cagedchoices · 8 months
tag drop part 2 feat. verse tags
never really had a choice — s3 pre.
i'm a dead man either way. at least this way…i get to decide who i want to be — s3 canon.
if your head explodes with dark foreboding too; i'll see you on the dark side of the moon — s3 post.
everything under the sun is in tune; but the sun is eclipsed by the moon — s4 pre.
war is not an easy thing to put behind you — s4 canon.
whatever i am…i've died before…this isn't so bad — s4 post.
maybe you'll have better luck with the next guy — fidelity au.
a place to house the infinite — sublime au.
as soon as you stop running everyone else starts to catch up — modern v1.
that's the way everything's gonna be someday — modern v2.
never been out this far. it's so…empty — s1 au.
think we just became public enemy number one — peaky blinders.
the difference between a good man and a bad one is the choice of the cause — red dead redemption.
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robin-galaxies · 2 years
Bro I was late to the nonbiney swag competition and seeing WX-78 was there only to not make it past the first round was heartbreaking
why did WX-78 get zero love in the competition!!! heartbreaking truly
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l-just-want-to-see · 8 months
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Jason (from the Greek Iásōn, “healer”) Peter Todd (from the German Tod, “death”) - I hope you find your way out of that grave.
dc comics + The Oresteia, Aeschylus / Lady Windermere’s Fan, Oscar Wilde / Grief Lessons: Four Plays [tr. Anne Carson], Euripides + Batman v1 #385 / Batman: The Cult #3 / For Example, Mary Oliver / Batman: Legends of The Dark Knight #100 / Batman: Under the Red Hood / Eight, Sleeping at Last / Red Hood and the Outlaws: Rebirth / Batman: Urban Legends #10 + ? / On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous, Ocean Vuong / Red Hood and The Outlaws #25 / Slay the Princess / pinterest + Batman #422 / Batman #424 + Rilke's Book of Hours: Love Poems to God, Rainer Maria Rilke + Batman #428 | A Death in the Family / @/metamorphesque, tumblr / American Teenager, Ethel Cain / Anecdote of the Pig, Tory Adkisson / interpretations of A Death in the Family + The Oresteia, Aeschylus / Nightwing: Secret Files and Origins #1 + the Haunting of Bly Manor + Red Hood and the Outlaws #23 / @/petrichara, tumblr / I Didn't Apologize to the Well, Mahmoud Darwish / Infinite Crisis: Secret Files + pinterest / Ruin and Rising, Leigh Bardugo / Red Hood and the Outlaws #26 / The Cruel Prince, Holly Black / pinterest / Red Hood: The Lost Days / Sue Zhao / Red Hood: The Lost Days part II + Red Hood: The Lost Days #4 / I See Boats Moving, Fernando Pessoa / Oedipus the King, TV Tropes / @/devilsmoon, tumblr / Red Hood: The Lost Days + Speeches for Dr Frankenstein, Margaret Atwood / Saving June, Hannah Arrington + embroidered patch / Slay the Princess / unaligned, @/hamletmaschine + Batman: Under the Red Hood / Batman: Under the Red Hood + Batman and Robin #11 + South and West: From a Notebook, Joan Didion / The Good Fight, Ada Limón / Batman: Under the Red Hood / Grief Lessons: Four Plays, Euripides [tr. Anne Carson] / Batman: Under the Red Hood / Slay the Princess / Under the Red Hood / Slay the Princess / @/sainticide, twitter / The Truth About Grief, Fortesa Latifi + Batman: Under the Red Hood / Batman: Under the Red Hood / Ten Legs, Eight Broken, mandana on tiktok / War of the Foxes, Richard Siken + Under the Red Hood + Batman #428 | A Death in the Family / The Unabridged Journals Of Sylvia Plath, Sylvia Plath / Under the Red Hood + Batman #428 | A Death in the Family / @baitmeat, tumblr + Batman: Under the Red Hood (Deluxe Edition) / Origin Story, Desireé Dallagiacomo / Vive, Vive, Traci Brimhall / The Dogs I Have Kissed, Trista Mateer + Batman: Under the Red Hood + Three Jokers / Red Hood and the Outlaws Rebirth #9 / @/sainticide, twitter + Red Hood and the Outlaws #10 / Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve, Taylor Swift / ? + Robin 80th Anniversary 100 Page Super Spectacular / Ep. 4: Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth -- 'Sacrifice and Bliss', Joseph Campbell / White Knight #7 + Heaven, Mieko Kawakami / Forest Fire, Mitski / Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol. 2 #9 + Batman Annual #25 + Free Will Astrology, Rob Brezsny / Letter XV, @/lucidloving / Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol 1: REDemption / briscoepark + The Civil War, Anne Sexton [compiled by @/lovejoyparadox here] / @/soapstore, tumblr + I Await the Devil’s Coming, Mary MacLane + Claire C. Holland / @/havingrevelations, tumblr / Meditations in an Emergency, Cameron Awkward-Rich + Deathstroke #34 / Grief Lessons: Four Plays by Euripides [tr. Anne Carson] + Red Hood and the Outlaws
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mossdaggar · 8 months
Unemployed Promo Post
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Hey y'all, I'm Moss, a queer game designer who heads Brewist Tabletop Games. Late December, I quit a toxic job environment when my mental health was at its lowest. I fortunately had a big game launch just before I did, but I've now been out of work for 6 weeks (I've had interviews and I've got some hope!) and it has left me in the red. I'd love if you'd check out my games or boost this to people who might. <3 A notable release I've had is HELLWHALERS, a TTRPG of nautical and Christian-religious horror. Play as damned whalers hunting a leviathan whale in a bid for redemption in this token and d6 based game. There's even a metacurrency with its own gambling mechanic! I also have Rel1ct, a GMless eldritch body horror solo or duet TTRPG inspired by things like Annihilation and The Color Out of Space. Play with cards and dice in a journaling game that TTRPG reviewer/designer Sam Leigh called a "TTRPG that will wreck you". There's also my experimental gridless tactical TTRPG that is a love-letter to JRPGs and weird math, Infinite Reverie. It's only $9 right now, but the 2nd edition is coming this year, and it'll just go up in price from here. It's complete and playable in v1, but the layout is /bad/. Pip, the other half of Brewist Tabletop Games, is working on a gorgeous and fantastic redo of the game, and you'll want to pick it up before that price jumps! You can also find a draconic duo of games bundled together, Kn1ght and Dr4kk3n, two games about fighting their own respective terrible dragons, but in two very different ways. Kn1ght is a GMless solo or duo journaling game, the original model rules that Rel1ct was based off. Dr4kk3n is a d4 based dungeoncrawl for 3-4 players and a GM built on Caltrop Core engine, pioneered by designer Titanomachy. Regardless of whether or not you can pick them up, all my games can be found at brewisttabletopgames.itch.io, and as a thanks for looking, I'll be adding a few community copies of each of these games. There are also a smattering of pay-what-you-want and small microgames available on our itch as well.
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goodolddumbbanana · 1 month
Tw: hate Puppet.
Okay, I will say something that makes Puppet and Eclipse show fans hate me.
The Puppet and Eclipse show has become really bland since Stichwarth arc over.
And I hate how they handle the Eclipse redemption arc now.
Let's talk about Puppet first. I used to love her, but now, all the feelings I have for her are annoying. She just has to touch everything, and force her way on anyone. She is like a Mary Sue, with her backstory and the way people have to do anything she wants, which it really ironically because she is some kinda God.
She said Eclipse is not the same person as he was before (Eclipse v1), but still when Solar died, she yelled and demanded him to find some way to fix or revive Solar.
She crashed in Eclipse's house, and pressed him into pressure to make him help her fix the thing with KC and Evil Puppet.
She stops him from doing what he wanted (getting the heck out of this dimension's craps) and scams him to sign some contracts, making him forcefully stay with her just because Monty and Foxy didn't want to do the show anymore.
I would like Eclipse's redemption arc more, but with the way Puppet literally forced her into making Eclipse redemption, really leave a bad taste in my mouth.
Because it is not by choice, because you have to be forced to redemption. Because you get everything that makes you, hold you dear, what builds you who you are shred off from you all due because people don't like what you are, so they turn and make you into something more easily to work with. You are not learning anything, you are just changing and you just keep this feeling of hopelessness through all this process, because you have never had a choice on the first place. They never like you. They only like the idea of you and what potentially who you can become...
And with Sun... Yeah, I know what you will say. Just another Sun fan who hates the world. So annoying~~~
But truthfully, Sun has been a butt joke of the show since day 1. He has been belittled, talked down, insulted, tortured or worse, ignored. He likes a trashcan that people keep throwing at because it is funny (which it is not)
PUPPET is All Seeing, but she keeps asking Sun to make a choice about... 'Oh well, let's kill your brother Sun, or you can choose not to, but it will make you a horrible person because that man will destroy everything on his road and everyone will get hurt, all because you don't want to do anything about him.'
She created an illusion of choice for Sun and has Foxy and Monty like lab dogs to do her bidding. What is the point of making Sun choose, when it ended up just for Puppet to do whatever hell she liked?
(Sun pointed that out too on the show, and ironically, people hated Sun for that because it makes him a coward.)
And then, she literally abandoned her son (Freddy) without saying goodbye to raise another son (FC) the one who seemingly she cares more than the one she abandoned.
And even in the newest dimension, I am not talking about Foxy, he just feels like blending with the background now.
Now they have to poke on the biggest hive, Sun and Moon.
I understand what Eclipse comes from, because well, he is always a piece of crap with Sun, but Puppet and Francis and literally anyone else? With the way Sunrise does not want to help and cooperate with Moondrop?
Even with the people outside the universe?
They all think Sun is a problem, or this Sunrise is a problem. Because guess what?
Sure Eclipse can be a misunderstood piss boy. Sure whatever horrible original Moon did can be taken as it is because of his Killcode, and Moon is just a baby who didn't do anything wrong.
But Sun... Sun... Sun needs to do everything right, or else he will be a selfish, cowardly, annoying, idiot...
Because you are just freshly born and you have this thing which is always making you in pain and you have no control or way to stop it. Because all the staff are assholes and these are freshly new friends (Puppet, Eclipse and Francis) keeps asking about the thing that causes you pain since day one and forces you and criticizes you about why you don't cooperate with it, why you don't be nicer with it like it is really easy for them to say. Because you can't control anything even your body, and now they want you to do it, for something that supposedly making your life a torture everyday, leading you even afraid of darkness or wanting to walk outside?
Fat chance. They don't understand, and you don't need them too. Because guess what, it is you the one who deals with consequences of that thing, not them.
I admit this Sunrise is selfish, because like I said before, it is not everyone this easily to forgive like our Sun.
But the way people belittled him (Puppet, Francis,...), forced him to change into Moon model, and express the disappointment when Sunrise doesn't like Moondrop?
Really reminds me of Eclipse v1.
They can sympathise with Eclipse, Eclipse can even sympathise and help Moondrop, but come to Sunrise? No...
Sunrise to Eclipse is just a dense parasite, Sunrise to Puppet and Francis are just a selfish brat.
And it is so sad, because I know where Eclipse comes from, he is just bitter and shit even though he is the one who is wrong but Puppet and Francis? I expect better from them.
And outside the show, this really makes people think it is what Sun, our Sun is like from day 1.
Which it didn't. Sun never knows about Moon's appearance, when Moon comes out, Moon is so angry that he literally tortured and made Sun's life into a living hell for a year. And Sun always wants a brother, Sun asks for a share and guess what Moon says: haha no.
It took Moon a long time to learn that Sun does not deserve to be tortured into his thick head. And When eclipse makes friends with Earth, I'm kinda uncomfortable but agree because this is not Eclipse v1.
But then he hopped into the new dimension and immediately inflected his trauma on Sun like Eclipse v1 used too? And with Puppet helps like she is Lunar v2? Haha, I hate that show now so much.
And this time, Eclipse is not even that hot. And Sun, has no one to rely on, which leaves the situation with a really bad taste.
Hope they do not make this Sunrise and antagonist, or puss over, else I would be very mad.
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mothytheghost · 2 months
Edit: fixed some things
Fuck it let me see every ship of Sun that's been ship. To innocent to not innocent
Sun fandom ship list Masterlist so far:
Sun x Drop
Sun x Solar
Sun x V4 Eclipse
Sun x Dark Sun
Sun x Ruin
Sun x Foxy
Sun x Spaniard
Sun x Puppet
Sun X Freddy
Sun x Monty
Sun x Serv!Sun
Sun x Solar Flare
Sun x Miku
Sun x Skibidi (according to fanon?????????)
Sun x Canon Sun (my personal ship actually lol)
Sun x Killcode (Because of redemption arc I'm guessing?)
Now problematic ones I saw in this fandom (don't accept most of these but not going to say all. Not including incest. Please skip this if your uncomfortable I will give reasonings)
Sun x Nexus (🚩 Physical and psychological abuse Gas lighting. 🚩 )
Sun x Eclipse V1 🚩 ( Controlling relationship. Trauma. Manipulation. Forced. Physical and Psychological abuse)
Sun x Ruin Eclipse 🚩 (one with virus) (threatening. Abusive. Manipulation. Gaslight. Kidnapping. Stockholm. Physical and psychological abuse)
Sun x Blood Moon (pretty much everything)
Serv!Sun x Lord Eclipse (power imbalance)
Okay I'm done... Im not finishing this
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thealieninhiding · 3 months
El mayarah
Supercorp, a new symbol of hope - one of redemption and love.
Now available on Redbubble
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svg vectors
buy me ko-fi
Supercorp logo v1 Supercorp logo (L-Corp)
Credit: nataligz on seeklogo for The Lena Luthor Foundation Logo vector file
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silvernmoonlace · 7 months
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it's funny how I've been interested in this game for more than seven weeks now, yet hadn't drawn any fanart until yesterday.
have a poorly drawn V1 as redemption :]
"SSStylish" stolen from here and possibly here
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brightstar2000 · 2 months
Can you rate all TSAMS characters based on your personal opinions?
Well, I'll start with my favorites, i suppose. This list is from my favorites to least favorites, then my opinions on each one underneath
Eclipse (v3/4), Solar, Eclipse (v1/2), Old Moon (reborn vers), New Moon (before Nexus), Sun, Lunar, Jack, Earth, KC, Ruin, Molten, Old Moon (og vers), Dark Sun, Blood Moon, Nexus.
I'll leave characters like Gemini, the Astrals, Lord Eclipse, Servant Sun, Dazzle and Monty off for now since they aren't really part of SAMS itself or are too minor of characters to form a whole opinion on.
Eclipse v3/4: Definitely my favorite iteration of Eclipse. It was so nice to watch as he grew and changed to become better. As someone who had wanted an Eclipse redemption arc ever since I made my first SAMS AU, Aka: the Regretful Eclipse AU. I'm so glad he got a redemption like i was hoping for. I'm also very touched by his actions as of late. Even if he won't admit it himself, or tries brushing it off as some regular Eclipse trait, he cares. Especially about Earth. The fact he also pushed through what Dark Sun was doing to him in order to try reviving Solar, and even cared enough to try getting Nexus help before he lost it. I was very touched by that too. He also sacrificed himself so Solar could continue to exist, and I have high respect for that. Self sacrifice is one of the highest respectable things someone can do in my opinion. He's also staying behind to try helping with the negative star power stuff despite how badly he wants to leave to ensure their dimension is at least safe or the negative power is dealt with. Best native Eclipse so far.
Solar: He's been a favorite of mine ever since Moon first sent Lunar to meet him. It was so nice seeing a version of Eclipse who is nice. Him also comforting Lunar, and telling him that he was not a mistake. I was so happy when they had him come live with the main cast. I miss him dearly. In all honesty, I had a real genuine grief response after he died. Even though he is fictional and i knew they were probably going to bring him back like they did with Lunar, i still genuinely grieved for him for a bit.
Eclipse v1/2: Honestly, at first, i really hated Eclipse. I wanted him dead and gone. I could appreciate him as a villain though. He was a well put together antagonist in my opinion. Hated the character, but respected him as a villain. I started liking him after I made my Regretful Eclipse AU. Even though I knew he would be nothing like the Eclipse i turned him into in that au, i still started liking him. He used to be my least favorite, but then became one of my favorites. His second iteration was kind of an embarrassment, i'll be real. He did the og dirty when he became aimless and just didn't know what to do with himself after he got the star. I still do appreciate him though, and the fact he somewhat tried to warn them about the astrals before he was blown to bits. I still don't agree with everything he did though and will not defend him in that regard.
Old Moon (reborn): I really like this version of Moon. While i do think his change to be better was pretty fast, i also see it as him being very serious about being a better brother to Sun. I think that ties into how he was feeling before he died. He had a lot of regrets, and wished he was better for him. That is what he was hoping Nexus would be, and for a while, he was, i will not deny that. I like that he is involving Sun a lot more in what he's doing as well. And they have better communication now than they used to. God, i hope that stays... poor communication caused so many problems for them before. Actually.. it caused all their problems-
New Moon: I really liked him at first. I was so happy to see him being better to Sun, and doing things with him that og Moon didn't, like hugging him and comforting him. Then Solar came along, and he started distancing himself from Sun, and sidelining him. Sure, he was still acting better than og Moon, but he wasn't really talking to Sun much anymore and confided in Solar more and more. At that time my biggest gripe with him was how much he was excluding Sun. Then Solar died and he started to spiral. Despite his family offering to help and support him through it, he started lying to them about his feelings and working more secretly. He wouldn't open up about his actual feelings. It took Eclipse telling Earth about what was going on with him to get him to drop the act, and he immediately hurts them for confronting him about it when they just wanted to help. I know people give Earth trouble for "abandoning" him then, but i think they forgot that Earth was also hurting, or just disregarded how she was feeling.. Solar's death affected all of them, and Earth was close with Solar too. She was in a vulnerable mental state too, and he used her insecurities against her in that moment. Then he ran off and hid again, still working in secret to try reviving Solar. And they can't help someone who they don't know the location of, and he made the excuse of them not knowing how to help him to stay away. If he had stuck around instead and let them try to help him, they could have learned what he needed through some trial and error. He didn't give them the chance to learn that. Which is also why i get mad at the people who keep saying that his family should have done more to help him. I feel like they think the family should have known how to help him from the get-go? He didn't exactly make it easy for them either... he fell down my favorites list very fast, especially when he tried to kill Earth. This placement is for when he was still good. Which is also why i have him and Nexus in seperate places here.
Sun: Honestly i don't have a lot of opinions on him. I do admire his persistence despite everything he's been through. He still is nice and caring when he has pretty much every right to be more cynical by now. He still powers through it and upholds his kinder nature. He's a lot stronger than he gives himself credit for. I am glad this current arc is giving him more plot importance than the last couple had, but at the same time, i am also afraid of what it possibly entails down the line with how things are going.
Lunar: Yea, I'll admit, i went crazy about him when he was first introduced like so many fans did. Precious bean, must protect, and all that stuff. Even to the point where i joined one of the monthly events they hosted in the discord. The comic one, where we were supposed to draw things that we thought could happen in the future. My comic was even one of the ones shown in the reaction video they did on the event, the one that had Lunar in it helping Eclipse find the star. (And tbh, i think my comic had a big impact on the plot, since my comic was the only one that had Lunar in it shown in the video, and then shortly after that, it was brought up in a lore video. Quote: Sun: "Lunar! That's his name, he told me his name.... IS THAT WHAT THE FANART IS?!" Moon: "Did they know?!" Sun: "Why didn't they tell us!?" Yea... if i didn't make that comic, i'm not sure if that would have happened, and it may be what helped them find Lunar so fast, but that is all purely speculation) As time went on, he started going down my favorites. I think mainly because i miss how he used to be. I don't hate him, i'm just not head over heels for him anymore.
Jack: I find him adorable, a lot like Lunar was to me at first. He's silly and i love his friendship with Dazzle. I am glad he has grown some as a person too, since he wasn't initially made to be as sentient as the others. I hope he continues to grow as an individual too.
Earth: She was never really a favorite of mine. I'm more neutral about her. I don't hate her. I admire her want to help others even in times where she isn't exactly in the right mindset to do it. She deserves a break though. Her friendship with Eclipse is also very sweet and i love watching it grow.
KC: Also a character I didn't like at first who grew on me after his store visit with Glamrock Freddy that changed him. I admired his want to help people, going against the very code he is named for. I was disappointed when he just let Blood Moon murder him. Made Moon's sacrifice for him almost worthless.
Ruin: Ruin's a Rollercoaster for me. Hated him, kinda liked him, got suspicious of him, questioned myself about him but stayed suspicious, hated him again, now i'm more neutral but worried about him. At least he wasn't trying to cause too much more damage than he has. (Before he was captured by Dark Sun and Nexus..)
Molten: Also kinda a mixed bag. At first, i was almost all for him getting Ruin, but that was also when Nexus wanted to use Ruin as a sacrifice for Solar. And at the time, i was still grieving in a sense. Was mad at him for killing Solar, of course, and was all for sacrificing him for him (grew out of that as time went on), and wanted Nexus to stop Molten so he could use Ruin for Solar. Currently, since Molten is willing to change, i am starting to like him and wish him the best when they finally clear all that crap the creators put into him.
OG Moon: When i first started watching the show, Moon was my favorite general fnaf sb character, so Show Moon quickly became a favorite of mine too. Though he was explosive and abusive to Sun, and i was not a fan of that, yet he stayed my favorite until Lunar came along. I do agree with Nexus when he said that og Moon was a real asshole. I know he somewhat tried to be better, but he fell back on older habits and hurt Sun. I'm so glad he is how he is now, which, again, i think stemmed from his many regrets that he finally came to truly realize when he was set to die. That realization finally put him on the right path.
Dark Sun: I knew from that first episode he appeared in that he was going to become a problem down the line. Or, i at least knew that was not the last we'd see of him. I knew he'd become relevant and lo and behold, i was right. He's honestly confusing. Like, he helps the people he's against. I know it's for his own benefit, it's all part of his plan. Yet, he has said many times before that he just wanted to be left alone. I'm very certain that none of our crew would have sought him out again after that first meeting, so i don't know why he's deciding to meddle in their lives like he is. He's part of the reason Nexus went crazy. He may be the best villain the show has come up with since Eclipse v1. I still don't like him. He also lied about killing his Moon and left the guy to suffer in a cell, all broken. I think Dark Sun's base dimension was a swapped dimension, where he is like Moon, and his Moon was more like Sun. A Sun with Dark Sun's tendencies is honestly very scary to me, so Dark Sun scares me.
Blood Moon: Was never a big fan of them. I kinda see the appeal of them, but it's not my kind of appeal. I liked the first twins better than the clone twins though.
Nexus: I hate him. He used to want to keep his family safe at any cost, but he nearly killed Earth, calling her just "collateral damage" in the situation at the time, and has expressed ill intent towards Lunar, the Astrals, and the others in his ex family. He threatened to hurt Jack who was the last thing Solar made. One would think he'd not want to hurt Jack because Solar made him. Nearly everything that happened with him while he spiraled was his own doing. He lied, he hid, he hurt, and he disowned his family. In the episodes, both Sun and even Earth said they still cared about Nexus despite it all. They didn't disown him, and i don't blame Earth for stepping away when he hurled her insecurities and insults at her, which, she also said she was going to consider forgiving him for before he tried to kill her, which is a reasonable place to draw the line. If not for Puppet, Earth would be dead. I really hope that Nexus just has some sort of virus or corruption making him like he is, and he can be recovered, but i am not seeing this happening anytime soon, if at all. I will not defend him though. He does not deserve it at this point. At first, i could write off his behavior as him grieving, but as he just got worse and worse, it got harder to see it that way. Grief may still have played some factor but it was no longer the main factor after a bit, and then it no longer was. He made his choices and it led him to becoming how he is now. There is no excuse for him anymore. He has no kill code to blame this on. It's himself, and also influence from Dark Sun. I do hope he can still be saved, but i don't see that happening soon.
Apologies for the long rants..
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thswrtchdthng · 5 months
your first mistake was giving me the green light on rambling about ultrakill
mankind is dead. blood is fuel. hell is full.
THE LORE OF ULTRAKILL ONLY SLIGHTLY LESS SUMMARIZED (still very summarized and i might get some things wrong):
during ww1, various countries involved began developing machines that ran on blood. each new machine created was meant to be stronger than the last one. in the end, this led to the creation of the earthmover by japan, which was an absolutely giant machine. so large that people started living on top of them. before the war ended, only one machine was created, though it never got a chance to fulfill its purpose of defeating the earthmover: this machine was called v1, and its unique ability was to heal upon contact with blood from any source. when the war was over, a different version of v1, named v2, was created for the purpose of keeping peace. these are v1 and v2.
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now, eventually, humanity discovered an entrence to hell. don't question it. also hell is a living organism.
then, somehow, humanity died. all of it. everyone was dead. and all that remained were the machines they'd created.
in ultrakill, a first-person shooter video game, you play as v1, and your goal is simple: blood. you just want more blood. and you are in hell. so you start ultrakilling everybody. it's also based on dante's inferno, so that's fun.
in the post i made, i said alice is like v2 to me. this is mostly because v2 is an important character, but not a very powerful boss fight, and alice is a very lore-relevant character, but not very high up on the corporate ladder. but also because v2's purpose was to maintain peace and order, but she didn't get to fulfill that purpose. everyone died. v2 is, even though she never admits or acknowledges it, very possibly the only machine with the capacity to truly miss humanity. idk why, but that reminds me a lot of alice dyer. make of that what you will.
now. the other character i mentioned is THE FERRYMAN. THIS GIRL->
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basically ferrymen are sinners from the layer of wrath deemed worthy of redemption by heaven. they're tasked with carrying passengers through the afterlife. another fun bit of ferryman lore is that they all tear their skin off from shame, but heaven grants them a holy cloth to cover their faces. pretty simple, yeah? but this one looks a bit bored. probably because she was promised she could go to heaven if she carried enough passengers, but...no more passengers are coming through. because humanity is dead.
the ferryman is considered a slightly more difficult boss fight, or maybe just one slightly later in the game than both v2 fights (you fight v2 twice), but you can actually literally just. pay her to leave. toss some coins at her and you can literally just skip the fight.
i can't articulate why she reminds me of lena but. she does.
so anyways all of this and i haven't even gotten to gabriel. there is so much lore. there's an excellent video explaining all of it that i can send a link to if i've caught ur interest with this.
oh also a lot of people ship v2 and the ferryman.
oh also neither of them canonically go by she/her pronouns but it's a very very common headcanon, and i'm pretty sure hakita (the developer) gave a shout out to the she/her v2 headcanon specifically at some point.
okokok. several thoughts.
this seems so fucking cool????????? to the point that I might play it when I can get it
thoughts on shipping v1 and v2? cause from what you've said they sound quite shippable to me
if hell is a living organism, is it like,,,,consenting?? to be entered????? does it have a personality?????? that might just be my conceptum tendencies but,,,,,is hell like a character in itself (sort of)?? (the question here is can I romance hell or not, and does hell enjoy being entered)
if it's based on Dante's Inferno I already know I'm going to like it
v2 sounds extremely huggable. can I hug her?
and you're right that 'being the only one with the ability to miss humanity' gives Alice vibes for some reason
ferrymen sound so sad to me. can I hug them? and give them a little skincare?
the ferryman concretely is hot. is that alright to say? she sounds very interesting to talk to (do ferrymen talk? does anyone here talk?)
well everyone you've mentioned so far is hot to me tbh
who's gabriel? please please please send me that link I wanna know about them now. I've always had a complicated relationship with every archangel gabriel based thing/character (I have very passionate feelings towards biblical gabriel for some reason) so I'll probably love them
but yeah ultrakill sounds pretty cool! I'll probably look more into it in the future
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pathetikbl0b · 4 months
Disbelief - Ultrakill oneshot
Honestly I made this bcs I want to get back into writing, so it's not all that good eknfnd
It was also inspired by Itoki Hana's song, Disbilief (hence the title ekrndj) BCS HOLY FUCK THAT SONG FITS THE ULTRAKILL LORE SO WELL, GO CHECK IT
Also this takes place a bit after Gabriel's second battle with V1, and V1 also gets sucked in by the holy light portal bcs curious cat shit🙏
It felt strange to wander the remains of Eden, dark and silent, smelling still of weeds and wood, it's light dim when compared to heaven's imponent shine, yet not as dark as hell managed to be, in fact it was far from comparable to such a place, for one it was not littered with demons or the stench of blood old and newly spilled, or other unholy entities, Eden was as empty as it had been since the exile of Adam and Eve... Well, was; for now Gabriel roamed upon it, him and his far too curious last minute companion who strode silently behind him, like a cat that tries sneaking up on it's human, freezing in it's tracks only when the angel turned around to watch it.
Gabriel tried to not pay mind to it, he needed to think of other far more important things, things that haunted him long before the machine came to his attention, like the fact the council was escentially fucked up, or that god would never return, was he even alive? If he was, he's clearly not coming back, but then what did that mean for him? The council, for heaven, even for the sinners like the ferrymen who still had hope for redemption? Did he let them all down? Could the blame even be pinned on him?
His head spinned as he tried not to crash in on his own thoughts, trying to keep some form of focus, but the machine's heavy steps didn't help, or the tinckering sounds of it's wings, it's metalic clattering and exagerately heavy footsteps that seemed to just get louder and louder the more Gabriel started to pay attention to it.
"What the FUCK do you want?"
The archangel whipped around to face the walking piece of scrap, splotches of red slightly seeping into his white armor, fists clenched in frustration, as if beating him twice wasn't enough, the machine kept shaming him for loosing by following him around, surely a silent remark about his defeat, why wouldn't it just behead him and display his severed head all across heaven and hell at this point?
Instead of an answer, Gabriel just recieved a blank stare back as V1 froze in it's tracks, not even bothering to pull out a gun, not a flinch or even a defensive position, nothing, as if it knew it could take on Gabriel again, or that despite his anger, the angel wouldn't pick a fight with it right now.
Both of them stood, Gabriel's anger against the machine easing just a bit, sighing heavily as he turned back around to keep walking, the machine following closer behind now, there was no point in fighting it again anyway, not now.
They walked further and further until they reached an opening under the trees, the stars could be contemplated in their full divine glory from there, something so simple and honestly underwhelming to Gabriel, it was almost weird to see the machine be... Entranced? While it looked up at those celestial bodies of light.
V1 did not look to Gabriel as he wandered off, so why he came back to the spot was unclear, even to him as he settled some fire wood in front of a fallen over log he used to sit once the fire was started.
V1 had simply stared at him before sitting in front of Gabriel, the angel might not have a face, but doubt was writen all over him, his mind distant, his body being the only real company the machine had as the fire quietly crinkled and sometimes burst.
"... 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚝, 𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞?"
the question caught Gabriel off guard, he knew the machine spoke, he had heard it before, but listening to it speak still felt somewhat uncanny, specially what it was asking him, why would it even care for that? And was he really going to speak to it?
Gabriel contemplated it a moment, what harm would it do? Who else was he to go to? There was no one else, nor here or in heaven, it was only him and the hunk of metal with guns.
"Of course I am... Somewhat thanks to you.."
His last words were not as salty as the first ones, which surprised him and V1 a bit, they had both expected for his words to sound angrier or at the very least spiteful after their quarrels and how the war machine lead him to be having a crisis, but really, it was more a revelation he had been trying to push away, it was only a matter of time before it boiled over anyway.
"But honestly... I belive this to be necessary, for I am afraid heaven has been ultimately misguided by our own hands as servants of the lord."
Despite V1's relative lack of expression, it did not take a trained eye to realize it was confused, Gabriel somehow forgot, it was a machine, there had been no need for it to learn who God was, who the angels were or what was going on in heaven, would it even care if he tried to explain it?
"Just.... Just know we were waiting and praying on the father's return- and we strayed from the path he had set for us."
V1 seemed to be pleased with that answer, it's wings twitching slightly in approval as it set it's eye back on the fire, just like Gabriel did.
" 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝚍𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚗 𝚝𝚘 𝚍𝚘 𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚒𝚝?"
Gabriel remained eerily still, such question coming from the machine seemed unreasonable, why did it care? Why did it follow? Why did it feel... Comforting? Was Gabriel being delirious? Maybe hell's madness finally got to him..
None the less, he contemplated the question, he had to, he could die without doing anything useful, or die and send a message to those in heaven, do something to change the ways of the council or at the very least let everyone know God was dead, he had been for a long time, whatever hope or faith there was left, it was futile.
Gabriel slowly nodded, he knew what he had to do, there was no point in going back on it, it was for the best, for everyone.
"I must ask one thing though.."
V1 lifted it's head slightly, it's yellow eye shining due to the firelight hitting it, it's posture still relaxed as they waited for Gabriel to speak.
"Why are you here? Why do you care for what happens to me after our battles?"
A few cogs seemed to be moving inside the machine's processor, it's hands twitchy for a second before going completely still.
"𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚎𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚙𝚛𝚊𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐"
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ultimaterobotblorbo · 2 years
pick carefully!! we will be adding the top two robots back into the competition!!
Requests, whoever was close to winning their first round, or unfair pairings influenced who was picked for the redemption. unfortunately, we cannot add more than 10 options, so we apologize if your pick isn't here.
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weirdbeancurd · 7 months
Attempted Apologies- ULTRAKILL Fanfic
Chapters: 1 2 3
Ao3 (Link)
Gabe gets the shit beat outta him. (but don't worry its kinda funny)
Takes place in an AU where the prime souls live, and Gabriel and V1 live on the surface as apocalyptic roommates. (oh my god they were roommates)
Summary: Gabriel attempts (key word: attempts) to apologize to Minos and Sisyphus for their executions, but it doesn't go as well as he had hoped. Chapter 1 out of 2.
Perhaps this wasn't the best idea. It certainly didn't seem like it as he traversed the endless winding halls, a labyrinth of books and furniture. Gabriel's anxiety was through the roof, and no level of self soothing was helping calm his nerves. Yet he had good reason to worry; his life was on the line, and he would very much like to keep his newfound mortality. Gabriel had left his swords and armor at their shared base with V1, hoping to show the two he meant no harm. Looking back, it was a stupid idea. A profoundly stupid idea. But tucked deep within the recesses of his mind, a part of him hoped they'd smite him on the spot, contradicting his yearn for survival.
He'd tortured, abandoned and murdered so many; Gabriel wouldn't fault anyone for hating him, especially his victims. And among those victims, he found himself ruminating over 2 notable executions: the killing of the kings.
Sisyphus put up a good fight, but was spared no mercy, liberating his head from his neck in one swift chop. He died with a smile on his face. While notoriously violent when need be, he was a just ruler that cared for his people. His existence was a morale boost in and of itself. Gabriel remembers the husk's wailing screams, their leader's lifeless body on the floor. It might’ve been for the best if the insurrection succeeded. He'd hate to face his post-mortem wrath.
Minos, on the other hand, was honorable beyond belief, his kindness knowing no bounds. His crown was filled with flowers gifted by the very people he so cherished. Out of everyone, he deserved his fate the least. Forced to watch his once prosperous city be demolished by his own hand and struck down under the false pretense of peaceful negotiation. It was cowardice. Gabriel doesn't know what'd be worse, Minos forgiving him, or the king crushing his skull. At least he wouldn't have to suffer the guilt of his actions if his head was caved in.
Guilt and regret was why he was here, after all, and he was dreading it. Gabriel heard from the machine that the two kings reformed as prime souls, freed from their respective prisons. It left them alive, if only barely, hoping it could get more blood from them later on. When V1 first told him, Gabriel nearly screamed in frustration. They sealed those two away for a reason! They might destroy heaven or hunt him down with (admittedly rightful) vengeance! Or… he could apologize and right his wrongs. He was far from redemption, but regret gnawed at his very being, and for good reason. Maybe releasing the prime souls was a blessing in disguise.
Gabriel ventured to the lust layer with shaking hands. If the two kings were still standing, they'd meet at Minos's castle. They were close friends in life despite their vastly different ideologies, and the kingdom Minos built was still perfectly habitable. The city was breathtakingly beautiful, the violet skies bleeding into every surface, pinks and blues painting the town. He silently treaded the empty roads, buildings lining every street. Gabriel made the mistake of peeking in one of the houses out of curiosity. He found two skeletons hugging one another on the bed, their eternal embrace on display for all to see, hands lovingly intertwined. He might've thrown up.
It took a while for him to get to the castle, purposefully stalling his entrance by pacing the streets. Eventually, he couldn't stand the silence and approached the castle stairs. The interior was just as stunning as the exterior, if not a bit repetitive, hence him getting lost, where he is now. Gabriel wanders for what seems like hours, whether it be from procrastination or the confusing, forking hallways, he does not know. Finally, he hears a voice: a very familiar one. They sounded like they were laughing, gruff yet jovial. Sisyphus. Another voice responded with clear amusement. Their tone was calm but regal. That must be Minos. His heart clenched in dread. What if they kill him before he gets to apologize? Would they even hear him out? Pushing his anxieties aside, he raised a quaking fist to the door and knocked thrice. 
The conversation turned into uncomfortable silence. They knew everyone else in hell was dead, apart from him and the machine. V1 never knocks, so the kings knew only one person could be at the door.
"...If you are who I think you are, you may enter. But be warned, I cannot guarantee you will leave here alive." Sisyphus drawls. His voice shakes the very foundation of the castle.
That wasn't exactly the warm welcome he was hoping for, but it will have to do (it's not like he deserved one, anyways). Steeling himself and prepared for anything, Gabriel presses his hands against the double doors and pushes. What he saw left him in shock.
He was greeted with the sight of a modest stairway leading up to two thrones, a long dining table to his right. One of the thrones looked like it was haphazardly dragged over and placed next to the other. But what really caught his eye was the figures those thrones belonged to. The man sitting on his left was glowing a pale white color, his see-through skin putting his circulatory system out for display. Gabriel's heart sank when he recognized the crown atop their head: Minos. The king was left with a gaping hole where his face was, an unmistakable reminder of when Gabriel's sword pierced his skull. His guilt weighed heavily on his shoulders.
The second man was similarly transparent, but the shining star that replaced their head glowed with such ferocity that he could barely make out their facial features. The missing head made it obvious who he laid his eyes upon: Sisyphus. Unlike Minos, he stood with barely restrained fury, likely for the other king's sake. While Minos was taller than he remembered, Sisyphus towered over both of them. A bolt of fear struck through Gabriel's body.
"Come to gloat, have you? Ever so confident, you have the audacity to face us unarmed." Sisyphus bellows. Minos stares in stern silence, letting Sisyphus do the talking for him.
"Though we have grown in power, we grant you no mercy, as you have done to us.” He cracks his knuckles. “Come forth, filth, and die." 
Like the obedient weapon he is, Gabriel does what he's told and approaches the two kings. Sisyphus readies his fists; Minos finally stands from his throne. Gabriel stares back at the two; his judges, jury and executioners. As he reaches the stairs, the kings prepare a fighting stance, and Gabriel, he-
-he kneels before them. 
Baffled, Minos lowers his hands. Sisyphus has confusion written on his face but does not relax in the slightest. Wary, yet hopeful, they listen for what he has to say.
"...I'm sorry. For your executions, for your people, for everything and everyone I've ruined. I know words will never be enough to redeem myself, nor undo my wrongs, but I hope it brings you peace to know I deeply regret my actions." 
The two share a suspicious glance. Slowly, Sisyphus turns back to him, giving a nod as if to say, "go on."
"The torment you've faced is unjust. You were just trying to help your denizens thrive, and heaven and I deemed it an offense worthy of death." His voice wavered now and then, but he willed himself to continue.
"It is with shame I say I willingly carried out their word. Now, far too late, I realize it was wrong." 
Daring to meet their gazes, he raises his head. Minos's expression is hard to read due to the gaping hole where his face should be, but his posture seems more relaxed. Sisyphus had finally loosened his stance, standing deep in contemplation. Sweat drips from Gabriel's brow as the two silently scrutinize him. His knees feel like they're going to give out.
After what feels like eons, Sisyphus descends the stairs, approaching with an uncharacteristically kind smile. He says nothing, but Gabriel knows he can see him trembling. The fallen angel rises to his feet with wobbly legs, his height barely reaching Sisyphus's torso. 
"What an interesting turn of events," Sisyphus says. “I’m tempted to say you’ve changed, Gabriel.”
The king leans in close to whisper in his ear, so close that he can feel the heat radiating off of him. 
"But it's too bad you didn't spare us when you were given the chance."
Everything happens so quickly. Sisyphus's expression turns to one of disgust, grabbing Gabriel by the neck and tossing him across the dining table. He's sent careening towards the fireplace, his body landing on utensils and plates, sending silverware flying from the force of the impact. By the time he rolled to a stop at the end of the table, he was deeply battered, with aching joints and bruised skin. Yeah, leaving his armor behind was a very stupid idea. Gabriel coughs, a hand cupping his neck to soothe the pain. His eyes flit around the room in a desperate frenzy.
In his panic, he spots Minos on the sidelines, watching on with contempt. His crossed arms say he won't help Gabriel in the slightest. 
Fuck. Nononono. 
Minos's forgiveness was integral to Gabriel getting out alive. Even if Sisyphus still had his qualms, Minos would step in, ever the diplomat. But now, nothing and no one will protect him from Sisyphus's wrath. 
"O' Gabriel. Now dawns thy reckoning."
Gabriel holds out his hand, a paltry attempt at shielding himself. Through sputtering breaths, he manages to plead, "I-I understand you both are rightfully irate, but-"
"You understand nothing."
Sisyphus advances at blinding speeds. He only manages to scramble backwards a couple feet before a palm strikes his chest, pinning him to the table. Gabriel frantically tries to pry his hands away. However, his white-knuckling is futile, for Sisyphus's strength dwarfs his own. He can barely breathe, lungs struggling to make enough room for air, ribs cracking under the pressure. Sisyphus ignores the snapping of his bones, his eyes portraying perfect hatred.
"You took everything from us!" He shouts.
"I know! And I know I cannot erase my sins, like the father once told us! But please, spare my life."
"So you've discovered the father's flaws. I'd congratulate you, if I wasn't about to destroy the very essence of your being."
The hand on his chest draws back, only allowing for a moment of respite. Sisyphus’s hand shoots out, grabbing for him. Gabriel evades him, if only barely, lunging across the table. His wings beat the air and propel him towards the door; he’s almost there, if he can just reach the exit maybe-
His hope is shattered by a violent tug at his shoulder. Sisyphus has his wing in a vice grip and he can feel its delicate bones snap like twigs. Gabriel screams as his momentum carries him forward but is held back by the king’s firm hold. Something definitely just dislocated. As if it can’t get any worse, Sisyphus throws him to the ground, which isn’t doing any favors for his broken wing. He lands with a sickening thud. Gabriel clambers away while cradling his cracked ribs, keeping one wing tucked close to his body as every little movement sends pain shooting through his shoulder. His other wing is clumsily flailing around, unable to properly balance on its own.
“P-Please, don’t.” He begs.
“Mercy is reserved for the innocent.” Sisyphus growls.
Gabriel looks to Minos for help, spotting him at the window. The king is staring blankly at his desolate city, seemingly unaware of the fight going on behind him, yet he can tell from his tense stance that Minos knows; he’s just ignoring them. Despite being a known pacifist, that doesn’t mean he won’t allow another to do the dirty work for him. Especially for filth like him.
Gabriel is thrown back into the battle as Sisyphus grabs him by the throat and lifts him off the ground. His toes reach for the floor but miss it by a mile, the king dangling him effortlessly from his hand. He feels his windpipe being crushed, lungs burning like they've been charred. No matter how hard he struggles, he can't escape. This is it. This is how he dies: slaughtered at the hands of a man whose head once laid at his feet. Maybe he deserves this. What will the machine think? Will it go looking for him? Would it even care?
"I'd tell you to say your prayers, but there is no god to hear your pleas." Sisyphus chuckles. "Send my regards to the council then."
Oh, how Gabriel wishes he could laugh. How ironic. In a rare show of generosity, the man loosens his grip just a tad to let him wheeze out his final words.
"I…I do not know where angels go when they die, but I hope to see them in hell." He manages a single huff of laughter. Just out of spite. His eyes slip close, ready for his due reward of death, and waits. And waits…and waits. But retribution never comes. Cautiously, Gabriel opens his eyes. 
He's met with the sight of his captor, utterly bewildered. It appears Minos is equally interested in his words, having moved towards their (very one-sided) fight. Air rushes to his lungs as the hand around his throat drops him, immediately gasping for breath. Stars are dancing in his peripherals and blood rushes to his head so quickly he can practically hear his heartbeat. 
"Explain. Now." Sisyphus demands. Gabriel tries his best to reply, but he can't stop coughing.  Regardless, Sisyphus requires an answer.
"I killed them, alright!"
His labored panting is the only sound that fills the silence. The two kings have been rendered mute.
"They're…they're dead. All of them." He whispers. 
Brushing the metaphorical dust off his vocal chords, Minos speaks up.
"...But what for?"
They grant him a moment to catch his breath. Meanwhile, he judges their expressions. Sisyphus has gone silent, the gears turning in his head, still glaring with scrutiny. Unsurprisingly, Minos is more difficult to read, but he seems more curious than anything. Schooching to slump against the wall, he lies broken and beaten. He stares at the rafters above, drearily explaining what happened in heaven. He's unsure if his incoherent warbling even gets through to them, but he tries. The fallen angel describes his run in with the machine and the unjust theft of his light. He rambles about the council's misgivings for the father and the only way he knew how to dethrone them with the little time he had left. Between his words, sisyphus takes a seat at the dining table, facing away from them. With an elbow propped up on his knee, a fist supporting his head, he resembles the pose of a cerberus. Minos nods along to show he's listening. Eventually, Gabriel wraps up his tale, eyes shut in complete exhaustion.
"...and I don't regret it. Not one bit."
There's a beat of silence before Minos replies.
"How do we know thou art truthful?"
"Without the father’s light, I cannot teleport. If I was still immortal, don't you think I'd have left by now?" He can't help the bit of sass that comes out of his mouth. Must be the adrenaline high.
"...Thou hast merit."
Sisyphus stands suddenly, nearly knocking over his chair and causing Gabriel to flinch. The movement makes his injuries absolutely blossom with agony. He looms over the former angel as his shadow encompasses his own. 
"Let me make this clear," his tone is much more measured than before. "I do not forgive you. Nor will I ever."
He crumbles under Sisyphus's gaze.
"But, you've shown much growth from our last…escapade. You are a rebel exhumed, and for that, I can respect." 
"I never believed mine eyes would witness a day of justice dawn. Though it was by thy hand, it seems the 'holy' council has met retribution." Sisyphus hums in agreement.
Oh. They were thanking him. Gabriel felt hardly worthy of praise, but if it meant getting out alive, he would gladly play the part of a hero. Relief washed over him in waves, finally settling his nerves. His head felt strangely light.
"I understand your resentment towards me. My goal was not to be forgiven, just to apologize.” Odd. His arms are numb. “Your gratitude for ending the council’s reign is not needed, for their demise is a reward in and of itself.”
Gabriel wrenches himself up to his feet, having to use the wall for support. He takes a single step-
-and promptly passes out. Ah. That would be the adrenaline crash.
“Have thou perished?”
“...Minos, how do you feel about digging a shallow grave?”
Said man elbows Sisyphus in the side.
(Don't worry, Gabe's not actually dead, this is chapter 1 out of 2)
Still kinda in beta, so don't be surprised if I change this fic around a bit, lol.
Feedback and comments are always welcome! :D
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glade-constellation · 6 months
I've seen your takes in eclipse, and as a new TSAMS fan I honestly agree, man's a cornered dog that everyone's been trying to put down ever since they learned of his existence. That said, do you know about any fic recs that actually explore the points you're making? I would appreciate if you share some! Or just tell me about an ao3 tag I could visit!
Sorry this took me a moment to get to! I’m terrible at not bookmarking things so I had to dig through the TSAMS tag. This list isn’t in any particular order. Not all of these dig deep into Eclipse’s character but, if they don’t, they’re still good Eclipse-centric fics that I recommend giving a read.
For a general tag to check out, usually “Eclipse Redemption”, “Redemption Arc”, or even “Fix-It Fic” will get you something. There’s not really one definite tag for it sadly, and stories that aren’t redemption arcs don’t typically go deep into Eclipse as a character.
As for fic recommendations, I’ll put the list under the cut :
Rising Eclipse (Sun and Moon AU)
by BrightStar2000
After Sun's minor spell mistake, Eclipse finds himself alive, and not exactly well. He can't move without causing himself immense pain. He has nothing, but time, and Eclipse finds himself reflecting on his actions, and actively regretting them. What will begin as a revenge mission, becomes his chance at redeeming himself.
First in a series! I do recommend the whole series if this one interests you. This takes place after Eclipse’s first death, and goes into a lot of the guilt Eclipse V1 was shown to have. Mostly from Eclipse’s POV.
Sunk Cost Fallacy
by thedemonsurfer
"the phenomenon whereby a person is reluctant to abandon a strategy or course of action because they have invested heavily in it, even when it is clear that abandonment would be more beneficial"
Eclipse has put too much effort into getting the star to give it up now. Even if it kills him.
Honestly recommend anything by Demon. All of their stories do an amazing job at digging into Eclipse and why he is the way he is. This particular one takes place after Eclipse V2 gets the Star, and shows how the Star affects him both mentally and physically.
Forgotten But Not Gone
by Smol40
Eclipse did...something. Why can't Sun and Moon remember?
Another Eclipse V2 where Eclipse has the Star. His loneliness and guilt gets to him, and he decided to try and wipe everyone’s memories to make his own family. (I would pay close attention to the tags on this one, especially the “Bittersweet Ending” one.)
Ghost in the Machine
by Snorp_Lord
Emails start coming through on Moon's computer with helpful information, but no name on them. Each email gives him more questions.
The sender turns out to be the last person he expects.
Short but good. Takes place when Eclipse V2 is working with Killcode and is trapped in the computer system. Moon and Eclipse actually get to talk about a few things.
Karma’s Bitter, But So Am I
by SinisterShepard
He lost. Eclipse actually lost. Banished to a forest with no one to help his quickly degrading state, Eclipse has to decide between his dignity or death.
And, once the pain sets in, he quickly realizes how much he's willing to lose for the promise of another day. Even if that day involves pushing Lunar even further away than before.
Amidst all this, he still manages to say the wrong thing, which...may end up costing his life all over again, judging by that look in Blood Moon's eyes.
Set after "The Death of Eclipse"
This will have 5 parts, and is a sort of redemption arc for Eclipse. That isn't obvious in the first chapter though.
One of the things I love about this series is how Eclipse still keeps his asshole-ish personality after his redemption. It’s one of the fanfics that I feel still keeps him pretty in character to canon after he’s supposed to be better.
Canaries in a Cage
by 22FluffyTheSpider123
Life in the terrarium while far from convenient, was somewhat getting a little easier. Even if most days left Sun with little to do and bored out of his mind. But he was still alive at least, which was certainly something given the name and overall existence of his captor.
Perilous situation that forces Sun and Eclipse to actually communicate and work together? Amazing.
by thedemonsurfer
Even false comfort is welcomed when you have nothing else.
(Is it really fake or are you just in denial?)
Sun and Eclipse share a moment of mutual comfort despite agreeing that they hate one another.
Another Demon recommendation. Another good fanfic that goes over Sun and Eclipse’s relationship.
Kill Code, You Are the Father
by I_See_Four
An Alternate Dimension where KC tries to build his family and connect with his sons. Due to miscommunications and general Kill Code shenanigans, it's a rocky road but attempts were made. Lunar gets caught right in the middle.
Just when things are looking up, old conflicts and threats of alternative dimensional possibilities come back to haunt them.
Diverges from the Sun and Moon show lore roughly around "Bloodmoon and Killcode TEAM UP?!".
This is not Eclipse-centric, but does do a very good job at dealing with both his and Lunar’s trauma. Honestly, just an overall good fix-it fic for TSAMS.
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goodolddumbbanana · 3 months
Be a mirror Au [1]
An Au when Sun is dead (by Nexus), Dark Sun pretends to be Sun while trying to find some way to revive him in secret. Nexus is having a mental breakdown, maybe get some redemption later. Everyone is not having a good time except Sun, that poor boy only when he is dead (temporarily) can get some rest.
In this Au, Dark Sun would get more involved in Sun's life.
Maybe He has some hidden plans for Sun. Maybe he just wants to see Sun suffer. Maybe he wants to see how long that kindness in Sun remains.
He can be the devil on Sun's shoulder, trying to make Sun do evil things to save his loved one and stop Nexus's madness.
I mean, it will not be as horrible as it sounds. MF just sometimes hops in Sun's dimension and says some nonsense crap to Sun like:"You and brother should do this..." "You and brother should do that... Or else there would be some horrible outcome that might affect your family".
And it's a lot and a lot of ramblings to the point Sun tired with Dark Sun's craps and starts to sass back.
(Moon may or may not know about their interactions but he can't do much because Dark Sun is more careful and cunning about it. Just like with Eclipse v1, Moon couldn't do anything to stop Eclipse fuck with Sun's life. Wonder if it will do any damage to Moon's ego and drive this version into madness again or not.)
Anyways, move past that, Sun and Dark Sun will form some strange kind of friendship the more time they spend with each other, the friendship only happens with your enemy when you are drunk and doesn't even care what would happen to your life at this point.
Because God forbid Sun to have an "enemies to friends" trope with anyone but Moon.
Sun gets used to Dark Sun because Dark Sun only talks and observes around Sun, and his words are usually just some creepy advice or sass about Moon in general. Dark Sun doesn't even downgrade Sun or mock Sun about how idiot and failure Sun is. And Sun knows he is not that important to Dark Sun's plans, (his low self esteem is talking) and he doesn't understand half of the words Dark Sun said all the time.
And with Dark Sun, even though he hates himself and how lack of a backbone he used to be, he finds Sun's kindness and resilient kind of endearing. He wants to ruin Sun's life, but also he wants to see how far this pessimistic hopefulness exists. Also, he is kinda jealous about Sun, about the life he could have of his Moon didn't be such a piece of shit.
Moving on, Nexus goes crazy and Sun wants to save him because even after all that crap Nexus pulled, he is still one of Sun's brothers.
(Nexus in the future Au, gets even worse than he is currently in canon. He studies the Wither Storm and may be tempted with it to take revenge on Moon. He even hurt Lunar, very badly, and doing something he would never forgive himself.)
He kills Sun. Dark Sun, as usual, even though he has formed some kind of friendship with Sun, still just be an audience for this tragedy show. He doesn't do anything, he just watches, just observes in silence the moment when Nexus in his craziness, accidentally kills Sun - the only one by now still actively trying to save him.)
Because there is no way in hell Moon just went crazy on purpose. There is someone who makes it happen, and Dark Sun is the only one who takes advantage of this situation. Sun knows they still have a badder guy to stop.
Anyways, while Nexus is having a mental breakdown because he killed the only person who still cares about him, Dark Sun appears to inform Nexus to leave because he is seemingly unable to continue functioning.
After that, Dark Sun walks in front of Sun's face and notices that Sun is still half alive.
They will have a conversation which leads to Dark Sun asking Sun if he regrets trying to save people who don't want it. And Sun would say he doesn't, because Nexus is his brother and always will be his brother. And he always regrets that because he was so afraid, he didn't confront Nexus sooner, to notify what was wrong with him. (And Moon, idk, maybe running like a headless goose, because Dark Sun wants this confrontation to happen to see if Sun kills Nexus or Nexus kills Sun.)
Nexus killed Sun, but it isn't as satisfying as Dark Sun thinks it would be. His already conflicted heart would feel something, and he may sit with Sun in his last moments, like some ways to comfort the person may be his friend in another life.
And then Sun,the only person sometimes who can do the most damage only by talking, asks Dark Sun a favor.
He pleaded and insisted on Dark Sun, he asked Dark Sun to pretend to be him, because they have bigger threats to stop, and if right now Sun dies, Moon will break down and fall into madness. He doesn't want what happened with one brother to be with another brother.
And he believes deep down inside, Dark Sun can be more helpful and be more of a good brother than him.
And Dark Sun, in the moment of weakness, says yes.
(He says yes because deep down, he wants a brother? He wants a family? He says yes because he feels pity for Sun, because he can't say no with the person who is wearing his face, the one who has shared very much a similar past but still grown out to be a better person than him? Or just because Sun's dying truly would slow down every one of his plans? He doesn't know and he doesn't have enough time to think.)
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muzzleroars · 8 months
hmmhmfsgh I love all your work so much, your concepts for the lore of Ultrakill are so interesting, and I wanna eat your art style it's so good
I have a question regarding Lucifer: after everything has calmed down with all the archangels, would it be possible for him to be freed? If they realized he was put away unjustly, could Michael unbind him? Are the chains unbreakable, or would Michael be too afraid/stubborn to go back on the decision?
aaaa thank you!! and i'm so glad i get the chance to talk about this...because i think this is ultimately how michael's redemption arc would have to end and how he could be released from the guilt he's carried all this time. it would come when michael has recalled his mercy, when he is at ease with gabriel's position in hell and has more or less taken up his role as prince of heaven to help what remains of his citizens rather than continue attempting to condemn hell and its sinners (including a very important apology to the ferryman). gabriel would know the time is right to show him to that testament, to reveal to him god's own shame at casting lucifer out and all the lies they must have been told since - he shows it to all the archangels, but it is michael's decision which matters the most. and i think, in feeling that ugly remorse he's carried for eons finally fall on his head, he would make the determination that lucifer's imprisonment is unjust. he must be released...the decision, however, is met with immediate opposition.
gabriel is the least opposed, though he believes in taking this much more methodically and being sure he and v1 aren't left with what might be a bigger problem than they can handle. raphael is outright against it, stating that lucifer is surely far too much now warped by hell to be trustworthy, even if he agrees the original binding was wrong. uriel supports his points, going further to put forth the idea that lucifer may not even be himself by now, instead more an avatar of hell instead given how it's connected to him so thoroughly. michael is staunch in his stance, however, impressing upon them the utter depravity of any decision other than freeing him as soon as possible - he was innocent, and he's endured unending torture trapped in a pit devoid of god's light. regardless of his state, keeping him chained now would be the most hideous act of cruelty heaven could carry out. unfortunately, they can reach no conclusion with raphael and uriel unswayed and gabriel not entirely agreeing with michael's admittedly emotional plan. so they end the discussion at odds, but that hardly matters to michael. he will go with or without their help.
v2 knows this almost immediately, when he comes to see it afterward. didn't go his way, it can tell. but v2 lets him know that hardly matters as it knows what he's thinking now too, and it will join him whenever he's ready. michael of course tries to insist it's unnecessary, but v2 counters that it's not all about him - lucifer is serving out a sentence that should never have been passed, and v2's nature can't abide by that. they will do what's right, even if it's so late, and v2 is proud of him. michael, in return, is greatly humbled and infinitely grateful toward v2 once more, like he has been several times now when it's saved him, yet v2 tells him he'll have to save any praise until they're done. they're both well aware of what they're about to do in the silent pause that follows, but michael leads them on when the moment has passed and he prepares to undertake his final penance. the one he's always been waiting on.
freeing lucifer proves to be just as brutal as he always thought it would have to be. satan in its suffering form, bound up into a dragon that wears his halo skewed and nailed to its face, bodies of angels twisted up into a hard carapace covered in scales of a thousand faces crying out to him. its belly cut open, pouring forth the flayed and decayed corpses of those that were lucky enough not to survive their fall, while michael's own spear pins lucifer to its chest. and hell itself growing onto and into them all, burrowing under shattered wings and into its grotesque frame, with lucifer now seemingly unable to hear michael. whatever it is fights autonomously against them, instinct ruled by agony and lashing out against anything that dare come near it. with each chain michael severs, it grows more wild, encased in ice that begins to crack with deep, resounding shockwaves that carry through all of hell. it alerts gabriel and v1, who move together without a word straight to treachery (gabriel knew this would be the outcome, so they're relatively prepared) and do what they can to support michael and v2. as more chains fall, raphael and uriel appear to plead with michael to stop, yet they too protect him in what ways they can even though he refuses to heed them. he hears nothing but the pain of the monstrosity before him, his own dead body numb to all the damage it does, yet able to feel it in white hot phantoms. he could be torn apart and he would never cease, he is already a corpse anyway. and when he has done away with all the chains, those that could only be unbound by his will, he finally pulls the central spear from its heart...and the beast collapses in a great flood of blood and cinder.
from without, a great sigh of relief rushes over them all, so many of the angels that had been held in that form dying instantly upon its release, and they are glad of it (there is the briefest, faintest sound of a hymn of many voices long since forgotten) stronger angels scatter almost as quickly, unused to a free form and so taken by it immediately to follow the howling winds of hell. only lucifer remains, hands buried in the ash around him and so very aware of every life lost, a name for each voice that only he now knows. only michael goes to him with weapons tossed aside, calling out to him finally once more by his own name that he has long forgotten. yet still, michael, he knows. michael has come and the world must have ended. this is his time, this is their revelation, and lucifer stands on the ashes of all the angels he led to death. he asks to be struck down just as michael reaches him. no more. no eternity of torment. no lake of fire. free him as he has all these other souls, and free the ones that escaped - they know not how they run, they mean no offense. they will surrender to michael as he does now, so long as he destroys them entirely. please. they have sinned and done wrong, now let it end and have your kingdom of peace. let the world be free of suffering within and without. let it be perfect.
it is unthinkable, unknowable, when michael finally speaks after being stricken so still and silent, when he tells lucifer there is no battle, that he came only to free him. not for a thousand years to reign on earth, but for whatever they have left. he is sorry he couldn't save all of them, he is sorry he has come so late, he is sorry his spear ever pierced into lucifer's side and drew the first blood of god's creation. he is sorry he comes to him like this, michael already dead and lucifer a burned out husk in the blood of all those that should still be in paradise. lucifer doesn't seem to take in what he says, or, more likely, he can't, and so only continues to repeat his request, asking michael to at least kill the rest of them. even if lucifer must be left to suffer forever, let it be in solitude. michael only reaches him once he admits god's death, that everything done now is his own will and he releases lucifer from this place...a ringing silence, the whole of hell letting out a long groan. lucifer is what remains of him now, god's own fire still lifting to the dead air in sparks from his charred body. and he screams terribly, millennia of grief, of anger, of deepest hatred, tearing through the halls of hell as his fire lights briefly once more to illuminate a brutally dark, brutally cold cavern to see god's light for the first time. it can't last long, he can't bear it anymore, and he has much more to do if that hatred can no longer find a place. let lucifer bury his dead, let him divide out these ashes into all the angels he once knew even if it takes him one thousand years to make every grave. let him find those that ran, even if they have reached the four corners of the world by now, to offer his apologies for what he did to them. let him seek out the few left of the damned so they know how he regrets bringing sin into the world. let him be sure this can exist as a place where the love of god will never be known, let his own name be forgotten in every soul that managed to survive his tyranny.
THIS IS VERY LONG....but essentially, at least starting out, lucifer needs to actually largely be left alone. he is relatively unresponsive to outsiders, gabriel the only one of the group that can engage him at all in the beginning, and he is more often heard singing in hymns none of them can understand. he travels through all of hell, though he seems increasingly uneasy the higher he climbs and often returns to his place in treachery by his own accord. far from being the ultimate presence of evil they came to believe he was, lucifer is clearly a being broken, a being that's forgotten all his joy, all his memories of heaven, instead locked into mourning. raphael and uriel in particular feel great guilt over disputing his freedom, seeing how he buries each angel he lost, how he preserves their names and relates, to no one, their whole lives in heaven before they came here. he tells of the work they did, of the happiness they made, he eulogizes each of them in words that must have run through his head countless times, words he never thought he'd get the chance to speak. he needs a true grieving period before any significant progress can be made with him, yet there are always sparks of the old lucifer. something is lighter in him seeing the damned minos cares for, actually able to see the city they built here. he rejoices, in quiet, muted ways with each fallen angel he retrieves, and he wishes to make hell a place they can all share in with him. even hell itself. it has suffered too, after all.
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