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bzzzmiele · 4 years ago
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•Longitud: Hembra: 5.5 cm (Adulto, Reina) •Longitud de las alas: 7.6 cm (Adulto) •Velocidad: 40 km/h (Maximum, Adulto) •El avispón gigante asiático (Vespa mandarinia) es una especie de insecto himenóptero de la familia Vespidae •Es muy corpulento y posee un potente veneno capaz de disolver los tejidos. Es agresivo y, a diferencia de los abejorros, no tolera la cautividad. Además, dispone de unas mandíbulas potentes, armaduras protectoras y uñas tarsales para sujetar a su víctima. •En Nagano, Japón, han muerto muchas personas a causa de los avispones. Su veneno es muy potente, y su picadura muy dolorosa. •Primero, atacan a su pariente el avispón amarillo (Vespa simillima xanthoptera), cuyo botín supone miles de individuos, y de 3000 a 7000 larvas y crisálidas. Son la mitad de pequeños y no son presa fácil, pero los avispones gigantes son más fuertes y más grandes. Acaban con ellos, y los que quedan huyen abandonando a sus crías. Su forma de comer es trocear a las víctimas y extraer el interior. Pueden consumir 400 larvas de avispón amarillo al día #avisponasiatico #avispónasiaticogigante #avispónasiático #avispones #avispon #avisponasesino #vespamandarinia #vespamandariniajaponica #vespidae #heminóptero #abejas #abeja #abejas🐝 #abejorro #avispas #avispa #avispaasiatica #insectos #insecto #insectsofinstagram #insects #insect #animales #animal #animalesfantásticos #animalessalvajes #animalesexoticos #interesante #sabiasque #bicho https://www.instagram.com/p/CEIcn9xjeTj/?igshid=xp0syc1ivich
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ajpinfo-blog · 6 years ago
The Giant Japanese Hornet is an Intense Killer Machine
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For the sake of knowing, scientists have given the Japanese Giant hornet a name – Vespa mandarinia japonica – a name normally you need not remember. However, there is a thing you should always remember about them. See the picture of this insect below and remember what it looks like. And if you see it coming towards you while you are holidaying in Japan, just run for your life. This is the Japanese Giant Hornet:
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Yes, this giant hornet is a deadly killer machine. You should fear it because… Well, first of all they are large and fearsome and have stingers that are more than 6 mm long. They use these to inject a relatively large amount of venom into the target – A kind of venom which attacks the nervous system and damages tissues. The venom is also known to destroy red blood cells, which can result in kidney failure and even death in some cases. Working Memory – Chimpanzees vs. Humans Cute Aggression – Hugging The Life Out of Your Puppy Cassowary – The Most Dangerous Bird on Earth Tiger Fish Jumps Out of Water and Catches Flying Birds The Most Dangerous Spider Secondly, just read what Wikipedia says about it… Thirty to forty people die in Japan every year after having been stung, which makes the Japanese giant hornet the second most lethal animal in Japan after humans (bears kill zero to five people and venomous snakes kill five to ten people each year). Thirdly, these hornets are known to move around in small groups of 20-30 individuals who manage to kill tens of thousands of bees in their own beehive, and then they steal their young ones. About 30 of these giant hornets can kill 30,000 bees in a single attack. They don’t just kill, they rip the bees apart mercilessly. Watch a video of them ravaging a beehive… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZ1eAM8CChc Also remember that it won’t come searching for you to sting you to death, until it senses threat. Read the full article
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