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Her head tilts with a precise kind of grace ; the way a lioness moves with careful precision that seems as elegant as it is strong. Her body language never seems aggressive nor projecting ; it's steadfast the way mountains do not bow to the wind and how the Earth will KEEP MOVING around the sun. Where other people here flaunt and beg for attention, Ann simple remains. At worst, the steadfast attitude might seem COLD in a world where alcohol and other escapism flourishes. She stays grounded and focused ; KIND ENOUGH TO CARE, but not stupid enough to risk the lives of too many others for the sake of one's stupidity, nor foolish enough to believe she can save everyone. SHE JUST DOES HER BEST. That is all anyone can do here in this world that they all try to find their ways to survive in. Or risk losing themselves entirely.
" Mistake number one, Alice. " Ann's voice isn't accusing or victorious. Only informative like a professor teaching a class. " The house DOESN'T always win despite popular belief or the whisper of despair. Odds favor the house, but it's never entirely in their odds either. If it was, everyone would avoid the place. The House itself is in a precarious position. They have to lose sometimes to keep people coming, but they don't want to lose so much it becomes a problem for themselves or that it's seen as easy. " It's a TIGHTROPE that has to be walked, and that was without factoring in professionals. " You're not winning if you don't gamble, although you are saving yourself potential loss. It's simply not participating. To win, you need to learn the system in a way or be BOLD enough to challenge it. To be brave, although it comes with its risks, but as they say. With risk comes reward. Not blind risks, at least not ideally, but sometimes we have to be brave, whether it's smart or not. " She's had to do that in HER LINE OF WORK before all of this, despite how she prefers the stability of logic. Life didn't care what you preferred, and you had to adapt OR SUFFER.
Her mulberry painted lips lift into a smile at Alice's words ; FLATTERING beyond what Ann really thinks she ought to have earned. " If you mean a name and an identity, then no. It would take much longer than that I think. But I think the heart of this world is unveiling itself. Not so much for me as in the nature of it. There seems to be a certain REQUIREMENT to even be able to be here in the Borderlands, which is a rather fascinating concept that lends itself to be beyond mere coincidence. " NO ONE HERE IS TRULY HAPPY. They're haunted or broken in their own ways ; no perfect porcelain dolls no matter how well they may present themselves. Not even her. Her own struggles seem to be bother augmented and soothed paradoxically in this place.
Dark eyes follow Alice and she simply nods. DOESN'T SEEK TO HIDE IT. People simply haven't ever asked and Ann isn't prone to bragging. Besides, to many, the real world doesn't matter here. " I see myself more as a ROOK on the chessboard rather than the Queen. " She adds with a small laugh. " But yes. I did. I'm very familiar with humanity's darkest sides even without these games, although likewise, the bright side as well. I'm scientific, but others have said I'm rather philosophical as well. "
look at her go! ann is just SUCH AN ADULT, it's hard to look away. and in a world that felt as if it were full of lost boys and girls, it helps provide a near steal-like vision of purpose. even the hatter, well, he's far too paranoid to look at with the same lens, the same hope for critical thinking, no... he knew that wasn't for him, surrounding himself instead with generals to make up for what he lacked. did ann realize her power in this? the authority of her, and the legitimacy with which it helped to establish? ah, well... sometimes it's hard to take anybody serious in a bikini, and perhaps that too, was the point, but that was neither here, nor there, was it?
what are the odds, now, between them? in this game, this slight of hand, she thinks that the both of them were born with talents to survive a game such as this, but alas, it was still a game. there's no real prize, and their lives are what sit upon the line, and what's a game, if it's no fun? the NOOSE draws ever tighter about her neck! she understands it, shining ann! because she's not quite so swept up within the madness of this place, is she? two feet still firmly planted upon the ground, she must have been a precise woman before they're transported through seeming time, into some odd space with where which they found themselves trapped. down, down, that awful rabbit hole! "well, what do you bet when the house always wins? what's brave, what's smart? i'd have always thought that the best way to win was to simply not gamble at all but... alas, i suppose~"
but what a positive light ann looks at this whole affair! truly, alice has something to learn, how to be more patient, a better heroine... she's never quite been as SELFLESS as it demands, but a girl bends, and learns, and finds her footing here and there. all she's got to hope for is that this transformation leaves her at the finish line and not a sucker! but, she has a feeling when looking at the woman peering and thinking her way through this, that she could hardly ever be called that. well, then. "it sounds like you find yourself closing in, closer and closer! does this mean our ann has figured out the culprit in this particular mystery?" perking up, she wants to see! how she makes magic out of science, tongue lapping there between the dry seam of her lips, heart, pitter pattering, white rabbit quick! maybe she's nervous, after all... who wouldn't be, when the next call is about to be made?
gentle, she rounds a table. she touches everything, a curious thing. "i mean did you do things like this before you got sucked up into... well. this game. this world. this little slice of a nightmare that we all happen to be caught up in. only, whatever PINCH you give yourself doesn't quite bring you back to the moment you last remember, and, you've seen things that you can't quite reckon with your reality. that." then a pause, she laughs, far more breezily. "or simply ruled over everything like a queen upon her chess board! you really do have such a cool head. i suddenly feel like i have a lot of catching up to do!"
- @sharpsuite
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NAME: Buffy Anne Summers NICKNAME/ALIAS: Buff, Buffster, Duchess of Buffonia, Slayer, Golidlocks, B AGE: 43 (main verse.) DATE OF BIRTH: January 19, 1981 GENDER & PRONOUNS: Female, She/Her ORIENTATION: Bisexual / Biromantic SPECIES/ETHNICITY: Human/Slayer / White NATIONALITY: American
She's a simple girl who loves sushi, ice-skating, and unrealistic karate movies. But, underneath the surface of frilly skirts and stylish accessories, Buffy was so much more than that. Buffy Summers was called to be a vampire slayer at the mere age of fifteen years old and has been holding that title on her burden-weighed shoulders for years. She's been through more than her fair share of trauma, loss, heart-break, and violence. She was, after all, the chosen one but only until she changed the narrative herself and gave her power to every girl that could be a slayer. Now, she's not the only chosen one. What will she do now?
Main Verse V1. After Buffy defeats The First, she restores the spell her and Willow used to activate all the slayers, wanting to give them a chance at a normal life if they so wished. The remaining, however, follow her to San Diego where she continues to round up the desired slayers and created the Slayer Organization where she train and recruits allies for upcoming battles and foes. Buffy lives with Dawn and Xander with Willow working at the organization as well as Giles. Buffy follows age timeline in accordance to the show meaning she's in her forties. Buffy travels, as she is in search of other potentials, so she can be anywhere. AGE 43. SHIP STATUS Single / Multi-ship. ACTIVITY High / Default.
Main Verse V2. Same as above except Buffy is a mother to a set of twins, Joan and Lochlan, who are fathered by Angel as the result of a wish that was granted by the Powers That Be. more details on this post. AGE 43. SHIP STATUS Single / Open for shipping. ACTIVITY Medium.
Canon. This verse falls under any part of the timeline within season 1 through 3 canonically. This verse Buffy falls within the age brackets of 15 to 18 which means she's minor. There will be no nsfw threads under this verse. Romantic shipping is allowed, but will never go past little kisses. AGE 15-18. SHIP STATUS Single / Multi-ship. ACTIVITY Low to Medium.
Canon. This verse falls under any part of the timeline within season 4 and 5 canonically. This verse Buffy falls within the age brackets of 19-21. AGE 19-21. SHIP STATUS Single / Multi-ship. ACTIVITY Low to Medium.
Canon. This verse falls under any part of any time in season 6 canonically. This verse Buffy falls within the age brackets of 21-22. See above for my portrayal of Buffy within this season. AGE 21-22. SHIP STATUS Single / Multi-ship. ACTIVITY Medium to High.
Canon. This verse falls under any part of any time in season 7 canonically. This verse Buffy falls within the age brackets of 22-23. AGE 22-23. SHIP STATUS Single / Multi-ship. ACTIVITY Medium.
Canon AU. Buffy was bested by Angelus, and he had ended up capturing her and mentally torturing her… even physically. He had then turned her into her worst nightmare… a vampire. Once she had turned, she had escaped and is now avoiding her friends and family, not wanting them to see her like this. She’s also fighting to keep in touch with the small part of her soul that remained, but every day the demon seems to win some way or another. AGE Eternally 17. SHIP STATUS Single / Multi-ship. ACTIVITY Low to Medium.
Canon AU. The universe had changed since Cordelia Chase had wished Buffy Summers had never come to Sunnydale. It had come true and Buffy had stayed in Los Angeles and her life, even her as a person, was someone you wouldn’t recognize. She got kicked out of school, her parents were fed up with her continuing to get into trouble with the law, she got kicked out. Her watcher had taken her in, but Merrick shortly died at the hands of vampires. She became a rouge vampire slayer who hardly checked in with the council and went about killing vampires and demons her own way. AGE 18-19. SHIP STATUS Single / Multi-ship. ACTIVITY Medium.
Crossover. Instead of running away to Los Angeles after killing Angel, Buffy had fled to a small town called Santa Carla... that also happened to be marked as the murder capital of the world. She tries not to fall back into old slayer habits but the town was infested with vampires and it was run by a notorious vampire gang: David and his boys. AGE 18-19. SHIP STATUS Single / Multi-ship. ACTIVITY Low.
VERSES TO BE ADDED: the vampire diaries, the walking dead, MCU, teen wolf, and more ....
Buffy's depression, isolation, confusion, and manic persona in season six lasts a lot longer than it does in the show. She takes months to recover who she was before she had died and even then, never fully finds the girl she used to be because that girl is gone. I play Buffy very straight - forward, serious, blunt, and even stoic post season six. Even after she regains a sense of reality and conscience, she still deals with depression as the memories of the heavenly dimension she was in still plague her dreams and even thoughts.
I don't like the Seeing Red scene, we all know it. I do accept it in my canon as I try to heavily stay as canon as possible when playing Buffyverse characters but, I do have an important head canon that I think suits that scene way better than what went down on screen. Instead of Spike approaching Buffy and violating her, he instead has the intention of turning her into a vampire. Of course this fails but it fits their relationship much more than what happened. More details on this headcanon here.
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𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗚𝗔𝗠𝗘 𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗨𝗘𝗦 . . . @godstrayed
IT'S A BASIC QUESTION. What if we just don't play? Chishiya thinks that's the first sign that someone might not be built for surviving this world. He'd been intrigued and fascinated. NOT AFRAID. Chishiya's hands rest in his pockets and his shoulders are relaxed, as if they were talking about running errands rather than death games where several people just got brutally killed. Actually, Chishiya thinks this one wasn't the WORST that he's seen, all games considered thus far.
" If you don't enter the venue and play before your visa runs out, you die. " Chishiya shrugs, offering an almost bored look. " Now if you mean entering the venue and not playing, you could TRY. Clubs games have a chance, and some Spades games you could probably survive. But not Diamonds or Hearts. "
It's unfortunate that he is who this guy meets first. Others might have KINDER, OPTIMISITIC words. Well, unless it was some of the militants, but ANN or some of the others might have had gentler words. " Yes. We play again, we win cards, and maybe something happens when we reach a certain number of them. " ( He doesn't buy Hatter's words, but that much at least he's figured out himself. ) " If you WANT to try to solve it you could. I am vaguely intrigued. " But the WHY OF IT ALL doesn't gnaw on him the way it does for some others. " Mm, I plan to WIN. If you don't and you'd prefer to die, that IS a choice you have. "
#godstrayed#no pressure to continue this!#just if you want to!#lmao im so sorry river#dragging you into this nightmare#and with Chishiya of all - Ann would've been so much nicer#01. IN CHARACTER — CHISHIYA#V1. DEFAULT VERSE — CHISHIYA#X — QUEUED
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𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗚𝗔𝗠𝗘 𝗕𝗘𝗚𝗜𝗡𝗦 . . . ( starter call ) 𝗣𝗟𝗔𝗬𝗘𝗥: @musingmemories ( Kuina )
Everything aches after the game of dodgeball; her muscles protest moving too much. The aching feels worse when she's had some time to sit and rest in the temporary refuge for the night, Kuina with her. And despite the aches, it feels like the calmest she's felt in days. Better than wandering around forests alone at least where the trees were endless and the fog made navigation difficult. ( Like the world was purposefully trying to hide itself. ) . Her eyes feel heavy, but Kuina MUST BE EXHAUSTED TOO.
" Here. " Ann drapes the blanket she'd carried in her bag ( discarded before the game and reclaimed after ) around Kuina's shoulders. The days are hot but the nights can STILL GET A BIT COOL. At least, it had in the forest when Ann had been out there ; the blanket still carries the woody and slightly citrusy smell of the Japanese cedar trees she'd been around. At least it might be nice ; light enough to not be too hot but heavy enough to keep the chill away. " You should get some rest. "
Ann pushes a tired smile to her lips. " I'll keep an eye on the KING OF SPADES'S blimp to make sure he doesn't sneak up on us. " Doubtful, but not impossible. It makes her feel at ease knowing someone's keeping track of it. She doesn't mind being the guard so that Kuina could hopefully get some well deserved rest. " You're welcomed to anything in my bag as well. I think I have some food and clean water still too. " She adds softly, trying not to wince as she settles by the window. It's not the most comfortable spot, but being ALIVE matters more than comfort.
#musingmemories#and one for these two!#🥺 girls looking out for each other#hi ann and her putting others first is shining again#she's just relieved to see Kuina again#she's very relieved for that#01. IN CHARACTER — ANN#V1. DEFAULT VERSE — ANN
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" I could. " Such is one of the powers of being an executive member ; there's general authority, access to knowledge others are in the dark about, and the ability to suggest another either in the case of a spot opening, or for their feats being worthwhile enough to be a potential member. POWER INEVITABLY BRINGS INSTABILITIY. No matter how iron-clad the authority seems. She doesn't like Chishiya's too sharp gaze or his antics with instigating the volatile Niragi, doesn't trust Aguni as much these days, everything is getting precarious as the Beach flourishes. Does Kuina understand the risks? " But I can't undo the suggestion either. That's why you need to be certain of your wish for future possibilities. "
There's an implication that goes without needing to be said. Anything that could get you demoted is also likely to fall into being a TRAITOR. And that enacts the third rule: death to the traitors. She doesn't want to see that happen to Kuina.
It's NICE to hear laughter in a world that seems devoid of all things soft and sweet. ( It isn't though - ONLY AT THE SURFACE. It is rarer, but it is not entirely lost. ) " Of course I can, I just don't often have a reason to. " She admits with a lingering ghost of a smile. Cute? Her laugh is cute? Ann's...never heard that before and there's a faint flush. OR MAYBE IT'S JUST A TRICK OF THE LIGHTING. Still, the ghostly smile continues to linger like a spirit bound to a place. " That I don't doubt. You seem to liven things up. "
With the shift back to seriousness, Ann's expression reflects a similar seriousness bound in attentive curiosity. She'd figured. Kuina didn't strike her as the type who would enjoy being on any executive board meetings, much less the Beach. For a moment, she doesn't say anything. Then - " I think things would be better off if others had a similar mindset as you. " People who valued lives and trying to make something like GENUINE HAPPINESS. It had been the original intention of the Beach but somewhere it had gone awry. " That's what The Beach was meant to be. Not this situation it has now. " She glances off towards the other players - then back to Kuina. " I think it might be best to offer the suggestions and avoid the web of the entanglement. " She gives a softer puff at the thought. " At least potentially. You're around Chishiya more than anyone else, excluding meetings. " So really, Ann's not sure how free of a mess Kuina might or might NOT be.
« @sharpsuite »
Keeping Ann in her peripheral, Kuina too attempted to school her expression into the signature unwavering, cold one the woman wore — and failed, because serious wasn’t an expression Kuina liked to wear. Maybe it was easier for her to do with oversized sunglasses.
Rather than risk Ann catching her and think Kuina was making fun when in reality it was more flattery, the tallest broke into an easy grin, a shoulder lifting nonchalantly. “You’re technically a member, right~? You could suggest me.” Had Ann there, didn’t she? It was difficult to outsmart the Diamond player typically, and Kuina subjected the poor woman to constant talking. Anywhere she could except Ann’s dead body lair, title Kuina wouldn’t dare let Ann know was what she called it simply because she admired her and wanted to know her.
When asked if she was interested in being part of the executives, Kuina’s glance broke to the players slowly gathering in numbers before it snapped back in attention to Ann. ‘I’d prefer you over some of the members.’ Now that stroked Kuina’s ego, heart skipping slightly in her chest from pride, she assumed, praise something she chased. Pair that with Ann’s laugh, Kuina’s own was bubbling out her… until she abruptly gasped with a sudden realization. “I’ve never heard you laugh?! I didn’t know you could~! It’s a cute sound, Ann.” Cheeky grin frozen on painted lips, she bumped the woman playfully. “I bet I could make the meetings more entertaining~ then we wouldn’t be bored to death.”
It was nice discussing anything but the game they were about to play. Kuina thrived on connection building before them — ever the team player. Turning serious for a moment, she went back to the initial question asked, humming thoughtfully. “No, by the way — from before. It’s not that I’m interested in being part of the executives exactly… I mean it wouldn’t be for power or status…” Her lips pursed around her fake cigarette, nibbling on it before continuing. “If I could help make The Beach a better place with ideas by being part of that? Then I would.” Plus, a bonus would be listening in on the conversations about the cards… because she had a strong feeling Chishiya was still keeping things from her.
#musingmemories#01. IN CHARACTER — ANN#V1. DEFAULT VERSE — ANN#chishiya is the background as i write this like maaaaybe
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𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗚𝗔𝗠𝗘 𝗕𝗘𝗚𝗜𝗡𝗦 . . . ( silly handcuffed shenanigain starter call ) 𝗣𝗟𝗔𝗬𝗘𝗥: @vulpesse
" . . . This is new. " The handcuff around her wrist is UNCOMFORTABLE but not painful at least. It makes sense with a clubs game. Teamwork is often key. Her head tilts towards the other woman she's found herself handcuffed to. Doesn't recognize her, which means it might be her first game. Or maybe not. " I can't say I've ever been handcuffed before, so one of many firsts here. It's rather odd to do first introductions. But I'm Ann. " She offers up - better to know who you were working with. NAMES HAD VALUE.
#vulpesse#trying to keep it positive#'have you ever been handcuffed?'#'yeah in a death game'#HFGJDFG#i know you mentioned an aib verse but#i didnt see anything SO#i hope this works but if not lmk!#i could also do a post-canon if youd prefer more modern#01. IN CHARACTER — ANN#V1. DEFAULT VERSE — ANN
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"Ne, Ann-chan," Melissa's voice was soft, respecting the other woman's concentration - sorting through the medicine they salvaged from their trips downtown was an important job, but few people had her ability to properly assess what could be used and what needed to be thrown away. The ex-hostess waited until the other girl paused before carrying on, smiling a bit on the mischievous side.
"Back home, around this time of the year - did you usually have a guy you gave chocolates to?" Melissa leaned forward over the table, propping elbows on the surface to keep her head up and look at the other woman, "You're pretty, smart and you can kick-ass - any guy should have been delighted to get anything from you."
She's not a doctor. She does her best; has learned how to do some decent stitches, to tend to some simple wounds, knows some BASIC FIRST AID thanks to elective training courses she took at the police department. But medicine is hard - she keeps what is familiar but struggles with the ones she doesn't recognize and more often than not spends time reading the labels to see if they're good or not. However, Melissa's voice draws her attention and she lifts her head to look towards her with a CURIOUS tilt of her head. " Yes? "
Oh, that's right. It was near to Valentine's Day, wasn't it? It had SLIPPED HER MIND despite her diligent tallying of days to ensure her visa doesn't run out. " I wouldn't say usual. " She says after a moment, considering it as she sets the medicine down. " I have a couple times in the past. Men and women, actually. " Ann isn't elusive about her life per se ; people simply don't ask and she isn't one to gush about personal details UNNECESSARILY. Not that she minds this conversation, she doesn't.
Her paint lips lift into a faint smile, a faint dust on her cheeks as she dips her head. " You're sweet. " She says softly, " It's been a few years, admittedly. Most of my focus has been on work. With my rank now it's a bit better than it used to be, but it was tough. Things like that wouldn't look great and I.... " Her voice trails off for a moment. " I ended up just focusing on my work for a long time. " Being HERE, in these death games, has made her wonder if that was a mistake to some degree. Her work at the cost of other connections - but it was also the kind of necessity she HAD TO TAKE to keep moving up the chain. And unlike many, she refused to sacrifice her career and life for a relationship that might or MIGHT NOT survive. ( It had been the subject of her last breakup now that she reflected back on it. )
" What about you? " Ann asks with a smile. " I'm sure you have lots of people who would want to shower you with gifts. " / @stingslikeabee
#stingslikeabee#thank you for this!#i was so !! about this#i think this is the first time she's ever actually like#chatted with anyone ic about this#i have hcs but actual writing first time woo!#01. IN CHARACTER — ANN#V1. DEFAULT VERSE — ANN
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❛ stop predicting what’s going to happen next! you’re taking all the fun out of it. ❜ AND/OR 🙀 to tell spooky stories (can do either or both for whoever you're feeling, but if no preference, then for ann!)
Chishiya blinks as he watches the other HUFF AT HIM for his prediction. So he was right. But that was to be expected, wasn't it? There was a FORMULA to the horror and scary story genre just like there was to anything else, be it a genre or a math equation. All it took was a rough understanding of the story format, recognizing the tropes, and then CORRECTLY CHOOSING what would fit the theme. SIMPLE REALLY.
". . . " Is he sorry? No, not particularly. Which is why Chishiya doesn't apologize for his act of predicting where the story was going to go. Did no one else figure it out already? Or maybe that was part of the appeal? TO HEAR THE SCARES, IMMERSE YOURSELF IN THE STORY. He treated it like a puzzle to be solved, but others chose the path of fear. Chishiya can't particularly imagine it nor understand that appeal. But he doesn't understand several things the average person does. His brain doesn't work the same.
Instead, Chishiya merely lifts his hands in MOCK SURRENDER at the scolding. " I thought it was obvious. But fine, fine. " His hands fall back to his sides to bury themselves in his pockets. " Not another word out of me on it. " / @samuhelll
#samuhelll#chishiya would do this honestly#insufferable bc he predicts everything#figures it out too fast#Ann on the other hand respects and enjoys the art of storytelling#01. IN CHARACTER — CHISHIYA#V1. DEFAULT VERSE — CHISHIYA
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" Of course, it's open to adjusting as situations arise. But even a skeleton of a plan is better than no plan at all. " If there was no plan, it would be simply mindless running. And that was a very effective DEATH STRATEGY. Ann has never once seen anyone survive by simply bolting for the end. ( That, or the end turned out to NOT actually be the end. ) A vaguely amused huff leaves her lips as she tilts her head. " No, I don't imagine most have. Even for people who have been here a while, there's no guarantee a strategy in one game is applicable to another. It often ISN'T. " Even within the same suit it could vary drastically.
Ann sets a quick but maintainable pace. TOO FAST could mean missing dangers. TOO SLOW could mean getting caught. They have a goal, they just need to move. ( And she's rather thankful she took those extra courses the police offered. They weren't required for her job, but some were free or greatly discounted - so it just made sense to take advantage of them. They were interesting and SOMETIMES useful here. ) It seems relatively quiet - until it isn't.
Ann halts at the appearance of another person before she recognizes his face. Not an employee to end them. What REALLY catches her eye is Johanna's reaction. Rather than relief or hope, Ann watches her tension and the hostility that lurks in immediately seeking out a weapon. She chose AGGRESSION. It's noteworthy because that isn't what her INITIAL prediction would be for someone new. Perhaps it has something to do with her experiences or job in the ORIGINAL WORLD. Either way, Ann makes a note to put Johanna closer to handling any of the MILITANTS. At least for now.
" Resorting to violence right away is a good way to make UNNECESSARY enemies. " Ann replies as she holds up one hand, palm outwards. " He's another player and this game is low level with no survivor limit. There's no reason to attack since he's not an employee. " But she hadn't seen him pass or be ahead of them. "...But since he's here, that does mean some of these smaller stores connect through the walls, which the employees surely know too. " Her lips purse for a moment before she decides to walk closer - though not without a whisper to Johanna of " Keeping the bat might be a good idea though...for the EMPLOYEES at the very least. "
Johanna nods and follows instantly. The goal, while simple in its initial instruction - to go to the exit on the other side of the mall - would mean that going up would leave us in a bit more of a tight space. And it was important that you had enough room to hide and see when it was the most advantageous to attack. “ Seems like a solid plan, not that I’ve been in a similar situation. But I’m guessing most haven’t, so maybe that makes the game be as fair as it could be. ”
She didn’t care about things being fair, and when the first scream echoed around them, she could only feel a small sense of relief. One less person to compete against. The two of them made haste, not running, not yet anyway, but walking with a sense of where they wanted to go. She didn’t think they should go all the way down to where the shipments were, since that seemed like a good place to get stuck. Unless the plan ended up being waiting it out, and letting everyone else get picked off. But that also could make it so you don’t get out on time. Each game was its own little universe with new rules. Not paying enough attention could also get you disqualified, and that would mean you’re DEAD.
Johanna had no desire to allow anyone to decide to end her life, that would and should always be her own decision, and dying was not in the plans. “ We need to get down that hallway and the stairs would be…” Another contestant walked out of a nearby store, she had recognized him from before, remembering that he was Australian if she had been right in identifying his accent. Moving to her right, there was a sports store and an array of different golf clubs, never taking her eyes off the man, she picked one up, fingers wrapping around the handle tightly.
It was obvious that he was staring them down, and he would do something, but he seemed to be waiting for them to get closer to do something first. This was the quickest way towards the stairs, and going around would mean that they would most likely see more people and more employees. “ We go through him, what do you think? Unless you have a better plan. ” The man wasn’t too bulky, more lanky, but taller. Probably assuming that the two of them would be easy targets, fresh for the picking. How wrong he would be.
#luminescenc1e#fhjdfg pls the immediate violence#so true tho they WILL be unstoppable#and i love it for them#01. IN CHARACTER — ANN#V1. DEFAULT VERSE — ANN
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what do you think of this place? (for Ann, in Borderlands and about the Beach?)
WHAT DOES SHE THINK OF THIS PLACE? It is such a simple yet complicated answer, a paradox of sorts. There are things she likes about this place as much as there are things she dislikes about this place. It's a sentiment applicable anywhere, but here more than ever when death lurks everywhere. Not merely in cards and games, but in human bodies and natural struggles as well. Ann is not oblivious - no one is here for FREE. Only in the since of monetary currency being useless. Instead, they live by teamwork most of the time - IN GAMES AND OUT.
" I think that for many people, this place is a necessity. " A PARADISE, an escape from night time horrors. Less than that though is the human connections. While some people can thrive on their own, more people than not NEED others. Maybe not right away, but sooner or later despair comes crawling in with loneliness leading its way to the victim. " Naturally, the LUXURY of running water and electricity is certainly something I think we all enjoy. But I don't mean that is what is necessary. I think many people need this connection to others. A sense of COMMUNITY if you will. " She gestures towards the pool area, where people are laughing and swimming, some sipping on colorful drinks and others playing different games. If it weren't for the reality that comes every night, one might think this to be a scene from a summertime movie. " I like to see people happy. " Ann also is FAMOUS AT THE BEACH for how many survivors usually return with her on the days she plays the games. ( She rarely loses more than one or two and even that isn't very often. ) " Even if the music is sometimes annoying. " She adds. Especially when she goes to sleep, although she's adapted to ignore it most of the time.
More importantly, Ann is a REALIST. She's not naïve. After all, she dissects bodies in the basement which is a truth that NOT MANY at the Beach know. She doesn't kill. But for the traitors or those who've passed on for one reason or another, she looks for answers. The Beach has a dark underbelly that few other than the Executives know. " It's not without it's problems and flaws. I don't like the militants. " Any other might shrink in fear to utter such words, but Ann is not afraid to say as much. " Useful as they can be, I don't agree with them often. I also don't think escapism to extremes is good. But that is a person's choice. " She shrugs - curt and informative in the way that she so often is. Predictably so as a diamonds specialist.
" And you? " Her eyes, hidden behind large sunglasses, turn towards Melissa. " What do you think of the Beach? " Not many people ask, and now she's INTRIGUED. / @stingslikeabee
#stingslikeabee#heh thank you so much for this!!#let the girls chat they deserve it#but yeah Ann likes it despite its flaws#even if she can survive w/o just fine#01. IN CHARACTER — ANN#V1. DEFAULT VERSE — ANN#X — QUEUED
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Valentine's Day Application (for Ann)
Name: Satoru Gojo Age: 28 Do you like to cuddle?: Well, I won't say I don't like it. Can we make-out?: Whoa there, on a first date? We haven't even held hands! A night in or dinner out?: Dinner out, but I wouldn't say no to a night in either. Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: Ideally both, but how about... strawberries? What makes you a good Valentine?: Let's see: I'm funny, interesting, great at keeping a conversation going, plus I'm suuuper good looking. Should I keep going? Would you cook for me?: Sure, but I'm warning you, it might end up being the best meal you've ever had. Would you let me cook for you?: As long as you promise not to poison me or anything.
↳ VALENTINE'S APPLICATIONS ( platonic or romantic! )
It's lighthearted, festive FUN as some of the others had put it - these valentine applications. She glances at the first application she's given and offers a faint chuckle. " I must say I share the sentiment towards the making out question - it was HATTER'S idea to add that. " Which should be a shock to NO ONE. " Dinner out sounds lovely though. I'm more of a fan of chocolate covered fruits myself. "
Albeit, the reason section seems rather egotistical and self-absorbed, but that isn't entirely surprising. Better to be upfront about attitude than to hide it and have the truth revealed later.
" I may not be a top chef, but I have been told my cooking is quiet good. " She offers with a ghost of a smile. " Sure, I'll accept. It sounds like a lovely day at least. " / @hisinfinities
#hisinfinities#the difference between chi and Ann is night and day#she's so nice & actually engaging#vs the menace cat over there#01. IN CHARACTER — ANN#V1. DEFAULT VERSE — ANN
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“ we’ve been wrong before ” ( alice @ ann )
Ann is not so ARROGANT as to deny that point or claim otherwise. She's only human after all. Humans are bound to make errors. If they did not, they would never grow or change. There's also the matter of missing information. Ann approaches most problems with a scientific mindset that's practically EMBEDDED in her bones at this point. However, information is limited to what people have been gathered, and there is no proof that certain facts are true merely because THEY perceived them to be facts. There could be errors in that information or key pieces missing.
THEY WORK WITH WHAT THEY HAVE. Her information and evidence is less solid than that of her lab work prior to these lands ; it brings her back to days out in the cold at a crime scene, collecting as much evidence as possible and gathering preliminary idea of suspects or situation analysis.
" That much is true. " Ann acknowledges Alice's words with a dip of her head, taking a moment to bite into the fresh tart on fine china in front of her. At least HERE inside the Beach the obnoxious blasting of rave music is nothing but a faint whisper to strained ears. Something more classical plays on a record player. ( Ann is rather FOND of the older quality - proof of bygone times that linger on even in this ruined world. )
She tilts her head to the side ; observing Alice. The words aren't mean, just commentative. " We have been wrong before. And likely will in the future. But that is a gamble that we have to risk taking if we have any hope of discovering more about all of this. " Her hand gestures around as a sign of the world rather than anything more present. " Besides, it is not as though we have anything to lose. Regardless of SKEPTICISM to the Hatter's theory, we have to play these death games regardless. The fact we can collect the cards does indicate something should we manage to collect all of them. " There is the chance the cards are nothing but a RED HERRING, yet it doesn't seem to be the case. It would go against the spirit of the games so far. / @redemptioninterlude
#redemptioninterlude#nice pleasant time with some chat#Ann can admit to the risk of being wrong#but better that than stagnation as far as she's concerned#or only ever being reactive#01. IN CHARACTER — ANN#V1. DEFAULT VERSE — ANN
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The car isn't parked far at least, which is more of a relief than it probably needed to be. But some days were like that; the borderlands made you appreciate even small inconveniences. ( If she got back to the world, she wouldn't complain about parking lots ever again. ) Ann gestures for her to towards where the car is carefully hidden.
" Depends on your definition of a long time. " Ann looks towards her. " I've been here eighteen days so far. " Which, considering the death games, WAS a long time to be surviving and unscathed. " There's not too many rules to these lands. I take it someone translated the game for you? " She asks, because she's never seen any of the screens have english versions. But maybe it was different; it'd be good knowledge regardless. As they round a corner, the old mustang sits in the shadows and she heads for the driver side.
the beach. little does this woman know, pat would've followed her to a landfill if that's where she was going. at the game she'd just played, only one other woman spoke a few words of english; enough to help her out with the game rules, at least until her death, but not enough for a real conversation such as this. maybe there would be others at this beach she could communicate with. and electricity, of course. she did not forget about that. there's no reason to refuse the offer and stick around here, completely alone.
" have you been here for a long time? " she seems to know an awful lot about how this world works. pat isn't sure if a yes answer would bring her any comfort. it would show it's possible to survive, but is there a way out at all?
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💀 for both/either, follow ur heart
Ann doesn't like violence as an answer. She never has and she never will. It doesn't mean that she doesn't know when PUSH COMES TO SHOVE that she might have to do something that she doesn't like. Like now, with this man in the game with them. She's exhausted all other options and avenues she would ordinarily use and he's not listening. If it would work, she would have just knocked him out until it was Game Clear. But he's dangerous, he has a weapon, and Ann isn't going to gamble with everyone ELSE'S life if he wakes up. ( Even less so when she knows there's a young child among them - to her own horror. She'd never seen any kids here until now. )
Police training kicks in with ease, and NOT FOR THE FIRST TIME she's glad she took extra classes. Its a hearts game ; maybe she shouldn't be so surprised. The gun sits in her hand as she peers around the corner into the room where the man is yelling for the group to come out. They won't, Ann already got everyone else to a safer spot. One life for everyone else's. Ann leans a bit further out and shoots while his back it turned.
He goes down easy, but the gunshot echoes in the space like a death toll while she goes to check on the body. It isn't guilt that Ann feels. She did what she had to for everyone else and herself to survive. But it shouldn't have to be this ; these lands brought out the worst in everyone. If he never was here, maybe he'd never hurt a fly. But he is here and he was out to HURT everyone. So she had to do what she needed to.
Ann lifts her head from checking the pulse (there is none after a few seconds) to see Pat - and it's HARD to decipher the Executive's expression. Ann's killed on accident here before ; but intentionally like this had been NEW. It doesn't sit well with her despite knowing it's what had to be done. Ann stands up, switching the safety on as she puts the gun in her back pocket. "...We can all clear this game now. " Ann remarks after a moment of silence. This time she doesn't look to the body when she stands up to head towards the room entrance where Pat is. " It won't be hard now that everyone will cooperate. We've got five minutes. Let's go. " Her voice is calm and composed as always ; more the image she projects of herself at The Beach than what actually is behind her mask. / @cartelheir
#cartelheir#i might do both#i just have several ideas for Chishiya so we'll see#Ann does not like having to do this v.v#but she knew she had to#for the sake of everyone else#01. IN CHARACTER — ANN#V1. DEFAULT VERSE — ANN
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∗ 58﹕ sender is found collapsed by receiver . (for ann)
With the fall of The Beach in the ten of hearts game, everyone was forced back into SURVIVAL MODE. There would be no more parties, no more electricity, no more pretending the days were okay. Especially not with the face cards reveal. Any sort of peace that MIGHT be found could easily be destroyed by the King of Spades and his hunt for the survivors. Somehow the death game arenas had become both death trap and safety. Ann wasn't content with that. Not when there were so many unanswered questions. Maybe learning more about whatever the Borderlands was would help more. It made sense; it was a logical approach in her eyes. To solve a case you neeed the details ; to handle the changed game of this world, she needed more details about it. She had the days ; her visa already had a fair number of days even before the ten of hearts. She could afford venturing off on her own.
Ann had been used to seeing bodies even BEFORE the borderlands given her line of work, but it was still grim to see so many who had survived this long just to fail. She didn't pay too much attention to their faces ( didn't want to see their expressions of HORROR or FEAR or DESPAIR ). At least, not until she spotted a familiar figure laying on the ground, the smoldering remains of a burning blimp of one of the face cards still burning in the distance.
" Pat? " Ann's voice was soft, as if speaking it would somehow affect reality. ( ILLOGICAL, she knew that. ) Her hesitation lingers only a minute before she rushes over to the collapsed form and kneels down beside her. She doesn't care how the hot asphalt burn her knees as she quickly rolls Pat over and pulls her onto her lap. Despite the fear in her heart, her actions remain calm and methodical. There's a pulse, she's not dead. It eases the panic in her chest a moment. No major injuries either, nothing besides the normal scraps and bruises most of them have. Ann isn't a doctor, but she can at least assume then that it was either exhaustion, the heat, or both that had ended up taking a toll on her. " It's okay. You're okay. " And maybe it won't mean anything to Pat, Ann's not assure how aware she is ; if she's entirely unconscious or not. DOESN'T MATTER. " I've got you. Let's get you somewhere cooler. "
Ann moves Pat carefully, shifting until she can pick up the other woman with a huff of effort. It's not hard once she has her up, carrying her carefully into the shaded inside of a nearby building. There's not MUCH here, but cool tile and shade is better than hot asphalt and sun. Ann sets her down carefully and then drops the backpack from her shoulder. She pulls out a strip of cloth and soaks it in a bit of her water, wringing it out before she places the damp cloth around the back of Pat's neck in an effort to help cool her down. " You're going to be okay. " Ann says, her voice calm and confident despite the songbird of worry lurking in her chest. / @cartelheir
#cartelheir#she's so worried for her 🥺#original plan can take a pause#she's more concerned about Pat and making sure she's okay#01. IN CHARACTER — ANN#V1. DEFAULT VERSE — ANN
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∗ 9o﹕ sender helps receiver patch up a wound . / Micah with Ann ; can be reverse if you like !!!
INJURIES are not something that can be greatly afforded in the Borderlands. Everyone was bound to experience them sooner or later. But the less serious, the better. While some games might rely more on the mind than anything else, many games still had a physical component to it. INFECTIONS were possible and the consequences for weakness could be detrimental.
Ann clenches her jaw as she limps out of the game venue. GAME CLEARED. Six more days to her visa for a Spades game. Normally Ann clears games without any issues. But she is only human. A spinning blade had managed to nick her at the last second. She's just lucky it wasn't too deep or hit any major blood vessels. It HURTS and it's not a PRETTY sight to see pale skin stained crimson, but she's thankful it's nothing serious. ( Even if sweat beads her forehead and her leg wobbles trying to support her weight and balance in wedge heels at the same time. )
Kindness isn't to be expected here. Ann sinks down against a stone step just to give herself a moment to breathe. Once she gets back to The Beach she can patch this up properly and take some time to rest. She has enough days on her visa. What she doesn't expect is for someone to stop to HELP HER. Brown eyes widen for a moment in surprise but she accepts when they offer.
" Thank you. " Ann offers a polite smile - she doesn't RECOGNIZE them from the Beach or a previous game. She has to wonder if they are new here or simply have managed to never cross paths. It HURT to clean the wound but it's what needs to be done and she won't complain when someone is taking the time to help her without any reason. It's not like the other world where they might gain money from it. That's worthless here other than as fire kindling. But...
But there are things many people miss here that only The Beach has.
" I know somewhere that has electricity. I can take you there as thanks for helping me. " Ann offers after a moment while they help bandage the wound on her leg. It's not like HATTER will disagree ; the more people there are, the fast that cards can be gathered. He never turns anyone down anyways. Not even dangerous people like NIRAGI, much less someone who helped her simply because they could. / @solarisgod
#solarisgod#thank you for sending this in!!#i hope this works <3#but i can rewrite if not!#i saw you had AIB in verses to be written sO#i figured it was pretty safe to toss the default verse your way!#01. IN CHARACTER — ANN#V1. DEFAULT VERSE — ANN
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