#Vijay Maurya
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directsellingnow · 5 months ago
International Marketing Corporation Pvt Ltd द्वारा Gorakhpur में एक दिवसीय Leadership Workshop का आयोजन
Network Marketing Latest News: International Marketing Corporation Pvt Ltd (IMC) ने गोरखपुर में एक दिवसीय leadership workshop का सफल आयोजन किया। यह कार्यक्रम Gokul Atithi Bhawan Gorakhpur University Road, Civil Lines, Gorakhpur (Uttar Pradesh) में आयोजित किया गया, जिसमें लगभग 500 प्रतिभागियों, जिसमें top direct sellers और कंपनी के representatives शामिल थे। Workshop में कंपनी के प्रमुख Leaders ने…
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moviespopcorn · 1 month ago
डॉक्टरजी फिल्म रिव्यु
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मेल टच अवॉइड करो
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फिल्म डॉक्टरजी में लीड स्टार कास्ट प्लॉट-यह फिल्म एक ऐसे डॉक्टर की कहानी पर बनी है जो ऑर्थोपेडिक डॉक्टर बनना चाहता है लेकिन उसकी रैंक ऑर्थो में एडमिशन के according नहीं आती इसलिए उसको गायनेकोलॉजी में ही एडमिशन मिलता है और वह अपने मन को मार कर एडमिशन ले लेता है लेकिन जब अपने मन का कुछ ना मिले तो उस चीज में मन लगाना बहुत मुश्किल हो जाता है लेकिन जब वह हॉस्पिटल की लाइफ को देखता है तो बहुत कुछ सीखता और गलतियां भी करता है फाइनली वह अच्छा डॉक्टर बनने की कोशिश करता है| क्या वह अपनी कोशिश में कामयाब होगा? क्या वह अपने मन को गायनेकोलॉजी में लगाकर अच्छा डॉक्टर बन पाएगा? क्या वह ऑर्थोपेडिक्स बनने का सपना त्याग देगा? इन सभी सवालों के जवाबों को जानने के लिए आपको फिल्म देखनी पड़ेगी| थीम एंड टोन-इस फिल्म की टोन "कॉमेडी ड्रामा" है जिसमें फन और इमोशंस दोनों का मिश्रण है और थीम "मानवता और त्याग" जो मेडिकल लाइफ पर आधारित है इस फिल्म का उद्देश्य मनोरंजन के साथ-साथ सामाजिक संदेश भी देना भी है कि डॉक्टर की जिंदगी आसान नहीं होती जितना हम समझते हैं ऑन द ड्यूटी उनके ऊपर भी बहुत Pressure होता है एक्टिंग एंड कैरक्टर्स-"डॉ उदय गुप्ता" के रोल में "आयुष्मान खुराना" का अभिनय अच्छा है| और उन्होंने अपने रोल को अच्छे ढंग से निभाया उनका चरित्र थोड़ा हास्य रस लिए हुए हैं एक जिम्मेदार डॉक्टर का किरदार निभाने के लिए जिस तरह के साहस की जरूरत है वह उनके रोल में झलकता है "डॉ नंदिनी श्रीवास्तव" के रोल में "शेफाली शाह" का अभिनय भी लाजवाब है उनकी डायलॉग डिलीवरी और चेहरे के हाव-भाव को देखकर ���सा लगता है कि वह रियल लाइफ डॉक्टर का रोल निभा रही हो और उनके गुस्से वाले दृश्य देखते ही बनते है"शोभा गुप्ता" की भूमिका में "शीबा चड्ढा" का अभिनय भी बहुत ही कमाल का है जवानी में ही अपने पति को खो देना जब वह गर्भवती थी से लेकर एक बेटे की मां का रोल बखूबी निभाया है उनके कॉमेडी दृश्य भी बहुत अच्छे और देखने लायक है उनको जितना रोल मिला उन्होंने अच्छा काम किया है | "चड्डी" की भूमिका में "अभय मिश्र" का अभिनय बहुत ही शानदार है, उनकी डायलॉग डिलीवरी, चेहरे के हाव -भाव से लगता है कि वह लंबी रेस के घोड़े साबित हो सकते हैं और इस फिल्म के लिए उन काफी सराहना भी मिलेगी|"डॉ फातिमा" की भूमिका में "रकुल प्रीत सिंह" का अभिनय भी अच्छा है जितना उनका रोल मिला उन्होंने अच्छे से निभा दिया| सपोर्टिंग कास्ट में सभी पात्रों का अभिनय अच्छा है डायरेक्शन-इस फिल्म का निर्देशन "अनुभूति कश्यप" ने किया है और यह उनकी First Hindi Debut Directorial है और उन्होंने अपनी पहली फिल्म से ही साबित कर दिया कि वह लंबी रेस की घोड़ी है उनका कहानी को बताने का स्टाइल यूनिक है वह सभी पात्रों से बहुत ही अच्छा अभिनय करवा पाई| एक संवेदनशील विषय पर फिल्म बनाना आसान नहीं होता पर उन्होंने बहुत ही सरलता से निर्देशित किया, फिल्म की गति धीमी है फिर भी दर्शक फिल्म से अंत तक बँधे रहते हैं और शुरू से लेकर अंत तक उनकी पूरी फिल्म पर पकड़ है कहानी-"सौरभ भारत" और "विशाल वाघ" की कहानी अच्छी है पर कहानी में काफी लेयर्स है अगर लेयर्स कम होती तो कहानी थोड़ी सी और दमदार बन सकती थी| पटकथा-"सुमित सक्सेना", "विशाल वाघ", "सौरभ भाग्य" और "अनुभूति कश्यप" का ठीक-ठाक है पटकथा में ��ल्टीप्ल लेयर्स हैं थोड़ी सी पटकथा में कसावत,चरित्रों का निर्माण और गति तेज बनाई जा सकती थी डायलॉग-"सुमित सक्सेना" के बहुत ही दमदार लाजवाब और मजेदार है फिल्म के हर चरित्र के साथ मैच करते हैं कुछ डायलॉग तो हंसी से भरे हुए और कुछ Double Meaning वाले भी है सिनेमैटोग्राफी- "ईशित नारायण" की ठीक-ठाक है कुछ दृश्यों का कैमरा वर्क अच्छा है कैमरे की गति भी अच्छी है कुछ दृश्यों में रंग और प्रकाश भी अच्छे से इस्तेमाल किए गए हैं एडिटिंग-"प्रेरणा सहगल" फर्स्ट हाफ में फिल्म की गति धीमी है सेकंड हाफ थोड़ा सा तेज गति का है| प्रोडक्शन डिजाइन-"बिंदिया छाबड़िया" और "अरविंद अशोक कुमार" का ठीक-ठाक है ज्यादा स्कोप नहीं था कॉस्ट्यूम डिजाइन-"रोहित चतुर्वेदी" का अच्छा है म्यूजिक-"अमित त्रिवेदी" का ठीक-ठाक है कुछ गीत अच्छे बन पड़े हैं लिरिक्स-ठीक-ठाक लिखे गए हैं बैकग्राउंड स्कोर-"केतन सोढा" का ठीक-ठाक है साउंड डिजाइन-"संजय मौर्य" और "ऑल्विन रेगी" का ठीक-ठाक है कोरियोग्राफी-दिल धक-धक "बॉस्को सीज़र" स्टेप कॉपी "विजय गांगुली" के डांस ठीक-ठाक है क्लाइमैक्स-कुछ खास नहीं बन पाया औसत दर्जे का है ओपिनियन- One Time Watch! (अच्छे डायलॉग और अभिनय के लिए देख सकते हैं) फ़िल्मफ़ेयर अवॉर्ड नॉमिनेशंस-2 बेस्ट सपोर्टिंग एक्ट्रेस,बेस्ट डेब्यू डायरेक्टर,बेस्ट डेब्यू एक्टर,और बेस्ट डायलॉग्स| लेकिन फिल्म एक अवार्ड जीतने में कामयाब नहीं हो पायी | Flaws-चड्डी और उदय के दृश्यों का repetition में आना irritate करता है फिल्म की गति में अड़चन पैदा करता है| उदय के दोस्त और स्कूल लड़की (जो दूर की रिश्तेदार है) के affair को जबरदस्ती ठूंसा गया है Married Person और School Girl का अफेयर दिखाकर समाज को क्या संदेश देना चाहते हैं| एक अधेड़ उम्र की मां का जिसका जवान पुत्र भी है को इस उम्र में प्यार और अफेयर करने का दिखाकर क्या साबित करना चाहते हैं कि वह जो कर रही है ठीक है पर जो सिचुएशन दिखाई गई है उससे तो ठीक लगता है पर बिना किसी कारण के यह दिखाकर समाज को क्या संदेश देना चाहते हैं Memorable डायलॉग-तुम मुझे एक चौपट बाज समझती हो पर बात यह है कि तुम्हारा और मेरा Frequency अलग है! गायनेकोलॉजी में आदमी क्या कर रहा है! मेल टच अवॉइड करो! CBFC-A Movietime-2h.4 mins Genre-Comedy Drama Backdrop- Bhopal Release Year-2022 Film Cast-Ayushmann Khurrana, Rakulpreet Singh, Shefali Shah, Sheeba Chadha, Abhay Mishr, Indraneil Sengupta, Ayesha Kaduskar, Shraddha Gautam, Priyam Shah, Karishma Singh, Anju Gaur, Paresh Pahuja and (Special Appearance Puja Sarup) Director: Anubhuti Kashyap, Producer: Vineet Jain, Screenplay: Sumit Saxena, Saurabh Bharat, Vishal Wagh, Anubhuti Kashyap, Story: Saurabh Bharat, Vishal Wagh, Dialogues: Sumit Saxena, Production Design: Eeshit Narain, Editor: Prerna Sehgal, Production Design: Bindiya chhabaria, Arvind Ashok Kumar, Costume Design: Rohit Chaturvedi, Music: Amit Trivedi, lyrics: Puneet Sharma, Kumaar, RajShekhar, Amjad Nadeem, Guest Composer: Sultan Sulemani, Amjad Nadeem Aamir, Casting Director: Gautam Kishanchandani, Background Score: Ketan Sodha, Sound Design: Allwin Rego, Sanjay Maurya, Choreography: Bosco-Caesar, Vijay Ganguly Read the full article
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anant-tours-udaipur · 1 month ago
Chittorgarh’s Legends and History: Stories from the Past
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Chittorgarh, the land of bravery and sacrifice, echoes with the tales of its glorious past. This historic city in Rajasthan is known for its rich heritage, legendary rulers, and iconic battles. If you are planning a journey from Udaipur, hiring a Udaipur to Chittorgarh taxi ensures a smooth and scenic ride. Let’s unravel the fascinating legends and historical milestones that make Chittorgarh a timeless treasure.
The Magnificent Chittorgarh Fort: A Symbol of Valor
The Origin of the Fort
Chittorgarh Fort, perched atop a hill, is one of the largest forts in India and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Built in the 7th century by the Maurya rulers, the fort stands as a testament to the resilience and courage of the Rajputs.
Legendary Tales of Sacrifice
One of the most famous legends associated with the fort is the story of Rani Padmini, whose beauty captivated Sultan Alauddin Khilji. To protect her honor, she chose Jauhar (self-immolation) along with other women of Chittorgarh. This act of supreme sacrifice is a symbol of Rajput pride and resilience.
Architectural Marvels Inside the Fort
The fort is home to several iconic structures, including the Vijay Stambh (Tower of Victory), Kirti Stambh (Tower of Fame), and Rana Kumbha’s Palace. Each of these monuments narrates stories of courage and architectural brilliance.
The Legend of Meera Bai
Devotion to Lord Krishna
Chittorgarh is also associated with the legendary poet-saint Meera Bai, who dedicated her life to the worship of Lord Krishna. Her unwavering devotion and soulful compositions have left an indelible mark on Indian spiritual history.
Meera Bai’s Temple
The Meera Temple in Chittorgarh is a serene place where devotees gather to pay homage to her. The temple’s intricate carvings and tranquil ambiance make it a must-visit spot for spiritual seekers.
Battles and Invasions: Chittorgarh’s Tumultuous Past
The Three Sieges of Chittorgarh
Chittorgarh witnessed three major sieges that shaped its history. The first was led by Alauddin Khilji in 1303, followed by Bahadur Shah of Gujarat in 1535, and the Mughal Emperor Akbar in 1567. Despite facing overwhelming odds, the Rajputs fought valiantly, earning their place in history as fearless warriors.
The Spirit of Jauhar
During these sieges, the Rajput women performed Jauhar to protect their honor. This tragic yet heroic tradition highlights the indomitable spirit of the people of Chittorgarh.
Cultural Heritage of Chittorgarh
Temples Reflecting Spirituality
Apart from Meera Temple, Chittorgarh is home to several other temples, including the Kalika Mata Temple and Kumbha Shyam Temple. These sacred places not only offer spiritual solace but also showcase the intricate craftsmanship of their era.
Festivals Celebrating Legacy
The annual Jauhar Mela is a significant event in Chittorgarh, celebrating the bravery and sacrifices of its people. Visitors from across the country gather to participate in this vibrant cultural festival.
Natural Beauty Surrounding Chittorgarh
Gaumukh Reservoir
A sacred water tank within the Chittorgarh Fort, Gaumukh Reservoir is fed by a natural spring. The peaceful surroundings of this reservoir offer a refreshing escape from the fort’s rugged terrain.
Bassi Wildlife Sanctuary
Located near Chittorgarh, the Bassi Wildlife Sanctuary is a haven for nature enthusiasts. With a variety of flora and fauna, it’s an excellent spot for wildlife photography and bird watching.
Why Choose a Taxi Service from Udaipur?
Hassle-Free Travel
Opting for a Taxi Service in Udaipur ensures a comfortable and hassle-free journey to Chittorgarh. Professional drivers and well-maintained vehicles add to the convenience.
Scenic Route
The drive from Udaipur to Chittorgarh is a picturesque experience, with rolling hills, quaint villages, and lush landscapes. A Udaipur to Chittorgarh taxi lets you enjoy the beauty of Rajasthan at your own pace.
Flexibility and Safety
A private taxi allows you to customize your itinerary, making stops at local attractions or scenic spots along the way. Safety and reliability are added advantages of choosing a taxi service.
Planning Your Visit to Chittorgarh
Best Time to Visit
The ideal time to visit Chittorgarh is between October and March, when the weather is pleasant and perfect for exploring historical sites.
Essentials to Pack
Comfortable clothing and footwear
Sun protection gear, including hats and sunscreen
A camera to capture the fort’s grandeur and surrounding beauty
Hiring a Guide
To truly understand the history and legends of Chittorgarh, consider hiring a local guide. Their insights and stories will enrich your experience.
Tips for an Enriching Experience
Start Early
Begin your day trip from Udaipur early to make the most of your time in Chittorgarh. Starting early also helps you avoid the afternoon heat.
Stay Hydrated
Carry water bottles and stay hydrated, especially while exploring the expansive fort.
Respect the Heritage
While exploring the fort and other attractions, respect the historical structures and refrain from littering or causing damage.
Chittorgarh’s rich history and legendary tales make it a destination that resonates with every traveler. From the grandeur of its fort to the spiritual legacy of Meera Bai, the city offers a journey through time that’s both inspiring and humbling. With a reliable Udaipur to Chittorgarh Taxi, you can explore this iconic city comfortably and immerse yourself in its fascinating past. Let the stories of Chittorgarh’s valor and devotion leave you with memories to cherish for a lifetime.
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rajasthanrouteblogs · 2 months ago
Learn History at Chittorgarh Fort
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Chittorgarh Fort is one of the most famous historical landmarks in Rajasthan, India. It stands as a symbol of bravery, sacrifice, and rich history. Visiting Chittorgarh Fort is not just about seeing ancient architecture but also about learning the stories of warriors, kings, and queens who shaped the region. If you're someone interested in history and culture, a trip to this fort is an excellent way to immerse yourself in the past. For those planning a visit to this grand site, working with a reliable travel agency in Rajasthan can make your trip even more memorable.
The fort, which is situated in Chittorgarh, is one of the largest forts in India and is considered a UNESCO World Heritage site. The fort's massive structure includes numerous palaces, temples, and towers, each with its own story. To truly appreciate the fort’s significance, it’s important to understand the history behind its walls.
The Importance of Chittorgarh Fort in History
Chittorgarh Fort has a rich and deep history that spans many centuries. It was originally built in the 7th century by the Maurya dynasty and has since witnessed numerous battles, royal sieges, and moments of glory. It was once the capital of Mewar and served as a crucial defense against invaders. The fort’s walls, which stretch over 13 kilometers, have seen both triumphs and tragedies. Among its most famous stories is the sacrifice of Rani Padmini and the brave defense put up by the Rajputs during the invasions of the Delhi Sultanate.
For history enthusiasts, visiting Chittorgarh Fort is a fascinating journey through time. Whether it’s the tales of valor or the architectural wonders, there is something for everyone. A tour operator in Rajasthan can offer guided tours to help you understand the deeper meanings behind every monument within the fort.
The Structures Within the Fort
One of the most remarkable aspects of Chittorgarh Fort is its vast array of structures that reflect the grandeur of Rajasthan’s royal past. The fort houses several palaces, including the famous Padmini’s Palace, where Rani Padmini, the legendary queen, is said to have committed Jauhar (self-immolation) to protect her honor. The Kirti Stambh (Tower of Fame) is another significant structure, dedicated to the Jain Tirthankara Adinatha. It stands tall at about 22 meters and offers a beautiful view of the fort and the surrounding landscape.
Another key feature of the fort is the Vijay Stambh (Tower of Victory), built to commemorate Rana Kumbha’s victory over the combined forces of Malwa and Gujarat. This tower is one of the most iconic monuments in Rajasthan, standing at an impressive height of 37 meters.
As you explore these structures, you’ll come across temples, baoris (step-wells), and gates, each telling stories of the region's culture and traditions. These sites make Chittorgarh Fort a treasure trove for those looking to learn about history.
The Siege of Chittorgarh
The fort has faced multiple sieges throughout its history, but the most famous ones were by the forces of Alauddin Khilji and later by Emperor Akbar. The siege led by Alauddin Khilji in 1303 was one of the most significant events in the history of Chittorgarh. He laid siege to the fort for several months, and despite the valiant defense put up by the Rajputs, the fort eventually fell. It is said that during this time, Rani Padmini, along with other women of the fort, performed Jauhar to protect their honor from the invaders.
Later, in the 16th century, during the reign of Emperor Akbar, the fort faced another siege, though this time the Rajputs were unable to withstand the Mughal forces. These events made Chittorgarh Fort a symbol of sacrifice, courage, and resistance against foreign invaders. Visiting the fort with a travel agency in Rajasthan can give you a deeper understanding of these historical events and help you connect with the stories that shaped the region.
Exploring Chittorgarh Fort Today
Today, Chittorgarh Fort remains a vital tourist destination. The fort is open to visitors from all over the world who come to witness its grandeur and learn about its fascinating history. A guided tour through the fort can help you learn about the many rulers who once lived here and the events that shaped the area. You will also find several plaques and inscriptions that provide further details about the fort’s history.
Many tourists choose to visit the fort through a travel agency in Rajasthan, which makes the experience more enriching. These agencies offer organized tours, which often include transportation, guides, and other services that help you get the most out of your trip. A professional tour operator in Rajasthan can ensure that your visit to the fort is not only educational but also convenient and comfortable.
Cultural Significance of Chittorgarh Fort
Chittorgarh Fort is not only an architectural wonder but also a cultural hub. Over the centuries, it has hosted various royal events, festivals, and gatherings. The art and culture of the Rajput era are beautifully reflected in the fort’s carvings, paintings, and sculptures. These pieces of art offer a glimpse into the lives of the royals who once lived here and provide valuable insights into the rich cultural heritage of Rajasthan.
Visitors often spend hours exploring the fort, admiring the craftsmanship and the detailed artwork that adorns its walls. Whether you’re interested in history, architecture, or art, there’s plenty to explore and learn. By booking a tour with a tour operator in Rajasthan, you can enjoy an informative and well-planned visit to this iconic site.
Tips for Visiting Chittorgarh Fort
If you're planning a trip to Chittorgarh Fort, there are a few things you should keep in mind to make the most of your visit. First, it’s advisable to visit the fort early in the morning to avoid the midday heat, especially during the summer months. Wearing comfortable shoes is also important, as you will be walking for several hours on uneven terrain. You should also carry water and snacks, as the fort is quite large and exploring it can be exhausting.
For those who wish to learn in-depth about the fort’s history, it’s best to hire a local guide. A knowledgeable guide can provide a detailed explanation of the fort’s significance, making your visit much more informative.
Chittorgarh Fort is a must-visit for anyone interested in Rajasthan’s history. It is a place where history comes alive, from its ancient structures to the legends of bravery and sacrifice that it holds. Whether you are fascinated by the Rajput rulers, the architectural marvels, or the stories of battles and sieges, Chittorgarh Fort has something to offer every history lover.
For a seamless experience, consider booking your visit through a reliable travel agency in Rajasthan. A good tour operator in Rajasthan will ensure that your trip is well-organized, educational, and enjoyable. With their expertise, you can explore the fort at your own pace and make the most of your time at this historical gem.
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anil-1234 · 11 months ago
#mutual funds #share market
Blogger vijay Maurya
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cinemapremi · 1 year ago
Underrated Hindi Movies of 2023: Must Watch Movies List!
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Discover Underrated Hindi Movies of 2023. The year 2023 unfolded a tapestry of cinematic treasures that held the attention of audiences across India. From gripping thrillers to heart-touching dramas, the year gifted us with a diverse collection of movies, each leaving an unforgettable imprint. This specially curated list explores the top-rated Hindi movies of 2023, promising a cinematic journey filled with captivating stories, stellar performances, and thought-provoking narratives. Let's delve into the world of Indian cinema and discover the gems that caught the hearts of the general public. Top Hindi Movies of 2023: Stories That Touched Hearts 15 Must Watch Movies of 2023: Top Rated Movies! Top 10 Inspiring Hindi Movies!
Table of Contents
S.No.Movie Name1.Mast Mein Rehne Ka: Second Chances Story2.Sam Bahadur: Vicky Kaushal's Effort3.Apurva: Thrills and Face-offs4.Ghuspaith: Moving Short Film5.Mein Mehmood: Challenges of Immigrants6.Love-All: Poignant Father-Son Tale7.72 Hoorain: Impactful Exploration8.8 A.M. Metro: Journey Beyond Panic9.IB 71: Intelligence and Thrills10.UnWoman: Gentle Story with a Message Underrated Hindi Movies of 2023 With Details
1. Mast Mein Rehne Ka: Second Chances Story
Kamath, a retired widower leading a lonely and dull life, decides to find companionship. His life takes a joyful turn when he meets Mrs. Handa, a cheerful woman. They build a strong friendship through their shared adventures and moments spent together. Mast Mein Rehne Ka shares a story that may start slow but gradually captures your heart. The narrative, though not convincing at times, unfolds a heartwarming tale of second chances and companionship. This movie is a journey worth taking for those who appreciate a touch of warmth and a second shot at happiness. Release: 8 December 2023 Director: Vijay Maurya Language: Hindi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-oHvbDfU4U "In a world full of crime thrillers, this movie is a refreshing change. It's about old age, loneliness, and how people can find kindness and friendship despite tough times. Abhishek Chauhan and Jackie Shroff give great performances, supported by Neena Gupta, Monika Panwar, Rakhi Sawant, and Faisal Malik. The film beautifully shows Mumbai's true colors and how the city shapes lives. It's an emotional journey, so keep tissues handy. Kudos to the writers, director, and cinematographer for a compelling story. Neena Gupta and Jackie Shroff's chemistry is heartwarming. It's a beautiful and engaging drama, definitely worth watching."
2. Sam Bahadur: Vicky Kaushal's Effort
Sam Manekshaw is a highly honored officer in the Indian army, dedicating over four decades to serving and participating in five wars. He achieved the distinction of being the first army officer promoted to the rank of Field Marshal. Sam Bahadur brings us Vicky Kaushal's commendable effort on the big screen. While Vicky's performance is praiseworthy, the movie falls short of delivering a seamless cinematic experience. It offers enjoyment in fragments, showcasing the challenges of portraying a complex character like Sam Bahadur. Release date: 1 December 2023 (India) Director: Meghna Gulzar Music by: Score: Ketan Sodha; Songs: Shankar–Ehsaan–Loy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xJptj7AVSA&t=2s "Vicky Kaushal shines as Sam Bahadur, embodying the Indian army's spirit in a gripping performance. The film, avoiding unnecessary romanticism, delivers a genuine portrayal of military life. Sanya Malhotra and Fatima Sana Shaikh contribute well, though the latter could have captured Indira's strength better. Memorable dialogues, like a powerful Gurubani, add depth. Scenes where Sam enforces security protocol and introduces a lieutenant are personal favorites. The movie pays homage to India's unsung hero, honoring military strategists often overlooked. Meghna Gulzar's team deserves applause for bringing this story to life, making it a recommended, pride-inducing watch."
3. Apurva: Thrills and Face-offs
When a regular girl has to navigate a really dangerous situation, she's willing to do whatever it takes to stay safe. Apurva promises a rollercoaster of thrills, shocking moments, and intense face-offs. This movie ticks all the boxes for an adrenaline-pumping experience, especially in the ultimate face-off between Apurva and the formidable antagonists. If you're a fan of suspense and high-stakes confrontations, Apurva won't disappoint. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtVH3qz_XUA "This movie was a nice surprise. I expected a poorly done crime thriller from Disney HotStar, but Apurva proved me wrong. The cinematography is excellent, shot on real locations, and the background music is just right. The highlight is the menacing performances by Abhishek Banerjee, Sumit Gulati, and Rajpal Yadav as 'Jugnoo'. Rajpal Yadav, especially, shines in a dark role, showcasing his versatility. Despite some issues like continuity and accents, the movie keeps you on edge. It's a good watch, highly recommended, even if the plot bears resemblance to NH10 starring Anushka Sharma."
4. Ghuspaith: Moving Short Film
An Indian photojournalist named Manav has to brave the dangerous border between Bangladesh and India with his family. They're being pursued by a group of fighters involved in ethnic cleansing known as Mujahideen. Ghuspaith–Beyond Borders is not just a short film; it's a moving and thought-provoking piece of cinema. Dedicated to journalists like Danish Siddiqui, the film pays homage to their dedication and sacrifices. It raises important questions about the challenges faced by journalists working in conflict zones. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRaxFsQfoZk "Amit Sadh, Dibyendu Bhattacharya, and Pamela Bhutoria deliver outstanding and genuine performances. They bring the characters to life, making you feel their pain and the situations they're in."
5. Mein Mehmood: Challenges of Immigrants
The movie follows Mehmood, a middle-aged immigrant in Dubai from the Indian subcontinent. His struggle with English makes it hard for him to talk to potential clients, risking his job. Mein Mehmood, directed by Prataya Saha, sheds light on the challenges faced by immigrants in a foreign land. The film emphasizes the importance of language and portrays the harsh realities of aging. It's a thought-provoking short film that encourages viewers to reflect on the struggles of those seeking a better life. Release: 2022 Director: Prataya Saha Cast: Anshulika Kapoor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQBzZmhO6Yc "Mein, Mehmood," a short film by Prataya Saha, reveals the struggles of Mehmood, an immigrant in Dubai during the pandemic. Focused on society's emphasis on English and youth, the film captures Mehmood's dilemma of balancing family ties and survival. Despite potential for a deeper exploration, it effectively sheds light on immigrant challenges.
6. Love-All: Poignant Father-Son Tale
"Love All" is a 2023 Indian sports drama film in Hindi, written, directed, and produced by Sudhanshu Sharma. Starring Kay Kay Menon, Shriswara, Swastika Mukherjee, Sumit Arora, Ark Jain, Deep Rambhiya, and Mazel Vyas, the movie was originally scheduled for a theatrical release on August 25, 2023. Love-All unfolds a poignant story about a father-and-son duo, shedding light on the unfair practices in sports associations. The film serves as a reminder that good sports facilities are a right, not a favor. It challenges the viewer to contemplate the role of politics and taxpayers' money in shaping the sports landscape. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IleX8QX5Uyw A wonderful film! It showcases real badminton and a heartwarming father-son relationship. It's great that the cast consists of actual badminton players. India's No. 1 Men's doubles player, Deep Rambhiya, does a fantastic job as young Siddharth. Kay Kay Menon, a versatile actor, beautifully portrays the father and husband role. Don't miss this touching movie – catch it at a nearby cinema!
7. 72 Hoorain: Impactful Exploration
"72 Hoorain" is a 2019 Indian supernatural film written and directed by Sanjay Puran Singh Chauhan. The movie experienced a delayed theatrical release in India on July 7, 2023, receiving positive reviews. Despite this, it achieved modest earnings as an independent film. 72 Hoorain effectively delivers a powerful impact by exploring the manipulation of ordinary individuals in the context of terrorism. The film doesn't just focus on the sensationalism of terrorism but dives deep into its psychological aspects, portraying how ordinary lives can be manipulated for extremist ideologies. Initial release: November 2019 Director: Sanjay Puran Singh Chauhan Language: Hindi Produced by: Gulab Singh Tanwar; Ashoke Pandit; Kiran Dagar; Anirudh Tanwar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gH3NG2VIug
8. 8 A.M. Metro: Journey Beyond Panic
A man and a woman form an unexpected friendship after meeting on a railway platform. 8 A.M. Metro takes you on a journey beyond panic, exploring the chaos and emotions during a critical time. The film captures the essence of the moment, keeping you on the edge of your seat. It's a gripping tale that unfolds in the midst of panic, offering a unique perspective on human resilience. Release: 19 May 2023 Director: Raj Rachakonda https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sf6l492kclQ Two strangers meet in the Metro, forging an unexpected friendship that unravels the essence of life, dealing with trauma, loss, and the healing process. The film, enriched with beautiful dialogues and poetic phrases, resonates emotionally. It's more than a movie; it's an emotional journey between Ira, a housewife with a painful past, and an introverted guy entering her life after movies like 'The Lunchbox' and 'Cheeni Kum.' The actors, including Ira's husband, deliver outstanding performances. Pritam finds happiness amid trauma, and Ira's book gives him a renewed purpose. Emotional and motivational, this movie is truly worth watching.
9. IB 71: Intelligence and Thrills
With little time to defend the nation against the threats posed by Pakistan and China before the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971, the Intelligence Bureau develops an advanced plan to overcome formidable challenges. IB 71 combines intelligence with thrills, providing an intriguing cinematic experience. The film keeps you guessing with its plot twists and turns, making it a must-watch for suspense enthusiasts. Vidyut Jammwal's portrayal of Dev Jammwal, an intelligence officer, adds an extra layer of intensity to the storyline. Release: 12 May 2023 Director: Sankalp Reddy Producers: Vidyut Jammwal, Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Abbas Sayyed Story by: Aditya Shastri https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-V9tu8rqWIg This movie is a hidden gem! Despite Vidyut Jamwal's atypical action roles, this film stands out with its limited action focus and compelling script. It surpasses Akshay Kumar's "Bell Bottom" in execution. The tight script, sans unnecessary dance or romance, shines against the picturesque Kashmir backdrop. Anupam Kher excels as Kao (D N Rao), adding depth to this espionage thriller. It's a refreshing departure from clichéd Bollywood true event movies. Every actor, especially Vidyut Jamwal and the villain Vishal Jethwa, delivers exceptional performances. The cinematography, VFX, gripping story, and uplifting BGM make it a must-watch, especially for fans of patriotic/spy thrillers.
10. UnWoman: Gentle Story with a Message
"Unwoman" is a Hindi-language drama film produced by Gunjan Goel for Hashtag Films LLP. The movie falls under the genres of love, social issues, LGBTQ+, and drama. Initially titled "Sanwri," it earned recognition by winning the Best Foreign Film award at the Merced Queer Film Festival. UnWoman tells a gentle story with an important message. The film delicately addresses societal issues, encouraging viewers to reflect on their role in creating a more inclusive world. It's a poignant reminder that cinema has the power to highlight sensitive subjects with grace and impact. Release: 5 May 2023 Director: Pallavi Roy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1A9td2-L_A
In conclusion, the Hindi movies of 2023 have offered a diverse range of narratives, showcasing the depth and versatility of Indian cinema. Each film on this list brings something unique to the table, be it heartwarming stories of second chances, intense thrillers, or impactful short films. As viewers, we are treated to a cinematic buffet that caters to varied tastes and preferences.
What makes Mast Mein Rehne Ka a must-watch? Mast Mein Rehne Ka, despite a slow start, unfolds a heartwarming story of second chances and companionship. It's a journey worth taking for those who appreciate warmth and relatable narratives. Does Sam Bahadur live up to the expectations? While Vicky Kaushal's performance is commendable in Sam Bahadur, the film falls short of delivering a seamless cinematic experience. It offers enjoyment in fragments, showcasing the challenges of portraying a complex character. Why is Apurva recommended for suspense enthusiasts? Apurva promises a rollercoaster of thrills, shocking moments, and intense face-offs. It's a movie that ticks all the boxes for an adrenaline-pumping experience, especially in the ultimate face-off between Apurva and the formidable antagonists. What message does UnWoman convey? UnWoman tells a gentle story with an important message, delicately addressing societal issues. It encourages viewers to reflect on their role in creating a more inclusive world, highlighting the power of cinema to bring awareness. Why is 8 A.M. Metro considered a gripping tale? 8 A.M. Metro takes you on a journey beyond panic, exploring the chaos and emotions during a critical time. The film captures the essence of the moment, keeping you on the edge of your seat, making it a gripping and unique cinematic experience. Read the full article
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newsonfloorsa66 · 1 year ago
Nawazuddin Siddiqui Praises Jackie Shroff in "Mast Mein Rehne Ka"
In the world of Bollywood, actors are often praised for their performances and the impact they create on the audience. Recently, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, a talented and versatile actor, took to social media to express his admiration for Jackie Shroff's performance in the film Mast Mein Rehne Ka. Directed by Vijay Maurya, this heart-warming narrative explores the complexities of life through the lens of two generations. In this article, we will delve into Siddiqui's heartfelt note, the remarkable cast and crew, and the essence of the film itself.
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freshmoviequotes · 4 years ago
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The White Tiger (2021)
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moviemosaics · 4 years ago
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The White Tiger
directed by Ramin Bahrani, 2021
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grande-caps · 4 years ago
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The White Tiger (2021) Quality : HD Screencaptures Amount : 2897 files Resolution : 1920x1080px
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watchingalotofmovies · 4 years ago
The White Tiger
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The White Tiger    [trailer]
The epic journey of a poor Indian driver who must use his wit and cunning to break free from servitude to his rich masters and rise to the top of the heap.
Some elements are familiar, and I thought it was a bit repetitive how Balram continued to stress that he's a servant. It felt too long until he finally did something about it. But still a very well told story that reminds the viewer of the continued prevalence of an archaic system in India.
Very memorable performance by Adarsh Gourav.
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salmankhanholics · 5 years ago
★ EXCLUSIVE: After Gully Boy, Vijay Maurya’s dialogues to entertain viewers in Salman Khan starrer Radhe – Your Most Wanted Bhai!
Mar 27, 2020
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Last year’s super-hit film Gully Boy has earned accolades for almost everyone associated with it, including actor-writer Vijay Maurya. His hard-hitting and sharp one-liners were loved so much that they were honoured with multiple awards, including Filmfare. And now this talented actor is looking forward to an exciting 2020. It has come to light that he’s a part of two exciting films this year, one of which is none other than Salman Khan-starrer Radhe – Your Most Wanted Bhai.
In an exclusive chat with Bollywood Hungama, Vijay Maurya confirmed that he has written the dialogues of Radhe – Your Most Wanted Bhai. He didn’t divulge much but he did hint, “It’s a Salman Khan film and mera jo contribution hai, woh thoda bahut dikhega.”
Vijay Maurya’s association with Radhe – Your Most Wanted Bhai will give an extra edge to the film, says a trade source. He says, “Vijay Maurya is a reputed and respected artist with a great body of work. If he has written the dialogues of Radhe – Your Most Wanted Bhai, then the film’s buzz definitely increases. With Gully Boy, he has proved how well he understands the Mumbai lingo. Radhe – Your Most Wanted Bhai is also a Mumbai-based film and hence, one can expect the dialogues to be crackling!
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lifeisacinemahall · 2 years ago
‘Darlings’: a scintillating wallop of a societal welt
‘Darlings’: a scintillating wallop of a societal welt
By all accounts, writer-director Jasmeet K. Reen‘s directorial debut is one of Hindi cinema’s rare grace for 2022. Co-writing with Parveez Sheikh, the director packs in a scintillating wallop as they explore the crack and tissue-injuring reality of domestic violence within the seemingly carceral walls of a chawl. As it usually does, the marital vows are preceded by wooing and persistent strewing…
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feartube2000 · 4 years ago
La tigre bianca
La tigre bianca (The White Tiger) è un film drammatico americano con sede in India del 2021 diretto da Ramin Bahrani. Il film è interpretato da Adarsh ​​Gourav nel suo primo ruolo da protagonista, insieme a Priyanka Chopra e Rajkummar Rao. La pellicola è un adattamento del romanzo omonimo del 2008 di Aravind Adiga e racconta di Balram, un uomo che viene da un povero villaggio indiano e usa il suo…
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digitaltariq · 4 years ago
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Ritesh Sidhwani’s GullyBoy makes its mark at SWA Awards 2020 : Bollywood News – Bollywood Hungama One of the most talked about films of 2019 which won hearts with its storyline and unwrapped the underground rap scene is Ritesh Sidhwani and Excel Entertainment's…
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newsmoviesportfolio · 4 years ago
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Ritesh Sidhwani’s Guliboy SWA Awards 2020: Bollywood News – Bollywood makes its mark in Hungama One of the most talked about movies of 2019 that won hearts with its plot and embellished the underground rap scene, Ritesh Sidhwani and Excel Entertainment…
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