#VIS 002.
kretina · 3 months
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐝, 𝔭𝔬𝔳.
local: chalé de éris.
trigger warning: o texto abaixo contém menção a suicídio.
raiva. dor. solidão. incerteza. foram as palavras que katrina escreveu na folha de louro, sentimentos que lhe atingiram durante aquela missão. não havia sido a primeira, tinha o sentimento de que a segunda deveria ser maior, melhor, inesquecível. o isqueiro que detinha no bolso fora aceso, queimando aos poucos a folha e por fim, antes que houvessem apenas cinzas, o chalé de éris se transformou, a mente mergulhando no passado. 
estavam cansados, katrina e outros três semideuses inertes em fome, sede enquanto caminhavam pelas ruas de new orleans; tinham na mochila um artefato importante, que havia sido recuperado e deveria ser entregue a quíron. a missão até então, eles consideravam um sucesso, haviam encontrado monstros, mas nada que os tirassem do foco. katrina estava contente consigo mesma, havia controlado seu ímpeto de estragar tudo e seguiam em harmonia. contudo, o cansaço estava falando mais alto, os fazendo entrar em um bar com estrutura formosa, chamava atenção pela sua beleza, pela música agradável e pelas pessoas, que pareciam alegres. ela não havia prestado atenção no nome do lugar, mas o cheiro que atingia a todos era de torta de carne recém assada, refrigerante e batata frita. não hesitaram em entrar, mesmo que um frio os atingissem na espinha, mesmo que em letras garrafais estivesse escrito PERIGO sobre suas cabeças. 
o pedido fora feito, enquanto comiam, o artefato mágico na mochila fora esquecido. pareceram minutos enquanto deleitavam-se, matavam a fome mas horas se passaram até que algo aconteceu. um dos semideuses levantou-se, chorava enquanto dizia que a pessoa ao seu lado era mais bonita que ele; do centro do bar, um outro ergueu-se afogando-se em comida, vomitando e bebendo do próprio vômito, cheio demais para que continuasse, sedento para que parasse; além dela, havia outro semideus em nudez, agarrando-se com outras três pessoas. os sete pecados capitais rondavam aquele lugar, a névoa havia abaixado e dava para perceber as pessoas que haviam sucumbido ali antes deles. para katrina, estava reservada a ira. 
esta aproximou-se com cautela, uma dor de cabeça, um aperto no peito; imagens da família a abandonando, o sofrimento de saber que ninguém a amava, foi o bastante para que começasse a bater a própria cabeça no balcão, para que copos e pratos fossem arremessados, cadeiras sendo quebradas; e antes que alcançasse uma faca para cortar-lhe os pulsos (já que a ira era muito sobre sua incapacidade de ser amada), a mente tornou-se calma, a voz de éris a guiando para a verdade, que ela nunca estivera sozinha, nem mesmo nas ruas quando passava fome e sede. e ali, conseguiu desligar-se do transe, trazendo consigo, todos os outros três semideuses para o acampamento.
ainda no chalé, katrina chorou; baixo para que ninguém a ouvisse, porque era mentira. éris nunca havia falado consigo, o que a ajudou a sair do transe foram os próprios poderes; tinha mais ódio do que o bar comandado por um espírito antigo esperava. katrina gritou a plenos pulmões, ódio lhe escorrendo pelas pontas dos dedos, pela respiração cortando a ligação mágica, a deixando sobre os pecados. mas com aquela onda de poder, o âmbito se transformou em um antro de carnificina; corpos eram dilacerados, mordidos, o ódio que a pertencia tocando a todos os presentes, os envolvendo em loucura. com exceção de katrina, todos foram machucados, machucaram uns aos outros e naquela noite, ela deixou que sua equipe fosse reduzida a dois membros: ela e um outro semideus. por fim, katrina sabia que jamais se recuperaria daquele dia e agora, tinha uma conta de argila com um símbolo de uma mão em punho quebrada, a lembrando daqueles que havia confiado nela e morrido esperando.
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minesofmuses · 1 year
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reneebrxndxn · 11 months
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Redwood Prom - Hallway
where Renee happens upon Vi and Vi lets Renee have a piece of her mind. @virewolf
Vi Wolf
-she knew there were things she couldn't do the same anymore, but that didn't mean it was still frustrating; her leg hurt like a bitch after hours of standing, and she'd limped her way off into one of the hallways; sliding down against the wall, she groans as her joints ache, sending sharp pain up her thigh before it stretches out- Shit. -she mutters, applying pressure to her aching knee-
Renee Brandon
-Renee had waited a bit to let Ike get far enough away before grabbing the supplies and heading back to the party. She was still upset but she couldn't exactly deal with it now. She was heading down the hall when she noticed Vi gripping her knee- Hey, you okay?
Vi Wolf
-the voice cuts through the pain; she obviously knows that voice; she never minded it before, and now it makes her scowl as she turns her gaze towards Renee coming down the hallway- What the fuck is wrong with you?
Renee Brandon
-Renee comes to a stop, dropping the box carefully by her feet. Her face is clearly confused- Sorry?
Vi Wolf
You heard me. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Renee Brandon
-she is stunned as she tries to recall what she might have done to Vi to make her so pissed off- I.....I don't understand. Did I do something?
Vi Wolf
Oh, you know what you did. -Vi snaps sharply; the pain of her leg is radiating, her patience thinning- You almost killed Ike.
Renee Brandon
-her body goes rigid. So he had told someone. She shouldn't be surprised and she's not but still, this had caught her off guard.- It....it was an accident.....I'm sorry.
Vi Wolf
Oh fuck off, Brandon. -Vi curses as she pushes herself back to her feet in spite of the pain- Not like you didn't damn well know what you were doing.
Renee Brandon
-she is completely confused.- What? -did Vi.....did she think she did it on purpose?- I didn't know there were walkers in there. I wouldn't have ran in if I did.....what did Ike tell you?
Vi Wolf
Enough. And don't even try and tell me that he lied to me, or that he's trying to make you look like the bad guy. Cause if you do that I'm gonna sock you. Vi limps towards her, eyes narrowed with anger as she steps in front of Renee, meeting her gaze- You almost got him killed because you got some kindergarden-type dislike for him.
Renee Brandon
-despite the fact that she wasn't moving, she could feel herself cowering as Vi got closer- That's not.... -she feels like she'll get punched for this but she had to try- The last thing I wanted was for anyone to get hurt. I was pissed and tired and I didn't want to be around him, but I did not try to get him killed. I. Made. A. Mistake. -she is trying to keep her voice steady but even she feels how shaky it is- You don't have to believe me, but it's the truth. I would never want anything to happen to him. -she visibly tenses up as she prepares for the punch-
Vi Wolf
Fucking spare me with the cowering. -Vi gets up in her face, her face hardset into a scowl as she stares Renee down- You were pissed? Tired? Congrats, we all are. Ike's probably more pissed and tired than you can even imagine. But he's not around here kicking in doors and letting in walkers because he's pissed. -Vi stares at her- He's protecting you. Even though you don't deserve that.
Renee Brandon
-Renee bites down on her tongue, resisting the urge to point out that again, she didn't know that there were walkers in the clinic.- You're right, I don't. I never asked him to do that. I'm trying to make things right.
Vi Wolf
How? -her tone is challenging, her gaze cold as steel-
Renee Brandon
I've apologized to him profusely and I'm gonna talk to Ermano and Jemma and tell them what happened.
Vi Wolf
That's all? -Val jerks up her chin at Renee, piercing the other woman with her gaze- You shouldn't be in the council.
Renee Brandon
Yeah, well....that makes two of us. -she breathes out as she turns and picks up the box- I should get these to the party.
Vi Wolf
Then abdicate. Take some accountability, Brandon. -Vi stares at her, jaw muscles working- And actually think about how Ike feels for a change. You've been treating him like shit before that, too.
Renee Brandon
-Renee picks up the box and turns- I'm very aware I misjudged him, Vi. I've told him that and apologized for that too. He doesn't believe me.
Vi Wolf
-her eyes narrow- You're making it about you again. How bad you feel. How much you regret it. -she scowls- You're doing nothing to make him believe it. You're not making me believe it either. You're still calling it a mistake,
Renee Brandon
That's because of it's what it was. A mistake. Lapse in judgement. You and him want to believe it's something more malicious than what it was and it's not but there's nothing I can say or do to change either of your minds.
Vi Wolf
Not what. -Vi stares at her, something inside her eyes flickering- I'm saying it wasn't a mistake. I'm saying it was a choice. A stupid choice, one that you didn't think too much about, but a choice. You knew there could be walkers in that building, because we're living in a damn apocalypse, but you still went in. That's a choice. Not a mistake.
Renee Brandon
-Renee stays silent for a minute- Yes, I chose to go in because I thought I could take care of it myself and I was wrong. I wish I could go back and change it but I can't. I never wanted anything bad to happen to Ike. Or anyone for that matter. That may not be good enough for you or for him but it's the truth. -she adjusts the box in her hands- I'm going to drop off these supplies now. It was nice chatting with you, Vi. -she walks off, feeling already worse than she did earlier-
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hclluvahctel-a · 1 year
apparently none of my tags WORK ANYMORE SO GUESS IM REDOING THEM
#alastor | 002 | you're never fully dressed without a smile ﹆ vis.#angel | 002. | i'm a pretty boy i'm stunning ﹆ vis.#ozzie | 002. | i'm the most beautiful man in the world ﹆ vis.#barbie wire | 002. | she's a motherfucking killer queen ﹆ vis.#beelzebub | 002. | sweet as apple pie i can't help but shine ﹆ vis.#blitzo | 002. | hot girls we have problems too ﹆ vis.#cash | 002. | sick of all these people talking sick of all this noise ﹆ vis.#charlie | 002. | let's face it i'm cute ﹆ vis.#chaz | 002. | i take a look at my enormous penis and my troubles start melting away ﹆ vis.#crimson | 002. | been spending most my life living in a gangsta's paradise ﹆ vis.#fizz | 002. | baby i'm the reason why hell's so hot ﹆ vis.#husk | 002. | wicked old soul nowhere left to go ﹆ vis.#jen | 002. | i'm a 32 year old ladyyyyy ﹆ vis.#jesse | 002. | you made the mistake of understimatin' me ﹆ vis.#loona | 002. | big bad bitch i'm the baddest ﹆ vis.#lucifer | 002. | sinners one sinners all it's always prettiest after the fall ﹆ vis.#millie | 002. | i can feel the flames on my skin crimson red paint on my lips ﹆ vis.#moxxie | 002. | my name's blurryface and i care what you think ﹆ vis.#octavia | 002. | came and stole away the light and put it in my eyes ﹆ vis.#rizz | 002. | i could destroy you with my crazy fucking robot body ﹆ vis.#stella | 002. | don't i look nice batting my eyes isnt it pure perfection? ﹆ vis.#stolas | 002. | owl in a cage you show your age ﹆ vis.#striker | 002. | i'm a dead man walking hell's at my door ﹆ vis.#vaggie | 002. | gotta be so cold to make it in this world ﹆ vis.#val | 002. | call me sir call me daddy call me ceo ﹆ vis.#vortex | 002. | won't see me comin' at the door before you even blink ﹆ vis.#vox | 002. | don't overthink this look in my eye don't be scared don't be shy ﹆ vis.
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thousandflame · 1 year
❝ Looks like you won. ❞
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our muses are sparring and my muse ends up on top of yours, pinning them down. send me  ❝ looks like you won. ❞ for my muse’s reaction.
though not exactly tall, cymbeline was tougher than a lot of people gave her credit for---and it was not just speed and agility that she could us to twist things to her advantage. she had been s-class for a reason. there were some people for whom ignoring her abilities had ended with a stint in jail, especially back when she had been a rune knight, but logan was at no risk of that. what he was, possibly, at risk of was bruised ribs, as she really was not exactly going easy on him.
come to think of it, she should perhaps reconsider the amount of pressure she was applying, he might be attached to his ribs. most people were.
she exhaled, shifting her weight away from his chest. the expression of smugness that had found its way to her face, on the other hand, remained where it was. she did have a bit of a competitive streak, it was just not often that she got to live it. it was . . . calming, the knowledge that she had a friend who understood that sometimes, a good spar could offer more relaxation than a spa day.
'' thanks, logan, '' she said as she rolled back onto her heels and back into a stand, redoing her ponytail as it had come partially undone during their spar. '' another round? ''
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griefdestined · 2 years
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@paramounticebound​ asked: how many fingers am i holding up?
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          Obi-Wan finally crawls completely out of the dust and rubble that had fallen around him after the missile – that he was a bit too slow to stop – annihilated the building where he resided. Thankfully, he was able to prepare somewhat and while his head was pounding from the rubble that rained down on him, there were no other injuries. 
At the question, the General fully stands up while rolling his eyes. Which apparently, is a huge mistake. His vision swims and nausea rolls his stomach. ❝ I assure you, I’ll be-  ❞ he cuts himself off as his measly breakfast attempts to reveal itself to Khan. He frowns as Khan’s visage sways slightly which isn’t right. Is Obi-Wan swaying, or is Khan? Or maybe neither of them?
          Force, his head hurts. 
Bringing a hand up to rub at a sore spot at the base of his skull, Obi-Wan is surprised when he pulls back and his hand is wet. For a moment all he does is stare at the red stained hand as his mind attempts to calculate what that means. No, he knows that that means - he’s injured. 
          But he can’t be pulled out of the battle yet. The men need him. Obi-Wan slowly lowers himself to the ground for a quick restorative meditation. His eyes close and...oh he is quite tired isn’t he? Perhaps he could have a quick nap and then back to the battle, right? Khan can watch over him. 
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swordcoasted · 1 year
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swordcoasted-arc · 1 year
tag set : nesta & blog upkeep.
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wearyworn · 1 year
tag drop: verses.
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traightor · 1 year
i think i'm developing carpal tunnel
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kaliuchisdaughter · 1 year
i am going to build a good life for myself because i deserve it
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minesofmuses · 1 year
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blitso · 2 years
new tags !
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hclluvahctel-a · 1 year
Bee tags!
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thousandflame · 2 years
there she was again. her life seemed to be rather . . . cyclic in nature, as of late, and cymbeline could not say that she cared for that, very much. magnolia forest. it had been a place she had liked, once. happy memories had used the forest as their stage, a long time ago. she had followed her uncle like a duckling followed its mother, always minding her steps as they made their way from the city to the little cottage where his friend lived. it was a strange thought, to think that porlyusica was still there while her uncle was gone.
but just like then, she minded her steps as she wandered through the forest. she had---a bit of time before her next train would come, before she would be able to leave magnolia in the past, where it belonged. this was all just to soothe the curiosity she could never win against. she just wanted to see if it was still the way she remembered it all.
starter for shadowqueens
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griefdestined · 2 years
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[ @frcebalanced​ - anakin. ]: you call THAT a PLAN ?
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           It’s a sharp movement as Obi-Wan looks over at Anakin calling over the sounds of intense battle. There’s annoyance written all over his expression - at the battle and how horrifically bad it has turned out, but also at Anakin. It won’t last long, Obi-Wan can never really stay angry or annoyed at Anakin for long periods of time, but in the moment with the adrenaline pumping through his veins he cannot help but allow the emotion to flood through him and show on his face. 
❝ Well do you have a better idea, ❞ he snarks back through the grit of his teeth as he parries more blaster bolts. ❝ At this point my priority is to the men, not winning the battle. ❞  
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