#Victora Elevator
liftcompanyindia · 1 year
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victoralifts · 2 years
"Experience the perfect mobility solution for your building with the help of Victora Plan and Design. From Concept to Construction, Victora takes you on a smooth ride."
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cocochannel00 · 5 years
No Sympathy
Harry gets injured and (Y/n) shows no sympathy.....
Kids: Connor (18), Becca (17), Grayson and Riley (15), Victoria (10), Casey (5)
You had been working as a nurse for over 18 years now. It was true that you had been on and off between kids and other events, but you had always been fully committed to the idea that you were going to work regardless of Harry’s ability to support your family financially. You didn't go to school for all of those years to get a degree and pursue your passion just to give it up after having kids and marrying the love of your life that also happened to be a millionaire. You admired stay at home moms and the hard work they do but you were a busy body and having too much free time made you slowly go insane so you decided to get back to work. 
Your kids were more or less grown up with the eldest, Connor, being 17 and your youngest, Casey, being 5. Harry had decided to stay home and watch the kids that Friday (the ones that were hanging around the house at least) as you covered one of your coworker's shift. It had been an overall quiet day except for the few patients that were being stubborn and a couple of fans that were visiting family that occasionally came in to ask for pictures. Since you and Harry had been married things had settled down fairly well as you not only lived in the outskirts of London but the locals also got tired of seeing you. Sometimes the tourist would come to see if they could catch a glimpse of Harry at your home but with the giant fence Harry had built there wasn’t much they could see.
You had just finished taking a chest x-ray of a little boy who had come in with what you thought was bronchitis when you heard some commotion coming from the ER wing. Doctors were chatting loudly as the nurses raced around looking for empty rooms. Why they were so worried about getting a private room you had yet to figure out but it didn't really matter to you.
As you dropped off the little boy and continued to walk through the hallway getting ready to check on your other patients your coworker Jasmine came running down the corridor screaming your name. Startled you looked up from your clipboard waiting for the news to come.
"(Y/n) you need to come down to room 203d" she said slightly out of breath.
"Why?" You asked as you carefully closed the clipboard and tucked your pencil behind your ear.
"Harry's been in a bit of an accident of sorts and he won't stop causing a commotion. They’ve just started him on a morphine drip to get him to calm down," she said quickly.
You sighed but abruptly began to jog down the hallway towards the elevator to go meet your wailing husband. It had been a while since Harry had injured himself to the point of needing the hospital. The last time you could remember was when Connor was learning to parallel park an accidentally ran over Harry's foot. He was in a boot for a couple of weeks but other than that he had been relatively ok.
The elevator sounded as you reached the second floor where Harry was. You could hear muffled groans and screams as you approached the room. Two doctors stood outside the room as you saw Becca, Casey, Vicca and Riley sitting in chairs across from Harry’s room. Casey was sobbing as Becca held her on her lap. Vicca and Riley were wincing at each groan from their father but didn't overt their eyes from Riley's phone.
Walking up to them quickly you greeted them all with a kiss on the forehead before picking Casey up from Becca's arms and cradled her to your chest. Harry's groans had subsided to whimpers for now and you took the opportunity to calm Casey down before sending her to the vending machine with Rebecca to buy some candy. You gave Riley and Victoria a dollar too a told them to follow them and wait outside once they get back. 
Once they were gone you greeted the doctors and walked in to see your husband on the hospital bed, one arm over his face the other twisted in an odd position. Amy, the oldest and meanest nurse you knew, had just finished cutting his shirt off his body in hopes of better assessing his injuries without causing more pain.
"Oh, would you stop your shouting your gonna scare the fish in the waiting room" Amy scolded as she walked around the room.
"Well, Amy I hope this gives them the opportunity to escape like in Finding Nemo" Harry retorted, slightly disoriented from the morphine that was starting to kick in.
You chuckled in the corner as you slowly approached his bed.
"I'm glad you're all for saving the fish, but I think they're just fine where they are. Thank you, Amy, I’ll save you the trouble and pop it back in my self. Send a tech to take his vitals in 10 minutes please " you said.
“Alright darling, don’t know how you married such a dramatic man” she laughed as she left the room.  
“I ask myself that every day” you replied with a grin.
Harry lifted his uninjured arm away from his face before grimacing at you sheepishly.
"Hey honey what brings you here," Harry asked as you glared at him. He groaned slightly as he attempted to lift his head, moving his shoulder in the process.
"Oh you know I could hear my husband’s screams two stories up and I thought maybe he was in a life-threatening situation like a bullet wound or something but no he's here yelling about a dislocated shoulder," you stated with an eyebrow raised as if challenging him to say something.
"(Y/n) I'm in immense pain ok! I don't need this" he replied as he looked at you with tears swarming his eyes.
"Ok, ok calm down a bit form me, baby, ok? let me pop it back in real quick. It's going to hurt." You stated
"Oh sweet Jesus, pray for me at the hands of this merciless woman" Harry mumbled as he stared up at the ceiling.
You need to find a way to distract him in order for it to pop in properly so you decided to question him about his day so you could assess the problem properly. 
"What on earth did you do today that you managed to pop this out?" You asked.
"Well you see it started with lunch, Casey wanted Mac and Cheese and we didn't have any upstairs and I was climbing the stairs and you see I was about to-" he started but before he could finish you quickly popped it back in causing Harry to scream at the top of his lungs. You hoped he wouldn’t faint as Harry had a tendency to do that when he was in severe pain (like when you broke his hand while giving birth to the twins).
Just as you predicted he began to tense up and hyperventilate. his heart monitor began to beep rapidly as you cursed at your husband. You quickly grabbed his face in your hands and forced him to open his eyes and look at you. 
"H deep breaths. Come on you can do it" you encouraged but Harry only became less cooperative.
You decided that this was going to go downhill quickly if you didn’t act now so you did the only thing you knew would get your husband to calm down. You smashed your lips to his and held his face in your hands hoping that the kiss would help his body calm down like it usually does. It felt as if you had held your breath for hours before you released him and rested your forehead against his. Harry's breath had returned to a somewhat normal rate as you sat on the edge of the bed staring at him. 
You could sense the doctors' gazes and awkwardly smiled at them. You were never one for showing affection in public and much less in the hospital. They both cautiously walked out and left you two alone.
"I hope you don't do that with all of your patients" Harry whispered as he smiled up at you. You pecked his lips quickly before laughing.
"No, just on the really hot grammy winners. I’m hoping to test it out on Stormzy soon" you replied smugly as you went to grab a sling from the cabinet.
"Haha very funny, I’m going to let the comment slide because I’m on a lot of drugs and I’m a bit drowsy. Oh, I also forgive you for crushing my hand with the twins. If this is just a fraction of the pain you felt during childbirth then I don't even want to know how you did it five times."
"Well someone always said they wanted to have a big family and could never keep it in his pants." You retorted as you wrapped the sling over his now swollen shoulder.
"So how did this happen again?" You asked as you walked to the door to let your kids in.
"Well long story short Riley left his skateboard in the kitchen and I tripped and fell on it while I was playing a game on my phone and well, now we're here." He replied.
You heard a knock on the door before it opened slowly. Casey came running in followed by Connor who you assume had come from football practice along with Gray as they both still had their padding. Casey jumped into your arms as the rest of your crazy family shuffled into the room with their various snacks and crowded around the bed Harry was currently sitting up in.
The rush of questions and shouts was enough for you to quickly let out a loud whistle which caught the attention of everyone in the room.
"Your father was stupid so I want zero sympathy for the man in the bed. He brought this upon himself and he knows it” you stated as Harry gave you a loopy grin and blew you a quick kiss causing Victora and Casey to giggle.
“Daddy is very sorry for being clumsy. I guess Mommy’s going to have to take extra good care of me when I get home” Harry replied with a winkle that made your older kids groan in discomfort.
You shook your head with a smile and got up from the edge of the bed, placing Casey on the bed next to him.
“I need to go check on my other, more important patients upstairs. I’ll have Amy bring you some water and find a couple of extra chairs. I get off at 7 so I’ll stop by with your discharge papers and we can all go home for dinner. See you soon babies.” you shouted as you blew them a kiss and walked out of Harry’s room. 
 The rest of that afternoon was spent with you stopping by his room in between patients and your kids laying around Harry's room messing around and watching tv. Nothing like a hospital visit to bring everyone together. 
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johnthemouse · 5 years
I was able to talk to Kevin that used to live at View towers. We had a nice conversation let me tell you a little bit about his experience that he had there. He lived there in the year 2009 for 10 months. He talked about how he felt the hallway was the creepiest thing that looked like it came out of the movie the shining. That lead him to get that creepy spookie feeling when he was in the hallways and when he was in his dingy apartment. There was some bad mojo on the go with some of the characters that lived there. He liked the management, the heat and hot water were included with the $600 rent. You did have to pay for the lights, electric, he recalls the hydro was cheap like $8 per month. He talked about living on the 7th floor facing fort street. He said you had an awesome panoramic view of the Olympic mts. Every night around 8 you could hear the bells at Christ church. The elevator rides were sometimes funny as hell, he would bump into some colorful characters is well. I did ask what lead him to living at the towers? He told me that he recently relocated and was staying at a friends house. He really didn't want to wear out my welcome. He needed a cheap place fast. All the bad things he talked about view towers it was really a stepping stone for him living in Victoria. He has moved into different places over the years. Over-all he sounded like he was happy with Victora. Thank-you for all your comments and viewing the video. I have other videos I would like you to view. Map: https://drive.google.com/open?id=18IyJwLu-3PoR48vxQ78zhUXd7jU&usp=sharing Donation: cloakcoin:CBs9HooP6g2u1y4pFJdWdaiaeBV1b7x8Xe Other Links: By shaundsg - wikipedia, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=17836238 https://www.bcleaseholders.com/issues/legal-issues/ https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/view-towers-apartment-fire-sends-8-to-hospital-in-victoria-1.2644106 https://www.timescolonist.com/displaced-by-fire-some-view-towers-tenants-face-eviction-1.1096748#sthash.f3WJ7J9o.dpuf https://www.investor.gov/additional-resources/news-alerts/alerts-bulletins/updated-investor-alert-social-media-investing https://www.sec.gov/news/public-statement/statement-potentially-unlawful-promotion-icos http://www.cloakcoin.com/ http://faucet.cloakcoin.com/?id=25647 Electroneum Referral Program Earn 1% more with this code: FFBCA7 https://www.youtube.com/Johnthemousevideo https://twitter.com/JohntheMouse Music: Audio: Evil Plan FX " Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication Youtube Video Transcript: Tags: View Towers, 1147 Quadra St, SGM, Kevin, Victoria, Canada, Harris Green neighborhood,
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liftcompanyindia · 1 year
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liftcompanyindia · 1 year
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liftcompanyindia · 1 year
Elevator FAQs: Important Questions Answered for Your Peace of Mind | Victora Lifts
Introduction Elevators, also known as lifts, play a pivotal role in modern living, providing convenient vertical transportation in various settings, from residential buildings to commercial complexes. As an elevator user or property owner, you might have some questions and concerns about these essential machines. In this comprehensive article, we aim to address some frequently asked questions regarding lifts, shedding light on their safety, maintenance, functionality, and more.
Let's dive into these important elevator FAQs to equip you with the knowledge you need for a smooth and worry-free elevator experience.
How Do Elevators Work? Elevators operate on a straightforward yet sophisticated system. A cab or car moves within a shaft, supported by hoists and cables attached to a counterweight. Electric motors power the elevator, lifting or lowering the cab by winding and unwinding the cables. Elevator doors are synchronized to open and close at the right floors, allowing passengers to embark and disembark safely.
Are Elevators Safe? Yes, elevators are generally safe when properly maintained and operated. Regular maintenance and adherence to safety standards are vital to ensure their safety. Reputable elevator service providers conduct routine inspections, servicing, and safety checks to keep elevators in top condition.
What Are the Common Elevator Safety Features? Modern elevators come equipped with various safety features to protect passengers and prevent accidents. Some common safety features include emergency stop buttons, alarm systems, interlocks on doors, emergency lighting, and overload sensors.
How Often Should Elevators Be Maintained? Regular maintenance is crucial to keep elevators running smoothly and safely. Elevator manufacturers and industry experts recommend quarterly inspections and servicing for optimal performance. However, the frequency of maintenance can vary based on the elevator's age, usage, and local regulations.
Can Elevators Accommodate Wheelchairs and Mobility Aids? Yes, many elevators are designed to be accessible and can accommodate wheelchairs, mobility scooters, and other aids. These elevators feature wider door openings, spacious cabins, and buttons at reachable heights to ensure ease of use for all passengers.
What Should I Do If I'm Stuck in an Elevator? If you find yourself stuck in an elevator, remain calm and press the emergency button or use the intercom to communicate with building personnel or emergency services. Never attempt to force open the doors or exit the elevator on your own, as it can be dangerous.
How Can I Improve Elevator Efficiency? To enhance elevator efficiency, consider implementing strategies such as grouping passengers traveling to the same floors, using destination control systems, and scheduling maintenance during off-peak hours to minimize disruptions.
Can Elevators Be Retrofitted for Energy Efficiency? Yes, elevators can be retrofitted with energy-efficient components and technologies to reduce energy consumption. LED lighting, regenerative drives, and standby modes are some examples of energy-saving upgrades.
Are There Eco-Friendly Elevator Options? Absolutely! Eco-friendly elevators, also known as green elevators, are designed with sustainable materials and energy-efficient features. They contribute to reducing the building's overall carbon footprint and operating costs.
What Is the Lifespan of an Elevator? With proper maintenance and care, elevators can last for several decades. However, as elevators age, the need for repairs and modernization increases, and at some point, a full replacement may be necessary.
Conclusion Understanding the ins and outs of elevators is essential for safe and efficient usage. We hope this compilation of frequently asked questions has provided you with valuable insights into the world of elevators. Remember, regular maintenance, adherence to safety protocols, and choosing reputable elevator service providers are key to enjoying a reliable and worry-free elevator experience. Whether you ride elevators daily or oversee their maintenance in commercial buildings, knowledge is the key to a smooth elevator journey.
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liftcompanyindia · 1 year
Elevator Installation: A Step-by-Step Guide to Starting Your Own Business | Victora Lifts
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on elevator installation business. If you're looking to start your own business in the lucrative field of elevator installation, you've come to the right place. In this guide, we will provide you with a step-by-step approach to establish and run a successful elevator installation company , India. From obtaining the necessary licenses to delivering top-notch services, we'll cover all the essential aspects to help you outrank your competitors and thrive in this industry.
Step 1: Research and Planning
Before diving into the elevator installation business, it's crucial to conduct thorough research and develop a solid business plan. Start by assessing the market demand in your target area and identifying potential competitors. Understand the local regulations and requirements governing elevator installation to ensure compliance.
Step 2: Obtaining the Necessary Licenses and Certifications
To operate a legitimate elevator installation business, you must obtain the appropriate licenses and certifications. Contact your local regulatory authorities to understand the specific permits needed in your area. Some common certifications include:
Elevator Contractor License
Contractor's License
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Certification
Complying with these requirements will not only help you outrank competitors but also establish trust and credibility with potential clients.
Step 3: Building a Professional Team
As an elevator installation business, assembling a skilled and knowledgeable team is vital. Hire experienced elevator technicians, engineers, and project managers who understand the intricacies of elevator systems. Ensure they have the necessary certifications and ongoing training to stay up-to-date with industry standards and advancements.
Step 4: Establishing Supplier Relationships
Forge strong relationships with reputable suppliers of elevator components and equipment. Partnering with established manufacturers will ensure the quality and reliability of the materials used in your installations. It's essential to maintain a consistent supply chain to meet client demands promptly.
Step 5: Providing Comprehensive Services
Differentiate your elevator installation business by offering comprehensive services to your clients. This includes:
Installation: Expert installation of various types of elevators, tailored to meet the specific needs of each client.
Modernization: Upgrading and retrofitting existing elevator systems to enhance performance, energy efficiency, and safety.
Maintenance and Repairs: Implementing regular maintenance schedules and providing swift repair services to minimize downtime and ensure optimal functioning of installed elevators.
By providing end-to-end solutions, you can establish long-term relationships with clients and gain a competitive edge in the market.
Step 6: Embracing Technology and Innovation
Incorporate the latest technological advancements into your elevator installation business. Stay updated with industry trends such as smart elevators, energy-efficient systems, and digital monitoring. Investing in innovative solutions will not only improve the efficiency and reliability of your installations but also attract clients seeking cutting-edge elevator technologies.
Step 7: Marketing and Branding
To outrank your competitors and attract clients, it's crucial to invest in effective marketing and branding strategies. Develop a professional website that highlights your expertise, showcases your successful projects, and provides testimonials from satisfied clients. Implement search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to ensure your website ranks high in relevant searches.
Utilize online advertising, social media platforms, and industry directories to increase your visibility and reach. Network with architects, building owners, and facility managers to establish valuable connections within the industry.
Starting an elevator installation business requires careful planning, expertise, and a customer-centric approach. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article, you can establish a successful and competitive business in the elevator installation industry. Remember to prioritize quality, professionalism, and innovation to outrank your competitors and provide exceptional services to your clients. Good luck on your entrepreneurial journey!
The above article provides a detailed and step-by-step guide to starting an elevator installation business. It offers comprehensive information and insights to help readers establish a successful venture in this industry. By following the recommended steps and implementing effective strategies, aspiring entrepreneurs can outrank competitors and build a thriving elevator installation business.
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liftcompanyindia · 1 year
Comprehensive Guide to Home Elevator Maintenance | Victora Lifts
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Welcome to our comprehensive guide to home elevator maintenance. At Victora Lifts, we understand the importance of ensuring the smooth operation and longevity of your home elevator. In this article, we will provide you with expert tips and insights on how to properly maintain your home elevator, ensuring its optimal performance and safety. Whether you're a homeowner or a professional elevator technician, this guide will equip you with the knowledge you need to keep your home elevator in excellent condition.
Regular Maintenance Tasks
1. Lubrication and Inspection of Moving Parts
To keep your home elevator operating smoothly, regular lubrication and inspection of moving parts are crucial. This includes the elevator's cables, pulleys, rollers, and other mechanical components. By lubricating these parts according to the manufacturer's recommendations, you can minimize friction, reduce wear and tear, and prevent potential malfunctions.
2. Cleaning and Maintenance of Cab Interior
A clean and well-maintained cab interior not only enhances the aesthetics of your home elevator but also ensures a pleasant and comfortable ride. Regularly clean the interior surfaces, including the walls, handrails, and flooring, using appropriate cleaning solutions. Inspect the cab's lighting, ventilation, and emergency communication system to ensure they are functioning properly.
3. Inspection of Safety Features
Safety should always be a top priority when it comes to home elevator maintenance. Regularly inspect the safety features, such as door sensors, emergency stop buttons, and interlocks, to ensure they are in good working condition. Test the emergency phone system to verify its functionality and keep emergency contact numbers readily accessible.
Seasonal Maintenance Tasks
1. Temperature and Humidity Control
Extreme temperatures and high humidity can impact the performance of your home elevator. During hot summer months, ensure proper ventilation and consider installing a dehumidifier if necessary. In colder months, maintain a suitable temperature to prevent freezing of mechanical components.
2. Inspection of Electrical Components
Periodically inspect the electrical components of your home elevator, including wiring, control panels, and motor systems. Look for any signs of wear, loose connections, or corrosion. If you notice any issues, contact a qualified elevator technician to perform the necessary repairs or replacements.
3. Regular Testing of Emergency Systems
Emergency systems, such as battery backup, should be tested regularly to ensure they are functioning as intended. Conduct tests on a quarterly basis to verify the functionality of these systems. Keep a log of the tests performed, including the date, time, and results, for future reference.
Professional Maintenance
While regular maintenance tasks can be performed by homeowners, it is essential to engage a professional elevator technician for periodic inspections and more complex maintenance procedures. Professional maintenance ensures that your home elevator complies with safety regulations, extends its lifespan, and minimizes the risk of unexpected breakdowns.
In conclusion, proper maintenance is key to the optimal performance and longevity of your home elevator. By following the tips and guidelines outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can ensure a safe and reliable elevator experience for you and your family. Remember to perform regular inspections, lubricate moving parts, clean the cab interior, and test safety features periodically. Additionally, seek professional assistance for more in-depth maintenance procedures. With proper care and attention, your home elevator will continue to serve you for years to come.
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victoralifts · 3 years
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With each passing year, the air quality deteriorates. As a result, the Victora Lift team organised a plantation drive since we recognise the importance of giving back to Mother Nature.Now is the time we as responsible citizens and as a corporate company plays our role in the rehabilitation of our mother Earth.
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victoralifts · 2 years
Does your lift keep you waiting? Get Victora S.M.A.R.T. Maintenance services
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Whenever you are in a hurry, you choose elevators over stairs. Isn’t it??! But what if it keeps you waiting? Doesn’t it feel like patience-testing?? It surely would be! No matter how many times you press the buttons, the elevator doesn’t seem to move any faster. It would make you feel like an eternity or longer. The time spent waiting for commercial elevators feels a lot longer than it really is. It’s the reason why you need to choose elevator manufacturers wisely.
Have you ever thought about why your elevator performs that way? The reason could be inappropriate lift maintenance services. Without having these services in place, you can’t ensure the optimal performance of your elevators. What’s the result? More waiting time and operational inefficiencies in lifts. It is better to approach the best lift manufacturers. They ensure the best technology and deliver the ever-improving efficiency in lifts leading to reduced waiting times.
How To Reduce The Wait Times Of Elevators?
Adoption of cutting-edge technology is a must in elevator manufacturing and maintenance. It adds to the efficiency of the lifts, which will ultimately save your time and money. Here are some of them that you must prioritize in your life operation:
Place mirrors on the outside of the elevator. It alleviates the negative feelings associated with longer wait times. It will distract your attention and reduce the anxiety associated with waiting times.
Destination dispatch is one of the fastest-growing developments in vertical transportation. It gives an indication to the rider to take an elevator that is going to the same floor. This technology reduces wait times, enhances property flow, securely manages access points, and ultimately saves energy.
Install video screens for music in an elevator. It will distract your attention and other users traveling in a lift.
Take The Help Of Victora S.M.A.R.T. Maintenance Plan
Modern elevator maintenance companies prefer to monitor their commercial elevator systems to know Key Performance Indicators, such as increased wait times. It helps them to identify the need to service the elevator or to modernize their current elevator equipment. The best practice to increase the efficiency of vertical transportation is relying on a routine maintenance schedule from the best elevator service company.
The performance and efficiency of lifts go to the optimal scale when you ensure proper maintenance and inspection services. Victora lifts is committed to improving the efficiency of your elevators from installation to servicing with its S.M.A.R.T. Maintenance Program. You can choose the package that suits best as per your elevator requirements and get relentless maintenance for your equipment. For us, customer satisfaction is our No.1 priority.
Being one of the top elevator companies in India, we proudly deliver next-level elevator maintenance and other complementary services across India. Reducing the waiting time for your equipment becomes possible with our elevator maintenance services. Connect with us to get your lift maintained hassle-free!
View Source : https://victoralifts.com/does-your-lift-keep-you-waiting-get-victora-s-m-a-r-t-maintenance-services/
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victoralifts · 2 years
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Are you also the one who loves to get a 360-degree view of your building while traveling in a lift?? A glass elevator is a perfect option for you. It is a combination of magnificent form and function that offers luxurious convenience.
You must want to experience this kind of travel, right?? Get a glass elevator for home at Victora and add a sense of class and sophistication to your building. You will surely be impressed by the extraordinary performance, feel, and vibe of this kind of equipment.
Why Is The Preference For Glass Elevators Rising Today?
Earlier, the glass elevator was installed in high investment infrastructures only. With time, the demands of the audience have grown progressively. After all, it’s a symbol of class, luxury, and aesthetics. Like you, there are countless users who want to install high-quality glass elevators and upgrade their standard of living.
Now, you will find glass elevators in random infrastructures. Do you know what’s even best?? Glass lifts do not take up much space in a building. At the same time, they are eco-friendly, minimize the carbon footprints, and save your electricity bills. No wonder why every other user wants to install a glass elevator in their home nowadays.
How are glass elevators different from traditional ones?
It is the most asked question by users these days. Well, glass elevators are driven by pneumatic, or vacuum, motors that are powered by air – not by cables, weights, gears, and lubricants. When the elevator rider wants to ascend, the pressure is lowered in the shaft above the elevator car. Since these elevators move via air pressure, there is absolutely no need for cables, pulleys, gearboxes, counterweights, or lubricants. What’s more?? The vacuum motor that powers the glass elevator is far less complex as compared to the cable-driven elevator, another justified reason to get a glass elevator for home.
Get the best glass elevator for home at
Only the best elevator brands have the capacity to design and deliver aesthetically pleasant glass lifts. Victora comes under the list. With the aim of building long-lasting customer relations through our high international quality standards, dedicated, skilled, and experienced research and development, and field operations team, we deliver only the best of the Infravel industry. The glass elevator is just a part of it.
To offer a highly processed and visually appealing glass elevator for the home, our R&D and plant team continually improves the manufacturing processes and product quality according to the latest quality assurance procedures. What is even best? Our glass elevators require little to no maintenance, which makes the work a lot easier for you. With us, you can ensure the visual appeal, eco-friendliness, and durability of a glass elevator.
Invest in the best residential glass elevator for home
You make a considerable amount of investment in an elevator. Make sure you make your selections wisely. At Victora lifts Pvt. Ltd., you get the right assistance at the right time that will help you choose the best glass lifts that match the aesthetics and overall look of your building. Connect with us today and get the much-needed guidance, assistance, and support of our expert team for a smooth and convenient everyday travel experience.
View Source : https://victoralifts.com/looking-for-an-aesthetically-designed-glass-elevator-for-home-come-to-victora/
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victoralifts · 2 years
Victora Lifts Pvt Ltd.
Did you know? Most of the people think an overcrowded elevator will fall. But this is not true statement because an overloaded car will normally not move. The door will stay open and a buzzer may ring until elevator to reduce the weight.
Visit Website: Victora
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victoralifts · 2 years
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"Victora is a leader in the automobile, infratravel, and hotel industries, elevator in malls with a strong presence not just in India but across the world. Our specialists have the skills, customer know-how, and experience to assure excellent results with exceptional service and quality goods to industries for more than 50 years.
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victoralifts · 2 years
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One of the Leading Elevator Manufacturing Company - Victora Lifts
With victora experience centre, customers have the opportunity for hands-on experience with the products while consulting with Victora experts to choose the best vertical solutions for their projects.
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victoralifts · 2 years
Looking for a top-quality Elevator for your shopping mall?
Elevators are a common sight in shopping malls, and they play an important role in getting people to their desired floors quickly and efficiently. However, with the increasing size of malls and the growing number of people who visit them each day, the need for elevators is also growing. In order to meet this demand, Elevator companies are constantly innovating and introducing new Elevator models that are better suited for malls. Among these Elevator brands, Victora is one of the fastest-growing names in the industry. Victora Elevators are known for their reliability, safety, and speed, and they have been installed in many of the world’s largest malls. If you are looking for a top-quality Elevator for your shopping mall, be sure to contact Victora Lifts! Elevator in Shopping Mall
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