#Verse- After Marine Ford
cmdrace · 11 months
[Muse: Masked Deuce] [Verse: Post marineford] Strands of black hair were pushed out of Ace's vision and Deuce smiled softly at his captain before consciousness slipped away from the pain of his injury. The attack was meant for Ace and his brother, but Deuce ended up with magma burning through his coat and burning into his back after tackling Ace out of the way.
With Deuce being out of the picture it would be up to Ace to take care of him and help him recover now that the two of them were in a safer location, Hopefully a location where nobody would be able to find them.
When Ace found out someone saved him, the Second Commander got up quickly rushing off from the Marine Ford with the man who just saved him.
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Was it anger? Was it sadness? No. Despite happy to see his friend, his ex vice captain, the idea of losing another person close to him made Ace go completely in a rage.
"let's go!" He yelled as if yelling at himself to stay focus and dragged him to the boat he found, sitting idly, as if it was calling to Ace to come take it. The old Spade boat.
And that's what he did.
Taking the boat, he whisked off, leaving the battle, and from a far glimpse, he saw Jinbei have his brother in his arms as Akainu was sliced by the one and only Crocodile.
Sighing, at the fact that his brother is alright, he looked down at the injuries of his former crew mate. He'd be damned if he were to lose another being. First Sabo..there was no way he was going to let Deuce pass away. Not without doing something.
"Hey hey, you!" Ace said scrambling around looking for something to stop the heat, stopping the heat from Akainu's magma fist.
He shuffled through Deuce's room, looking for books to help, tears threatening to fall.
God damn it. He'd be damned if he lost his best friend.
Not today.
Masked Deuce was not going to leave this forsaken Earth, not today.
Ace was not going to allow that. Not today
@cosmicxblossoms || verse- after Marine Ford
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monicalposts · 4 years
The Goal Crafter System
What exactly is the Goal Crafter System?
It’s the system I follow which incorporates mindset mastery  to keep ME moving forward with my goals and my aspirations.
This Goal Crafter System pairs tried and true goal setting tactics from the Giants of Goal Setting methods – Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy -  with the power of prayer and the constant daily, habit of thought assessment.
It helped me lead three multimillion dollar businesses simultaneously.
It helped me author and publish books.
It helped me create and develop blogs .
It helped me obtain a degree in business just as I turned 50.
It helped me start new businesses.
It helped me buy and sell homes.
It helped me take wonderful family vacations.
And it hasn’t just helped me! No, I believe in sharing what works with others. I have been teaching and mentoring others with this exact same system for years. 
So --what is the system?
As Simon Sinek would say, start with the Why.  If you haven’t seen his brilliant Ted Talk on knowing your why, you should!
For me ---my why arose out of learning about goals three decades ago, after which I became relentless in the pursuit of change in many areas of my life.  No question – I was HUNGRY!
Goal setting fed my pieces and parts in a way that was sooo exciting to me. 
It helped me realize that I was not thinking clearly about myself. I realized I hadn’t thought of myself as creative, much less as a CRAFTER my whole life.
I was surrounded though by family and friends who could create easily and effortlessly: crochet – knit – sew -- build – grow gardens. None of that stuff appealed to me – let’s face it – to this day I hate to get dirt under my nails!
And because I didn’t believe I was creative in a world where it seemed most people around me were -- I felt a bit invisible. I raised my kids, grew my family, worked to support them, but all the while, I knew my best life was eluding me.
I had this ever-present, deep down feeling that there was more to life, a lot more, and I just couldn’t quite see it or reach it.
When goals came into my life – well it’s fair to say it changed me forever.
It sounds a bit cheesy but I literally could feel myself begin to blossom. Crazy, I know.
Still, I started to find my way.
A big part of that was finding myself beginning to yearn for and eventually find a closer, more personal relationship with God. 
It was baby steps at first. And it was certainly not linear. In fact, just how big prayer and mindset are in crafting and achieving goals was not apparent to me at first.
No—when I first started crafting goals, I would jot them out on a piece of paper or in my homemade goal notebook (I still have that little book) – the more the merrier. I had read about Lou Holtz’ list of 100 goals, and ever-competitive, I set out to create my own list of AT LEAST one hundred GOALS.
At various times I did in fact have more than 100 goals on paper for my big OLE life.
Nothing wrong with that, and even today, part of my system includes a massive download of sorts.
But—quantity is not equivalent to success in crafting a goal or goals that will light you up!
Ahhhh – but if quantity is not the answer to success, then what is?
Think about the word –craft—what it means.  As a verb – to craft is to make or produce something skillfully, brilliantly, capably. Produce – skillfully, brilliantly, capably.
So to become a goal crafter, we take a meticulous approach to establishing the goals we really desire.
The goals we really desire.
The goals we really desire!
Success in goals I believe comes down to these things – these steps that comprise my Goal Crafter System.
1. Discerning through chatting with God the desires of our heart. This is the first step and it is crucial for believers.  Two verses that speak to this are Psalm 10:17 O Lord, You have heard the desire of the humble; You will strengthen their heart, You will incline your ear. And Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the Lord; And He will give you the desires of your heart.  God hears us when we speak to him, but it is up to us to create the conversation. And when we do, He says to delight ourselves in Him.  What an invitation. This is the beginning!!
2. Creating a mindset of belief about our creative capabilities.  Mindset mastery runs throughout the crafting and achievement of your best goals.  Belief that you can do, be or have what you establish as your goal is Muy Importante!  If you believe it, you CAN achieve it.  If you don’t, your success will be hampered or even inaccessible to you. There are ways to strengthen your beliefs about your goals and we will cover that incessantly throughout future blogs 😊. But hint, hint – your thoughts play a gigantic role in them.  A very strong verse in scripture, given us from Jesus is Mark 9:23 And Jesus said to him, “’If you can?’ All things are possible to him who believes.” Henry Ford said, “IF you believe you can, or you believe you can’t, your RIGHT!” Let that marinate!
3. Choosing the dreams we believe will help us live a brilliant, beautiful, buoyant life. Listen up – God gave us the gift of free will. Inherent in free will is OUR ABILITY TO CHOOSE – TO DECIDE!  No action can occur, no progress, until we decide what we want for ourselves. Proverbs 16:3 Commit your works to the Lord and your plans will be established. As soon as you decide which of your ideas to choose to elevate to the status of a goal, you progress!
4. Writing them out with a due date for future completion. There is a multitude of research in the public domain that demonstrates something pretty astounding. The mere act of taking a pen or a pencil and writing out a goal increases your chances of accomplishing it by 42%. And, there is much more to be done that will take those percentages even higher. This is reinforced in scripture. Habakkuk 2:2 Then the Lord answered me and said, “Record the vision And inscribe it on tablets, That the one who reads it may run. Back in the day when there was no paper – even then – God instructed His believers to write out their vision – their goal. Get it out of your head and onto paper. You will be glad you did!
5. Seeing yourself reaching your goal at just the right time. Habakkuk goes on in verse 2:3 For the vision is yet for the appointed time; It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Thought it tarries, wait for it; For it will certainly come, it will not delay. Oh. My. Mercy. So much good stuff here. Spend time with the vision behind the goal you have crafted. This mental activity will keep your vibe high and will be a source of fuel for you AND your goal.
6. Crafting and devising the perfectly imperfect plan to make your goal a reality. Notice the words imperfectly perfect. Years of experience crafting and going after goals has shown me that my plans are often incomplete or out of step with what really needs to occur to accomplish the goal. Practice though does make perfect. The danger in trying to develop the perfect plan is that you will plan and plan and plan and never actually progress because you believe the plan is not quite ready. Do the work – and then get ready for the next step. And remember, Proverbs 16:3 Commit your works to the Lord And your plans will be established.
7. Taking committed, disciplined action.  I have found that with goals, any action is better than inaction. Having said that, it is also wise to stop for a hot minute and ask yourself what the NEXT BEST ACTION could be that would get you closer to your goal. Then-do THAT. Keep in mind Colossians 3:23 Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men.  And – when you follow this advice and keep the Lord in mind as the ultimate reason you are expanding His Kingdom, it just makes goal crafting and achieving so much better.
That’s it. 7 steps, guided by biblical truths, that you can use to craft the life of your dreams – the one that is right there – on the other side of your goals. 
To be sure, this Goal Crafter System is merely the framework to utilize to get the momentum going with your goals. There are many, many nuances to the process of crafting and accomplishing your goals – nuances such as roadblocks, repetition, and review, for example.  
But starting with this model is a great place to begin. Be still and be real today with the ultimate mentor – God the Creator. Your best life awaits.
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mysterymanjoseph · 4 years
What Was Old, is New Again:  mysterymanjoseph and allcfme
Joseph had gotten a few ‘old’ vehicles restored, something that an EMP or cyber attack would not affect, old technology.  This latest project, was a 1955 Ford pickup, totally restored to like new condition, but, the engine is not quite running right, and even though his first couple of years in the Marines had Joseph assigned to the motor pool, working on various vehicles, he was stymied on what might be the problem.  So, it was time to take the problem to someone who was more versed in engines than he was.  He loads the truck onto a trailer, hooks the trailer to his Grand Cherokee, towing it to a mechanic that had been recommended to him.  After pulling in and parking in front of the large metal building and parking, he gets out, walking to the door next to a window that he speculates is the office area.  He knocks on the door, as a show of respect, waiting to be given permission to go inside, or even to hear if anyone is there.
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Mobile Muse List
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Billy Russo
Netflix Marvel’s Punisher, canon character
Ambitious and cunning, Billy worked his way up from foster care, to an elite marine sniper, to CEO and President of a private security/military company he helped found named Anvil. 
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KIaus Hargreeves
The Umbrella Academy, canon character
Born at the exact same time as 42 other children under mysterious circumstances, Klaus grew up as part of the Umbrella Academy along with 6 of the other children.  With the power to see the dead, which terrifies him, he’s since found solace in drug use which dampens his abilities.
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Logan Delos
Westworld, canon character, season 2 divergent
Modern/outside of Westworld verse available as well as ones for season 2
Heir apparent to his family’s powerful company Delos, Logan has pushed for further investment in Ford’s project known as the Argos Initiative.  The Argos Initiative develops lifelike AI, which ultimately reside in Westworld (and later other parks as well).  While a wealthy businessman outside the park, inside Westworld Logan views the hosts as little more than video game NPCs and is always looking for new and hidden quests and adventures, the more violent the better.
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Marian Hawke
Dragon Age OC
A refugee from Ferelden, Hawke finds herself caught in the middle of the escalating tensions in Kirkwall after fleeing the Blight.  With a knack for finding (and causing) trouble, life around her and her band of friends is never boring.
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Matty Beaumont
Fandomless OC
Can fit into most verses with modern elements
Born into a wealthy family, Matty’s parents pushed him to follow in their footsteps and become a lawyer.  However, Matty never had much taste for law, and quite happily uses his knowledge to find and exploit loopholes whenever he can.  Instead of following his parent’s wishes, he writes an editorial in the newspaper and takes free lance writing jobs in between working on his novels, several of which have been published.
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Nikolai Sokolov
Fandomless Vampire OC
Can fit within most verses with supernatural aspects
Originally born in what would later become Russia, Nick was a simple commoner and father before his untimely death.  After being attacked by a vampire while he was working his field, he was forced to abandon his family and has since wandered over most of Europe through the years, immigrating to the United States just after the turn of the 20th century.  Having gone through a multitude of professions, currently he works as an ER nurse at the local hospital.
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Dragon Age OC
Modern, DnD, Assassin’s Creed, 1930′s/WWII, and Star Wars AUs all available
A teenage street rat with a rough and troubled past, Talon has made a living for himself as an assassin the last few years.  Capable and resourceful, murder and thievery is how he’s gotten by.  After taking a job and finding himself in the wrong place at the wrong time, Talon finds himself forced into the role of Herald of a god he doesn’t believe in, and leader of an army he never wanted.  Despite his outward disdain for politics and the ruling class as well as rough nature, his strength lies in his genuine care for the common people, mages, and other races as well as his proficiency and resourcefulness in the field.
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Dragon Age and modern AUs available
Originally a smuggler and thief, Taliesin is currently on the run from the law.  After escaping from prison mere months ago, anything that allows himself to keep his freedom sounds incredibly appealing.  Adventuring can lead to loot, treasure, and a chance to put distance between himself and any authorities that may be on his tail.z
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warbraved · 4 years
edward jones
main verse // show based with heavy headcanon influence.
disclaimer: all information provided is for main verse; may vary depending on verse.
full name // edward allison jones  nicknames or aliases or titles // eddie, hillbilly,  lieutenant age and birthday //  27 ; 1 apr 1917 home // whiteford, maryland  current location //  somewhere in the south pacific pronouns and gender  // he/him or they/them, agender  occupation // marine language(s) spoken // english accent // appalachian accent 
faceclaim //  leon ford hair colour // black  eye colour // blue height // 6′3 build // thin but strong as they come.  distinguishing features // the fact that he’s clean and well groomed no matter the circumstances.
physical conditions // probably has a smattering of scars neurological conditions // ptsd sleeping habits // can sleep wherever, whenever because he has to eating habits // whatever is readily available, will refuse to eat if others haven’t eaten first exercise habits // has been through rigorous pt and maintains that level of fitness emotional stability // more stable than one would expect sociability // social, but distant. sometimes plays guitar for the men as a treat. 
religion // jewish 
parent(s)// george burnett & reba a allison jones.  sibling(s) // Clara Burnette (older), Hazel Estelle, Ralph B (dec. 1926) Harold Warren, George Kenneth, Mary Jo (dec. 1945) & Gary Lee Jones (younger)  significant other(s) // n/a child(ren) // n/a
financial //  wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty medical //  fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged class or caste //  upper / middle / working / slave / unsure education //  qualified / unqualified / studying
mbti // esfj hogwarts house // ravenclaw moral alignment //  lawful good
romantic orientation// demiromantic sexual orientation // homosexual  polyamorous or monogamous // monogamous
modern verse: eddie is pursuing a master’s degree in music production while working full time as a bartender. he also plays gigs at said bar when allowed. 
crossover verse: easy company of the 101st airborne is shipped out to the pacific after victory in europe for the allies is declared so they can help the marines win the war in the pacific.
lives! au : eddie was wounded in the stomach with a pepper of artillery shelling and was brought back behind the lines by sledge and snafu. he was sent home to heal instead of returning to battle. 
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Hoechlin got his start in acting when he was still in grade school, and though some get into the field with grand ambitions to be a thespian, his motivations were a bit more direct. He knew acting gigs paid money (because his mom told him he'd picked up some commercials as a baby), and he wanted a bit more pocket cash to buy video games. Hard to argue with that logic, especially coming from a third-grader. Here's an excerpt from what he told Empire: "At the time I was, like, seven or eight years old, and I brought up, 'Oh, that'd be kind of cool to go and make my own money so I could buy my own video games.'"
Once he took a shot at Hollywood, Hoechlin landed his first professional acting gig at the age of 11: a small role in Disney Sing Along Songs: Happy Haunting, which was released in 1998 on VHS. The video focused on a Halloween party at the haunted mansion in Disneyland and included several singalong songs.
At the ripe old age of 13, Hoechlin landed one heck of a breakout role: Tom Hanks' son in the critically acclaimed 2002 graphic novel adaptation Road To Perdition. Hoechlin took full advantage of the opportunity and showed he certainly has the acting chops to stand side by side with one of the greats. He also pulled down some awards for his performance, including a Phoenix Film Critics Society Award for Best Youth Performance, a Saturn Award for Best Performance by a Younger Actor, and a Young Artist Award for Best Youth Actor Leading Role in a Motion Picture Drama.
In his teenage years, Hoechlin made the jump to television with a major recurring role in The WB's family drama 7th Heaven, playing the character Martin Brewer. He played the son of a Marine and eventually winds up living with the Camdens for a few years. His character is portrayed as a baseball star, and much of his storyline revolved around Martin trying to land a college scholarship for his skills on the diamond. He was a stalwart on 7th Heaven from 2003-2007.
Hoechlin's 7th Heaven character was a case of art imitating life. The young actor was also one heck of a talented baseball player, starring for the Arizona State Sun Devils and UC-Irvine in college. At one point, he turned down a meeting with Francis Ford Coppola and a role in the Twilight franchise due to his busy baseball schedule. But that changed when Hoechlin began landing more acting offers and came down with a hamstring injury that temporarily sidelined him from baseball. When he knew he was finally giving up his baseball dreams, after having a meeting with his coach and dealing with an injury, Hoechlin told ESPN he decided to officially make the jump: "Because of baseball, I was putting acting on the backburner. It was like an answered prayer. It was like the decision was made for me. I wasn't going to quit until someone told me to stop."
Before landing the Supergirl gig, Hoechlin was probably best known for his supporting role in MTV's Teen Wolf adaptation as Derek Hale. His character came a long way during that series, giving Hoechlin an opportunity to play a few different types along the way. It didn't hurt that it was on a buzzy show with a fervent fan base. Though he obviously has the leading man good looks, Hoechlin was a supporting player on Teen Wolf, good preparation to come into the Supergirl world as a guest star.
It's funny how fate works out. Back in 2013, it was rumored that Hoechlin was in the running to play Bruce Wayne/Batman in the sequel to Man of Steel, eventually titled Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, but that role went to Ben Affleck. The story had never really been confirmed in any meaningful way, but while hitting the press rounds for Supergirl, Hoechlin confirmed he really did audition for the big screen DC-verse. He told Empire the tone of the films from his sample pages was much darker than the work he's doing on The CW: "It was already very much obvious from the beginning that that was going to be a story of his struggle with things."
It's typically a fierce battle to land a starring role as a superhero, but Hoechlin didn't even have to audition for his plum gig in Supergirl. Instead, the producers of the series were already familiar with the actor, so they just invited him over for a chat. He knew the gig had something to do with Supergirl, but he had no idea it was to actually play the Man of Steel himself. The chat went well, and they asked him his thoughts on Superman. He told Entertainment Weekly his answer was immediate. Within a week, there was an official offer on the table for Hoechlin to don the iconic red and blue tights. Easy, right?
Before landing the Superman gig on Supergirl, Hoechlin rocked one heck of a mustache for his role in Richard Linklater's 2016 film Everybody Wants Some!!, a "spiritual sequel" to Dazed and Confused. When he was booked for the film, Hoechlin grew a mustache for the character. (He's barely recognizable with the facial hair.) During an interview with Carson Daly, the actor revealed the cast of Everybody Wants Some!! actually lived together for three weeks for the film while playing frat house bros in the movie. In a chat with Collider about getting into the role, Hoechlin said it was a collaborative effort — but he's always up for diving into a cool character (and he really dug the mustache): "The mustache was a definite 'Yes.' … Burt Reynolds, maybe Tom Selleck … was what we went for."
As if being the Man of Steel wasn't enough, Hoechlin is looking to take his sex symbol status to a whole new level with the upcoming Fifty Shades of Grey sequel Fifty Shades Darker. Hoechlin has joined the franchise as Boyce Fox. The character was referenced in the first Fifty Shades movie, but he'll show up in the 2017 sequel for the first time. The character is the first author Ana signs as an editor at the publishing company SIP. It's sometimes tough to bounce between TV and film, but Hoechlin is making it look effortless.
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starter guide to my OCs under the cut! warning: there are a lot and i am trash for using the same FCs, but whatever whatever. <3
Alyssa Montgomery ( faceclaim: mackenzie davis ):  - tattoo artist  - single mom, very active in her kid’s life and very much involved in pta like things  - terribly romantic and loves being in love and doesn’t know when too much is enough
Aruna Charan ( faceclaim: naomi scott ):  - high school drop out  - lost in life and has no idea what to do or where to go  - uses humor as a way to cover up insecurities
Asurael ( faceclaim: jim caviezel ):  - fallen angel mercenary  - very much a damaged angel who is overcome with rage and anger at the thing who ripped off his wings  - also really oblivious to the way the modern world works, and isn’t very good with social cues
Avery Lucas ( faceclaim: chloe bennett ):  - destiny 2 based titan in fireteam aeternum  - in modern verse, she’s an underground fighter  - sees the fun in all things violent and is really just the type of person to see joy in life always
Cameron McCormick ( faceclaim: hugh dancy ):  - accountant / underground crime boss  - literally a serial killer with ASPD  - only cares about two or three people in separate verses, and will do anything to protect them
Donovan Crayford ( faceclaim: michael malarkey ):  - auto mechanic  - spent most of his life dating kiana before breaking it off when she returned from overseas  - tries to spread joy where he can, volunteers in his spare time at shelters and hospitals
Dylan Abernathy ( faceclaim: amy acker ):  - farmer / veteran  - literal human sunshine who makes it her goal to brighten the day of whoever she comes across  - most of the workers on her farm were homeless before she met them and offered them a place to work and live
Estela Tavares ( faceclaim: becky g ):  - high demon queen, previously a succubus  - feeds off of the literal life essence of humans and various other beings  - overly cocky / confident and believes she can do no wrong
Gavin Fischer ( faceclaim: cody christian ):  - kind of a deadbeat genius  - works as a waiter in a local steakhouse to help provide for his three siblings and parents  - dreams of one day being a physicist and discovering new things and being able to earn a lot of money so his parents and siblings never have to want again
Grayson Hauser ( faceclaim: tahmoh penikett ):  - POI based ISA / Samaritan agent  - comes off really gruff and stoic / flat effect almost  - soft when it comes to the people he cares about, will protect them, oblivious to the bigger picture and only follows orders
Isaac Harding ( faceclaim: tyler hoechlin ):  - private detective, specializing in the supernatural  - injured knee, addicted to coffee and nicotine  - soft spoken and studious, tends to go out of his way to complete a case, even when the danger is high
Jac Miller ( faceclaim: phoebe tonkin ):  - derby girl / pyrokinetic + empath  - has absolutely no control of her powers and the empathy makes her lose control more often than not  - definitely a wild child, feels too much ALWAYS even without her empathy
Jasper Davis ( faceclaim: chris wood ):  - destiny 2 based warlock of fireteam aeternum  - the gothest boy ever  - is part of a warlock order called the thanatonauts, in which he dies voluntarily to experience visions before being revived
Joey Belmont ( faceclaim: stella maeve ):  - atomic blonde based double agent ( CIA / SVR )  - spends a lot of her time undercover in the US investigating   - never shows who she really is and crafts a different personality for every meeting, in actuality a very lonely, dark person
Katia Boystov ( faceclaim: lyndsy fonseca ):  - gta based crew assassin  - runs with an all female crew and is known for how loud her assassinations are  - her personality is much like her style of violence: wild and in your face
Ke'aslas ( faceclaim: charlie cox ):  - elder god based oc  - was summoned to earth eons ago and has been existing just underneath the surface  - once technology began to uprise, they poured their essence into it. flickering lights? static on a tv? look closer and you will see and hear Them.
Kiana Razavi ( faceclaim: sarah shahi ):  - air force veteran  - severe ptsd. night terrors, flashbacks.   - the softest but also literally the most pathetic. latches onto any kindness and very easily falls in love because she craves affection and attention
Lex Stovall ( faceclaim: amy acker ):  - fuckboy neurosurgeon  - amab feminine agender person ( she/ her pronouns, male and nb titles ( dr, sir, mx, etc )  - too cocky and confident to function tbh. addicted to painkillers and drinks too much wine. afraid of commitment after her divorce
Mitchell Calloway ( faceclaim: jason bateman ):  - assistant district attorney  - very much the smarmy villain type you would expect him to be  - he’s charming in a way that seems unsettling and only in it for the money
Oliver Ward ( faceclaim: matthew gray gubler ):  - continuing ed. english professor, only teaches night classes  - very soft and very gay man who finds joy in fictional stories and fantasy  - somehow has his life together but looks a mess always, very disorganized and very disheveled
Owen Rebours ( faceclaim: richard harmon ):  - destiny 2 based hunter of fireteam aeternum  - the quietest hunter on the front. very focused on making sure the job is done, but loves the challenge  - has a gambling problem, but bets only on crucible matches and never plays himself
Rosalind Harston ( faceclaim: olivia taylor dudley ):  - late 1800s vampire  - nearly feral and lacks a humanity. her feralness translates into a sense of uncaring and feeds without remorse  - tends to prey on the stronger because the challenge is greater
Rosana Naceri ( faceclaim: sarah shahi ):  - psychology professor / self help book author  - completely fucked up after witnessing her father kill her mom and translates that into trying to help others, though does not follow her own advice  - rarely speaks unless its needed, and is quick to anger or judgement
Rowan Knight ( faceclaim: katie mcgrath ):  - up and coming mob queen  - ambitious to a fault and tends to take her anger and frustration out on those close to her  - prefers ruling from a perch and doesn’t like getting her hands dirty, but will if she has to 
Roya Veisi ( faceclaim: sarah shahi ):  - ex marine bodyguard  - is the type that feels too much and thinks its a weakness, so she comes off as stoic and unfeeling  - lets her anxieties get the better of her when it comes to social situations
Savina ( faceclaim: alycia debnam carey ):  - feral werewolf   - literally acts like more animal than person, has lived on her on in the wilds since she was young bc separated from her pack / family  - is barely in control of her beast and spends a lot of time trying to figure out how to get in under wraps without knowing how
Siya Parekh ( faceclaim: naomi scott ):  - literal princess of a made up city ( gotta write this up )  - very prim and proper in public but is also politely sarcastic in a way that turns heads  - tends to leave other royalty and politicians confused and surprised at how well she navigates matters
Theo Bradford ( faceclaim: jeffrey dean morgan ):  - physics professor  - single dad, divorced and estranged from his ex wife  - shy, quiet kind of guy. keeps to himself mostly and focuses more on his work and providing for his daughter
Tobias Gallo ( faceclaim: sean teale ):  - background vocalist of an indie band  - mainly sings, but also plays violin and wants to break off from the band and start his own career  - goes with the flow most of the time and pours his heart and soul into his music
Victor Moreno ( faceclaim: diego luna ):  - account executive for ford motors  - a blind man and uses a cane rather than a seeing eye dog   - finds fun and joy in literally every moment, and goes out of his way to make sure the people around him are also seeing things in a new light ( figuratively )
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