lebanese - Miss International Lebanon 2010.
Rabia Zayyat (?) Lebanese - TV host.
Nathalie Aouad (?) Lebanese - instagrammer (nathalieaouad).
Cynthia Zeinoun (?) Lebanese - TV host.
Nour Nasrallah Danno (?) Lebanese - runner up Miss Lebanon 2015 (Instagram: veganwithnour).
Fadia Awad (?) Lebanese - model (Instagram: _fadia.awad).
Christelle Tarraf (?) Lebanese - model (Instagram: christelletarraf).
Mariam Shamoun (?) Lebanese - model (Instagram: mariam_shamoun).
Pascale Habib (?) Lebanese - actress.
Raquel Nakhoul (?) Lebanese - singer and actress.
Joy Salameh Hayek (?) Lebanese - actress and director.
Mouna Mousallem (?) Lebanese - Miss Tourism Arab World 2017.
Rola Beksmati (?) Lebanese - presenter and actress.
Pamela Koueik (?) Lebanese - vlogger and instagrammer (pamelakoueik).
Eve Do (?) Lebanese, Unspecified - instagrammer (evee_do).
Rawane Tahtouh (?) Lebanese - actress.
Nisrine Saade (?) Lebanese - model.
Dayane Abi Allam (?) Lebanese - Miss Lebanon Intercontinental 2016, •Miss Summer Lebanon 2015, actress, TV host and model.
Marita Nader (?) Lebanese - singer.
Rania Ziade Ashkar (?) Lebanese - TV host.
Aline Chrinian (?) Lebanese - Instagrammer (nouchaline).
Asdghik Melkonian (?) Lebanese - travel blogger (Instagram: thejetsetterdiaries)
Christina Naim (?) Lebanese - food and fitness blogger (Instagram: lebanoneats)
Maya Acra (?) Lebanese - Instagrammer (mayaacra).
Pamela Elia (?) Lebanese - Instagrammer (pamela_elia).
Nour Arida (?) Lebanese - fashion blogger (Instagram: nouraridaofficial)
Kholoud Reda (?) Lebanese - Instagrammer (cocoogram).
Dana Hourani (?) Lebanese - Instagrammer (dana.hourani).
Petra Hawi (?) Lebanese - singer (Fer2et 3a Nota)
Julia Sabra (?) Lebanese - musician (Postcards)
Hala Merheb (?) Lebanese - Miss Lebanon 2016 Runnerup.
Joanna Karaky (?) Lebanese - actress.
Jenny Harouny (?) Lebanese - Instagrammer (jennyharouny).
Micha Hachem (?) Lebanese - Instagrammer (michahachem).
Jessica Boustany (?) Lebanese - actress.
Sarah Saade Ghantous (?) Lebanese - TV presenter.
Elissa Azoury (?) Lebanese - model (Instagram: elissaazoury).
Tracy Harmoush (?) Lebanese - model (Instagram: tracyharmoush).
Zeinab Hind Khadra (?) Lebanese - actress.
Sara Abi Kanaan (?) Lebanese - actress.
Hiba Dandachli (?) Lebanese - model (Instagram: whatworksforhiba).
Gisèle Hachem (?) Lebanese - Miss Lebanon 1974.
Katia Fakhry (?) Lebanese - Miss Lebanon 1977.
Nicole Bardawil (?) Lebanese - Miss Lebanon 1992.
Nathalie Nasrallah (?) Lebanese - Miss International Lebanon 2004.
Mia Saiid (?) Lebanese - TV host and actress.
Margaritta Tannoury (?) Lebanese - Miss Top Model International 2015 and Miss Congeniality Summer 2016 |.
Yara Ghabris Dandash (?) Lebanese - Instagrammer (yaraghabrisd).
Rayanne Harake (?) Lebanese - Instagrammer (rayanneharake7).
Paméla G. BouZerdan (?) Lebanese - Instagrammer (pamelabouzerdan).
Batoul Sheet (?) Lebanese - model (Instagram: batoulsheet).
Nisrine Zawahra (?) Lebanese - TV host.
Marie Noelle Khattar (?) Lebanese - TV host.
Eliane Khawand (?) Lebanese - TV host and actress.
Marwa ALJawad (?) Lebanese, Saudi Arabian - model.
Carole Kahwagi (?) Lebanese - Miss lebanon 2017 semifinalist, Miss earth Lebanon 2016, and Miss summer Lebanon 2016.
Nazek Al-Helwe (?) Lebanese - model (Instagram: nazek_al_helwe).
Carlos Balá (1925) Argentinian [Lebanese / Uruguayan, Montenegrin, Austrian] - actor and comedian.
Nissim Sharim (1932) Chilean [Lebanese Jewish, Egyptian Jewish] - actor.
John Bowab (1933) Lebanese - director and producer.
Dick Dale / The King of the Surf Guitar / Richard Monsour (1937) Lebanese, Syrian / Belarusian, Polish - singer and guitarist.
Don Shebib / Donald Shebib (1938) Lebanese / Irish - director, producer, writer, and editor.
Arnaldo Jabor (1940) Brazilian [Lebanese] - director, producer, and screenwriter.
Howard Hesseman (1940) Lebanese - actor.
Richard Maloof (1940) Lebanese - tubist and bassist.
Mounir Maasri (1940) Lebanese - actor, writer and director.
Nassim Maalouf (1941) Lebanese - trumpeter.
Roger Assaf (1941) Lebanese - playwright, director and actor
Paul Anka (1941) Lebanese / Syrian - singer-songwriter and actor.
Alberto Hassán (1942) Argentinian [Lebanese] - singer.
Samir Chamas (1942) Lebanese - actor, writer, and voice actor.
Joseph Azar (1942) Lebanese - singer.
Chuck Shamata / Charles Shamata (1942) Lebanese, Italian - actor.
Terrence Malick (1943) Lebanese Assyrian / English - director.
Jihad Al-Atrash (1943) Lebanese - actor and voice actor.
Ricky Shayne (1944) Lebanese / Egyptian - actor.
Adiss Harmandian (1945) Lebanese - singer.
Michael Nader (1945) Lebanese - actor.
Richard Romanus (1945) Lebanese, Syrian - actor, songwriter, and screenwriter.
Andy Kim / Andrew Youakim (1946) Lebanese - singer-songwriter.
Geoffrey Saba (1946) Lebanese - pianist.
João Bosco / João Bosco de Freitas Mucci (1946) Brazilian [Lebanese / Italian, possibly other] - singer-songwriter.
Georges Chamchoum (1946) Lebanese - director and producer.
Omar Al-Shammaa (1946) Lebanese - actor and voice actor.
Afif Chaya (1947) Lebanese - actor and singer.
Hossam Al-Sabah (1948) Lebanese - actor.
Sami Clark (1948) Lebanese - singer.
Louis Chedid (1948) Lebanese, Egyptian / French - singer-songwriter, guitarist, and author.
Joe Hasham (1948) Lebanese - actor and artistic director.
Tony Thomas (1948) Lebanese Maronite / Italian - director and producer.
Fagner / Raimundo Fagner / Raimundo Fagner Cândido Lopes (1949) Brazilian [Lebanese / Unspecified Other] - actor, singer, composer, and producer.
José Mayer / José Mayer Drumond (1949) Brazilian [Lebanese, possibly other] - actor.
Gabriel Yared (1949) Lebanese - composer.
Pierre Chammassian (1949) Lebanese Arab, Armenian - comedian.
Ali Al-Zein (1949) Lebanese - actor and voice actor.
George Noory (1950) 3/4 Lebanese, 1/4 Egyptian - radio host.
Marcel Khalife (1950) Lebanese - musician and singer.
Walid Aouni (1951) Lebanese - artist , dancer, choreographer and actor.
Sérgio Assad (1952) Brazilian [Lebanese / Unspecified Other] - guitarist, composer, and arranger.
Tom Shaker (1952) Lebanese / Italian - actor.
Jamey Haddad (1952) Lebanese - percussionist, drummer, and kanjira player.
Gabriel Yacoub (1952) Lebanese / French - singer and guitarist.
Tony Shalhoub (1953) Lebanese - actor.
Paul W. Smith (1953) Lebanese, Irish, Dutch, English - radio host.
Emilio Estefan (1953) Cuban [Lebanese / Spanish, Galician] - musician and producer.
Beto Barbosa / Raimundo Roberto Morhy Barbosa (1955) Brazilian [Lebanese] - singer and composer.
Walid Toufic (1954) Lebanese - singer and actor.
Emad Sayyah (1954) Lebanese - musician.
Muhammad Ibrahim (1955) Lebanese - actor and voice actor.
Ahmad Kaabour (1955) Lebanese - singer, songwriter, music composer and actor.
Checho Hirane (1955) Chilean [Lebanese, Possibly Other] - tv host and comedian.
Jorge Nasser (1956) Uruguayan [Lebanese, Possibly Other] - singer and composer.
Abed Mahfouz (1956) Lebanese - fashion designer.
Ziad Rahbani (1956) Lebanese - director, comedian, and pianist.
Bob Romanus / Robert Romanus (1956) Lebanese, Syrian - actor and musician.
Odair Assad (1956) Brazilian [Lebanese / Unspecified Other] - guitarist.
Time Winters (1956) Lebanese - actor.
Habib Yammine (1956) Lebanese - musician, composer and musicologist.
Almir Sater (1956) Brazilian [Lebanese, Possibly Other] - actor and singer-songwriter.
Ricardo Darín (1957) Argentinian [Lebanese, Syrian, Italian] - actor and filmmaker.
Rabih Abou-Khalil (1957) Lebanese - flutist, oud player, and composer.
Manuel Landeta (1958) Mexican [Lebanese, Basque] - actor and singer.
Jamal Hamdan (1958) Lebanese - actor and voice actor.
Tom Shadyac (1958) 3/4 Lebanese, 1/4 Irish - director, producer, screenwriter, and author.
Toufic Farroukh (1958) Lebanese - composer.
Abdel Rahman El Bacha (1958) Lebanese - pianist and composer.
Fauzi Beydoun (1958) Brazilian [Lebanese / Italian] - singer-songwriter and guitarist.
Phil Addis (1959) Lebanese - actor.
Raymond Khoury (1960) Lebanese - screenwriter and novelist.
Odiseo Bichir (1960) Mexican [Lebanese, possibly other] - actor.
Matthias Freihof (1961) Lebanese - actor and singer.
Alejandro Awada (1961) Argentinian [Lebanese / Syrian] - actor.
Gregory Jbara (1961) Lebanese / Irish - actor and singer.
Lee Habeeb (1961) Lebanese - radio host, talk show host, and columnist.
Jimmy McNichol (1961) Lebanese / Irish - actor, singer, and talk show host.
David Yazbek (1961) Lebanese / Italian, Jewish - musician, lyricist, composer, and writer.
Mani / Gary Mounfield (1962) Lebanese / Irish - singer and bassist.
Georges Hobeika (1962) Lebanese - fashion designer.
Ragheb Alama (1962) Lebanese - singer, dancer, composer, and tv personality.
Demián Bichir (1963) Mexican [Lebanese, possibly other] - actor.
Selim Mouzannar (1963) Lebanese - jeweler.
Ziad Doueiri (1963) Lebanese - director.
Khodr Alama (1963) Lebanese - music executive and entrepreneur.
Ghassan Rahbani (1964) Lebanese - producer, lyricist, composer, arranger, orchestra conductor, pianist, and singer.
Elie Saab (1964) Lebanese - fashion designer.
Maurício Mattar (1964) Brazilian [Lebanese, Unspecified Indigenous Brazilian] - actor.
Philippe Aractingi (1964) Lebanese, French - filmmaker.
Levon Ichkhanian (1964) Lebanese, Armenian - guitarist, oud player, mandolinist, bouzouki player, and composer.
John Leguizamo (1964) Colombian [1/4 Lebanese, 1/4 Mestizo, 1/4 Puerto Rican, 1/4 Italian] - actor, comedian, producer, screenwriter, and playwright.
Ron Affif (1965) Lebanese / Italian - guitarist.
Adriano Garib (1965) Brazilian [Lebanese, Syrian / Italian] - actor.
Oussama Rahbani (1965) Lebanese - musician and composer.
Geko Fattal (1965) Lebanese - singer.
André Abujamra (1965) Brazilian [Lebanese, Italian] - actor, singer-songwriter, guitarist, keyboardist, drummer, composer, lyricist, and producer.
Hisham Bizri (1966) Lebanese - actor, director, producer, screenwriter, and curator.
Ouday Raad (1966) Lebanese - actor.
Mo Gallini / Mohamed Ghalayini (1966) Lebanese / Cuban - actor.
Charbel Iskandar (1966) Lebanese - actor.
Bruno Bichir (1967) Mexican [Lebanese, possibly other] - actor.
Fred Coury (1967) Lebanese - drummer and composer.
Jalal Merhi (1967) Brazilian [Lebanese] - producer and director.
Zad Moultaka (1967) Lebanese - musician.
Serj Tankian (1967) Lebanese, Armenian - musician and singer.
Rabih Mroué (1967) Lebanese - actor, playwright, and visual artist.
Joe Kodeih (1967) Lebanese - writer, actor and director.
Norman Issa (1967) Lebanese Maronite / Palestinian Maronite - actor.
Jeff Becerra (1968) Mexican [Lebanese] - musician.
Marwan Khoury (1968) Lebanese - singer, writer, composer and music arranger.
Wajdi Mouawad (1968) Lebanese - actor, director, and writer.
Ara Malikian (1968) Lebanese, Armenian - musician.
Tony Baroud (1968) Lebanese - tv host.
Zakar Keshishian (1968) Lebanese, Armenian - musician.
Elie Nakouzi (1969) Lebanese - tv presenter.
Fadl Shaker / Fadl Abdulrahman Shamandar (1969) Lebanese / Palestinian - singer.
Khalil Joreige (1969) Lebanese - director.
Yuri Mraqqadi (1969) Lebanese - singer.
Fadel Shaker (1969) Lebanese - singer.
Charlie Masso (1969) Puerto Rican [Lebanese, Possibly Other] - singer.
Alaa Zalzali (1969) Lebanese - singer.
Ghazi Abdel Baki (1969) Lebanese - musician.
Vikter Duplaix (1969) Lebanese, African-American - singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, DJ, and producer.
Yuri Mrakadi (1969) Lebanese - singer.
El Dawi (1969) Lebanese - actor.
Anderson Müller / Anderson Müller David (1969) Brazilian [Lebanese, German] - actor and producer.
Assi Al Hillani (1970) Lebanese - singer.
Zaven Kouyoumdjian (1970) Lebanese / Armenian - tv presenter and writer.
Issa Hassan (1970) Lebanese - actor.
Tony Ward (1970) Lebanese - fashion designer.
Armand Van Helden (1970) Lebanese, French / Indonesian, Dutch - DJ, record producer, remixer, and songwriter.
Assi El Hallani / Mohammed El Hallani (1970) Lebanese, Iraqi - singer.
Zuhair Murad (1971) Lebanese - fashion designer.
-M- / Matthieu Chedid (1971) Lebanese, Egyptian, French / Unspecified - singer-songwriter, guitarist, bassist, keyboardist, drummer, and kazooist.
Thomas Langmann (1971) Lebanese / French Jewish - actor, producer, director, and screenwriter.
Adel Karam (1972) Lebanese - actor.
Kelly Slater (1972) 1/8 Lebanese, Syrian, 7/8 English, Irish, German - actor and professional surfer.
Christiano Cochrane / Christiano Baston de Toledo Haddad (1972) Brazilian [Lebanese, Spanish, Scottish] - actor and tv presenter.
RedOne / Nadir Khayat (1972) Lebanese / Moroccan - singer-songwriter, guitarist, keyboardist, drummer, and producer.
Ken Policard (1972) Lebanese, Haitian - producer.
Hovik Keuchkerian (1972) Lebanese, Armenian - actor.
Joe Ashkar (1972) Lebanese - musician.
James Bonamy (1972) Lebanese / Unspecified - singer-songwriter and guitarist.
Wentworth Miller (1972) 1/8 Lebanese, Syrian, 1/4 Afro-Jamaican, 1/4 African-American, 1/4 Rusyn, 1/8 Curaçaoan [Dutch, French, Swedish, Hispanic, Polish] - actor and model.
Moeen Charif (1972) Lebanese - singer.
Joseph Makkar (1972) Lebanese - actor.
Ziad Bourji (1973) Lebanese - singer.
John Dolmayan (1973) Lebanese, Armenian - drummer and songwriter.
George Calil (1973) Lebanese - actor.
Billy El Kaddour (1973) Lebanese - actor and director.
Geoff Johns / Geoffrey Johns (1973) Lebanese, Syrian / Unspecified White - producer, screenwriter, and comic book writer.
Jad Abumrad (1973) Lebanese - radio host, composer, and producer.
Fares Fares (1973) Lebanese Assyrian - actor.
Abdo Hakim (1973) Lebanese - actor and voice actor.
Otaviano Costa (1973) Brazilian [Lebanese / Unspecified Other] - actor, tv host, broadcaster, reporter, and journalist.
Fares Karam (1973) Lebanese - singer.
Rabih Kayrouz (1973) Lebanese - fashion designer.
Zein El Omr (1973) Lebanese - singer.
Nicolas Jebran (1974) Lebanese - fashion designer.
John Aboud (1974) Lebanese - comedian and writer.
Bashar Rahal (1974) Lebanese / Bulgarian - actor.
Hady Zaccak (1974) Lebanese - director.
Piter Marek (1974) Lebanese - actor.
Khaled Mouzanar (1974) Lebanese - music composer, songwriter and producer.
Wael Kfoury (1974) Lebanese - singer and musician.
Taleb Kanaan (1974) Lebanese - tv presenter.
Claude Chalhoub (1974) Lebanese - musician.
Rabih El-Amine (1974) Lebanese - photographer, writer and filmmaker.
Wissam Sabbagh (1974) Lebanese - actor.
Raphaël Fejtö (1974) Lebanese, Lebanese Jewish, Egyptian, Egyptian Jewish, Russian Jewish, Russian, Hungarian Jewish - actor, director, and author.
Ziad Touma (1974) Lebanese - director, producer, and screenwriter.
Bassem Moughnieh (1974) Lebanese - actor.
Tony Hajjar (1974) Lebanese - drummer.
Peter Macdissi (1974) Lebanese / Armenian - actor.
Weal Kfoury (1974) Lebanese - singer, musician, and songwriter.
Fadi Haddad (1974) Lebanese - director.
Juan Minujín (1975) Argentinian [Lebanese, Ukrainian Jewish, Russian, possibly other] - actor.
Nick E. Tarabay (1975) Lebanese - actor.
Samir Bazzi (1975) Venezuelan [Lebanese, Possibly Other] - actor, singer, and tv presenter.
Colette Boulos (1975) Lebanese - Miss Lebanon 1988.
DJ Antoine / Antoine Konrad (1975) Lebanese - DJ and producer.
Roberto Martino (1975) Haitian [Lebanese, Unspecified Other] - singer, guitarist, and composer.
Sleek the Elite / Paul Nakad (1975) Lebanese - actor, rapper, and technician.
Diego Spotorno (1975) Ecuadorian [Lebanese, Argentinian] - actor and tv host.
Michel Jureidini (1975) Lebanese - musician.
Mazen Kerbaj (1975) Lebanese - musician and comic book artist.
Haaz Sleiman (1976) Lebanese - actor.
Nemer Saadé (1976) Lebanese - fashion designer.
Georges Khabbaz (1976) Lebanese - actor, writer, director, comedian, musician, playwrite, producer and theater professor.
Kida Khodr Ramadan (1976) Lebanese - actor and director.
Wael Jassar (1976) Lebanese - singer.
Katia Harb (1976) Lebanese - singer.
Mazen Moadam (1976) Lebanese - actor.
Drew Powell (1976) Lebanese, Possibly Other - actor.
Kida Ramadan (1976) Lebanese Mhallami - actor.
Josef Fares (1977) Lebanese Assyrian - actor.
Mark Ghanimé (1977) Lebanese / Unspecified White - actor.
Youssef El Khal (1977) Lebanese - actor, singer, composer, show host
Tarééc / T-Soul / Tarek Hussein (1978) Lebanese, Palestinian - singer.
RAmez / Ramzi Khoury (1978) Lebanese - rapper.
Sebu Simonian (1978) Lebanese, Armenian - singer-songwriter and keyboardist.
Hisham Haddad (1978) Lebanese - actor, comedian, and tv host.
Reynaldo Martino (1978) Haitian [Lebanese, Unspecified Other] - singer, guitarist, and composer.
Bill Kanj (1978) Lebanese - actor.
Marc Nammour (1978) Lebanese - singer.
Taleb Adlah (1978) Lebanese - actor.
Levon Eskenian (1978) Lebanese - musician.
Joanna Gaines (1978) Korean / Lebanese, German - author and tv presenter.
David Ali Hamade (1978) Lebanese - actor.
Nicolas Mouawad (1979) Lebanese - actor.
Maral Adams (1979) Lebanese - actor and writer.
Philippe El Hage (1979) Lebanese - musician.
Stephen Karam (1979) Lebanese / Irish - playwright and screenwriter.
Karl Wolf / Carl Abou Samah (1979) Lebanese - musician.
Mark Masri (1979) Lebanese / Unspecified White - singer-songwriter, producer, and composer.
P-Thugg / Patrick Gemayel (1979) Lebanese - singer and keyboardist.
Fady Maalouf (1979) Lebanese / German - singer-songwriter and painter.
Said Serhan (1979) Lebanese - actor, writer and TV presenter.
Habib Azar (1979) Lebanese - director.
Raed Yassin (1979) Lebanese - musician.
Majid Michel (1980) Lebanese / Ghanaian - actor.
Elie Mitri (1980) Lebanese - actor, writer and comedian.
Kintaró Mori (1980) Uruguayan [Lebanese, Japanese, Basque, Spanish], some Mexican - singer-songwriter.
Lucien Bourjeily (1980) Lebanese - writer and director.
Silvestre Dangond (1980) Colombian [Lebanese, Possibly Other] - singer.
K.Maro / K-Maro / K’Maro / Cyril Kamar (1980) Lebanese - rapper, singer-songwriter, and producer.
Peter Scarf (1980) Lebanese / Greek - actor, producer and director.
Massari / Sari Abboud (1980) Lebanese - singer-songwriter and keyboardist.
Rodolph Hilal (1980) Lebanese - tv host.
GoRemy / Remy Munasifi (1980) Lebanese / Iraqi Arab - youtuber, musician, comedian, and video artist.
K. Maro / Kamar / Cyril Kamar (1980) Lebanese - singer.
George Al Rassy (1980) Lebanese - singer.
Aleph / Fady Abi Saad (1980) Lebanese - musician.
Ibrahim Maalouf (1980) Lebanese - trumpeter and composer.
Hassan Masri (1980) Lebanese - actor.
Iwan / Mohammed Marwan Ba'aseery (1980) Lebanese, Syrian - singer.
Ramy Ayach (1980) Lebanese Druze - singer, composer and actor.
Georges Al Rassi (1980) Lebanese - singer, musician, and songwriter.
Alain Moussi (1981) Lebanese / French - actor and stuntman.
Rami Khalifé (1981) Lebanese - pianist and artist.
Wissam Hanna (1981) Lebanese - actor, model, tv presenter, and Mr. Lebanon 2005.
Nicholas Joseph Kattar (1981) Lebanese, Irish, Scottish - actor, musician, songwriter, author, photographer, and poet.
Malek Maktabi / Malik Maktaby (1981) Lebanese - tv presenter.
Wissam Breidy (1981) Lebanese - tv host.
Sarbel / Sarbel Maronitis (1981) Lebanese Maronite / Greek Cypriot - singer.
Maher Zain (1981) Lebanese - singer-songwriter, guitarist, pianist, keyboardist, percussionist, composer, and producer.
IJK / Imad Jack Karam (1981) Lebanese - singer.
Fady Andraos (1981) Lebanese / Palestinian - singer.
Tony Yalda / Anthony Yalda (1981) Lebanese Assyrian - actor.
Dimitri Rassam (1981) Lebanese / French - producer.
Walid Al Massih (1982) Lebanese - producer.
Rodrigo Nehme (1982) Mexican [Lebanese / Probably Other] - actor.
Lee Majdoub (1982) Lebanese - actor.
Melhem Zein (1982) Lebanese, Iraqi - singer.
Raja Nasser Eldine (1982) Lebanese - tv presenter.
Felipe Abib (1982) Lebanese / Brazilian - actor.
Rik Makarem (1982) Lebanese - actor and songwriter.
Michael Malarkey (1983) Lebanese Arab, Maltese, Italian, British / Irish, German - actor and singer-songwriter.
Ycare / Assane Attyé (1983) Lebanese - singer-songwriter.
MIKA / Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr. (1983) Lebanese, Syrian / English, some Scottish - singer-songwriter.
Pierre Rabbat (1983) Lebanese - tv host.
Joe Bou Eid (1983) Lebanese - writer.
Tony D / Tony Damager / Muhamed Ayad (1983) Lebanese - rapper.
40 / Noah Shebib (1983) Lebanese, Irish / Scottish - actor, musician, songwriter, and producer.
Jad Shwery (1983) Lebanese - singer.
Zane Banyan (1983) Lebanese - actor, singer, model and comedian.
Javier Jattin (1983) Colombian [Lebanese] - actor and model.
Nemr / Nemr Abou Nassar (1983) Lebanese - comedian.
Bilal / Ban Bella El Hantir (1983) Lebanese Dom - singer.
Mike Massy (1983) Lebanese - singer, songwriter, performer, composer, arranger, pianist and actor.
Firass Dirani (1984) Lebanese - actor.
Rabih El Zein (1984) Lebanese - model and Mister Lebanon 2014.
Eddy Ghossein (1984) Lebanese - musician.
Joe Raad (1984) Lebanese - singer, composer, and music director.
Ghassan Bouz (1984) Lebanese - musician and actor.
Teddy Nasr (1984) Lebanese - music producer and composer.
Emilè Azar (1985) Lebanese - singer.
Simon Ghraichy (1985) Lebanese, Mexican - pianist.
Georges Najm (1985) Lebanese - singer.
Saad / Baba Saad / Saad El-Haddad (1985) Lebanese - rapper.
Nabil Ajram (1985) Lebanese - singer.
Marc Scibilia (1986) 1/4 Lebanese Arab, 1/4 Syrian Arab, 1/2 Italian - singer-songwriter and guitarist.
Jad Hadid (1986) Lebanese - actor and model.
Guillermo Zouain (1986) Dominican [Lebanese] - director, screenwriter, and producer.
Ali Dirani (1986) Lebanese - artist, musician and drummer.
Jordan Masterson (1986) Lebanese / Irish - actor.
Sinal Bou Aram (1986) Lebanese - actor.
Rabih El Zein (1986) Lebanese - model, tv presenter, Mr Lebanon 2014, and producer.
Elio Dakouny (1986) Lebanese - instagrammer (elio_dakouny).
Moe Sargi (1987) Lebanese - youtuber.
Niels Schneider (1987) Lebanese Jewish, Possibly Other - actor.
Carl Gerges (1987) Lebanese - drummer.
Adam Ayash (1987) Lebanese, Ukrainian, Slovenian - model.
Rabih / Rabih Jaber (1987) Lebanese - singer-songwriter and artist.
Saad Ramadan (1987) Lebanese - singer.
Imanol Landeta (1987) Mexican [Lebanese, Basque, Possibly Other] - actor and singer.
Farid Matar (1987) Lebanese - model and Mister Lebanon 2015.
Adam B (1987) Lebanese - singer.
Faydee / Fady Fatrouni (1987) Lebanese - singer.
Hadi Moussally (1987) Lebanese - filmmaker, director, and photographer.
Garen Boyajian (1987) Lebanese, Armenian / Italian - actor.
Kamel Raad (1987) Lebanese - model and Mister United Continents Lebanon 2015.
Nader Al Atat (1987) Lebanese - singer.
Alexander Koch (1988) Lebanese, Italian, German, English - actor.
MoTrip / Mohamed El Moussaoui (1988) Lebanese - rapper.
Hassan Akkouch (1988) Lebanese - actor.
Tino Coury (1988) Lebanese / Italian - singer-songwriter and producer.
Michel Azzi (1988) Lebanese - singer.
Nius / Pierre-Antoine Melki (1988) Lebanese - musician.
Moe Zein (1988) Lebanese - singer and comedian.
Hamed Sinno (1988) Lebanese / Jordanian - singer-songwriter.
Abdel Rahman Balaa (1988) Lebanese - model and Mister World Lebanon 2010.
Joseph Attieh (1988) Lebanese - singer.
Hassan Akkouch (1988) Lebanese - actor.
Ben Cura (1988) Argentinian [Lebanese, Spanish, Basque, Italian, possibly other] - actor.
Marc El Khoury (1989) Lebanese - actor.
Chino Darín (1989) Argentinian [Lebanese, Italian, possibly other] - actor.
Wissam Saliba (1989) Lebanese - actor and producer.
Ziad Khoury (1989) Lebanese - singer.
Manuel Tarrazo (1989) Dominican [Lebanese, Asturian] - actor, tv presenter, and fashion designer.
Abbas Jaafar (1989) Lebanese - actor and singer.
Richii / Richard Abicair (1989) Lebanese - singer, dancer, songwriter and music producer.
Tyler De Nawi / Mustafa Dennawi (1989) Lebanese, Syrian, Possibly Other - actor, dancer, and acrobat.
Joe Maalouf (1989) Lebanese - tv host.
Nader Dada (1989) Lebanese - instagrammer (naderdada).
Karem Thebian (1990) Lebanese - model and Mr Elegance Lebanon 2015.
Jordi Landeta (1990) Mexican [Lebanese, Basque, Possibly Other] - actor.
Elias Zayek (1990) Lebanese - actor.
Eric Saade (1990) Lebanese, Palestinian / Swedish - singer-songwriter, model, tv personality, and dancer.
Roy Imad (1990) Lebanese - model and Mister Lebanon 2011.
Thomas Rhett (1990) 1/8 Lebanese, Syrian, 7/8 German, Swiss, English, Irish, Scottish - singer-songwriter.
Jimmy Abou Nakad (1990) Lebanese - model.
Nadim Kobeissi (1990) Lebanese - actor.
Maddison Varas (1990) Brazilian [Lebanese, Palestinian] / Ecuadorian - actor.
Dory Zoughaib (1990) Lebanese - instagrammer (doryzogheib).
Jade Hassouné (1991) Lebanese - actor and producer.
Imad Creidi (1991) Lebanese - actor.
Ahmad Akkad (1991) Lebanese singer, musician, and songwriter.
Garrett Clayton (1991) Lebanese, French, English, Scottish, possibly other - singer, actor and dancer.
Ramy Atallah (1991) Lebanese - model and Mister Lebanon 2018.
BELIME / Charbel Ghanime (1991) Lebanese - singer.
Mory Hatem (1991) Lebanese - singer.
Bhaskar / Bhaskar Achkar Peres Petrillo (1991) Lebanese - DJ, guitarist, keyboardist, and producer.
Alexander Saliba (1991) Lebanese - actor.
Skandar Keynes / Alexander Amin Casper Keynes (1991) Lebanese, Iranian, Turkish / English, Scottish, Welsh, French Huguenot - actor.
Jadingo (1991) Lebanese - tiktok star.
Alok / Alok Achkar Peres Petrillo (1991) Brazilian [Lebanese, Italian, Portuguese, possibly other] - musician, DJ, and producer.
Micheal Mrad (1992) Lebanese - model.
Andre Soueid (1992) Lebanese - violinist.
Lincoln Younes (1992) Lebanese / Unspecified White - actor.
Rodolphe Bou Nader (1992) Lebanese - model and Mister Lebanon 2012.
Elie Bitar (1992) Lebanese - singer.
Malek Rahbani (1992) Lebanese - actor and writer.
Naji Basma (1992) Lebanese - actor and artist.
Aliocha Schneider / Nicolas Schneider (1993) Lebanese Jewish, Possibly Other - actor and musician.
Ralph Alexander (1993) Lebanese - actor.
Tony Eli (1993) Lebanese - actor, writer and producer.
Paul Iskandar (1993) Lebanese - model and Mister International 2016.
Antonio Darwiche (1993) Lebanese, Italian, Greek - filmmaker.
Paul Khoury (1993) Lebanese - actor, bassist, and tv personality.
Michael Khouri (1993) Lebanese - model and Mister Lebanon 2017.
Skate / Sk8 / Skate Maloley / Nate Maloley / Nathan Montgomery Maloley (1995) Lebanese - rapper-songwriter, singer, and producer.
Omar Dean (1993) Lebanese - singer.
Zuna (1993) Lebanese - rapper.
Marwan Youssef (1994) Lebanese - singer.
Daniel Sahyounie (1994) Lebanese - singer and comedian.
Omar Sebali (1994) Lebanese - youtuber.
Georgio Bassil (1994) Lebanese - snapchat influencer (Georgio.Copter).
Derrick Monasterio (1995) Jamaican [Lebanese, East Indian, Sephardi Jewish, Scottish], Italian / Filipino [Tagalog, Waray], Spanish [Castilian, Valencian], English - actor, dancer, and singer.
Ali Zoghdani (1995) Lebanese - director.
Wael Said (1995) Lebanese - singer.
Guy Hobeika (1995) Lebanese - youtuber and snapchat influencer.
Estephan Khattar (1995) Lebanese - director and photographer.
Vitor Assan / Vitor Assan Paulo (1996) Brazilian [Lebanese, Italian, Portuguese, possibly other] - singer-songwriter, guitarist, and keyboardist.
Jeremy Shayne (1996) Lebanese - singer.
Michael Asmar (1996) Lebanese - director.
James Yammouni (1996) Lebanese - rapper, DJ, and comedian.
Kazem Chamas (1996) Lebanese - singer.
Mohammad Darwish (1996) Lebanese - live.me star (KingDarwish).
Youssef Sawmah (1997) Lebanese, Egyptian - model.
Bazzi / Andrew Bazzi (1997) Lebanese / Unspecified - singer-songwriter, guitarist, pianist, and producer.
Omar Parker (1997) Lebanese - producer, director, and writer.
Andrew Andraos (1997) Lebanese - singer, composer and music producer.
Sylvio Sarkis (1998) Lebanese - actor.
Mohamad Zoror (1998) Lebanese - comedian, instagrammer (mohamadzoror), and ex viner.
Sebastian Freudenthaller (1998) Lebanese, Possibly Other - LIKE star.
Theodore Burkhardt (1999) Lebanese - singer.
Karim Haidar (1999) Lebanese - model and photographer.
Omar / Omar Arnaout (2000) Lebanese / Romanian - singer.
Fadi Terro (2000) Lebanese - actor, singer, social speaker, and gamer.
Émile Azouri (2001) Lebanese / Syrian - actor, director of photography, assistant director, and model.
Ayman Moussa (?) Lebanese - singer.
Dani Eid (?) Lebanese, French, German - model.
Amer Sidawi (?) Lebanese - singer.
Zuhdi Boueri (?) Lebanese / Palestinian - actor.
Carlos Azar (?) Lebanese - actor, singer, and tv presenter.
Rany Abu-Elniaj (?) Lebanese, Palestinian - actor.
Anthony Hakim (?) Lebanese - model and Mister World Lebanon 2007.
Jamal Awar (?) Lebanese - actor.
Ayman Moussa (?) Lebanese - model and Mister Lebanon 2013.
Sammy Obeid (?) Lebanese, Syrian, Palestinian, Italian, possibly other - actor, comedian, and writer.
Ali Hammoud (?) Lebanese - model and Mr International Lebanon 2012.
Bahij Kaddoura (?) Lebanese, Palestinian, Zambian - bodybuilder and instagrammer (bahijkaddoura).
Abdel-Rahman Balaa (?) Lebanese - model and Mr Lebanon 2009.
Farid Chehade (?) Lebanese, Palestinian - musician and singer (The Chehade Brothers).
Rony Nohra (?) Lebanese - model.
Jorge Saade (?) Ecuadorian [Lebanese] - violinist.
George Mekhael (?) Lebanese - model.
Rami Chehade (?) Lebanese, Palestinian - musician and singer (The Chehade Brothers).
Hussein Ayach (?) Lebanese - model and Mr Arab 2009.
Tony Yazbeck (?) Lebanese / Romanian, Ukrainian, Irish, German - actor, singer, and dancer.
Christopher Aoun (?) Lebanese - cinematographer.
Gino Salvano (?) Lebanese - actor.
Emile Ghantous (?) Lebanese, Turkish Cypriot - musician, songwriter, producer, and arranger.
Amro Majzoub (?) Lebanese - actor and comic.
Ricardo Karam (?) Venezuelan [Lebanese] - tv presenter, talk show host, and producer.
Ali Hammoud (?) Lebanese - model and Mister International 2012.
Brian Gattas (?) Lebanese - actor.
Jad Abi Haydar (?) Lebanese - singer.
Peter Ganim (?) Lebanese, Syrian, Slovak, Rusyn - actor.
Christian Abou Anni (?) Lebanese - singer.
Mark Hachem (?) Lebanese - actor, filmmaker, and youtuber.
Roni Al Shemali (?) Lebanese - singer.
Gil Perez-Abraham (?) Lebanese, Venezuelan - actor and musician.
Fouad Mikati (?) Lebanese - director.
Samir Succar (?) Lebanese / Colombian - actor and singer.
Dave Merheje (?) Lebanese - actor and comedian.
Ghazi Al Amir (?) Lebanese - singer.
Andre Rahal (?) Lebanese, Venezuelan - actor.
Houssam Chami (?) Lebanese - singer.
Marc Mansour (?) Lebanese - actor, model, and professional dancer.
Richard-John Seikaly (?) Lebanese, French, Italian, Greek - actor.
Najee Mondalek (?) Lebanese - actor and comedian.
Philippe A. Haddad (?) Mexican [Lebanese] / Austrian - actor.
Gaetan Osman (?) Lebanese - model, filmmaker, photographer, and Mister Manhunt International Lebanon 2017.
Ibrahim Mallouhi (?) Lebanese - singer.
Chris Rubeiz (?) Lebanese / Unspecified - actor, writer and comedian.
Imaan Hadchiti (?) Lebanese - actor and comedian.
Mohamed Ali Arabi (?) Lebanese - model and Mister International Lebanon 2010.
Sean Fawaz (?) Lebanese / Taiwanese - actor, writer and producer.
Karim El Koussa (?) Lebanese - author.
Wael Al Muallem (?) Lebanese - singer.
Zayn Alexander (?) Lebanese - actor and director.
Chando Luna (?) Lebanese, Spanish, Danish, Caribbean - actor.
Bilal Zaweel (?) Lebanese - model and Mister Manhunt International Lebanon 2016.
Amine J. Hachem (?) Lebanese - singer.
Alle Ghadban (?) Lebanese - actor.
Winston George Tannis (?) Lebanese / Unknown - artist and producer.
Faris Al Bahri (?) Lebanese - actor.
Zahi Safiya (?) Lebanese - singer.
Joe Karam (?) Lebanese - actor.
Alex Kahuam (?) Mexican [Lebanese] - filmmaker.
Mohamed Hay (?) Lebanese - model and Mister Lebanon 2011.
Osmani Rodriguez (?) Lebanese, Italian - actor.
Rob Shehadie (?) Lebanese - actor, comedian, and writer.
Tom Ferrari (?) Lebanese, Irish / Italian, Irish - actor and model.
Walid Bechara (?) Lebanese - singer.
Geordie Sabbagh (?) Lebanese / Unknown - producer.
Adam Lowell Roberts (?) Lebanese - director.
Mazin Akar (?) Lebanese - actor.
Abdel-Halim Caracalla (?) Lebanese - dancer, choreographer, and art director.
Marc Codsi (?) Lebanese - actor.
Raphael Assaf (?) Lebanese, Irish, Lithuanian Jewish - director.
Sam Lahoud (?) Lebanese - producer.
Adel Serhan (?) Lebanese - director, writer and producer.
Ivan Caracalla (?) Lebanese - dancer, choreographer, and art director.
Wael Abou-Zaki (?) Lebanese - director and producer.
Zakaria Jaber (?) Lebanese - filmmaker, writer and director.
Shadi Bahsoun (?) 3/4 Lebanese, 1/4 Spanish - actor.
John A. Kuri (?) Lebanese - director, producer, and author.
Sam Osman (?) Lebanese / German - actor.
Richard El Khazen (?) Lebanese - actor.
Michael Shahen (?) Lebanese / Greek - actor.
Tamer Daher (?) Lebanese - singer.
Johannes Yachouh (?) Lebanese, Syrian - actor.
Maher Sinno (?) Lebanese - actor and director.
Mohamad Abbas (?) Lebanese - actor.
Taha Salah (?) Lebanese - actor.
Elio Kallassi (?) Lebanese - composer, orchestrator, arranger and pianist.
Daniel Khayat (?) 3/4 Lebanese, 1/4 Irish - actor.
Tamer Najem (?) Lebanese - singer.
Ibrahim Shukri Hussein (?) Lebanese - model and personal trainer (Instagram: bob_hussein).
Abbas Beydoun (?) Lebanese - actor and model (Instagram: abbasbeydoun).
George Diab (?) Lebanese - actor and voice actor.
Samir Maalouf (?) Lebanese - actor and voice actor.
Ahmad Hussein (?) Lebanese - singer.
Omar Elias (?) Lebanese - makeup artist and blogger.
Khaled El Sayed (?) Lebanese - actor and voice actor.
Alejandro Bichir (?) Mexican [Lebanese] - actor, director, and screenwriter.
Pierre Dagher (?) Lebanese - actor and voice actor.
Jean Chahid (?) Lebanese - singer.
Hasan Hamdan (?) Lebanese - actor and voice actor.
Patrick Dahrieh (?) Lebanese - actor, model, and Mister Manhunt International Lebanon 2018.
Saad Hamdan (?) Lebanese - actor and voice actor.
Nabil Lértora (?) Ecuadorian [Lebanese, Possibly Other] - singer and DJ.
Toni Maalouf (?) Lebanese - actor and voice actor.
Hossam Al Shami (?) Lebanese - singer.
Omar Mikati (?) Lebanese - actor and voice actor.
Dan Jbara (?) Lebanese / Irish - producer.
Fadi Rifai (?) Lebanese - actor and voice actor.
Marcelino Gebrayel (?) Lebanese - model, fitness instructor, and Mister Manhunt International Lebanon 2011.
Housam Tershishi (?) Lebanese - singer.
Ali Saad (?) Lebanese - actor and voice actor.
Murad Mouawad (?) Lebanese - model and Mister Manhunt International Lebanon 2010.
Hicham Abou Sleiman (?) Lebanese - actor and voice actor.
Pedro Kiwan (?) Lebanese - model and Mister Manhunt International Lebanon 2009.
Imad Feghaly (?) Lebanese - actor and voice actor.
Patrick Mubarak (?) Lebanese - actor.
Rafic Abou Zeid (?) Lebanese - tv presenter, model, and Mister Manhunt International Lebanon 2008
Saad Jamal Al-Dine (?) Lebanese - singer.
Milad Rizk (?) Lebanese - actor.
Sami Daher (?) Lebanese - actor.
Naji Shamil (?) Lebanese - actor.
Said Aboulrich (?) Lebanese - singer, musician, and songwriter.
Essam Farah (?) Lebanese - singer, musician, and songwriter
Mohammad Al Saleh (?) Lebanese, Palestinian - singer.
Ahmad Sultan (?) Lebanese - singer, musician, and songwriter.
Guy Manoukian (?) Lebanese, Armenian - musician.
Charbel Rouhana (?) Lebanese - musician.
Eslam Jawaad (?) Lebanese - rapper.
Haig Papazian (?) Lebanese, Armenian - violinist.
Gilbert Simon (?) Lebanese - actor, singer, filmmaker, and composer.
Rony Barrak (?) Lebanese - musician.
Georges Chakra (?) Lebanese - fashion designer.
Assaad Tarabay (?) Lebanese - model, producer, and Mister Lebanon 2003.
Robert Abi Nader (?) Lebanese - fashion designer.
Gaby Saliba (?) Lebanese - fashion designer and hairdresser.
Joseph Abou Malhab (?) Lebanese - singer.
Camille Allam (?) Lebanese - musician, painter, and sculptor.
Zeid Hamdan (?) Lebanese - musician.
Elie Najem (?) Lebanese - model and Mister Manhunt International Lebanon 2012.
Said Mrad (?) Lebanese - musician.
Clotaire K (?) Lebanese - singer.
Ibrahim Afif Ballout (?) Lebanese - model and Mister Lebanon 2009.
Mohammad Chamseddine (?) Lebanese - MC, model, and Mister Lebanon 2008.
Basel Bou Hamdan (?) Lebanese - model and Mister Lebanon 2007.
Anthony Hakim (?) Lebanese - model and Mister Lebanon 2006.
Omar Meyho (?) Lebanese - model and Mister Lebanon 2000.
Jay Wud (?) Lebanese - musician.
Bachar Mar-Khalifé (?) Lebanese - composer.
Zain Al Omar (?) Lebanese - singer.
Mohamad Taha (?) Lebanese - model and Mister International Lebanon 2018.
Fadi Abd El Khaliq (?) Lebanese - singer.
Winter Jones (?) Lebanese Assyrian - actor.
Paul Salem (?) Lebanese - musician.
Firas Abbas (?) Lebanese - model and Mister International Lebanon 2013.
Rabih Rabal (?) Lebanese - singer.
Ghady (?) Lebanese - singer.
Mohamad El Jafeel (?) Lebanese - singer.
Elie Asmar (?) Lebanese - singer.
Ali Chaaban (?) Lebanese - photographer.
Mario Sfeir (?) Lebanese - model and Mister Global Lebanon 2016.
Alain Abou Jaoude (?) Lebanese - Instagrammer (alainaboujaoude).
Mohamed Akel (?) Lebanese - model and Mister Global Lebanon 2015.
Anis Tabet (?) Lebanese - movie critic.
Carlo Nakhla (?) Lebanese - singer.
Rabih Salloum (?) Lebanese - writer.
Wajdi Abou Diab (?) Lebanese - pianist (Fer2et 3a Nota).
Zaher Hamadeh (?) Lebanese - guitarist (Fer2et 3a Nota).
Ali Sabbah (?) Lebanese - guitarist (Fer2et 3a Nota).
Raghid Jureidini (?) Lebanese - saxophonist (Fer2et 3a Nota).
Jihad Zgheib (?) Lebanese - drummer (Fer2et 3a Nota).
Ayman Sleiman (?) Lebanese - musician (Fer2et 3a Nota).
Marwan Tohme (?) Lebanese - musician (Postcards).
Rany Bechara (?) Lebanese - musician (Postcards).
Pascal Semerdjian (?) Lebanese - musician (Postcards).
Louis Lameh (?) Lebanese - Instagrammer (louislameh).
Georges Mikhael (?) Lebanese - Instagrammer (georges_mekhael).
Hisham Malaeb (?) Lebanese - Instagrammer (hishammalaeb).
Mounir Akkary (?) Lebanese - Instagrammer (mounir_akkary).
Séto Srabian (?) Lebanese - Instagrammer (setosrabian).
Roland Mattar (?) Lebanese - Instagrammer (rolandmattar).
Elie Bou Mosleh (?) Lebanese - model.
Ghassan Mawla (?) Lebanese - model and Mister Lebanon 1998.
Hadi Esta (?) Lebanese - model and Mister Lebanon 1996.
Youssef Boulos (?) Lebanese - actor.
Ghady Awwad (?) Lebanese - personal trainer (Instagram: ghadyawwad).
Joe Mouawad (?) Lebanese - fashion designer (Instagram: joemoawad).
Juliana Yazbeck (?) Lebanese Arab - Genderfluid (She/Her/Hers and They/Them/Theirs) - musician.
Jamie Farr (1934) Lebanese - actor and comedian. - Supported Reagan and both Bush presidencies.
Diane Rehm (1936) Lebanese Arab / Syrian Arab - radio host. - Anti-semitic remarks.
Lady C / Lady Colin Campbell (1949) Jamaican [Lebanese / Sephardic Jewish, Spanish, Portuguese, Irish, English] - tv host, radio host, socialite, and author. - Intersex! - Anti-black racist comments about Meghan Markle and Meghan and Harry’s baby and whorephobic comments.
Mario Kassar (1951) Lebanese, Italian - producer. - Executive producer on Lolita, which glorifies pedophilia.
Salma Hayek (1966) Mexican [Lebanese, Spanish, possibly other] - actress, producer, and former model. - Spoke over and attempted to rebuke Jessica Williams (a black actress)’s comment that black and trans women are constantly put in the center of conflict for the way they look with a tone deaf “what about the rest of us” and also used the condescending “baby” to refer to Jessica [Williams], called Jessica Lopez (a Puerto Rican actress and singer who, while not black, is darker than Salma) a “non-latina n***o”, and said that Ugly Betty (a show Salma is an executive producer on) tries to model Betty off black women (though they even casted a non black Latina for Betty) due to black women having “uglier facial features”.
Vince Vaughn (1970) Lebanese, Italian / Irish, Scottish, French, Swiss, Dutch, German, English - actor, comedian, producer, and screenwriter. - Racist, homophobic, and pro-gun statements.
Haifa Wehbe (1976) Lebanese - actress and singer. - Anti-black racist statements about Nubians and xenophobic statements about Algerians.
Shakira / Shakira Mebarak Ripoll (1977) Colombian [Lebanese / Italian (including Sicilian), Spanish (including Castilian, Catalan), possibly other] - actress, singer-songwriter, model, dancer, producer, and philanthropist. - Use of the g slur, antiziganist lyrics suggesting Romani people are thieves and liars, appropriated and sexualized the Indian sari, appropriated and sexualized the Indian bharatanatyam dance, appropriated the Indian mahawar, appropriated other parts of Indian hinduism, and appropriated dreadlocks.
Zoë Saldaña / Zoë Saldaña-Perego (1978) Dominican, Puerto Rican, Lebanese, Haitian - actress and dancer. - Believes racism and “people of color” aren’t real, darkened her skin and used a prosthetic nose to play dark-skinned Nina Simone, and supported James Gunn’s pedophilic tweets.
Myriam Fares (1983) Lebanese - singer, dancer, actress, and songwriter. - Recent music video Goumi includes blackface, brownface, and cultural appropriation.
Jack Barakat (1988) Lebanese - singer, guitarist, and drummer. - Has made statements that encourage people to touch others without consent, dated then 17-year-old Abigail Breslin when he was 25, has made pedophilia jokes, has made lesbophobic statements, has made biphobic statements, and has made statements fetishizing breasts multiple times during multiple Breast Cancer Awareness Months.
Emeraude Toubia (1989) Mexican / Lebanese - actress and model. - Appropriated cornrows.
Saja Kamal (1989) Lebanese - tv host and sports commentator. - Appropriated box braids.
Gigi Gorgeous / Giselle Loren Lazzarato (1992) Lebanese, Italian, French - actress, model, youtuber, and socialite. - Trans! - Has made classist videos and statements as well as has made anti-Semitic video and statements.
Rowan Blanchard (2001) Armenian, Lebanese, Moroccan, Syrian, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, English, German, 1/8 Portuguese - actress. - Has made biphobic statements.
Diva Maguy (?) Lebanese - model, DJ, performer, and dancer. - Trans! - Appropriated box braids.
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Tom Wlaschiha and Viktoria Lauterbach 🤗 Remembering momemst of Tom Wlaschiha at the Mac Party from 2015 :)
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Aufnahmen von der Berlin Fashion Week, den European Fashion Awards, Traces, der Panorama, der Premium, den Schauen von Laurèl und Marc Cain, P&Cs Designer for Tomorrow, der GQ Mension, der Panorama-Party, Fashion Tech, dem Vogue Salon, dem Berliner Modesalon und der Vogue Soiree.
Fotos u.a. von Gerrit Voss (Drykorn), Andre Maeder (KadeWe), Valentin von Arnim (Iris von Arnim), Thomas Hayo, William Fan, Tobias Viehoff, Julia Malisch, Kristine Logemann (P&C), Tobias Gröber (Ispo), Victoria und Paulina Swarovski, Katja Flint, Natalia Wörner, Daniel Terberger (Katag), Elisabeth in Bayern, Christiane Arp (Vogue), Franziska Knuppe, Johanna Klum, Franziska von Becker (More & More), Nadine Lohner, Lena Gercke, Iris Berben, Lena Meyer-Landrut, Julian Daynov (Saks Off Fifth), Norbert Lock (Marc Cain), Sebastian Bennewitz, Andreas Ragsch, Ole Schartl (h+p), Claus Peymann, Thomas Ganter (L&T), Jacob Bjerregaard, Inga Empt (SUITS.), Eric Sperber (Bree), Verena Czaja und Gregor Gemmer (P&C Hamburg), Luca Strehle, Daniela Drabert (Hagemeyer), Lena Urzendowsky, Nama Traore, Elisabeth Schwaiger (Laurel), Dirk Reichert (Laurel), Zac Posen, Lara Krude, Jan Kruse (Conde Nast), Gabriele Frantzen, Nico Hoffmeister, Jeanne de Kroon (Zazi Vintage), Fabian Engelhorn, Ilona Sauerbier (Schuhmarkt), Annette Gilles, Sabine Spieler, Frank Rheinboldt und Barbara Moers (AppelrathCüpper), Brigitte Zypries, Loulou Berg, Markus Kurz, Anita Tillmann, Sami Slimani, Kerstin Pooth (Jack Wolfskin), Ralph Böhm (Carl Gross), Andre Pollmann (Conde Nast), Thorsten Mindermann (H&M), Otto Drögsler (Odeeh), Annette Pringle-Kölsch, Oliver Beuthien und Heike Fritz (Engelhorn), Marina Hoermanseder, Edda Gimnes, Angelica Blechschmidt, Dorothee Schumacher, Kevin und Marc Willy (Nile), Marina von Morr, Jörg Wichmann (Panorama), Daniel Gottesdiener (Oui), Leyla Piedayesh, Karen Jessen, Elyas M’barek, Annette Weber, Arne Friedrich, Adriano Sack, Oliver Fischer, Andrea Latten, Antonia Weichs, Saskia Dietz, Isabel Vollrath, Daniela Pörner, Isabella Hierl, Ursula Karven, Viktoria Lauterbach, Judith Milberg, Alec Voelkel, Johanna Voelkel, Jana Julie Kilka, Thore Schoelermann, Marius Müller Westernhagen, Alexander Passigatti (Passigatti), Motsi Mabuse, Emilia Schuele, Rebecca Mir, Massimo Sinato, Wolfgang Altmann, Karin Veith (Marc Cain), Jan Hammer (Casamoda), Jan Schoper (Nightingale), Godo Kraemer, Joerg Ehrlich (Odeeh), Nobieh Talaei, Ann-Kathrin Brömmel, Mario Eimuth (Stylebop), Arik Tremmel und Veronica-Pohle (The Multilabel Store), Fares Hadid (Panorama), Jo Groebel, Jürgen Gessler (Strenesse), Marc Freyberg (Brax), Torsten Poschardt (Ralph Lauren), Sebastian Klinder (Munich Fabric Start), Jan Ten Brinke (Lerros), Michael Röther (Modepark Röther), Holger Blecker (Breuninger), Matthias Külter (TW), Tom Junkersdorf (GQ), Alina Süggeler und Andreas Weizel, Gisa Golpira, Andreas Murkudis, Minh-Khai Phan-Ti, Hien Le, Lea van Acken, John Cloppenburg (P&C Düsseldorf), Stella McCartney, Sara Nuru, Markus Wahl und Caroline Nolte (Longchamp), Thomas Steinbrück (Reebok), Jürgen Wolf (Homeboy), Joseph Voelk und Emmanuel de Bayser (The Corner), Nina Kuhn, Rianna Kounou, Torsten Link (Strellson), Sarah Effenberger.
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 07: Julia Malik attendsthe Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for DER BERLINER MODE SALON) *** Local Caption *** Julia Malik
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 06: Designer Edda Gimnes acknowledges the applause of the audience at the Edda Gimnes show (DfT winner 2016), ‘Designer for Tomorrow’ by Peek & Cloppenburg and Fashion ID, during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin Spring/Summer 2018 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on July 6, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Stefan Knauer/Getty Images for P&C and Fashion ID) *** Local Caption *** Edda Gimnes
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 07: Designs by Hugo Boss on display at the Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Stuart C. Wilson/Getty Images for DER BERLINER MODESALON)
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 07: Anita Tillmann poses at the Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Stuart C. Wilson/Getty Images for DER BERLINER MODESALON) *** Local Caption *** Anita Tillmann
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 06: Lara Krude, winner of the fashion talent award ‘Designer for Tomorrow’ by Peek & Cloppenburg and Fashion ID hosted by Stella McCartney, is seen during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin Spring/Summer 2018 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on July 6, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for P&C and Fashion ID) *** Local Caption *** Lara Krude
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 04: Lena Gercke, Iris Berben and Lena Meyer-Landrut during the Marc Cain Fashion Show after show party Spring/Summer 2018 at ewerk on July 4, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Gisela Schober/Getty Images for Marc Cain)
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 04: Victoria Swarovski and Lena Gercke during the Marc Cain Fashion Show after show party Spring/Summer 2018 at ewerk on July 4, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Gisela Schober/Getty Images for Marc Cain)
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 07: Designer Gisa Golpira and Andreas Murkudis seen at the Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for DER BERLINER MODE SALON) *** Local Caption *** Gisa Golpira;Andreas Murkudis
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 04: Alec Voelkel, member of the band The BossHoss, his wife Johanna Voelkel, Jana Julie Kilka and Thore Schoelermann attend the Marc Cain Fashion Show Spring/Summer 2018 at ewerk on July 4, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images for Marc Cain)
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 07: Angelica Blechschmidt and Dorothee Schumacher pose at the Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for DER BERLINER MODE SALON) *** Local Caption *** Angelica Blechschmidt;Dorothee Schumacher
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 06: John Cloppenburg, Johanna Klum and Stella McCartney speak at the fashion talent award show ‘Designer for Tomorrow’ by Peek & Cloppenburg and Fashion ID hosted by Stella McCartney during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin Spring/Summer 2018 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on July 6, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images for P&C and Fashion ID) *** Local Caption *** John Cloppenburg;Johanna Klum;Stella McCartney
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 04: Franziska Knuppe and Johanna Klum attend the Laurel show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin Spring/Summer 2018 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on July 4, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images for Laurel) *** Local Caption *** Franziska Knuppe;Johanna Klum
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 06: Arne Friedrich attends the ‘Designer for Tomorrow’ show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin Spring/Summer 2018 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on July 6, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for P&C and Fashion ID) *** Local Caption *** Arne Friedrich
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 07: Designers Nina Kuhn and Rianna Kounou of Nina + Rianna pose at the Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Stuart C. Wilson/Getty Images for DER BERLINER MODESALON) *** Local Caption *** Nina Kuhn;Rianna Kounou
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 07: Victoria Swarovski (R) and guest attend the Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Stuart C. Wilson/Getty Images for DER BERLINER MODESALON) *** Local Caption *** Victoria Swarovski
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 04: Lena Gercke and Alec Voelkel (The BossHoss) attend the Marc Cain Fashion Show After Party Spring/Summer 2018 at ewerk on July 4, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images for Marc Cain)
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 07: Designers pose ahead of the Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for DER BERLINER MODE SALON)
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 07: Julian Daynov attends the Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for DER BERLINER MODE SALON) *** Local Caption *** Julian Daynov
A model poses at the Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany.
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 07: Designer Saskia Diez at the Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for DER BERLINER MODE SALON) *** Local Caption *** Saskia Diez
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 07: Designer Leyla Piedayesh of Lala Berlin poses at the Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for DER BERLINER MODE SALON)
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 04: Lena Urzendowsky (L) and Nama Traore attend the Laurel show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin Spring/Summer 2018 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on July 4, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Brian Dowling/Getty Images for Laurel) *** Local Caption *** Lena Urzendowsky;Nama Traore
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 07: Designer Karen Jessen of ‘Benu-Berlin’ poses at the Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for DER BERLINER MODE SALON) *** Local Caption *** Designs by Karen Jessen
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 07: Designer Valentin von Arnim of ‘Iris von Arnim’ poses at the Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for DER BERLINER MODE SALON) *** Local Caption *** Valentin von Arnim
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 04: Sascha Vollmer, member of ‘The Boss Hoss’, and his wife Jenny Vollmer during the Marc Cain Fashion Show after show party Spring/Summer 2018 at ewerk on July 4, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Gisela Schober/Getty Images for Marc Cain)
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 07: Designers Otto Droegsler and Joerg Ehrlich of Odeeh pose at the Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Stuart C. Wilson/Getty Images for DER BERLINER MODESALON) *** Local Caption *** Otto Droegsler;Joerg Ehrlich
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 04: Katja Flint and Natalia Woerner attend the Laurel show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin Spring/Summer 2018 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on July 4, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images for Laurel) *** Local Caption *** Katja Flint;Natalia Woerner
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 07: Claus Peymann poses at the Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Stuart C. Wilson/Getty Images for DER BERLINER MODESALON) *** Local Caption *** Claus Peymann
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 06: A model walks the runway for the designer Fatima Danielson at the fashion talent award ‘Designer for Tomorrow’ by Peek & Cloppenburg and Fashion ID hosted by Stella McCartney during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin Spring/Summer 2018 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on July 6, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Stefan Knauer/Getty Images for P&C and Fashion ID)
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 06: A model walks the runway for the designer Lara Krude at the fashion talent award ‘Designer for Tomorrow’ by Peek & Cloppenburg and Fashion ID hosted by Stella McCartney during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin Spring/Summer 2018 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on July 6, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images for P&C and Fashion ID)
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 07: Mario Eimuth poses at the Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Stuart C. Wilson/Getty Images for DER BERLINER MODESALON) *** Local Caption *** Mario Eimuth
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 07: A general view at the Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for DER BERLINER MODE SALON)
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 07: Designer Gabriele Frantzen poses at the Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for DER BERLINER MODE SALON) *** Local Caption *** Gabriele Frantzen
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 04: Ursula Karven, Viktoria Lauterbach and Judith Milberg attend the Laurel show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin Spring/Summer 2018 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on July 4, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images for Laurel) *** Local Caption *** Ursula Karven;Viktoria Lauterbach;Judith Milberg
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 06: Victoria Swarovski (L) and her sister Paulina Swarovski (R) attend the ‘Designer for Tomorrow’ show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin Spring/Summer 2018 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on July 6, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for P&C and Fashion ID) *** Local Caption *** Victoria Swarovski;Paulina Swarovski
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 07: A general view at the Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Zacharie Scheurer/Getty Images for DER BERLINER MODESALON)
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 04: Emilia Schuele wearing a red suit by Marc Cain during the Marc Cain Fashion Show after show party Spring/Summer 2018 at ewerk on July 4, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Gisela Schober/Getty Images for Marc Cain)
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 07: Designs by Hermione Flynn on display at the Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for DER BERLINER MODE SALON)
@Berlin Aufnahmen von der Berlin Fashion Week, den European Fashion Awards, Traces, der Panorama, der Premium, den Schauen von Laurèl und Marc Cain, P&Cs Designer for Tomorrow, der GQ Mension, der Panorama-Party, Fashion Tech, dem Vogue Salon, dem Berliner Modesalon und der Vogue Soiree.
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Sie sind ein unschlagbares Team und das nicht nur auf den roten Teppichen der Welt, sondern auch im echten Leben. Viktoria und Heiner Lauterbach gelten als eines der deutschen Traumpaare…
Viktoria & Heiner Lauterbach: Neues Foto mit der Familie und die Kids sind echt riesig geworden was originally published on schunck.info
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Sie leben das Leben einer Bilderbuchfamilie: Seit 17 Jahren sind Viktoria und Heiner Lauterbach verheiratet. Das Paar hat zwei gemeinsame Kinder – den elfjährigen Vito und seine fünf Jahre ältere Schwester Maya. Und die ist ihrer Mutter wie aus dem Gesicht geschnitten. Thank for watching my channel =================================================== ➤ Subscribe my channel: https://goo.gl/tZRzKp ➤ Google+: https://ift.tt/2Kia8Ua ➤ Twitter: https://twitter.com/7Nachrichten ➤HASHTAG: #Nachrichten, # Unterhaltung Nachrichten , #Fußball Nachrichten, # Nachrichten Stern
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Opening this Saturday: OPEN SHOW presented by the LA Art Association
Los Angeles Art Association is proud to present the 2017 Open Show, LAAA's signature survey exhibition featuring the very best in emerging art, juried by Anna Katz, Assistant Curator at MOCA.
Participating Artists:
Julia Alexander-Bates, Jenna Bao, Lillian Anna Blouin, Cynthia Brannvall, Miss Brightside, Julia Bui, Ellen Cantor, Natasha Carlos, Andrée Carter, Chenhung Chen, Alexandra Corrin, Martin Etem, Kat Flyn, Kaori Fukuyama, Jenna Goodman, Carlos Grasso, Michael Haight, Kathryn Hart, K Ryan Henisey, Gina Herrera, Randi Hokett, Richard Holland, Emily Jones, Lynda Keeler, Colleen M. Kelly, Chloe Jeongmyo Kim, Christine Kline, Lori LaMont, Sandra Lauterbach, Nancy Goodman Lawrence, Mike McLain, Crystal Michaelson, Tino Mingori, Stu Needman, Elizabeth Orleans, Francisco Palomares, Young Park, Tom Pazderka, Kathryn Pitt, Margaret Raab, Viktoria Romanova, Lyle Rushing, Raidi Sanchez, Robyn Sanford, Jennifer Shada, Hilary Taub, Lauren Thomas, Daena Title, Tim Townsley, Robin Tripaldi, Steven James Whitworth, Valerie Wilcox, Alex Zohar
Opening Reception: Saturday, December 16, 2017 - 6-9pm
Exhibition Dates: December 16, 2017 to January 12, 2018 Gallery 825 825 N. La Cienega Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90069
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Interview mit Lola Paltinger
Die Dirndl-Queen über die Wiesn-Trends 2017
©Lola Paltinger Ritterschlag für Trachten-Designerin Lola Paltinger! Ihre phantasievollen Kreationen sind jetzt auch in einem Buch verewigt. Und zwar in einem ganz besonderen: Die international bekannte Star-Fotografin Ellen von Unwerth wählte für ihr neues Foto-Buch „Heimat“ überwiegend Lola’s Kreationen aus. Die Models wurden für das Shooting in den feschen Dirndln von Lola Paltinger (hier), kunstvoll-sexy in Szene gesetzt. Das Ergebnis wird am 14. September in der Galerie „Immagis“ in München präsentiert – in Anwesenheit von Ellen von Unwerth, die gebürtige Deutsche ist, und natürlich auch von Lola Paltinger. Wir haben Lola schon vorab zum Interview in ihrem Münchner Showroom in der Müllerstrasse getroffen. Mit internationalen Stars kennt sich die gebürtige Mannheimerin und Wahl-Münchnerin bestens aus: So trugen zum Beispiel schon Stars wie Salma Hayek, Kim Kardashian, Katy Perry und Paris Hilton ihre Mode. Zu ihren zahlreichen prominenten Fans aus Deutschland zählen u.a. Franziska Knuppe, Viktoria Lauterbach, Marianne Hartl Verena Kerth und Giulia Siegel – um nur einige zu nennen. Lola Paltinger war eine der ersten, die mit ihren außergewöhnlichen Kreationen den traditionellen Dirndlmarkt aufmischte. Schon im Jahr 1999 gründete sie gemeinsam mit ihrer Mutter Brigitte ihr eigenes Label und verkauft ihre Kollektionen unter anderem auch seit über zehn Jahren erfolgreich für einen Teleshopping-Sender. Mit den internationalen Stars kam sie schon früh in Kontakt: Ihre Lehre machte sie bei der Modeschöpferin Vivienne Westwood. Im Interview spricht Lola nicht nur über die Zusammenarbeit für Ellen von Unwerth, sondern verrät auch ihr Erfolgsgeheimnis und die Dirndltrends fürs kommende Oktoberfest. Lola, Ihre Mode kann bald auch im Buch „Heimat“ von Ellen von Unwerth bewundert werden. Wie kam es dazu? Lola Paltinger: „Das Buch ist ein Projekt, das über sechs oder sieben Jahre ging. Der Kontakt entstand damals durch die Stylistin Susanne Kölmel, die auch für das Styling bei diesem Buch-Projekt verantwortlich war. Sie hat damals bei mir angefragt, ob ich für diese Produktion Kleider zur Verfügung stellen könnte. Das Team kam immer wieder bei mir vorbei - und ist jedes Mal mit voll bepackten Kleiderstangen aus unserem Atelier abgerauscht (lacht). Ich habe mich immer mal wieder gefragt, wann das Buch denn nun endlich erscheint, da es eben über diesen langen Zeitraum ging. Im Vorjahr hatte mich dann der Taschen-Verlag, in dem das Buch erscheint, kontaktiert. Das Buch hat ein riesiges Format, fast A3-Größe, und befindet sich in einer Kassette. Der Verlag fragte, ob sie diese Kassette mit meinem Stoff beziehen könnten. Der Einband ist also auch von mir mitgestaltet. Insofern ist wirklich sehr viel Lola in diesem Buch. Das freut mich natürlich sehr, zumal ich schon immer ein großer Fan von Ellen von Unwerth war. Es ist ein großartiges Projekt, das sie da auf die Beine gestellt hat.“ Kannten Sie sich persönlich? Lola Paltinger: „Wir haben uns noch nie getroffen. Aber ich freue mich, sie bei der Vernissage in München endlich persönlich kennenlernen zu dürfen. Sie hat das Buch im Mai bereits in Los Angeles präsentiert und zu diesem Anlass ein Dirndl von mir getragen. Wir waren die ganze Zeit über in freundschaftlichem eMail-Kontakt und sie hat mir immer wieder sehr nett geschrieben, wie viel Spaß ihr dieses Projekt doch gemacht hat, Das war wirklich reizend. Es lief alles sehr unkompliziert und zugleich sehr professionell ab. Ich freue mich sehr, dass dieser wunderschöne Bildband mit meinen Dirndln bestückt wurde. Ich liebe ihre Art von Fotografie und finde es toll, dass sie mit diesem Buch zu ihren deutschen Wurzeln zurückkehrt. Wie viele Ihrer Modelle sind in dem Buch zu sehen? Lola Paltinger: „Ich habe sie nicht gezählt, aber ich denke, es sind mindestens 20 Modelle. Die Kleider wurden wunderschön in Szene gesetzt. Es sind darüber hinaus noch traditionelle Trachten in dem Buch zu sehen, von anderen Designern, das ist wirklich ein wunderbarer Kontrast. Ich sehe es als große Wertschätzung, dass ich für dieses Projekt angefragt wurde und nun auch so viel Platz mit meinen Kleidern dort bekomme. Es gibt ja auch Projekte, wo man viele Kleider zur Verfügung stellt und am Schluss wird nur eines verwendet oder keines – und am Ende ist dann nichts zu sehen. Das Buch hat bei mir schon einen Ehrenplatz, es steht gleich bei im Eingangsbereich des Ateliers. Ich finde es schön, dass Ellen von Unwerth mit diesem Buch zu ihren deutschen Wurzeln zurückkehrt.“ Das Buch wurde in Hollywood präsentiert und Sie haben auch schon viele Stars aus Hollywood einkleiden dürfen. Wie fühlt sich das an? Lola Paltinger: „Es ist mir natürlich immer eine Ehre, mit solchen Menschen zu arbeiten oder sie auszustatten. Ellen von Unwerth schrieb mir, dass sie so großen Spaß hatte, mein Dirndl in Los Angeles zu tragen. Das berührt mich natürlich dann sehr. Denise Rich ist ebenfalls eine gute Kundin von mir. Sie kommt immer wieder zu mir ins Atelier und ich denke, sie wird auch zum Oktoberfest wieder etwas von mir tragen. Wenn sich die Prominenten über meine Mode freuen, dann weiß ich das zu schätzen. Ganz egal um wen es sich handelt.“ Paris Hilton trug auch schon ein Dirndl von Lola Paltinger. Wie kam es dazu? Lola Paltinger: „Das lief damals über ihre Agentur. Paris Hilton hat damals für einen Dosen-Prosecco geworben und ich wurde gefragt, ob ich zu dieser goldenen Dose ein goldenes Dirndl entfernen könnte. Ich habe Paris damals zur Wiesn begleitet und somit auch kennengelernt. Sie ist ein nettes amerikanisches Mädchen, das muss man wirklich sagen. Salma Hayek und Katy Perry hingegen habe ich nicht persönlich getroffen, sie hat einmal ein Kleid von mir bei „Wetten, dass...“ getragen. Aber Kim Kardashian war bei mir im Atelier. Sogar zweimal. Wir haben uns über Paris Hilton kennen gelernt. Damals war sie die noch unbekanntere Freundin von Paris. Später haben wir dann mit ihrer Mutter für Pro7 bei mir im Atelier gedreht. Und beide waren reizend und wirklich ganz unkompliziert. Es gibt solche und solche Prominente, aber in der Regel läuft alles immer sehr professionell ab. Gerade mit den internationalen Stars.“ Gibt es jemanden, den Sie gerne noch ausstatten würden? Lola Paltinger: „Interessant fände ich Herzogin Kate. Sie und William sind mir sehr sympathisch. Mal sehen...“ Jetzt steht erst einmal das Oktoberfest vor der Türe. Was sind die Trends für die Wiesn in Sachen Dirndl? Lola Paltinger: „Am meisten gefragt sind derzeit hellere Farben. Die Damen möchten auf der Wiesn gerne strahlen. Auch das klassische Vichy-Karo läuft gut: rot-weiß oder blau-weiß. Generell ist Blau immer eine sehr beliebte Farbe. Oder aber ein ausgewaschenes oder kräftiges Rot. Rosa ist gerade etwas weniger angesagt.“ Was bleibt besser im Schrank? Lola Paltinger: „Dirndl mit zu viel Glitzer und zu viel Spitze! Allgemein werden die Dirndl wieder etwas traditioneller was ich persönlich sehr schön finde. Und immer mehr Damen entscheiden sich auch für einen klassischen Zweiteiler, bestehend aus Bluse und Rock. Das kann man auch unterm Jahr und mit oder ohne Schürze tragen. Darin sehe ich den Fortbestand der Tracht: Dass es immer wieder etwas Neues gibt.“ Sie sind seit 1999 dabei. Hätten sie damals gedacht, dass im Jahr 2017 fast jeder zum Oktoberfest Tracht trägt? Lola Paltinger: „Ich habe mir damals ehrlich gesagt keine Gedanken darüber gemacht. Aber natürlich: dass auch alle Fremden zur Wiesn Tracht tragen oder dass man am Bahnhof Dirndl kaufen kann, daran hätte ich nicht gedacht. Dass die Tracht ein so großer Exportschlager wird, das ist schon überraschend.“ Sie waren die Pionierin, mittlerweile gibt es sehr viele Dirndl-Designer. Ärgert Sie das? Lola Paltinger: „Solange jemand etwas eigenes macht und seine eigenen Handschrift hat, ist mir das vollkommen egal. Nur kopieren mag ich nicht. deswegen entwerfe ich sogar meine Stoffe selbst. Auch Borten, Stickereien und Knöpfe werden inzwischen exklusiv für mich angefertigt. Das kann mir so schnell keiner nachmachen.“ Wie viele Dirndl besitzen Sie selbst? Lola Paltinger: „Bei der Wiesn muss ich das nehmen was übrig ist. Zu dieser Zeit hat meine Schneiderei in Nürnberg keine Zeit, noch etwas für mich anzufertigen. Mein allererstes Dirndl habe ich aufgehoben, das ist mein Glücksdirndl. Ansonsten trage ich natürlich die Modelle, die am Neusten sind und die ich am Schönsten finde. Das erwartet man ja in gewisser Weise von mir.“ Lola Paltinger ohne Dirndl – kommt das auch einmal vor? Lola Paltinger: „Wenn ich den Reitstall gehe, dann trage ich eine Reithose. Aber ansonsten trage ich fast ausschließlich meine eigenen Sachen. Ich designe ja auch für HSE24 und trage selbst bei Jeans meine eigenen Kollektion. Ich designe zudem Pullover und T-Shirts.... Für mich ist es ganz normal, dass ich meine eigenen Sachen trage.“ Der Buchtitel lautet „Heimat“. Sie sind gebürtige Mannheimerin, leben aber schon lange in München. Was bedeutet Heimat für Sie? Lola Paltinger: „Natürlich, meine Wurzeln liegen in Mannheim. Aber ich lebe seit 25 Jahren in München und fühle mich sehr wohl hier. Insofern würde schon sagen, dass München meine Heimat geworden ist. Es ist eine wunderschöne Stadt und ich könnte es mir derzeit nicht vorstellen woanders zu leben.“ Und wenn Hollywood anklopfen würde? Lola Paltinger: „Wenn sich Kooperationen ergeben, so wie mit Ellen von Unwerth, dann finde ich das spannend. Aber ansonsten lautet meine Devise: „Schuster, bleib bei deinen Leisten.“ Und obwohl das Dirndl mittlerweile wie gesagt auch ein Exportschlager ist – in erster Linie gehört es hier in diese Region. Und da gehöre auch ich hin.“ ganzen Beitrag lesen
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