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Led’s Lense
The Other Kashmir
A Valley’s Physical Graffiti
By Faisul Yaseen
In the Himalayas, where the murmurs of the Jhelum weave through the lush valley, Kashmir has been a muse of poets and painters. Its name invokes both enchantment and anguish, a duality reflected in Led Zeppelin’s iconic song, Kashmir. Written by Jimmy Page and Robert Plant with contributions from John Bonham over a period of 3 years with lyrics dating to 1973, the song featured on their sixth studio album Physical Graffiti in 1975. This timeless ode transcends physical geography, yet its mystical allure inadvertently mirrors the very soul of Kashmir.

It would seem rather bold, and even a little farcical, to compare Led Zeppelin’s ‘Kashmir’ with Kashmir valley. Yet tracing how the song born in the deserts of Morocco finds an uncanny kinship with a paradise mired in its own metaphoric deserts spurns curiosity.
Verse 1: Oh, let the sun beat down upon my face
If the sun could speak, it might recount the shadows it has witnessed in Kashmir. Led Zeppelin’s yearning for the sun’s warmth feels alien to a valley where winters are not just meteorological but political, where warmth is siphoned by fear that has reduced its famed sunlight to a pale glow that barely pierces the haze, casting a chilling pall over a land that once basked in idyllic harmony.
Chorus: I am a traveller of time and space
The stories in Kashmir are great works of fiction, sold with the finesse of the best of salesmen. Tourism hoardings show lakes as pristine and houseboats as inviting travellers to rediscover paradise. But the real travellers of time and space in Kashmir are not Instagram influencers but locals wandering in search of existence.
Governance in Kashmir functions on paradoxes - the claustrophobic presence contrary to the wide open landscapes. For every tourist sipping Kehwa on a Shikara, there is a youth piecing together the fragments of his shattered life. The spaces may be the same but the experiences are universes apart.

Bridge: My Shangri-La under the summer moon
Kashmir is Led Zeppelin’s Shangri-La, the mythical utopia nestled in towering peaks. Utopias are subjective, though. One man’s heaven is another man’s hell or purgatory. The beautiful valley becomes cruel irony for its denizens, who usually cannot savour its magnificence because it’s always reminding them of its perils.
All the rhetoric about Kashmir sounds almost hollow. Promises ring as empty as the deserted streets. In this dystopian Shangri-La, progress is measured not by prosperity but by publicity. New malls are inaugurated. Old memories erased.
Verse 2: Oh, father of the four winds, fill my sails
In Kashmir, the winds carry stories instead of sails. The winds carry the whispered prayers of a generation that has known nothing more than nothingness. The winds also carry the spirit of the people. Art adorns the walls. Poetry and music flourish. And, youth navigate censored spaces to tell their stories. Under relentless hopelessness, the spirit does not break.
Coda: When I am on my way, when I see
How many moons away is Kashmir from its road? This is a haunting refrain that never ceases ringing around the region.
When one beholds, Led Zeppelin puts forth a dreamy vision. What do we see when we behold Kashmir? A crown jewel? A problematic periphery? A land to own? People to love? All such answers decide the region’s dismal destinies.

The Unfinished Symphony
Led Zeppelin’s Kashmir ends with a sweeping, open conclusion, just like the region itself: untamed and mysterious. The music reflects the Valley’s breathtaking panorama. However, the underlying tensions and the lived reality of its people is another story. Rober Plant’s vocals and Jimmy Page’s guitar lines echo the paradox of its beauty and hopelessness. Kashmiris are left to wring out their purgatory alone, their voices buried in the cacophony.
Perhaps Led Zeppelin’s Kashmir should be the anthem adopted for the Valley. It is after all an attention-grabbing song. The majestic orchestration could go with the snowy passes and evocative lyrics could narrate the daily grind of Kashmiri life. If nothing else, it would be a fitting irony for a region where beauty is wrecked.
Led Zeppelin’s Kashmir is a call to rise above the mundane. It is a hymn to transcendence. However, the valley it shares a name with is still waiting for its transcendence. Until that day, Kashmir will remain an unfinished melody, its notes heavy with longing and defiance, resonating against the mountains that keep its secrets and sorrows.
Greater Kashmir
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One of us! One of us! One of us!
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The Disney Dreamlight Valley Livestream had SO MUCH INFORMATION.
Seriously, whoa!
There's stuff I couldn't even write fast enough or at all.
I highly recommend watching. It's about 30 minutes long.
Some highlights:
Disney Dreamlight Valley game soundtrack
Huge update later this year (December basically)
Winter Star Path with new outfits for the princesses.
Jack Skellington is coming to the Valley.
Valleyverse with the start of multiplayer with features like exchanging items like iron ore and visiting each other's McDuck stores
Biggest amount of fixes.
We then got shown a roadmap for 2024

Monster's Inc realm with Mike and Sully.
New Star Path with each update.
Tiana in the summer!
The expansion pass that is huge!!!

Secret places in a map just as big as the Valley!
Jafar messed this place up big time!
A story line with characters you can bring back to the Valley.
Old experiments
Royal hourglass (staff looking thing) can help find treasures lost in time too.
EVE was watching over the Hourglass
Gaston was shipwrecked.
Rapunzel is alone and painting.
New biomes: Ancient's Landing was a port town with experiments and stuff. Then a biome the was ripped in two with desert and jungle.
New animal companions, veggies, fruits, meals like arepas, and cinnamon (exclusive to this expansion)
Friendship quests and rewards like an archery set.
New mechanics. Old Ruler (s) had more tools. A board game to play to collect coins. Ancient Machines to craft and bring to the Valley. Like an Auto-Cooker and something to water your garden.
It looks so cool!!! Those visuals and what the developers were hinting at!!!
(but some are saying the codes aren't there.)
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the sleep deprived stardew valleyverse is my fucking favorite oh my god
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Disney Dreamlight Valley ist bereit, erneut zu verzaubern! Mit dem für den 5. Dezember geplanten Verlassen des Early Access hat Gameloft eine magische Liste neuer Funktionen, Updates und einer kostenpflichtigen Erweiterung namens 'A Rift in Time' vorgestellt. Von brandneuen Multiplayer-Funktionen bis zur Einführung ikonischer Disney-Figuren – tauchen wir ein in die magischen Updates! Ende des Early Access: Das Spiel wird offiziell am 5. Dezember veröffentlicht. Kostenloser Multiplayer: Eine neue Funktion namens ValleyVerse ermöglicht es Freunden, die Dörfer der anderen zu besuchen. A Rift in Time: Kostenpflichtige Erweiterung, die neue Biome und Charaktere einführt. Zukunfts-Fahrplan: Versprechen neuer Charaktere und Bereiche für 2024. Äußerungen von Schlüsselfiguren Die Entwickler bei Gameloft betonen: "Wir führen die bisher größte Anzahl an Fehlerbehebungen und Verbesserungen ein", um die Verpflichtung zur Benutzererfahrung zu unterstreichen. "Wir werden dieses anfängliche Multiplayer-Angebot im Laufe der Zeit ausbauen", fügen sie hinzu und heben die kontinuierliche Unterstützung und Weiterentwicklung von Disney Dreamlight Valley hervor. https://youtu.be/oKrZqiYi_Rw Enthüllte neue Funktionen Kostenloser Multiplayer: ValleyVerse Der neue Multiplayer-Modus, der den Namen ValleyVerse trägt, ermöglicht es Freunden, in die Dörfer der anderen einzutauchen. Dort können sie Gegenstände austauschen und sogar Dagobert Ducks Laden besuchen, der einzigartige Lageroptionen verspricht. Ob es nun darum geht, Fantasy-Feigen zu tauschen oder einzigartige Gegenstände zu erwerben, die ValleyVerse-Funktion fügt Ihrer magischen Welt einen Gemeinschafts-Touch hinzu. Die Ankunft von Jack Skellington In einem thematischen Akzent führt Gameloft Jack Skellington aus 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' als neuen Bewohner ein. Spieler können sich über neue Freundschafts-Quests mit Jack austauschen und spezielle Belohnungen verdienen. Spekulationen und Veröffentlichungsdetails A Rift in Time: Was steckt drin? Für die Veröffentlichung am 5. Dezember ist die kostenpflichtige Story-Erweiterung A Rift in Time im Blickpunkt jedes Disney Dreamlight Valley-Spielers. Für 29,99 $ führt diese Erweiterung eine brandneue Karte, Eternity Isle, ein, die genauso groß ist wie die Grundspielkarte. Sie wird drei neue Biome beinhalten: Biome-Name Einzigartige Features Ancients Landing Hafenstadt mit mysteriösen Tempelruinen. Glittering Dunes Wüstenthema-Biom. Wild Tangle Dschungelthema-Biom. Neben neuen Biotopen werden in A Rift in Time auch neue tierische Begleiter wie Wasserschweine, Affen und Kobrasnaken sowie neue Kochzutaten wie Erdbeeren, Fantasy-Feigen und Zimt eingeführt. Ein Brettspiel-ähnliches Mini-Spiel und neue Bewohner, darunter Gaston, WALL-E's EVE und Rapunzels Rapunzel, werden ebenfalls Teil dieser umfangreichen Erweiterung sein. Zukünftige Inhalte Gameloft hat eine Roadmap für 2024 angeteasert, die neue Charaktere wie Mike und Sulley aus 'Monsters, Inc.' und Tiana aus 'The Princess and the Frog' beinhaltet. Ein neuer, um Mulan herum thematisierter Bereich ist ebenfalls für das späte Frühjahr 2024 geplant. Exklusiv für Apple Arcade Apple Arcade-Abonnenten können jubeln! Eine spezielle Arcade-Edition von Disney Dreamlight Valley wird ab dem 5. Dezember auf Apple Arcade für iOS-Geräte verfügbar sein. Diese Edition verzichtet auf alle Monetarisierungsfunktionen, enthält jedoch das Basisspiel und die Erweiterung 'A Rift in Time'. Abschließende Gedanken Mit einer Schatztruhe voller neuer Funktionen, Charaktere und einer verlockenden Erweiterung verspricht Disney Dreamlight Valley, die Spieler lange Zeit in ihren Bann zu ziehen. Ob du ein Apple Arcade-Abonnent bist oder ein Fan, der gespannt auf 'A Rift in Time' wartet, der 5. Dezember kann nicht schnell genug kommen! Hast du Disney Dreamlight Valley gespielt? Bist du gespannt auf diese neuen Updates? Teile gerne deine Gedanken und Erfahrungen mit uns! Quelle: Eurogamer
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This is a gratitude post for fanfiction authors in general, and the #LawRusso authors in particular.
I am new to modern fandoms - I’ve had my celebrity enthusiasms before but never really went *searching* for this type of content but then Cobra Kai happened and here I am.
I honestly did not read into the, er, undertones of the #LawRusso relationship until a couple of Twitter posts sort of pointed me in this direction. Tiptoed into Tumblr and then clicked through into AO3 and holy. hell. There’s this whole other universe being explored. And traced. And nipped. And mouthed. And so on.
I’ve been reading and reading and reading some more. All of it is fantastic but I wanted to be specific about why it’s great:
1a. The characters (and this is the most important one): Robert Mark Kamen gifted us with the OG LaRusso, Lawrence, Kreese and Cobras. The Big 3 gifted us with Our Antiheroes 34 years on, with a fully-imagined and perfectly plausible Valleyverse where these characters live and work along with the addition of a bunch of new characters, each of which brings something unique and vital to the story.
1b. The actors: William Zabka’s portrayal of Johnny’s CK journey was making me feel all *sorts* of ways. How can a person be so raw and vulnerable? Ralph Macchio is doing a masterful job of portraying a man who is in crisis without fully understanding *why* his carefully constructed sandcastle is having trouble with the tide. Martin Kove’s Kreese is straight up ETERNAL. At interview after interview, they explain that they very jealously guard the integrity of these characters.
1c. The Big3: They ensured that the platform built for the KK/CK Valleyverse is stable, sturdy and true. The creators have a vision for the stories that animate their characters and have established a reliable canon. Fans can be secure in the characters and and their works and days.
2. Which brings us to - fanfiction and #LawRusso. I have now read my way through most of the LaRusso/Lawrence slashtag at AO3. I did not know that I could enjoy watching two fictional characters fall in love (and express their love) in so many different ways. It’s actually kind of amazing.
3. Even more amazing - the care that the various authors take to keep their Johnnies and Daniels true to their KK/CK selves, and true to the actors’ portrayals. I grin with every mention of golden locks. Every time Daniel bites his damn bottom lip. Every time Johnny sweeps his thumb. The authors are respectful of the canon and ever so creative within those guidelines.
4. Dear authors - There’s so many of you! I rejoice in you. The Secret Santa posts nearly ended me. I love the AUs and riffs on specific episodes. Long form, short form, “drabbles”. It’s all fantastic.
5. To the authors whose first language is not English - I salute you and read all of your fics with a smile.
6. To the authors and moderators and editors and beta readers and commenters (and you lurkers too!), thank you providing this fun little fantasy world. It has, er, broadened my outlook and made me consider where my own place in the world is, with a new year and a new season ahead. I appreciate each and every one of you.
#LawRusso#cobra kai#the karate kid#johnny lawrence#daniel larusso#william zabka#ralph macchio#John Kreese#martin kove#fanfic#ao3#ao3commentoftheday
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Take Me To Church || Valley!Verse 03
A transatlantic plane ride presented more than ample turbulence to ware through the last defenses of the woman who, at that point, felt more like a carefully situated construction of shards of glass than a human. Charlotte spent the majority of the trip intermittently forgetting to breathe, testing the elasticity of the gash on her palm until whatever had healed once again came undone, and avoiding the safety in the green hue of Daniel’s eyes. Each peripheral glance of the man’s profile she stole felt like fresh poison.
Stole. It was the only word that sat comfortably with Charlotte, and of course there was no one to blame but herself. Daniel definitely shouldn’t have been in the seat beside her. Each moment that the girl didn’t hold her shallow breath as the plane trembled or she squeezed her eyes shut and tightened her jaw against the pain of the pressure to stop the bleeding the palm of her hand again, was spent in a deep, furious meditative state. This exact situation, this heavy leaden weight in the pit of her stomach, the white hot pain lodged in her chest, this return of the basic human feeling of guilt… It was everything she had warned herself not to let back in. It was everything she’d purged herself of until Daniel somehow knocked down every hardened, fortress and defense she had with the grace and ease of a gentle summer storm.
This was never supposed to happen, and now she loved him so much it would probably kill them both.
Once the two were on steady ground again Charlotte hoped her nerves wouldn’t bite back at her so severely. Outside of the airplane’s cabin she found it harder than ever not to look at Daniel. Instead, she lagged behind him purposefully and stared between his shoulder blades as she followed him to a car. She slipped into the passenger’s seat without a word. She nearly managed to start the drive without incident, but when Daniel took his seat to her left a slight, unintentional movement of his arm sent the woman’s hands upward to protect her head as she turned her face sharply away from him. She waited for the blinding pain, the stomach-churning crunch as she connected with the car window, but they never came. Neither did the two fangs hungrily sinking into the gentles arc of the curve of her neck, but the ghost memory of Alexander burned against her flesh just as badly as if he’d been in the car with her.
Charlotte lowered her hands slowly. She hadn’t expected to feel quite so vulnerable on the ground, but it was time to face the reality that it would be much easier for her demons to catch up to the both of them now. There was no outrunning hell. She thought now, perhaps the worst time of all to finally understand the complexities of the playwrights and poets admired by the father, how apropos the quote of the French writer Sartre: Hell is other people. From years of experience it was frighteningly true. Alexander, Evangeline, Cameron, Roxanne, Jefferson, Charlotte…
“Alexander,” Charlotte explained, though perhaps even that single word was unnecessary to frame the explanation of her sudden, cowardly reaction to Daniel starting the ignition. She tried to sit back against the passenger seat, but she felt tense and rigid. The space between them felt like dead air, no music with subtexts had been prepared today in hopes the hunter would read into them, no more time left for the two of them to pretend their flirtation with Charlotte’s freedom would end in anything but a heavy price.
Charlotte knew better now. She had pictured herself back then a lion in sheep’s clothing. She was still the sheep, and the beast that held her reigns had been angered. Now she sat in the car with Daniel not emerging as her enigmatic self, but as the obvious sacrificial lamb. Daniel knew better now. He knew the truth of what Charlotte was now, too.
When the road out in front of the car became too blurry for Charlotte’s red-rimmed eyes to focus on, she finally looked at Daniel. It felt like days since she had held his face in her gaze. She insulted him by letting her stare linger. As she did, it felt as if someone had sunk their hands into her chest and pulled her ribcage apart until rib by rib her chest snapped open. She had never intended for loving him to feel like this. “What are you most afraid of?” she heard herself ask, or at least it had to have been her. The voice sounded miles away and as if it had swallowed broken glass and gravel.
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"S-so is ANYBODY else human?" Matt's voice shook just the tiniest bit as he questioned his employer.
Peter the sixth gave a shrug
"Well, on stage yeah. The Walter girls are human too, well most of them."
The way his head tilted back the slightest bit gave the impression he was getting lost in thought and Steve gave him a shove on the shoulder to bring him back to reality.
"And you didn't think maybe you should have mentioned this to him when he was being hired?"
"Huh, coulda sworn I had."
"I would have remembered." the shaken drummer hissed under his breath, shifting in his seat. "You mentioned the stuff about the walter girls, you mentioned pappy, and Norman, you even warned me about Marshmallows hair balls. But you didn't say anything about Michael and Steve being robots!"
"Oh, sorry about that. Must have slipped my mind."
Steve groaned, a hand coming to his forehead at Peter's nonchalance. Peter didn't notice.
"Is it a problem or something?"
That gave Matt pause, giving the masked inventor a surprised look.
"Well, no - "
"Good! then whats all the fuss about?"
The sudden change in tone from the sound tech made both human men jump and give him a surprised look, Peter finally actually paying attention to the conversation.
"Okay okay! Matt why are you so wigged out if its no big deal?"
the drummer shrugged, staring at his feet and glancing up at them every now and then.
"I dunno. It was just - a shock I guess. I mean Michael's HEAD was OPEN! and then Steve's two people? Bots- Automatons!" He shot Steve an apologetic look "Is robot insulting? I didn't mean-"
Steve brushed his concerns off "No no Robots's fine, so's Bot, they're accurate. Automaton just sounds nicer."
"It's just - this job is a LOT to take in with the stuff I have WARNING about, not having any was just- just a bit too much I guess."
"It's not really that weird." Peter muttered, Steve rolled his eyes.
"Peter, you literally have no other point of reference, this is your normal. and even you think its weird."
"Point taken. Look, this is something every new band member goes through. You're doing really really good. Plenty of folks have gone running over a lot less. Honestly you fit really well."
That surprised him.
"Yeah really. You gonna be okay?"
A little nod as Matt finally got to his feet "Yeah, yeah I think I am."
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valleyverse started following you
((Hey there! I would love to give you a nice introduction, but my brain does not want to cooperate. Instead I say hello and invite you to rp with me any time you wish :) ))
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"God, the heat must be getting to me."
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((Oh, got one! how are The Jon and Upgrade doing? And did he ever get his voice fixed? last i'd seen an M!A had gotten in the way of it))
They're doing great! Jon's much happier now that Upgrade is around. Jon did get his voicebox fixed, i just haven't written that up yet. ^^;
And Upgrade is staying at the manor permanently, so she'll be interacting with more people now.
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Blood On My Name || Valley!Verse Para 02
Three days in Camden was all it had taken. Three days from the time the landing gear hit the tarmac for the body to hit the ground. Three days for everything to be as miserably fucked as it had ever been. Charlotte tried to remove the plastic casing she had put on her steering wheel to keep any evidence from contaminating it, but her hands were trembled and shook too wildly to be any use. She didn’t bother to check for missed calls from Daniel, though she was almost certain there would be several. Instead she looked at the digital clock on her car’s dashboard, nearly three am. For a few minutes she considered waiting in the car for the next few hours. Each moment that passed gave her a better chance of walking into a quiet house where Daniel was sleeping and she could slip into the shower and out of this second skin without being detected. By the time three minutes had ticked past on the display the stains on her skin felt like burns, her dry throat ached under the lump that had formed in it and her chest felt so tightly constricted she could barely breathe. She was terrified of Daniel’s reaction once he saw her walk in that front door. Three days in Camden was all it had taken before Charlotte betrayed Daniel and bent to Evangeline’s will.
Whether Daniel saw the truth of what Charlotte did tonight or another time, she wouldn’t be able to hide it from him forever. What good would it have done her at this point anywhere? By now Daniel had seen every dark, twisted corner of her, but could he still love her when those parts of her were on constant display? She felt dizzy and nauseated as she turned that question over in her mind while she pulled the keys from the ignition. She stumbled to the front door and sorted through several keys before finding the one that would grant her access to Daniel’s home. Because of her tears and spiked anxiety she missed the keyhole twice and produced a few scraping metallic sounds that grated her nerves. Finally she heard the lock click and slipped inside his home.
At worst, her first killing had been more successful than tonight’s execution. Logistically, the evening had been a triumph. The hunt was always the same. Names, dates, familiar haunts that Charlotte became a new ghostly follower at, that was the easy part until suddenly it wasn’t. She learned things now outside of a dependable schedule. For example this man took his coffee with two creams and sugar, he was in a deep state of unrequited love with his young secretary, and he never double knotted his shoes. But he was exactly where she had expected him to be that night. Logistically, things were always simple. Mentally things had never been harder. The first killing had been terrifying and exhilarating all at once. Tonight the only thing she was scared of was herself, and that was why she had hesitated. She hadn’t made such a rooky mistake even as a beginner. Tonight she pulled herself together and stiffly walked through that door more bruised and battered than she knew she her body could withstand.
Charlotte closed the door behind her as quietly as she could. Her gaze lingered on her hands. They were stained a vibrant red. The sight of them made her stomach tie up in knots so tight the aches and bruising covering the rest of her body couldn’t hold a candle to them. Her eyes burned, rimmed with the same deep red color, bloodshot too. The clicking sounds of Diesel’s nails against the hardwood floor only made her headache resonate within her skull. The dog stopped some feet away from her. Even he didn’t want to get near. She found herself stumbling forward, vision blurred, but at least by now she knew her way around Daniel’s home well enough for that not to have mattered. Charlotte nearly fell halfway across the kitchen, but caught herself. Her small hands were only steadied when she white knuckle gripped the counter in from of the sink. She hung her head and tried to push past the sudden urge to vomit again that night. She lifted a stiff arm and managed to find a glass in the cabinet, but the water didn’t sooth her throat. It just made her choke. She dropped the glass and her hand shot after it when she heard it clattering loudly against the metal bottom of the sink. Her grasp only resulted in a sharp stinging her hand, a large fragment of the glass lodged into her palm. She pulled it out quickly and dropped it with the other pieces before turning the water on and scrubbing as wildly and unevenly as her breathing suddenly became. She bit her bottom lip against her tears so hard it nearly bled too. Daniel would catch her now, and it scared her more despite the fact she had been sure he would from the start. What she didn’t know was how to keep him from hating her by letting the poison back into her life behind his back.
#valleyverse#para#gonna go ahead and get this up for you#I'm not gonna reply to the serial killer one#because that guy never fucking came to fix the wifi and didn't say when he would come#and you wrapped it up pretty nicely without me adding to it#i changed the name op...
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Felling any better today? [Steve]
Yeah, sorry I kinda freaked out. Just was NOT expecting to walk in on Michael with the back of his head open and a walter girl wrist deep in wires! [Matt]
So you seriously had NO idea? [Steve]
No! And you'd think that'd be something that'd get mentioned! [Matt]
I'm really kinda shocked Peter didn't bring it up about us. [Steve]
Yeah! That's kind of a
. . .
Us? [Matt]
*Sigh* Just sit down i'll be there in a minute. [Steve]
O-okay [Matt]
Breath Matt [Steve]
Okay [Matt]
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You seriously didn’t realize it? I mean really?! It was kinda obvious.[Michael]
Mikey don't terrorize the new guy. [Steve]
But I mean really! It’s not like I hide it or anything. Am I that good at it? XD [Michael]
I don't want to talk about it! [Matt]
Seriously Mikey, lay off him. [Steve]
[Michael] Aaawww, did I scare you? I never figured you for the type to be freaked out by -
[Steve] That's it. Off, right now, Your wifi's going off. Hope none of you guys need anything because he will be Unreachable!
[Michael] XP You’re no fun
Heh, bet he didn't think I'd actually do it [Steve]
I need to go lay down [Matt]
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I was serious when I hired you, Peter or Six is fine. Are you okay? You know the talk-to-text translates tone right? [Peter]
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Sound engineer voice verification Steve Negrete
What's the problem Bebop? +Steve+
Wait you mean someone is actually looking at our blog? +Steve+
Woooww I did not expect tha- *ahem* That is to say - um - uh - Open it up Bebop! +Steve+
::Right away Steve:: +Bebop+
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