#Vigilante Shit ( Marvel Assassin AU )
dc-and-marvelfics · 4 years
You Remind Me of Somebody
Summary: Sometimes family is an Ex-assassin-turned-Anti-hero, a feral vigilante Spider son and a tired billionaire-genius-playboy-philanthropist Hero. And their assorted friends. And it all began thanks to a scrappy, scrawny kid who has a penchant for getting into trouble.
Warnings: Mentions of past torture, Mind control, and Mind Wiping. Violence/Fighting. Sass. Swearing. Lots of Fluff. And Angst. Slow Burn. Slight Crack 
Fandoms: Marvel, Iron Man, Spider Man. 
Complete AU after the first Avengers movie. Also I haven’t watched any of the Tom Holland movies and Most of my Spider-Man knowledge comes from the older movies, comics and Cartoons. But, for this I’m using Tom Holland’s Spider-Man but kinda meshing the rest of the Spidey canon in there for shits and giggles. Same with Avengers and Iron-Man. 
Pairing: Eventual WinterIron
Tags for this is: YRMS and Found Family: Spider Edition
(First Chapter is a little Short)
It all started when the Soldier pulled a scrawny, much too small, teen out of a one-sided brawl with some older teens, and the asset was washed with an intense sense of deja-vu. A vague recollection of doing the same on multiple occasions in the Before. Along with a strong sense and even stronger need to protect this tiny, scrawny and scrappy youth that he now held tucked under one arm like a sack of potatoes due to an old instinct/habit.
“I had them on the ropes!” the child protests with a pout looking up at the Asset with hazel puppy-dog eyes. Echoing the memory of a similar scrawny teen with the same pout from his distant memories.
The retort was automatic, echoing the remnants of a past life scattered through the holes and shattered glass of his mind, “Sure you did.” The Russian accent thick and coloring his words more than the vaguely recalled accent of Before.
“So...What’s your name?” The child asked, seemingly not caring that some random stranger was holding him like a sack of potatoes. Let alone a strange muscular man dressed in worn jeans, combat boots, a red hoodie and a muzzle mask. Or he had zero self-preservation, which the soldier was beginning to wonder about as said child continued to smile brightly up at the Soldier while pushing his glasses back up.
“...Yasha.” Was his reply after a moment of silence. Because he wasn’t Bucky anymore. Could barely remember who Bucky was in the Before. Before Hydra. Before the Chair. Before the Fall. 
“Nice to meet you Yasha!” The bright and cheerful reply broke him out of the spiral Bu-No Yasha had been going into. He had the sudden urge to shield his eyes as the tiny teen beamed while holding a hand up to Yasha, “Name’s Peter Parker!”
Later as Yasha was pulled into their apartment as May introduced herself to him and Ben clapped him on the back in thanks for helping Peter, Yasha could see where the child got his fearlessness from. This family radiated happiness even as they welcomed a complete stranger into their lives with open arms. Not caring about the past he doesn’t talk about, that he has no last name, that he has memory issues and clearly running from something. 
That is the story of how the former Fist of Hydra meet the nephew of his nextdoor neighbors the Parkers, a sweet older couple who lived in the apartment next to his. And how the Parkers, all three of them, adopted a broken man into their fold with patience and love. 
How the Asset became Yasha, the exasperated if fondly gruff watcher for one Peter Parker and a Parker himself in all but blood. 
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crescendochan · 5 years
Riptide - A Kpop!Marvel AU (III)
Summary: In which you are a wanted vigilante and Stray Kids, one of S.H.I.E.L.D’s top rookie teams, needs you on their side.
Genre: Alternate universe, action/adventure, crime, fantasy, superhero, Marvel, dark!skz
Word Count: 1,309
Parts: If you want access to the other parts to this AU, just search up ‘riptide’ in my blog search :)
Notes: I watched Endgame yesterday and I am an inspired emotional wreck, which actually makes for some damn good writing, if I hype myself up enough lol.
Happy reading!
- Erin
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“Fuck them,” Wooyoung complained, packing another hearty punch into the sandbag in the gym at ATeez’s headquarters. “They know your history, probably down to the name of your first childhood pet, and yet they try to convince you to join them? Bastards, every last one of them.”
You glanced over at him from where you were jogging on the treadmill across the room, careful to distribute your weight so as not to go tumbling off. “Agreed. But don’t you think their logic is a little bit... off? You’re right,” you paused to suck in a breath of air, “they’re fucking bastards for trying this in the first place, but they’re also complete idiots. I would be the last person to want to join S.H.I.E.L.D.”
Wooyoung nodded, starting to switch between kicks and punches, his super-speed appearing in bursts, making your head spin as you tried to keep up with his movements. “Y’know,” he said after a few moments of comfortable silence. “It’s a good thing you didn’t go with them.” The timer on the treadmill let out a series of beeps and you slowed your run down into a brisk walk, then to steps. You glanced over at your best friend once more as he bounced on the balls of his feet, cooling his muscles after his workout.
“And why is that? You’d miss me too much?” Wooyoung met your eyes as you walked over to him, and an exasperated look came over his features, although you could still see the amused glint in his fond gaze.
“Sure, whatever. I would still have San. But if they tried to convince you to leave, despite what they know, they were probably planning on killing you.”
You knew that full well. In fact, that possibility had been cycling through your mind since Chan and I.N had flown out of your window three days ago. Since then, ATeez had fallen back into its steady rhythm of going out on missions, having each others’ backs, and returning home to enjoy late dinners and reruns of old TV shows. You liked your life now, and no one was about to change your mind. “I’ve been thinking about that,” you admitted, plopping down onto the mat-covered floor, Wooyoung following suit. “Don’t worry, though. I’m not that oblivious.”
Your parents had sacrificed too much to keep you alive. Hell, it was a miracle that they had managed to even help you get away from the S.H.I.E.L.D raid on your home seventeen years ago. So what made those damn boys decide to come and get you now of all times?
“If you died, I wouldn’t know what to do with myself,” Wooyoung murmured, letting his arm press against yours as he moved closer, “When I found you passed out on the beach, I nearly lost my shit. Never scare me like that again, y’hear?” A laugh left your lips and you intertwined your fingers with his, resting your head on his shoulder, a familiar gesture. It wasn’t romantic, just... comforting.
“I wouldn’t dare.”
Chan’s head snapped sideways at the force of the slap.
“You let her get away?” Commander Park, his boss, barked, and his shoulders shrunk, just as they was accustomed to.
One day Chan would show him what he was truly capable of, and Commander Park would be sorry.
“My life was being threatened, sir, and if I died, I.N wouldn’t be strong enough to defend himself. ATeez is a band of highly trained assassins and enhanced alike, and as much as I hate to admit it, we wouldn’t be enough to hold them back.” He didn’t bother to raise his head, even when he heard the sharp footsteps of Commander Park approaching him. He didn’t bother to cry out when the kick was delivered to his stomach. The bruises there were still fresh, but while it had hurt like hell, he was strong.
He had to be.
“Get stronger, and make them stronger too. We must not fail. The system is faulty, and we will be the ones to fix it.” Chan knew this speech by heart after hearing it so many goddamn times, and he couldn’t help but wonder which time it would be when he finally broke.
“Understood, Commander.”
“Good.” Chan kept his head lowered as Commander Park stepped away, but when his phone started to ring, he glanced up. “It’s a video call. Stand up, boy, I can’t have him seeing you like this.” A glimmer of hope sparked in his heart at the mention of this person. Although he had gone unnamed, by the tone of his boss’s voice, Chan knew who was calling.
Commander Park pressed the Receive Call button, and then swiped the camera footage from his phone screen onto the TV in the conference room where Chan had been receiving his punishment.
There, on the screen in all his glory was Captain America himself. The sensation that coursed through Chan at the much welcome sight was one of awe, almost. Here was one of the famed Avengers, someone who Chan absolutely idolized. Here was someone who had fought aliens from space (Chan realized his thoughts had become much too redundant for his tastes, probably due to his shock), who had defeated an army of killer robots and their evil master. Here was a man who had fought them all and won.
But not alone. Never alone.
“Commander Park! You’re looking as spry as always,” Tony Stark’s voice rang out over the audio system, and Chan remained silent, despite the awkwardness slowly creeping in. “I see you have your... protege here as well. Uh, care to remind me what your name was again?” A jolt of surprise rocked Chan from his fingertips to his toes, it’s intensity only increasing as Iron Man himself waltzed into the frame, toting a bag of kale chips.
“Uh, hello, Mr. Stark sir. I’m Christopher Bang, but you can call me Chan. It’s an honor to see you again.” It was all Chan could do to keep the stutter out of his voice.
“Okay, pleasantries aside-“
“‘Pleasantries aside?’ I think you need to schedule your next physical, Rogers. Something isn’t working right in there,” Stark once again cut in to Captain America’s attempt to resume conversation, and Chan couldn’t help but smile.
Unfazed, Steve continued on, “I called-“
“We called!”
“Yes, we called to inform you of a new enhanced that’s floated into our radar-“
“Ha, floated. Look, the old man’s cracking jokes now!”
“But apparently she’s not affiliated with H.Y.D.R.A, or any other corporation we’ve come across recently. Romanoff’s checking archives as we speak, but I just wanted to know if you have any information on this case already.”
Chan froze. Of course they did. That was what had earned him the slap, their failure to retrieve the girl from that god-forsaken ATeez, or whatever they called themselves. Commander Park had actually severely injured Jeongin, the youngest on Chan’s team, just to sell the part, but of course, it only succeeded in making Chan hate his boss all the more.
“No, I’m truly sorry, Captain, but this is the first I’m hearing of this case. If anything comes up, you will be the first to hear of it,” Commander Park lied through his perfect straight white teeth that Chan wished with all his might he could just knock out of his mouth.
Steve Rogers smiled. “Drop the formalities, Commander. Call me Steve.”
Chan wanted to throw up.
“Steve it is,” Commander Park replied, smile somehow growing even bigger and even more forced, “It was a pleasure to talk to the both of you. Have a great rest of your day.”
“Same to you, Commander. Signing off.” With that, the screen went black, and Chan sunk back into one of the many desk chairs surrounding the conference table.
“Get. That. Girl.”
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