sharpsuite · 2 months
“ we’ve been wrong before ” ( alice @ ann )
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Ann is not so ARROGANT as to deny that point or claim otherwise. She's only human after all. Humans are bound to make errors. If they did not, they would never grow or change. There's also the matter of missing information. Ann approaches most problems with a scientific mindset that's practically EMBEDDED in her bones at this point. However, information is limited to what people have been gathered, and there is no proof that certain facts are true merely because THEY perceived them to be facts. There could be errors in that information or key pieces missing.
THEY WORK WITH WHAT THEY HAVE. Her information and evidence is less solid than that of her lab work prior to these lands ; it brings her back to days out in the cold at a crime scene, collecting as much evidence as possible and gathering preliminary idea of suspects or situation analysis.
" That much is true. " Ann acknowledges Alice's words with a dip of her head, taking a moment to bite into the fresh tart on fine china in front of her. At least HERE inside the Beach the obnoxious blasting of rave music is nothing but a faint whisper to strained ears. Something more classical plays on a record player. ( Ann is rather FOND of the older quality - proof of bygone times that linger on even in this ruined world. )
She tilts her head to the side ; observing Alice. The words aren't mean, just commentative. " We have been wrong before. And likely will in the future. But that is a gamble that we have to risk taking if we have any hope of discovering more about all of this. " Her hand gestures around as a sign of the world rather than anything more present. " Besides, it is not as though we have anything to lose. Regardless of SKEPTICISM to the Hatter's theory, we have to play these death games regardless. The fact we can collect the cards does indicate something should we manage to collect all of them. " There is the chance the cards are nothing but a RED HERRING, yet it doesn't seem to be the case. It would go against the spirit of the games so far. / @redemptioninterlude
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sharpsuite · 2 months
💀 for both/either, follow ur heart
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Ann doesn't like violence as an answer. She never has and she never will. It doesn't mean that she doesn't know when PUSH COMES TO SHOVE that she might have to do something that she doesn't like. Like now, with this man in the game with them. She's exhausted all other options and avenues she would ordinarily use and he's not listening. If it would work, she would have just knocked him out until it was Game Clear. But he's dangerous, he has a weapon, and Ann isn't going to gamble with everyone ELSE'S life if he wakes up. ( Even less so when she knows there's a young child among them - to her own horror. She'd never seen any kids here until now. )
Police training kicks in with ease, and NOT FOR THE FIRST TIME she's glad she took extra classes. Its a hearts game ; maybe she shouldn't be so surprised. The gun sits in her hand as she peers around the corner into the room where the man is yelling for the group to come out. They won't, Ann already got everyone else to a safer spot. One life for everyone else's. Ann leans a bit further out and shoots while his back it turned.
He goes down easy, but the gunshot echoes in the space like a death toll while she goes to check on the body. It isn't guilt that Ann feels. She did what she had to for everyone else and herself to survive. But it shouldn't have to be this ; these lands brought out the worst in everyone. If he never was here, maybe he'd never hurt a fly. But he is here and he was out to HURT everyone. So she had to do what she needed to.
Ann lifts her head from checking the pulse (there is none after a few seconds) to see Pat - and it's HARD to decipher the Executive's expression. Ann's killed on accident here before ; but intentionally like this had been NEW. It doesn't sit well with her despite knowing it's what had to be done. Ann stands up, switching the safety on as she puts the gun in her back pocket. "...We can all clear this game now. " Ann remarks after a moment of silence. This time she doesn't look to the body when she stands up to head towards the room entrance where Pat is. " It won't be hard now that everyone will cooperate. We've got five minutes. Let's go. " Her voice is calm and composed as always ; more the image she projects of herself at The Beach than what actually is behind her mask. / @cartelheir
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sharpsuite · 2 months
∗ 58﹕ sender is found collapsed by receiver . (for ann)
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With the fall of The Beach in the ten of hearts game, everyone was forced back into SURVIVAL MODE. There would be no more parties, no more electricity, no more pretending the days were okay. Especially not with the face cards reveal. Any sort of peace that MIGHT be found could easily be destroyed by the King of Spades and his hunt for the survivors. Somehow the death game arenas had become both death trap and safety. Ann wasn't content with that. Not when there were so many unanswered questions. Maybe learning more about whatever the Borderlands was would help more. It made sense; it was a logical approach in her eyes. To solve a case you neeed the details ; to handle the changed game of this world, she needed more details about it. She had the days ; her visa already had a fair number of days even before the ten of hearts. She could afford venturing off on her own.
Ann had been used to seeing bodies even BEFORE the borderlands given her line of work, but it was still grim to see so many who had survived this long just to fail. She didn't pay too much attention to their faces ( didn't want to see their expressions of HORROR or FEAR or DESPAIR ). At least, not until she spotted a familiar figure laying on the ground, the smoldering remains of a burning blimp of one of the face cards still burning in the distance.
" Pat? " Ann's voice was soft, as if speaking it would somehow affect reality. ( ILLOGICAL, she knew that. ) Her hesitation lingers only a minute before she rushes over to the collapsed form and kneels down beside her. She doesn't care how the hot asphalt burn her knees as she quickly rolls Pat over and pulls her onto her lap. Despite the fear in her heart, her actions remain calm and methodical. There's a pulse, she's not dead. It eases the panic in her chest a moment. No major injuries either, nothing besides the normal scraps and bruises most of them have. Ann isn't a doctor, but she can at least assume then that it was either exhaustion, the heat, or both that had ended up taking a toll on her. " It's okay. You're okay. " And maybe it won't mean anything to Pat, Ann's not assure how aware she is ; if she's entirely unconscious or not. DOESN'T MATTER. " I've got you. Let's get you somewhere cooler. "
Ann moves Pat carefully, shifting until she can pick up the other woman with a huff of effort. It's not hard once she has her up, carrying her carefully into the shaded inside of a nearby building. There's not MUCH here, but cool tile and shade is better than hot asphalt and sun. Ann sets her down carefully and then drops the backpack from her shoulder. She pulls out a strip of cloth and soaks it in a bit of her water, wringing it out before she places the damp cloth around the back of Pat's neck in an effort to help cool her down. " You're going to be okay. " Ann says, her voice calm and confident despite the songbird of worry lurking in her chest. / @cartelheir
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sharpsuite · 2 months
∗ 9o﹕ sender  helps  receiver  patch  up  a  wound . / Micah with Ann ; can be reverse if you like !!!
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INJURIES are not something that can be greatly afforded in the Borderlands. Everyone was bound to experience them sooner or later. But the less serious, the better. While some games might rely more on the mind than anything else, many games still had a physical component to it. INFECTIONS were possible and the consequences for weakness could be detrimental.
Ann clenches her jaw as she limps out of the game venue. GAME CLEARED. Six more days to her visa for a Spades game. Normally Ann clears games without any issues. But she is only human. A spinning blade had managed to nick her at the last second. She's just lucky it wasn't too deep or hit any major blood vessels. It HURTS and it's not a PRETTY sight to see pale skin stained crimson, but she's thankful it's nothing serious. ( Even if sweat beads her forehead and her leg wobbles trying to support her weight and balance in wedge heels at the same time. )
Kindness isn't to be expected here. Ann sinks down against a stone step just to give herself a moment to breathe. Once she gets back to The Beach she can patch this up properly and take some time to rest. She has enough days on her visa. What she doesn't expect is for someone to stop to HELP HER. Brown eyes widen for a moment in surprise but she accepts when they offer.
" Thank you. " Ann offers a polite smile - she doesn't RECOGNIZE them from the Beach or a previous game. She has to wonder if they are new here or simply have managed to never cross paths. It HURT to clean the wound but it's what needs to be done and she won't complain when someone is taking the time to help her without any reason. It's not like the other world where they might gain money from it. That's worthless here other than as fire kindling. But...
But there are things many people miss here that only The Beach has.
" I know somewhere that has electricity. I can take you there as thanks for helping me. " Ann offers after a moment while they help bandage the wound on her leg. It's not like HATTER will disagree ; the more people there are, the fast that cards can be gathered. He never turns anyone down anyways. Not even dangerous people like NIRAGI, much less someone who helped her simply because they could. / @solarisgod
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sharpsuite · 3 months
❛ i was worried something happened to you. ❜ // for ann maybe
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ANN is well aware of the fact that she is not as interconnected at the Beach as many. To many she's cold and distant, head buried in work that no one else seems interested in. Maybe it's because they believe Hatter's story, or they want to simply drown out the fears of the future or lack thereof. Ann would rather find out the TRUTH behind how they were here, how the lasers worked, and see if she could find some sort of explanation or alternative way to leave. It had been a FRUITLESS endeavor so far.
So it comes as a surprise when Rei expresses concern over her wellbeing. People like Ann because most of those who join games with her come back alive. Most. Her head tilts to the side for a moment before red lips form something of a reassuring smile. It's NICE in a way to know someone cares about if she lives or dies. In the other world....well. She's not sure how much her absence matters outside of a WORK CAPACITY. Her parents would be sad, there was that.
" I'm sorry to cause you to worry. " Ann replies, her stern voice a bit softer in tone than it ordinarily was when she addressed others for work or game related conversations. " The car we took there had some issues when we tried to come back, so it took a lot longer. " Hence the delay , and explained the UNEASE that seemed to have settled at the Beach until she and her group had arrived back. " I'm hopeful that someone here can fix it though. Vehicles are a rare commodity and certainly more useful. " It's a logical thought that follows her TYPICAL pattern before she refocuses on Rei again. " But I'm okay. The game itself was rather easy, all things considered. Did you have to play tonight? " / @xyumeni
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sharpsuite · 3 months
“ He deserves to die. “ (for Ann)
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Ann's expression is even MORE impossible than it typically is as she looks at Pat and then outside the car window towards the man that seems to be the target of Pat's wrath. But she doesn't stare long, no longer and nor shorter than she would look at anyone else before she turns her attention away to stare ahead without immediately answering or replying to the words. Pat's essentially just told her she intends to get the militant killed with a comment like that. Maybe not EXPLICITLY, but it's not hard to imagine. Does Pat know him, or is it just some conflict that's erupted here? At the end of the day, it DOESN'T MATTER.
The Executive has a rather complicated relationship with violence even before the Borderlands. She disliked it - but it would be a LIE to claim she had never wished unspeakable suffering upon some of the perpetrators of crimes she solved. She'd hated them and never felt any regret for her ill-will towards them. She saw their crimes, understood it more than even the arresting officers. It was only natural to feel an ugly hatred for those people, for the cruelty of the world, the injustice done to the victims and their families.
And then HERE in the Borderlands. Death was necessary to survive. There are few who had played multiple games whose hands were clean of bloodshed. That was without the part of the Beach's rules were death to the traitors. She knew they were killed and accepted it as an grim reality of the situation. It was what it was. Who is she to say anything on this matter that Pat has? The victim is nobody. At least not an executive which would warrant her potential intervention.
She stares at the sign outside the game venue as she leans back against the driver seat. Weapons hadn't been allowed inside the venue. It was the perfect time to strike.
When Ann finally speaks, her voice is collected and glacial. This is just logic. It's not HER responsibility to get involved in others matters unless its a personal risk to her, the other executives, or The Beach as a whole. " Try not to get caught. This could get messy if you do. " It won't affect her record at least ; Ann isn't playing, just driving tonight. " And Pat? " This time Ann looks properly at her, with a thin smile. " Good luck. " / @cartelheir
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sharpsuite · 3 months
i can use my fists! / pat abt to fight someone. for ann
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She can already feeling the beginnings of a HEADACHE gathering as a dull pressure at her temples. This was typically why she preferred to work in the basement. Very few people dared to go down there, much less into her make-shift lab. Her usual lab was far more advanced, but she's worked with LESS out in the field before, so she has no complaints overall. She takes a sip of water from her bottle before she stands up. The LAST thing they needed was to let the trigger-happy militants have a go at problem solving.
It's not all that surprising either to find Pat involved given the other's temperament. And it's true. Pat might not have weapons on her but she certainly has her fists. ( And heels. Ann's seen JUST HOW EFFECTIVE high heels could be as weapons. All the male cops had been shocked at seeing a man lose an eye to them. Only the other women at the scene like herself hadn't been too surprised. Ann thinks the other person is LUCKY Pat is only choosing her fists. ) The crowd parts to let her through as she closes in on the confrontation with an aura of authority.
" How about we DON'T resort to violence quite yet? " Ann folds her arms across her chest. Her gaze may be concealed behind her signature sunglasses, but the PRESENCE of her stare is enough to make it known when she was looking at them. A gaze she fixes everyone involved in the mess with. ( Even the one trying to slip away into the crowd. ) " Does anyone want to explain what this is about? If you turn this into a blood bath, no one is intervening. I advise you consider the CONSEQUENCES before making a choice. " She won't get involved ; it wasn't worth the risk. There's a crowd forming but luckily no one jumps in to kickstart anything one way or another.
She lifts her hand to pull down her sunglasses just enough to properly fix with a PIERCING stare. " If you want to settle this with the least amount of chaos, I'll be at the table over there. If you want to settle it in other ways, you're responsible for the rest. " With that, she turns to start to walk towards the table and leave the CHOICE in their hands. / @cartelheir
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sharpsuite · 4 months
the dead can’t hurt you / for ann?? or chishiya, she'd do it for either and still be like 🤷‍♀️
↳ SEND "lethal protection" FOR MY MUSE TO KILL TO PROTECT YOURS, OR "the dead can't hurt you" FOR YOUR MUSE TO KILL TO PROTECT MINE
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Being a forensic scientist and former crime scene investigator put Ann into the world of crime, but the times of ACTIVE danger were almost nonexistent. ( Almost, because she has scars that speak of the occasions the unexpected happened. ) She went out of her way to learn extra skills. But self defense classes aren't set up for situations like this ; when human emotion is PUSHED TO THE EDGE by desperation and anger and pride. There is no promise the people you play games with will appreciate you saving their skin. There is no law to stop violence afterwards. And self defense classes from almost a decade ago aren't quick to resurface, much less in the face of a former veteran charging, lashing out because his plan had been STUPID and people chose HER plan. ( And they won because of it. ) Or maybe he just hated her ; Ann didn't care either way.
It doesn't mean Ann goes easily. Even with hands on her throat, threatening to crush her, she lashes out. ( She's seen TOO MANY dead girls with vacant eyes ; she's photographed too many broken nails with blood and skin cells under them - the EVIDENCE they used to convict attackers who otherwise would have escaped, she's seen and examined and testified to too many dead women who've been in this position and fought to the end no matter how HOPELESS. ) Ann might not be overly keen on violence but all humans have weaknesses, she stabs at his eye an the soft skin of the throat, but its not enough. Instead she's STRUGGLING to draw in air and keep her windpipe open, but the edges of her vision are blurring and growing black.
Her ears are ringing but Ann hears a loud sound and suddenly the weight is gone. She doesn't care about whatever splatters over her face and the crisp white shirt she wears. Ann rolls onto her side and gasps for air, eyes shut to try to help her regain her balance. There's going to be nasty BRUISES where the man's hands were, she already knows that. But she's alive and she's breathing. Ann's eyes slowly open and she finds Pat near, a smoking gun in hand. There's NO RULE you can't take the weapons from games with you. And for once in these lands, Ann's rather glad SOMEONE has a gun. Her chest heaves with the desperate need to fill her body with oxygen and it's only after a few seconds that she slowly props herself up.
" Thanks. " Her usually steadfast voice is HOARSE in the aftermath of the attack, but the certainty of her voice is still there. She turns her head to look at the man - definitely dead. It's not that easy of a feat for someone who's never held a gun which carries with it certain observations, but Ann COULDN'T CARE LESS. There's scrapes on her arms and legs and the obvious injuries to her neck but it could be much, much worse. It would have been if Pat had been much later. " Good thing you took that. " Finally, only then does Ann unsteadily climb back to her feet - doesn't bother to wipe the blood away. / @cartelheir
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sharpsuite · 6 months
067. on the rooftop of a perilously tall building . / ann 💕
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In the other world, standing atop such a tall building might make the starved feel like GOD gazing down upon the earth. But in that world, there are no lasers from the skies, no visas permitting your survival, and the city below would be full of cars and people even at this hour. THIS land does not permit such delusions to flourish. There are no delusions of grandeur or godhood in a world like this. It is merely eerily silent beyond than the desolate howling of wind through empty streets.
Ann crosses her leg over the other as she casts a glance over the city. Will The Beach gain new cards tonight? Or more duplicates? It seems as though some refuse to ever manifest. Yet the joy of survival keeps any disappointment from the players at bay. They do not truly see the full picture, and they're often too drunk or drugged in the aftermath to consider it. By morning they'll forget all about it in favor of celebration. Ann cannot fathom it. Though, most also could fathom her dissecting and conducting autopsies in the belly of The Beach either.
Her head turns towards the sole door to the rooftop of the skyscraper as it opens and she watches one of the newer Beach members emerge. Akina. She is the first Ann's seen survive the game besides herself. There's still five minutes of the game left, but she doubts those inside will appear. ( They are not Beach members as it is regardless. )
" I see you survived as well. Well done. " Ann speaks, calm despite the game endured. A five of diamonds; it could have been worse. But Death cares not for the ranking, only the skill. She regards the other with an unreadable expression. " We have four minutes and thirteen seconds left. But the odds of any others joining us are at 20% at best. "
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sharpsuite · 5 days
‘ did you get any sleep last night? ’ / for ann
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Ann is not the kind of person to doze off during meetings or conversations. Even in school she had been attentive to the most boring of lectures. But today the task feels almost IMPOSSIBLE. Her eyes feel heavy and threaten to close and she finds her attention wandering despite her efforts to focus. There's still a problem though. When she does find herself able to listen, the words don't stick in her brain and it's a frustrating realization.
Pat's voice tugs her away from that thought and she lifts her head to look at the other. Finally she shakes her head, finding little point in trying to DENY IT or claim otherwise. It wasn't as if it would benefit her in any way.
" No, I didn't. " Ann leans back in her chair ; today is one of the hotter days where she's even more APPRECIATIVE of the Beach's electricity and air conditioning than usual. " I woke up practically every hour despite my best efforts. " It wasn't even nightmares that had kept her up, just her body refusing to stay asleep.
" I was supposed to play tonight, but I'm going to have to pass. " Ann has the days, she can afford to do it at least today and tomorrow if need be. It DOESN'T sit well with her though to have to slack of in such a way. She'd be nothing but a burden though if she did try to play. She's not risking her life for the sake of mere pride, and she'd prefer not to have others potentially needlessly sacrifice their lives because of her pride either. / @cartelheir
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sharpsuite · 17 days
𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗚𝗔𝗠𝗘 𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗨𝗘𝗦 . . . @niragixpsych
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Ann didn't LIKE the militants, although she could admit to their usefulness at times. Still - they were too loud and trigger-happy for her tastes. Some were better than others, but she generally preferred to limit her interaction around them. Especially around certain members ; Niragi, Last Boss, Jun. Even so...
" I was going to offer to help. " Her voice doesn't waver or falter, not a tremble in sight. Her eyes flick down to the wound and then back up towards his face. " I'm not a doctor but I am FAMILIAR with the process for wounds, and it'll be easier for me to fix it then for you to patch it up yourself. " She continues after a moment to elaborate upon her reason for speaking up.
Why do you even care? It's a fair question - especially from the likes of the man. " I don't take any pleasure in seeing people hurt. " Not even him. " You're still one of us here at The Beach. " She would offer to help any of the people who came back if she could. ( She was not DELUSIONAL though. She would not offer false promises to those she couldn't. ) " It was just an offer. If you don't want to accept, I'll forget this conversation ever happened. " Or she at least wouldn't bring it up again.
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sharpsuite · 17 days
❝ i’ve already lost you once ❞ (Kuina to Ann)
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Ann sinks down against the wall as the blimp overhead BURNS AND CRASHES ; one more face card game down. She has to wonder how many people are still around? They should probably move before too long. Ann's not certain if the King of Spades has any specific targets he's particularly interested in, but crowds are certain to be a draw factor. He's likely to start making his way here to pick off people who linger too long now that this game has been beat. It's a smart HUNTING STRATEGY on his part, as grim as the thought is. There's no relief in these games compared to the regular deck. The game venues have now become temporary shelters before they're back in the larger arena.
Her head turns slightly to the side, Kuina leaning so close that their arms are touching. She can feel how the other leaning against her slightly and she doesn't mind it. Ann hadn't been certain she'd reunite with ANY familiar faces after she'd broken off to go see if she could discover anything to help make sense of this world. Finding Kuina again had eased the pressure in her chest that she hadn't entirely been aware of prior to their reunion.
" Sounds like you don't want a second time. " Ann manages a gentle, exhausted smile at she listens. " Guess that means we're sticking together from here on out. " She can definitely agree to it. It was better than being all alone.
Ann lifts her head towards the setting sun. Night time is soon to settle and it brings both advantages and disadvantages. There's more on the line. It's not JUST HER anymore. But there is still hope. In this world that seems so sparse of it, there is still hope. Ann slowly pulls herself to her feet with a grimace - what she wouldn't do for The Beach's baths, but those were a luxury lost to flames.
" Come on. " Ann turns, offering her hand with a lighter smile, her shoulders just a bit more relaxed than before despite the horrors not long ago. " We should get going, find somewhere to spend the night before it's too dark. " / @woesbane
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sharpsuite · 1 month
❛  i’m what they like to call a special case.  ❜ / for ann
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Ann isn't quite sure how to react to a phrase like that. She doesn't think that Pat doesn't understand the implication, IF ANYTHING she's rather certain the other woman would take pride in it. At least she owns it, the executive can give her that.
" Do I want to ask what first caused that to become a label for you? " Ann asks after a moment with a slight lift of her lips. She can't imagine it being something small and ordinary the way most people might come around to that particular phrase being applied to them. STILL - there is caution to be there as well. Hatter wouldn't be happy should something cause a disruption to the plans and the militants would be FAR TOO HAPPY to put a bullet in another person's head. There has yet to be a shortage of people who come to the beach under illusions or desperation.
Ann takes a sip of her smoothie and turns to regard Pat for a moment. " Special case or not, do be careful. " SPECIAL could either be good or bad. But either one could attract a lot of attention here, and that was a risky gamble to play as well. / @cartelheir
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sharpsuite · 3 months
❛  what  do  we  have  here ?  ❜
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" Looks to ME like someone whose snooping where they shouldn't be. "
Ann's voice is frigid and stern when she speaks up from the basement stairs that Farleigh had descended down. It was for THIS very reason that she took care to lock the lab doors in the basement whenever she wasn't going to be present. It didn't matter how or why you warned people to not do something, the fact it was FORBIDDEN or at least dissuaded from would instantly draw the interest of the more rebellious people.
The sight behind locked doors would make the vast majority of people here at the Beach react with HORROR and disgust. It doesn't matter that many of them have seen far more gruesome deaths, nor that these people were not killed FOR this purpose. The simple sight of seeing corpses on surgical tables, blood dripping or congealing on cold flesh would cause hysterics without warning. It was simply WORK to her. They were dead - Ann saw no reason not to see if the corpses might conceal any CLUES as to why they were here or how the lasers might potentially work. So far, it had revealed absolutely nothing.
Her heels click against the concrete steps as she walks down them and to the locked grey doors. " This section of the basement is my work space. I need a sterile environment so access is kept limited and interruptions while I work are for emergencies only. " The militants, cleaning crew, and other executives could get in. Anyone else was strictly kept OUT. She lifts her sunglasses, placing them on top of her head as she meets his gaze. " If that is satisfying enough to your inquisitive venture, I think you'll find enjoyment in most other places of the Beach other than here. / @signetied
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sharpsuite · 3 months
[ help ] for your muse to lean on mine for support (for ann!)
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" It's okay, Pat. I've got you. " Ann reassures her as they've practically stumbled out of the latest game venue. Her muscles ACHE from the physical exertion, but she doesn't mind the additional weight when the other leans against her. Aches are nothing compared to some of the injuries other survivors have. Instead, she reaches an arm around to help support her. Another night down, seven more days to their visas. Lovely.
The car to get back to the Beach isn't terribly far away, but it isn't close either. The Beach isn't particularly keen on the possibility of having someone steal one of their cars while the players are in a game venue after all. It's hard to come by a car module prior to the circuit boards, much less one that was in functional shape. So it was standard to park them a fair distance away from any venue to keep them where they'd likely go unnoticed. It wasn't TOO bad of a distance most of the time. THIS isn't one of those times, more so for Pat than for herself. She's worried that if Pat pushes herself, she's going to make her injuries worse or overexert herself and pass out. Neither of which Ann wants to see happen.
Her fingers curl just a bit tighter as she sorts through the best possible outcomes and what to do. " I don't think you're in any shape to make it to the car. I'm sure you DETERMINED enough to do it, but I don't want you to hurt yourself further. " Ann finally says. Pat certainly has the fire to push herself when she felt she needed to. " I can carry you there if you want. Or you can rest here at the front and I'll go fetch the car. " Albeit that would mean leaving her by herself for a while. In all likelihood, she'd PROBABLY be fine. But you never REALLY knew in this sort of situation.
" It's your choice, Pat. Whatever you want to do. " Ann would respect her choice regardless ; it was Pat that needed the support at the moment. Whatever she could do to help would be enough. / @cartelheir
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sharpsuite · 3 months
[ panic ] for your muse to grab mine’s arm or get behind them in a moment of danger  / from johanna mason (can be in the hg universe or not, either is fin e (:)
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" Don't. " It's a single word that Ann says into the chaotic, abandoned mall entrance area, and it is enough to make MOST of the other people stop where they are. Her stern and calm presence often had a way of bringing peace to whichever death game she ended up in. Rookies. She'd guess the vast majority of them have never played a game before. " Meddling with anything inside the venues is a good way to get yourself killed before the game even begins. " It could be beneficial, but it could be detrimental. They wouldn't know until registration closed in three minutes.
There's always someone who is too PROUD to listen though. Ann makes no effort to stop the person who wishes to rush towards their own death. It's a women in her early 40s by the looks of it, clearly caring too much about looks and schedules when there's no escape from this hell. Ann simply watches as the blond woman tries to run out the exit. But once you've entered the game venue, there's no leaving till game clear.
She knows the sound of the lasers. The woman takes one step outside the venue door and a laser shoots down from the sky, instantly killing her. The smell of BURNED FLESH is already too familiar as her body hits the floor ; some people scream and others look away. The one other veteran player like her doesn't react either other than a sneer of disgust. Ann notices IMMEDIATELY when someone steps behind her, as if it would save them. It wouldn't.
Ann lowers her sunglasses in the florescent lighting, looking at the other woman for a moment. " You're fine. " She assures her, voice stern but not as sharp as it had been when she'd given the order earlier. " She only died because she left the venue. No one can leave before the game is beat, otherwise you die. Although it is a NICER death than some of these games. " Maybe there's a gentler way to deliver the news, but gentle isn't going to make people survive. They either ADAPT or they DIE. Ann considers Johanna for a minute before speaking. " I take it this is your FIRST game? " / @luminescenc1e
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