#Vi Harper Tomo
celestial-academia · 2 years
…. So what’s everyone’s opinion on Nine Liars?
There were moments I loved but at the end of it, I’m left going “eh ok” which is weird for me because I am the biggest Truly Devious/Stevie Bell Mystery fan out there. I loved the Box In the Woods, but this book left me feeling how The Vanishing Stair did. Is it possible for a book like this to have Middle Book Syndrome?
I did scream out loud when Nate came out. I’ve always thought Nate was ace so to have it put into canon was awesome.
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gryffindorloser · 8 months
y'know maureen keeps telling me that janelle is stevie's best friend but keeps showing me it's nate. don't get me wrong, i ADORE janelle and she's an absolutely incredible friend, but nate is stevie's bestie, hands DOWN
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daisybeewrites · 2 years
truly devious "fancast" but its just ppl off pinterest
• stevie bell
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(19kgold on pinterest for hair inspo & whitney hanson, poet, as stevie)
• nate fisher
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(Diego Valezquez, actor, as Nate. @jillsimpsforpansy takes the creds for this one :))
• janelle franklin
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• vi harper-tomo
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(Lyn Lapid, singer-songwriter, as Vi)
• david eastman
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• ellie walker
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(Talia Ryder, actress, as Ellie. @viaviainternet gets the credit for this one :))
• gretchen monroe
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(Faith Collins, influencer as Gretchen)
if anyone can tell me who these are so i can credit them lmk!!
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neufer · 2 years
Me when Stevie Bell is just a teenage girl who’s navigating life, her final year of high school, and having a boyfriend for the first time, is plagued by anxiety, self-deprecating thoughts, and some self-destructive tendencies: *Oh my god she’s so relatable*
She’s still a total badass detective though! I finished Nine Liars today and am still processing. For real, Stevie was kinda going through it during this book.
Glad to see there’s more of Stevie’s story to come!
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nineliars · 2 years
okay, so I was on MJ's wikipedia page and I saw THIS
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NINE LIARS IS THE NAME OF TD5???? I had not heard ANYTHING about this despite the fact that I stalk MJ's twt page daily for updates, so I click on the source link and
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if anyone else on tdblr knew about this or has any other information, or if you just wanna swap thoughts and theo0ries, PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE DM me or consider joining the TD discord I've started! (discussion, not rp)
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izzielizzie · 3 years
ugh we’re in such a content drought in between books so do you have any Minerva Gang™️ headcanons? i miss these dorks lol
movie nights
wayyy to many movie nights
everyone has collectively banned mysteries though because stevie solves them about ten minutes in
and she's so excited that she just has to tell everyone
and they don't watch fantasy either because nate finds it traumatic
vi learned that david has never watched romcoms before so now they've made it their life mission to make david watch them
janelle has a crafts session on stressful days
all if takes is one person (probably nate) to sigh dramatically once and janelle is already summoning everyone to make bracelets
they have friendship bracelets
awww actually i really like this
they all choose a color they feel represents them (janelle: yellow, stevie: red, vi: purple, nate: black, david: green) and they just make each other bracelets
every person has four of those really cute beaded bracelets that they've vowed to never take off
they go to protests together
like it's just a thing that happens
they go to cafes at least once a week
janelle swears she can't go anywhere with stevie and nate because they keep turning everything into a mystery
person sitting at a bus stop with a crisp suit? he's just committed a murder. no a double murder
"oh my god guys it's someone going to work"
really janelle is a tired mother
david doesn't talk much but when he does
ohhhh boy
i think everyone genuinely thinks he's insane
stevie knows he's just messing with them though
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frogcreates · 6 years
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I read a book called Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson a little while ago and it was SOOO GOOOODDDD
there’s a lot of edits and stuff of it on tumblr but there’s no art so hE;re is SOME ART with a buncha the main characters
I didn’t draw David cause I don’t like him
the second book came out this month and I just got it so I’m gonna go read it muhaha
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luthetitan · 3 years
Dia 7
Dia 7: Almas Gemelas / Boda / Luna de Miel.
Leve mención a los ships de: Robstar (Dick y Kory), Joy (Jason y Roy) y TimKon (Tim y Conner).
Cada persona tiene un alma gemela, su otra mitad, esa persona que lo completa, cuando tu alma gemela nace, en tu cuerpo se crea un tipo de marca o tatuaje, algo relacionado a tu otra mitad. Pero esto al no ser tan específico como un nombre, muchos no encuentran a su alma gemela. Son la minoría la que la encuentran por eso, estar con tu alma gemela es lo más maravilloso, y Raven quería experimentarlo. Por eso atrapo a su padre en una gema para ser libre.
Apareció en la ciudad de San Francisco y fue acogida por los Jóvenes Titanes, los que se convirtieron en sus compañeros, amigos, en su familia. Fue ahí donde conoció a Robin, su alma gemela, o eso pensaba antes de que él renunciara a ser este y se convirtiera en Nightwing.
Raven tenía el tatuaje de un petirrojo en su muñeca derecha.
Fue cuando ella entendió, quien el que usaba el manto de Robin no tenía que ser específicamente su alma gemela.
Al final el alma gemela de Richard (Dick) Grayson, el primer Robin fue su compañera de equipo y amiga, Koriand’r (Kori) Anders, la del segundo Robin, Jason Tood fue Roy Harper, claro que su relación fue algo complicada ya que Jason murió y luego revivió, se dice que si tu alma gemela muere, entras en una profunda depresión, en el tiempo que Jason estuvo muerto parecía que Roy igual, el chico empezó a consumir drogas para calmar y desaparecer el dolor, luego Jason volvió regresándole la vitalidad a Roy, pero Jason regresó como Red Hood, lo la llevo al tercer Robin, Timothy Drake.
Raven creyó en el dicho de la tercera es la vencida, y lo parecía, solo por un detalle, Tim no tenía marca, pero eso no desalentó a la chica, ya que el chico la cuidaba y protegía, aunque sabía que ella era muy capaz de eso, Raven estaba decidida a mostrarle su marca a Tim, cuando pasó lo impensable, a Tim se le apareció su marca en su hombro derecho, una S, el signo de Superman o mejor dicho el símbolo de la casa de El. Y apareció Superboy o Conner Kent (Kon El) el alma gemela de Tim.
Raven suspiro mirando su muñeca, y si era como la mayoría de las personas que nunca encontraban a su alma gemela.
—Lo lamento —escucho a alguien decir a su lado. —¿Por qué?, no es tu culpa —dijo mirando esos ojos azules. —Estoy seguro de que ahí afuera está tu alma gemela Raven —hablo Tim y agarro su mano —Y yo te voy ayudar a encontrarla.
Raven le sonrió.
Fue cuando sucedió, el cuarto Robin apareció. Pero Raven ya no quería hacerse ilusiones y más al enterarse que era Damian Wayne, el hijo biológico de Bruce Wayne también conocido como Batman.
Pero el destino es impredecible, porque Damian fue herido después de desafiar a Blue Beetle, que lo sintió y más al curarlo.
Raven estaba en el jardín luego de despertarse, ya que se desmayó luego de curar a Damian, su alma gemela.
—Eres tú —dijo Damian y se descubrió el antebrazo.
Y ahí estaba, la marca de un cuervo, su símbolo. Raven se quitó su guante mostrando su muñeca derecha donde estaba el petirrojo.
Damian caminaba de un lado a otro nervioso.
—¿Quieres por favor parar? —hablo Jason. —Tranquilo Dami, veraz que todo saldrá bien —dijo Dick alentado a su hermano. —A menos de que ella decida darse a la fuga.
Un cuchillo fue lanzado en dirección al de mechón blanco.
Mientras en otra habitación.
—Te ves muy hermosa Raven —dijo Kori. —Creo que al final no necesitaste de mi ayuda para encontrarlo —hablo Tim que estaba sentado en uno de los sillones de la estancia. —Gracias por hacer esto, enserio se los agradezco —dijo la chica mientras terminaba de arreglar su vestido. —No hay nada que agradecer —hablo Kori —Es hora. —¿Lista? —preguntó Tim mientras le ofrecía su brazo. —Lista.
El patio de la mansión Wayne estaba perfectamente decorado, todo en su lugar (cortesía de Alfred) para celebrar la boda de Damian y Raven. Los invitados se pusieron de pie al escuchar la clásica música que anunciaba la entrada de la novia.
Raven aparece en el pasillo que se había hecho siendo llevada por Tim hasta donde estaba Damian esperándola. Ambos se sonrieron cuando se encontraron enfrente.
—Yo, Damian Wayne, te toma a ti Rachel Roth, como mi legítima esposa, para unirme a ti, desde este día en adelante, en lo bueno y en lo malo, en la riqueza y en la pobreza, en la salud y enfermedad, para amarte, respetarte hasta que la muerte nos separe.
—Yo, Rachel Roth, te tomo a ti, Damian Wayne, como legítimo esposo, para unirme a ti, desde este día en adelante, en lo bueno y en lo malo, en la riqueza y en la pobreza, en la salud y enfermedad, para amarte, respetarte hasta que la muerte nos separe.
—Los declaro marido y mujer, puede besar a la novia —dijo el juez.
Damian tomó la cara de Raven entre sus manos para darle un suave beso, mientras los invitados empezaron a aplaudir.
—Te amo Raven.
—Te amo Damian.
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Créditos del fanart a: Maru Davalos
Y terminamos la semana DamiRae, siendo sincera no creí que terminaría los siete escritos, anyway espero que les haya gustado, nos escribió así super bárbaro, pero se hizo con amor. Gracias por leer mis escritos, no saben lo feliz que me hacen cuando le dan corazoncito y lo rebloguean.
Si gustan también me pueden seguir en Wattpad, me encuentran como luthetitan.
Como dije, amé a esta pareja desde que vi las películas animadas que empezaron con Flaspoint y terminaron con Apokalips War. Digan lo que digan el DamiRae es canon aun si Flash hizo otro Flaspoint y el que no esté de acuerdo nos agarramos.
Espero vernos el próximo año. Cuídense y que viva el #DAMIRAE.
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padawaniisms · 8 years
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New Post has been published on http://xn--80akibjkfl0bs.xn--p1acf/2017/03/08/21-facts-tag-with-my-dumb-face-and-a-cute-yoko/
21 facts tag with my dumb face and a cute yoko
ttgl all on mah wall, well yoko at least. you should see my wall with the other anime things. and the closet door i’m working on with the vocaloid things mua hahaha. anyway like 700 (not really more like 7) of you tagged me for the 21 facts thing so i’m going to muster up 40 things about me let’s see if i’m interesting or not (not). 1. i’m just now watching sailor moon. i’m on episode 29. 2. i don’t really do anything except watch anime and that 70s show. 3. i love that 70s show. 4. my favorite animes change constantly but usually includes six animes. black jack and psg are always on that list. 5. my favorite animes at the moment are black jack, panty and stocking with garterbelt, school days, baka and test to shoukanjuu, gurren lagann, and elfen lied. 6. i actually still need to finish baka and test season 2 but i’m waiting for the dub to come out because the dub is better than the sub. i still think of it as a favorite 😛 7. i like gore anime. i can deal with gore/horror movies live action but i don’t like to. i hate hate hate seeing like dead things and blood in real life. its weird. 8. for the longest time i spelled weird like wierd. idk i’m dumb. 9. my favorite thing to eat is oreos. 10. i hate myself because i’m fat and ugly. 11. the only thinspo that works for me is knowing how badly i want to do a Yoko (gurren lagann) and Black Rock Shooter cosplays. 12. i’m already running out of things to say lol. 13. i speak a little bit of german. ja. 14. i want to learn how to speak japanese but i’m to lazy. 15. i’m almost taller than my 21 year old brother lol. 16. i’m turning 16 on August 18th woot. 17. i have no motivation to drive even after i got my learner’s permit. 18. even though i only have like $30 i’m still looking for a used pullip online to make my next vocaloid. 19. i’m still trying to sell that red and orange wig if anyone is interested. 20. don’t tell my mom but my dad and i planned a retirement party for her! 21. i’m really cheap because i have a huge spending problem. once someone tells me "just go ahead and spend the money" like when i’m out with my friends or whatever, i will go ahead and spend ALL my money. 22. i’ve been begging my parents to homeschool me since 6th grade ps i’m going into 11th grade come the next school year. 23. i really really really want a seifuku. 24. i wish i could live on dr. pepper but that would make me gain another 9395 pounds. 25. about this time two years ago i told myself "there is no color i’d ever want to dye my hair, makeup is stupid, and nail polish is tacky." see where i am now? 26. i have really bad social anxiety. people constantly point out how quiet i am. i’m only myself here on the internets because if you call me weird i can block you~~~~ 27. when i tried to tell my parents i believe i have social anxiety they said "you’ll get over it". i was so mad i went upstairs and cried. 28. one time i read all six signs of depression in a book and just said "literally me". it was kinda terrifying idk. 29. i’m excited for july c: 30. you may not know it but i am literally Stocking Anarchy 31. i write a personal fanfiction where i have an OC named Kimi Yoshikazu who is my alter ego and she is similar to that of a female Black Jack and yes it is a Black Jack fanfic and yes her and Black Jack end up together i have issues oKAY. 32. i want to do a black jack cosplay more than anything. 33. i’ve drawn sketches of a fem!black jack. 34. my best frand an i video chat almost every night and we look for our teachers on facebook, twitter, tumblr etc. we’ve found most of them actually. WHAT IS A LIFE. 35. my favorite vocaloids include Kamui Gakupo/Gackpoid, Megurine Luka, Hatsune Miku, Macne Nana, Gumi/Megpoid, and IA — Aria on the Planetes. (in order btw) 36. in no order (look what i did there lol), my favorite fictional characters include: Black Jack/Kuroo Hazama(ok he’s my number one fave), Stocking Anarchy, Tomoe Mami, Dead Master/Yomi Takanashi, Mizuki Himeji, Lelouch Lamperouge/Lelouch Vi Britannia, Donna Pinciotti(well it’s a love/hate relationship), Charlie Harper(2&1/2 men ftw), Red Forman, Kitty Forman, Yoko Littner, and Lucy/Nyu. i have a lot of favorite fictional characters. and they aren’t all anime bE PROUD OF ME. 37. i’m excited to see the Human Centipede Two. i know that sounds weird. yeah i’ve seen the first one. 38. i wish i wasn’t allergic to cats :c 39. the only reason i like French Bulldogs so much is because of my brother’s girlfriend’s dog Eddie (Edward Snorton) 😀 40. i try 2 hard jus lyk u. bye.
Posted by kimberly °(ᵔᴥᵔ)° on 2012-06-09 02:49:08
Tagged: , Photo Booth , me , yoko , littner , plush , red , hair , girl , selca
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nineliars · 3 years
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i put a little too much effort into this whoops
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nineliars · 2 years
have you all noticed that the venn diagram of people who ship stevie/david, nate/mudge and janelle/vi is a circle? that circle is called hot people.
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izzielizzie · 3 years
ok i have a truly devious hc prompt: what are the ellingham gang's favorite movies and tv shows? I know it's canon that Janelle likes Kdramas and David likes The West Wing and Nate loves LOtR, but what do you think their faves would be?
agatha christie: poirot (the 1989 one). i watched an episode with my friend the other day and it just gave me some serious stevie vibes
i feel like nate would like bbc's merlin. no reason why other than it amuses him and also gives him some good inspiration
keeping up with the bbc theme, david would love sherlock, specifically to watch stevie's face when she sits with him while it's playing
i feel like the great british bake off is something she'd love with a terrifying intensity. it's the perfect amount of relaxing and stress inducing
i genuinely have no idea what they'd watch. maybe the great british bake off with janelle?
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izzielizzie · 3 years
I saw you assign Taylor Swift songs to One of Us is Lying characters/ships, could you do Truly Devious characters/ships too?
of course!!
Stevie: This is Me Trying
Stevie went to Ellingham because she wanted to solve the mystery, and she's also struggling with her own mental health but that isn't talked a lot by other people, so this poor girl is struggling with internal conflicts as well.
Nate: A Place in this World
Nate really struggled with the well known (to authors at least) feeling of not being able to continue something that defines you, and A Place in this World is a bit of a stretch, but also not really because Nate's real struggle was finding something that made him him since writing was kind of not an option anymore.
David: Delicate
The song is about a person who's in love with someone and wants to know it they'd love them back even though they have a terrible reputation. Even before the whole "oh hey actually my father is the embodiment of everything wrong with American politics" thing, David wasn't well liked, but he loved Stevie so damn much and he just needed to know she loved him back.
Stevie/David: Jump Then Fall
Stevie isn't the type of person to fall in love, and David's had quite an adventure getting Stevie to trust him, but they're really jumping into their relationship even though it's been a little scary, and that's the entire premise of Jump Then Fall
Vi/Janelle: It's Nice to Have a Friend
When I think of INTHAF I think of two people who started as friends, and slowly fell into a strong, constant relationship, and that's kind of how I see Vi and Janelle, especially since they've had basically no drama compared to the other main couple.
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nineliars · 2 years
how do you think the TD gang would spend their spring breaks?
Ooh, this is a good one! I'll break it down member by member. Continues under the cut because this one got LONG lmao.
Stevie is obviously hot off the media "realizing" that the kid she found wasn't Alice, so she's been getting a lot of emails requesting to interview her again and asking a million questions. Before, it would've made her insecure and judging her own ability to come off as smart and competent, but she knows she did the right thing. She's probably lounging around listening to My Favorite Murder, maybe picking up some extra shifts at the coffee shop* she works at, and talking to her friends through the Team Minerva Group Chat that I am POSITIVE exists even though we have no canon evidence of it.
Stevie's probably talking and facetiming with David every day, and I'll bet that after she gets off the phone with him she calls Janelle and complain about how much they both miss their partners. Stevie's less vocal about it than Janelle, but it's still hard for her.
Speaking of Janelle, she's splitting her time evenly between talking to Vi, watching the new season of Bridgerton, working on building a new kind lightbulb powered by solar energy, and checking on Stevie and Nate every day to make sure they're both doing alright. I think the three of them would watch a movie or two together on Teleparty, but it'd take them a while to figure out what to watch. Janelle wants a rom-com, Nate wants to watch a horror or slasher movie, and Stevie wants a mystery. They compromise by watching Knives Out. They all love the movie, but once Vi joins it stops being a movie night and starts being an infodumping party. Vi spends twenty minutes talking about the subtle critiques of racism and classism that the movie offers, while Stevie and Nate can't stop talking about the structure of the mystery, the way it's written and plotted and planned down to the tiniest little details. Janelle's just happy to look at Ana de Armas for two hours.
Besides that, she's happy to spend time with her family again, especially her brothers, who are fascinated by all the incredible things she gets to work on at school and are happy to relentlessly tease her for 1. her failed rube goldberg experiment and 2. how head-over-heels she is for Vi.
Nate will not tell anyone his plans for spring break, because he himself does not have any. He was instructed to work on his book while on break, a task he is loathe to complete because the last time he spoke to Doctor Quinn about his progress, she described it as "pathetic" without using that exact term. So, Nate goes home. And he sits. And he writes. He writes 200 words for Moonbright. Then he watches the entirety of the Lord of the Rings trilogy on DVD. Then he writes another 200 words. Then he watches the Hobbit trilogy. Then he writes a hundred words. Then, he decides he hates those hundred words. Then he texts Stevie and asks her to describe the most gruesome murder she can think of to him. Stevie replies in such strikingly accurate detail that it prompts Nate to text his therapist for the first time in three months. He laments his failures as a writer and a human to his therapist, and then he feels a little bit better. Then he incorporates some of those horrific murder details into his longest scene yet: A 20,000 word-long chapter in which Moonbright, the protagonist of his story, is horribly murdered by an unknown assassin. Nate types it all up in under 3 hours while the song "No Children" by the Mountain Goats plays in his headphones on loop. At the end of his spree, the chapter is gory, angry, overly detailed, way too long, and it honestly breaks his heart to read back over it. It's unusable in his manuscript. But he doesn't delete it. He keeps it in a folder on his desktop for the next eight months, until he's done the book. Because that chapter is a reflection of his own anger and depression, and maybe even some grief leftover from the events of the past few months that he hasn't processed yet. But the one thing it's not is pathetic. It is heartbreaking and hard to read and completely, wholly, his.
Vi is doing everything they can to not have an absolute meltdown over the upcoming senate primaries. They're texting with both Stevie and David every day because those are the only people that Vi knows who care as much about politics as they do. Scratch that- David cares about politics. Stevie only follows them out of necessity, and-if Vi's not mistaken- a misplaced sense of masochism. Regardless, they're the only two people willing to talk to Vi about it, and Vi's grateful.
Vi's also been spending a lot of time talking to Janelle, and thinking about her. Really thinking about her. Thinking about how smart and talented she is. How her eyes light up anytime she's able to find some common ground with her friends. How much she cares about the people around her. How brave she was to stay behind at school with them all those months ago. Vi is a realist at heart- that's why they can't bring themself to imagine that they might end up with Janelle forever, because they know how high school relationships go, and they know that the idea of losing Janelle would just shatter them in a way they don't know how to combat. But no matter what happens to their relationship, they know for a fact that they will never, ever meet anyone like Janelle Franklin ever again. And that's why they do what they did next: to prove it to her that Vi Harper-Tomo loves Janelle Franklin with their whole heart.
The plan is simple: Vi will somehow plot with their parents and Janelle's, drive from Washington D.C. to Chicago, show up on Janelle's doorstep and surprise her for their last week of break. It takes Vi a little bit to convince their mom that they really need to see their girlfriend that yes, technically they'll see next week when they go back to school anyway. But Vi says it like it is: They have to show Janelle that she's not just some high school girlfriend to them. They really, truly love her and they want to love her as long as humanly possible.
When they phrase it like that, Mrs. Harper-Tomo relents. She helps Vi call the Drs. Franklin and conspire to surprise Janelle. Early Sunday morning, Vi and their mom pack up their Prius, stuff their puffer coats (necessary for combating Windy City weather) under their seats, and hit the road. The road trip takes nearly twelve hours, and Vi is able to work through Lemon Demon's entire discography twice while in the car. While driving through Pennsylvania, Vi wishes they'd called Stevie and asked for her address to avoid using another gas station bathroom, but apparently Pittsburgh is "super out of the way" from their route. And Vi's mom is a stickler for directions.
It's all completely and utterly worth it, though, for that moment when Janelle opens the front door to her townhouse, sees Vi, and is so shocked that she nearly drops her cat on the floor. After safely setting Mr. Truffles down on the front porch, Janelle launches herself into Vi's arms and kisses them, almost crying from joy and excitement.
They spend the rest of the week wandering around Chicago together, Janelle showing them all her favorite sights in the city (The Museum of Science and Industry is visited more than once) and sampling all the best deep-dish pizzas they can get their hands on. It's the best week Vi thinks they've ever had.
Now David, on the other hand, does not see his girlfriend on Spring break, unless one counts the technological tease that is FaceTime. When he finds out about Vi's plan to surprise Janelle, he actually laughs aloud at how frighteningly competent they are to put the plan into motion in such a short amount of time, not to mention jealous that Vi actually gets to spend time with their girlfriend. David is somewhere in Iowa, working for a senate candidate that openly promotes socialism and reparations for the working class. David's father was somehow never available throughout his childhood to read any of his report cards, respond to his birthday messages, sign his permission slips, but is now readily available to send angry emails twice weekly, providing ample entertainment for both David and Stevie. David likes to read the emails aloud in his Voldemort impersonation voice while on call with her.
Other than that, he's spending most of his time studying for his GED exam. He's always been smart enough to be top of his class, but he's never been interested in being top of his class, providing a unique challenge: Actually working hard at something he cares about, something that will make his life better. The hardest part is being alone. His friends are all scattered across the country, his girlfriend is all the way in Pennsylvania, his family, though mostly stationary, are all so far apart in personality that they may as well be living on different continents. You can only feel so connected through phone calls, and text messages, and threatening emails. But the being alone part sucks. It sucks so hard that it makes David wonder if being alone was easier when he didn't know what he was missing.
And he misses Ellie. A lot. Sometimes he reads through their old text messages and thinks about where they'd be if she hadn't died. Back at Ellingham, probably. Maybe he'd be applying to college right now, though he doubts it. He and Stevie might not have ever gotten together. He's positive they wouldn't have gotten together if not for Hayes dying. And whenever that thought occurs to him, David feels conflicted. He gets to be- separated, but together- with a girl that he really, really likes, that amazes him with her brains and her ambition every day. But he's only with her because an innocent kid died before he ever got to learn how to be a good person. And now Ellie's gone too.
When he thinks like that, all David wants to do is call Stevie and tell her he misses her. More than that, he wants to go see her. He wants to actually be near her, and be sure that nothing bad is happening to her. Because he knows her, and he knows that sooner or later, she's going to put herself in danger again. And if she doesn't make it out alive either, he doesn't know what he'll have left.
But he can't do any of that, and he certainly can't say it. So he reads his asshole dad's emails out loud in the most snooty, snake-like voice he can conjure, and the two of them laugh until their stomachs hurt. And right now, in the moment, that's enough.
Bonus: Pix
Pix is enjoying the first peace and quiet she's had in the seven months since she first encountered Stevie Bell, Janelle Franklin, and Nate Fisher. The 21 days that the Ellingham students are on spring break is the longest Pix has gone without a headache since September.
Oh man that was so long. I sat down to write this at 9 AM and it's nearly noon now. But thank you anon for sending me this ask and helping me break out of a writers block that would make Nate Fisher's head spin. I really hope you enjoyed this!
*In the original book, Stevie works at a knockoff Starbucks in the Monroeville Mall which is really funny because I once was injured at a shitty coffee joint in the same mall but she's ultimately either fired or replaced because she works at a grocery store in BitW. My personal headcanon is that she listens to so many true crimepodcasts that she subconsciously starts making everyone's drinks look insane and horrifying. A woman orders a strawberry caramel macchiato and Stevie hands it back to her looking like a cup of brown sludge that's been drowned in blood. At one point somehow Stevie serves a latte with Charles Manson's face drawn into it. Customers begin leaving the shop in tears.
i'm gonna tag some people that might be interested now. this is my first taglist so comment to be added to taglist if you want endless td content and dm to be removed from taglist if you don't want to see my annoying endless td content <3
@viarine @minervahouse @inaudibly-bloodandfire @izzielizzie @dacorals
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izzielizzie · 3 years
this is more of a truly devious head canon prompt instead of an ask, but how do you think the different characters would react to like covid/quarantine stuff?
yeah of course!
Stevie would be good for like, a month? She'd listen to a bunch of podcasts, she'd argue with her parents about how a virus is not a hoax stop spreading lies, she’d have phone calls with David, she’d facetime Janelle, and call Nate every now and then to make sure he’s alive. But, after the first month she’d get a little restless. She’d probably call David every day after dinner and go on a walk and talk or something. She’d Just get really restless after being cooped up with her parents. 
Honestly, knowing Stevie she’d solve at least a mystery a month and pester Nate and David to get them to listen to her put together ideas. 
Oh David would be just fine. His father would probably stick him in some summer mansion or something that has staff so all of David’s needs are taken care of even though he doesn’t actually believe there’s a virus and really he’s spending all his time undermining the task forces put in place by the government. David would resent this and pay the staff their money in advance and send them home. He’d then spend all his time playing video games, smoking, calling Stevie, and playing more video games.
Honestly, this kid would not be bothered. At some point he’d probably be restless but not too restless? About once every two months he’d find some billboard advertising his dad’s campaign that he’d find inventive ways to destroy. It kind of becomes a game with Vi and Stevie pitching in ideas. He does talk about how much he misses Stevie a lot of the time it’s very cute.
Nate does not change one life habit at all. He sits in his room with the curtains and doors closed and writes or listens to music or answers phone calls with extreme exasperation. Nate is at home in this new world. Sometimes a parent makes him leave the house and he does so rather begrudgingly.
Janelle is the opposite of Nate. She spends a full week freaking out, another week cleaning every surface she can find, another week sewing masks and checking in on people (simultaneously) and then she goes back to freaking out. Honestly she’s having a breakdown every five minutes. At some point Vi intervenes and it calms Janelle down enough for her to knock “freaking out” from the cycle. Janelle probably starts some initiative to recruit doctors in the ER with the rest of her family (all of whom are doctors) and she uses her constructing abilities to make ventilators. She also makes care packages for all her friends with personal notes: “please go outside you’re going to die of vitamin D deficiency” goes to Nate, “arguing with your parents is only going to cause tension tone it down and also drink water!!!” goes to Stevie, Vi gets something sappy, and David gets the very straightforward “stop!!! smoking!!! pot!!! do you want to die????”
Vi is rather calm until the Black Lives Matter protests erupt and suddenly they’re in full activist mode. They goes to every protest they can, they speak at every single rally, they write letters to politicians (Edward King gets a very strongly worded letter cosigned by David it’s amazing), and they cultivate as much information as they can. At some point Vi and David work together to undermine all the work David’s father is doing and they actually bond.
hope you liked it!! feel free to suggest any other character
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nineliars · 2 years
it’s officially Taurus season, and I'm in the mood to write. Send me asks and requests for truly devious, succession, or charlotte holmes content and I'll write it! Headcanons, minifics, etc., anything you guys are interested in reading!
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