#Vibe With Me|Cisco and Beth
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brooklynislandgirl · 1 year ago
📸 Cisquito
I see your face every time I dream || Accepting
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bourbon-ontherocks · 3 years ago
😈 (imp), 🗺️ (world), 3️⃣ (3) pls! 😘😘😘😘
Oooooooh, thanks dear!! 😘😘😘
😈 a cr*ck fic
So one of my favourite crackfic authors is EnsignDisaster ( @betterhomesandhobbits ), and I know, I know, everyone talks about The Goodest Boy but today I want to rec
Watch Out Boy She'll Chew You Up. Beth Boland tries to be spontaneous in her relationship with Rio ergo she fishes terrible advice in the Internet and it ends up in an extremely sloppy public blowjob. The writing style is absolutely hilarious and the characterization on point!
🗺️ a fic with great worldbuilding
A Rational Choice by fireinsideforfun
I initially started browsing through AUs because this sounded like the right place for a rich world setting, but
1) I haven't been proclaimed ARC's biggest fan for nothing and
2) Even though it's a season 2 canon-compliant fic, the world-building here is AMAZING. The whole plotline with Hector, the Detroit criminal world rules, the apartment where is Beth is kept at, Cisco's love life, Beth's mental state, everything is just so minutely detailed and lived-in it's fantastic. In the author's words "this was going to be a two part story. Nope. As it turns out I have terrible self control and like to be annoyingly detailed."
Oh sweetie, this is not annoying, that's fucking world-building.
3️⃣ a threesome fic
Working On Things by odenkirk
It may not be a threesome technically, in that body parts of three different people aren’t simultaneously in the same place, but it’s basically Beth and Dean fucking while having phone sex with Rio, wich includes all my favourite tropes aka crack, Rio/Dean vibes, Dean being the captain of the Brio ship, Rio propositioning Beth, great Dean POV, and mild nonsense.
Send me emojis for fic (and also reblog the meme you cowards) (but like not you heatherwax lol)
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afaimsarrowverse · 5 years ago
My 25 Favorite Arrowverse Characters
The Rules: This characters were sorted by personal preference of course, which is always subjective. However the general rules wer: How well a character is written, how they come to life through the actor and the various directors, how big the impression that character makes was and how interesting and coherent they were. A character does not need to be sympathic to score high on this list, however if they are just annoying me they won’t score high.  If someone is not on it, that does not mean I don’t like them (unless it does). Everyone ist entiteled to their own opinion, so please respect mine and don’t reblog or answer to that just to tell me how wrong mine is.
 25.  Zari Tomaz
 Appearances: HC Legends Of Tomorrow 3-5
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24.  John Constantine
 Appearances: HC Constantine, C Legends of Tomorrow 3, HC Legends of Tomorrow 4-5, Gast Arrow, The Flash
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23.  Cat Grant
 Appearances: HC Supergirl 1, C Supergirl 2-4
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22.  Beth Kane (Alice)
 Earth-1, Appearances: HC Batwoman
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21.  Eobard Thawne (Reverse-Flash)
 Appearances: HC The Flash, HC Legends of Tomorrow 2, Gast Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow 3, Supergirl 3
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20.  J’onn J’onzz (Martian Manhunter)
 Appearances: HC Supergirl, Gast Flash, Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow
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19.  Laurel Lance (Black Canary)
 Earth-1, Appearances: HC Arrow 1-4, 6-8, Gast Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, Arrow 5
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18.  Caitlin Snow
 Earth-1, Appearances: HC The Flash, Gast Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl
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17.  Jennifer Pierce (Lightning)
 BL-Main-Version, Appearances: HC: Black Lightning
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16.  Nate Heywood (Steel)
 Appearances: HC Legends of Tomorrow 2-6, Gast Arrow
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15.  Nora West-Allen (XS)
 Appearances: HC The Flash 5, Gast Flash 4+6, Supergirl 3
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14.  Lois Lane
 Earth-38, Appearances: HC Superman and Lois, Gast Flash, Supergirl, Arrow, Batwoman, Legends of Tomorrow
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13.  Alex Danvers
 Eaerth-38, Appearances: HC Supergirl, Gast Arrow, Flash, Legends of Tomorrow
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12.  Mary Hamilton
 Appearances: HC Batwoman
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11.  Cisco Ramon (Vibe)
 Earth-1, Appearances: HC The Flash, Gast Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl
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10.  Eddie Thawne
 Appearances: HC Flash 1, Gast Flash 2-3
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9. Kate Kane (Batwoman)
 Earth-1, Appearances: HC Batwoman 1, Gast Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow
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8.      Clark Kent (Kal-El, Superman)
 Earth-38, Appearances: HC Superman and Lois, C Supergirl, Gast Flash, Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow, Batwoman
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7.      Kara Danvers (Kara Zor-El, Supergirl)
 Earth-38, Appearances: HC Supergirl, Gast Flash, Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow, Batwoman
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6.      Mick Rory (Heatwave)
 Earth 1, Appearances: HC Legends of Tomorrow, Cast Flash, Gast Arrow, Supergirl
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5.      Iris West
 Earth-1, Appearances: HC The Flash, Gast Supergirl, Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow
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4.      Oliver Queen (The Hood, The Arrow, Al-Sa-Him, Green Arrow)
 Earth-1, Appearances: HC Arrow, Gast Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl, Batwoman
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3.      Barry Allen (The Flash)
 Earth 1, Appearances: HC The Flash, Gast Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl, Batwoman
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2.      Sara Lance (The Canary, White Canary)
 Earth-1, Appearances: HC Legends of Tomorrow, C Arrow, Gast Flash, Supergirl, Batwoman
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1.      Ray Palmer (The Atom)
 Appearances: HC Legends of Tomorrow 1-5, C Arrow, Gast Flash, Supergirl, Batwoman
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mosylufanfic · 8 years ago
So, I was expecting Cisco to be in rough shape. All the promos with him looking like pan-fried shit made me mutter, “hot-oil treatment stat.”
But I wasn’t expecting the loss of his hands. Not just the fact of their loss, but who did it and how, which is more painful to think about. (Not that having your hands and wrists frozen and shattered off your body isn’t painful to think about. Yiiiiiiikes.)
Killer Frost would have had to aim at his hands, on purpose, to freeze them so thoroughly. It’s a piece of dreadful spite on the part of Frost, drawing on Caitlin’s memories and twisting them out of pure malice. Caitlin knows that’s where his Vibe booms originate, but also that he values his hands, his manual dexterity, even being able to fiddle with anything he can get in his fingers.
How long did it take him to design and build those prosthetics? And how was he still, or again, able to look at Killer Frost with something like pity?
At least he’s still able to build relationships (”Heyyyy Beth” “hi, Cisco!” Clearly they’re at least buds if not more.) and his focus in this episode just underscores that. It’s one of the most important things about him. He needs a pack, a group, a fam, and that could be good and bad for him going forward.
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connorrenwick · 6 years ago
Where I Work: Beau Oyler of Enlisted Design
This month’s Where I Work heads to Oakland, California, the home of Enlisted Design, a multidisciplinary design studio whose collaborative approach to product and brand design has resulted in lucrative partnerships with many brands, like Ford, Samsung, LG, Amazon, Cisco, Best Buy, Belkin, Netgear, and many more. The design entrepreneur behind the award-winning company is founder Beau Oyler, the CEO and Executive Creative Director who also co-founded Urbio, the vertical garden that got its successful start on Kickstarter. Let’s head inside the offices of Enlisted Design to take a look around and see how Beau and his team make it all happen.
Beau beside the Urbio garden wall
What is your typical work style?
I hate procrastinating. My day is front-loaded with meetings and anything else that needs to be taken care of on the business side of things. That leaves the afternoon and evening for creative work and big picture, strategic thinking.
Main lobby of the studio, includes product wall, “Grand Lake” conference room (green chairs), “Fox” conference room
What’s your studio/work environment like?
The studio space is physically open and bright. The vibe is, too. It’s important to me that the energy is light since we have an intense, fast-paced project culture. You’ll always find designers huddled together, sketching, or heads down with headphones on, jamming on work. Clients are often camped out in Grand Lake (our largest conference room) engaged in workshops with the team and sharing ideas. Our kitchen, located in the center of the studio, is where we eat lunch together at the communal table. It’s a natural gathering spot for conversations throughout the day.
How is your space organized/arranged?
The studio is open plan. As you walk in, you’re immersed in our work displayed on a giant oak wood peg wall. It’s a great introduction to who we are. There are two main, glass-walled conference rooms and a door that leads to the maker space. Getting deeper into the studio, you’ll find the kitchen and two tucked-away meeting rooms. Then it opens up to where the team is working. Designers are loosely grouped by discipline with desks wrapped around the building in an L-shape. The space is lined by large windows that overlook the heart of Uptown Oakland, Broadway and 19th Street.
How long have you been in this space?
We’ve been in this building for ten years. We started in one small office and grew to take over the entire floor. We chose Oakland deliberately. It was underdeveloped, but we saw a glimmer of what it could be. Oakland is scrappy, like us. It’s also artistic and entrepreneurial and cool. Seeing the development and revitalization of the Uptown neighborhood (where we’re located) is particularly rewarding. In addition to fellow tech companies, there’s been roughly 125 bars, restaurants and indie boutiques that’ve opened in the last decade. The city named Uptown the official “Arts and Entertainment District” in 2009. This area is the epicenter of Oakland creative now. We’re so proud to be a part of that.
Urbio garden wall
If you could change something about your workspace, what would it be?
Actually nothing – I already changed it all during our renovation two years ago. I tore the entire second floor down and built a custom space that’s perfect for us.
Kieran Moriarty (Senior Industrial Designer) and his goldendoodle Bowie
Is there an office pet?
We are a decidedly dog-friendly studio. On any given day, you’ll likely meet at least one of the eight pups who regularly hang out. The general purpose of our studio dogs is to sleep, wander around for snacks, and then go back to sleeping.
Enlisted swag
Do you require music in the background? If so, who are some favorites?
We have a shared Sonos. Our studio manager, Shannon, is usually DJing everything from soul to synth-pop. We’re also steps away from Oakland’s Fox Theater – a constant source of inspiration depending on the week’s show lineup. The other day, we ran across the street to the box office and bought tickets to see the buzzy, disco-inspired band, Jungle, for a studio outing early next year.
How do you record ideas?
For years, I used Moleskine notebooks. I transitioned to Evernote on my iPhone a few years ago to keep it all in one place. It’s more convenient, but not quite as romantic.
Luis Velazquez (Industrial Designer) in front of a wall of sketches for our work with Pi Charging — a wireless charging device.
Do you have an inspiration board? What’s on it right now?
We create a vision board for every project, which is larger scale than a typical product mood board. We envision the entire world in which the new device or brand will live. Each is totally unique and specific to the project and client.
The Stance team sketching: Beau Oyler, Ellen O’Reilly (Sr. Designer), Beth Anderson (Sr. Designer), Kieran Moriarty (Sr. Industrial Designer)
Beau with the Stance project team
What is your creative process and/or creative workflow like? Does it change every project or do you keep it the same?
There is a general design roadmap that involves understanding, creating, and delivering. That said, there’s no sacred process here. We’re always looking for new ways to communicate – from mockups and explorations of form to animation and video storytelling. Anything that helps us more effectively and beautifully communicate ideas is fair game. Our team actively shares and tests new methods all the time.
What kind of art/design/objects might you have scattered about the space?
When we renovated the studio, we partnered with artist Annie Tull for a large-scale string installation, consisting of over 50,000 feet of custom color matched, military grade paracord. They start as balls of string displayed in the ground-floor lobby, and lead up to the studio, twisting and turning under concrete beams and above the desks. The magenta, turquoise and dark grey string are a metaphor for the collaborative design process. The colorful strings refract throughout the studio, culminating into one cohesive whole with the Enlisted logo in the background. The strings pass by another focal point of the studio, the “We Create” wall. The phrase is another nod to our uniquely collaborative partnership style, and on the wall are photos of favorite team moments, work, and design awards. The neon “Next Level Shit” sign is the go-to backdrop spot for anyone taking a selfie in the studio.
Beau in front of the “Next Level Shit” neon sign
Are there tools and/or machinery in your space?
We have a maker space that’s always humming. Whether it’s being used for prototype creation or a photo shoot, there’s always someone in there getting their hands dirty. We have two types of 3D printers, a CNC machine, laser cutter, plus every mockup tool you can imagine, like foam core, hand tools, spray paint, and hot glue. The space is also open for anyone in the studio who wants to use it in their spare time for passion projects.
John Nam (Industrial Design Intern) putting up sketches on the whiteboard in Grand Lake Conference room.
What tool(s) do you most enjoy using in the design process?
A dry erase pen and a big, empty dry erase wall. I love sketching with pen and paper, but it’s not until you take those ideas and put them up on a wall to share that things start happening. Ideating together is when the best ideas come.
Maker Space
Let’s talk about how you’re wired. Tell us about your tech arsenal/devices.
At all times, I’ve got my iPhone XS Max, plus a battery charger. I work off of a Macbook Pro 13 inch, which is under TSA’s weight limit, meaning that I can keep it on my lap to work during takeoff and landing. I wear an Apple watch, sleep with Bose Sleepbuds, and drive an Audi Q5 – the most fun, technologically advanced car I’ve ever been in. In my house you’ll find most of the major IoT home products available on the market, especially the ones that Enlisted designed, like Arlo.
What design software do you use, if any, and for what?
I’m regularly in Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects, KeyShot, and Cinema 4D.
Is there a favorite project/piece you’ve worked on?
My two adventurous children are hands-down my favorite projects.
Arlo camera on the product wall. With it are prototypes of the various design languages over the years.
Do you feel like you’ve “made it”? What has made you feel like you’ve become successful? At what moment/circumstances? Or what will it take to get there?
I don’t know if I’ll ever feel like I made it. I can acknowledge that there have been some big moments. As an entrepreneur, being on Shark Tank was great. We nailed it and that fueled Enlisted’s growth. Our ten-year-long relationship with Arlo is another significant experience. We’ve been NETGEAR’s design partner since the beginning and helped Arlo grow through design to earn nearly 50% market share. They IPO’d this year at a $1.4 billion valuation. A special moment related to that was when Belkin’s Chief Marketing Officer, Kieran Hannon, cold-called Enlisted because he saw Arlo win the Red Dot Product Design Award. Belkin is a dream client, so to be on their radar and get to work with them was huge. That said, I always want us to feel scrappy. We’re not out to prove ourselves, but we want to show that there’s a better way to design and co-create. Until that’s the established way, we haven’t made it. For me personally, as long as I’m still making, it’s all in the present tense.
Beau showing off his Stance socks
Tell us about a current project you’re working on. What was the inspiration behind it?
Stance is an American sock and apparel brand that I would say oozes cool. If the brand were a person, they’d essentially be the coolest kid you’ve ever met. At some point, that cool kid is going to grow up and mature into an adult. That’s what I’m really excited about right now – we’re helping Stance mature to the next level of fidelity, both as a brand and with their in-store shopping experience.
Beau reviewing concepts with Mega Tjhin (Visual Designer), Katie Friedlander (Account Manager), Diana Goldberg (Visual Designer), Miri Chan (Design Director)
What’s on your desk right now?
I don’t have a dedicated desk. I float to wherever I need to be, and whichever space is open. Basically, anywhere I leave my phone, ear buds, and wallet becomes my de facto desk.
Product wall
Do you have anything in your home that you’ve designed/created?
Definitely. Most of the products I’ve designed make their way into my house at some point. What I really like is seeing products I’ve designed in other people’s homes. I don’t point it out. I just want to quietly observe people interacting with the product. Same thing goes for seeing my designs in stores. Right now, we have products and packaging in the Apple Store, Costco, Best Buy, and Whole Foods. Seeing our designs out in the world, knowing that something beautiful and useful is available for anyone to buy, makes me happy. I see the brand or product and the memory of the project comes back to me. It’s like, boom, I love that thing. It’s a cool feeling.
Enlisted team
Photos by Dallis Willard.
via http://design-milk.com/
from WordPress https://connorrenwickblog.wordpress.com/2019/03/19/where-i-work-beau-oyler-of-enlisted-design/
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demi-mccullar101-blog · 8 years ago
What Do I Watch?
All right, the pressure is off!  Let’s get into it.  My previous experience with Tumblr has been strictly for reading opinions about various shows I and others watch.  Now it’s my turn.
Let’s go by days of the week, shall we?
Like the rest of the world, I love Game of Thrones.  I truly have no idea how this show will end but I do see Dany as being on a Villain’s Journey.  I think Jon is on a Hero’s Journey as well.  I can’t wait for them to meet, and I expect a battle, but I have no idea which one will stand tall when the snow clears. 
I also watch Veep.  It mirrors real life more than it ever intended but remains brilliantly funny.  At no point during the episodes do I groan when a character comes on screen.  There aren’t any bad characters on this show.  Each is perfectly crafted and played. 
Finally, I end this night with Last Week Tonight.  Ollie was excellent on The Daily Show and is even better here.  He is funny and informative and has introduced the world to Janice From Accounting.
This is a busy night for me.  First is Gotham.  I finally figured out why I love this goofy show that doesn’t make any sense.  Gotham is for me what the Adam West Batman is for those who watched it live.  It’s a ridiculous interpretation of the Batverse that couldn’t make me happier. 
Then comes Lucifer.  I haven’t read the Vertigo comics but, if they are anything even close to the show, then I’m sure I would love them.  This show brings the funny and is so upbeat that the serious moments actually have some gravitas.  I’m currently convinced that, if we are to meet Dad in season 2, then it will turn out to be Ella.  No particular reason, it just came to me earlier in the season.
Supergirl is next.  Season 2 has faltered a bit, with losing Cat and elevating Mon-el at the expense of Kara’s relationships with Alex and J’onn but I still feel positive feelings in general.  My hope is that season 3 fixes the mistakes of season 2 (and I wouldn’t object to Cat returning!).
The night ends, as it always does Mon-Thurs, with The Daily Show.  I think Trevor Noah is doing a great job and is a worthy successor to Jonny. 
The Flash is one of those shows where I don’t really know why I still watch.  I don’t read Flash comics, as I’m a Batverse lady, so I have no connection with the character outside of the show.  Barry is actually my least favorite part of the show, to the point that I’m TeamBarryIsBigBad, and that does make it a chore to watch.  I do like the actors, so they might be why I’m still here.  I do think that Candice is given next to nothing to do and yet still manages to have presence.  This current season I LOVE Julian.  Not because of Tom Felton, though that doesn’t hurt, but because Julian is the only character who doesn’t worship at Barry’s feet and, as a result, actually calls him on his shit.  I loved watching Cisco do the same in the fallout from Flashpoint but he’s back in the Cult of Barry.  Thinking some more, yes, I think because I like all the actors involved (even Grant, as it’s not his fault the producers don’t realize Barry is the villain of the series). 
Legends of Tomorrow is my favorite of the Tuesday shows.  I’m a rare one who loved Kendra in season 1 and I still miss her but I am happy Hawkman is gone.  If they’d cast someone who could act, then I may feel differently but it’s hard to support a character when the actor is abysmal.  I think Amaya is a great addition to the team, though I can do without Nate.  A better actor, yes, but we have plenty of straight white guys and Ray fills the dork role already.  Plus, I get a serious Taking Screentime Away From Established Characters Ala Mon-el vibe whenever he was on screen which I do not want.  I am looking forward to how the team gets out of their current predicament.  My theory is that Rip is connected to the Waverider and can’t just go off to experience life.  He must always intend to return otherwise we have Dinosaurs in Los Angeles.  I expect we’ll get a story of him figuring out his place in the ship and on the team without usurping Sara’s Captaincy. 
My favorite moment of season 2, speaking of Sara, was when she saved the day by simply depowering the Spear.  Sara has seen too much, has done too much, and has experienced major consequences for her choices over the years.  There’s no one else who would make that choice.  Everyone would try to do good deeds and all that would happen is that other negative things would happen.  Look at Barry and Flashpoint.  All he wanted to do was fix the past so that his parents didn’t die.  When all was said and done, his parents were still dead, Cisco’s brother needlessly died, little Sara Diggle was turned into JJ Diggle, and Savitar exists.  Sara herself knows this firsthand.  Her sister brought her back from the dead but didn’t know what she was doing and so Sara was a soulless killing machine until a magic solution was found.  And her sister ended up dead as a result.  Sara knew the safest choice was to set things the way they already are and to give no one else the chance to play god.  I love this character.
Count me among the many who fell for This Is Us.  I don’t think Jack is the Saint Husband that is so commonly felt among viewers but I do like the character.  I find Kevin a bit boring but I love watching him opposite his siblings.  Kate is great, and I relate to her insecurities, but I am not a Toby fan and I hope he doesn’t last much longer.  Randall is wonderful and I adore Beth and their girls.  Sterling K Brown is a gem and I want to see him in everything.  I found myself, when the season finished, relating to Rebecca the most.  She put her life on hold to raise the kids and probably would have been able to keep her resentments in check if she’d gotten the chance to truly pursue music without having to deal with Jack’s jealousy or drinking.  That ex in the band was a dick but she shut him down twice and probably would have just found a new group to sing with had Jack not been such an ass.  I do think that all happened in the run up to his death and I look forward to more details.
Agents of Shield is another Tuesday favorite.  I am very behind currently, as my DVR didn’t record the first few episodes when the show came back from the winter hiatus so I’m waiting for it to arrive on Netflix before binge watching.  My favorite characters were actually Bobbi and Hunter but I enjoy everyone else a lot which kept me around when they were written off.
The week starts to get lighter beginning here.  I don’t have anything on until 9, when Chicago PD and Designated Survivor both air.  I quit Arrow back in season 3.  Sara’s fridging was the last straw for me. 
I do like Chicago PD but I’m mainly here for Sophia Bush.  If she ever leaves, then so will I.  I’m just tired of cop shows that glory in police brutality with no fallout unless the story permits.  When the show slows down and shows them doing actual detective work it works for me.
Designated Survivor is another where I’m mainly here for Maggie Q.  I like the other characters but the show doesn’t seem to know if it wants to be a conspiracy thriller or a political show.  It tries to do both and it doesn’t work very well.  I hope that a second season fixes these problems.
The Good Place is amazing.  Kristen Bell is one I will follow forever.  She’s just that good.  Ted Dansen is born for comedy and he is so great as Michael.  Chidi is someone I want in my own life and I can relate to his indecisiveness as I get that way with big decisions.  Tahani reminds me, in the best way, of a lot of people I went to college with.  Jason makes me laugh so hard and I love his relationship with Janet.  And, yes, I adore Janet. 
Superstore is so accurate that I cry laughing.  Sandra is probably my favorite and her look to Carol in the season 2 finale was everything. 
Chicago Med, like PD, is one that I watch because I enjoy Colin Donnell but it is not a good show.  There is a lot of judgment of the patients on the part of the doctors and nurses, rather than just treating them and moving on, so I tend to roll my eyes when I watch.
And that’s what I like to watch.
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brooklynislandgirl · 1 year ago
@southern-belle-outcasts {{xx}} This. This is the very thing that she enjoys about Cisco. That his ego is shallow enough that she can see the lattice comprised of awkwardness and sweetness when he thinks he's in the wrong. She doesn't need to read minds when she can read his face. He thinks he's upset her somehow though he's not sure what it was exactly that was said or done. Most men she knows would and have found fault in her, blaming her for their inadequacies real or imagined. He also seems to miss the fact that she is only teasing him. He is pretty great though. She makes a face at that variation of her name, though at his request, she does pick up a stack of sticky notes and from the nebulous depths of her bag she produces her signature purple sparkly gel pen. Carefully she writes down both Elizabeth and Irene the way they are spelled back home. Her print is small, neat. "...'S okay if ya no can. Besides, I t'ink I'm really a Beth anyway. But I'm guessin' ya nevah been fan of Francisco. Least dey don' call you Frisco. Of course, 'round da islands... we'd call you Palakiko in full, or Kiko for Cisco. Limited alphabet an' all." She comes up behind him to peek at the screens in front of him, resting her chin on his shoulder briefly. She doesn't exactly understand what he's hoping for, but she knows yearning when she sees it. That'll maybe be the next topic she brings up. "I bo'd admire you for serious long distance relationship an' yet...don' get it. I no can imagine bein' wi' someone I couldn't actually be wi'd. You really are such a strong person, ya know? An' I t'ink...nevah easy bein' a younger sibling, always in ya braddah's shadow." Even, and maybe especially, when that brother is...gone. She leans her head against his. "Probably not somet'ing eiddah one of us wan talk about. So. So wha's easier for ya? Tell me 'bout dis screen an' wha' ya lookin' for...or somet'ing else?"
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brooklynislandgirl · 1 year ago
@southern-belle-outcasts {{xx}}
"Okay fair question. An' I no can imagine how hard it mus' be t' have ya favourite person…actually, no, dat's a lie. My braddah went from being in my life every single day to bein' gone for t'ree or four year, den he would be gone a' least six months or so on deployment. F'ya anyt'ing like me, you were utterly miserable." Beth often does that. Whenever she discusses intimacy or being in love, sooner or later she mentions her sibling. She doesn't mean it in the way most people seem to take it…and if she understood what they gleaned from her conversations, she would be horrified. But as it stands, her deepest and purest love lays there and that seems to be the breadth of her emotional attachment.
She puts a hand on his shoulder, gives it a squeeze and intentionally bumps into him. "Twen'y six years…is still sooner dan me."
No she does not elaborate.
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brooklynislandgirl · 1 year ago
“do you want to go look at the lights and decorations with me?”- Cisquito
It's the Most Wonderful Time || Accepting
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"Dis all really depends on t'ree distinct factors; one-- dey won't t'ink we're creepy weird an' try to get us arrested for like stalking? I mean somet'ing li'dat would put us on da Naughty list fo' sure. Two, are we gonna walk or drive, cause if it da former I wanna pick up a warmer coat dan jus' da hoodie I brought, an' if we drivin' are we lissen to holiday music? An' last... can we end up a' Jitters for cocoa an' whip-cream an' cinnamon marshmemos?" The last word is incongruous even in Beth's native pidgin, and it isn't an accident. It was one of those words that she's never heard quite right and no one in all her life has bothered to correct her on. Even when she orders marshmallows with her drinks. She also might be teasing Cisco. Of course she'd go with him even if they couldn't meet any of the demands she tacks on in the aftermath. "An' mebbe you need wintah coat too. I mean I got some really phenomenal cosmic powers, but sometimes nature doesn't like wen you make a heatwave in da middle of snow-season an' usually it get on da news an' den it's all pitchforks an' torches an one whole Spanish Inquisition."
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brooklynislandgirl · 2 years ago
Weirdest nickname a significant other has ever called you:
Things That Make You Squirm || Accepting
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"An' dis is where da great Cisco Ramon ran into da problem dat ultimately prove to be his undoing," she says. There's a smile with those words but it is wan and her voice is too soft. She doesn't so much look at his as she does past him. They often ask each other questions of a highly personal nature and part of that is because STAR Labs is an insular place to work, leading to long hours if not days of close contact and very few friends beyond its doors. Then there's the fact that the others seem to keep nudging them together. They're both sweet people, they've been told so until the words make them nauseous. They're both on the edge where introversion and extroversion exist in an ambiguously liminal space. Maybe, just maybe, people pity them. "I've nevah had a significant oddah li'dat," she continues. "Closest to was my braddah use to call me jelly bean. My hanai-sistah calls me Konachino. Beth is already nickname, because mos' mainlanders no can pronounce Elikapeka Ailine much less Alohaekauneikahanuola'Ilikea'wahine. An' as far as secret supah-hero identity go? I'd have t' be one to get somet'ing li'dat an' it would probably be...somet'ing really...unappealing." A shrug and she retreats a little inside of herself. Leaves the impression that if she could fade away without someone noticing, she just might. "Wha' bout you? Did you get called somet'ing sweet or nice? Or did dey give you mean nicknames t' keep bad spirit away?"
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brooklynislandgirl · 1 year ago
@southern-belle-outcasts {{xx}}
Beth can't help herself. It isn't a case of true frenzy; she has none of the innate Rage her kin of all species poses, nor can she assume their powerful and terrible battle forms. She cannot flee in terror, she cannot be held in Thrall to the Wyrm as they might be. But she can be furious as all get out. Her hand slaps ineffectually at his arm once, twice more. Her lower lip trembles beneath glassy, shimmering eyes. The edge of fear is honed by concern, by the host of things Beth never really says aloud or allows herself to believe. It comes from the heart even if she can't express herself to the fullest. "Yeah well, dat should be a sign you shouldn' have been dere!"
She ignores his question and automatically starts divesting him of his...costume? Uniform? Whatever the tights-and-vigilante crew tends to like calling them these days. When she gets down to bare ~and too brightly coloured~ flesh, that's when she takes a sobering breath. Eyes closed for a moment, she focuses on every bit of the mana that sings in her bones, in her blood. Her nostrils flare as she sets warm fingers and palms on his skin and that very mana tells her exactly where he is injured, how badly off he is. When she exhales she pushes the vibrant life through her hands and into his body, knitting together bone and dissipating the congealing blood. With her concentration the pain almost immediately fades away and within moments, his body is healed. Doing so diminishes a little of her own brightness. Makes her just a touch less real. Magick always comes with a price whether it is reality doing the punishing for so blatantly daring to twist it, or by consuming a portion of power within and having to replenish it through consideration and meditation at a place where such energies pool. "Now you can sit. But ya gonna tell me wha' happened, an' where were da rest of dem." She means the team. She never says I Told You So.
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brooklynislandgirl · 1 year ago
W  :   WEDDING.would your muse get married? why / why not? -from Cisco who is asking for the science in a purely hypothetical and for the sake of curiosity manner...
Valentine ABCs || Accepting
A quiet and snowy afternoon with not much going on is the perfect way to spend time calibrating the equipment. While she cannot replicate Barry's speed but her abilities allow her to assume his density. And she can be faster than anyone else willing to volunteer for Cisco. In fact, she might be the only one willing to give up a day off. So here she is jogging on the treadmill working up a mild sweat, wisps of dark hair sticking to her brow and cheeks which are themselves a maybe unflattering shade of pink. She isn't bothering with headphones because she needs to be able to at least hear Cisco talking, if only so that she can ask him to repeat himself. What she doesn't expect though is something that touches on romance rather than scientific quantification. She slows down bit by bit until she can stop and swing herself off the treadmill. A little breathless, she unzips her hoodie and fans herself by flapping the sides. She then rolls her shoulders, grabs a towel and her water bottle, and finally flops down in a chair. It's only then that she regards him. Eyes straying to his face. Her expression as neutral as she can make it. "Back in small kid time, I had da whole ceremony plan out. Sunset on Turtle Beach, also called Laniakea, which is on da tip of Nor'shore, overlooking Kawela Bay. Some pretty white dress an' leis made of plumeria and jasmine. I imagined my braddah would be dere to give me away an' dat it would be da start of some beautiful faery-tale." Something shadowy creeps into the edges of her and she hides as much as she can by pressing her face into the towel. She doesn't sniffle but the moisture clinging to her lashes cannot be attributed to sweat. "Den? Den I grew up an' realise....some t'ings only belong in books. Why? You evah t'ink about it?"
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brooklynislandgirl · 1 year ago
@southern-belle-outcasts {{xx}}
She hasn't touched the piano since Andy....maybe med school. Oh she makes sure it gets dusted and in polish, that the strings inside are in good working order but she doesn't play. So it almost surprises her when after telling him to make himself at home then she excuses herself to use the restroom, she hears strains of music through the apartment. She takes a minute longer to compose herself from the not-so-curious ache she feels in her chest, washes her hand, splashes her face, dries off. Maybe it's also that she could maybe listen a little longer without making him self-conscious. This is one of those secret superhero things, she guesses. She didn't know he could play too. She just always assumed that like her, his brother was the musician and his talents lay elsewhere. A delight to be proven wrong.
He deflects with a question and a little joke. She understands why. She also thinks he doesn't realise what he's doing when he exposes his neck the way he does. So instead of answering him with words, Beth defaults to what she knows best. Her lips are soft and there's no hint of teeth as she kisses the side of his exposed neck.
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brooklynislandgirl · 1 year ago
Advent Day VI ~ Tidings of Comfort @southern-belle-outcasts
When Beth mumbled about living in a castle, Cisco could be forgiven if he thought it was a joke. The stone-brick house itself is kind of a monstrosity for just one person. After all, who really needs three en suite bedrooms ~she refuses to call them 'master' for many reasons~ and three guest rooms. Guest baths on every floor, a full sized wine cellar, things like butler's pantries and the like but it is pretty, the outer architecture of stone in what she thinks is called chateauesque. She would much rather have had a cosier kind of affair, like the Allen house or even a studio like Cisco himself. She will admit the forested grounds offer a kind of seclusion, and she loves that they converted the old carriage house into a garage. There's a million places for her cat to roam and hide without ever worrying about his safety. And for the hundred and thirty seventh time, she's walked through straightening things and making sure all of the decor is in place just in case he asks for a tour. Though really the focus of the night will be the east parlour where the seven foot tall tree is nestled between the trio of oriel windows, gleaming with ornaments and lights, and an angel proclaiming Gloria at the top. Below on a beautiful blue, silver, and white tree skirt are a thick layer of gifts varying in size, wrapping paper, and ribbons. Some for their lab-mates, some for her friends, and several for Cisco if he cared to look. Handmade quilts lay draped across the top of the sofa. Snacks of all kinds are arrayed on the coffee table, including her infamous hurricane popcorn and freshly baked gingerbread. There's coquito in the fridge ready to be heated or served as is with a splash of cinnamon on top, and even mofongo, properly made by a chef flown in for the occasion. If she can't use her excessive resources to make something nice for someone she cared about, then what good was it? But now as she waits for him, she has to wonder if maybe she's gone a little overboard. After all, the plan was to spend the night in. A sort of grown-up slumber party though she didn't call it that either. Pyjama party also rings off. So…movie and snacks? She doesn't really remember how she pitched the idea to him. She'd been prepared for him to turn her down. Cisco is often exceptionally busy, a hero in his own right, with a laundry list of hobbies and friends to keep him occupied. But then he'd smiled and said that sounded like something he'd really like. Now, she's nervous. What will he say or think? Will he find it all ridiculous? Will he hate the collection of holiday themed romantic comedies? Will the black-and-white ones seem corny? What will he bring for them to watch? She absolutely thinks Die-Hard, but beyond that, she doesn't know. Hopefully they have subtitles and that he doesn't mind. At least she's a fast reader. A final walk through and Beth is about to take a sip of wine when the doorbell rings. She smooths down her hair, readjusts herself and her oversized tee shirt. He's about to witness the rarest thing known to humankind; she's wearing both socks and sweat-pants. She keeps the house around seventy degrees but even so it's still cold. She prefers it to be in the eighties or hotter, and humid. Neither practical or environmentally sound on the mainland, especially when she has company coming. Finally she takes a steadying breath after noticing how quick her heart is beating. She opens the door and offers a brilliant smile. "Hi."
Ah yes, genius! "C'mon in, I got everyt'ing ready for our film extravaganza."
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brooklynislandgirl · 1 year ago
You have bags, and I'm not talking about the Gucci kind.- Cisco, while already shooing towards the closest soft surface
Sleep With One Eye Open || Accepting
"Nevah Gucci, only Louis Vuitton," she snaps back, perhaps petulant, but also because her feelings are slightly hurt. Cisco himself knows what it's like to have a deadline with work and she is so certain she's got the formula to help Barry keep up his speed without taking such a huge toll on his body. And wasn't that why they'd taken Beth on at the Lab? One metahuman who could in the worst case, literally heal and care for another? No pills, no adverse reactions. Of course that might be the mania talking but Beth doesn't really feel particular highs or rapid thoughts, or even really any compulsions. No, this is all one hundred percent insomnia and critical focus. And feeble fluttering hands in Cisco's direction which totally lack follow-through because of her fighting flyweight to his welter. She strives for a hint of a fifth or sixth wind. It comes out like a sultry trade-winds proposition, unbeknownst to her. "And 'sides? How you plan on keepin' me in bed f' I no wanna stay?"
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brooklynislandgirl · 1 year ago
“It’s amazing, one leaf hits the ground and suddenly every coffee shop smells like cinnamon.” Cisco shouldn't even be making commentary. He was already sipping on an apple caramel latte, with extra whip and an extra shot, having made noises that might have been questionable in origin had one not been actually watching him drink it.
Autumn Offerings || Accepting Beth can't help but laugh. It was a happy accident ~she says she doesn't believe in coincidences, though she winks when she says it~ that they happened to run into one another on the first day in months that they hadn't been in the lab, working hip-to-shoulder with one another. She had ordered her own drink ~a 'white pumpkin' dirty chai- white chocolate mocha and pumpkin spice chai blended together in an incredibly large cup, and topped with a ridiculous amount of whipped cream, a dash of nutmeg and cardamom on top~ and come to sit on the chair beside his. She tries not to feel a little self conscious though. Her own breath tends to be cinnamon-sweet and she has been awfully close. Did that bother him? "Well, mo' beddah dey wait for leaf-change an' not...well, I went into a store da oddah day an' it look like Halloween t'row up all ovah da isles. Wit'in fifteen minutes? Dere was Chri'mas decorations taking up space nex' to jack-lanterns an' witch brooms." She gives him an incredulous look and one hand comes down on his forearm. "Cisco, is not even October yet. Fall literally jus' happen t'ree days ago!"
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