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vesselmade-a · 1 year ago
the fight scene between mahito and itadori is truly one of the best moments in the entirety of the manga. the action itself is spectacular but nothing compares to what it all means. I honestly think reading this part gave Itadori his own 'awakening' of sorts so that’s exactly why I’m making this post about it. Full analysis below!
Itadori begins this battle in a very bad place. He lost his battle with choso (despite choso’s realization). He’s just come back into his own body after Sukuna took control and destroyed the majority of their surroundings. Besides this he also killed a massive amount of civilians in the process. And worst of all he arrived back in time to see Nanami killed as well as Nobara. Itadori is essentially broken , mind , body and soul in the beginning of the fight and it certainly doesn’t get easier. 
I will add though that we have seen how much itadori has grown since the exchange event. He’s already exceptionally strong and fast and has high durability. (In this fight specifically it’s my opinion that because of the 15 fingers he manages to hold himself well in this fight). He shows pure adaptability when fighting a curse stronger than him. Like with the grasshopper we saw how he quickly adapts, overpowering/outsmarting it. and then thanks to mechamaru he took the fight into the bathroom to limit choso’s abilities under the water.
Now over to mahito… he begins the fight on a high note. He’s thriving because he just killed Nanami and was even happier that itadori showed up to see it. Ever since their first battle it had been his goal to break Itadori and this was the perfect way to do it. Mahito defines the term adaptability and it shows how he and itadori are truly opposites. They are true rivals.
Mahito easily beats Itadori down , going on about his childish heroism. Here’s the full speech:
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❛ I bet you thought you were gonna do some pest control! Or ghost exterminations like in some make-believe story! You came to Shibuya with half-assed determination didn‘t ya?! How naïve, you stupid brat! This is war! Not a battle to fix what‘s wrong! But a clash of truths! You and your fragile justice! You are me, Yuji Itadori! I kill without a second thought, just like you save people without a second thought! The instincts of a curse against the so-called dignity obtained by human reason! It‘s a battle to determine who will be left standing in a 100 years! How the hell did you think you were gonna beat me when you don‘t even realize that? Tell me, Yuji Itadori have you ever stopped to count how many curses you‘ve killed? No, right? Me neither, me neither. ❜
mahito is truly a good villain. and here in this speech he does have a point to what he’s saying. He’s calling out Itadori’s naïve mindset. Just as Itadori’s nature is to exorcise curses to save humans , mahito plays with human lives. That’s his instinct, he is a curse and it’s just his nature to do so. To deny this is to deny what mahito is as a curse. But soon it’s Todo that comes in and manages to pull Itadori out of the abyss he’s in right now. He was ready to give up, to accept death. The fact that he’s mentally coherent in that moment shows just what kind of person Itadori is. 
It’s pointed out that it had to be Itadori who burdens these deaths, Nobara and Nanami. It’s him who shall carry their souls and legacies with him. He is a jujutsu sorcerer ; told to not look for meaning in death because it’d simply be disrespectful to let the memory of those who died go out with Yuji. He apologizes to Nanami and swears to take on all his suffering and add it to his own. 
Later on Mahito takes on his true form and realizes his full potential and challenges Itadori with his newfound power. This new body is tougher and he gets beat down quite a bit before he realizes what he must do — use black flash. Now, as stated, there’s not a single sorcerer who can use black flash on command.
Though when they go for their finally hit Mahito fully expects black flash but instead receives divergent fist. This throws everything off balance and Itadori manages to get in a black flash before Mahito returns to his original form. It’s here that Itadori gives his speech:
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❛ You’re right…mahito…I’m you. I wanted to reject you — convince myself that you were wrong. But that doesn't matter now; I'm gonna kill you. Even if you come back as another curse, I'll kill you. Change your name. Change your form. I'll kill you again. I don’t need to find meaning or a reason. Maybe a hundred years after my death, the meaning behind my actions will become apparent. In the grand scheme of things…I’m probably nothing more than a cog. But I’ll keep killing curses…for as long as I can. That’s my role in all this. ❜
He has finally come to terms with this new world he’s been thrust into. He doesn’t need a reason to save people or kill curses. He is Mahito’s other side and he can no longer deny that. And with acceptance follows overcoming. It is his role to kill him. He points out that, maybe in the future a reason will come along but for now Itadori no longer needs that answer. 
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In the end mahito becomes the prey of the very monster he created.
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dawnthefluffyduck · 5 days ago
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Comm for @ferronickel (for @gen-is-gone :> )
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estebunny · 4 months ago
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esteban ocon in haas 2024 racesuit
via Esteban and teamestebanocon Instagram
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frenchonionsoop · 10 months ago
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when the jujutsu kaisens i dunno i havent watched the show
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musette22 · 6 months ago
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Finally got to see A Different Man tonight, and I'm still reeling two hours later. Even with all the stuff I read about it, all the interviews I've seen, I still wasn't prepared for how much of a trip it was or how absolutely BRILLIANT Sebastian is in it. He's just mesmerising, honestly incredible. And of course the other performances are all amazing too, fantastic work all around. Gahh, it was just such an interesting and weird and funny and touching and thought-provoking film!! And a gorgeous sountrack too, my friends and I have been humming the main theme ever since we left the movie theatre and I'm pretty sure we'll keep humming it for the remainder of our trip lmao
Anyway, I REALLY enjoyed this one, definitely one of Sebastian's best performances to date, and I hope everyone gets to see it for themselves very soon! ❤️
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midorogurets · 2 months ago
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Daddies and daughter from @crumb-crumblet-s-crumbington finally came!!! Love them sm :3 Rosemary is for my friend btw
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the-worrier-of-light · 5 months ago
Roevember #1&2: Name/Roots
Wilfreda Bos'nwyn
Sahja had just sat down to mend some clothing when the distinctive thunk-thunk of her husband’s workboots coming up the stairs pricked her ears. Odd—she thought—since his ship wasn’t supposed to return for another fortnight. While the weather had certainly been miserably stormy as of late, he had sailed through worse in the past without issue. Eyeing the door, the miqo’te quickly folded up her work and set it aside. Whatever the reason for his arrival, then, was sure to be far more interesting than needlecraft.
All at once, man and rain alike surged across the threshold as the cottage door blew open. Sahja’s husband, Arland, was soaked through, hair plastered to his forehead under a sodden cap. And yet, he was grinning wildly, his eyes glittering. In his arms he bore a mass of sailcloth, freely dripping from the rain.
“Sahj, my girl, ye won’t believe the cargo we picked up in Limsa this time!”
Sahja glared at him, but she couldn’t help smiling at his unexpected intrusion. “Whatever it was, it had better be worth you emptying the whole o’ the Rhotano onto my clean floor.”
“Bah! You’ll forget the floor, soon as you see this. Here, help me make some space.”
A table was cleared, and the Hyur placed his burden in the center. Sahja peered over his shoulder and watched as her husband, with unusual gentleness, began to unwrap the sailcloth. The bundle had several layers, and as more was removed, she could swear whatever was inside was… moving?
He paused before lifting the last of the sailcloth. “Sahja, I know you always dreamed o’ chasin’ after little ones, but that was something I was never able to give ye. Well, I reckon Nymeia finally smiled on us—”
A wail interrupted him, and Sahja’s eyes widened as she seized the last of the sailcloth and tossed it aside. Safely swaddled from the rain was another bundle of blankets... enveloping the largest baby she had ever seen.
* * *
“—So the bosun cracks open one o’ the produce crates, looking for the source of the mewlin’,” explained Arland. “No doubt expectin’ to find a kitten or some such. But what does he find but a bleedin’ baby! Thought he’d taken stock of one too many ales ‘til I saw her with me own eyes.”
“Who in the hells puts a baby in a crate in the first place?” wondered Sahja, exasperated. Her arms were exceedingly full as she struggled to hold a rag dipped in sheepsmilk to the squirming infant’s lips.
“Eh... probably some desperate brothel girl who couldn’t afford to keep ‘er, I’d wager.” Arland thoughtfully puffed away at his pipe, much drier after a fresh change of clothes and a seat by the fire. “Probably in a hurry too—left no note with the poor girl, not even a name.”
Sahja glanced up from the child. “She doesn’t have a name?”
“Well… She’s a Sea Wolf, obviously, so the lads have been callin’ her ‘Bos’nwyn,’ on account o’ the bosun being the one to find her. But seeing as the only names I ever invented were for ships, I figured I’d best leave the forename to you.”
A name. Sahja gazed down at the baby’s face, which had relaxed with the feeding. Her own name and those of her sisters had been passed down through their clan, but a Miqo’te name didn’t seem fitting for a Roegadyn child. On the other hand, Sea Wolf names were a mystery to her—apparently full of meaning in the old Sea Wolf language, but exposure had taught her only the most common words. No, it would have to be something else. Lost in thought, her eyes wandered to look at her husband, and an idea emerged.
“Your mother… her name was Wilfreda, yes?”
Arland’s eyes closed, and he smiled softly, lowering the pipe to his lap. “Aye, Wilfreda. She’d have been well pleased to have a granddaughter.”
“It’s a lovely name. Then, Wilfreda… Bos’nwyn, was it?”
Wilfreda Bos’nwyn, content at last, drifted to sleep in her new mother’s arms.
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“Well now, our little turnip’s come home! Bring back any new tales for your ma and pa?”
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jazzzzzzhands · 1 year ago
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Inktober 2023 Yr 8. Day 5: Map Which path will you take? In the end, You will come to Me
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orange-artblog · 1 year ago
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dark cream week - day 3: shadows
shattered dream by galacii-gallery
cross by jakei95
dark cream week by @zu-is-here
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yurki-posts · 10 months ago
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The Nopony
(I made the eye wrong on the upper right aaaghhhhh)
#PONIFIED ROB ATTACK!!!!!!!!!#the amazing world of gumball#tawog rob#mlp#my little pony#character desing#my art#OoOok so#As I said in other posts before I had this crossover in my mind for a looong time#I already had somethings in mind like Rob being an earth pony (since he's “boring”)#Gumball would also be an earth pony qnd he would complain not being an unicorn or a pegasus because they have magic and can fly#BUT THIS IS ABOUT ROB DON'T GET DISTRACTED YUR#*ahem* so back on earth#I was struggling I tiny bit (a lot) with his head in different angles (that's something every Rob has in every Au. His head is complicated)#I was having a hard time too deciding how I wanted the static to look like#I wanted to make it the way I draw static normally (black lines that change depending on the emotional state of Rob)#but it looked off compared to the rest of the drawing#I also thought of a png but I wanted to suffer a little bit so I made it myself#For once I went with harsh shadows with very strong colors (like shadowing with red for yellow or fuccia for red)#and I really really really like it :3 i'm so proud of myself!!#i'm still unsure about the lore but I tgink it would be just Tawog but every character is a pony or a species from Mlp#like for example Penny being a Changeling and discover her true form thanks to Gumball#amd because she's a Changeling some things would change compared to the original series so it matches up with this universe#but i'm talking too much now lol#I may or not also make pre-void Rob#ixbsosbdiwbfisbabdbjd
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potionbarrel · 8 months ago
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been fixated on this game biiig time recently. figuring out how to draw. animal.
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amethyst-halo · 1 year ago
In your B&B AU how does Branch meet the other members of Kismet?
my current idea is that the other kismet boys end up on vaycay for a vacation as kids and bruce thinks this is prime friend-making time for branch who couldn't want to meet them less if he tried bc he's shy and nervous aksjhjhd; he ends up going to say hi (after a LOT of coaxing from bruce) and they make fast friends as kids do!
branch gets real upset when they have to leave, though, and shuts them out unexpectedly because he's like 7 and traumatized, so bruce convinces kismet's assorted parents to let branch and the other boys be pen pals! and helps branch write them all letters and give them out before they leave!
they keep in touch regularly because the kismet boys thought he was funny and smart and branch has no other friends his age aksjdkjhdjfh
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cypresswood3 · 1 month ago
Au Larson and Arthur never beating the cat allegories in my head. That thing about Arthur climbing into Larson's bed? Cats. When a cat goes into a comfy sleeping spot with plenty of space but lies down directly on the other cat instead? Them.
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payaso-affairs · 11 months ago
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Yeah you guys can see a little Eliana X Damien as a treat
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kazbob · 6 months ago
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FFXII Week - Day 6: Favourite Antagonist
Judge Ghis
Big fan of peepaw. Mark Wing-Davey voicing him was such a pleasant discovery! I love evil old guys full of hubris
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