haylefire · 8 years
tough girl - i’m in pain ( self para)
WHO: Hayley Marshall & Stefan Salvatore ( @savior-salvatore ) WHAT/WHEN: Aftermath of the earthquake WHERE: The Bayou
There’s this saying that every one hears at some point in their life that bends their mind to philosophy over physicality in regards to the knowledge of reality - 
“If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?”
To Hayley, she could attest, that without a doubt, a falling tree made a crackling sound as it splintered down to its roots. That a quake like the one wreaking havoc on the city’s epicenter could radiate out into the Bayou, and could shake the tallest spruce, the meatiest base, and send it tumbling haphazardly cutting through the air like a saw blade.
She heard the branch before it fell, a small click of a break, before it hit her skull on impact. Splitting a wound on her head between her brow and her hair line, Hayley felt the warmth as blood trickled down her face.
Perfect, she thought. Coming to the Bayou, with a newly acquired vampire friend, to help her pack and getting injured in the process was simply the icing on the cake of a shit day. “Just another day in paradise,” she muttered sardonically with a glimpse over her shoulder Stefan’s way.
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As the blood continued to spill, harnessing the power of her sense of smell to the forefront, it nearly eclipsed her sense of sound as the final synapse of the trees’ roots snapped far below the Earth’s surface. The tree barreling down in an instant, with a surefire shot right into its intended target - HER. She couldn’t pull her eyes away, her sour mood now turning to purely ignited fear and reaction. She couldn’t flash forward in wolf form fast enough to escape.
There was no out for her, but there was for Stefan.
For in an instant her hand, with all her supernatural force of strength, had pushed him out of the way - his body barreling across the Bayou, to what she hoped was safer air space than her current line of site. 
The same could be said for a tarnished body lying broken and bloody in the brush, lost in a world of unconscious disbelief and utter unknowing pain. The sounds of bones cracking were much like the splintering of a tree - roots ripped from the Earth, sinew cut from bone.
Crushed under the weight of said fallen tree, would anyone hear the girls’ screams in a Bayou that tended to echo the sound?
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haylefire · 8 years
EVENT: Earthquake at the Louisiana fault line ( x ) SETTING: The French Quarter leaving Rosseau’s
And the walls kept tumbling down In the city that we love Grey clouds roll over the hills Bringing darkness from above
We were caught up and lost in all of our vices In your pose as the dust settles around us
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The reverberations were felt all the way to her bones as unsteady legs regained balance as an iron-clad wolf grip laid upon the concrete wall of Rosseau’s exterior. Glass scattered, rubble in her wake, dead bodies littering the streets under crushing circumstances (literally). 
Hayley swallowed before her mouth ran agape - dry - as her eyes ran over the destruction outside the walls of a hallowed bar. She had seen the lights flicker, crashes sound out, the smell of blood even through the shot-out glass from the tremors as she had been sipping her usual. A chill time out had soon turned to chaos and had her running for the hills - not in fear, but in the hopes she could help. And of course, she had to get to her pack (both chosen and purposeful). To Jackson. To Derek. To Cora. To all the wolves; her people. 
But as her hand remained held onto the wall, her eyes continued to widen as people screamed, as voices called out and scattered hoping to find loved ones...
It was no longer a pity party for the wolf Queen, it was an innate instinct to protect and preserve, and she had to help where she could. 
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