#Vel was more passive though. Astarion came in with blatant manipulation attempts and Vel rolled with it because it was *something* he-
y-rhywbeth2 · 5 months
Astarion: "Do you have a moment? I think we need to talk." PC: "Are you all right?" Astarion: "Oh yes, I'm fine. I just-... feel awful."
Ah. This part of the playthrough. Whenever I get to this conversation I always have to wonder what it's been like inside Astarion's head building up to this conversation? How to secure your safety in three easy steps, according to Astarion Ancunín:
Manipulate a person into a fake relationship with you .
Feel really guilty about it because it turns out you genuinely like this idiot. You didn't even know you could feel guilt anymore. What the fuck.
Confess to them, obviously not far from the verge of tears sounding like you're not far off from a nervous breakdown because you have no idea what the fuck to do, but you can't keep doing this because, as per the quote, you feel awful.
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