#Varuthini Ekadashi in hindi
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jeevanjali · 10 months ago
Varuthini Ekadashi Vrat Katha: 04 मई को रखा जाएगा वरुथिनी एकादशी का व्रत, जानिए इस एकादशी व्रत की कथाVaruthini Ekadashi Vrat Katha: सनातन धर्म में एकादशी व्रत का विशेष महत्व है। हर माह के शुक्ल और कृष्ण पक्ष में आने वाली एकादशी को अलग-अलग नामों से जाना जाता है।
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vedicastrologyy · 10 months ago
वरुथिनी एकादशी पर जरूर करें इन चीजों का दान, जाग जाएगी रूठी किस्मत। Varuthini Ekadashi 2024
वरुथिनी एकादशी/Varuthini Ekadashi 2024 का व्रत इस बार 4 मई 2024, शनिवार को रखा जाएगा।
#varuthiniekadashi #ekadashi2024 #hindufestival #drvinaybajrangi #vratkatha #vratvidhi
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gadgetsforusesblog · 2 years ago
Ekadashi Parana Vidhi: Ekadashi fast is blessed with Paran, know the method and auspicious time. Varuthini Ekadashi 2023 vrat parana time puja vidhi shubh muhurat in hindi
Read this article to know the auspicious time and method of observing Varuthini Ekadashi fast for Lord Vishnu, who is considered as the protector of the world. Auspicious time for completion of Varuthini Ekadashi soon Image Credit source: pixabay.com Varuthini Ekadashi Parana Vidhi: in eternal tradition Lord Vishnu He is regarded as the one who quickly becomes pleased with the worship and…
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astrocenter · 2 years ago
April 2023 Panchang Mahurat for the month of April 2023
Panchang is an ancient Indian Calendar system based on Astronomical data. Calendar calculations are done based on the position and movement of the planets, stars, Nakshatra and constellations. Panchang is very useful in determining the ideal or auspicious vaar, tithes, yogas, Nakshatras and Karan commonly called the Muhurat, for carrying out various activities like vivah muhurat or marriage, greh pravesh, starting a puja etc.
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                        We are sharing with you the Panchang Hindu Calendar for the month of April 2023. Hope you will find it useful for planning of your various activities.
Fools day:- 1st April,2023
Vaiskh month Krishan Paksha:- 07th April,2023
Vaiskh month Shukal Paksha:-   21st April,2023
Ekadashi :- Kamda Ekadashi 1st April,2023 (Saturday) in  Shukal Paksha Chaitra month
Varuthini Ekadashai on 16th April,2023  in Krishna Paksha Vaiskh month.
Pardosh fast: 03rd April,2023 in Shukal Chaitra month
On 17th April, 2023 in Krishna Paksha Vaiskh month.
Sankranti – Sun will enter in Aries 14th April, 2023  Sankranti at 14.49 PM AM  when Sun will enter in Vaiskh month.
Amavasya  :- 20th April,2023 in Vaiskh month .
Satyanarayan Fast:- 05th April, 2023 Chaitra month
Purnima:- 06th April, 2023 Chaitra month.
Pardosh fast:-03rd April,2023 Shukal paksha Chaitra month
                      :-17th April 20223 Krishan Paksha Vaiskh month.
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  Shubh Muhurats in the April 2023:-
Engagement dates in April 2023 :- 
30th April,2023
Marriages Muhurats in April 2023:-
There is no date of marriage in the month of April 2023.
Vehicles Purchase, Computer, refrigerator, Truck and other valuables dates in April:- The best Nakshatra for purchase of Vehicles are Shatabhisha, Rohini, Mrigashira, Punarvasu, Pushya, Chitra, Swati and Sharvana –
There is no auspicious date in April 2023.
* Avoid Saturday if Saturn is bad in the chart and avoid that dates when Moon falls on 4th, 8th and 12th in transit from Natal Moon
Greh Parvesh:- Vishakha, Bharani, Ashlesha and Magha Nakshatra are inauspicious for Greh parvesh.
Tithi:- 4th, 9th,15th and 30th are inauspicious as per Hindi dates for Greh Parvesh
Sunday and Tuesday dates are inauspicious for Greh Parvesh.
The best Months for Greh Parvesh are Vaishak, Sharavana, Phalguni and Ashwin.
The house to be shifted in Fixed Lagna Taurus, Leo and Scorpio.
The house to be shifted in Shukal Paksha on Monday,Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday.
There are dates in Krishan Paksha are auspicious but Shukal Paksha are most auspicious.
Greh parvesh:-   No Auspicious dates in April 2023  (New house).
April  2023 (Old house):-06th,07th,08th,13th,15th,17th,22nd,24th,27th and 28th ,2023
 Inauspicious Nakshatra April 2023- Gand Moola Nakshatra :-  Ashwini, Ashlesha, Magha, Jyestha , Moola and Revati.
Aslesha Nakshatra from 01st April,2023 from01.57 AM to 03rd April,2023 Magha Nakshatra till 07.24 AM.
Jyestha Nakshatra from 10th April,2023 from 13.39 PM to Moola Nakshatra 12th April ,2023  till 11.59 AM.
Revati Nakshatra from 19th April,2023 from 01.01.AM to Ashwini Nakshatra 20th April till 23.11 PM.
Panchak: -Panchak will start from 15th April,2023 from 18.43 PM   and will end on 19th April ,2023 till 23.53 PM.
All auspicious works should be avoided during Panchak - (No Auspicious tasks). The time is not considered good to start any new business.
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Parmod Kumar
Ex- Assistant General Manager ( Punjab National bank)
Ex- Astrologer (PK Astroceneter now The PK Astro)
A Banker turned Astrologer writer. Now writing books on Astrology.
For love marriage, delayed marriage, foreign travelling ,settlement abroad or career ,business and kaal sarp yoga /dosha
Email at [email protected] or place your query at  http://pkastrocenter
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 You may reach on WhatsApp numbers + 917009270427 or +918860017788
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dilsedeshi · 6 years ago
वरुथिनी एकादशी की पूजा विधि, महत्व और कथा | Varuthini Ekadashi Puja Vidhi, Mahatva and Story in Hindi
वरुथिनी एकादशी की पूजा विधि, महत्व और कथा
वरुथिनी एकादशी की पूजा विधि, महत्व, शुभ मुहूर्त, आरती और कथा | Varuthini Ekadashi Puja Vidhi, Mahatva Shubh Muhurat, Aarti and Story in Hindi
वरुथिनी एकादशी जिसे बरूथनी एकादशी के नाम से भी जाना जाता है. आमतौर पर चैत्र या वैशाख महीने के दौरान एकादशी पर आती है. इस दिन प्रार्थना और धार्मिक अनुष्ठान किये जाते हैं और भक्त विशेष रूप से भगवान विष्णु के वामन अवतार की पूजा करते हैं.
वरुथिनी एकादशी 2019…
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astroclasses · 6 years ago
हे राजन ! जो मनुष्य इस एकादशी का व्रत विधानपूर्वक करते हैं, उन्हें स्वर्गलोक की प्राप्ति होती है । अतः मनुष्य को निकृष्ट कर्मों से डरना चाहिये । इस व्रत के माहात्म्य को पढ़ने से एक सहस्र गौदान का पुण्य प्राप्त होता है । इसका फल गंगा स्नान करने के फल से भी अधि�%...
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jeevanjali · 10 months ago
Varuthini Ekadashi 2024: जानें सुख और सौभाग्य दिलाने वाली वरुथिनी एकादशी व्रत का महत्व और पूजा विधिVaruthini Ekadashi 2024: सनातन परंपरा में पवित्र एकादशी तिथि का बहुत महत्व है। भगवान विष्णु की पूजा करके उनका आशीर्वाद पाने के लिए भक्त एकादशी का व्रत रखते हैं।
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jeevanjali · 10 months ago
Varuthini Ekadashi 2024: वरुथिनी एकादशी पर अपनी राशि अनुसार करें इन मंत्रों का जापVaruthini Ekadashi 2024: सनातन पंचांग के अनुसार वरूथिनी एकादशी 4 मई को है. यह त्यौहार वैशाख माह के कृष्ण पक्ष की एकादशी तिथि को मनाया जाता है। सनातन धर्म में एकादशी तिथि का विशेष महत्व है।
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jeevanjali · 10 months ago
Varuthini Ekadashi 2024: वरुथिनी एकादशी पर बन रहे हैं बहुत ही शुभ योग, जानिए करण और नक्षत्रVaruthini Ekadashi 2024: एकादशी तिथि जगत के पालनहार भगवान विष्णु को समर्पित होता है। इस दिन भगवान विष्णु संग धन की देवी मां लक्ष्मी की पूजा-उपासना की जाती है। साथ ही एकादशी व्रत रखा जाता है।
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jeevanjali · 10 months ago
Varuthini Ekadashi: वरुथिनी एकादशी पर बन रहे हैं बहुत ही शुभ योग, जानिए तिथि और पारण का समयVaruthini Ekadashi: वैशाख मास के कृष्ण पक्ष की एकादशी तिथि को वरूथिनी एकादशी के नाम से जाना जाता है। इस बार वरुथिनी एकादशी का व्रत 16 अप्रैल को रखा जाएगा। हिंदू धर्म में वरुथिनी एकादशी तिथि के व्रत का बहुत महत्व है।
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astrocenter · 4 years ago
May 2021 Panchang / Muhurats for the Month of May, 2021
Panchang is an ancient Indian Calendar system based on Astronomical data. Calendar calculations are done based on the position and movement of the planets, stars, Nakshatra and constellations. Panchang is very useful in determining the ideal or auspicious vaar, tithes, yogas, Nakshatras and Karan commonly called the Muhurat, for carrying out various activities like Vivah muhurat or marriage, greh pravesh, starting a puja etc. 
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I am sharing with you the Panchang Hindu Calendar for the month of May, 2021. Hope you will find it useful for planning of your various activities.
Ekadashi :- During the month of May , 2021 there are two Ekadashi one on  07th May,2021 (Krishan Paksha) – Varuthini Ekadashi, second on 22nd May 2021  (Shukal Paksha) – Mohini  Ekadashi.
Pardosh fast is on 8th May, 2021 (Shukla Paksha) Vaisakh month and 24th May 2021 (Krishan Paksha)-Shukal Paksha
.14th May,2021:- Jyestha Sankranti -  Sun will enter Taurus  sign during at 23.25 PM
11th May, 2021 :-(Amavasya ) :-Vaisakh month Amavasya  falling on Tuesday
Satyanarayan Fast:-25th May,2021-Jyestha month
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Shubh Muhurats in May, 2021:-
Marriages Muhurats in May, 2021: - 1st,2nd,3rd,4th,7th,8th,15th,21st,22nd,23rd,24th,30th and 31st May 2021.
Engagement dates in May, 1st,3rd,6th,7th,8th,15th,21st,22nd,23rd,24th and 30th May 2021.
Vehicles Purchase, Computer, refrigerator, Truck and other valuables dates in May, 2021:- The best Nakshatra for purchase of Vehicles are Satabhisha, Rohini, Mrigashira, Punarvasu, Pushya, Chitra, Swati and Sharvana –
1st,3rd,5th,8th,14th,15th,17th,22nd,24th and 31st May,2021
* Avoid Saturday if Saturn is bad in the chart and avoid that dates when Moon falls on 4th, 8th and 12th in transit from Natal Moon
Greh Parvesh:- Vishakha, Bharani, Ashlesha and Magha Nakshatra are inauspicious for Greh parvesh.
Tithi:- 4th, 9th,15th and 30th are inauspicious as per Hindi dates for Greh Parvesh
Sunday and Tuesday dates are inauspicious for Greh Parvesh.
The best Months for Greh Parvesh are Vaishak, Sharavana, Phalguni and Ashwin.
The house to be shifted in Fixed Lagna Taurus, Leo and Scorpio.
The house to be shifted in Shukal Paksha on Monday,Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday.
There are dates in Krishan Paksha are auspicious but Shukal Paksha are most auspicious.
Greh parvesh:-  Auspicious dates in May,2021 (New house).
5th, 8th,15th,22nd,24th,26th May,2021
  May2021 (Old house):- 28th and 29th May,2021.
 Inauspicious Nakshatra May,2021:- Gand Moola Nakshatra :-  Ashwini, Ashlesha, Magha, Jyestha , Moola and Revati.
Revati Nakshatra 08th May,2021 from 14.47 PM till Ashwini Nakshatra 10th May,2021 till 20.25 PM
Ashlesha Nakshatra 18th May,2021 from14.55 PM till Magha Nakshatra 20th May,2021 till 15.57 PM
Jyestha Nakshatra 27th May,2021 from 01.15 AM till Moola Nakshatra 28th May,2021 till 20.02 PM
 Panchak:-  In May,2021 , Panchak will start on 4th May, 2021from 20.44 PM and will end on 9th May , 2021 at 17.29 PM
All auspicious works should be avoided during Panchak - (No Auspicious tasks). The time is not considered good to start any new business.
Stars position in May 2021:- Sun will enter in Taurus  on 14th May,2021 at 23.25 PM Mars running in Gemini from 14th April,2021 from 01.14 AM Mercury will enter in Pisces on 1st April,2021.
Mercury to enter in Taurus on 1st May,2021
Mercury will be retrograde on 30th May,2021
Mercury will rise on 28th April,2021
Jupiter will enter in Aquarius on 06th April,2021 at 00.24 AM
Venus will enter in Taurus on 4th May,2021 at 13.26 PM
Venus will rise on 19th April, 2021 Saturn running in Capricorn from 24/01/2020 from 9.56 AM
Rahu running in Taurus from 23rd September, 2020
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Mr Parmod Kumar
Parmod Kumar-Ex AGM Punjab National Bank PK Astrocenter-Rajpura
A Banker turned Astrologer. I research and practice Astrology, Numerology, Palmistry and face readings (Psychic)-Parmod Kumar Known as PK Astrocenter. For astrological remedies please email at [email protected] or post your query at http://pkastrocenter.com/horoscopeanalysis.You may join with me face book parmod kumar, Group Pk Astrocenter
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astrocenter · 4 years ago
April Panchang / Muhurats for the Month of April, 2021
April Panchang / Muhurats for the Month of April, 2021        
Panchang is an ancient Indian Calendar system based on Astronomical data. Calendar calculations are done based on the position and movement of the planets, stars, Nakshatra and constellations. Panchang is very useful in determining the ideal or auspicious vaar, tithes, yogas, Nakshatras and Karan commonly called the Muhurat, for carrying out various activities like Vivah muhurat or marriage, greh pravesh, starting a puja etc. 
I am sharing with you the Panchang Hindu Calendar for the month of April, 2021. Hope you will find it useful for planning of your various activities.
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                        Ekadashi :- During the month of April , 2021 there are two Ekadashi one on 12th April,2021 (Shukal Paksha) – Kamda Ekadashi, second on 26th April,2021  (Krishna Paksha) – Varuthini   Ekadashi.
 Pardosh fast is on 14th April, 2021 (Shukla Paksha) and 28th April,2021 (Krishan Paksha).
.14th April,2021:- Vaisakh Sankranti -  Sun will enter Aries sign during at 08.41 AM
12th April, 2021 :-(Amavasya ) :-Chaitra month Amavasya  falling on Saturday
Vasanta Navratras :- Chaitra Navratri 2021  This year Goddess Durga festival will commence on April 13, 2021, and will conclude on April 21, 2021.
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Shubh Muhurats in Apri, 2021:-
Marriages Muhurats in April, 2021: - 24th,25th,26th,27th, and 30th April 2021.
Engagement dates in April, 2021:-24th ,25th,27th and 30th April 2021.
Vehicles Purchase, Computer, refrigerator, Truck and other valuables dates in April, 2021:- The best Nakshatra for purchase of Vehicles are Satabhisha, Rohini, Mrigashira, Punarvasu, Pushya, Chitra, Swati and Sharvana –
19th,28th and  29th April.2021
* Avoid Saturday if Saturn is bad in the chart and avoid that dates when Moon falls on 4th, 8th and 12th in transit from Natal Moon
Greh Parvesh:- Vishakha, Bharani, Ashlesha and Magha Nakshatra are inauspicious for Greh parvesh.
Tithi:- 4th, 9th,15th and 30th are inauspicious as per Hindi dates for Greh Parvesh
Sunday and Tuesday dates are inauspicious for Greh Parvesh.
The best Months for Greh Parvesh are Vaishak, Sharavana, Phalguni and Ashwin.
The house to be shifted in Fixed Lagna Taurus, Leo and Scorpio.
The house to be shifted in Shukal Paksha on Monday,Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday.
There are dates in Krishan Paksha are auspicious but Shukal Paksha are most auspicious.
Greh parvesh:-  Auspicious dates in April,2021 (New house).
28th and 29th April,2021
  April,2021 (Old house):- 28th and 29th April,2021.
 Inauspicious Nakshatra April,2021:- Gand Moola Nakshatra :-  Ashwini, Ashlesha, Magha, Jyestha , Moola and Revati.
02 April,2021 Jyestha Nakshatra from 05:19 AM till 04th April, 2021 Moola Nakshatra 02:39 AM
11th April,2021  Revati Nakshatra from 08.58  AM till 13th April, 2021
Ashwini Nakshatra 14.19  PM.
21st April,2021  Ashlesha Nakshatra from 07.59 AM till 23rd April, 2021
Magha Nakshatra 07.42 AM.
29th , 2021 Revati Jyestha  from 14.29  PM till 1st May, 2021 Moola Nakshatra 10.16  AM.
Panchak:-  In April,2021 , Panchak will start on  7th April, 2021from 15:00 PM and will end on 12th April , 2021 at 11:29 AM.
All auspicious works should be avoided during Panchak - (No Auspicious tasks). The time is not considered good to start any new business.
Stars position in April 2021:- Sun will enter in Aries on 14th April,2021 at 02.33  AM Mars running in  Taurus from 22nd February,2021till 14th April,2021 Mercury will enter in Pisces on 1st April,2021.
Again Mercury will come back in Aries on Aries on 16th April,2021
Mercury will be combust on 01st April,2021
Mercury will rise on 28th April,2021
Jupiter will enter in Aquarius on 06th April,2021 at 00.24 AM
Venus will enter in Aries on 10th April,2021 at 06.29 AM
Venus will rise on 19th April,2021 Saturn running in Capricorn from 24/01/2020 from 9.56 AM
Rahu running in Taurus from 23rd September, 2020
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Mr Parmod Kumar
  Parmod Kumar-Ex AGM Punjab National Bank PK Astrocenter-Rajpura A Banker turned Astrologer. I research and practice Astrology, Numerology, Palmistry and face readings (Psychic)-Parmod Kumar Known as PK Astrocenter. For astrological remedies please email at [email protected] or post your query at http://pkastrocenter.com/horoscopeanalysis.You may join with me face book parmod kumar, Group Pk Astrocenter
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astrocenter · 5 years ago
April Panchang/Muhurats for the month of April,2020
Panchang is an ancient Indian calendar system based on astronomical data. Calendar calculations are done based on the position and movement of the planets, stars, nakshatra and constellations. Panchang is very useful in determining the ideal or auspicious vaar, tithis, yogas, nakshatras and karan commonly called the muhurat, for carrying out various activities like vivah muhurat or marriage,greh pravesh, starting a puja etc.
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                         I am sharing with you the Panchang Hindu Calendar for the month of April,2020. Hope you will find it useful for planning of your various activities. 
Ekadashi April 2020:-Kamda Ekadashi on 4th April,2020 and Varuthini Ekadashi on 18th April ,2020
 Vaisakha  Sakranti :- 13th April,2020 Sun will enter in Aries at 20.23 PM
Amavasya :- 22nd April,2020 Vaisakha  Amavasya
Ganesh Chaurthi:-  11th April,2020 ( Krishan Paksha)-Vaisakh month  and 27th April,2020 (Shukal Paksha) Vaisakh month
Triyodshi/Pardosh fast on :-5th April,2020 Shukal Paksha (Chaitra month) and 20th April,2020 Krishan Paksha-Vaisakh month  
Pradosh Vrat is auspicious devoted to Lord Shiva.
Purnima:-8th April,2020 Chaitra month
Shubh Muhurats in April 2020 :- 
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      Due to Corona Virus it is requested to avoid any gathering-remain in homes.
The Muhurats before quarantine time till 14th April,2020 to be avoided.                                                            
Engagement in the month of April 2020:- 17th, 19th, 25th and 26th , 2020
Marriage dates in month of April 2020:- 16th, 17th,25th and 26th 2020
Vehicles Purchase dates in April 2020: - 3rd, 5th, 8th April to be avoided due to Quarantine
17th,18th,19th,27th and 30th  April ,2020
These dates are most auspicious
The best Nakshatra for purchase of Vehicles are Shatbisha, Rohini, Mrigashira, Punarvasu, Pushya, Chitra, Swati and Sharvana
* Avoid Saturday if Saturn is bad in the chart and avoid Moon falls on 4th, 6th and 8th in transit from Natal Moon
Greh Parvesh:- Vishakha, Bharni, Alshesha and Magha Nakshatra are inauspicious for Greh parvesh.
Tithi:- 4th,9th,15t and 30th are inauspicious as per Hindi dates for Greh Parvesh
Sunday and Tuesday dates are inauspicious for Greh parvesh.
The best Months for Greh Parvesh are Vaishak,Sharavana,Phalguni and Aswin.
The house to be shifted in Fixed Lagna  Taurus, Leo and Scorpio.
The house to be shifted in Shukal Paksha on Monday,Wednesday,Thursday, Friday or Saturday.
There are dates in Krishan Paksha are auspicious but Shukal Paksha are most auspicious.
Old house:- 8th 9th April ,2020 muhurat to be avoided due to Quarantine
15th,17th,18th,20th,27th and 30th April,2020
 New House:- 15th,17th,18th and 30th April,2020
Inauspicious Nakshatra in April,2020:-Gand Moola Nakshatra:- Ashwini, Ashlesha, Magha, Jyestha , Moola and Revati
Gand Mool  Nakshatra:-
Aslesha Nakshatra  3rd April,2020 from 18.41 PM till 5th April,2020 Magha akshatra  up to 14.57 PM
Jyestha Nakshatra 11th April,2020 from 20.12 PM  to13th April,2020 Moola till 19.02 PM
Revati Nakshatra 21st April,2020  from 10.23 AM  till 23rd April.2020,Ashwini Nakshatra up to 16.05  PM
Panchak- 17 April,2020 from 12.18 PM till 22nd April,2020 till 13.18 PM
Stars position in April,2020
Sun will enter in April on 13/04/2020 at 20.23 PM
Mars to running in  Capricorn from 22/03/2020 at 14.40 PM
Mercury in Aquarius from 31/01/2020 will enter in Pisces on 7th April, 2020 and Aries on 25th April,2020
Jupiter in Sagittarius from 30/03/2020 in Capricorn
Venus running in Taurus from  28/03/2020
Saturn running in Capricorn from 24/01/2020
Rahu running in Gemini from 07/03/2019
Mercury is combust from 18th April,2020    
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Parmod Kumar-Ex AGM Punjab National Bank
PK Astrocenter-Rajpura
A Banker turned Astrologer. I research and practice Astrology, Numerology, Palmistry and face readings (Psychic)-Parmod Kumar Known as PK Astrocenter.
For astrological remedies please email at [email protected] or post your query at http://pkastrocenter.com/horoscopeanalysis.You may join with me face book parmod kumar, Group Pk Astrocenter
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astroclasses · 6 years ago
हे राजन ! जो मनुष्य इस एकादशी का व्रत विधानपूर्वक करते हैं, उन्हें स्वर्गलोक की प्राप्ति होती है । अतः मनुष्य को निकृष्ट कर्मों से डरना चाहिये । इस व्रत के माहात्म्य को पढ़ने से एक सहस्र गौदान का पुण्य प्राप्त होता है । इसका फल गंगा स्नान करने के फल से भी अधि�%...
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astrocenter · 6 years ago
April Panchang/Muhurats for the month of April,2019
Panchang is an ancient Indian calendar system based on astronomical data. Calendar calculations are done based on the position and movement of the planets, stars, nakshatra and constellations. Panchang is very useful in determining the ideal or auspicious vaar, tithis, yogas, nakshatras and karan commonly called the muhurat, for carrying out various activities like vivah muhurat or marriage,greh pravesh, starting a puja etc.
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                         I am sharing with you the Panchang Hindu Calendar for the month of April 2019. Hope you will find it useful for planning of your various activities. 
Ekadashi :- During the month of April 2019:- Kamda Ekadashi on 15th April,2019 and Varuthini Ekadashi on 30th April,2019
Samvat :-Vikram Samvat 2076 on 6th April,2019 start of Vasant Navratras
Saturn is Raja and Sun is Minister on this samvat.
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 Vaisakh  Sakranti:- 14th April,2019 at 14.09 PM in Aswini Nakshatra.
End of Navratras
Amavasya :- 5th April ,2019- Chaitra  month.
Ganesh Chaurthi:- 9th April ,2019 (Shukal Paksha)-Chaitra month and 22nd April,2019 ( Krishan Paksha)-Vaisakh month.
Triyodshi/Pardosh fast on :-2nd April ,2019 (Krishan Paksha) and 17th April ,2019 (Chaitra month)
Pradosh Vrat is auspicious devoted to Lord Shiva.
Purnima :- 19th April,2019 (Chaitra month).
  Shubh Muhurats in April, 2019:-
Engagement in the month of April, 2019:- 15th,17th,19th,20th,28th and 30th April,2019
Marriage dates in month of April, 2019:- 15th,16th,17th,18th,19th,20th,22nd,26th,27th and 28th April,2019
Vehicles Purchase dates in April 2019:- 15th,17th,19th,and 22nd April,2019
These dates are most auspicious
The best Nakshatra for purchase of  Vehicles  are Shatbisha, Rohini, Mrigashira, Punarvasu, Pushya, Chitra, Swati and Sharvana
* Avoid Saturday if Saturn is bad in the chart and avoid Moon falls on 4th, 6th and 8th in transit from Natal Moon
Greh Parvesh:- Vishakha, Bharni, Alshesha and Magha Nakshatra are inauspicious for Greh parvesh.
Tithi:- 4th,9th ,15t and 30th are inauspicious as per Hindi dates for Greh Parvesh
Sunday and Tuesday dates are inauspicious for Greh parvesh.
The best Months for Greh Parvesh are Vaishak,Sharavana,Phalguni and Aswin.
The house to be shifted in Fixed Lagna  Taurus, Leo and Scorpio.
The house to be shifted in Shukal Paksha on Monday,Wednesday,Thursday, Friday or Saturday.
There are dates in Krishan Paksha are auspicious but Shukal Paksha are most auspicious.
Old house:- 19th,20th and 29th April,2019
New House:- 17th,19th,20th,22nd ,26th and 29th April,2019
Inauspicious Nakshatra in April 2019:-Gand Moola Nakshatra:- Ashwini, Ashlesha, Magha, Jyestha , Moola and Revati
Gand Mool  Nakshatra:-  Revati Nakshatra 05th April from 05.36 AM till 07th April,2019 Ashwini Nakshatra 26.57 AM.
Aslesha Nakshatra 14th April,2019 from  07.40 AM till 16th April 2019 Magha Nakshatra 04.01AM
Jyestha Nakshatra 22nd April,2019 from 16.45 PM till 24th April,2019 Moola 18.35 PM
  Panchak : -28th April,2019 from 15.45 PM till 3rd May,2019 at 14.40 PM
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Parmod Kumar-Ex AGM PNB
PK Astrocenter-Rajpura
A Banker turned Astrologer. I research and practice Astrology, Numerology, Palmistry and face readings (Psychic)-Parmod Kumar Known as PK Astrocenter.
For astrological remedies please email at [email protected] or post your query at http://pkastrocenter.com/horoscopeanalysis.
You may join with me face book parmod kumar, Group Pk Astrocenter, Whatsapp/Viber 919501025578, 919953968188 - Emergency call 09988395578 Skype :-pkchaudhry2
This site is for premium and high profile customers-Professional charges apply
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astrocenter · 7 years ago
April Panchang / Muhurats for the Month of April, 2018
Panchang is an ancient Indian Calendar system based on Astronomical data. Calendar calculations are done based on the position and movement of the planets, stars, Nakshatra and constellations. Panchang is very useful in determining the ideal or auspicious vaar, tithes, yogas, Nakshatras and Karan commonly called the Muhurat, for carrying out various activities like Vivah muhurat or marriage, greh pravesh, starting a puja etc. 
I am sharing with you the Panchang Hindu Calendar for the month of April, 2018. Hope you will find it useful for planning of your various activities.
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                                       Vasaikhi :- 14th April,2018 The Vaisakhi harvest celebration in countries such as in India is an occasion of dancing, singing, music, wearing of festive garments and religious praise. 
Satyanarayan Fast:- 29th April ,2018
Ganesh Chaturthi :- 3rd April ,2018
Ekadashi :- During the month of April, 2018 there are two Ekadashi one on 12th April, 2018 (Krishna –Varothni) – The word ‘varuthini’ in Hindi means ‘protected or armoured’ and so it is believed that a person who observes the Varuthini Ekadashi vrat will be protected from all the evils and even be bestowed with good fortune and wealth. By religiously observing this ekadashi every year, the individual can gain name, fame and prosperity, 
Second on 26th April, 2018 (Shukal Paksha) – Mohini.  In Hindu mythology, Mohini is the name given to the disguised form of Lord Vishnu and since the lord appeared in this form on the ekadashi tithi, the day began to be celebrated as ‘Mohini Ekadashi’ from then onwards. This Ekadashi is celebrated in the month of ‘Vaisakha’ in Northern India and adjoining regions, however according to the Tamil calendar, it falls during the month of ‘Chithirai’,
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Chaitra Sankranti 14th April,2018 - Sun will enter Aries sign from Aquarious sign at 8.10 AM
Pardosh fast is on 14th April, 2018 (Krishna Paksha), 27th April, 2018 (Shukla Paksha).
Amavasya :- The Amavasya of Chaitra month is on 16th April, 2018.
 Shubh Muhurats in April, 2018:-
Marriages Muhurats in April, 2018: - 18th,19th,20th,26th,27th,28th,29th and 30th April,2018
Engagement dates in April, 2018:- 18th, 20th, 26th,27th,28th and 30th April, 2018.
Vehicles Purchase, Computer, refrigerator, Truck and other valuables dates in April 2018:- The best Nakshatra for purchase of Vehicles are Satabhisha, Rohini, Mrigashira, Punarvasu, Pushya, Chitra, Swati and Sharvana –
20th,22nd,23rd,27th,29th and 30th April,2018
* Avoid Saturday if Saturn is bad in the chart and avoid that dates when Moon falls on 4th, 8th and 12th in transit from Natal Moon
Greh Parvesh:- Vishakha, Bharani Alshesha and Magha Nakshatra are inauspicious for Greh parvesh. Tithi:- 4th, 9th,15th and 30th are inauspicious as per Hindi dates for Greh Parvesh
Sunday and Tuesday dates are inauspicious for Greh Parvesh.
The best Months for Greh Parvesh are Vaishak, Sharavana, Phalguni and Ashwin.
The house to be shifted in Fixed Lagna Taurus, Leo and Scorpio.
The house to be shifted in Shukal Paksha on Monday,Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday.
There are dates in Krishan Paksha are auspicious but Shukal Paksha are most auspicious.
Greh parvesh):- :-
New House:-20th ,23rd,27th, 28th and 30th April,2018.
Old house:-2nd,4th,11th,12th,13th,18th,19th,20th,23rd,26th,27th and 30th April,2018.
 Inauspicious Nakshatra April, 2018:- Gand Moola Nakshatra :-  Ashwini, Ashlesha, Magha, Jyestha , Moola and Revati.
5th  April, 2018 Jyeshta  Nakshatra from 09.19 AM till 7 th April, 2018 Moola Nakshatra 14.33 PM
15th Revati, 2018 Revati Nakshatra from 04.28 AM till 17th April, 2018 Ashwini Nakshatra 03.12 AM
23rd April, 2018 Aslesha Nakshatra from 15.04 PM till 25th April, 2018 Magha Nakshatra 15.06 PM
Panchak:-  Panchak will start on 11th April, 2018 from 12.37 PM and will end on 16th April, 2018 at 4.05 AM
All auspicious works should be avoided during Panchak - (No Auspicious tasks). The time is not considered to start new business.
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Parmod Kumar-Ex AGM PNB 
PK Astrocenter-Rajpura
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A Banker turned Astrologer. I research and practice Astrology, Numerology, Palmistry and face readings (Psychic)-Parmod Kumar Known as PK Astrocenter.
For astrological remedies please email at [email protected] or post your query at http://pkastrocenter.com/horoscopeanalysis.
You may join with me face book parmod kumar, Group Pk Astrocenter, Whatsapp/Viber 919501025578, 919953968188 - Emergency call 09988395578 Skype :-pkchaudhry2
This site is for premium and high profile customers-Professional charges apply.z
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