#Vassar Broooers
adherentlyawesome · 12 years
The Butterbeer Classic--
Yesterday was Vassar's Butterbeer Classic. My team was in attendance. We played. We had a great time, and kicked some butt from time to time. However, this post is a tad deceitful. I don't really want to talk about the tournament at the moment, because it was a Vassar Quidditch tournament, which means there was oodles of Quidditch love and an untold quantity of hugs and group hugs.
That was to be expected. What I didn't expect was to get injured.
Play stopped five minutes into our third match when I heard a snap in my ankle as I reached to turn towards the hoops with the quaffle and fell. I did not risk getting up.
Three EMT's later, an ambulance was on it's way, but when asked about pain on a scale of one to ten, my response was "Ummm, point two?" -- It legitimately didn't hurt, but my ankle was swollen like a snake swallowing an orange. After smiling to the Vassar team as they cheered me onto the ambulance, and waving to my team as play continued, I found myself at a hospital in Poughkeepsie.
Looking at the ambulance entrance doors, it suddenly occurred to me that my progress through the hospital would be slowed by about 10% of it's average alacrity by all the Quidditch jokes. The EMT's spewed the query: "You know what Quidditch is?" to all the nurses on the way, and stopped for a two-minute conversation on the subject before I reached my room. Luckily the entire hospital excursion took less than two hours, and I made it back to the field to cheer on my teammates with the rest of the team on the sidelines, itching to play, though it would be hard to hold a broom and crutches at the same time.
I've never been injured. I've been playing contact sports year-round for my entire life and the worst and only thing that has happened to me was a hairline fracture on my finger from somersaulting over a goalie in soccer.
I play Quidditch now, and now comes my first injury.
Todo, we're not playing with Muggles anymore.
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broooer · 13 years
Quocabulary (Quidditch Vocabulary) le un
Quove: [kwuvh]
noun, verb, quoved, quov·ing.
1. a profoundly tender, passionate and pure affection for another person, particularly another Quidditch player or fan.
2. a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend, or Quidditch teammate.
3. Sometimes Quidditch team related sexual passion or desire.  (See Quincest).
4. a person toward whom love is felt; beloved person; sweetheart; Quidditch captain.
5. (used in direct address as a term of endearment, affection, or the like): Would you like to lead the drill, quove?
6. All of the above, and more, whenever it feels suitable, whenever the love you feel is just not enough and you just need to say Quove to share how happy or important something is to you.
Image 1: A perfect example of two friends in Quove
Image 2: Potent nonromantic Quove at its finest
Image 3: ... ... <3
So this picture spam might be because I am really missing my friend Sandy who is spending a year studying abroad. She just happens to be the personification of Love and Quove and Sunshine in the World, and it sometimes just feels so odd to realize that I used to assume that where I found Nathan, I would find Sandy, and vice versa.
Basically. I Quove them and you should too.
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broooer · 13 years
Quocabulary (Quidditch Vocabulary)
It started off very simply.
One of the Captains asked the rest of the new team if they just wanted to "get dinner together" after practice. This was back in the beginning of the team, and our beloved Captains were learning how to build a cohesive team beyond just practices.
The After-Practice-Dinners were a success. Friends were made, a culture began to develop, alliances forged as a great people arose that day.
Somebody started calling their gatherings "Quinners".
"Qui-noun" began to infiltrate our lives. It became part and parcel of the Broooer life. The rest of Vassar began to catch on and fewer people gave their friends odd looks when they said "sorry, I have Quinner at that time!", or shouted at a teammate across the residential quad that they "quoved them". Parents got used to the smile their college child made whenever they used words like "quixotic" in normal conversation.
In order to help muggle to Quidditch understanding flourish, I hereby declare that here starts the vocabulary (Quo!-Ca!-Bu!-La!-Ry!) of the Broooers : )
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