#Very tempted to say something to him tho ngl...Just call him out in front of his wife and kids
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punkgemjasper · 4 months ago
Any of y'all ever been bleated at by a right-wing fuck head? Yknow, some rando making sounds like a dying sheep at you for...reasons?
I have. Its funny as fuck.
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princesskokichi · 5 years ago
kokichi’s birthday with is s/o
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i found myself at 2k before i knew it and tried not to drag on for too long, but as you can see, that didn’t happen. so now there’s just this really long post about kokichi’s birthday and i’m kind of in love with it ngl
i don’t think i necessarily did the request either, i think i did a lot more omg i hope that’s alright with you kokichi simp anon 
also he is slightly aged up here !! by three to five years at least.
his personality is a lot more chill here because he’s not in a killing game which stretches his lying habit to an extreme to keep him afloat in his lies
in this he’s just kind of a slightly rude mouthed tsundere boy ?? and i vibe heavily with older kokichi - mod kokichi
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- his birthday this year was such a treat
- honest to god he will likely never forget this birthday for as long as he lives
- and the weirdest thing is that ??? not much even happened that day
- but at the same time it was like everything was happening
- you typically go all out on his birthday by planning elaborate surprises later in the afternoon to blow him away
- and it works every time
- but this birthday was a little different, and a lot more subtle
- he woke up with you right beside him in bed, sleeping peacefully with your arm lazily wrapped around his waist like you two normally slept
- you were so stunning, even when wearing his faded old tee from a band he used to like and your mouth slightly opened with a bit of drool
- he was tempted not to move because he knew you would halfway wake up
- and he just knew that once you woke up and remembered his birthday, you wouldn't be able to fall back asleep and would insist on waking up with him
- he did find it a little odd that you were asleep still though
- usually, when something exciting is happening, you have trouble falling asleep and become a very light sleeper
- so for you to be as deep asleep as you were, it was certainly uncommon
- even though it was his birthday and his inner child wanted the attention on him immediately, he let you sleep
- very VERY carefully, he slid off and away from the bed
- trying really hard to step lightly so the floorboards didn't creak under his feet
- he left you in the bed while he went to brush his teeth and start his morning doing whatever he wanted
- it wasn't often he had a morning to himself, since you usually woke up before him
- he really didn't know what to do without you to fill his morning with your horrible morning breath and low voice as you mumbled
- so he opted for walking around the house, inevitably going into the kitchen
- and then he saw it
- a very tiny but elaborately designed cake, with his birthday and name written in your handwriting when you tried to write fancily
- his heart swelled a little inside as he walked up to it and read the card you'd made for him out of really nice looking origami paper
- " happy birthday baby! i hope today is the best birthday ever. i don't have a lot planned, but i still want to make it super special for you. you deserve the entire world, and i know one day you'll get it because the king always gets what he wants ! i love you so much kokichi, and thank you for being my crazy perfect little boyfriend. -s / o "
- you'd drawn a chibi of him and you together snuggling on the side with flower crowns
- ah, flower crowns were something that you taught him how to make on your third date together
- he hugged the card to his chest, holding onto as if it were his lifeline
- he noticed a yellow sticky note hidden poorly behind the cake, picking it up
- " p.s. don't think i've forgotten about your gift ! you have to find it tho, its somewhere in this house. your hint is that we had our first kiss there. that was so hella awkward, wasn't it ? But to be honest, i couldn't stop thinking about it for days,, - s / o "
- he just stood there for a moment, trying to think about that day
- he had taken you to his apartment because you had tripped and hurt yourself at the park
- you looked just as beautiful back then as you did now,,
- you had teared up slightly because there was a lot of blood, even though the cut itself wasn't that bad
- after he had you bandaged up on the couch in the living room, you and him decided you would spend dinner together
- when it was time to leave, you sat on the couch, while he was joking around and standing on the table next to it so he could be tall
- he had warned you beforehand that if you didn't move, he was going to jump and kiss you
- you took his bluff and didn't budge
- he freefalled, letting gravity hit you with the reality that he wasn't lying
- yeah, right there on the couch while you were sitting, he kissed you for the first time
- out of shock, you had disconnected the kiss and leaned back, surprised and touching your bottom lip
- kokichi remembered being able to see the cogs in your head turning as you sat there and stared at him for longer than a minute
- and then you'd grabbed his jacket, pulling him close to you and reinitiating the kiss
- did your actions that night make god frown ?
- yeah, probably
- but, even now, when thinking about he couldn't help but get a little red in the face thinking about it
- you'd only ever been that bold a few times in this relationship
- and each time was because he either teased you relentlessly over stupid, romantic stuff
-or it was a new point in the relationship that you were more than ready to reach
- s / o : " ah, mornin' baby, how do you like ? "
you scratched the back of your head lazily, more than a little content to rest your head on his shoulder, no matter how far down you had to bend to reach it
- wrapping your arms around his torso, you smiled a little at the sticky note in his hand
- s / o : " i totally forgot i did that. "
- kokichi : " you've done a lot of lame things that sound like they come out of a bad romance movie, but this is probably one of the most cheesy things you've ever done. "
- s / o : " do you like it ? "
- kokichi : " yes. yes i do. but you're going to have to do better than this because i already figured out the first hint. "
- s / o : " what is it ? "
- kokichi : " the couch, duh. you had been so horny like woah close your legs we'd only been dating for about four months. "
- s / o : " i was horny for love, not sex. there's a difference. it wasn't my legs that i opened, it was my heart, dumdum. "
- you let go of him, laughing softly
- s / o : " once you find your present, i'll let you have a bite of cake. "
- kokichi : " a bite ? what's going to happen to the rest ? "
- s / o : " i baked it so it's mine, duhh. "
- you flicked his forehead, to which he lowkey cutely flinched back and put his hand over where you hit
- kokichi : " you're on my nerves today, you know that ? "
- s / o : " well, someone's gotta annoy the annoying one. "
- kokichi : " i'm just going to finish this quickly so i ruin your plan of keeping me busy all day. "
- s / o : " since you're so smart, i dare you to try to find it in twenty minutes or less "
- you set a timer, and watched as he scrambled to find all of the clues to find the last hiding spot
- yeah, it would have been easier for him to just search the entire house, but then what's the fun if you can't play the game ?
-  he decided to indulge you
- he was having fun lmao
- after he went to the couch, he found the sticky note that asked him where they got caught having a,, moment,,, by your parents
- " heyy, kokichi !! remember that time wE were making out and my parents walked in because they were visiting ? i hated it !! do you remember where that happened ? i do !! - s / o "
- against the refrigerator, of course
- he passed you in the kitchen
- you were sitting at the table, just watching him with such amusement
- s / o : " you're always throwing me for games. now i understand how it feels to be in your shoes. "
- kokichi : " oh haha, you suck at being me. "
- s / o : " do i ? then why is there only ten minutes left for you to find your gift ? "
- kokichi : " no way. "
- s / o : " yeah, seriously. you're horrible at this game. "
- kokichi ignored you, checking the refrigerator for another note
- didn't see a sticky note on the front, but the moment he opened it, a bright yellow sticky note glared at him
- " kokichi !! Do you remember when you gave me the promise rings ? it was such an out of character thing for you to do, i was wondering if there was something wrong with it at first and was hesitant to put it on. and now i sleep with it on. ahh, it feels like we're already married, doesn't it ? - s / o "
- kokichi looked back at you as you sipped on your morning drink
- s / o : " gosh, kokichi, i just wanna say that you are the cutest person in existence, so thank you for that. "
- kokichi : " uh-huh. now tell me where the next clue is. "
- s / o : " you're just so,, ugh ! i love how much of a snuggle bug you are. "
- kokichi : " you're not helping your case. i may just sit here and listen to you being cringy. "
- s / o : " do you think me telling the truth embarrasses me ? pitiful. "
- kokichi : " no wait go back to complimenting me. "
- s / o : " aaah, you're so cute !! and thoughtful in your own way. very unique too. the perfect mix of stupid and reasonable. "
- kokichi : " the compliments are starting to get really backhanded. "
- you both stood there for a second, staring at each other and giggling under your breath
- he leaned over quickly and kissed your cheek, escaping fast
- but not fast enough
- you caught him by the sleeve of his jacket and pulled him back into your space, kissing your boyfriend on the lips
- when he pulled away to breathe, he looked completely disheveled, and all he wanted now was to stay in your space
- s / o : " go on, find the gift. "
- kokichi : " no. "
- s / o : " then you'll just randomly find in in the coming week ? "
- kokichi : " yeah, pretty much. i'm boooorrrreedd, so do something to entertain me. "
- your arms were pleasantly resting on his hips, holding him in place as he watched you smile
- s / o : " no ! go find the gift. "
- you leaned into him, giving him another kiss on the lips, but this one was a peck and didn't last nearly as long
- kokichi whined. and he whined LOUDLY, but you were unmoveable in your resolve
- so eventually he had to give up and follow through with your plans
- kokichi : " oh, what's the time ? "
- s / o : " you still have eleven minutes left. "
- kokichi : " that's not possible. "
- s / o : " it is if you're a liar. "
- you did his little pose where he puts his finger over his mouth like " shh " and laughed, watching your boyfriend go from totally in love to Hella Annoyed in a matter of moments
- he headed into the bathroom where he had " proposed " to you with those promise rings
- you had been in the shower, ironically humming the tune to " say you won't let go " by james arthur
- so what's the best thing to do in this situation ?
- scare the crap out of you by singing with you and then pretend to propose, of course !! :D
- the plan worked perfectly, you had been successfully scared the crap out of and hella surprised
- you had admitted to him that you knew he wouldn't propose yet, but that the rings were an incredibly sweet gesture, even if they're presented in a comical manner
- you two both wear them every day as if they were real marriage rings
- at first it bothered him that he even had this idea, because it was such an,, adult step in the relationship
- but, as he thought about it, he realized that he was actually getting older. that these kind of things are,, normal of adults, right ?
- plus, he did want to marry you one day
- he really REALLY thought you were the one for him
- turns out, yeah, they are
- on the backside of the curtains, there was the final sticky note, which had nothing more than a heart on it
- after searching the bathroom up and down, he came back to you with his eyebrows knitted together
- kokichi : " unless toothpaste is the present, then i don't think you finished the game. "
- s / o : " yes i did, i gave you all of the hints you need. promise. "
- he stared at the notes in his hands, wondering what kind of stupid you were to think that they were finished
- and then he saw it, staring him right in the face
- B E D
- he gave you that smug look of " i know what you did, but i figured it out "
- and rushed to the bedroom
- but before he could get in, the bell rang on your timer
- s / o : " you didn't make it to the time love, i'm sorry about that hehe. but go. go find it. "
- kokichi looked through the bed, just to find a small box on your side of the bed
- he opened it to see a little pendant with both of your names in japanese and birthstones on a small silver chain
- it was dainty, and cute
- wow he was in love with it, and he didn't even really like necklaces that much
- s / o : " i know you once told me you didn't like necklaces that much, but it was either that or get something a stereotypical guy likes
- kokichi : " i think this is perfect, s / o. and you're right, i don't like necklaces, but fuck guy-things, that stuff is always weird. "
- after you put the necklace on him, he smiled gratefully
- s / o : " so, cake ? "
- kokichi stopped in his place, debating on it heavily, but opted to tackle you down onto the bed
- he wrapped his arms around you, not planning to let you go anytime soon
- kokichi : " not to be gross or anything but cuddles sound much better than cake. cake is for losers. "
- he did, indeed, have a piece of cake later into the day
- before that, you two ended up taking a nap together like that on the bed
- you were more than content to cradle your boyfriend and whisper soft, gentle words
- he genuinely sucks at staying still while cuddling, so he tries to fill up time before he got sleepy
- he would talk to you about whatever popped up into his mind
- which was usually how the world domination plan is definitely going exactly how he plans it
- starting with winning your heart, and then winning the worlds' hearts
- or kissing everywhere from your neck to your bellybutton
- just anywhere he could get his hands on, he would kiss you
- at the end of the day, this was his favorite birthday
- just spending time with the one he loves most and having them love him back in reciprocation
- you always made sure he was well cared for, but this was overdoing yourself
- he wanted to thank you, but didn't really know how to do so
- luckily, you understand him better than he thinks you do
- and you know that look on his face when his eyes are half-closed
- and he's got a smile on his face that he doesn't even realize he has
- that he's happy, even if he doesn't explicitly say it out loud to you
- you let him snuggle into your chest, hoping he could hear your heart
- his eyes began to get heavy, and as he listened to your gentle voice sway him into sleeping
- he really started to think about things, albeit in a half-asleep manner
- he'd grown up, and has since stopped lying as much just for a joke
- he wasn't exactly going to give up his boyish charms no matter how old he is by any means
- partly because he was so damn short it would seem weird to people if he didn't act like what he looked like
- but he was learning how to act like his age
- because he's growing emotionally as well as physically
- he's getting better at trusting people, and letting them know the true kokichi instead of a lie he fabricated to feel better behind a mask
- kokichi is learning that there are people out there that genuinely like to talk to him and want to be around him
- like you, his perfect partner,
- his partner that he plans to hold like this till death do them part, his angel, and saving grace,
- and the person whom he loves no matter how old he gets.
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kaotikreviews · 5 years ago
Since I’ve found the platform, I’ve been nothing but OBSESSED. I’ve read a lot of different webtoons by now, and caught up with several. The highlight of each day has become 9pm when the newest batch of webtoons come out. 👌🏼
Today, I read the new episodes for my subscribed comics. Here are my thoughts (WARNING - may contain spoilers):
At Arms Length, by Zushi - Chapter 9.2, Trapped: I recently found this series and binged all the previous episodes, so the story still feels fresh in my memory. This comic is unique because it tells you up front the two characters that end up together and let’s you know they are healthy and happy later on. The author uses a pretty slow story progression towards that end and focuses on emotions and mental health in each episode. Since the comic is more about processing thoughts and feelings, the pace of real world events is much slower. Even so, the epis feel a bit too short (but the art is amazing, so I get it). Full disclosure, it looks like this series can get a bit raunchy at times. 👀 I was a bit torn about this comic because of my own morals and world views (I really want to say the main characters need Jesus AND all the healthy things they are doing👌🏼), but a lot of the episodes about depression really resonated with me since that’s something I’ve struggled with for literally my whole life. Long story short, I’m hooked, so 💁🏻‍♀️. Today’s epi is more of the female lead’s back story and her previous relationship. I guess it was good. I’ve literally never been in a romantic relationship, so can’t relate to the situation directly, but it’s just one of the many reasons why I wanna be forever alone. 😳 I think I always refresh like a lunatic hoping for one more episode at the end, but today’s episode did feel pretty short. Then again, every time I catch up on a webtoon, the episodes that come out after that always feel short anyway. 😂
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WEBTOON GREENLiGHT - Escape from Oz: tbh, I’m not the biggest fan of the art style and the surreal take on the storyline threw me for a loop at first, but also, super hooked ngl. 😏 I love a good sci-fi. I mean, we are in the world of fantasy and fiction and break real world rules CONSTANTLY, so why not just lean in and go crazy with it? 😌 I bet you guessed, but 3rd epi definitely got a fancy 🤍 from me and now I’m hoping for it to get green lit so I can find out what happens next! 👀
My Magical Maid - Ep 9: another recent find, it only took me a couple minutes to catch up and be wanting more. 🤩 As mentioned before, fiction/sci-fi is my jam. I can get weird about witchy story lines if they wanna be really like creepy and demonic and offensive to my beliefs and world views, but if it’s balanced enough, its nbd to me. I like the series because I like stories with people with powers. How fun would it be to have super powers? It’s fun to imagine, so I love seeing other people’s takes on a day in the life of a super. Our super (a witch in this particular story world), is a maid/personal secretary type person/doctor/friend of the ruler of the land. The relationships and interactions feel very modern, but the setting is like, fairy tale times. Like, our girl is supposed to be a maid, but she’s on peer terms with the king and can speak her mind openly. It’s different, so I like it. Very interesting dynamics, I can’t wait to find out more about their back stories. Today, they closed up a story arch that threatened our otp but now.. does that make our main dude an even badder guy? lol 🧐 I mean, second lead just made main dude look kinda awful in comparison. And I never get second lead syndrome, so this is a bit of a strange perspective for me. (I don’t get second lead syndrome because the otp has a pull to it. Good relationships take time, but also chemistry.) I’m not opposed to a bad boy redemption story, so super excited to see this all play out and glad the triangle is going away. 😅 I have no idea what this gif is from, but it looks cool so ~
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Lost in Translation - Ep 18: I mean, is every comic coming out this year gonna be bout stalkers?! 👀 Today’s epi was wyld (haha, pun). After reading the beginning of #killstagram and starting up It’s Mine, this plot twist is starting to feel super familiar. There’s been a stalker story arch in several other comics in my deck as well. Can’t say I’m a big fan, tbh. I hate the fact that things like that really happen, and the fact that it could happen to me or someone I care about. I’m terrible for this, but I prefer not to think about the grittier and scarier side of humanity too much. Of course, I said “too much”. A little here and there isn’t so bad, and so overall, I’m still pretty hooked on this comic. Hopefully things start to improve for our MC soon, and I’m so glad he’s getting some support from his friend.
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I Love Yoo - Ep 127: bout time we got back to the sister arch! 😂 I binged this to catch up a while ago now, and so the story is starting to fade a bit. It still blows my mind how far we’ve come in the story and yet how little progress we’ve made. I mean, the family dynamic hasn’t been sorted yet, and I’m missing the friend dude, the one with red hair (I think?) yeah, it’s been so long I am forgetting his name already! 😅 I normally am super against any form of “stealing” people in relationships, but when the relationships are super toxic and bad, I sometimes find myself shipping the better relationship. (Jim and Pam from the office for example.) Truth be told, the main girl and the red head are my favorite ship, and I hope it’s the otp. All the other dudes in her life just don’t compare to the tension, chemistry, and mutual respect those two have. They bring out the best in each other and redhead really needs some help just like our MC did in the beginning. I hope she reaches out to him more (and that he ends that shell of a ship he is currently in.)
Choco Latte - Ep 38: another recent find. It’s a silent comic, which is kinda brilliant. Sometimes I read ahead on my favorite comics on Naver in the original language, but since I only really know English, it’s a very similar experience to this comic. You rely more on the expressions and context to understand the situations and how the story is progressing. I like it. I also liked how wholesome all the characters are. There isn’t a lot of nastiness between people so far and I hope that continues. It’s refreshing given the world we live in and most of the comic I read, tbh. Recent epis (including today’s) have me a bit worried tho. I hope they ain’t breaking main ship 😬 or creating a rift that would destroy the innocence and optimistic world view of our MCs. I’m a pretty gritty, glass half empty type of person a lot of times, and I call it being a realist. Fact is, life is often cruel. But in story world, it doesn’t have to be. I hope the author preserves the sweetness of this comic, but even if not, I’m down for the ride. (Unless they break up the otp, then I may quit for real.)
Not Even Bones - so I haven’t been reading this on webtoons for a while. I found out there was a book, and when it hit a cliffhanger, I scoured the internet until I found it online for free. I finished the book in a very short period of time and then the sequel. There’s still another one out that I want to read, but I needed a break. Not sure where the webtoons version is at, but I mean, this story gets DARK. Wondering how I reconcile this with all my aforementioned morals? I don’t. I believe all humans are kinda terrible, which is why I believe we need saving from ourselves and each other. I don’t believe all the stories with hopeful endings and super hero’s and saviors are just from our wishful thinking, I believe that a part of our souls is wired to respond and reach for our creator, who is actively speaking and reaching for us. Since we’ve been effectively “kidnapped” and trapped in a broken world system, it’s like we are birds that were born in cages. It’s in our nature to do certain things that just don’t make sense for our current environment but makes total sense for the environment we were created for. I believe it’s in our nature to search for something that’s missing and to fill that void with whatever and whoever we can find - many people think it’s just the way things are and don’t think about why, or they become contented with the void inside. No matter what we try to use to fill that emptiness inside, it’s never enough. Well, not until we connect to our creator and escape from “captivity”. I’ve been a Christ follower my whole life and even so, it ain’t easy. I have mad depression and I’m not necessarily a “good” person. But I’d probably be dead if I didn’t have Jesus in my life, and that’s after doing all the self help I could. No matter what I did, it wasn’t enough until I experienced hope and love for the first time in a spiritual experience. 👌🏼 I mean, if humans are terrible, and we all are constantly trying to self destruct, who can truly help us but God? People can’t be the cure for other people, and as much as self help stuff, well, helps - it isn’t a cure either. Self help can be like relying on a flaky and unstable individual to save your life - eek! 😂
For the record, my goal isn’t to stuff my beliefs down people’s throats, just sharing my thoughts. If you find it offensive, then please skip on by or think of it as a nice story (but for me, it’s as real as breathing, so I can’t help but talk about it. 👌🏼)
Anyone else reading these comics? What are your thoughts? Are there other comics that you recommend? Are there any that you fast passed on? I was super tempted to fast pass a few, but I hate having to wait longer for a new update. 😂
Today’s top song (thanks for sending it to me, sis! 💯):
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