#Vass is surprisingly noble for a changeling
nixiegenesis · 4 months
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2/12 February- Primroses are one of the first spring flowers to bloom. They symbolize youth, optimistic thoughts, and new beginnings. The primrose is a declaration of deep love and devotion, specifically stating, “I can’t live without you.”
Vass is a character I am playing in the current campaign I am in. As a Changeling, he has been taught mistrust towards others in fear that he may meet death or discrimination for being what he is. An assassin by trade, he went to the capital city to find his half brother and quickly became immersed in all the party’s missions once he found Xayth. Vass eventually met Daemenor, the Order of the Righteous Heart’s Grand Priest, and helped clear his name all while developing a deep devotion and love for him. Vass has since come out as a Changeling to Daemenor and some others he trusts. He hopes that by helping the party and rescuing a prince from a neighboring nation, he may start to change people’s opinion on Changelings so he and his brothers and mother can live openly and without fear.
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